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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
TTTwmtwmmimmMmsmsaiwmMmMlmMlMk: : , OT &X& I 1 1 II I li hi ' IHIIi hMl III Mill I ! Iilllll IIIIIMI III! SIX i-tf 1 ttfiFT" 11 ftfta'W&ft iLli.J-istjL..;sJJU vfcS A k-"- .--" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915-EVEMIWG EDITIOM. SPECIAL Cf TITC VALUES IN wvllJ NOTICE WINDOW DISPLAY HEAVYWEIGHTS priced at $12.75 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.00 $20.00 COMPARE VALUES AND PRICES WITH OTHERS Wc have the Sports Outing Shirts and DUSTER COATS DUSTER COATS "MONEY TALKS" OBJECTS TO llWON GIVES BOND TIMES GOOD I'OWXSITK COMPANY TIUF.S TO CLAIMS MISTAKK ADOPT ALLF.O TIIWAItT COOSTOX PLAXKIXO K LAHCKXY II HX LAWKKXCK, papkk, is in:iti: OK Inillniui ami M.'ddlo WeM. KuJoyluK Prosperity opilllc Hoy At tains Unusual Success , WnrnliiK (Jit en Council L. O. Mocks Sn.ts (.'corgii Dr.tiuit Alleged Owner I Protokes Mirth Willi Aladdin ) "hip "I" IVopcrtj Sheriff Con Llko l,iii'.K'rtiis of Company ; sldcrs Hint Check Case Pleading Hint tlio ImprovcniciilH of Oeo. K. Sutton, charged with lar Cooston's streets would result In the cony from ii building t tho Sul prnrllcnl confiscation of tho properly mem .Mountain mine, wns brought of the Coos liny Towimlto Compniiy, hero lato yesterday by Sheriff John Tom T. Dennett Inst evening wnrned sou for ti In preliminary examination Mm Hiv enimcll of Kastsldo thnt thcro before .lustlco Pennoek. Justice would bo li'Bnl steps taken to enjoin Stanley of Coquillo was out of town Lawrence nro spending part or .lis the work. Tho grading and plunking and Sheriff Johnson went to Myrtle vacation at tho homo of liln fathor, of Mm five, streets under construction Point, hut found when ho reached City Heeordor J. S. Lawrence. (hero that Justice DoiIro could not net hecauso ho wns administrator of the Orvlllc DocIbo estate which holds the larBest Interest In tho Salmon Mountain mluliiR property. Sutton was hound over to tho Hen I.nwrence, a fonnur Coon comity hoy who has attained unusual hiiccoss In tho newspaper field and who Is now hitslncsB muniiKor of the Indlnnapolls Star, wiib here yester day from Co(iiille where he ami Mrs. .tft?lftttitftttttftti4l7 '"""f""Y'T V"4JIJ1W I The Golden Rij sells STANDARD MERCHANDISE JLUl JLVUU lllWiiV y II .Wo handle Hie following well known lines: QUEEN QUALITY SHOES for Women. WARNER'S RUST-PROOF. Corsets. accordltiB !' the estimates of S. D. FOlMt STOHKS Marshficld Myrtle Point Bandon Powers WARDEN IS MNGINT HIDE STREET cahl i. siiokmakkd is kxpkct- KD II Kit K O.V TOPIt OK STATIC Deputy (rjiuie Wsrdcn Tfaniins lcnniM of Tin w Poos Aliou j Allegany Stnto Onmo Warden Carl D. Shoe mnkcr Is expected here within a few days on n trip of Inspection tljrough tho state, according to Deputy (5nmo Warden Thomas. He believes that Mr. Shocjuoker will come In from j property line. This wim tho McPIIKDSOX AVK.NTK IX XOItTII pkxd is iioxi: of coxtkxtiox City Council Decides to Put Cement Sidewalk Xet to the Present CurbliiB Cement walks on Md'horson street In North llcnd between Vir ginia and Vermont streets will he placed next to the hard curbing and not hack against the Cntiicit would approximate $1!2, 000. ArBiinicntR of Mr. Dennett were met with n fusillade of facts nnd counter tirfiuments of tho Kastsldo councllmcn. L. 0. Meekn wanted to Brand Jury nnd was to furnish V-00 knew why First street In Marshfleld bonds today. was being forced through by Den- Claims Innocence nctts. ! Sutton admits tho general