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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1915)
fMANY A PREACHPR EXHAUSTS HIS CONGREGATION BEEORE HE DOES HIS SUBJECT GJ000 lay Gfatrca JCoos Bay Times Your Paper V The Cooa Uny Times li proud of Its title "The wtPeoplc'a I'npor," mid It striven nt nil time to 'Mfe' op to Its tnuno by devoting Id cnerglea to Vfromotlog tlio pcoplo'a Interest, A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Ooofl liny Times Is. A South (vest Oregon pnpcr for Southwest Oregon peoplo snd devoted to tlio best Interests of tills groat loction . The Times ftlwtya boosts tuid aerer knocks. I MEMBER OK Till; ASSOCIATED PRESS .w; Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 An Tlio Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time, Const Mali nnd Coos liny Advert Isor. No. 4 ST1M TO W ;.F!NE NEW il J Fhte4 Business Block Will Be '1"V Erected for Going & Har- (vey Furniture Company TOBUYFERREYLQT Property Has Frontage on Jr.TK?ee Streets in Central W Part city mm HAS BEEN TAKEN IO.AC.'. Going mid Ills Father A. C. I rAS'J ,...... ......... ... . ... NiV-,B iiiivu Jinny imys i i lose PY the.iDcul and Latter Leaves for v-.rJ''. . vornaiKi io complete Details t I ' "AT.C. doing, of I'ortliiiul, nnd his jkhiC. C. doing, of tlio firm of jtOoIng & Harvey, today concluded JproMmlnnry arrangements for tlio Jpurchaso of the .tunics Korroy ostuto i 'corner at Broadway and AnderHon. The-'- contract was for u thlrty-dity option nnd A. C. doing will Icavo jat onco for Portland to inako ar rangements to cIohu the deal within .ftlinV'tlmo. t The corner In ono of tlio best busl inoslfiocatlons In Marshfleld. It has & frontngo of fifty foul on Broad wny; a depth of It5 along Anderson artda fifty-root frontngu on Second Court,1 south, making It really face ithreo streets. It lieu directly east of ;Tho Coos liny Times building i Tlio purchauo Is for the purpose of' erecting a permanent homo for the 'doing & iiarvoy Kurnlturo com ipany. Tho firm has been Becking la location for some time. A new j building will bo started just as soon ins tho details of the deal are closed. ? I'laiis Ave Made. Tentative plans for tho now bulld jlne'iiavo already boon prepared by ;Frcd.(Mngnii8H0ii. It will ho a per , mntiont structure of either brick or concroto but whether of two or ithroo stories will probably depend Ion . developments. Tentative pro - poo&ls-havo been ccelvcd for leas ing tlio second floor for a long pterin of years and If this Is carried fout.tho building may bo iiiudo three i stories. Tho first story will ho designed especially for tho furniture storo kahcf?wlll bo ono of the finest show rooms in tho stato, tho fumlturo stores Jn tho larger cities not being excepted. Will Ho Permanent. Tho. now homo will bo tho perma nent location of the doing & Harvey i store. Since tho firm was estab lished by C. C. doing nnd Tlios. B. Harvey -about nine years ago It lias 'enjoyed steady growth of business 'andfis how ono of the lending and 'tnesVflrmly established retail stores bri Coos Hay. f AVC. doing, father of C. C. doing. (Whorls interested with his son In I tho new project has for years bpon , i ono'' of tho leading business men In (Portland nnd ono of tho largo opera-' "tors'Uri3 real estato nnd building in i tho Roso City. Ho Is satisfied itha( tho coming of tho railway means ? rapid! development and prfcgrcss lu ItYiejCpjj Hay section. """!.