lu ( c1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEVE Ttf II cs v VCV2 V. wf. JJ ews of World's Greatest i W ''1 a 2M': fJ'V 'm?&; War Day by Day WRESTLING AND BOXING KVI3N UK , AT BANDON SATURDAY NIGMT en Gf;A ML BO . pV&j kU '"V s. I. c ;. t. ?'ji 5.: &n"u. iSr 'H r :: 'jr i r fcl ItlO JS V THE GUNNERY 1 1 - vn sRinr CTltPffT MADCUITILI rk J 1JJ flKVJWI 01KCJ2A AYIIVOI 'He Started in Life a Poor Man" Rend about tho lives of rich nion nnd you will find as a rulo tho Htntomont, "Ho started In life n poor man." Compotcncy was only acquired when tho hnblt of Having wns formed. No man who oxchnngea his labor for money la too poor to start a bank account. Wealth doponds' upon what you savo not on what you earn. ThlB bank. nccoptB savings accounts In any amount tho small dopoBltor la always wolcomo. It paya lnteroat on tlmo doposlta. Start that account now. Having la tho result of saving. FIRST NIT ON OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. FUIGI & ' OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNT! t i:stal)U.sIiol 18HI). ! Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS IIKI'OSITS r Officora , J. W. Ileiiuelt, President. , J. II. FlnuiiKiin, VJco-I'roalilontt ' - J, It. V. "VVllllania, Cashier. f Ooo, 1 Wlmlicstcr, Asst. CftMiler. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the niobt powerful, beat equipped and moat thoroughly modem tiventy-iuch hydnuillo clredgo It Pacific uator Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. N.VN.TT, - fie Deliberate Choice of the Great Body of American Sportsmen Nowhere else in the whole field of sport do you find the like of the strong public opinion in favor of Remington-UMC. This Rctninton-UMC public opinion nnd the most loynl to the arms and lias been growing for ninety-nine years, ammunition that give him the service Partly is it due to the achievements "e knows he ought to have, of Remington-UMC in the design or C He it is who is holding up the hands construction of Arms and Ammunition. 0f the Remington-UMC dealer making But back of these achievements stands the Red Ball Mark of Remington-UMC the fact that your American is the most the Sign of Sportsmen's Headquarters prnclicul-mindcd sportsman in the world in your town. Sold by your home dealer and 645 other leading merchants in Oregon Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridgo Co. Woolworth Building, 233 Broadway, New York City Clean and oil your gun with REM OIL. toiMiitr SoXttnt, Lubricant, Rati Pnvntattf j4E" ta Md L22 tau is Vft.M.n: "1 EVERYTHING FOR. OUTDOORS" L T Main office, Seattle, Washington. 1 BEIET BA ftp .FAV era ' TJt"- n,cn5.JND ammunition - . L 4mm Sjrlmmviuitioiv flf WJur Some Euro -aiiiDGEPOItT Resting The Coos Bay Times pre pares adver tising that hits the bull's eye. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Uorbt & King. Cars leave Marshfield , 7 a.m., 11 n.iu., " p.m., $ p.m. Cars leu vi) for Eiuplio . , , , ,7 a.m., 11 a.m., - p.m., fi p.m. Curs Leavn .Sunset Hay 7 a. in., I) a.m., 1 p.m., ft p.m. Tares, Empire, SSc; Tarheel or South Slough, BOc; Sunset Hay 73 c WW LJ aA COHii w. 4 PHONE 34-J People JUST AT I'KKSHNT, 1UJT THK TIMES TRUSTS VOU, A L1V10 PUSHING UUSINL'SS MAN A UK NOT. PUSH YOUR IIUSINK88 IN DULL TIM 138 AS WHIiL AS ALL OTHER TIMES. Pl'SH IT WITH GOOOI) STRONG AD VERTISING. GOOD ADVERTISING IS A TONIC TO DEBILITATED, DULL TRADE. IT MAKES THE WEAK TRADE STRONG THE STRONG STRONGER. LET THE COOS HAY TIMES HELP YOU ON YOUR AD VERTISING. IT IS HELP ING OTHERS MAYUE IT CAN ASSIST YOU. OUR ADVERTISING MAN PLANS AND ADVISES ON SPECIAL SALES OPENINGS INTRODUCING NEW GOODS AND ALL PHASES OF ADVERTISING POLICY ffagsfAtttjEgay QKSKr PRINT DOCUMENTS. Germans publish seized BEL GIAN OKKICIAL RECORDS Seek tn I'roto tlmt Germany Main Inlncil u PoiK-cfiil Attitude Until tlio