charge, "The people there arB"o that t that he assisted In taking an anvil means practically tlto confiscation of and some drills from the hulldliiBH their property, loo," ho declared. Tho on the Salmon Mountain mine, but attorney wns told that his nrBiinicnt he claims that he accompanied Geo. would he equally ns good In that case flrynnt and three others and that cited as n parallel. ' Dryant claimed that ho owned tho "There nro plenty other streets to property and hnd a right to tnko travel on." continued the council- what ho wanted, nififci. .."People could go around, Sutton tells such a stralght-for- couldn't they?" I ward story of tho matter that Slier- Other jibes were taken when the Iff Johnson feels convinced that '-I... ,...... .tl. ... Ifil.trwl 111 din tlrl'll thnrit lu nnliln tnlutttt.i tin uti iu II. .at III twu UI.IIIIIUII j-.iiihi in ij ".n" n.v-.w .u uw.a.i, iiiiHitiavi .v o, a I....I. niont. It was pointed out thnt Mr. Sutton proved by appearing at Co Dennett stood exactly In favor of a qullle that ho was not guilty of a street Improvement In Marshfleld, crime, and Sheriff Johnson put such the like of which ho contested In confidence in him thnt he practtcal Cooston. Tl.ey said tho ense 13 situ- ly allowed him his liberty before the south with State Came Commis sioner Stone who is now believed to ho at Hogno Diver. When tho Santa Clarn sailed north this afternoon she carried in her hold 217 pounds of choice smok-1 decision of the city counclliucn. marking the close of n running nrgu- llnr. Literature Provokes Mirth And to enforce his remarks L. O. Mrcks produced literature and n price list of tho Coos Day Townslto company, put out, it wns claimed, two years ago. bunds were furnished. Sheriff John Ison says that If ho was at Coquillo when Sutton came in, he would not havo put him in Jail. Will Pnuturo Dryant Sutton further says that na soon as his bonds are provided he will There was much fun when he read go out and Bet Dryant, who Is pros- mriit for the past three weeks and ,,, ,,c, ,,,,,., (0 H(rnB c,IHtcr lights pectlng in tho Salmon Mountain which waxeil warm for an hour lid evening In closing. City Attor lev Derbyshire was authorized to draw n long Wllhinrh Inlet, making the.n country nnd bring him to fnco tho vurlous colors. Factories were going chnrges against them. Dryant was IHl evening Mr. and Airs. Law rence left for the Mn.o on South Coos Itlver whero they will bo guests of Mr. and Mrs. 10. O'Connell at their homo for a fow days. They camo over yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. K. li. Johnson in the hitter's cnr. Mrs. Lawrence has been nt Co quillo for a fow weeks hut Mr. Law rence arrived last week. Ho expects to he In this section for a week or so longer. llo wns warmly velcotnod hero by his many old friends who are more than gratified over tho success ho has attained. Tho Indianapolis Star Is one of tho most successful papers lu tho Middle West. It Is own ed by a syndicate which controls a number of papers lu that section. Mr. Lawrence entered the nowspupcr game at Coquillo, Intor going to Portland ns a reporter on tho Oro- goninu nnd finally going east whoro he worked up by rapid strld reporter to managliiB .editor cr to tho business mnuagem tho Star. Mr. Lawrenro says that Indianapo lis and vicinity Is very prosperous. Tho mlddlo west, being a producer of foodstuffs and machinery for which the Kuropcuu war has crentcd additional demand anil higher prlcch, has enjoyed unusual prosperity the past year. a :: I I? DIIQTPR RRnWM SHOPS thn hrcf .