The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 31, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnd Pub.
DAN K. MALONEY, News Editor
Pnicr of
Vnpcr City
Coos County
of Mareliflold.
Satoirday Evemiinig Tlhoujiglhits
Entorod at tho Postof fico at Marsh
field, Oregon, for transmission
through tbo malls as second-class
mail matter.
Ono yoar 10.00
Per tnontb GO
Ono year 1.C0
When paid strictly In advanco the
subset Iptlon pilco of tho Coos Day
Times Is $5.00 per year or $2. GO for
six months.
An Indopondent Republican news
paper, published every ovonlng ex
cept Sunday, and weekly, by
Tho Coos Day Times Publishing Co.
Address nil communications to
ONE YEAH AOO tomorrow Ger
many declared war nnd for tho
past twelve months there has
waged the most terrible conflict that
the world has ever known. In our
quiet pursuit of everyday life In
this country we can scarcely reallzo
what It all means. This country
within but a few weeks has been In
delicate positions which might have
thrown ub Into the vortex of war
hut the peoplo did not become ex
cited and simply went quietly ahead
with their regular business. It Is
gratifying that such Is the confidence
and peace of mind In tho United
States. The magnitude of tho whole
war and what It has cost tho world
is almost beyond comprehension, so
enormous are tho figures. There are
eleven nations at war and mora than
half tho population of tho world Is
Included In tho fighting countries.
It is estimated that 20,000,000 men
aro under urms. It Is claimed that
from bIx to eight millions have been
killed, wounded or taken prisoners.
Tho cost of tho war so far is esti
mated at from eleven to fifteen bil
lion dollars. It Is costing France
ten thousand dollars n minute and
England fifteen million dollars n day
to conduct tho fight. Over COO naval
and merchant vessols liavo been
sunk and ns many cargoes of val
uable food stuffs and supplies of all
kinds sent to tho bottom of tho seas
and forever removed from possibil
ity of feeding or nldlng humans,
whllo In soino parts of tho world
pooplo nro sinning. Hosldes tho
appalling loss of lire, tho crippling!
of men and tho enormous expendi
ture of money, thoro has been tho
Tonight I'm alone in the open, where the winds of heav
en race.
the noiseless patter of starshine to soften my up
turned face;
lie by my tent recumbent, with my tired arms
flung wide,
With God just back of the curtain, where His constella
tions ride,
Oh, sweet is the low, green valley; and sweet is the
mountain high!
And doubly sweet is the silence which folds me as I lie!
And sweetest of all the murmur of a softly flowing stream
Which lulls my brain to slumber and gives a restful
KiiA.vic o iioitToy, r. e. Nichol
've laid me, and
feel her
On the Earth's kind breast
tender heart
Athrob with the love she bears me (We have
long apartl)
I can feel the dew kiss holy which Nature gives her child
Forgiving him, though wayward, and blessing him, de
filed, A breeze comes down the valley from the foot of the
mountain range
And rustles the grass beside me in whispering music
I sense an insect stirring, and I hear a night bird's call;
And then through drowsy eyelids I see the moon's gold
I was worn with barter and traffic; I lived in a town afar;
So I left it all behind me and followed the evening star,
As of old the wise men found Him in the manger at
So I know the Lord is near me I can see his diadem!
Toural to Kliuimlli inns l rater
Lake, Crescent t'lly nnd Hetimietl
via Const Jtmito
V. O. Horton, C. E. Nicholson nnd
,. T. Ilulnee arrived homo at 1
o'clock, this morning nfter ton days
Ciiiien From Clnnlliicf ( Spend n
Month Hero (Jnini'S n( Hatch
ery unit Eiistslilo Tomorrow
Shurkey Perkins arrived here this
morning from Onrdlner and will Join
the Ilntehery team tomorrow. Hu
nuto tour of southern Oregon. They was the star catcher of tho Mnrsli
went out vln Hosehurg. Grants Pass, I field team in 1U1I1 and the Inst year
Medford. Crater Lake. Klamath Falls 'tiled out with McCredle's Coast
and Ashland and proceeded to Cres
cent City nnd returned via the const
They encountcrc some warm
weather In the valley, the tlierinoin
cter bolng around 100 a good share
of the time.