War t I tnr AwtlM rrn in Com Dty TlmM I BERLIN, .Inly 30. The Nord- deutclio Allgoinlno Zetug begnn pub- I licntlon toilny of a sprlcs of docu- iiicntR purporting to bo tho secret Bolglnn diplomatic roportH found In Brussels by tlio ClcrniiuiH mid des cribing Intorniitloiinl political events Irom thu tlmu of tho Moroccan crisis until tho beginning of tho present conflict. Tho purpoBo of tho publication Is to prove thnt Oorninny maintained n peaceful attitude throughout thin pcrod while England conspired to Irolnto Ocrmnny. tTMOl ICU UnHICM ADC UIMUUIOII IIUIlILN MI1U ' DOING FARM WORK ColU'KO (Mi In mill Tlioso of tho I'iinIi loiinWe Set Are Among; tho VltllltClH (Dx AwikI.IM Prr to Cnnt D7 TlfflM. LONDON. July .10. Kami work for women lms becomo fnHlilonublo. CoIIcko girls from Nuwnlmm, Ox ford, nnd almost tlio entire enroll men from Sheffield University lira ntnong the volunteers for wnr work In the floIdH, nnd Klrls who liiul prov loiiHly devoted nit the energies to sport nnd fashion nro tunkluc n fnd of It. A special coBtumo for Tromcn fanners has bcon dcslKiicd nnd ex hibited nt a women's fnrm work show Riven by Lmly Cowdrny nt hor London homo. Tho suit Is inn do of tough brown linen fashioned into n long coat buttoned down tho front. KnlckorbockorR of tho snmo mator Inl nro warn undorncnth, buttoning bolow tho kneo. This contuma Is not only clfeap, but allows as much freedom of movement as man's dress. Ilccnuso of tho knlckors, tho women fnrmcrs can climb trees for pruning .or picking fruit. At Lndy Cowdrny's exhibition, every brnnch of farm work wns represented, dnlry lng, gardening, orchard work and work In tho fields. Somo projudlco Is encountered on tho pnrt of tho old fashioned farm ers, when they rccelvo an applica tion for work from n girl who looks llko tho dalrymnld of a comic opera, thoy nro Inclined to glvo a refusal on tho ejipt. Thoy think of n rose eovorod cottage,, with tea sorvod In tho garden among tho flowers nnd mi nrcadlau existence, nut thoy aro willing to learn about pigs, chickens and stock, nnd gonornlly do well at fruit picking nnd hay raking. Get your Job printing ilono nt Tlio Tiuics offlco. NOTICE OK KI.VAIj ACCOUNT III tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Coos In tho mnttor of tho Estato of Paul Ephrlam Hassoll Deceased. Notice Is horoby given to whom It may concorn, Thnt Gcorgo WolHtcnd, administrator of tho nbovo named es tato has filed his final account hero in, nnd tho Honorable James Watson Judgo of tho nbovo entitled Court has set tho 23rd day of August, 19ir, at 10 o'clock A. M. at tho Court Houso, Coqulllo, Coos County, Ore gon ns tho tlmo nnd plnco for hear ing objections to such final nccount and tho settlement thereof. Any porsons having objections to tho said final account aro horoby notified to fllo them In tlio nbovo en titled Court on or boforo tho 23rd day of August, 19 1G at 10 o'clock A. M. Goorgc Wolstoad, Administrate (to bo published weekly July 23rd to August 20th, Inclusive.) NOTICK OK KINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court for the State of Oregon, County of Coos. In tho matter of tlio Estato of Ephrlam O. Hall, Dcccasod, Notlco Is horoby glvon to whom It may concern, that Julia Hall admin istratrix of tho above named estate has filed her final account heroin, nnd the Honorable James Watson, Judgo of tho above entitled Court has set tho 23rd day .of August, 1915 at 10 o'clock A. M, ut tho Court Houso at Coqulllo, Orogon as tlio tlmo and place for hearing the ob jections to such final account ana for tho settlement thereof. Any porsoiiH having object Ioiih to tho said final nccount nro hereby notlflod to fllo them In tho above entitled Court on or before tho 23rd day of August, 1915 at 10 o'clock A. M. Julia Hall, Administratrix, rirat publication, July 23, last