-.! UUW.-M ..w.... w. , ...w UllO, iiictUC SflC iui ijuys uiiu ijmo. DR. SAWYER'S Cushion' Sole Shoes for Mciljl vvuiiiuii. Brown Shoe Company's Hifjh-Grade Dress Work Shoes for Men. Bradley Knitting Company's ALL-WOOL W ana sweaters jor men. :i IS- it 8 I THE 1 GOLDEN RULE Wo Ml FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING nrn lt.n . iiiu nn i.. on Coos Day m u) uaniiio tho iJct lluvlow Dress p,n, thn best patterns mat. A ltVl IIIH'flt'ti tit. .. -Ii "" " "I'-iii'uaieiunjfl umii .n-niiiiiu 1M coiutrutiidl mxtxtxtmtmtm tttntu mmmmmitd II WI1UIU I S3! KILL BE ADJUSTED TF.LF.PHOXF, CO.AIPAXIICS LIKKLV will sirrrLic ihfi-iiukxcks cd vouIhoii, captured a short time ago i up an ordinance to be presented ti lu the mountains (ovo Allegany. Sonio of It was found to l.ave spoil ed. Olnrcnco Could told Mr. Thomas that on tho very day Devoo wns ar- tho council at its next meeting on August ti, In. read tho literature, and the city was to boom lu a hurry. Tho price list of lots it was stated ranged from $:iO(i up to $25,000 for choice fac- Two petitions from properly own- t()ry sleH t,(J wnt(,rfroIlt. ers along Mcl'herson were received. ' One favored the sidewalk near tho a former Alaska minor and claims that he Jumped tho Salmon .Moun tain claim, llo says that tho hold ers of It have not done tho assess ment work required by law. Tho charges against Dutton and rested ho, Clonic!, had come across curb; the other did not, saying they blood stains on the trail leading to did not favor a sidewalk "down the tho Devoo ramp and a short dls-1 middle of the road." tnnce nway ho f'liind the carcasses of Tho council pointed out that thrco does. JMcPhcrson Immediately beyond Ver- Mr. Mceks pointed out thnt wltn p oprrty listed nt this rato surely Dryant were sworn out by Walter tbeie could ho no confiscation of Sinclair of Coqullle, who hns an in- propcrty to put lu Improvements that terest lu the Salmon Mountain Mlu- would cost tho company about lug Company and was attorney for $1,000 Oivlllo Dodge, who promoted It. Mint IIiiiI'm iui hIhii thn land Is . fi'imil I.miklin- Mini After his arrest Devoo Is said tomnnt, becomes narrower and that to wortll llml mc,, declared Mr. Den.; Sutton is a Kood-looklng youiiB nutt. ! follow of powerful physique. IIo Had PronilM-d StreetH caniu from Missouri about 18 months Further reading of the prospectus-' ngo and for a time worked for tho cs was. resorted to, bIiowIiib tho plans 'Smith-Powers Logging Company. IIo that had been made for the putting in stopped at Tho Chandler with Sher or streets. iff Johnson, Mr. Dennett argued that there are, Dad Check Case not enough people now lu Cooston Sheriff Johnson says that Murga to justify tho proposed street ini-troyd, who Is lu Jail charged with provenientK nnd said that ho did not, pnsslng two worthless checks on want to ninko any threats but, as Peter Mlrrusotil at tho National Sa uttoruey for tho Townslto company, loon In Marshfleld about July 4, warned tho councllmon that, If nee- was to have his hearing today or to essary. legal steps would ho takon morrow before Justlco Stanley, to enjoin tho starting of tho street jStnnloy, however, Is out of town and grading and planking. the hearing may he postponed. Mur- Decauso tho plans and speclflca- j gatroyd also goes under tho niimo lions for tho five streets had not I of MncArthur. Ho claims that It Is MltS. It. (2IDLKV STItlCKKX Mrs. Hehecea (llilley, mother of A. D. (lldley, suffered a stroke of paralysis this afternoon and her condition is serious. She Is