ii si 'iSlt i t Si tT wli TiinWHrTTwiiffiifMiMiMlBintflww THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR ?"Y1f"lQ RAV '"PTArP I ,mvo not hccn abl t0 nccumM,ato a jJJO Dr. I A 11V1EO bunk account and life Insurance pol- .. .,..,.,.,. .-,.. ..! Icy, there Is commonly some fault or JAjaB'Snnfffti'-elc. Too fluently it Is the unwl.l- I ingness 10 start in a smaii way Official Paper City of Marshficl Entered at the Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls na second-class mail matter. i Other couples have found a better way. They havo learned that where sentiment and romance exists, very little proof Is needful for am bltlous young people. An apart ment of a few rooms In a town's out skirts costs little, and a chicken yard nnii vpirntnlilfi carden make savings 6-M ' possible. Exchange. v I OX AtTltOACIIIXO IIALDXKSS BUUSCIUITIOX KATES DAILY. Ono yoor Per month ' WEEKLY. I b B Wpild strict' in VdVanco.e $ Buuscnption puco 01 mo ljoob nay w TH THF TFA trimn. la K (in nar vnnr nr t9 KO fnr i Hi I I I I I I I U I l- j IIIILil VUtVV w w j jm v fFaais'v w six monlus., AND THE TOAST ' An Independent Republican nows paper, published every ovenlng ex ,copt Sunday, and weekly, by -Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. W ' I I HI .1 I.I I M Address all communications to COOS HAV DAILY TIMIIS. ". ! $ I THE ADVEIlTISIXfl THAT PAYS s ;oon evemncj PEAKING of tho advcrtlsliiB con-1 ventloti recently held In Chicago, I the San Francisco Examiner . a It is one of the illusions that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write It on your heart that every day Is tho best day In the year. No man lias learned anything rightly until he knows and feels that every day Is his doomsday. Car-lyle. (Words by Dave Stafford; Music by Don Gardiner.) I didn't raise my hair to go nnd Icavo me! I raised It for to cover up my bean; One time I had a mop of hair, be lieve me, Hut now the hairs are few nnd far between. I've used "Hope for the llald," by (tiarts and gnllons. Yet I am getting balder than an egg! Tho pesky files they think My head's n skating rink! I didn't raise my hair to go nnd leave met Dave Stnfford. A Coos Hay man will admit that he Is liable to make mistakes until he hnppcus to make one and then hu Insists that he is Infalllablc. OX THE OTHKIt HIDE (V TOWX truly says: "Tho world has learned that 'It pays to advertise,' and It Is the United States that has taugnt tho lesson. For modern advertising,1 8stomatlc, attraltive, persistent, cf- flclent and truthful had its origin In 1 tltfs cduntry and has reached Us 'The breeze Is like a brother, nnd highest development here. So thor- " a message sweet; oughly has It been demonstrated thatiT1, trccs nro WttVln' welcome whore ,'no proposition properly advertised tho lights nnd shadows meet; can possibly fall, that there has been, T1, restless birds abovo us-they croaled a belief that any business shake the blossoms down; proposition can bo, a success by adver- There's a fence 'twlxt Life and troub ling, however worthless tho article '. " the other side o town. offered, or tho business Involved. Un- 'happily In too many Instances this Jy f a'"1- H'acos, Our idea of a Hnttlo Hoy- nl would bo to herd all tho knockers Into one ring and mnke them fight It out Immoral and indofeiiBlblo theory has been upheld by tho facts. Tho laugh ablo play, which has held tho stnge for nearly a year, depicted tho suc cess of a pair of adventurors In creat ing, by advertising, n demand for soap at a dollar a cako which cost five cents, and Is worth no more, Is not so far from tho truth jib to arouse disbelief. Hut It Is far Indeed, from tho ethics or tho now advertising which demands honosty nnd good faith of tho advertiser." WIIK.V WILL THE WAIt END THEHE Is moro talk of probable peace In tho near future. A re port via Loudon credits tho Gorman emperor with saying tho war will end In October. It may bo au thentic but It Ib probably not. Never theless the war may bo nearer tho closo than tho world realizes. Judgo Gary, head of tho steel tiust, says that each of tho big war ring nations Is sincerely sorry the wnr was started. Gary should know sluco his corporation is