&. Will Finish Boon It la'-'tho presont plan to rush tho newb'ulldlng to completion and en ideftydrt'o have It ready for occu JpaHcy before tho first of tho now fyijajp. '!Tho additional display room Iwljj&enitblo tho firm to make many ladiiltlons to tholr stock. Tho m'ovo tbrings'' thorn Into tho heart of tho fjy; ratal! district. $ 'ThaXprosont doal Is ono of tho Wgtt, Important ones mado In local fjfflRy circles this' season. Soveral iqter'jtaiportant ones aro hanging . ptja.h'erp now and somo of thorn may eioeu. oon. ! tub erection or mo now uuiug ! Harvey Building will probably bo tlio of soveral flno buildings to bo larjMtftf ebon to accommodate busl nsm developments. C -" I ' BEAT El TO DEATH fBf AMacUUd Wew to oo. l) Tlmw.) I TjtMPLB, Tex., July 29 Tho itbre eiilldren of W. It. Crimes, a farernoar here, were beaten to I dtmtiVwjth a hammer last night driwaud his wife were also beat , es, liite unconsciousness and the lat Vwp tasot expected to -live. Mood r woro sent to me unuies SAYSHADLOWBIDWARSAW STILL .1. M. WHIOIIT CONTESTS AAVAHD- ixo powers school mo Claims Was $(11:1 Lower Contractor Shelley of Myrtle 1'olnt Con- trnljl Not, .Signed Trouble has arisen over tho award ing of tho contract for tho building of the Powers school house and It Is Bald on good authority that A. II. Powers may Bccurc an Injunction against the school board should Contractor Shelley, of Myrtle Point, begin work.. Ho was verbally award ed the contract July 10 by tho board when bids wcro opened nt Powers. J. M. Wright Is contesting tho award on tho groundB that his bid wus lower than tho one submitted by Mr. Shelley. Tho bid of tho latter wns $10,038 nnd that of Mr. Wright, p.'IOr.. No written agreement has yet boon signed. Mr. Wright says that ho made complaint to tho school board and that he was called to Powers and there told tho matter would bo nrrngncd and yot, n day later was told that two out of the three mem bers of the hoard refused to changa their attitude and that the contract would go to Mr. Shelley. Tho matter, says Mr. Wright, would probably bo decided ono way or (he other this afternoon and that ho was awaiting a 'phono call from Powers. S. P. HEAD VISITS K. L. BUHCKIIAII'EH, KUI'EHIX TEXDENT OK LINKS IX OREGON (Joes Over the l,onil Itoad May Look Into Matter of Kmu- fliho ('haiigo Superintendent K. L. Hurckhalter .of the Southern Pacific lines in Ore gon arilved hero last evening after going over tho road rif tho Coos Hay, Itosoburg and Kastorn Into yestor day. Today ho Is out again with W. K. Miller, superintendent of tho lo cal Hue, who accompanied him ovoi tho lino to Powers yesterday. Today Mr. Hurckhalter was at North Hcud and saw the big bridge. Somo bollovo It possible that Mr. Hurckhalter Is hcio lu tho Interests of getting tho franchise of tho Will nmotto Pacific so arranged that the motor car may ho maintained on tho Valloy route, a plan broochod defin itely by tho railroad at a special mooting of tlio city futhors a week ago. Mr. Hurckhaltor wont down to vclow tho brldgo over tho bay with Supt. Mlllor today. John D. doss, city attomoy, statcB that no hint of n special meeting of tho council had yot been mado to him. Ho said a fow days ago that ho hod Investigated tho franchise- and was ready to report to tho council that tho chnngo In tho sorvlco cjuIU bo mado for a porlod of five years without In any way injuring the rights of tho city. MISS (JRACi: Kl'lrOX VKTORI. Ol'S IN IIOMKSTKAD SI' IT Decision Received Knmi Land Office Kpliolds Right of I'liniier School Teacher Miss draco Pulton, formoiiy a teachor In the North Bond schools, lins won hor caso agaliiBt the gov ernment, according to a decision from the land offico at Rosoburg, and now Is in full ownership of her 100 ncro homestead on North Inlot. This makes the second time that sho has successfully weathered legal pro ceedings contesting her claim. Tiio lust hearing was held sovor al months ngo and' consumed four days, during which time dozens of witnesses wero examined. Harry O'Loughlln camo hero as a special agent of the government while- Ora ves and Mclnturff represented tho defendant. Tho decision received by Miss Ful ton states that she resided tho pro per length of time on tho land and that the improvements made by her were sufficient and further It said that the testimony of Louis St. Deiv nis, principal witness, was "evasive." The contest of the land