past 81 years of ago and has been confined i to her bed at the (iidlcy homo on Keiiwlll Lino Wauls (', illicit ion With Company Xortli Lni'KVi Dead The difference:! between the Ken will Telephone Company and the Coos nnd Curry Company will prob IS wm PAUL OK 1.11k t .... wi.Mii,ii(,i;n LAHCKXV YI.S Formerly on the SantA cuf Is I'ouinl Cbrtn-t IlrnulO Hie Camo Paul Franborger. n joutji, who Is salil to havo ticcn i emplved on tho stcamiblij ably bo settled to the satisfaction of ! Clara, was arrested last r hoth. Tho Kenwlll company Is an In dependent Hue extending from Coos ton up Kentiiek, Wlllanch and Lar son sloughs. The lino now has con nections with tho larger telephone compniiy at Marshfleld but ronuec- nccount of a broken arm caused thins are asked for at North llcnd by a fall when up Coos Itlver. havo takon the deputy game warden put the sldowalk back to tho prop away toward Allegnny around n dlf-'orty line should result In a had Jog. foront path and tho meat wns allow-1 On MePherson nt tho present tlmo l to spoil on tho bank of tho river, the contractors nro grading pro Mr. Thomas says he will tako tho parntory to tho hard surface paving matter up with tho District Attorney ' to he put lu this summer and which and soniethhiB may he done about it. will ho 30 feet lu width. It was Mr. Thomas Is IciivIiib soon for shown that some property .owners various pnrts of his district with had put their names on both petl threo deputies. He is on tho look out tlons. for fishermen who catch trout under The warehouse on tho city dock Is fclx Inches lu length. . to ho repaired at once and put In shape for tho use of tho local mer- Si:'i:X ACCIPKXTIv chants and tho boatmen and patrons I from tho Inlets and rivers. The mer- Tlmt Number Deported from Coos chants of North Dend nro now nils- County in Week A total of 107 accidents wore re ported to State Labor Commissioner Hoff for tho week. Two wore fatal nnd one of these was at North llcnd. Of the totnl seven ncridonts were re ported from Coos county as follows. Chnrlcs Dowoohc. Heaver Hill, ank lo sprained, mining. John F. Diigiin, North Dend, Knee Injured, construction. Dennett Mel.ellwi. Marshfleld, foot Injured, construction. Stove Donchoff. North lluuil, drowned (ratal), longing. Andrew West, North Dend, hand cut, comitructlon, James A. Wages. Kmplro, hand cut logging. (5us Kngw.ll, Morth Dnnd, arm bruised, railroad operation. Five accidents were reported from UrnoklugH ns follows: Forest Deed, Ilruiiklnii. fliiKor smnRhed. sawmill. A. W. Dales, llrnokliiK, foot smashed, sawmill. KitRonu Peacock, DroiikliigM, hand fiit. logging. Joe Castro, DrookliiBs, phinihliT bruised, logging. Albert Duckett, Drooklngs, foro head cut, sawmill. i . HI QFAUTS MILK KOIt 1.(1(1 JIoIiiio'n Dairy mi Front St. .Noitli Phono LMI(.,I Times want nds bring results. lug money to pay a caretaker who would he on hand during tho day to look after tho station. MIRACLE THAT MANY ESCAPED DEATH HERE Dock, Ciimilcd Willi Hundreds on Foul III , Has Dotted Timbers That Kill I Awliy been fully completed an extension of time wns nllowed City Kuglncer S. all a mistake that ho should still havo a halanco of nbout $180 at D. Cathcnrt nnd u special meeting of i tho First Nntlouul Dank nt Itcno, tho council will bo called by tho mayor of Kastsldo to consider tho plans. It' Is expected this will ho in about a week. The grades on tho flvo streets have already been adopted. If tho plans nnd specifications are favorable, tho next step will bo tho posting "f Motlccs. That there was not a