- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT T I..I i i m n W K i-. to ;' : Hi I 't New ' o ASHES FIRE SCIRE HOLD CHECK ARTIST JANITOR IN MATLOCK I1I.OCK W. PILFS ASHKS ON WOOI I MrARTIIl'R OK Mt'ROATOYD HOUND OVKIt TODAY Sport Shirt llul Little Dninngo Done In ltn.se- incut of Former Sncchl Hulld- ing In Scare- Lust livening Claims Someone Cashed Forged Chock on Ills Reno Account .-()( Hond Needed JUST ARRIVED F OR snappy merchandise of the best' quality and a service that makes buying; a pleasure; see the , As n result of hot ashes being COOUILLW, ore, July 30. unas. thrown on top of bIiiIi wood ubciI to!V, McArtluir, who also goes under fire the furnnce In the basement of tho niuuo of Murgntoyd, wub bound J SHIPPING NEWS $$ A BIC FLOUR CARCO HHHAKWATIIH AIIIC1VKS IN TO DAY WITH !!.-. TONS the Mntlock building, formerly knqwn ns tbp ,Sacchl building, ijj the corner of' Second nnd Comincfr clnl, tho Marahflold Flro Department waB called out Inst evening. (' ,Tho flro bad, not gained much headway when It was discovered and a general alarm wiib not turned In. Duncan FergUBon responded prompt ly with tho auto flro truck and the over to tho grand Jury by .Justice Stanley this morning on the charge of passing two worthless checks on Peter MlrrlBOtil at Marahflold about July 4. Ilia ball waif fixed at r.00 wlilch ho has been 'unable to furnish; MeArthur was arrested at povors wlfee ho 'formerly w6rkod'ln ono of tho campa. When arraigned today, ho claim- flubjfce chemical soon cxtliirfiilahcd tho blaze oil that Rotncbno had, forged a $212 so that only the smoke from the' chock on his account at tho First smouldering flro was noticeable. National Hank at Reno, Nov., and Messrs. Hllvcns, Lnttln nml Rhodes, this caiiHcd his chocks, which Mlrrn sald that there woro about two loads, soul cashed, to bo returned. Tho two of ashoB piled on top of tho slab wood Mlrntsotil chocks woro for $10 and In tho basement and some of tho over! $20. hcatod ashes had caused tho scare. MeArthur when asked about chnng Tho damago was Insignificant. Ing his nnmo to Murgatoyd said that J. Albert Matson, who with Her-, ho had assumed tho name of McAr bcrt Lockhort Is tho principal owicr tliur whon working up north where of tho property, arranged to have a ho had been Injured. I to guvo no rea "MONEY TALKS" NOTICE OUR. WINDOWS FOUR STORES MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT BANDON POWERS watchmen placed thero so that thcro would bo no further dangor. ! ? ' J USD P FALLING OFFiTO REIVE SWAGS j'omch copht hi;ci;ipts fah;,c UKIiOW last yf.ar IIKJK OIU.'F.ON TO COMPLKTH, SOUTH COOS KIVKlt WOltH Knginccr Polltcmiis Older Sunken 1ogN Removed From (uiiiiiil . Obstructions I'oIiiUm: Out Tho droilgo Orogon, belonging to thu Larson Dredging conipanw, was I j.. Total Since .January I, $182, Willie Orcr $2,0110 Was Collected J Iiist Year . City Itcconlor Ilutlcr reports a big ijlutnp In tho fines In police court ens 03 this year In comparison with a year ago. With tho city's finances jsent back up South Coos lllver this I isiiing oir irom tno loss or somo sal-1 morning to comploto tho work of odft llciuibi'H and other cuiikoh, tho I clearing tho channel. Tho Oregon did additional slump In fines Is adding! part of the work n fow wccita rgo but to tho official