"Coos Day Is away ahead of the
whole section wo visited both In n
climatic and business way aild we're
glad to ho hack oven if we did have
it flno trip," said A. T. Haines.
The trip wns mnde In V. O. Ilor
ton's Ford enr nnd they did not have
nny car trouble. Tho only delay was
when a nnll punctured ono tire. The
same air Is In tho other three tires 'N
that they had when they left here.
NKfliio srsi'i:Ti:i
liiuiiuhl l H CoiiihtIimI Willi Sluy
ing of (ii lines Kiimlly at
Temple- Touts
My Aw latiM l'" '" ''"' ""'' Tli'id 1
mm.'MPI.M. Texas. .Inly !H. I'lll'll-
loir ut the Btuko here Inst night
Will Stanley, a negro suspect In
tiinle (Irlmes family hammer
The (1,
"Thoro will
(I. A. It. ui
- U hn I... .
iiniioiiii.Miiein ,
a Kathttk.
t,. a. it. mill SMii., .. '
fiiiiiiilH ut mi,.., .. nai
.lay. An. li. u,,;;;
, '"HI
r,"W to
cotuu ami no
Itmeh basket."
It Is lX,i i i
Kimii-riiiK It 111
1 ! liatc
Krencli Orderly Killed nnd One Amor-
lnni Wounded by tlio E.lo-
slou of Missile
League team nnd finished the rea
son with it Canadian league. IIC
has not been playing much ball this
season. He expects to spend n
month or so here, probably remain
ing until after the season closes.
The Ilntehery tenm has been
strengthened 'greatly and will give
Tho llliie Hldgo Tigers n strong
game at Tho Ilntehery grounds to
luol row. The lineups of tho two
teams will probably he as follows:
Hatchery Tigers
Perkins Thomas
Johnson (HU
Dooley Wallace
First Ihtso
.Merchant Donley
Second llasu
Iltirko Slorn
Center Kleld
Hcssoy . . .
Itlght Kleld
Third llaso
('iiiiio nt Eiistslilo
) Eastsldo nnd Heaver 1 11)1 will piny
nt Eastsldo tomorrow afternoon. Col
lier will bo In tho box for Eastsldo
again and they expect to tnko Hea
ver 1I1I1 down tho line.
ItOsclllllTJ (IIIIIO
Charley Haxter Is not making
dors, today hampered the police ef-, ,.,.. . ,. '" ftu
... .... .1 i" " " " ' i u i
forts to arrest anil iiiontiiy tuner iiui
koiis siisnet'totl In the case, lloforo
being killed the negro nssortud n
white man paid Iilm nnd another ne
gro to kill the family.
v., 1
'""HUH 0
A (?finu lt'i' i. ......... .
.i,t rN
, """" lilljb
A Coos Hay glii cannot under-j when he I .,) fro "!
Stalld Wliy nnoilior KM I nui m-i mi- u- ,ii' inn- When , .
tiling 111 a "inn Wltu a iiiruiii'iiii inn sue Hii mi Most of l,
wiu.M kIio could net u man with botwtliiK him when i, ...
'- - - "t in i j
AN EDITOR hears promptly and
emphatically from tho readers
of his paper when ho prints
anything thai meets with their dis
favor. Tho re
HIHCKHATS spouso Is not so
AND UOUQUETH prompt or popu
lar, however,
when an artlclo meets with their ap
proval. Tho Times Is fortunate In
Its Inrge family of possessing many
kind nnd generous souls who nro
more Inclined to hurl bouquets In
stead of brickbats at tho poor edi
tor's bend.