selling muni- tlpn to tho fighters. If tho rulers nro Frlendly-flno nnd sweet; If Love should meet und greet you Thero'd bo lilies ut his feet. Wo'vo given tho thundor-muslc of tho city's whirring mills For tho peaco tho plain Is breathing for tho restsong of tho rills; No stormy streets of traffic no sky that wears a rrown, With u fence 'twlxt LIfo and trouble on tho other sldo 'o town. I QUESTION KOIt THE DAY Whtit has become of tho old fash ioned bride- who had her picture tak en with her hand resting on her hus band's shoulder? A Coos Day woman hates the nows paper that abuses her husband. It breakB up her monopoly of tho prod uct. In nearly ovory Coos Hay family tho tonus "father" and "gont" nro synonymous. AMERICAN ASSAULTED (tly Auioclitt'I rrcil In Coon 111, TltnM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, July .'10. Representations wero sent by the Stnto Department today to Zapata, via Mex ico City, regarding tho re parted assault by Zapata sol diers on Allan Mallory, nn American citizen near Pu ebla. The message follow ed closely representations t.i Carrnnzu, Villa and Zapata, asking if in the name of hu manity, that railroad com munication to Mexico City bo opened to provision trains o J'TXKKAIj today Services lleltl 0cr Itcniiilns Mrs. Ilclcno ONeti of S ' "Tur'ttri ISM IfGARDEN I m QUEEN Jf IB. AH EXQUISITE 1 jig PERFUME II Iraul Rieger&fo I U' sm FRANCO J! Another Supply of those Special Trial Bottles the wonderful new perfume that all the ladies are talking aW - regular 25c novelty pottles to Jicjsold our customers, only 1(J The news of this new discovery in perfumes spread Vfil that our first supply was Konc before one-halt the ladies hnd secured on. nV t- inc. n itntt fC ir. JllUliUl uiuv-iuix wn.,-it.v t,v. oillll II cnni F supply to this city to be distributed tomorrow on the sume special q) I ' 5 Saturday Special & 9 for a Regular 25 Trial Bottle No "matter what perfume you usc"nowyoushould surely compare this different kind of perfume. It is new not like anythii irrm r.mv lunr conn Afiifli' v n new lrnfPK: flint. tirnivc tlin f nm ; '"':'.;: .w yr-rv"?'":: x .t tv;x vv tj: ": , v"-m bucai inu lull, uuuiLy lniiituuu ui uiu ju:i;iu iiuwuis. v jjcwi subtle, appealing and it lasts four times as long as ordinary perfume; it TradcMarlCRcgistcrcci; Picture Shows Novtltv TWal Uottltt'' Tho funeral of the late Mra. lk-l-uno Olscn was held this afternoon nt 1 o clock from the Wilson L'n- di'HuliB parlors. The hoi-vIcos wero conducted by Itov. Jtoht. K. DiowiiIuk of tli'i KplHcopal Oh.itvh. j Thrro was quite n lurRo attvnduire, nan coming from Umplro on a special boat to attend. Cnpt. Slco-,' 1 of tho Hoamer who was in Weddur-' burn nt the time of Mrs. 01s"ii's ' death, arrived overland. Tho lur-! lal was In Marshfleld. There wjro ninny floral offerings from friends of tho family. LOCKHART-PARSONS DRUG Co- BROWN DRUG CO. RED CROSS DRUG CO. - ssss. ( r J Perfume $1,00 per ounce any quantity desired - W:us Itncvx. Knos, a Jockey who spent somo time hero last fall with Chas. .McClees, has been wlnnlnc Your choice of odors: Garden Queen, Mon Amour, Kose, Lily' of the Valley, Violet and Lilac. Be sure and get this beautiful package today. Try Mon Amour- "The Sweetheart of Perfumes" or Garden Queen, the latest-' penume sensation and most laslnonable odor. Dfon't"Miss This .Chance "nfeSi unique Trial Hottles to oflcr ut tliis special pricu of lOc.To bu burc of gellb ouc, call tomorrow at miy atorc in this list. ; t LOCAL OVERFLOW t1 Called to (.'airtlner. Dr. A. L. ' E MM uu V III! It's all rlBht to talk of mortest 1 80mo of tho b,B rnces nt Uono tho Ho,,soworlh W!'s called to Oardiner sorry they may bo glad to nmko! worth but tho trombono plnyer In-!1"181 W0CK- Uo roUo nt tl10 Coqullloinis morniiiB to perform an opera Tltll' KltOM IKK.'l'i: IllVKU .MAIHJ IX (.'ODD TIMK variably attracts moro attention than tho -violet, I Till: WISH (iUV SAYS: I .; "A Brass widow Is never us green as sho looks." peaco. In addition to this wo havo tho BUKKCstlou from Ambassador Item ptorff regarding nl possible iiKree mout botweun (lermany and Urltaln over sea warfare methods. However, tho flKhtliiK goes on and nolthor