THREE . h .. inuu; ')i ! -j ENTRAL ', a VOL. 1. . i CKNTILUj AVNNUK, FRIDAY, ,IFLY id), 11)1.-. So. r, THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. The Avenue Booster w if' t i- St ' Got those films tonight at VTEe Owl" THE CENTRA JWENUE DRUG STORE THE KODAK STORE FOE CANNING -- , i i 1 1 i i -M 1 1 - -i it We have some of fcfoe choicest which we aire off f eiriing while they last at the special price off, per boss 75 W ... Also a complete line of other Fruits and Fresh Vege tables from Coos and California Gardens and Orchards. wllk!"v"''- ' id Plm GET THE HABIT tip iiitoi'i'ixfj into this rn:i-M'ooi stori: IT WILL PAY YOU For tho picnic or limrli e huio n lull Unit of tho licsl In-mid of CAXNFM POOD PROIIFCTS ROAST BEEF CANNED BEEF DRIED BEEF h ..SARDINES SALMON LUNCH TONGUE VIENNA SAUSAGE V Also n full line- of the famous " Alwn li fuintili.t.l Hint ill I.'ip.Ii jf- We always eairy cier.WhiiiK to ,t Ollivamit & I'L'iti: pood ROMP. OP IIRINZ Corner Third and Central. -Make Your Home Beaufcifuf A Limn .Moner uuil u Sprinkler will do ninth towards keeping jour ,, . lawn In fine shape. f AVo.linvo them lu tho host makes. .lust loot; nl our window. BSHFIELD ;..- Central Avouiio When In of Fire, Life and Ma- which rme, insurance insures, see I x ' Want 1111 rail II RV tTFaHl EINld NASBURG GROCERY Corner Central Avenuo und Second Street. SHRIMP VEAL LOAF DEVILED MEAT MINCED CLAMS llehu Picnic Relishes ( l'i'iiltv inifl VitfNliitili. " I ho founil in (ho ninrlcrl. Weaver ;noci:its .".7 VARIKTIPS Phone 199. ECO. mid Hroadway. "Meet Me at The Smokehouse" That's what wo want you to toll your filonds. Pso our chairs, uso our lobby or telephone. AVe nro only log fclad to bo of .service. Wo havo ull tho big leaguo scores ovory ovs nliiB. If you want tho lulost inagnzinM, a good ainoko, the host that an up-to-dato tobacco shop cun furnish or ti oujoy a good Kamo of billiards or pool, wo will bo glad to havo ou drop lu. h wh Never Start lit!iif That Yon Can't Stop i. tiihckvi'imilavkxi-ijiioosti:!: PiihRshod Piety Friday in the Inter-1 est of Coos Hay 'In (.'eneml and Central Aicniio In partlculnr. I ('i:Tit.ii a i:ri: .vrxs - .Many Pcltnlcker. A Inrgp iniiu-i her of tlje yomiKer wet Cooh Rivored Sunday Out on an Outing. A large dol-. OR.tli)ii or our pronilueit cltlens Sunda.ed in llaudou. A lively time 'was had. Hard lank. Will Clmndlor's old iIok "Sandy" got Into a flBht with another dog totlier day and not only Kot llckt hut also ketulit fleas from lilm. Tim Wcilher. It looks like a shower at this writlns. IATKIt It lias showered slino wo wrote tho ahoo 1n t tho weather Is fair us wo KO to press. Telephone PtliiucMo. Prank Co han wants to know what to do wheh Central sas "I am ringing tliein." before you toll her tho nuinher, and wants to know what It is a hIku of when, ufler uit talk to your putty for five inlnutes' or so, Central cuts In and says, "Party couldn't wait." What Is AVatited. .lay Doylo dropt Into the Iloostcr office one day tills wk. and nskt us If wo could take old clothes in oxrh. for subscrlpllons which wo told him wo wouldn't. We always huve nioro old clothos than wo cun wear out lu the next 10 yrs. What we need Is new clothos. Help Piiclo Sam. Hugh Mcl.uiu, our arcominudutluK P. AI. nskt us to request that the patrons of tho V. O. .Mall more mull mutter at tho post offlco tlian they have been do liiK recent or else his next iiiart- lorly report will make a iiirrlhlo poor showiiiK with tho P. O. I)ept. at WashluKton. IIiirIi says tho sulo of stninps lately has been turrlblo ioor. SMiiii-:-Aviiirji? ciiunn cp Lot smiling bo your mission, P.rln, and do not bo afraid; l'or a sunny disposition Casts all trouble In tho shade. Arthur Hohrold. smiu.'