sovoral beautiful bou-
widespread destruction of property
Illlll lORR flf llllultlOSB nml Mm nllnnirn
of moral conditions and standards "",ctf lmvo co"10 ,0 hl9 ,,e8k com"11
of life in every country at war. All "TnZ of ? rcC,cut cdltor,nl c"
tlils has been tho cost to tho world. UtlC(1 'KorlK M Hwson." Tbrso
Nw nt tho end of tho first year fW810"8 while flattering, are also
there has been no decisive victory. Invnhmbl 8 indlcatlnu tho trend
Each country declares that it Is of ,,ub,lc Bentlmo"t opinion. Tho
roady to keep up tho fight and will euUorl"1 ,n "nestlon was a criticism
keep up tho fight until it is vie- of Uoosuvclt's wr policy and tho
torlous. What another year will Bcncrnl nml onerous approval of
bring nboiit no one can foretell, but 'I10 '''J"01"'8 ,,eaco P"PBnila proved
If the wnr continues with tjio samo thn1t Uo080Volt wl" t 'v ninny
vigor for another twelvo months It fo,,owor ln "' "b,()011 an 'ron"
Is safo to say that tho cost and tlio cn,"ml-
suffering will bo even worso. Thoro AmonB tl, wy tributes received
may bo victories won, whole nnvl-s 1),obubly tho "10Bt "I'l'reclated was
sunk, triumphant entries of kings'" lotfr ,roin ft ln(ly ,n Coimlllo,
into captured cities, but whntover tho '8,,0Wl"K ntfl on,y n" "I'Preclatlon
result It Is apparently tho purpoao of the e'"tor,A, ',l" n'8" an under-
of tho wnrrlng countries to cnniinnn "imu"K 0l l" 'K uroatl prouloms
such a system on Its women.
I thank you."
And thou In tho very next mail
along comes another letter from I. ,
N. DeLong, of Arngo. It was a
letter of appreciation, too: apprecia
tion with a punch to It. Here it Is:
"I'lenso find enclosed check for ,
$"i.00 to renew my subscription to
the Dally Times ono year. And I
oblige. Very truly yours, 1. N. De- J
Long. p. S. I wish to congrntulnto
you on your work. The Times Is '
getting better all tho time."
(0 Aiiocltl) t'rnt to com lit; Tlmw.
PONT A MOUSSON, Fritnce. July
31. A German shell fell Into the
mess room of the field hospital of nu
American ambulance while the staff
was nt dinner today. Tho mlssllo pen
etrated the floor and burst In the' much headway with his efforts
cellar. A French orderly wns killed i get n game at Roseburg with nn all
nml mm American nlluhtlv wounded. I star steam from Coos County. Rose- i
Tburg wants to como in hero for n
gnmo but they nro not certain about
putting up n guarantco for n Cons
County tenm to come there on ac
count of the poor showing made by
Kl88aiu'8 tenm nt Roseburg recently.
curly hair. '' "
I mwmnr-amrrmMnnmriKirM&X,jnmtMV ' j
fSviif NiilV ('ri'tw 't k'T in
to i orr Lfj"- v , m
i 10 kr&Wh&J m
11" "ssiiMf7'M na
Jumj $ ICISjo
Want City to Accept Main Dnilu anil
Pity Part of NtntSi Arm
to sacrlflco millions of lives, make
Involved. Although sbo mnrked It
millions of widows nnd orphan ""ot for l,,"'"l,Hon." fl contnlns
leavo Europo Inhabited by a roco
1 of men on crutches, sea innocent
little ones suffer starvation and tils
euso, tluvaBtuto wholo countries, burn
down beautiful cities all part of
a struggle for supremacy. And In
the end what will bo gained? Tho
world will ho the loser and will not
recover for unother generation.
111-: most thrilling experience
developed by tho wnr Is that of
.,., i, ..... i.. i . . .
"iiimiiitiiiK ior snips, it re
quires men of during, courage and
Iron nerve.
One of the Herman submarine enp
tulns who was captured, Command
or Hanson of tho IMi), recently ties
crlbed how It feels to bo In a sub
merged submarine:
"It Is fearfully trying on tho nor
ves. Every man does not stand It.
When running under sea there is a
deathlike stillness In tho boat us tho
electrical inuchlnory Is noiseless.
Ah tho nlr hents It gets poor
nnd mixed with tho odor of oil from
tho machinery. Tho atmosphoro bo
comos fearful. An overpowering
sleepiness often attacks now men and
ono requires the utmost will power
to remain awake. I hnvo had men
who did not want to ent during the
first threo days out because they did
not want to loso that umount of time
from sleep. Day after day spent lu i
such cramped quarters whero there '
Is hardly room to stretch your legs.!
and constantly on the alert, Is n tro-1
mentions strain on tho nerves."