pub, llcatlon, August 20, 1915. KS CHANGING WAR CAUSING TIIH.M TO LOOK MKKKKKNTIjY AT WORLD Hvriitt llmo Avwikcncri Them to Now Interest mill Tlioy Get UhciI to Conditions , (11 AMoclttod I'ffM to Coat Hr TlraM.J CONSTANTINOPLE, July 29. Tho city lms thoroughly accustomed itself to tho war nnd follows Kb pur suits as If tho allies were ns ninny tliousnutlB, ns thoy nro hundreds, of kilometres nwny. Iluslncss has Incrcnscd n llttlo nnd tho supply of carpets put up for snlo by needy families has diminished, which is In terpreted ns meaning thnt onco mora monoy enn bo lind from friends, or loniis from 'business acquaintances. Much of this monoy is spent in tho open nlr cafes, but It Is spoilt In tho humble plnstcr. Nightly without ro gard to political Inclinations, tho peo ple gather in tho cafes, sip coffee, nnd nbsorb whiskeys and sodas It of triple entente leanings listen to Indifferent music, nnd gonornlly en Joy life. Tlio feeling now Is, lot tho nllles toko earo of tholr business ns best they can. Even tho Ureoks nnd Armonlnns horo who fornmrly prayed secretly thnt tho English nnd Fronch would forco tho Dardanelles aro now qulto Indifferent whqthor thoy do or not. Tho Turk Is getting away from himself creeping out of his aholl, Tho wnr has brought to tho mind of ninny Turks that tho Bopnra,tlsm of old was not ns dcslrablo a thing us wns hollovcd. Tho Turk, so say many, Is coming Into contact with tho west by bolng obllgod to rend tho communiques from Berlin and Vlonnn. Ho hns acquired a ronl In terest In tho fnto of two other poli tical aggregates, and in so doing ho had widened Ills mental horizon to tho oxtent of feeling thnt his fnto In not tlio only ono over which Allah presides. A fow grumble bocnuso tho forry servico to tlio Asiatic slioro has been limited. Outsldo of ithat nobody minds tho presonco of nlllod qubmnr Ines. Having tho allies hammer away at tho Dardanelles has becomo a condition In tho mind of tho Con stnntluopolltnu, n condition which gives Interest to cacli day, becauao tomorrow mny bring another of tho many surprises which, tlio underta king hns so far provided. PROSPEROUS IN KAMI Kaunas City Alan Tolln of Good Con ditions There Harry Keasol, who has boon op erating on tho Kansas City Doard of Trado for tho past fow years, ar rived hero this wool; to visit Low Glllosplo. Ho reports that section of tho country prosperous, tho bank deposits Increasing about $133,000,- 000 in (ho past year. All of tho country bnnks arc overloaded with monoy. With tho prices of grain and livestock at n high notch, tho farmers aro enjoying such prosperity ns thoy novcr dreamed of boforo. NO DEER HUNTING UNTIL AUGUST 15 Gmuo Warden Is Sending Out Notice To Deputies 'Piii'ougliout tho State (Special to Tho Times.) ROSERURG Oro., July 30. No tices nro being sent out by tho Stnto Game Wnrdon's offlco thnt tho door hunting senson this jenr noes not op en until August in, which is 15 days later than has boon 'customary for a Humbor of years. Doputy Wardons throughout tho stnto aro bolng In structed to glvo nil possiDIo publicity to tho chnugo In tho opening dato. "Tlio purpose is to enrry on a cam paign of provontlon of law violations rather than mako arrests, buys K. M. Drown, chief clork for tho Stato Gamo Wnrdon. "Wo want all hunters to remomber tho ohango In dates for deer hunting mndo by tho last legislature so nonp will plan a trip boforo tho logal season opens, Tlin bag limit Is throo buck deer with horns In ono year and It Ms un lawful to hunt deer after October 1" Carl D. Shoomaker, tho Gamo rar don, Is In Canyon City today on his trip of Inspection, Ho has been out ono week, having vlsltod Southern Oregon and then gone across tho Cas cade Rango to Klamath Kails, Burns, Bend nnd other Central Oregon points. Ho will stop nt a number of Columbia River points and also