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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
i.i4nfeiii J;'t 'i i j' F 1 COOS BAY TIMESfe Tl M. C. MALONEY', lifdllor nnd Pub. JpAN K. MALONEY, News Editor Hut when she Is twenty seven sue win marry a man on a one liotir notice because alio realizes she, to growing uliler every minute. I I NEWS OF OREGON X EUGENE - The Presbyterian Sy- Oflclnl Pane? of Coos County i Mitrrlace Is the loncest sentence noil uf Oregon In sessional Eugene, Official Paper City of Marshfleld. t)at cn j0 ,j,ose,j by u Justice of uined a statewide nmpitlmi ol onii ... i .. .,. r.mfi .. ...!,. I tlin nence. i Igollstl. work. !,!. nrnn for trnnsmlsslon I HOOD HI VEK-- Arthur .M. deary ...-, ..0-", . - . --I , It Is also worth while to reniein-. met with the fruit growers aim ioui ber that hail It not been for his fac-jnbout the methods of selling apples ully for lj Ins, Aiiiinulits would have which are followed In the Kast. i (iKK.SHA.M- The farmers' picnic and field day proved to be u biie.ess and will bo lepeatcd. OREGON CITY Farmers J In . lit the vicinity of Yodor station are planning to form the first eo-oper- k- Auitomobile through the malls as secoud-class moll matter. SUPSCHIPTION PATES DAILY. I been forgotten long ago. Ono year ?G.00 Per month GO I V(... i.-vou nm WEEKLY. lOL KMJU urn Ono year $1.50 ! When paid strictly in ndvanco the I part from him with no l egret, BiibscilDtlon nileo of tho Coos Pay n... yniriai.. i nm mid: Times Is .$6.00 per year or $2.50 for j, w ,,,,,, U, , WmtM and yet ntlvo corporation In southern Clad ' x m 9' , He's always mighty cold. I nmns County. I. rno Mui'shficld . . Lome Ito-eburg; . . . ASTORIA The J. A. McEachern Kate always hands a meek man u'Coiuiiany was awarded the contract An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex rZ SS.iym.i; P.iblft.liig Co.l'.v lfo been.ue one rabbit In n, for constructing an additional pier , family is enough. . jnl the Hill terminals which will momi Address all communications to : ' l expenditure of approximately COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. COUNTY UNITY You never sou a crowd of I Coos Pay men following a plain i ' duty or a plain girl. HE marked success of the cele- bration given by the Elks at ,s actlons 1Ilnkc lll0 sIsi, From booze he won't be warned: NO JOKE Exponslvo days the late days are, You can't make money last; i A dollar won't go half as far, Hut It goes twice as fast. A Coos Pay man who has a small Factory and a large family has as liandon shows what .an be done when all the cities of the coun- ',Jc ,nkM no otlier llrlnk bllt ,.y0i ly join in an evont nem m any one Yct ,,e ,g a,wiiyg conl(jd of the places. This Is the right spirit. When one city In Coos Coun ty makes an effort to hold a big celebration of any kind the other localities should assist by attending, rather than to hold opposition cele brations at some other point. Thore are few enough amusements and when something special Is arranged for a city the people of the other places should attend. In this way there can be very largo gatherings, nml lltulnrt ntlmta rt 4 lm Lltnl 111 always be a