In both instances was made after sho had commuted. Miss Fulton Is now liv ing on the claim entirely. Times want nda Tiring results. WOMAN WIS CLAIM IS Russians Claim They Have Checked Advance of the Austro-German Armies A T Petrograd States That Fifteen Hundred German Soldiers Were Taken Prisoners HAS LASTED TWO WEEKS Xi .Material Progress In tlfo Advance lliv Keen Made Sluco Last Tues day Only Minor Klghts Take Place on Western Kront. til; AMni-lateil 1'rrM to Cxx 0r Tlmri.) LONDON, July 29. Tlio dcrman endeavor to capturo Warsaw, push ed forward with notable energy for .a period covering nioro than two weeks, has not made any material progress sluco Tuesday. On tho contrary, Petrograd reiterates claims that tho German advance Is check ed. Herlln' announcements do not dispute Petrograd. Between tho Vleprz and Hug Itlv ers thero has been stubborn fighting mid tho Russians claim success and the capturo of 1C00 dcrman' sol diers. Petrograd says tho derinans mado a determined attempt to advance nt drubecbow, hut woro driven back. At Sokal, the Russians decline, they began a successful offensive. Along the Western front only mi nor engagements are reported. Italians Checked Homo explains tho lull along the Ihoiio River front on tho ground that tho Italians are, engaged In or ganizing positions they wan on Car no plateau, but Vienna claims tho lack of activity means the termina tion o( tlio Italian attack after a successful AuBtro-Hungarlau defense along tho whole battle Hue. GRAFT IS ALLEGED JAPAXKSK MINISTKIt OK .lUSTICK RKSKJXS SL'DDKNLV TODAY It In" Claimed Ho Accepted KiVo Hundred Dollars from a Can- (lldKo for Office Dr AaaoclaloJ Trtaa lu Cooa !)r Time. J TOICIO, July 29. Viscount Kan otka Oura, the Japancso mlulstor of Justice, suddenly resigned his port folio today. Tho action, following as It does tho Investigation Instituted by tho mlulstor of Justice Into tho brliory charges growing out of the parliamentary elections last March, caused a sensation. Tho caso involves several membors and ox-mombors of tho lmporall , diet. Promlor Okuma reported tho situation to the emporor, who sanc tioned tho resignation. Oura Is ab' legod to havo received a presont ol ' ?fi00 from a candidate for member ship In the house. LEARiMS OF DEATH CAPT. OUSI3N ARRIVKS TO KIND MOTIIKR DKAD . Kimeral (r Mrs. OKcn Will ho Held Tomorrow Afternoon at AVII'son Parlor When Capt. Petor Olsen of tho gas olino schoonor Rustler arrived In port at 3 o'clock-this morning ho learned for the first time that his mother, Mrs, Helono Olsen, was dead. Capt. Olsen had loft Portland on his boat when word was sent there yes terday Informing of the sudden death at Kmplro and ho got homo a llttlo ovor a day too lato. Capt. Skog of tho gasoline sdioonor Roamor was at Rogue river and was notified there and is expected homo this evening. Tho funeral of Mrs. Olsen will bo held from the Wilson undertaking parlors at 1 o'clock tomorrow after noon. Tho services will bo conduct ed by the Rev. Robert K. Browning. Hare your fcElTKH heads, bill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMKS office-. Culling cards printed at Tlio Tlmos office. STUBBORN HEAR WITNESSES SECRETARY HEDFIELR HOLDING EASTLAND DISASTER PROBE Kcdernl flrand .Jury Will I to Called to Try to Place tho Criminal Responsibility OXK MAX ARRKSTKI) Dr An.ocUtfi I'rcn Io Cooj lltjr Time.. CH1CACO, July 29. W. K. drcciiebaum, general manngcr of the Indiana Transportation Company, which chartered the KaBt- land, wns the first arrested of six men ordered held to tho grand Jury by the verdict, of tho coroner's Jury. nr Attocltteil rrm to Cooa Day Tlmoa.l CHICAdO, July 29. Kxamlnntlon of witnesses In tho Inaulry of tho United States Department of Com merce under the personal supervis ion of Secretary Redfleld Into tho rauso of the Kastland dlsastor wilt begin here todny. While tho Inquiry Is progressing, United States District Attorney Clyno will be prepared to empanel a federal grand Jury to In vestigate the question of criminal responsibility for tho accident. WKICIIT IS TOO ORKAT Xew Plan of Raising the ICastlaud Will Ito Tiled (Ilj Aaaoclalril Trraa Io Cona llajr Tlmm.l CHICAdO, 111., July 29.