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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
I i 'IKiHHHMHnHME -.1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' THREE 'i You'll score f C ty CoMrt i mmvm, Proceedings mmmmkJkXu wsmst -K 1 m r MmW k , H.J.KrnordiTuLC(.oCo. jr first time up! , Every man who takes a sporting chance on a dime against a tidy red tin of Prince Albert tobacco whether it's rolled into a makin's cigarette or jammed into a jimmy pipe makes a hit with himself. Just can't help it, because P. A. sure enough is built to deliver 'em across the plate, one, two, three! :: It's a 100 to 1 .shot that P. A. will jolt your system with joy. Men, today you can smoke your fill, all day, all night, and Prince Albert won't even make your tongue tingle! That's just about why men call E the national joy smoke ' Why, to know that everlasting smoke-joy is yours is just liko fjct ,,ting some money from home in the early mail every a. m. Makes 'you feel mighty cheery and puts you on the firing line for "whatever crosses your path. That's the idea! Prince Albert differs from all other brands of tobacco because it is made by an exclusive, patented process that cuts out the bite and the parch and leaves for you just that delightful P. A. flavor and fragrance'. And it tastes just as good as that sounds! Now, you gotoit I Buy Prince Albhrt every toh ere. Toppy red bags, 5c; tidy red tins, 10c ; aho handsome pound and half pound humidors. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. ,.nW mmmm .sSS HWPPHr V jj jTJj.JfJf '3jTjTjTJiri JffiTriMii' u.-W."r.iI"il ii '.' Jfj .l ti j('rvM B j: :: u Hond DM. Xo. 11! Crowloy & linker, Cont. ...$200.00 .1. A. Dovnult, Cont $2 18.00 Coqulllo Sentinel, Notices ....$1.08 It. L. Weekly, Cont, ltd. Dist No. 17 $707.20 K. K. Weekly, Cont., ltd. Dim. No. 18 $081. an Itoad I list. Xo. til V. V. Young, labor $1 1.0C I.oyd Lockwood, labor 54.00 J. 1'. Lux, labor 51.75 1. Palmer, labor 1.50 Lawrence Deos,- labor 57.37 Jasper Deos, labor $58.50 V. Ilnunbach, labor $50.25 0. A. Swift, labor $90.75 Lawrence Stltt, labor $29.08 It. W. Covell, labor $33.75 13. L. Strnder, foreman ....$123.75 Alfred Morras, labor $25.00 H. Dewey, labor $ 17.50 W. A. Keller, labor $33.25 W. A. Kqllcr, labor $11.87 J. II. Tucker, labor $38.00 W. 13. Schuw, labor $3S.OO W. 1 Ilolniau, labor $20.25 .1. II. Hnsklns, labor . . ,a ....$15.75 .Too Miller labor ' $52.25 A. J. Counts, super 33.00 Ilobert Coombs, labor .'S.oO .1. M. KltiBey, labor 1 2.25 Geo. Nolta. labor $23.75 10. 13. Wells, labor 2.50 T. T. Hill, labor 10.25 W. W. Faust, labor 2.75 R Shumate, labor 1 2.50 ..5.00 ..25.00 ..10.00 1117.50 .. 3.75 tt :t u S. W. Armstrong, labor . . U .1. Armstrong, foreman A. 11. McNItt, labor, etc . Henry I less, Cont Geo. 13. Wilson, smithing . Christ Itelcliert, lbr 27.00 Hnmlon lldwo Co,, lid wo ...II I. "5 Hnmlon I Id wo Co., hilwo ....52.08 'Patrick Hnnraban 015.00 , Itobt. C. Train, Cont., ltd. Dist. No. 30 811.10 ! Itontl DM. Xo. it:t 'Kurpiio Tor.-y, labor etc ... .9.9'.) 'Jack Nowljn, labor 22.02 i Herbert Ulake, labor 25.50 1 7. V. Thomas, labor ' C.7ti Kntcrprlso Meat Mkt., meat..S.'J8 ItoariiimHi-r'N Office P. M. Hnll-Lowls, lid. Master. 