success. Tho meeting I c,IM,nB ,,,B own tn" of the people of the different cities lu a social way Is highly beneficial. In short tho gathering nt Handon shows what can bo done by the Coos County people nnd what a largo crowd of people can be mus tered when tho whole county pulls together nnd makes a united effort, which will always bo necessarv . when anything big Is accomplished. ,clse-" - $13,000. OCEA.V LAKE ltulph .McCIew. aged 1 1 years, was drowned in a lake and Mis. P. K. Egbert motored six miles In S minutes to get tho coast guard ciew who recovered tho body. PORTLAND John llurke, treas urer of tho United States, was the guest of honor at a bamiuct given i by the members of the Arlington Club. W F'grrr'" - -- -.TW Mr n if 1 , 1 . i ' I & i B rl I '"J J -if ' will be COOL coety day this I summer. The weather? No- , I something more pleasant. We'll help you to e I If "yours" isn 't fatima, try some J A -fiff I other good one. f(uhi&Ga&JJ& wiiTium h i.,iinlWHWiniii'irffiriimaniiwiiiijiiiin Stage Linej MARSHriELP-ROSEBURG AUTO i Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Di M """ A. )t j of their lives and are living in fine style. It Is said that nothing- like it of Kenton, suffered a broken when a car in which she was ono of tho occupants turned over at Roberts Mountain. DALLAS L. W. Loughary, who 1nccCro iicnAi o niAne died at his homo in Dallas, wna mm Urrthb MtUALO IVIAUt ! Iitm nrni' linrtti 1.'tint'ii 1inftwt 1n llir lino L'vi mvvii iiivn ji nuiiiv uj inu oldest rcsideuters. A splendid op portunity here for a sardine plant." much trouble making both ends i of the early settlers of Polk County meet as a puppy does when he Is; and was born in Illinois in 1S:!2. PORTLAND Of tho Jitney drlv- 0F CAPTURED GUNS (ici'iimii llel Cio'.s SiikkoMm Plan of ers examined In Portland :110 passed, rn!iio Xaturo Wlilcli Has Inspection and 34 others wero re-, Proved Success , CC ' j tnr AiccltJ TrfM to Com 1)17 Tlrnn.l GRANTS PASS A forest flro ,.,.. T , OD wl which the farmers have not boon ' "nMN, July 2S.-Tho German Even a Coos Pay doctor who I able to check yet has been raging c' ross some time ago suggesed needs the money will admit that the In the woods near Grants Pass and ' , u """" " .. ?'? " ! "Vino Ul jiunit,; OLitiiirQ nilUIIIll bill ii , them over to tho organization for Its1 A Coos Pay man often gets the worst of It when he takes a better half. best prescription he can write Is. Merlin '"take less medicine and more exer- WOULD.VT YOU LIKE TO THIS I'LKIKii; SIGN THE American Magnzlno lias been offering prizes for tho best letters entitled "The Pest Tiling a Woman Has Done for Her Town." In tho August Ishuo the prize win ning letters are published. Ono We all know that the sign "This moans you," always means tho oth er fellow. Ql'ESTIO.V I'OK THE DAY I IN B m H Have The Coos Bay Times sent to you during your vacation H Delivered at any point where TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT & MAItSIII'lELD Now JDodgo iars pare. Allegany Dra Auto Stage Lin cavco xYAoiinciu, Morning 5.30. Arrive Draj 2 o clock. Good Cars Careful DriJ Most Beautiful Route to Portland The Smokehouse, .u;i:.TS, MAItSIIKIIILI) PHONE (Id-.l or rail I). L. I'OOTI?, Proprietor r Auto u I'lionn iiH;t ffir Iiinitiiiiilloii. Fare $8.50 bAl.b.M llllam .1. Uryau Ignor- , , ,, "v " " tliciv In mail service, without o(ra ed an Invitation to speak at thow,OPk nt t"ofrot- Tll0S H01-80"3 vlmrKe Market Day In Salem which was ' co1 cclctl ' 'll"ns' worth of; exienueu ny tne uommerciai Club, i ", " "" '" ""' " nnd ulvo vom falling to answer the telegram sent n mcAaWoti oarluft tho Ooriimni ' . . inn)il (fin ixltnLi IiaIiih ttintlA P liintnl I ' itint 1 fuha, liiu iiuiu uwiiiH nuiiiu in iiiutui ' NEWPORT Tho District Forester j fmm Frcnch " "rltlsh guns cap and party Inspected tho new coast j tMrci1 In ont,,e' road nnd travolo,! nrnnn.i Pn.m nr. To closing of three month' tol- petun In an auto over the route, which has been opened. TILLAMOOK Con Desmond, an wll0,n "lx 1,11I1,ll'cil o entitled to Wlmt hna become of the old fash- of theso letters describes a snlondlil , i ...-,.. ,..i, .,an,i Ev finffnrs TLZm if XhT' iHc'&d's9 w ' f"rks an,, who sn,a : r '.' Bt!,.e.r of T,,,B,nook-illu'1 sii(1-, l,l ,ue,h!!!! Ono of tho deflnltn tblML.H npi.i..v,i that nnv man who Bolleu two Knives -m, uihi iiauuug in a nata .1 ... . '. "" "---. - . 1. is me education of the children of when he was eating a meal was a tho town to their duties nnd rlghtH ,illl1o. as citizens. Elvo hundred and fit- . (V.Uni'llfl tfillflflfnlt li,.n l....n.t it I.. ' " pledgo or creed: You should be careful when you tako to bo expended lu building a ho lections shows that tho scheme lias attracted 50,000 contributors of new address iinil pa transferred from car rier or list or your old address. . . ..It makes no difference whether It Is for two or three days, n week or a month. Phono lilil. III INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICf! .Mui-.slificld, Xortli Itcnil, Empire, Tarheel, Sunset Hay, f4 Leaxes .'Marslifleld at Itiisy Corner, 7::ill a.iii., t::tn ,,, jj, l p. in.; ." p. in. Leaves Noil Ii llend J5 liilimtcs later. '; Leaves Tliiijilro 8:H(l a. in. IliilO n. m.; l.SIO p. m.; 3;30ir ' (1:00 p. in. 'Trips after (Iicmj hours may bo m ranged kl'i uusy lorner. .lglit pliouo J(l7-lt. l,j torluiu. KUOEN'E At Winona Hot Min eral Springs near Eugene, $100,000 Times Want Ads bring rosultc. "I IU1I a CltlZOIl Of Ihn Itnllxil A 1. ,H,.r linir tnr. I If." Sus r tlS'Sd S'air'peoK , A ;en.v. .d ,.. often make I am a citizen of lllllsboro, Ohio! A rcal ex-penrtvo wife. and will show my patriotism and iovo lor our vlllago by helping make After a Coos Pay man gets to bo. tel and making other improvement. XEYVPEItC Hans L. Chrlstianson an old resident of Nowburg, died suddenly at his home. "Finest Cathartic f I Ever Used" duly, 11)1.-. Al'TO STAKE SCIIEPl'LE To POKTLAXD VIA I'LOItE.VCE Leave .tlarslil'leld ami I'lorcuco Wednesday L'S ... Ihursday 2U ... Erlday ao 'Saturday .'!! ... i Leave (lardlnar . . fi.-oo am ..j.O" am ,..." ill am . .5:;io am hour lati r. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINM1 Cars Ieao .Maishfleld 7 11.111., 1 1 .m U p.m,j"- Cars leave for Empire 7 ,,., 1 1 a.111.. 