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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
afil t r'iMfr" f Palace eat Market Y.QUR SATISFACTION Js Our Great Advertisement f ,, When You Buy Your , ; MEATS here. ,Yon fiiii l)e sure of getting 'vory bit or net Ion possible for iWimincy. Xono but tho best $ui3lty of Aleuts lo choose from, !'illck,ut courteous service, penny iliangc, and jou don't have to gluo yournyes on the scales lit ounces (pTp'p Pound every time. Conic and see itto want, to serve you. Some Meat Specials jJ3tecr Shoulder Htoak 6?Rr 15c OTfJplSrr l'ot Itonnt ,lound mm Ho iS mi . . .. - I'orlc Steak, Pound 1Cn W I Ul Mutton Chops, I'ound 15c Void Roust, round 14c Boneless Pot Roast 18c riionoiio(i.,i. iHO X. Broadway !VPr Coos County People H-' ; U Alt should make Hotel Terminal tholr headquarters during visits $&' . to (ho Exposition , Located on Market avenue, near '. I!'-" Jtcrry building, In heart of tho ' clty and on direct car lines ; to the exposition grounds -riHo rooms and reasonable rales .... Vacation Days At Goodwills ,-fir fpE CAMPING GROUNDS SgELLENT HOME COOKING "SWIMMING, BOATING vJ'3fcj. and FISHING ' :, t DANCING PAVILION Sovernl boats dally (o Murshflclil, Including npcod launch leaving Mnrshflela at 1:15 dally and nrrlv lug in tlmo for Mipper; leaves Good wJU'iffSt 7 every morning, reaching Mnrshfleld about 8 :.'!. , Rates reasonable, l'liono ilMIXil l'anners, or Inquire of Capt. Smith of steamer Rainbow. aClty Auto & Taxi Co. 1IMl(Diy and Xlght Service For' taxi, phono 20, Chandler ' kj. Hotol v' jFor touring cars, phono 20, v' Chandlor Hotol iUHl IjYNN liAMlii'Ti'ii, rrop. New Cars Now Cars The Noble . M 9w. irUa Ri3 WtifflJw MWVfffMl ir WW Mi PARAMOUNT FEATURE XIGHT America's Sweetheart M A K V l I C Iv F O K 1) in a iiioderu and original version of v i x n i: u k l !j a " ow In 'four ix-els of motion pictures made by The Famous I'lajcrs Fliitt' Co., under the direction of Daniel Frohumu. Cast every. thlg(aHlde toidKbt and heu this raud production. DrliiK the clill Oreti. Murtln'H ten-piece orchestra, compoM'd of Coos llaj'.s lead lug musicians Im arranged for a splendid musical program dur Mittho hliowliiK r "Cinderella." '. PATIII'i XFAVS Important events from all parts of tlio Rlobe, GeorRe Ado's comedy Till: FAlHiKS OF TIII3 MUX AT TIIK WO. MKN'S CIjUD. CoiikmIIo that are dlffcient and popular with ev- wyme. ,IiOfw' fhMir, 13e. Halcouy, hf , jjyrtut-'ry illtdit: Charlie Cliapliu P' THIS TRAMF, In THE COOS p6y,yBft3 Clothes Philosophy and clothes-making are closely related. When makers of poor clothes were the rule, philoso phers wore poorly made clothes. Note the im provement now. It's the best philosophy to wear best clothes. DUTCHESS TROUSERS at $2 to $6 embody ex cellence of design, variety of fabrics and reasonable prica. Every pair warrant ed 10 Cents a Button; $1.00 a Rip. We Keep Your Clothes Pressed Free WOOLEN MILL STORES MAKSIH'IHLH NORTH HEX!) CUT PRICE ON FLOUR. Next Saturday, July 31, for cash only, I will sell Imperial Flour for $1.50 Per Sack This offer is limited to two sacks to one family. We guar antee Imperial Flour to be the equal or superior of any flour made. This special offer is limited to Saturday and for cash only. A. T. HAINES PHONE 152 Matt L May Chandler Hotel, Tel. UO, MAHSHFIELD, Oregon Tho representative of HAAS BROTHERS, H.-B. BRAND CANNED GOODS hns added to his Hues tho ARMOUR At CO'S PRODUCTS known as tho toi .notch noons VEHIBEST canned meats. 1(1(1 per cent SIMON-1'l'HH leaf laid. Their Star Stockinet hauls and bacon and their WHITE r'LVER laundry soap. Theater 10c. Clilldrcu, rie. In his Ii two reels. latest comedy success V?SffC(. BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELfc, OREGON. UEDriESDAY, JULY 28, mm ME5 JULY TIDKS Tlmo and Heights of tldos nt Mnrali field. Tho tiacs arc placed lu order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino or cncli day; a compar ison of consccutlvo heights will In dlcato whether It is high or low water. High tido on tho Dar ono hour and C4 minutets curlier than at Mnrshfiold. At North Dond 34 minutes carllor than at Marshficld. 