rPffffS?SwiffyT7ii TMSBjlilflHIl jt If ' V - i. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915-EVEN1IIG EDITION. TWO f iL .lor and Vnllon, n corroborating wit ness who wns not Implicated wns I needed. Sain Schepps, a dapper llt Itlo gambler who liad fled tho city. ,'wnu tliu man who could do this. Ho was fount! at 1101 springs, urn., brought back to New .York and tho Ivoplo's cane against Charles llcok- i or wnH complete. It went to trial on October 7, 1D12. I A verdict of guilty of first dngn-o I murder was returned at mldnlg'.it, nl for murder Immediately after (October 21, 1H12, after tho jury Docker. JJcckor had requested to bo! had deliberated seven hours and f If- BECKER DIES I ELECTRIC CHI (Continued from 1'ngo One.) executed first. IIISTOKV OF Til 10 CASK ty-poven minutes. Decker was sen tenced six days later to dlo In tho electric chair during tho week of December !, 1012. Within less than a month tho four gunmen were pla ced on trial as tho actual slayers, found Biillty nnd sent to the death hO'Ut. '(lit- Are Kxccutccl. .More than a year later, on Fub- runiy 2 1, r.n-1, tno court oi ppe.us ; (keh'od that Ileckcr should iUe n in'.v tilnl. Tho gunmen's conviction was upheld and they paid cho pen-, Iloscnthal asserted that Ileckcr then head of tho Strong Ann sintad of detectives, freely sold pollco pro tection and had accumulated thous ands of dollars of Kraft money. Itoscnthal went further than that. He sworo that Decker was his silent partner in a Rambling ontorprlso that failed and that Decker, anger ed by losses where ho had expected largo profits, milled tho Uoscnthat establishment nnd drove Uoscnthat out of business by stationing uni formed policemen on his premises day nnd night. 1'iihlNlicri Charges. These chargeH wore published nnd District Attorney Whitman began nn investigation of thorn. Ho summon ed Itoscnthal to tho Criminal Courts building and listened to his story. An appointment was made with Itos cntlinl for tho next day. Doforo tho tlmo came, Rosenthal was murdered. When tho nHsasslns had douo their work thoy ran across tho street, Jumped Into a grey nutomobllo which was waiting at tho curb nnd whirled nwny uptown. A bystander caught tho llconso number of the car. District Attorney Whitman, noti fied by telcphono of tho niurdor, reached tho pollco station where Hos cnthol'B body lay before dawn. Ho aroused his detectives from their sleep and spread a dragnet over tho city for tho murder cnr. u wns found before night. Its driver, Louis Shapiro, and Louis Llbboy, part own er, wore arrested and Mr. Whtttnnn assarted openly In nn emphatic state ment that tho pollco hud abetted tho murder. Openly Hmpodod. Decker's right to Save Llfo IMoiul cil Over Three Years IBj Ausclited rrtM to Coo. Btf Vlmn.J NKW YORK, July .'10. Herman Itoscnthal, tho gambler for whose niurdor Charles Decker was senten ced to dlo In tho electric chnlr, was shot to death by hired gunmen In tho early morning of July 0, 1012, In front of tho Hotel Mctropolo on,llv wlh tllclr veB on Air u Forty-thlrd strcot, a row steps nom ,,JH Qno of tho nmnbor( ..Dng0 Uroadwny. Tho murder was tho PrBk.. confc8St.(i tMe guilt of his1 s,wlft culmination of sensational lhre0 BMOclntcB but maintained his charges nindo n few days beforo by', lnnoccncc ma confession. I JCOBcnuiai ngnmsi licence jn "" mnda on the ovo of tho execution,, beenmo known tho day they wcro put ; to death. I Decker wos brought back to tho Tombs. His second trial was begun i May 0, 1011, and ended May 22, with n verdict of guilty. Ho was sentenced to dlo during tho wek of July G, 1014. An appeal was filed but tho conviction was upheld by tho higher court 111 n dooWlon handed down May 25, Inst, nnd tho dato of tho execution wns B?t for the week beginning July 12. Wlfo Was lioynl. Throughout Decker's troubles his wlfo remained loyal to him and was his constnnt adviser. Sho