sldo has been whipped. Therefore it may bo hard for them to iiKree on terms. Knch sldo will have domnndH tho other Mill not want to Kraut and tho slaughter may 4ontluuo for mouths to come. As to tho duration of the war one guess' Thoro , B0no ,,8(.llS8on ng 0 seems as good as tho other. Iho Klt.tIl0 propor Wy ,0 BCpvo q fnit chener guess was that It would last , NV8on Krtuflmm m(y8 u Bho1,d to three yours and tho prediction may Bcrved wlth nnauatll0tlc yet to be fulfilled. Kxcluuigo. ' When a doctor gives up liopo ho summons the family. When u law yer gives up hopo he applies for a writ of certiorari. If, however, you can deliver the valley races after having been off tho ' tlon for appendicitis. track for several years. BOAT WILL NOT BE MOVED FOR FEW DAYS J Old Xui'tlmest Is KlontliiK 1 tut Trip to Sea Is Delayed 011 Iteijuest Itiiili'ilck Macleay, District Atloiney lohiisiin unil Col. Lawsoii Mako I'p T.'io I'nity Koderlck Macleay. of 1'oribind. ! - Hvory old maid bolloves that a child should get a good spanking nt least nineteen times 11 day. WAIl AND Vi:ni)l,N(iS u 8UAM4Y tho number of wed dings Is a fairly well fixed pro portion, about us dependable us Tho old schooner Northwest, which has been floated by pumping out tho water, will probably bo moved for soveral days. Saw Deer. C'laudo Moon nnd V. Wiseman motored over from 1'owors today, coming in three hours. Last ovenlng. a largo buck lumnnii nut r tho brush In the road uhond of thorn j "" ' , "" ot l" vtoiiclurliuni Trad and ran ahead of tho auto for about iJ"B '"I'nny on Itoguo river. Dls- 100 yards beforo again taking to tho 1 nul Allonioy J"nson of Curry brush. county ami Col. I.awson arrived in tho dtp.' hut ovonlng from jCnrry county. Thoy loft Hoguo rlvor at fi Abstracts f'.m mUAAUhU AIISTICACTH OK TITJ.IS AM) IM-U1UU&: AllOD'i COOS BAY REAt ESTATE, See FITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., MAItSIIKIiai) AND COQUIhLIS CITY. OHKCOS GKXKItAl AfilCNTS, KASTSIDK AND SHNGSTACKK.VS Amj AOKNTS KOIt CANADIAN KACIKIO JtAIMtOAO IAAW IIKXKY SMXf.'STACKH.V, MANAfiHK rainfall. Somo discussion has been Ko', the fact thnt you havo cig-' floats there is a good deal of hurry A. K. I 'oct Honored. Attornov Ar not , thur IC. Peck today received Ills 10- "' "' '" attorney Johnson's car und Tho appointment as U. S. Comnilsshmnr "rovo ,0 """don mid thoro took tho Port Commission wns ready to tako ! tv a torm of four years beginning' Ruto Ht"B ,0 JI'hflolil nnd got tho boat out to sea, but tho mill tomorrow. Tho appointment Is made. "ur" '" tlino for llnnor last ovenlng. by U. S. Judgos Iloan and Wolvertou. ! Co1 L,W8'J" "lor (lovornor West Mr. Peck was appointed to fill out wnH '" c,mrB0 r the state penltou tho unexpired torm of Chas. 11. Snii.v t,ar' nt Snlom. With his family ho about tho old schooner. When sho and tho excellent work ho hns dono in i ll"8 l,co" tn,1"K vacation in Curry rested on the mud with her hold , that capacity secured his roappolnt-;1 ,nty' Co1, 'llw8on Is quite well full of water nobody wanted to both-! went, which will bo gratifying to hls'I:now" '" t,, 8tat0 ns 1,e figured con or with her and It took a long tlmo ninny friends hore. 'splcuously In tho Copporflchl eontro- before anything was dono. Now, j vorsy whllo serving under (lovornor1 since It is found that tho vossol MRS. KM MA r. X'lfk'i.M ,....1 mi., West. It was at the same dm,. 11..,, peoplo asked that thoro bo a fow days' delay. There is a good deal of Joking started by n notable falling off in tho ni"no 8tallm " 'our lingers will Jssuo of HooiisoB to marry In the city."01 "n,,'l,P ' you In obtaining of New York. Kor Juno the figures " Jol' wero 13 per cent under last year. ' ' Tho officials uttrlbuto it to war and war conditions. In Chicago thoro Iiub been a falling off of about 11! per cent attributed to cool Juno weather. Huston also shows u decided decline, whllo Washington and Phil adelphia show small gains. Tho iiuestlon how far the marriage rate Is affected by social, economic, or other conditions is an Interesting subject for tho debating society. Poo jilo'of alien birth who havo friends buffering misfortune ucross tho wa ter, might now fool less inclined to