-a-wiiiu: A PltPAIC IX TVPI3. HHIti: Is n line of typo tlinl roads oxiutly the sanio from eltlier " a onil: "Able wns I o'ro I saw lOIba." This romnrkablo sontonce Is cred ited to Napoleon Houapnrto, and It Is said there Is not another lino of typo In tho world that reads tho satuo from either end that equals it, S.MIIINA-WIIIU: T Wo will lower the hlnli cost of livliiK by selling IMPERIAL FLOUR $1.50 PER SACK CASH ONLY Only Two Sacks to One Pnnilly This Is u (iuuruuteed Flour Central Aieniie. Phono 52 &" 9, turday HAN DisadYamta " has no monoy with which to tnko jujvnniago of tlio inuny opportunltlos that come his way 'JURAL OP PORTUNITY comes only to tho man with ready monoy." Why not stnrj. saving Right Now and ho ready. Wo will holp you along by giving you 1 por cent on your savings. CREATES 'CONSTERNATION U ' u iVlisoiiro iif, (ii'o. M. Cook l'om M(o .Meeting Onuses 'Considerable i Wcn'ry-ils1 h!pfulneil For thu second time in the his- tory of IiIh nieinbeiship in lliu looso Lodge, our fellow citizen, Couiull- man (ieo. 13. Cook, wlio uIko holds the honor of being secretary tf thai organization, failed to bIiow up at the meetiuK tills week. Tlicr"iipr)ii Mol Duncan leporlcd Unit Urolher er they wanted them for four Cook must Iiuno sustained a broken .o'cloik pink tea or for i set of Ior or somotUliiK more seilous anil tenuis or croiiuet they did nut an il, e sick committee was arr.iiiKliiK nouiice. The unexplained absence to send fjowers the next day when caused more -worry as tho slirdes Our OeorgofAppearcd on the scone. 'of eventide settled o'er tho buy with lie bashfully uuuuiiuced that hi; hud Kouo to ills stole tho night before to do a little book woik Indole KoIiik to lodge and had jdcko'l up a paper and while rending it h.ul till Inn iibleep. It Is needless to say thai it was not Tho Ilooste: that ho wus roadlng, but It aa pofjilbly a fdoopy coutemp. SMIMI-A-WHir.i: I 1'KItSOXAIi Sll-J.N'TIO.V. ARTHUR K. P13CK took lunch with Hen Plshdr tho OthOr dny and'thoy talked nbout1 the other lawyers. DAVIS STAPFORH says "I will' ad mit 1 have lost a good deal of in hair, but 1 kcI some comfort out of tho fti'dt that 'I still huve my vermiform appendix. I.. Ii. THOMAS who is Konorally on tho sick list is on a sicker list , than usual tills week being as ho ' had a set buck as U result of his strenuous 'trip to liundoii thu first of tho wk. CS KO. R. ANUKRSOX has beop ap pointed assistant advertising nun HBer of Tho Rooster uhd may ho expected to 'Blngor 'thlnss up.' He has adopted tho slogan "Don't he u Tllowud." FRANK COHAN Is expected homo from Porllund In n dny or two und when ho' uri'Ives vo niny ex pect hoindtliliig lively doing. Prunk always hrhiKrf 'lioin6;a lot of, new Ideas when he goes to the uictrop- 0,lH' r-'RHD'WHAVKlhs already ph'iiinlng on his annual hunting ' trip to Ilrowstor Valley. In . fact with Prod It Is Justine .doggone hunt uftor another, lie Is either 'mut ing customers or hunting dollars on