gloom. returned leaving a number of sunk- 80 far Hliico Jniiunry 1, tho fines on logs and sunga which wero 11 men- collected total only $IS2. Last year, aco to navigation. Capt. K. (Joorfo Smith reported tho matter to Kuglnoor l'olhoinus In chargo of tho govornmont work hero and Immediately .Mr. 1'ollioinus In structed the Larson t-oiii;ir.uy lo cmn- MARSHAL SAYS ttOKIt DUMPKD ASHKS WHONOFULLY I OIVKN A CHANCE After hearing tho rase 1 this afternoon City Record- , 1 cr Hutlor fined tho defon-t- ant $5 but suspended nnv- . incut 011 condition that tho ashes bo removed, that ,1 ' metal receptaclo bo provld- cd and on some other condl- lions. It was hold by the Jui'go that tho defendant ond O only recently ncitilroil tho r- sltlon as Janitor and that tli" 1 iibIics causing tho flro waro 4 I'kely placed thero by ,101113- ono olso. Marshal J. V. Carter today sworo out a warrant for Hurt dorr, jan itor of tho Matlock building, at Sec Hm "oxcopt 'that hny ono having as much troublo ns bo had was Jus tified In changing his nnmo. Tho Reno bank's statement show ed that McArthur's account had been closed July 11, MeArthur whh In, Marahflold at tho time, lie exhibit ed tho $212 check which bo claimed was forged but It looked like his writing. Also 1 1 rings About. 100 Tons or Rail road 'Steel Has !ol I'as hcngcr MM. Tho. Hreakwatcr arrived In this morning from Portland. Sho hud a largo consignment of flour for Mnrshficld, tho Sporry Coniiuiy re ceiving 1000 sacks, II. 'V. Pinn'or a largo amount and A. T. I lalncs iionie. In all, bIio had r.bout "r0 tdiis for Marahficltl. Tho Droak watcr also brought about 100 tons o' railroad steel. Among thoso arriving on H Ilicakwatcr wero: 121 In Malmoy, John Kchoe, R. M. Sackett, MrB. R. M. Sackett, M. IT. Totten, M. Mc Quire, C. L. Pollock, C. L. 1'rtwn, .Mrs. C. Ij. UJrown, J. T. Connellv, A. Goodman, Mrs. h. R. nuroii, Mifc, J. A. Cox, II. Kyphkiiscn, II. .Ini'tU, Mrs. N. h. Curry, Mrs. M. J. Van Ness, Klslo JoluiBon, F. IJ. Tlch oner, Mary Tlchenor, Frank Tlcn enor. F. n. Tlchenor, Jr., Mrs. Oua Robb, Mrs. K. D. Nickels, Mr.i, I,. J. Prentiss, W. O. McPhcrson, II. A. Waldcck, K. K. Ingram, W. Mml b'ad, N. HaiisciiB. I BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES GIRLS FOR BOYS Come in all styles both in regular cuts and in oxfords There arc various shapes in all leathers anu" there's com. fort and wear in every pair. No more complaints from your parents about (i great shoe expense if you wear PR0!E E S STItANCKH NKAK .H'DUK CORK'S IIOMU liAST N1CSIIT About 1 1 o'clock Inst night, Mrs. Robert Marsden, Jr., who had Just returned homo from tho Noblo the atre noticed a mnii trying to gain en trance to tho homo pf Judge J. S. SPEED BOAT STRIKES HIDDEN SNAG IN RIVER Atlantic Has Propel lor Shaft Ruckled In Impact. With Sunken Jg on Coos Rivet On her way down Coos river yes- turday morning near its mouth tho siecd boat Atlantic ran Into a sunk en log nnd tho propollor shaft was buckled In tho middle. It was nec essary to put tho vessel on tho ways to mako tho repairs. At tho tlmo of tho accident tho Atlantic was bringing down thu "summer coinin liters" from South u Buster BrownV' ASK FOR TIMO.M AT TIIM (JOhDIJN Rt'M; Special Note We will ulvo " 'imi' wllb each pale of Hunter , A KUHTKII IIIIOW.N' c.if