2 n.m.r.1 Cars Leave Sunset Pay 7 a.m., 1) ,,.. ..w,liji Pares, Empire, tt.le; Tailieol or South SIoiikIi, Title; SunwtEi'Ml m to rowr.:nn(.1,nr1n,,?,T " ",aco I aliout no old it keeps him busy try- Sr'rult to'Z: "" ""'l wo't,-i ,K to correct tho mistakes of his t M am hut one, nut 1 am ouu; 1 cannot do everything, Put I cm do something; Wlmt I can do, I ought to do.' "I pledgo mysulf to make my surroundings beautiful ami (mili tary and will endeavor to Induce others to do likewise," youth. 4 A I THE HOTELS 1 $ Chandler Hotel I Alfred .lohnson, Commits lieorgu "Ther do not Etipo on J tholr effoct Ii quick anil .uro"-Mjr u l. Lerey. i i.eavo liardinar 0110 Tor a lonff tlmo I suffored from , Autos uro now running through. On trips leaving Marshfleld 1kiVii 7 ,ou should muko Portland uamo day A .uiiskijuiiiuii uiiu jiver iruuiiio, snya Sir. I4. It, Levey Of (Jreen Ilnv. v. '.NotldnK sccmcil to help me. 1 final- 1 1 ly tii'CiiriMl a Tiuckntrn nt loinv nnt ii . . t la TulilQln uml inn i,. ,!,.. I B, ll.rt llial tllOV llllVn frllrpil Inn Tli.... nH.. mm .m-mm. . -. - . tho flnc't catliwtlc I "l.avo , f HUhhSb 0NAL D RECTORY ns they do nnt j.-rlpu nt nll.nnd Uiolr I '""' iivwi ja iiuicK ana sure. Tho noxt day after a big riuarrel , 11 Cnn iinv tiindiaiid and wife aro ile-' VwU. . ...,j , ,,,.... .. . " 4 -fc tl . voted to each other as they were is'.uon, L00.UIII0; M. S. Shiock. h.y?!" ?? n ' ,r"l'1!:Icd;',J;,',(,i I J- M. Wright i'oiuuiiii; u. w. iMillenwidor. Port- win bo a blcasliiK to you they not ' Phone 1SS-U 'land; Loyal Wleueu, liandon; L. V. Sinol?mJ.?nUi!.iri?..,iflSl,.. c'"".f'.f.".H! I KUIMUXfl CO.TILCTOK during tho lioiioymoon. . WIIH I HE TEA X AND THE TOAST I 44 44 iHuiiiiiiui. iiiililiil'v iiiivfi n Nirnnini A Coos llay woman Is always tell- Price. Sumner; It. M. C. Whlttlor, K. .nml 'encilclaUcffect4upon tho Estimates furnished on requost ; her himband that 11 man doesn't . Portland; Frank II. Page. Portland: , rol,. cEteTabl.t..- m, , ' taken by any nnd every mvinbor of 1 Rp H M ShnU your family. I.llco nil Foley remedies V ,! "1" lliey nro sold In yellow packages. Ac- l'3c ,''m' M,,,l J ' lug know what It Is to bo sick. t.'OOD EVEXIXt; I will look straight out, See things, -mil try to evado them, Pact hIiuII be fact for me, And tho truth the truth for- ever. C'loiiKli TELLS OF COOS BAY LAND DECISI00N Portland Paper Says Another Step Has llccn Taken lo Develop TliK Lo.nlity )J. C. Hughes, Portland; (Jeorgo J. , Marr, Portland; S. Abrahanison, (iardinur; M,ra. E. E. Johnson, Co- ;iiilllo; lloniur (i. Johnson, Itostoit; JMrs. Walbrldgu, Siiokane; .Mrs. J. 11. Miuiin, iiaiuiou; .Mrs. .1. W. Sar genson, Spokane; W. C. Laird, Co-I iiulllo; .1. T. Sullivan, Handon; S. Wookly, Myrtle Point; Earlo E. Oraut. Portland; O. S. MUh, San Francisco. St, Lawrence Hotel j D. J. lloakor. Poitland; Mrs. Mary Laird. Sitkuin; .Mrs. Frank ccpt.notulut; but tho ucuulne. For sale by Owl Prescription Phar inncy. Frank U. Cohan, Central Avo 11110. Opposltu Chuudlor Hotel. T'ole pliouo 71. ' 1'KO.M "HILLS" I never IovinI your plains! Your gentle valleys, 011r drowsy country lanes And pleached alio). I want the hllU!