-T-A plan to ralso tho Eastland by tho ubo of derricks was abandoned today be cause of tho Immense weight of wa ter In tho hull. Work was begun to seal the openings In the boat, so tho water might be pumped out and tho hull floated. IS HODV OK KASTiaXD DISASTKR XOT YKT IDKNTIKIKI) I Public CIiw'jiih Hint and Many Send KIowci-h and Offer Io TaUo Charge of Ills Funeral llf Aaioct.ted rrm to Coo Daj Tlrafa.J CHICAdO, July 29. In tho morgue of tho Kastland dead lies body no 390, nn eight year old boy, unclaimed and unidentified. Fxcept for n hole lu tho kneo of his trous ers, thero Is no distinguishing mark about his npparol and nono of tho thousnuds of scarciiors for missing could placo him, o tho public has claimed him for Its kin. A mound of flowors Is rising about tho llttlo body and to each wreath Is pinned a kindly mossago. "For 390, a poor kid," rends ono. If nobody misses tho llttlo boy ...111. .. I..., I.. .Im 1.lnn wt ltlu tr111U. Willi II IKMU 111 H"U llliuu "I mo ..". , ers, No. 390 will sure navo n irip io tho burial ground attended by mourners. More than a down vol- iintoorcil to bury tho lad, and tlio noy Scouts havo offered to glvo him I n military funeral. ILLliESTIGATE I(jovi:rn.mi:nt will look ixto orkcox max's cask Harry L. WHmiii, Clerk at American ' Consulate lu Berlin, Placed 1 I'nder Arrest I FDr Amo'I.ii.'I Pim lo Com lur TlmM.l WASIIINCTON, D. C. July 29. Tho Stato Dopartmont luis begun an Inquiry Into tho caso of Hurry L. Wilson, of Oregon, clerk In tho Amorlcan cousulato lu Borlln, who was arrested on the Danish frontier by dornian authorities whllo at tempting to leave dermany without a passport. Whllo awaiting roports. tho officials will not make comment. ID ARE DIVORCED THIRD COl'PLi: AI'TKR M)N(J AIMl'MKXT OUT XO DIVORCK Cupid lias Humiliating Time Ycster day When Handiwork Is Destroy ed Hefoie Judge Coke Two dlvorco werq granted by de fault yesterduy at Coqullle, accord ing to Judge Coke, who has returned here for a few days of the equity term, and another waB held In aboy unce. Myrtlo A. Edwards-Roberts wns glvon a separation from hor hus- BOY UNCLAIMED M l 110 CITY Stories oif Alarming Conditions at the Capital Have Reached the State Department F CUT OFF U. S. Asking Carranza and Za pata to Allow Supplies to Go Through CARRANZA CLAIMS VICTORY Sends Word Io Washington Agent 'Pitnt He Has Captured Pacliiicn And Has Routed the Villa Col. iiiuii Which Started South tDx AiiocUtM rmi to Cooa IW17 Tlmra.J WASIIINCTON, 1). C, July 29. So serious has tho food shortage be come lu Mexico City that the United Stntcs will mnko Immediate repres entations to Carranza and Zapata, urging that provisions he pcrmlttea to get through to the starving peoplo lu the capital. Stories of alarming conditions reached the state depart ment under date of July 2t. CARRANZA WIXS Seudlt Word That lie Has Routed Vil la Force ITr Am latp. Virn In Cooa llaj Tlmci ) . WASIIINCTON, D. C, July 29. Carranza cabled Ills Washington agency today that his forces after six hours fighting captured Pachuca, and routed the Villa flying column,' which was working south to reliu force tho Zapata forces near Mexico City. Klrst News Heard Carranzn's dispatch was tho first word from behind JhO vbll which covored tho military operations about Mexico City for almost two wooks. Whou Gonzales evacuated Moxlco was going out to moot tho, - Villa City July 17, It was announced ho forco moving south. Tho Carranza authorities claim that tho victory eliminates tho Villa forces from cen tral Mexico, U. S. LlDSTUARDS RKAR ADMIRAL CAPKRTOX WILL PROTK.CT TIIK KORKKIXKRS Mcn l''roin Cruiser Stationed at Port An Pilnco mid Ato