llrown Shoes. I Ml liTe Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY , THE LOWEST PRICES mh biuutbi siuurx r-irsi iiauonai bank THE BEST ASSORTMENT Id a Ei BlddT IRe .. ' Coke. Sho called to him and ho mndo Coos Rlvor. She was delayed on thoi tho receipts In police court totalled considerably over $2,000. Mr. Ilutlcr says that speeding ras es and other penalties added to tho Income last year and many more Im bibers contributed to the city's In coino than this year. sotiio excuse about trying to find his 1 homo and mado a hasty cxU. Mrs. Coke nml other moinbors of tho family heard tho. prowler about I tho time that Mrs. Marsden noticed mill nn.l f?nniliii.pplnt. nlmnrlnir lilm ' "I"'" heniUOr .HIIIICS COkO WllO Is II .with violating a city ordlnanco pro- K,,cnt nt l,, ,,"IK C(,,(,) lloll,c -'"'' hlbltlug tho dumping of nshes ox-' om ,JUI lMn BtraiiKor lin.(l iilsappcarod. cept Into a ' flrc-proof receptacle. ; ',,lll" c,),0 w, llt M ofrlc l t"0 Tho warrant wns Issued by Record- "lno' er Hutlor, mid florr, who Is a young MrB- '""slon wns unabo to glvo man, will havo Ills hearing later, j ""' ccrlptlon or tho Btrangcr to- Flro Chlof Keating wanteil chnrges ''"' ", also preferred against tho ownors Marshal Carter and, .Officer Rlch of thu property and havo tho ortllu-, nr,lso" "oliovo that tho prowler was anco prohlbltliiK tho nronilscuoiis prouauiy n sirnngor uiiuer mo inriu SOCIAL CAhF.NDAR SATURDAY II. ('. Club with Wllina 4 Hoaglnnd. 4 44 ploto tho work, lie requested Cnpt niiiuii in iiuhikiiiiio 1110 poinis wnoro I covered tho 1 no snags and logs woro bothorlng and where work was needed to put tho ehaitnel In first class shape. (lumping of ashes tested out. Jorry Mnney accidentally iIIb- flro last night and in- j formed Wnlter Richardson, who call ed tho flromen ovor. Ilnd tho flro , broken out later, firemen h.iv Tho Rainbow Is now on tho wnys WOuI,i havo been hard to curb neing repaired as a result of collld- lli.r t.'llli utiA nt !).. ..n. . ,t ,1.-.- I .h .. .. iiiu n invj nuiiftn niu inner day ence of liquor who had lost his way. Sovcral such enses havo been report ed during tho last fow weeks. About a week ago, a prowler mo lested tho Coko homo In a similar 11 1 manner. on urroiiui ni mo largo amount or dry trip uprlvcr yesterday afternoon on j this account. , It is belloved that a watcrsoaked ' log, drifting down stream, wns tho,' cause of thu accident. This Is tho Fccond tlmo In tho last two months; that tho Atlantic has struck hidden ' snags, tho first tlmo being far up South Coos Rlvor. Saturday's Specials Children's Hose, regular30c, now 15C Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 50c, now 25c Outing Flannel Gowns, regular $2.00, now ....98c Silk Petticoats, all colors $1,55 Sateen Petticoats, all colors 98c IRVING BLOCK yatUlaiij u la,4 trla lmj con ilai tho r to I Ing ln-( list; PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficisnt Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY CI.KAHlNtt AWAY hU.MHKK I slab wood stored In tho basement. Times want nds bring results. :na IMIHiMMI I I , Dddge-Brothers MOTOR CAR F OR 1916 will remain the same in price but refined in places where refine ment is required. F. O. B. $785 DETR0IT Full Floating Axle, Timpken Bearings, Genuine Leather Upholstery, One