1!S Mrs. Ft. . II IB . Ft. . lira. Ft., lira. Ft.. 2.4G H.G a.;u 5.2 4.18 4.8 4.4 9.49 0.0 10.27 O.Il 11.03 0.3 11.38 0J7 3.G3 4.8 4.29 4.9 5. OS 4.9 n.ii 4.9 10.03 1.3 lO.fiO 1.2 11.39 1.0 0.0 0.0 20 :io :n WI&VTIIKIt FOHKOA8T 4 IDr AMOCIilPd rrni to Cboi ll.jr Tlnn. OIIKQON Showors, with 4" southerly winds. LOCAL TEMTnUATUKH RECORD For tho 24 hount ending at 4:43 a. in., July 28, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, special government niotcorologlst: 4 Maximum C7 Minimum C4 4 At 4:43 a. in GO l'reclpltatlon 00 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 4 1914 08.74 Precipitation same period 4 last yoar CC.r.l 4 Wind Southwest, partly cloudy. Choir Itehcarsal. Tho choir of tho Episcopal Church will moot for re hearsal Thursday evening this weok instead of Wednesday. Ship Coul. About 400 tons of Heaver Hill coal will bo shipped to Portland In sacks on tho nrcakwator the next trip or two. Thin Is the first outsldo order for coal, received for somo tlmo past. .Machine in A'tni-licd. Doputy Sheriff W. C. I.alrJ went up to Lake side this morning with papers to at tnch a mnchlno owned by John Vnn- biirgor on proceedings brought by Mllo Picrson who claims there was a note of $303.04 duo htm July 1, 101C that has not been paid. (.'reeks Go Mluiiif-. Thoro ar rived on tho steamship Santa Clarn today from San Francisco a crow of 20 Greeks. They snld tlioy had boon hired to work for tho Sixes Mining Company. They loft on tho oftornoon train with tholr blankots for Curry County. Stugu Mil n Here. 1 Joiner G. John son who with .Mr. Laird Is maintain ing tho auto stago sorvlco between Coos county points and Ilosoburg via the old Coos Hay wagon road was horo today on business. Ho says tho road Is In oxcollcnt shapo now and they aro making good tlmo. FlnlsliliiK Ilridge. II. G. Ilutlor expects to comploto tho Hay Park brldgo, for which ho has tho con tract, In a few days. Ho has boon dolaiycd soiuowhat by non-dolvory of lunibor but has mado very fast tlmo In tho construction and lias done an oxcollont job. Father Dead. Mrs. J. 13. Ford, whoso husband is ono of tho owners of tho Union Meat Murkot, received word today of tho death of her fath er. Mr. Rolgor at Nowago, Mich. He had been afflicted with pnrnlysls for somo time. Owing to tho groat dis tance, she will not return homo now. IMjkj is Itroken. A largo eight Inch water plpo burst this morning on Central avonuo between Front and Broadway and when workmon mado an excavation thoy found n small-sized goysor In full play. Tho water wns turnod off for a short tlmo this afternoon while tho break was being repaired. Finger Mashed. Miss Mablo Lang, an employee at the Coos Day Laundry, received a painful Injury this morning while feedlpg the man gle. Hor loft hand slipped undor ho hot rollors and tho four flngors woro badly mashed and burned. No bones wero broken and she was given im mediate medical treatment. Hurt of Term Set. Judgo Coke is said to have announced from the bench that August G Is tho last day of tho present equity term and that cases not heard at that time will bo hold over until tho September term, following tho circuit court session. Judgo Coke will probably take a short vacation at that time. Would Tin v Display Displays, of wheat, barley, oats and hay aro to be shown at the Chamber of Com merce ahd Secretary Motley Is cal ling tho various farmers asking that thoy bring In bundles of tholr best crops that they may bo placed In tho rooms of tho Chamber, ar tistically arranged. An appeal Is al so made for big pumpkins. 1'lny With TfRCrH. Norman John son, Mlko Hurkc rjul somo Wilier Marshficld ball players havo boon drafted by tho Hatchery team and will piny tho balanco of tho season with them. Johnson will bo In tho box against tho Hluo Hldgo Tlgors next Sunday at Daniels Creek nnd a fnst fin mo is expected. To !