at Capo llaltlen (fir Aaaorlalfxt Treaa to nn tiif Tlilica.J WASIIINCTON, D. C, July 29. Tho French cousulato nt Capo lluitl- on, Haiti, Is monauced by revolution ists and a guard from the United States auxiliary crulsor Fugle has boon lauded to protect tho placo. This Information was cabled today to tho stato dopartineiit by Amorl can Consul Livingston. Admiral Wires Roar Admiral Caporton, lu a cab legram sent last night from Port An Prlnco and received at tho navy do nartinont today said: "Landing for-'o entorod Port Au Prlnco and bivouack ed for tho night. A guard wns placed at tho French legation. No sorlous dlsturbunco. This action wob decided on after consultation with tho Amor lcan cbargo d'affalrs and tho Fronch nnd British charges. Tho French war ship Descartes is oxpectod tonight." band and was given tlio custody of tho minor child. Sho also will tako tho iinino of Kdwnrds, leaving off tho last part. Roberts. Mrs. Hlscox, of Coqulllo, was glvon a dlvorco by default and tho custody of tho ono child. Mrs. Myra Smith, of Handon, charging hor husband with cruel and Inhuman treatment. Ho fought tho case. Both chorgod tho other with Jealousies and bolng Indiscreet with other people. Tho Court end ed the arguments by holding tho dl vorco In abeyance and gnvo tho moth er care of tho ono child, tho father having tho right to havo it visit him three daysjf tho weok. A Third Divorso This afternoon Judge Coko In chambers heard tho dlvorco raso of Mrs. Floronco Dolan against Tor rance Dolan. Charges of cruelty and Inhuman treatment wero made. Af ter hearing the ovldonco Judge Coke granted a decree of divorce. Mrs. Dolan wns formorly Miss Rohflold. WAS T KRAXCi: AXXOl'XCKS KHIOIIT. Kl'L KXPKXSK OK TIIK AVAR In Klrst Klvo Mouths Xeiuly Seven Hllllou Kranm Was the Toll Paid IXly AmocUIM Pronii to Com Bajr Tlmci.J PARIS, July 29.HKIrst flvo months of tho war cost Franco ox 328,500,000. This Is s)own by U report of the budget commlttco on supplementary military ami navel credits Just Issued. ALLIES DISPLEASED I1RR1TATKI) OVKIt IIUMIAHIAX'K DUAL WITH TCHKKV May Transfer Unple4i(ant Keeling to Rumania, Reported Ready to Lift drain Kinbargo (Or Aaaorlalod Prr.. (o cooa Hr TlmM.) LONDON, July 29. Tho Kntcn to allies aro showing considerable ir ritation over Bulgaria's successful negotiations with Turkey and they soon may transfer tholr displeasure to Rumania, which Ib reported ready to lift tho embargo on tho export of grain, thereby supplying thu central powers with a huge accession of food supplies. E E RUSSIAN MILITARY CRITICS KX PLAIX AUCTION OK ARMY Say Czar's Troops aro Avoiding Mill tlo Pending Receiving Much Need ed Military Supplies ttlf AaaorlatM rrraa to Cooa nay TlmM.l PKTROdRAD, July 29. Military critics ojf tho newspapers of Petro grad after conversations with "com petent military authorities" today call upon the Russian public to view events that aro about to occur with confidence and tranquility. Tho Reich says, "Until bucIi tlmo as our armies receive neodod milt tary supplies, tho most sensible thing Is to avoid battle tnd retreat to pre viously proparcd positions, oven though such retirement carry with it tho occupation by the enemy of more extensive territory than they previously hold." Stragctle Question. "It Is better to glvo up territory which may ho regained than to sacri fice an army which could ha roplaccd only with difficulty," Quoting a military authority, tho Reich says It Is possible that Russia Ib on tho ovo of a maneuver which will con sist or the retirement from the line of tho Vistula to now dofouslvu positions marked by tho strong fort resses of Kovno, droduo and Brest Lltovsk. Tho Rolch lays emphasis upon the necessity or giving greator weight to tho strategetle rather than to political consideration. OKR.MAN CHANCELLOR SENDS FOR A,MKHICAX AMBASSADOR Has Recently Been In Field and has Talked With Emperor William at Tho Front (llr