THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1915-EVEN1NG EDITION. FOUR M. O. MALONEV. Editor niul Pub. DAN K. MALONKV. News Kdhor p-kn td A "7 TTTITTThQ ,1,s f,,sl exaltation upon being tit LiVJUO 31 X lliVlCO, from thu shackles of Ills old ,llfo lie Ih it to suppose that, since tho order of UiIiikh ho has left be hind him meant tho denial of hull- Official I'ancr of Coos County , vicliml freedom, theiefoie tin- state Official 1'iiper City of Mnrshfiold. iof iu.,om inl0 hU'li he enters lieie'j implies (orresponcliiiKiy an uusenco of all necessity to submit to tho ex Igciiites ol fcoclul older. ri wmu II H U h JUW Vi r uy Of Besieged! City of Warsaw Has Population of 750j Entered at the 1'ostofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through Iho malls aa second-class mall matter. Win saw, upon which thu (iormutiH Hiixon. Kraslnsky ii., i,u (,. ' xsliiu. Is lv far the most lm- """'l Piiuiccs, '" ..i. ,...., .v - ,- -. -- - and numerous leal ii, In other wolds, that, while older ni.iy exist without liberty, there Ih no liberty conceivable with out older. It la the task of thu for-olsn-laiiBtiiiKe newspaper to bring this fact forcibly homo to him, and SUHSCIUITIO.V KATES IIAIIiY. Ono year $G.OO Per month CO WJ2EKIA. On anr . tl.fiO When paid strictly In ndvnnce tjio I am making no Idle boast when 1 subsctlptlon ptlco of the Coos Hay, say that It bus succeeded In iiteoin Tlmes Is ?5.00 per year or $2.50 for ,,,,,nb ts self-imposed task In u ,lx monlhs- icninikablo degiee. An Independent Republican nowa-' "I cluiiiictorlzod that task paper, published overy evening ex- as ono ol iiiukliiK u truo American cept Sunday, and wecKiy, oy The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY 1A If A" TIMES. iimtmiN i coos ASITGOESTION for a new Indus try on Coos Hay Is made In a communication contained In this Issue of The Times. Tho wrlt e"r tells of .the ease w Ith which ber ries of all klucN are raised in this locality and of 'the necessity of n cannery or factory where the fruit I oft the foielRii-born immigrant. Whether, after becoming merged in .the general citizenship of the conn- try, he remains u tine Ameilcaii or. not, depends, as it depends in the, 'ease of every one of us, be he foreign-born or nutlve, upon factors of . u multiple mini, unions wnieii me i Influence of the press of thu coun try Is peihnpB the most Important. Indeed. 1 could conceive at this par ticular time of no more uigent duty nmong the many duties Incumbent upon our press than that of keeping the mind of every citizen of this portant city In Russian 1'olnnd. contains about 7,"o,00U people, a ciunrter of whom uto of Jewish lin eage. It Ih built on the left hank of tho Vistula JtlviT and Is only ;:'" miles Horn Her I In. The city piopur and huvoial dense ly populatudw suburbs make up the town. In the older pint the streets ai cj narrow, and the houses hovel llgo but In the new section or the city tho government took hold mid laid out a marvelous scenic place with wide streets, pinks and boulevards, and hero are built the better clnss of homes and much of the better business section. Many unlieislt.v and . many other government struciuies, annuo ine city iiuitu a snow piticu mu ,10111 Ists. 1 Krom a coninii'rc lal Htiindpolut . Wiusiiw Is Imporliint also us thu , luanufactiiru of metiil, tobacco, to tiles, chemical products and inllllaiy .supplies mo enormous. Due to tho university, thu large factories for the manufacture of inii hIciiI