--tlio troll That scorns the hollow. Up, up Hie niHKOd Hhalo Where few will follow, Tho Portland Journal contains an article regarding the rocont decision in tho Southern Oregon Laud case. Tho article Ih aeiompauled by two llliiulrtitlfiiiu mm ulmvvlni. tllll llOUflf) IliiinitiniuiiHi h...' " ...n ..... .... ... and Improvement., of a settlor on tho!"0"'""; '""': Miss lluth. How laud and the other shows that nt!"' ''" fo,(,o: - ' Smith and wife, lsast some of tho land Is good for tho i,00" m'': ,A' NV- Jww. t'omilllo: timber only. J ';on" K' 'ty; .1. A. The Portland paper says: mlt '' Co0!i "' - Vra Clink. Anotlior step toward opening Coosi1 """ Pay to development wuh tho recent I '"J'1 ll"',l iluolilon of IMUted Stntw District! ,,''' lll",0 wlfo. Norway; It., iiorence; .1, v. iiowmnn, , Eastsldo; Charles H. Krugor, Alle gany; P. E. Donning, Oratits Pass: II 'I' v..n,..r n....... , .... , grant is some of the heaviest timber ,, " " y ., ' ."' ... . ........ ..... I Louise Kelley, Michigan. Wis.: Miss T. J. HOAIFE j A. II, llODOIXS Marshfipld PA,NT AND marbHneio DEC0RATING co Estimates Furnished Phono 110-It, Marshfleld, Oregon oat Specialist (I LASSES FITTED Pliouu l:lO-J, Hoonis liOO-tiOl Irving lllock. DP. MATI'IE H. SHAW. Pliyslclan and .Surgeon Pliouu :i:i0.,I. Offlco Iioiu-s by tippoiutmeiit. PLlflGl ft BEIETT ei OLDEST HA.VK IN COOS COUNT JMnhlMied JHHtl. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid 011 Tlmo AND SAVIXOS DEPOSITS 1 . ,. Officers J. . Pemiett, President. , .-r J. II. I'lanagaii, Vice-President. ' " It. F. Williams, Cashier. Hoo. 1 Wlnclie.ster, Asst. fi JiuIko Wolverton lu tho Coos Pay land suit. Embraced In tho Coos Pay landi, In Mi... ...... Wl.ll . r .1... 1 . ,... ....... ,. ....,. .... ... me wiiwiA,. Ko .Mk,,llall. T Ui K aro purely agricultural, as must In- Michigan ""'. ' euoy. 1 variably bo tho case in mich a largo I" ' , , 'a.m. the Is heavily! hT , Umbered, with fir predominating. L.h mo.1 U u,s'' S'l """W. Pl.n ,in.,l nmlirn...- Mi,M -f ' XN ' '" ''""". "'".its Pum; A. J. -Arthur Hulterman nouglas and Coo countle. extend- ', ' '' rn " " l i,s,8'' Mra" 8 v n , '"" " " to Coos Hay. ThoiJ Z '' l, ' on'Al J ,k ""' A Poo. llay man calls him "tho history of Oreon land urantn has aI.0,aU'": .' al,a W,ml' '" preacher" but I.U wife ,r.u- lo him .. ........ ,i,i i. -M ' '!"". Portland; C. S. as "our pastor." So lot nie hold my way, II)' nothing haltnd, Put II, at clow of day, I stand, exulted, McCulloch. Coiiullle. I COn.PCANSAHDIXKS I'liilMHin Hher People See Possible New Industry ,iry of Oregon land grants has nl., ... ways neon llial 11. e minis wmo oeiect ed for their timber value Instead of their agricultural value, and tho Coos Deduce the average Coos Hay iay 8 0 exception. It tooms with mother h objection to her tlaiiKUtui-'w virgin timber. best follow to Its timl!.t dlmomjioit! Development that will conio In tho and jou will find that he hasn't any r,l0 nay legion will como Hist lu "0",,y' ,hnwlnic and thou after (louring In' Tho l.'ardlnor Courier rv: " the pursuit of agriculture. 'run rivm-fi. ..., 1. ....! . . . . '. v,uu Hi'iuk, Din 1110 Hout hern 1) euoii , k. ion u nf iim-iii,v iv... ,1 ompany. tho puusout owner, now It Is .aid that some of tht. motor ' lllllilc Ul. l!Ti! .......... M.I... ...1 . . . ' "" " mo usuuiaiei. 