lnbored apparently without tiring in Ills be half, nsslstliig his counsel In jvnry possible way. Sho appeared to bo . crushed when tho Court of Appeals ' upheld his second conviction, but , spnn turned her energies toward eleventh-hour work to savo him. It ' wns largely at her urging that ho Joined in tho plan to ask Governor Whitman, his prosecutor, for clum- oncy. Waiting Itevcngo Thero waH ono other woman who, It i eports aro true, followed Decker's career through tho courts us closely as his own wlfo did. This wns Hor nmn Uoscnthal's widow. Soon af ter Decker's hocond conviction sho disappeared. Not long ago sho was fcrud, broken In health nnd spirit, mid living with an old-tlmo friend. "I am living for only ono thing," sho wns quoted ns saying "to sco tho day that Decker pays tho penalty." Now York City, already Interested J NORTH BEND NEWS In tho charges of pollco corruption, rnsiinniln.l in Jim ..w. f n. ,..! I ..., ..... ..w.ru w V lllll- I der as If to a call to nrms. Decker, who had been tho chief tnrget of HosenthnrH accusations, was openly City Recorder Maybco has figured out that ho will hnvo to sign his unuio 20f2 times on tho coupons nnd bonds suspected. lie was relieved of lila ' recently Issued by the city of North command of tho Strong Arm s(iind and transferred to tho Dronx. Jack Dose, his grnrt collector, walked In to tho Criminal Courts building tho day after tho murder and surrender ed to the District Attorney, declaring nu liad nothing to fear. Harry Vnl Dend. Tho bond Issuu wiib to clear up about $30,000 wnrranted Indebted ness of tho city. It. D. Hnzer says that $118 por month linn been pledged by business men Co support a wharf-1 luger for tho dock for smnll boats. Ion and Drldglo Webber, gamblers I U -L McKay was appointed for tho . nod friends of Itoso and Decker, placo. wcro arrested as witnesses. Tho Henry Dorgmnn In a letter to TCd-, grand jury began Its Investigations. Kar McDanlel says that Fred Hollls itoso Confesses. tor and his party averaged 171 miles Hobo lay In prison twelve days I per day In tholr auto trip from Coos without word from Decker, and, be-j Day to San Diego. Ilevlng his chief had desorted him, Jerry Kinney of tho Gorst nnd confobscd. Vnllon and Webber cor- Kinney lino has entered cinim to tho roborated his story. Ho told of his auto of John Vnnhurgor which Milo long association with Decker, of po-' IMorson recently attached for u $300 llco corruption which existed us Itos-. bill. Kinney says ho sold tho nuto to unthnl had charged, of thousands Vnnhurgor and It Is not paid for yet. collected by Decker for police pro-; Ho promises a lively legal scrap ov tectlou and, finally, of his com- er It. mission by Decker to arrange to Tho North Dend city council will hnvo Itoscnthal killed by gunmen probably adopt tho "White Wing" a commission he executed. systom of keeping tho now paving That night, July 20, District clean. A pubIi cart and man to keep Attorney Whitman suiuirioned the It koIiik Is nromlsed. (rand Jury by telephone and tolo graph, laid his evidence before It and within two hours obtained tho Indictment of Decker on a charge of murder. Four Indicted. Four Fast Side gangsters woro In dieted as tho actual murderers. Uoso had testified that these men woro assigned by "Dig Jack" .ollg, a gang leader who had been arrested by Decker's men on a trumped-up , charge, to do tho murder. They woro to receive $1000 nnd Zellg was to bo released. Zollg's orders had been Issued from tho Tombs to tho gunmen. These gunmen, known In tl.o streets of tho Kiut Side ns "(Jyp tho Dlood" Horowitz, "Luny-Luuls" Itos- Chief of Pollco Andorson hns gono to San Francisco to appear ns n wit ness In the counterfeiting cases aris ing from tho Allen gang which left hero on the Dnruacle, n small craft which proposed to mnko a long ernlso of tho const and which nsKod for financial aid from tho commercial