Nothing but hypocrisy nuswers
whoa tho person is about who In
sists doing us u favor thut wo don't
.want doue.
some things thut tho editor thinks
should have wider publicity, and ns
her namo will not bo given, he
hopes ho muy bo forgiven for par
tial violation of her request. Tho
letter follows:
"Pleii8e excuse my audacity lu
taking up your time, but I
want to thank you for your
splendid editorial 'Ignoring tho
Lesson,' appearing In Wednes
day's Times. I wish all pa
pers hud tho coiirngo nml sonso
to constantly put before tho
people such seiitlments.
"I'm Republican lu politics but
am not so partisan that I can
not recognize and nnilro u MAN
when I boo him, and the atti
tude and policy of Wilson de
serves tho highest praise. Only
by thinking, tulklng and writ
ing pence can we hopo for
"The song 'I Didn't Rnlso
My Sou to ii a Soldier,' may
bo n little out of place, hut I
think 'tis the sentiment of nil
mothers' hearts. Not that sbo
wants her boy to bo a cowartl,
neither does she do tho best
for her boy or tho nation to
raise him with War as tho ob
Ject of his ambitious.
"I wish It were the prlvllego
(ns It was mine whllo in Oak
land) to see the play 'War
llrldes,' with Niulmovn In tho
leading rolo. Tho lesson taught
Blnks so deeply that no militant
could Ignore it and nil truo
mothers ami citizens would
have nu added pride in our
nation and leader who uro
leagues ahead, in civilization
and puclflcally, of a government
which would entloiso und urge
The Port of Coos Uny Commission
ers will meet with tho Mnrstifleld Ci
ty council Monday night and etideav-
1 nr in flnnllv fllfninftn of thn Mill
Slough ' controversy.
Tho Port will dcmniitl that the cl-
"ion bet that mudo me feel good (y nccept tho nmh, ,,rnl nmI relQvo
too. Matlo mo feel that llfo has its tho iort of frt,er responsibility,
compensations: and hard work gotsiT10 clty ,mld $t000 towards fixing
Its rownrd now nnd then. Also that ; ,,,. .n ,irnin iIOv so that the West
i woiiiii worn
Times oven a hotter paper so Hint
it might win nnd deserve moro such
sincere nnd appreciative friends.
Of all glad words of tonguo or pen,
Tho gladdest uro these: Renew my
paper again.
iVTUHK runs far moro to glad
ness than sadness. Tho glor-
Do your
Electrical way.
family ironing: ife
It can be done quickly ani
Irctlcssly. It can be done with the maxi
mum of comfort and the minimum of expense.
harder to ninko Tho jjarshfleld property would not be
Will Probably Delay Vessel Several
Days Loaves This Afternoon
Willi Ijii-kc List
The Nnnu Smith, which Hailed at
1 o'clock today for San Kranch-'o
will probably undergo annual In-
overflowed. Tho Port contends Hint ' upectlon ut San KrnnclBco next week
tho drain Is now in good shape. Un-juntl go on tho dry dock for tho un
less tho city ticcepts it, It Is stated j nual overhauling. This will probably
tho Port will appeal tho case, start-jrequlro four or five days ond delay
ed by Wm. Hlllstrom nnd others lu
which Judge Coko granted a perpet
ual injunction holding tho Port and
City Jointly responsible. Tho Port be
lieves Hint by appealing tho enso they
can securo rellof if the city council
tho vessel thnt length of tlmo.
Tho Nnnn had n capacity passcn
gor list out, somo going stcentgoj
rather than wait. Among thoso sail
ing on her woro
Mrs. I). L. Rood. Mrs. C. Webb. I
lous bird orutlons up Coos RIv-' docs not grant it. Mrs. W. J. Urown. O. S. Mlsb. w. .r. I
or tilieso summer mornings; tho drow- Tho city has not paid anything to-' Drown, Hon S. Fisher, Win. Wrenn,!