In spect the hatchery at Bonnovlllo. At all the places visited Mr. 8!n. makor held conferonco with tho dop-. uty Gamo Wardons Und made plans' for a campaign of prevention of un lawful hunting and fishing. Times want ads bring results. Sow Athletic Club Thcro Will HoM'i a I...I.H.. ....!.... .i.i.i. .. ., "can ii.r.ii, iriiuiK iijiii ivtfll Pl-Ogl-lllll (Spcclnl to Tliq Times) 11ANDON, Ore., .July 30. TI illnndon Athletic Club will hold public opening Saturday night wild thoro will bo sovoral good bouts fa tho cutertntnment of thoso who a tend. Thero will bo both wrcstlln and boxing on tho progrr.m. Tho mnln ovent will bo a boxln! match botweon M, O. Lutscy and .11 Wilson for $100 sldo bet and tl winner tnko all. Lutsoy for a yci has been tho undisputed champ! oi uoos ami uurry counties nnd h ndmlrcrs will back him strongly, bt It Is said thnt In Wilson ho will mo n dniigorous opponent. Thcro wll bo n four round boxln ovent an a curtain miser nnd th chief boxing cvont on tlio progra will bo botweon Gcorgo Sutton Port Orford and Frank Mnrth Everything has bcon nrrnngod mnko tho opening ovent of tho clu ono which will plcaso all thoso wh attend EXPECT BIG CROW! PORT Oltl'ORI) ARRANGES AGAtJ OAUNIVAI U. S. Senator (1iamlcrlnln Will Uo II Attendance ami Visit In Curry County HIr preparations aro bolng mad by tho people of Port Orford t their Agato Carnival which will b held August 19, 20 nnd s:. Rode Ick Macleay who has largo Interest on Roguo River and who Is In th rlty today says that tho ontlro coui ty will turn out to nolp malctt th .gathering a success and that th pooplo aro expecting tho largo crowd that they over entortalncd b foro in thnt plnco. Mnny aro expec od from Coos County and outsld points ns tho Agato Carnival, hoi as a regular annual ovent, has b coino wldoly ndvortlsod. United States Senator George Clrnmbcrlaln Is to bo .ono of tin guests of tho city. Ho will attond th carnival mid from tiioro will prou ably go on tho Roguo river to mnk a visit In thnt part of tho county. I Is probablo that tho sonator will sto off nt Coos Day for n day on his wa to Port Orford. PIPES QUITE! S WATKIt SUPPLY OK HLA1N WA IS ATTACKED Work IIollevtMl to Ito that of Agtti tor Against Employment of JnpaiiOMO Workmen tnr amocuim rm to co nr tioih.j BELLINGHAM, July 30. Tho wa tor main leading from tho resorvol which supplies tho town of Blaln, oj tho International border, with, wal ter, was dynamited 'last night U porsons hollovcd to bo rcsponslbl for tho agitation against tho cmplo) mont of Jnpaneso In tho Blaln (Jb cannorlos. Near tho scono of tho oxplpsloi was a placard which read: "Put oiij tho Jnpaneso or thoro will bo spmd tmng worso tuuu tins nnppou. ; t AT THE HOTELS ' Chandler Ivan 0. Uilrd, J. E. Cowan an wife, Lakeside; J. C. Johnson, Pol Beach; B. K. Lawson, Coding Grovo; It, L. MacLcay, Weddorburn C. S. Howatt, Portland; S, Week! Myrtlo Point; S. L. Williams, Ban! don; Joseph Kyfo, Jr., San Fran cIsco; W. A. Bechtol and fumll Oakland; A. II. Thomas, San Josoj airs. v. i", jqwoii aim uaugnie Gardiner; H. J. Nollson, Portland,i Rox Wobb, San Francisco. At tho IJojil O. Torroy, Snu Frnnclsco; Chaw Rlchort, Bandon; J. W. Roma. East sldo; Mrs. Ellcfson and family, Gold Beach; Mrs. J. Martin, Norway E. Wilson, Bandon. At tlio Blanco. Krod Nlomo, Blue Rldgho: Job Wasson, South Inlet; Mlko Grow an T. Matklns. South Inlet; Oha Erlckson, Powors; II. W, Wilkin: Ten Mllo; Otto Muotzel, Ton Mllo Robt. Evans and T. Forbes, Te Mllo; II. C. Hanson, Lakeside; AlTOV fred Larson, Lakesldo; O, Poteri hon, Ten Mile. At tlio St. Laurence Hotel E. R. llodson, Coos River; Cha Holmberg, City; Murlce Largo, Sc attlo; Mrs. N. M. Young, Lakeside Mrs. II. T. Wnrron, Gardluerj W. Jlyrlck and wife, Gardiner. Callluc enrrts prtntcl at Tlio Tims offlco. - IN Bono, rone- anou) la sitm Ite- ' ki fr