bodies on tho bay as an advertising proposition. l'aul Schlllerstrom has gono to San Francisco to try and get a vessol to ply Into the Sluslaw regularly So take out tho lumber cut by tho Folnt Terrace mill In which he Is Interest ed. Gorst & King aro figuring on open ing a depot in the room fonuorly oc cupied by the Stein shoo storo as 1 -- ' ' Tm n g I f '',lh,v'"ilyJ HI m VBbhB I It mayor mavnot b Fatiina 93 m ? Get all the smoke-pleasure you pay for. Find the right cigarette a SENSIBLE one that fits your own likes and dislikes. c. Tastes diflcr in fnshions, foods nnd pretty Rirls. Also in cigarettes. A cigarette tlmh started out to plcusc every miin's teste would end up by pleasing none. Most of us like our cigarette smoke deliriously cool nnd refreshing. The Mexican likes his hot and dry, with n nice little peppery sting in it. Sonic men like a cigarette wholesomely, frngrantly mild. Others of us hunt for a cigarette almost as heavy as a black cigar. Most of us want nn "nisi cigarette n SENSIBLE one, so that no matter how steadily or how many we cmokc, we'll feci as lit as n fiddle. Other men, though, don't care about that. They smoke only :; few so they want a kick like u mule's in each pu(i! All of us want our smoke "full-bodied" it must .w.yy that smoke-hunger. Hut tho cigarette that just (ills the bill for yoxi may not do at all for your next-door neighbor. Somewhere among nil the brands on the market ;.v the. one just-right cigarette for YOU I Maybe it's the very one you have now in your pocket but are you SURE ? Maybe it's some entirely "different" cigarette it may or may not be Fatima. But "find it I" Until you do, you're cheating your celf out of n whole lot of smokc-plcasurc. Also you're wasting some money. How to Find "yours a To avoid blindly trying too many different cigarettes, ask yourself, first of all, this question : "Just what do I like in a cigarette ? " If you smoke only a few every day, you may prefer n cigarette which is rather rich or heavy nnd "oily." Or you may like one which has a rather strong "oriental" taste with a pungency almost like perfume. Or you may want a cigarette with that noticeably "sweetish" Egyptinn !unWp2 but this will help you find it flavor. But if you smoke quite often -if you would like to smoke whenever you feci like it and without any effect on the tongue or throat or any fear of a heavy or "heady" feeling ailerwards thvn you should choose some cignrctte such as Fatima, a cigarette composed of all-pure tobaccos of considerable aroma, mellowed by being aged and care fully blended to produce a fragrant and wholesomely mild, j'ct "full-bodied, ' ' smoke. And the smoke must be notice ably COOL. For otherwise your tongue or your throat will soon signal you to stop smoking so often. If you will ask any Fatima smoker, he will tell you that Fatimas never make him "feel mean" no matter how many he smokes. That is why Fatimas arc considered the most sensible cigarette by such a large majority of smokers. And that is probably the main reason why hardly amj Fatima smokers ever switch They like a sensible cigarette and one with a good, pure taste to it. But the Taste is up to You All cigarettes arc pure, but when it comer, to the taste, nobody can help you choose. You simply have to decide for yourself. Of course, Fntimn's taste may not appeal to you. But most men who try Fatimas like the taste so well that they seek no further otherwise Fatimas could never have won and held their enormous and growing leadership amounting to over one and a half BILLION cigarettes a year. ' k y A, The one purpose qf this advertisement is to nsk you in a fair and square way to give Fatimas ($0 for 15c) a good trial. If they don't happen to suit your taste, you'll quit smoking them of course. But if you like Fatimas as well as MOST men do, you'll be mighty glad you read this advertisement and ACTED ON IT I Below arc two simple tests which you can easily make and which may help you find your sensible cigarette. ' It may or may not be Fatima. But be fair to yourself and find "yours." found TWO fffWSJ-i- III CK clgurcttocon-.