- Tract. It Is announced that Sam Carmichael, a well known timber cruiser, nnd his brother, M. J. Carmichael, will log a 1,000 aero tract between Hnyncs nnd North In let. Tho land belongs to tho South port Land Company nnd Is not heav ily timbered, thoro bolng somo ce dar nnd Bomo fir. The logs will bo taken out via North Inlet. 1'omci-h Postofflco. Tho Post Of fl'co Department Imo nt last formally established a postofflco nt Powers and appointed Gustavus A. Drown postmastor. Application for this was nmdo sovornl months ago and It will simplify the mall sorvlco to nnd from tho now town. Mr. Drown Iiob long boon with tho Smith-Powers Co. A new building was built for the postofflco. i Knits Aro Filed. Suits wcro filed in tho Justice Court this morning by tho Oregon City Manufacturing Company against E. Dargoron for tho sum of IGG.GO, said to havo been duo for goods, Octobor, 1914. Also Willnrd Brothers aro suing August Podorson for the sum of $G3.7G. Cohstablo Cox wont down to Emplro this afternoon to servo tho papors on Pcderson. Uho Few IlooklotN. A lottor from J. A. Ward states that ho has dis posed of GO, 000 Coos Bay booklets, the small folders prlntod n fow weoks ago. Thoro aro still 1G0.000 on hand land part of these will bo sent south to him. Tho crnnborry plant sent thoro by J. II. Plnkorton, of North Inlot, nrrlved In good shapo nnd has boon given n place In the exhibit. Snys Know WJilte. Tho police yes tordoy rccolxod a lottor from Mrs. Straoham of Los Angeles asking tho whorenbouts of Harry L. Whlto, whoso llttlo daughter was cxtromply anxious to know whethor or not a report ho had killed himself wns true C. J. Ilruschko says that ho know Whlto personally and that ho was hero In 1912 nnd nt that tlmo was interested in tlmbor. However ho does not know whoro tho man Is nnd bollovcs lie loft tho country many months ago. In EiectrJk) Chair.- 'Ralph, Kruso nnd Horbort Dustorud who loft last weok for tho exposition got tholr first taBto of "high llfo" at Eureka. Eddlo Schroodor, a well known trav eling man, took Ralph Into a Eure ka place whoro thoy have n Joker's chair, an electric curront boning at tached to tho seat. When Ralph had soatod hlmsolf, Eddlo gnvo tho pro prietor n wink and on wont tho cur wont up sovcral foot. Immedlatoly nftorwards Ralph hunted Dustorud up and Introduced him to the samo experience nnd nccordlng to a card sent friends horo, Ralph says that BiiBtorud wont up several foot hlghor than ho did. Extraction on tho Spot. Dr. Kol ty snys that somo pcoplo expect a dontlst carries a pair of forcops and twoozors about In tholr pockots, ready for Instant ubo somowhat af ter tho fashion of tho "two gun man" who carries Ills six shooters at his Bido and aleops with tho artillery un der tho pillow. On Sunday while at Myrtlo Point on a visit a mnn stopped him In tho hotol. "Aro you u don tlst?"he nskod. "I am" was tho re ply, wheroupon without another word tho follow plumped hlmsolf down in a nearby chair and oponed his mouth to tho limit. Dr. Kolty closed It for him, explaining that ho unfortunately had left tho machinery homo. Tho man with tho swollen Jaw wont away qulto disappointed. TO REVIEW ART WORIC Miss Paulino Bahr, special draw ing teacher In tho North Bond schools, expects to leavo (on tho Nann Smith this weok for California. Sho intends to rovlow tho art work dpno nt tho University of California Summer School and will also, visit tho, art oxhlblts at tho exposition and will visit friends in tho Santa Clara Valley boforo returning to Coos Ray. t AMONG THE SICK - I : Andrew Chrlstcnsen and h)s four year old daughter, havo both been qulto sick at thoh; Jjgmo In Fern dale,, nro Improving rapidly. Uao your programs printed nt The Times office. 