Instrumunts und thu many his toric buildings the city has an lm-1 mouse Hentinienlal vnluu to the en tire world. The Russians, after their mptim 'or the city In liJJI, erected tin enor i motiH citadel in the city, while the rules befoie them had erected What'syour gasoline consump tion ? You burn less when you lubricate your motor with ZEEtOLENf the Standard Oil for Motor Cars Zcrolcnc gets more mileage by kccpiiiff down friction and ly forming the perfect piston heal that holds cnniprcsioii. Send for Lubrication Instruction (liatt, speci fy iiifj make and model of yemr car. Free. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) .Maihlillild e Havi TV, n: J- vQOj ay iim sent to you du your vacatio. M ) i Ml IV ..I., "mud remarkable buildings, in cluding the Roman Catholic and Russian cathedrals, thu chinch of the Carmelites, the Church or the Holy Cross, the teuiek, or ancient castlo of the Polish kings, the Caslnilr. a ' 'riimpait running all around the old portion of the city. The city has , , been the scene; of much trouble mid bloodshed, as tin! wars or Hi 50 and1 I Ml I, and the insurrection of 17H4 all centered about tho city. i Juice could be extracted. There Is, country unalterably fixed upon those no better berry country to bo found fundamental principles of govern- Over Oregon IVIARSHnELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers l.cnvo Mnislrilclcl Jiviivo Jtuiehiii'K . ..-:;i .(!:;! A. M. .. .M. Daily Dully TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. MAItSIII'll.'M) New Dodge Cars Fare $?.00 I Ml VIM (Ml ( tlieio Ih mall m clutrgo. " Slillli' ptioiir 'II,,. .. mill ifrll'n i. ''I , n...r '" "iIcImuJ "o tlalisfi.,,..!, n 11 Ti ft pel lei' Will or1 list ' Aiuir i.l.i .i.l li I,.. .... " "W - net iiirr,. It Is for two or !oc a month. ''I'oue l;jj, ''ffiioi , " a,,, j T. J. SOAIFK I anywhere than right In Coos Coun ty, but the local market Is limited and owing to the distances from tho larger cities shipping the fresh fruit Is practically out of the question. With a fruit extracting or a canning plant theru should ha an unlimited market for berries. Imcnt laid down by our immortal forefathers." In conclusion, .Mr. Andreao said: press should bow to the public, be cniise tho public Is sovereign. Hut, when we so bow, let 119 first bo sure ' l'OUTI.ANU The nation's con vention of osteopatljs vvlfl be held in Portland next week, being thu TUth annual gatheiing of the asso- clntlou. Ithore being 11 total ASTORIA The cruiser Albany, !i"C0 at tho nlacu. SAI.H.M For the rirst time In sev eral yearn all the prisoners tit the penitentiary, excepting those phys ically Incaplcltated. are at work. population of ...1.1. ,1 ...l - .. ... s. ......... .. .. . . The losnnboi-ltlmt It Is the sovereign public wo I "' . , '"" ,""'"" ...,. .. "". . I . ',' ' "l,,n ,n0 m'm-' rles are purtlculrnly adapted to this I are bowing to and not a more bocv', m..--.. UIK a- oers m 1110 seavey ranilly, one of. , , ....... .. I . ,)0WI o. anil not a mere liog, tlon on nrrv at Astor a. the Inrcnsf rnmiii..- 1.. r.,.n i. ingeniously dressed lip to resemble , nkivpoiit nimrln. Kin-rc ii,.,i.i i.i .." .''I And, above all, oven In how-' ,,,, - ,,. ..",":..:: V VV." "'?. V . V '. '"" T? "" "" "" ""'v nwii. win .1. 