sy hum of tho ward tho construction of tho drain i Mrs. R. E. Wrenn, John C. Kendall'
PESSIMIST AND bees; tho breezy in the north arm of Mill Slough. Mrs. J. C. Kendall, Miss M. K. Ma-'
OITO.MIST call of incense' I honoy, Mrs. W. II. Doughty, Mrs. J.1
breathing morn; ! 1 1 fl PIT TUT refill fl PPU " 1''',n1". ChH. Knox, Edgar Rob
tho radiant siinshlno; tho fairylands; H I H I- Hlf HllTII 0lts' Mrs' ,:- ""rtB, S. Falconer,
of flowers. Instinct with brightness II UU I MIL ,1.111 Until) I Ilutls McNay, Geo. A. Hniick, E. O.
and fragrance nnd cheer; In truth I Isuniuols. Honrv sidwoll. n .v.. nnnu-'
ho wholo fnco and mien of benign OHRMAN STUDENTS HAVE ANii- JnmeH ""ton. Joo Kiln. C. Nasburg.
MoUior Nature Is resplendent with .MKIllll. DEMO.VSTR VTio'.V I Ml c- "". B- K. nrantl'i, Mrs.
beauty and gladness nnd glory. Tho i . ' ,' ' E. E. Ilrando. Dick Hogors, A. D. Da-
optimist Imbibes thoso glories bb ',,,,,, ,.oIll.0 ,)0 ,,,.,, WI., 'ly, Oeo. Armstrong. Miss Paulino
iuK.i iirniKing irom a rountain of; ci,,,,.. ... ,t, , , .., .,... Ruhr. Mrs. C. M. Nelson. Miss Kiln
I Weiss, Miss Anny Isaacs, Mrs. 0. A.
Stephonson, Miss Helen Mondo, Mies
' Pflllini'lim Mrtmln Mtoa T n.n. Alnln..
uld, E. F. llolnuner, A Slnnonen.
Hot Summer Days Becoi
Cool Days for Ironing
For; with an Electric Iron
easily attached to any convenient socket- m
ironing can be done in the coolest spot about :-.m
the house out on the porch if desired. AnJ V,i!
ironing by Electricity is very economical too. rj';'!
regain Power Cf
KUJMUMjBnsiwTaraeuamyag;; mh mMtt
' is
living waters. Hut tho pessimist, In
tho midst of u this splendor of na
turo, wumlors off gloomily to sit by
tho wntors of Ilnbylon, under the
weeping willow trees. If tho boau
teousness and Joyousnes of naturo
Show. Its Disippiovnl of
lib- AmoiIiiM riii io "oo n)r Tlmm.J
ZVV.lV.l, Jnly 111. American
t"iv.,(.ii irom Rer'.In allego that
thoro were aiitl-Ainciican disturb-
cnnnot cure pessimism in a person ' nwt'08 '" Gerinun capital Tuos
men it must run its courso until tho i""' nnd Wednesday. A hooting
undertaker Is called to put tho fin
ishing touches on his funereal existence.
$ !
HAT becomes of nil tho bright
babies? Von never knew n
man with n child from l in
jenrs of ago who wouldn't
crowd of students In front of the
American Embassy was dispersed by
the police.
L. T. Mattlieus anil Seugstuekru
I Ilaucli on South Inlet to ho Scene
of Work
I Henry Sengstncken said today that
two California companies will soon,
t begin1, extouslvo black sand onora-1
"Mel" Warner is almost too well
known to need Introduction in n
professional way, but wo wish to
you awake all nlelii r i state that ho Is a thoroughly comne-
SMART y0u Would let hlm,l,ont tuner aml repairer of pianos
CHILDREN whllo ho told you of aml n fl"F "mslclnn as well, and of
all Hu un.i,t.f..i ""questioned Intemitv. His i
Ihlngs that this jouncstotr of i,i i.0' timing and repairing hns Liven ,.i. , t,ons " So,lt" '"lot. Ono company
said nnd done In tho lust week, i vor8nl satisfaction and his prices are wl" l)ei'ato " tho L. T. Matthows
Wouldn't it be dreadful if all these "'ea80"aul- 'Vo Kraftlng. , ranch, formerly known as tho And-
Infnntllo geniuses grew up to bo us I Ho wUl romnln lu tho county i,,101'80" l'laco aml tho othor on Song
snmrt ns their chllhood promised? attelu, to a'l llls pntrons here ns ;s,lu-'ko"'8 ranch.