hunting for n hunt most ull tho time. IIKN CIIANDK.KIt wlillo choipIng down a tioe'oli.tlli! hit whore lio Is building his now house chopped Into u nail which somebody Juid drove ilito tho tieo and nicked his axo to uch an extent that it took t hi en hours holld .work to grind out tho nick on tho grind stone, lieu says If ho'could Just get hold of the fiend lu human form who druv Unit hail Into that tree ho would shako 'em until their teeth rattlud. Thayer Climes says ho didn't do it. SMlIiK-A-WHlLH AN AWFUIi AFFLICTION "It must bo nu awful nffMctlon for u singer to le.illzo that alio has lost hor voice," obsorvod John Fer guson in n philosophic mood. "May ho" remark oil John (loss, Dot It Is a greater affliction when hho lias lost hcr'volco and doesn't1" DENTIST rcallzo It." KMIUNA-WIIIMJ THIS IS T1JK lIFF,! Oli, see the poor man suffer! My! Why duos ho groan and twist und sigh? lie's tho Rooster Kdjtor and, folks He's thinking up his Friday Jokes, Don Lawyer. B43W.C -;W s I , Ji I MUM 'I I t WwA PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE I '.Tho Well-known and Popular Young .Meu ('lento Sensation hy l.e'.iiiug City W'lthout .Nut leu Last .Monday afternoon .lay Doyle and A. K. Pock, two of our lending young 8iinslety .men, did uver.Ulilns i but turn in ;i call for the pulleo or 1 1 Ho dcimitiuuitt in lliulr Uieuubusi oIl'ortH to locate their pals, Midge Welsh and Claude Thompson. Whoth- out any word Horn .MhlKc or Claude Tlioieitpou the telephone vas (.ailed into play and other search made, hiild searcli contiuiiliit; lute, .vbout a. in., the inissIiiH! ones nro s'.'.td to havo been located by th-j low or a camp flro on South Coos ltlvor. where all hud left the moiu beturr:, smiuca-wiiiu: P. D. PUCTCIIKR threatens to bring suit for libel against our esteem ed contemli, Tho Times, because of tho picture It printed of him which wus' taken ut Dandon. "Plelch" kujb his face looks as if it was made out of flour that Is sold hy A'.'-' T. Haines and tho H'asl didn't woik. When Dallies roads this he'll probably sue Fletcher for libel. I lore's a chanco I oi sumo attorneys to put their card In The Dooster's professional directory and boost their busi ness. , smilp-a-wiiim: ,, ItOOSTUU WANT COLUMN AUTO t itoni: LOST. The other- evening while coming homo from Dandon where. I had been playing In the baud, 1 had tho ter rible calamity to lose an auto robo out of the auto somewhere between Diiudon ami Mnrsliflold, but I don't know Just where. All I know Is that I bad that auto robe when 1 left llaudou and JLdldu't havo It when i arrived in Marshfleld, so It stands to reason Unit 1 lost It along tho I nnd If umio ii aiitunn n I t imlm " 4b "tio an in in ui tiinw tuuu und I only bought It a few days be fore mid paid $2.'JU for It. Now, 1 hnto to lose this auto robo like ev erything and 1 will thank whoover picks it up to leave it at tho Rooster office, where I will call for It. 1 know Homoboity must of plekt It up because 1 went over tho road bright and early tho next morning und couldn't Hud H. I wisli to say that whoever finds tills unto robo and returns it to mo will get thelrsolf liberally thiinkt. If somebody finds and keeps It, thou lake warning, for in that case tho law must tako Its course. ir 1 would find nu unto robo of yours I would return it to you at onct providing 1 knowed to who It