1915 EVENING EDITION. . t PERSONAL MENTION J J WARNKR OQKKN went to Myrtlo Point today on business. ED HOPSON nnd wlfo wcro vlsltora lu tho city yesterday from Norway. LEW F. PRICE was down lost night from his Sumner rnnch on a visit. ARTHUR MOORE was down today for a short trip from Catching inlet. MRS. EMMA JOHNSON wns a shop ping visitor hero today from Catching Inlet. , W. S. CARTER wns down from Coos River this morning on n short business trip. REV. FATHER McDEVITT went up to Goodwill's yesterday for n fow days outing. CHARLES II. KRUGER wiib down yesterday and todny on a visit from Allegany. L'R. E. E. STRAW Is expo-tcl homo Sunday from his trip to tuo Fan FrnnclBco exposition. CHAS. STAUFF and Jack Flnnngiit left yesterday for South inlet for n short outing. RALPH KRUSE returned on tho Snutn Clara todny from a short visit to tho exposition. MRS. DAVE WALLACE, of Catch ing Inlet, wns In town this morn ing shopping and visiting. R. O. GRAVES nnd J. W. Mclntoruff woro visitors nt tho county scat today on legal business. W. P. MURPHY came down thlB morning from Coos Rlvor where ho lins been for an outing. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD went up to Lakeside today to sorve 6omo attachment papers. A. B. LOUD, court reporter, wont back to Coqiitllo on nn early stago after nn over night (visit horo. MRS. W. J. HILL and son Ullly re turned todny from tho Goodwill placo on South Coos Rlvor. J. T. SULLIVAN, of tho Huh storo In Bnndon, was a visitor hero last night, returning homo .again today. FRED POWERS and wlfo loft this morning In tholr auto for Sim Francisco to attend tho exposi tion. MRS. II. G. BUTLER nnd boh :iro guests of Mrs. W. J. Conrad at Drcomo Lodge on South Coos River. CAPTAIN POLHEMUS enmo up this morning from Emplro to Investi gate the condition of the old Northwest. MRS. S. E. LITCHFIELD loft for hor homo In San Francisco this morn ing after a short visit Ht tho W. S. Chandler home. MRS. D. E. MALONEY nnd childron returned todoy from n fow weeks' ntny at tho Goodwill pl.ico on South Coos Rlvor. REV. ROBERT E. BROWNING nnd family havo raturnod homo after n pleasant visit nt the Ferry ranch on Isthmus Inlet. A. E. BERRY, of Porllnnd, who Is Interested In the now Jetty con tracts at tho Sluslaw, was horo yesterday on business. SHERIFF ALF JOHNSON camo ovor yostorday aftornoon accompanied by Georgo E. Sutton who nppear od boforo Judgo Pennock. CHAS. M'CLEES Is expectod homo tho Inst of tho week from thu San Frnnclsco Exposition and a trip to tho Rono races. MRS. HENRY O'MARA nnd son nro spending n fow ciayH us tho guest of MrB. Ira II. Dartlo at her sum mer homo on Coos illvor. MRS, S. A. YOAKAM was horo from Coos River today. Sho snys that only tho grass hay bus boon "iit tho other hay not bolng sufficient ly matured. J. T. SULLIVAN of Bandon wns horo last evening on business. Ho said that Bandon was gradually ro cjiperatlng from the Kilts doings thoro Sunday, M. S. 8HROCK and Gt H. Fullonwid or came In Inst evening. Thoy aro mombors of tho Btato Food Com mission and havo boou m&king the rounds of tho county. MRS. FRED SMITH and baby loft this afternoon for thu Goodwill place on South Coos River where " mm Yes; Why is it that TH you first-class merchand instances, for less than o for seconds? Think of chandise that we use in scattered over 13 Weste .see why we are able to from 25 to 33 1-3 per ce Me.ii's Wool Jersey Sweaters, $2.00 value. Our price ....$1.11) Men's Wool Jersey Sweaters, $ I. () virtue. Our price OHo Men's fine Wool Jersey Sweaters, value. Our prlco . . . .l)Hc Men's extra quality Sov; 110 scums; Kie value. Our prlco Men's extra heavy new KoekfonN, ti!)&c value. Our prlco... K 1-itc 1 'eat her Pillows, 75c value. Our price Hie A better Pillow, $1.00 value. Our pf!o OOc Heavy Ticking, larger ami heavier, $t.."0 value. Our prlco ..DHc, :t)-tb. Pillow. A dandy, $2.00 value. Our price $1.11) Baby Blankets, blue mid pink, Hoc value. Our price -IIIc Palm-Ollvo Soap, IOc bar. Our prlco 8 l-JJc Cut Intra Soap, 2.c bar. Our price Iltc Scrub hir.iJic, Ke value. Our prlco 'lc Darning Cotton, all colors, 2 for He value. Our price for He Colgatcs' Talcum, UOc can. Our prlco . I tic Wo are bringing (he prices down and with jour help we will keep (J10111 down. SEE THE WINDOWS Tho Originators of Iiow Prices JS. 9iew?zey-'9(L V incorporaTea NEXT DOOR TO MAHSHFIEL!) POST OFFICE PEACHES E0R