Ataoclateil 1'ieaa to'Csoa llajr Tlrnr.) BERLIN, July 29. dormnii Im perial Chancellor von Bethmuiiu Hollweg, who returned from the capi tal yesterday from a visit to nrmy headquarters In tho field where ho talked with Emperor William, sent for Amorlcan Ambassador dorard, today, and a conference hotweon tlis ambassudor and the chancellor U oxpocted to have an Important hoar, lug on tho future development In tbt relations between tho United Stutct and Germany. ON PRACTICfTRIP OREGON XAVAL MILITIA IX SAX KRAXCISCO TODAY Members aro Traveling on Cruiser Albany and (letting Actual Exper ience lu Seamanship (Or AmocIiIM Preaa l Cwia fU TltuM.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Tho United States crulsor Albany arrived today with the Oregon Naval militia aboard on tho annual practice crulso. The vessel will stay hero tour days and then proceed to Paget Sound for tarpot pructlco, BLLONS A CONFID CE WANTS CONFERENCE ONLY ONE HOPE LEFI TOBECKEB Wife Will Plead With Gover nor Whitman to Spare Her Husband's Life ' DEATH ClR READY Former Prosecutor of Police Lieutenant Alone Can Stop the Execution Tomorrow TIME SET FOR 5:45 A. M. When Justice Ford Denied a Third Trial Preparations AVcro Started at Hlng Sing Penitentiary Becker Khaustcd (lljr Aaanrlalnl Pitm to Cooa llajr Tlmm.1 NEW YORK, July 29. Final pre parations tor tho execution nt Sing Slug prison tomorrow of Charles Becker, formerly police lieutenant, for instigating tho murder of Her man Rosenthal, wcro begun at tha prison today following announcement of Justice Ford's decision denying Becker a third trial. Tho hour of execution Is set for 0:15 n. m. to morrow. Only Oun Hopo Loft Tho solo hopo of Bavlng Charles Becker from dying lu tho electric chair nt Sing Sing tomorrow morn ing lies lu Governor Whitman. Tho couiisol for tho condemned man an nounced today that they had aban doned tho Idea of appealing to Judge Ilognu of the court of uppoals for a stay of exccutlton. AVIKE AVILL PLEAD Mrs. Becker Is To Meet Governor Whitman Tonight tnr AWtKitloJ Vp la Cooa'lWf Tina. ALBANY,, July 29. Mrs. Charles Becker arrived here today to mako n .final plea to dovernor Whitman for hor husband's Ufu. Sho did not learn until after hor arrival of tho governor's departuro from tlio city. Whitman telogrnphod Mrs. Decker, lu reply to a request for an Interview that ho would boo hor to night after his return from review ing tho stato troops at Camp Whit man, 20 miles from the Sing Sing death house. lu no quarter Is It bolleved tho plea for mercy will changa tho oxecu- tivo's attitude. As a result of worry over the Beckor caso, tho govornor Is said to be nearly exhausted. VESSEL IS SUNK; FOUR OK CREW DIB (Dr AmkUIM rrraa la Caaa Par TmM. LONDON, July 29. Tho Belgian BteuuiBulp Prlnccsao Mario Jos, 1953 tans gross, was sunk by a Gorman sub marine. Four membors of tlio crow wero killed, IS HERE CAPTAIX J. W. BRAVER, PRESN DEX'P COLUMBIA RIVER LINE Comes on First Visit to Coos Bay la Car and Leaves for Coqulllo To Look Over A'ulley On his first trip to Coos Bay Captain J. W. Shavor, president of ono of tho biggest tow boat com panies on tho lowor Columbia River, accompanied hv Mrs. Shavor, lias arilved here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Hall. With thorn camo Mr. and Mrs. J. A. English, parents of Mrs. Hall, who expects to remain hero Indefinitely. Captain Shavor cnnie m here bringing his big machine over tho Drain road. Ho could hardly wali to get to tho Coqullle rlvor to ( the boats that are In use thoro and this morning wont ovor with Mr. Hull, expecting to do down to Ban- don. Many years ago Captain Shaver ran a lino of stcuniors botwoon Port land ami Astoria, before tho advent of the railroad, Silica tho stool liuea have camo lu tho boat traffic has fallen off and ho turned his hand from steamors to the tow boat business, Ho Is one ot tho best known rlvor men on tho Columbln, RIVERMAN K