Man L , "Top, Thirty-five Horse Power. -HaVe you ridden in a Dodge? If not, you, have missed something. Riv.ejJTouring Cars will arrive Sunday., SEE GOODRUM'S GARAGE MARSHFIELD X WATERFRONT NEWS j $ ' Tho Nairn Smith will sail at 1 p. in. tomorrow for San Francisco. Westerner Sails Today nio Westerner, Capt. Paulson, sailed this aftornoon for Snn Pedro with a cargo of 500,000 feet of lum ber from tho Smith mill. It wns con signed to threo different firms. Capt. Paulson did not know whethor ho would ret ii I'll hero ngnln or not.. VlftSIJIi .MOVIttlKNTH Arrived uroauwater, Portland. 11 today. Departed Wostemer, San Pedro. ;i p, today. Duo hero Yellowstone, San Francisco, Jlon day. Roamer, Roguo river, Mondny. Due to Sail Nnnn Smith, San Francisco, 1 p. m tomorrow. Steamer Flfleld Is Still Making Run , 'To llrooklngs: Tho atoanior Flflold still makes tho run from Hrooklngs to San Fran cisco. Tho big mill in Curry Coun ty closed down on account of tho poor lumber mnrkct, but thero la qulto a lot of lumber on hand nt Iho mill and the Flflold will con tinue to carry It away. Tho stbanicr Is owned by tho Kjtabrook Company and was ehnrtorod for a stated lon,th of tlmo by the Hrooklngs Company. nio company ulso operates tho Btoamors llnnilon and Spccdwoll. BASEBALL SCORES PLAYED A JIE i portiand uisics to viirnon in (ami: ykstkrday San Frao"tM-o Still Stays at tho llo.ul of the Const lCiiguo Tenuis a. in. ni. BIG BALL GAME NEXT SUNDAY THE HATCHERY NO SITU HOUflHT Place for Wireless Station Is Not Ye Seemed coining iietintto has beon dono regarding tho selection of a wlroloss slto for tho government station. Hen ry Songstackon bald .today ho would wlro othors who aro interostod with him In land up near Mllllngtnn try ing to get them to dlspouo of flvo acres at $100 an aero. Ho.-Baldthoy wanted lljfi an aero. John Motloy l.as written K. II. Dobb, siiporlntond ent of radio on tho Pnclflc Coast say ing thnt a slto will bo bought as Boon as ono can bo found. AVIJii, SHIP STOCK and Blue Ridge Tigers llulld SKHlal Slip to Load Cattle for California a special sun is ho nc hi t nt tho Smith Terminal docks so that' about IHO head of cattle and some hogB which John Yoaknm has boon buying In Coos and Curry Counties for Cnllfomln parlies can bo driven aboard tho Santa Clara tomorrow morning. Many of tho cattlo aro yearling Jorsoys ami tho Bhliimnnt pkrckntauf.s of COAST JilLUlUK nj AixkUIM rrwu to I'uos lliijr Tlmm.J W. h. P.O. San Francisco (l I, os Angeles . . Of) Oakland UH Portland .... 51 Vornon fifi Salt Lako ... r.2 no r.r. ns r,r. fi2 01. .rii; fill 'J .500 ,I!I5 .170 .118 v !onl lias ind' 1 - ivon 0(1(1 rori if G for oft tdvo ho i ' '! .Miri'HODIST IIROTIIMIIIIOOIiSd , tw) ciTius Mi:irr )wn ,' ! .liter nw iioiirs i ouiest on puntt,T Plnyora iult at .SupifT Time H toun Tho members of Iho Mttbiii!1 llrotherhood of Marshflold mlftwi"1 memhers of tho same orpinlutloiljintj North llend mot In tho latttr outli yostorduy for a baso ball gamcltnl?' ipilto mi ovont nnd wns much nW 9,' by thoso who played. At theMJi'oi'tj1 the Bovouth Inning tho bcorc miH to 1 1 nnd as tho players hd Hwr hard nt It for two hours and w1 D mimim Prj to Coot ir Tlraw.j PORTLANI), July 30. Tho Port land' ton m lost In tho gamo nt Vor (non yestordnj;,- San. Franelsco won 'two games