belougd and I would expect you to do tho same hy me. Yours for tho lost auto robo, D. C. VAUUIIAN, D.D. Central Avenuo. Dll. v. a. toyi;, Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 5. Room UO 1, Irving Hldg. Central Avenue. Maishflchl wraifiin i m " IAMERAS and'VthM HKRE wo havo the Ansco Speedex, the high est development of the folding camera. Comes in three sizes at $45 to $55. Other Anscos, $2 up. See them all. We are headquarters for everything; photographic. Coos Hay Sl.itlonery Co. Phono l;l(). IKI Central Ave, If 'mmm BSJ It- A i HARRY .M'ICKOWN haan't returns,! from the game tialls or Reeds poit and The Rooster Is compell ed to disappoint Its leaders lu the thrilling talcs of adenlure prom- ised for this week. His long' stay Indicates some wonderful hunting and fishing stories when j he nrrives. Wntch next week's Doostor LATKR Harry Is hue It A Regular Vacation To visit our Soda Fountain , Clean, invigorating and pleasant surroundings are what you find here. The thirst disappears in a jiffy and Oh! how you hate to break away. A Box of Stafford's Delicious Candy should be in the lunch basket. Stafford's Samtary Fountain Central Aenuo REHFELD Myrtle Wood Novelties FOR SOFVKNIRS .IKWI'Rj liOXKH, XFT HOWLS, CARD TRAYS, XAPKIX Itl.VflS, ( '.x us, di.ovi: ax iiaxukprchikp roxks, tarlfs, CHFSTS, CHAIRS, VF.MIFR AXI) Ll'.MIIFR IX TDK ROUCill. Speclul Older Work a Specialty Phone t!7."-J. l!'JO Central .cnuo ANSCO, PI L SI S Fine Fruits and Vegetables Wi: HAYi: THU CIIOICICS THAT Till! SAN FHAXCISCO, PORT IjAXII AND COOS COPXTY (JROWFRS cax furnish, iihri: ari: a fi:w sc(.(ii:sTioxs Wax Beans String Beans Peas Cabbage ' Cauliflower Beets Turnips Carrots Cucumbers Ripe Tomatoes Green Onions Prunes Lettuce Bell Peppers COOK'S GROCERY Phono VERYONE shooldl Ihaveclotlhesto clean JAY. DOYLE is the Clleaimeir call anywhere anv time. 2."5(l Central Avenuo Get Insurance that Insures That's the kind I write. You take no chances E. I. CHANDLER COKE BUILDING Plio Insurance, Idle mid .cefd-u( Insurance, Surety Hondo, K(c. Ed Meade, ARSOLUTFLY FRHi: SHiikj" peoplo aro not hoos(cij The kuocher is simply a mult; With each liov of Pusley's cmdy, I kIvo .miii n purple peanut. lid. Me.ule, Grafter. Noble Theatre. CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE , PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTR0LAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms if you cannot pay all cash. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wiley li. Allen and W. It. Haines Music Stocks ;t Central Aieniie. with a had wountl in hlfl rluhe linnd. Read next week's Rooster for full details. SMILK-A-WIIILF, . ALL TOCP.THP.i: It may turn, wet, it may turn dry, Dut don't forget ' To swat tho fly. Rny Olllvnnt Phono Hd-L ?Q FOR THE BEST Cantalopes Water Melons Apples i Bananas Oranges California Grape Fruit Lemons Peaches '" Apricots 'nWHDl Grapes , Summer Squash Plums Etc., Etc. ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESS1VE 180. Phono 2."50-X Kandy Nook. Central Avenue. 1 M Jim SENSTACKEN the Insurance Man PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER 'AT TIED . Clhamidlleir Hotel Yrlo Gene Crosthwaite & Jim Kellond piti:i) .ipt ia;i:.s, iirbt AsbUtaut. Jbirsit atnonal Easnk Off Coos Bay The Hul oft Central Avenue Marshfleld, Oregon a flood Menu Central Avenue N "i