--, Largest clgnrctto manufacturer In theU.S. aa shown by Internal ltcvcnuo reports. CowrtoM, 101S, Uootti A ititri Tobata to mil f ii mmmmmmmmmmmm Hint fccUoK ..V..I MOW tV-AffiSSK-- Cu VUo rir: pojUo """:; ,c&wv XT. ri ii ..... . it vl "- iHrZum &vV.v' M I u. j i ).' FATIMA wat th Only Ogae WllW, , W" "' ht Panama I'acillc Inttrnathnal F.uft' soon for a trip to tho San Francisco Uo"' Crater Lake. Grants Pass and exposition. other points. l.'riut lulii..... l..... n....ii. . lra If v n... headm.arters for their M..pi.rii.i.l ...'". .. '." ,""",J "w",, . ' . "'"''. wno was re- onberg. "DaKo Frank" (Mroflcl nnd ! North Dend auto line. Thev say thai , , u , ?i i ' B " S",,th hn . ". '" " " th Nor,h V!eml "Wiiiim." i.u,i.. ...... .. . """Unlet which John llerrou nmi niiu.rs schools, has sent her rui,.,.nH,... . ., ,;;',r'r;; ;;;.;";:", z,ZJT,;:" .: s "sr-t ?.-- - " i ,"- ,","" rested, "Gyp tho Dlood" and "Lefty make a straight faro of ten 'cents!. ",es l0ft ',r'ay"m,1Bno "oes not Moct to reside In I Louie." were not found till Septom-, hetween the L clUes. fur, l h ", '" B...'K horortl. Dend next year. Her placo I ...... tiiiwui nils I I lit' It 111 I'ort Clrfnr.l IliaiUIS 110 SOVPIlt l -nrnn.. i.. ... leiepuouo. etc. besides tho nubile ' v.... . 7 ' '" ,,,0i ruriu i.enu leacuing staff for nokt w I'AltTV ItKTlltXS ,)eilr' 3IA.VVTIKSO.V HAX1 Day and will concentrate his efforts In California. Ho says ho has a 31- B" "-"i -."id oiuer no d- .losenli Fir,. i.. c . lugs at Monrovia, which win ,, " 'V.1!.'7'" "'w romimny . . "v bcr, hiding in a Drooklyn flat. Vlih them wore found their young wives who, to divert suspicion, had dyed their light hnlr black. Hchepps Is Found etc . hosldos tho nubile waiting room. Cnpt. Dorgman, forinor keeper of tho Sluslaw llghthnuso and father of Mrn l'l-.l.l ll.illlutnr I.. I... ..-..!... ... T nlvn o 1 I ' "',' '" I'I"W1IK ai- n.... . ...... I., in nu. ii'Humony tor a severe Illnevq i.eiKera tnreo nccompliuM who "u turned Informers, Hose, TO COXOM'DK DF.TAILS C. Going plans t nu ins rather, A. C. I'lling Them r, Joseph Fife, Jr.. cenernl nmnr.r , of tho Rstalirook company, Is In tho Cnpt. Dunson and wife and Mr. and Pltv ., 1....1 ,. . . ' " C C. Golnz nlani. n iv .,,.. 1" " . '"im. Mr. Flfo some time th his father, A. C n J Zr! ' T5 "css bought Portland to concln.m ,,.,. , ' ," w'u,,l "CTe tho Estahroolc - - n vyir i v will mriTHx noMi: k'lth business nssoclatos bought uruy interest In tho Estahroolc poinimny and assumed tho general linpHnn wlHi li ....1 - .. rv m I' :"'" Ul.,l,e ier-aagQment, Mr. Estabrooir r.i land wife and Mr. and' A. n. ni.. i ,n. . I .'."""" l,,u,e,l " "roauway aud from timt ,.i.i.. . . . . .. Mrs. Tlminn i! iinr. , .,...,.."'." . " .,v,v . ",D mu"""R r Anderson. Thev will . n i.,.n.i .. " "ua'"u" iook arter oth " - - t tiiiu ii.tiitzii-1 iiniiiinii iviintA itrt itiii n4i. . " .v MU4IU in- iiii ........ ' --.....-.. ... n.iiLiiu-iiu sieamer Ing. either hririr n ., ..... ' . lio SIN, Kate and Helen Monde, Rl-'ter returned yostor lav from heir, p. " Mmmn ,nB' elt!,er 1,rIclj c ,U .. I ", !-. w... U,voo trip to UF l.!1,: concrcto thero orests Mr. Flfo iimim,, r ........ . snond much ol H nnlltv. Ills ho01" l.n lining a W! l.or ronmany ' n mill at Eoreti ; Mr. Flfe,( piling tip a lal'l r.iifrni.i and'1 . ...DlnP.!!i"'i general um: ness is not s I' .....ollf " tno conu'"' . ties out of C1" Ml ntrf r K'l't heads, etc., fw w iu unnt nner tno hiiBl ,es8 here aa nt Dandou and will office. ""V nirfaauiiaLinRawln..i. - .v ftuiBHiiiin . afuiBAEiiaT?nriRrTnv9!iwrM. &xsmammmiivmK.WL iw is'' 1 1 : . , rpaMtum -- - - . .-- - " " -3 ' n.oforthoGo- Coo3 ,, ;",! " ' .,Tl..v,H" "