wedlock. An unusual period of utorniy weather Is said to affect bust nss. It merely keeps tho public at homo from shopping expeditions, but merchants do not feel as hopeful and confident. Possibly prospective brldo grooms view tho support of a fam ily with less buoyancy. Unquestionably porlods of slow business do havo an effect to delay weddings. Modern prudence lias wandored somo distance from tho "lovo In a cottage" idea. Indeed, if the nvorago couplo contemplating matrimony could see a cottage, they' would feel bettor. "I.ovo in n ten ement" would express bettor tho prospect confronting many modern, lovers. If young peoplo havo kopt their tro(h for soveral years, and , about moving her and somo declare thnt sho Is worth fixing up for a barge. PEACHES for Canning Wo will receive a large shipment of choice California Early Crawford Peaches on Monday's steamer. Give us your order now. We have a nice line of Cantaloupes and Melons for Saturday CHOICE COOS COUNTY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Wolcotfs Grocery , SELECT GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES 398 North Front Street. Telephone 97-J. I.Ida . I. Curtis, slstors of W. 11. Cur- M,BS 1''orn "oljb8 was sent by the tK arrived today on tho Ilreak- (iovir"or to Coppcrflold. EAT SPKIALSt w..tc riwii! Soarsport, Maine, for r.u extended visit at tno turtls Jiume, aftor which they will visit tho fair In San KnincUeo nnd ex pect to spond tho winter In California. Tomorrow, Saturday, m, mil M) meals for I ho follow In-; ,nv prlcts KOIt CASH ONLY Por Lb Dmm and WBNERWUK .Made in our own shop by experts nnd only the W'f L "fed. You cannot get heller ones nny pluco In tho lounUj-H " " will iitivo some cliolco Sprlne; Chickens for l'rlW Saturday's Undo-. lino fryers. . , Wo also havo some cliolco beef, pork nnd cl. m.,i ,,i,,,,Jl"w!,,",,' ",!,,. " K,vo MH'dnl attention to 'phone .-..,. ........ ,,, ;,i,,V u . THE UNION MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. Phone 58-J. 174 south Broafcf m CAPT. J. W. SHAVKK. who is i,v ily Interostod In a big towboat lino i on tho Columbia river and wife left IIo,ll"K I,Gofa tilt in tholr auto via Allogany today r"u mm Uoor ..ISJK', lie I- Yi to lie I.",e 15c 15c 15c He iiJic for tholr homo. Thoy came'ln with ' c,,ol0 ,,0t "nt Mr. and Mrs. J. .A. Kngllsh who111"1"" lUnMi nro visiting at tho homo of tholr l.S,rl0,n Stoak "' daughtor, Mrs. Chas. H. Hall j'l'-Hono Stoahs ... ' Hound Steak . . , l Itlli Steaks ! Mutton Stow . . . XOTICKTO CONTItACTOItS Sealed bids will bo received until sllol'lor .Mutton uoon. Monday, August nth. i t 5. SliouIUor Mutton Chops njij,. " inu i-uiisirucuoii or u school u,,ll" i,-u. building at Powers, Oregon, for ' Io1" Ml,tto Chops j,-,,. School District No. Si. j Lo' Vonl Chops '.'.irn Ooiiorul work, plumbing and heat- I'oln ,'ul"b Cll0l,a '. . . . lilc ing io no let in separate contracts nans nnd specifications for ih work ninv bn honn n Mm .. . Should Poi-k- i?rnot "iiuu 01 . . ... ...... 1 "in. S. Turpon, Archltoct, Marsh-1 ,olu ,,01'k 1 ueiu. urogon. , '' or Pork A certlflod chock for flvo per cent ' Cor" I,eot of tho amount of bid must nccoin-! V,'al stow pany bid. Shoulder Vonl Vacation Days At Goodwis HNE CAMPING GROUNDS EXCELLENT HOME COOKING J.ok of Lamb ,., Pork f'hniio e ... '- l.o I5e He Klc 1( SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING l DANCING PAVILION boats The right Is resorvwl by the school board to nccopt any, or re ject all bids recoived and no bid nm uo considered accepted after contract Is signed. "WM. S. TntPKN'. 'Shoulder Aeal Chops C... I,,,:, . ' :"""S "" Mrh,noH lauc ... "' "I'ccd laiincli ImvIhu """iiw.1 at .i m ,iiiv , ," ,,ihi lll'l'iv- until Some choice spring Chickens Iwiu , "? i'M""w' ''v h..i. for fryers Ma,,.,f,e,(! --"" Lncerpnsc Market l'nne ZT 1,,,,,,,e !J,(,X! juiiieis, or iii(ii'U f ,,,., ., ,,, Coos Counl People should mah. 1 Hotel Terii;! their lieadiiiailcis ( (ho MxH'l irocalcil on .Maiket "'i I'Y'iry liiilldlng. I" '"' cltv nnd on dlivft f to tho eMiosltlo" V Vino rooms nml iea! W m duiM'ysH i mm MB mm- I .Wll IC - IH.S , -TS, fiteuu . . l' iWJMtM Tlfttfi llalubow. THE ffiTn222IHffi .ggijHirmffgiwrrr