11. avuwy on inu .vtcneilC.IO uivcr. Newport home has been found at 1 HOSKHUiUi RosehurK nionaroil -orvains. to make u big demonstration bv locality and yield enormously. These berries are In great demand In thu general market, cither dried or can ned or used by extracting thu Juice. Tho mattor hns been considered sov crnl times and in fact somo of tho farmers aro to meet soon with the North Rend Chamber of Commerce to discuss means for starting n fac tory of that kind. With such a plant many farmers would be able to make additional Income and tho business Ih one which pays well enough for families to devote their entire efforts toward tho cultiva tion of a berry crop, Tho growing of small fruits can bu carried out on hill lands and much of thu laud which Is not now put to use, and as tho business does not rocjulro any great capital it would open an op portunity for the man of small means who wants to settle on laud. Tho chance for a big business In this lino has suvoral times lntely been pointed out by this paper. It. Ing, let us remember thnt, though, right or wrong, tho public over re mains tho supreme sovereign, the press, too, can never divest Itself of Its own supremo responsibility ORANTS PASS Tho Commercial 1 blowing whistles If the decision the Supreme Court regarding tho validity or the railroad Issuo was ' favorable to tho city. MONMOUTH Fifty miles or tho! Polk County IiIkIiwiivk lmvn immi ! Club hns asked the Oregon Congress fnllll I flnlnirnt Inn i mnaf 1, clioi.. ih f ... " . . P0," ,nn" ,,ar,,or- 'l"tlnn .it Crescent Ics. mid for the neglect of which he ,ere ,, pomo , (5ran(8 p In nrnp rnnilv tn nvni ,. aim... ... -.. .v..-, ... ttu stem nu- rn ,vnv fiTVni. -1 i..n.. ....... . . ' " "" - ""- """ nifin oiiuci, using nu.uuo gallons ot oil tit li';u of water plpo which will give a wtit-ju cost of $1T.()0 for the entlro work or supply to Oiugon City will bo ASTORIA The DubolH Lumber completed probably some tlmo In Company has issued $1,000,000 In September. bonds and the money raised It Is GRANTS PASS It has been de-sald will bo usc to log a largo tract elded to erect a big bath house at lor timber. Riverside Park on Rogue River. , M.IIANY Kdwnrd I.asliullo com- SIIKRIIMN Fire which Is sulci to plained to tho police that Will Jon- .. . ... uiLviiiiiiiiy origin cuiiseii jnings Knocked him senseless iucmj uamagu in uto iiusluess see-itlien ran tiway with his tlon or the city. clothing. h.v : I of I counting Its responsibility ns Keeper or the Public Conscience. $ ' t WITH THE TEA t J AND THE TOAST l THU NinVSPAPMIt'S ItlCSPO.V-SlllllilTV I IN AN adiltess dullvered licfnrn tho lucent International Press Con gress In San Francisco, Mr. Percy .Andreao of Chicago, vlce-prehldont of the American Association or For-' elgn Language Newspapeis, struck I a very high note its to thu respon-! nihility or the modem newspaper, and Its place as an educator or pub-1 lie sentiment. Ho ussorted his holler that the' raramouiit tunc Hon of the pross oil 11... ' c;ooi i;vi:ni.(; God has made no ono ab solute. The tick depend on the poor, us well its the poor on tho rich. Tho world Is hut a magnificent building: all the stones aru gradually ce mented together. No one sub sists by himself alone. Folthum I wffo und and Allegany Drain Auto Stage Line Leaves Marshfield Every Morning 5.30. Arrive Drain 2 o'clock. Good Cars Careful Drivers .Most Beautiful Route to Portland The Smokehouse, ir fj) ..OT Mnrchfiofrl PAINT lrf1 DK0Wlft( ! crummies l-nrnl: :, Phono Mo-K. MAmnu,. ti Marshfield-Co Auto Mage A(Ji:.TS, MAItS'llKIKI.M 1MIOXH (KI-.1 or call I). I,. I'OOTK, Proju letoi- or Auto Phono HH;i for liirciniiatloii. I.iue, Fare $8.50 AIN'T IT Till: TIUTII? liL'CK a uttio bit of urrott, u nttio bit or thought, A little bit or dining and or pluck,' that A llttlu bit or couragu In the f''ht that's being fought And this Is often looked upon us luck. today public VV48 to lift eoiiHclciuo. iim keeper of the "This Ih no more metaphor," n foiilluueil. There never wiib it time u lion men ns well j us vvoinuu were no fiercely Intent up-' on appealing to the public conscience I and assuming to speak In Its name. And who Is to distinguish, unilcl this' bubel c( tongues VMigglng In the ; name of the public couRcleuce, which ' voice Is tiuly the voice of the peo-1 pie and which Is not? ! "It Is tho Incessant conlllct lie-1 twoeii the contrary Winds of alleged! public opluiciu that does more last-1 lug daimiKe In our day than even I tlioHn ccilokHiil hoclal iiihiaviils which oecHslcmully i cMil! fiom the chiHliIng Intert'su of race and race. Not be muse tho conflict or human opinions Is lit luoir iiijm lcnttt, for wo know that It is uui, but hecuiiKO, when op inions, hovicver liDUONt, niiigiiiir;idi in a false guUe, they are iiiImIiniiIIiik. and perplex and hewlhlor the public consolentu liutiMid of clailflug and MroiiKthciiiiiK it. "Who. then, Is hotter ciuallflod thun the ti allied und uxpoilonced nuwspaper odltor, to point tho ills- A little hit of vision, and ol faith, a little, too, A bit ot htern loslstance when you'ro struck, A little hit of purpose In ihe work you have to do, All till Is In the masonry or luck. the best man won. lie Is nut only in loser, ho is also a liar. 't Tl.,nrr, .,-.- f niviDcrt iMuitb ; According to the government flg- Uhllo this may make homo or tlicm i ,IICK lo1' ,!,:i- Oregon ranks lourth j sniff. i' the list of lunibur pioduelng stntcs j Most every woman knows having advanced from 2 3rd place Tluit clothes don't make the woman!'" "I0 ,,aHt I-'1''"'"- If J According to tho l'JUl figures,' Tho woman makes thu clothes. j Washington still rnnks first In Itini-, ibor production. In fact, thu ro- .P.. tt .. . . . . . . . . t iu iiiimj coos nuy people imngino ' i'"ie(i piociuction in this statu fori l!l!l. tipproxlinatoly l.tiOO.OOO.OOO fuot, vvus thu largest over reported liCllVO Owl Plinriiuiry Mnrsliriulil A.M. 7:00 U::t() l'.M. 1:00 5.110 Ttlu irltlUIIMIMI ,i ,i .iiiw3iii-ir,i,ii.MjyuiUElfl 8TAK timi: scuuqO Schedulo arniiiRed to ' with liontN (o Ranilon, j,ffi, Myrtlo I'lilnt, Wnsner, EaM No dolnri. '' I'nro from MiirhhflflJtofi; HIukIo Ai Imlvtli, k$9 Will furnish cxtr 05 extra trips day or alfti&V chnrtor cars. INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE .Marnliflcltl, North lloml, llinplie, 'J'aiheel, Sunset May. Leaves .Mar.shfldil at IJtisy Corner, 7::t() ii.iu,, M::iO a.iu., :i.:io p.m. 2 P. in.; .1 p. m. U-iwch Nortli Rend lr, iiiiuutcs later. Leaves Kinplro HtrtO it. m.; 1 1 ::) a. m.; j.:) j :;:) p. ,.. 0:00 p. m. 'j'rlps unci- tlieso hours may bo iirrnngetl or. I'liono Corner. Night phono J 07-11. 20 s 'COMMUTATION . . M xivnwrs, .oo, . Jbii-slifleld-Xorih inik I. Inn l Cnrfl overy ten nilnstoPMM a. in. to IS p. m. tif Hlough oiico n day, lti-', 11 it. in.; to Ihniilre IhraPfl n day. TjjEj GOItST Ai KINO, rrtj . :XCI PRnFFSSIfliMAI nifiPf. eiiiuity means attending to other people's hiisluoss whun they aru not paid for doing It. Uu stopped on hur train and ho caused her a pain; He wns plowing around at it ilnncu; Slio wiinteil to rubs and sho didn't daru cuss, So hho gavo htm a cuibory glance. Tho Coos Hay girl who too much powder always