1 uoais nave trouble in passing t value or tluwo lands Is II.UU0.U00. 'through the school of fish, they be I According to the decUlon of the'ln 1.0 numerous a to iiin..,,!. ..... vwiii 1, tuu Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Irt.'nvo Leave Oul Pliarmncjr .Marliriold Coqulllo AM. A.M. 7:00 7.(m ao :oo 11:00 I'-M. i.,m. : :i:oo n.o .ao Benjamin OstlincI CONSUITINO ENOINEEIt AND AHCHITEC'T Offices, 20G Irving DIock. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. hates to be run down. Tho Coos Hay man who Is looking for trouble never re.iulros tho or "lces of an optician. MAHSHFIELP-COQUILLE AUTO STAGE TIME SCHEDULE Schedulo arranged to connect vtltli boats to Handon, Stages to Myrtle Point, Wagner, Hoscburg. No delays. Faro from Marslifield to Cqulllc: 75 cents. Single . Ijunbv'tli, Props. Will furnish extra cars for extra trips day or night; also inartor cars. iH. G.Butler ; CIVIL ENGINEER ' Room a04 Coko Pldg. Phono 14C-J.; UesIdoncQ Phono ;ic;i-L. iW. G. Chandler AHCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 30L', Coko Dullding, ' Marshfleld, Oregon. ! Wm. S. Turpen ' AltUH ITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. WOOD! -WOTJD! Kindling wood, per load ?I.7.1 to $2 Alder wood, 1C to 21 ,ncUes $2 to S2..-,o Free Delivery W. II. MNGO Phono 227-J. STEA.MSHIPS SANTA CLARA Xr PORTLA' WIOII.YI.NII W .IIM.f ou -vw.v . SAILS FOR 1 fej, SAN FRANCISCO VIA EUREftg F. A. KILBURN $S PORTUfel si'XD.w. An.TST 1 1. ...... ,.....,, i-iAnrd , Mil ' .'. I'll!' I'lHHUT in.-' yp tem, t.JSSPhSWIFI C STEAMSHIP CT., Pliouo mo Jf vjgj i:QiTiiM'j;n with wihkmcss Steamship Breakwat ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MAHSHFIELD EVERV SUXIJAY Dl'III.VO I :00 A. M., EXCEPT SUNDAY, JULY -I, AT 1 P. M.A'Jg PORTLAND EVERY TIIUHSDAY AT H A. M. j Phono !W..T. H iT jioURl OUlMl. I lilt MlllllflllV oiiitn.ii ..k1l. I t . . "" ""' wMimii unuiM) uumt) i riugitiUK tlut piupolltfrtf, ill .u, ,. , . ;z:.;z::zz z snismrr-'SJii's'iS!. -. - --. ........ ,r,-,V tll Dliailllllt M II1JI I Mr r chnunol o ns to avoid tho flth. Thai seals and BulU are having tho tlmo V rv IV:!"1!..".".! ,l""k" " "l " UOlll" C. to .. ...... .-. ,, h ,u T, 0 nny (mo j,or80n nn commutation nn LJ tickets, $2.00. u Marhfleld.North Rend Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from ') a t" 1- P. in.; to South Slouch onco a day, leaviij at 1 ' n. 111,; to Empire tlireo trips a day. OOIIST KING, Pioj.s. North First St. . -4 DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono 270 IwSiflftispoeTflii: Weekly Service Coos Ray ana San Franclico. , SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous f HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton s? l.oo I'Uinp coal, per ton .... "s.-j'-jn Or half ton of both : . . . . .',t',73 D. .MUSSON.'prop!' Phono 18-J or leavo ordera ,u l!lll)i'r Cigar Store. STEMISHIP ii SMITH , Freight and Passenger Service j I'HOM MARSIIF11.M.1. ..-,... c ....nir, " f.t. Ji..fiSf(l, .sin' ;n, at i p. m. Ban Francisco Office, COO FRo Building, hiu! Mer L00E Ba? Agent, 0. P. MoQeorqe, K-J ?bm )s wr rrw