nnd Los Angeles defeated Salt Lake. Tho ocorcs of yestordny'B 'ganiCB follow: , . Coast l(eaguo At Vornon: r. Portland 4 Vornon r, At Oakland, first gamo: Snn Francisco f, Oakland At Oakland, second gamo: San Francisco 3 Oakland At Salt Lako: Los Angeles 5 Salt Lako n American Lotiguo At Rostou: Chlrngo, Hoston, rain. At Now York: Dotrolt II. II 10 11 7 0 G 8 0 lorUi getting hungry thoy decided lo(i..ir" nnd enll It a Ho. Mnrahflald iSl: two doublo plays, Campbell m'JS1- W. Langworthy each making if5i& throw to (Inives on first. WIS scored ono double play iiiadelfft.ki mid Simpson. Tho ccoro.by. Innings wai lows: Marahflold 2 5 3 1 0 0 0 North Horn! 0 2 1 0 3 3 J -' Tim linn una for t 10 t "C woro 11M follows: Marshflold Positions Catelior O. A. Wllllamn W1 Pitcher Cal Lungworthy i.Wo iidiox ji base Off I KortkWS&K ' owlt joa s: .11I4. It. O. Oravos Mrsl iinso ricKoli HnroMSW-jj- wlll bo about the largest of Hvo- fn' York ' c stock ovor mndo from hero at ono; At Phlladolnhla: tl.., 1... 1 . ;. . . : . ' iiiuu w num. t.Y STAY ON Rl'N. teams will play at the Hatchery Grounds and the name will be I one of the best of the season. I "e,K,rt x,",,, Sm",, xv, t ' I Cluirteiwl Come up and see the name ,,,...,... and eniov a dav's miHnn ai , ,B 8ala tlmt ll ,s "rnctlcn' re uu uijuy d uay S OUlllig at , that tho Nairn Smith will not i one of the most, attractive1 ci.art,m,i .. a. ,,"',.". "Lb? pt. Louis' .;...,.'' ' ! iI'roiik Howo Philadelphia .' , t ( j, At Washington: Clotyliuid , Wnsilngton ....,......'.'.' '.'!.' National League At Chicago: New York. Chicago, wot ground! , At St. Louis: Philadelphia -' ' Second llaso K. II. Cainpboll rulti..! lliti.it IIIIll 1M -; rvtii a. ,!.,- Morlln W , 'IIW kJllillllUi ,-.--- Sliortslop m v tJKLOiim rossei 7ars W. W. Langworthy u ,fniTfo Right Field .fiigHl f'linr ea B" d A. II. C.Idloy Center Field Irn Ilowo Left Field obtained at GOODWILL'S. Steamer Rainbow win luitvu iviarsnneifj at d o clock SUNDAY MORNING. 1 Round Trip only 75 cents Spots in this Section. Firm nio. ! offers woro mado for tim vnoni . ' I IliC OrOUnds anrl rlinnpr rnn hnw8 feared that tho lnconvnnim,n st' I'ouls HM VIIMMWI VMH MU I -. VMIV4IVU I Tll4t- ---! Huuorea ny tbo company would nioro1 l u,8urB! (Can offset tho financial gain, os- nroo,i,' '2 I peclally slnco tho lumber shipments ' ,UuburK 8 inavo uecn considornbly moro than1 '"fiitnati, first gamo tho Adeline could handle. 1 ITimilro K. II. JocliiiK, S. Illuoy. mi. .. .nM .tpll fl IIIO gailiu wuh nu-" - . . . . . l.nVA a lp nas uoon iicciueu m ,ovent within jjJqw(,v'coK' ' '.L t.'TT IIONFIItM PARTV : Tho Hay Parle Ladles' M NQl . . Jnieal Bi5Bi!?i Bcorer. iw ' iNow IDtfldfl em ml rcjM HjalKlht irichT i rotn -r-, Ml 5" ifff V 1 I 1 1 glvo, an entertainment ow,H ; In tho Hay Park CM .loj lonoflt of tho ehurcli. alndei will enlng tho honoflt of tho ehurcli- Oh WEAVING All kinds a spec laity. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth So. Phono 220-R Hoston Cincinnati .'.'."" At Cincinnati, second ganioV Hoston Cincinnati did program has been lr?PVi5&S tho closo Ico ereaiu u- " l,at H : bo i If tho weathe' Tlmea want a.s .rjnp.rniiiiltij, purvuu, ii iiiu "-- . ti.r. nni,.ni,mni,ia win bo aei' doors around a bonfire Havo your letter .The liiifn, office. .orj tsiWri heads mm