gives a man I tho Impression that she iisoh too llt A little bit of wisdom and Ihe magic tie oap. of it smile, Soma i en I determination when jnu'ri! stuck, The CIXCH IMi.W in Kilt o keep on going till you Tl, ,0V(,r ., , panl& , make another mile That glvv Dan Cupid good start: A.e ciitaloMued and labled under Aml ,f . ww u A dluiuond to take a heart. ror tiiat stato or any other state: Michigan approached this figure in ' IS'.H) by reporting a production or! I.IIll.OOO.OUO feet. The cut or Douglas llr In lout1 was tho largest over reported for i this species; bolnir over 5 Vi billion' feet. This flguio Is ror u slnglo species. The cut or yellow plno for I!' Ill was leported as nearly ir. billion leot. which figure was sec ond only to that reported In moo. ' Tho latter tlgurc is mado up or nil spoclus conimerclully known ns yel Ipvv pine. Out or n population of approx imatuly G7r,.i)00 pooplu In Oregon, Si.oOO. or ono-slxth ot tho total number, are directly dependent upon tho lumber Industry. Of a popula tion of l.HU.OOO people In Wash- iiikiijii, i ci per cent, or ni)iirnTinn.. Cni'H leave Maihtifield earn leavo for Kmplio Carn Ieavt) .Suii.set lluv OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE fi'ot-ht VL- Kim;. 7 n.iii., II ii. m., p.m., r p. in, ii., 1 1 n.iii., 2 p.m., n p.m, J. M. Wright a. i n. in.. " , ' ' ""' " ii.m., l p.m., 5 p.m. lures, Umpire, :.,c; Tarheel or South Slough, fiOc: Hiiiim liny 7c STKA.MSIIII'.S F. A. KILBURN ,f PORTLAND Sl'NDAV, Al'fJl'ST 1ST, 1 . M. SANTA CLARA SAILS l'OU SAN FRANCISCO VIA EUREKA SCNDAV, .VJWST .ST, , ,. ,,. , ,,S1 smith T,,:ffil" IF,C STEAMSHIP CO, I'honu 1f "' '" RIU""' AKnt HUIIiDl.Vfl COXTWCHiS" Kstlmntcs furnlehed cine. V'lltll V.lll oll.t.r , l.rt..l. .... 1... 1 , i n.i.if, .. uuuii iiiiuc lit- iiirii.. iii nun .... i . , i i ....... ..... , '''.000 aro de pendent nnnn i... The wish lo travel pathways that were nover tioc lie oie, I imioiiuIi nmi ,.,.( i.,,... n. i ' '''"" am c To hold the lino against the Me,! " ' " ' ". " '.'.. 'Wt " l'Vlr Industry. ,, , , , t- ipc kii; cue same gom that buck. brick twice. I To keep the spirit beating when the1 t'SKITh t'OtV Kvrm .. flesh Is weak and Mire, pii unnriim,,,,, .... .m...i i...-..t. I l.w iiiiuu lllll ( . imagined their take rare mf Ihom The DonrhoiisiM nm ill .1.1. i.. l .., r !..,. ' " .in huh in iii uui imiiiuiiM' i ""nigooil folow who To do the light when wrong would peotn to fill your purse vltli To cling to tiutli, nor fear tho devil's muck; tluitloii between tint more pausing ' winds that bend und twist the pub- To pla your part iinieirUhly. bo over brave and hold, lloitdu ou llud the luck. mystery of Seleutod (friends would when they wore down and out. About two oaivs after he Is innn rlod a man will got hold of his mar riaxe ceriuicate and ntuily It In sneaking way to mnku Bure that noes not lontatn bouio on or that uilKht make it invalid. M lie mind lor a thetluu mounint and (ho leal Htoim-wind that originate In thu public mind tucir. munch ing it to Its uttermost depths, and KhliiK it a new mid huting shape?" i Tit., .lluf l. .1.... 1......... .,.. ..... r... .. .... .,::: ":;..'. . :.. Bi . ,y;lvor ua,m,r ,m r l'ot,l8 'wuwy m. u ji-t a " "v ,...., ... ..ifiiiii nun iitmm i ih niocesuioii uiu im ii.,.. ....n.... ,, i . ""11 tuuillli tlie longest ever scon on Coo Hay, ONIJV Is used today for the nkt of couvenlonco to facili tate the exchange of one idn.i ' of wealth f0r another. Business was conducted i,y trndit)g or bartor. Tho , man who had hoof and wnniod lnon.i a had to find konuiono who lm.t i,m.i it, and vvtih willing to exchange for ent ile, nil. method was Inconvenient ImsiilM being uin-atlsfactoiv nn.i .,., " i l)oir:iii in in., n,.i ,..... 