tno ouiui operating on tho Mat
thows place will hnvo J. R. Smith,
who recently claimed to have mndo
a big find In tho Rock Crook country,
aid lu theoperatlons. They lmvo
boon making tests thore. ,
r. Sengstacken has given a threo
nths option on n leaso for bin
off as the world begins to take thomichlldhnn.1 ,.,i.. ',... ,'.....'" Property and ho said they Informed
for 'grunted nnd even to dispute their land present I, wm, , , L- ,7. IV .' 1 1'1'" .that tho fow '1I Pro-
rights to monopollzo tho center of Ideals and n iP .!, .i .,. ! "co" B,lff'c'et results to warrant
tho stago. It Is also
children hnvo
Thero wouldn't bo elbow room for or-iWo11 as P'"ts on Cotjulllo River!
diimry mortuls at any place on tho,wluro no also lias mueli work to do. '
globe. Wo hato to spoil a pleasant ' lTl'on coinliletlon of railroad hero ho
idea like this with sober reflection, I w" "laUo Bcinl-nnnunl trips. I
but It is a fact that babies aro1- v
bright according to the amount of ced into the world of objects and ac- Z
Sia-1 I i T ,WW ,,UMU b' the,r:,,0' 'r" fw of us who , J
'.' ..''," .Sr f thU " ' 01ir rlty tho dreams of , Z,
to lllonopollzo tho center nf'l.ln,.!- i ,.... ... "a tl,1C01'
i. .., .., '" .. I "v- """ " "ue e"",u oi its ncli- thorn i,.i
Lawn and Garden Son
l'.vci'jomi who expects to use water for laun or piri!eo
liny; Is reiiirctl to sign an uppllcation nml ninko i.i)iil'J
"sing any water for t,s purposo. The rate llxeil lif ll"!
loiiil CiiiiiinlsNioii lor hpriiiklliiK Is ISl.tltl kt iiioiiIIi forfJ
Hjliiaro reel (5( ,y HMi.r,it lot, or less, liilllilln- HunWt
I ayment of lour i iiiis. i.. .,!., .,.,.,. niiinii ui'f.
H'uv In atlviinco for l.iuu spiiiikllue;, washing linloft f"
etc, hut ir paitl by tho mouth uso 1m only iilloneil tlw'i
monili pulil. .
mo rules filed xvllli tho Railroad C ilssltm ronulre itt
nient bo matlo in nilvanro cntii moiitli before using wime 'l
MiniiKilnj; Ho thine only between (I nutl K o'tiock, nioreu,'
uvciiIiik. No lcdiirtloii In rates will bo allouetl In w
not leiiulretl for snriiildlii!; oven- ilm- t !,. iiiiuith. "i
usetl for .siilukliiK wltliout payment linviiu,' been iiutoJ
vanco or outWde of sprlnl:llii!i hours, (ho scrvlto iiw),K,i
hllt off and not turned on until Sl.00 penalty lias been rit
Coos Eay Water Company, m
High Quality Grocerifii
Uur own prompt and particular delivery servo
ficient clerks being out of the high rent distnt l-g
keeping our prices as low as consistent with goJt'l
ncoo iiiUNUS -:f
Conner & Hoaknd
rrjlje Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Grfljfl
boutn Broadway. Phones 348-J aw- m
a fact, that ovemont.
a certain clear-evml
way of looking upon the truth of life
with puro henrts ami cimi vioi..
which escapes them as they aro for-
Pliant .... I mi i . .
v. vuti' i'i tney nro KnocK nc 'on
over Res L f thn . . Worry ow. they will all be boost Ins
them St the b nml nmrrV0 when they read your death no
Don't, take any chances
Aetna-ize Yourself To
oii cannot afford n i.n .io,m,t nUent
You not oniv noQ., i. . . 4 ha i1'?
Z , ? COrroct pollcy ,tl the best and most reliable eMtfvjj
...v, uuaiuess.
See mo or phono mo at onco and I will explain It to J
murnnuoia, auu coko Dulluing.
tlco In Tho Times.