collapse of (ho dock between Cential and Com merclul avenues during tho Fourth of July celebration when thousands 'of persons clouded thoro seems less tlifin fi in I i;i r1.. W'firlf infill In iiiIHiilt ioff the timber to lay now flooring j $ , found lu many places that (ho caps, J t AMONG THE SICK t the large 11! by I- timbers, had be come so rotted that they were held lu place by only tho flooring of the dork above. It Is believed that to the fact that the strain oxerted fiom above was a steady one lies (he answer. Had (hero been a sudden rush or a Jarring of tho dock hiiudieds would probably havo been tumbled Into the water In a mass. Dr. ToinkJiis ufllco will bo closed until further notice. I.lhliy COAL. Tho kind YOU hve ALWAYS UHKII. Phono 72. Paclfk Lit cry and Transfer Company. i Calling cards printed at Tho Timet pifflco. W. Ci. Chandler Is nursing a mash .l CI. ....... ....n l..n.l I. ili.t l.'lf... Itflll I I'll llllKUl niini.iiiiuii in inn i.uia imu game at Daudou Sunday. Howard Kdwards. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. O. Kdwnrds, fell on n Blass Jar yesterday, Inflicting a wound lu his wrist, which necessitated several stitches. He lost considerable blood before the wound was staunched, Nevada, instead of being overdrawn $:i0. I To does not explain why he is going under different names. IIo was employed by tho Smlth-Powers Company for a (lino and was living at Powers with his wife when ar rested. vi:ssi:l .movi;.mi:.ts Arrived Westerner, San Francisco, II n. m. today. . Santa Clara, Ktircku, 7 a. in. today. Sailed Ailellno Smith, Oakland. I p. in. today. 1 OLSEN DIES PAHA LYTIC STItOKK PKOYP.S FA TAL A .MIDXKiHT Deceased Lived lu Finpliv Was Mother Captain Olson of O'uso- lino Schooner Hustler Mrs. Helcuo Olson, aged 73 years, died at midnight, within an hour af ter situ had been taken with u par alytic stroke at Hmplro. Dp iinXIl . 1 1 o'clock last night she wns lu fair- ly good health apparently. Tho de ceased Is tho mother of Captain Pete Olson, of tho Itustlor, and a Brand-' mother of Captain Skog, of the! ItoiMiior. Tho funeral will not bo ' hold until both these boats, which ' aro now out, huvo reported lu harbor again. Tho deceased leaves flvo children. They are Captain Peto Olscn, Mrs. John Pctorson, Miss Mary Olson, Hans Olson and Annie Olbcu, nil of whom llvo at Knipire. Tho grand children aro Captain Skog and Louis Poterson, both of tho Uoamer, Al fred Peterson nnd Klmoro Peterson. Mrs. Olson was born lu Norway and lived thoro until 11 years ago when she camo to America. Her bus hand died many years heforo she came hero. , ns (his would do nway with about flvo miles of unnecessary lines. In consideration of this change the Coob and Curry company wanted tho ( Kenwlll company to sign nn ngreo- nient not to compete lu their present field or any field that they might outer. This was regardeil as Indef inite. It appears that what tho Coos and Curry company wanted was to keep tho Kenwlll compniiy out of Kastsldo. Tho Kenwlll company inoinbors say that they have no de sire to enter Kastsldo but that IT there Is any big Biowth at Cooston they want to develop that field. It Is likely the matter will ho adjusted soon. The Kenwlll compniiy will hold a mooting Monday when officers will Im elected and tho annual business of tho company transacted. a Front street saloon onitk lnreeny from a dwelling. Hi J his possession a "Itcil Injm's a STi cnllnor Colts nutonu'kf tor mid a gold ling that till to Jinvo taken from the mi I). Durnctt who run mi at YM way North, a