CANNING Just Arrived, our first shipment of early Crawford Peaches, for canning, that we are selling for 85c per box. Place your orders with us now, Have you seen our 10c counter and our Jitney specials in our window? If not, it will pay you to seo them as there are some real bargains, And remember that we are selling for cash GETTING'S CASH GROCERY North Broadway sho will Join hor sister, Mrs. Ross, for n short outing. FRANK G. HORTON linB wired that ho nnd his party nro now In Wed derburn nnd will probnbly bo homo next Sunday. Thoy said It was very hot In tho Vnlloy. G. A. BONEBRAKE of tho Union Mcnt Market Is spending a mouth or bo at his Catching Inlet ranch and Geo. N. Bolt Is lu chnrgo of tho bookkeeping department thor now. CHARLES FENSLER, manager of thu Hub Htoro ut Powers, is n Mnrshfiold business visitor today. Ho Hiiys Powers Is booming nnd soon will bo tho leading city In Coos. J. I). BARKLOW camo ovor from Myrtlo Point today to get a now Ford touring car from I. It, Tow er for A. S. Coleman, a well known resident of thu Myrtlo Point sec tions. A P. OWEN loH today for hit sum mer homo on South Coos Rlvor nnd says that ho will rumnln Micro n eouplo of months boforo return ing to Tdiirahfleld to cobdirute un otlier birthday. X NFW TODAY X S FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms! vory reasonable. 3G'J First street North. roit SALE Alder and fir wood. Hunk Schmltz, Mnrshfiold. WANTED X WANTED Young limit to work in gonoral storo at Myrtlo Point, ap ply at once, Matt L. May, Chandlor Hotol. WANTED Woman wxtnts work lit restaurant or day work. Phono 383-L between G and Gn. in. LOST HEWAiHD For return of pair of "lovo birds" that escaped from rago. Mrs. McKlnnon, 022 So. Tenth street. LOST Child's gold bracelet, Initials E. M. D, Return to Times office. J X ' FOR SALE X $$ FOR SALE Motor Boat, 1H ft., .I-bp euglno, full equipment. In good condition. Prlco $50, phone 3091. m wotsm ill FIVE E J. C. PENNEY CO. can sell ise for the same, and in many ur competitors are asking you the enormous amount of mer a year in our 83 busy stores rn states. Then it is easy to sell you the same merchandise nt less. Better think this over. FOR LADIES ONLY Wo lend Others Follow Near Central Ave. MRS. A. F. BASSFORD and child ren Dorothy, Lois mid Paul re turned from a week's outing at tho Cutllp homo on IContuck Inlot. FRED SAX, formorly of North Bond, nnd well known horo for his nth lectio ability, sailed today on tho Santa Clarn for Portland whoro ho will visit with his purcnts and perhaps locato somowhoro In tho tho north. DR. IRA II. BARTLE returned nn tho early boat this morning from South Coos River wiioro ho went to tnko brenkfnst with Mrs. Hur tle at their summer homo. Ho loft horo nt I o'clock, nrrlved thoro ut C nnd left nt 7:30. SECUREES CONTRACT F0RSIUSLAW JETTY A. E. Berry !imrt.i it Big Jolt Has Been Visiting lu Mnrsli- field This Weok A. E. Horry, tho Portland contract or who has been lu tho elty has mic coeded in securing tho contract for tho building of tho Sluslnw Jetty. Tho contract prlco of tho work la something ovor $200,000. Tho Job is u big ono nnd Mr. Berry has oth er largo projects now In progress. 1 Ho loft for Sluslaw to mnko pre liminary nrrangemonts. FOR SALE Cheap, UO-foot cabin launch, 8-hp. onglno, flno for runchora; seo L. L. Thomas. FOR SALE Flno riding horoj seo L. L. Thomas. I'OII SALE Best restaurant lu Floronco nt big bnrgaln. For par ticulars write Pacific Rostaurant, Florence, Oregon. $ X FOR RENT X $$ FOR REXT Now, modern unfur nished npts, with heat and hat water. Prlco cut to ?10 and $16 por mo. Phono 303-J. FOR RENT Rooms and npts'., very reasonable. 41G So. 4th. FOR REXT Furnished nnd unfur. ulshod apartments nt Tho Hague. Apply Plonoer Hardware Co. FOR REXT Myrtlo Anus modern furnished npartmonts freo heat and water. $2G por month up, FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AXD BAGGAGE Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Ktit , Residence Phone 13 -J Mutket Avo. and Waterfront I OV' M A