'Ph., ai,.iMitt., iniw ii .; . "',l " ""8 Miinunrii .... .......,. ,,,,, f., IMti. uUl III VMliiik niul -- " i '- z i KQUH'l'KI) WITH WIIUHJISS Steamship Breakwater AIAV.1YS ON TISIK. sails pkom MAiisiinnu, rvkiiv vsnv wmsa .iui.v at 8.01, A. M., uxciJW 80.MIAV, .ll'LV .,, AT , ,, M. AN)) mmi 1'OKTIiAN,, IJVKltV TllimsiMY AT H A. M. i'liono :irs-j. H. 3. MOIIIt, Aficnt. ' ur. H. M. snaw a K)o, ICm- mid Tliront S l'houo :i:to..f. Itoonu Jf;?! IlllllLf Illock. K ' l)lt. MATT1K II. SHAW. M"'"i j Physician ami SiirfM'ftr8J ( I'houo UW-J. Hate Offlco Iioiii-m by i'poipwne t Bte Benjamin Ostlind J$ coNsuiriNd n.vci.vP -jx I OfflcoB, 20C inlniK H 'Phono 103-L or 267-J. Li ' Mar.ltl!lWi H R Rntlnr CIVMi n.VOlXEO Itoom 301 Coko nidj. i" Rc8ldcnco I'hone 'f W. G. Chandler m Rooms 301 nml 302, Col'l Marshfield, Oref Wm. S. Tnrnen aroiutec Marshfield, 'knows, what li... i,inr.i i,i, i. t ......, i oxcnntige ever .Marl.rield man bo- l0llla 11MMlllullIv kliril ,, . .... .. '.; "'" uu ami used inu tile Aiiieihan pioss, Mr. Audio.ui thought, ln In (he orforts of the former to iiiuko a good iiiuilcau of tho Immigrant and the duty or the latter to keep him a good Auioiliau in this couucctloii, lm ,ild: "1 am not at all sum which of the 'two tasks Is the moie dllflcult. Tho foreigner when he reaches the,e shores conies In many ciihes with that one-sided conception of Ainoil. (tu liberty which ferent (little. mediums, medium of dlf Tho (JrooU iis.ui the Chliiciiu toa. t,om nm,,,. trios used Milt, the' Indian wampum. Virginia tued tobacco and manv uiurltiiiio countries iibed cowry hliollK. Tliune methods all ptoved so unwitlstactory that tho earlv rinn... :;;L"r',.,! -s -xizm 1 . ,, r. ,, :;ir - -,- '"" """"d0,T "" !ou are sinaitor tlmn ho U but hu. Money In Itg rurloiib forms of to- COOII IIIINCiS The bunco man we all abhor Or loiiuo. Hut I'll tell vini That most of tis are lookliiiC for Hood thingfc that we can do. i All depoudb upon (ho point of , vIhvv. It t accident when dad umash I on the car and uuoloinos when .luhuule dootf. eiiiieis mm n imi n.,i .,., it ..... .... ... ... i.i... - jo the fact that the exeicise of hU ! that Tour du is Jnait . , ,1s. I a of ,l,olM lift, uvga iiuouy is conditioned upon his duel I " ""' "m" wgu"1 tooth- Kara zor the liberty of others., ml Any old tlme ,.. ttdmlth lbll ' "' u"," "" "ia go to an oven- lll(5 j)arya day lias ptoved satisfactory, con venient for nil mediums of exchange and is cliiMlflud under two heads, pa. per niouc) aud hard moiie.v m coins Contributed IKTEMHIt THnimi CO, Weekly Service Coo, ,tajr ttlld 8nB STEMHSH IP 111 SMITH Freight and Passenger Service -. .MA,1S,,;,,-o.s.l.v ,.., s.m ', AT 1 i. m. San Frnncco Office, 000 Flfo Building, Oooi! Bay Agent, 0. J McGeorge, tl Mef Number 23 Phone U. t. . ax OrtIwlS'I? m WOOD! J Kindling wood, per !M Alder .wood, 10 to 21 luclica Kieo IeIIvT . ir. USOO Phnnn .!!7..T. 1 -."- -' DRY WOOD ' . at nAMDDtri I Q WOOD1 North 1'ront S Phono i'9 M A SAVEMOfl ny oruenuK " .a - HENRYVILLE W, OJl Nut qoal, per ton w if" Lump coal, per ton ijStS Or half ton of both - UJ& I). JWjj Tk nuatiiit if lllllyer's Clg' i'iiiiiiii rt'tf ii i a J,o 'iWilTOHWHgHFTimmTnawTm -a "WiffWintttjfl WwtWtf rHmri: SI f& i . WWII ,7r.