lodging lioawn ed by Mrs. Dnscainb, Frith nlltted tho theft, clalralct) drunk and was hound ow Brand Jury under $500 hl takon this afternoon to thi Jnll; It Is said that ho roout short tlmo lu this plan that yesterday ho waj drlMj that ho had no roaunn fort the articles, llo hnd about I1 person when arrested. IllinS , found nt the Drenkwater off--It is believed he meant to b Sunday for Portland. BUS FARM I II. SKXOSTACKKX PFItCHASK.S HI0 ACKF.S KICO.M A. D. DALY Havo ymir letter heads printed at Tim Times office. In .Situated on South Inlet mid Will ho Added to Present I (101). Aero Hancli ft ' IMraoMll.miy: Doys Suits and Trousers at greatly reduced prices! M $10 Suits sill..-,!) Suits .siT.riO Suits S.VOO Suits M "ow now now now I $7-25 $6.35 $5.35 $3.75 11 .7 Trousers :!.()( Trousers SI. tin Ti onset 7Se Tionsers "ow now now now $1.45 $1.35 95c 45c L . . PORTLAND PRIEST IS TAKEN ILL HERE Operation for Appendicitis Perform ed on Father .1. (', Hughes of St. Lawrence Catholic Church Hot-. Father J. C. Hughes, rector ' of St. Lawrence Catholic Church at Portland, was operated on for tho I rollof of appendicitis at Mercy Hos pltnl lu North Dend yesterday after-1 noon. He was getting along nicely ' today and It is thought that he will rapidly recover. He was taken sick while traveling and it was necessary to nporate at once. i Father Hughos was accompanied , here by tho Hev. Put her Ceorgo J. Marr, 1). I)., of Columbia University, Portland. They were on their way ' from Portland to Port Orford where they expect to mnko n visit, Father Hughes being a nioniuer of the well known Hughos family of that loial ilty. Delng ill on the way down' nero ii wns nocoiwary for him to de lay his trip nnd enter tho hospital, I dl I "-' ' ' ..:!('' I If you're in the dark-) ; r f HI these will help you IH! H Yes there are other good ones besides fatima. ' J Henry Sengstnckon has just hmi,;lit ICO ncres or bottom mid honch land on South Inlet from A. 11. Daly who arrived hero a few days ngo from tho south. Tho prlco of tho salo has not been innilo public. This tract ndjolns the present fifllimjlnnlrnii .... . . .... . . w.cui. ni-u iiiurii oi ibun acres j on South Inlet. It Is said that 'prac Jtlcnlly iimiu of It Is yet under Im provement, but that It Is very well situated and will mnko n highly pror. liable ranch. Not all or tho present ranch own oil by Mr. Sengntackon is under cul-tlvatlon. WEAVING All kinds at' :n.. nnnn m w M-umU'".: iciiiy. iviicj. v. t nwa 12th Courth So. Phoney ;r tt"i, FOR AUTO SERVICE, Any plnco, and tlmo. oort" on and nlno passenger ciri' till drivers will servo you. Itates Itcasonitin Day nutl Night Btttohi - C0RRIGAN & WU I ItiBlit Cafe I'lione !; ".,. b HOUTH COOS HIVKIlKt p HKUVICH I LAUNCH IIXPHESJJ- Iouvom Marshfleld tn 8 u. in. Leaves hwl rf'' nt :iilB P. N- JC' HTKAMKK ItAlNM'K W leaven head of river rM a. in. leaves .MnrshfleU ; . SOCIAL CALKXDAIt WKDNIOSDAY Daptlst Ladles' Sllvor Tea with Mrs. Wallor Hlchard sou. Narcissus Club with Stolla I'etorson, Kastsldo. THUItSDAY North Dond Kplscopal "Hid with Mrs. A. K. Mor ton, SATURDAY ". C Club with wilma Hoagluiid. . ' &.. v COOS DAY TIMHH ,HuJRxv1A,!;.S4JEN CENTS A MAP WIIILIJ tub I SUPPLY LASTS I They Aro OonK past - aM . 'WA. iii. For rJiartor niT'J v" HOOKHH SMI!" Jpf. ProprletorJ hmV 1 iWi MERCHANTS 0'M l'opuiar i Good Meals Prices Re Cor. Commerclnl " ii tJi -in t WESTERN LOAN X BUILDING CO. i Assets $2,340,1 Pays 8 per cent on $ L S. KAUFMAN V t Local Treasure r Timc, Want At4 w Bring M -M mmmmmmmm mnwrr?7; SJAUajmisj