150.00 1 First Nat. Hank, offlco rent.. 7.50 Coos & Curry Tel. Co., tel.,..2.05 M wmmmiiTWBswsn ' Wo nro now prepared to furnish GHAVKL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.'6 per yard. Canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Itctuil Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposlto INist-Offlco. l'hoiip iOO. m duwgAn undertaking PARLORS Mill bo kept OPI3X TO Till: PL'HLIO A I'PKtilar btnlo licensed iiudei taker will lio In charge Phono 10."-J wiwiMMMWiimaflw 'All Kinds of Job Priutino Dour nl Tlui Timrs Offico T,mori Wftnt odB br,n 0B,,,t, I Baw7tXHtjJivaviwgtatipa: immm m INr AN ADVERTISING , A , PRIMER . :. A YOU HAVE GOODS TO SELL A GREAT MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY WANT TO BUY THEM TELL THEM ABOUT YOUR GOODS THESE PEOPLE ARE READERS OF THE COOS BAY TIMES WHAT IS SIMPLER THAN TO TELL THEM THROUGH THE ADVERTIS ING COLUMNS OF THE TIMES THIS TRAIN OF REASONING-THIS VERITABLE A B C OF ADVERTISING APPLIES ALIKE TO THE MANUFAC TURER WITH A PRODUCT TO IN TRODUCE OR THE STOREKEEPER WITH MANY TH.INGS TO' SELL TELL THEM OF YOUR GOODS NOW WAR HAS CURTAILED DELIVERY OF MAIL Slioilnnc of .Men In London Has Had Its Kfl'ect I'iioii the Postal 1 Sen Ico i Illjr noclitf J rrrii to Coot I!j Tlmfi ) LONDON, July 28. Shortagos of men has led tho British postal au thorities to tako ronowed stops to curtail tho freo dollvory sop'Ieo In ' various iart,n of tho country. In tho husliiess section of London, whoro twolvo dollvorlcs n day woro former ly mado, tho number was cut to six at tho beginning of tho war, and will now bo further reduced. In smaller cities only threo dollvorlcs iuo now In operation. HAS XKW MAWACICK C V. Hiudy at Hpad of Portlanil Chamber of CoiiiniPiro A now manager has heon named for tho Portland Chamber of Com morco. Tho head of tho publicity body of Portland Is a position which has been hold down by soma highly compotont mon with great success. Of tho now man who Is to direct this Important work tho Chamber of Commorco Nows has tho following to say: "Goorgo 13. Hardy, who has accept ed an appointment as managor for tho Chamhor of Coinmorco.comes from Tolodo, Ohio, whoro for tho past 18 months ho has boon tho suc cessful directing agent for tho Toledo Commerco Club. It is understood that Mr. Hardy Is especially well opulppcd for meotlng shipping prob lams. "No Intimation has been receiv ed, from Mr. Hardy as to plans that ho may wish to put Into operation on his arrival in Portland about Aug ust 15, but In taking up his now duties Mr, Hardy will bo assured of tho unanimous support of tho Hoard of Directors. Tho now malinger will bo expected to mako good In advanc ing Portland and Oregon. To that end tho way will bo smoothed out for him so far as officers and mombors aro ablo to accomplish It, C. S. J. . A. 13. A. 13. M. A. Amos G. W Coos A. U. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 lj It costs ono cent a word 0 to toll you. story each day In Tho Times want columns A lb lb llall-Lowls, suppllch. .2.12 SVojor'H Offlco MeCullorh, Biirvfiyor. . I 15 20 Policy, doi V'0.00 Hadsall, dep 11.20 , Hadsall, assist i.I5 Simpson, assist 10.55 Hadsall, assist 12 10 '. Koontz, assist lj.20 Co. Abstr. Co., data ....100 Daly & Co., wagon .... 1 10.00 Kock Qiuirry J. D. Clinton, labor, eta 0.20 Henry Radabaugh, supplies ..1.30 G. J. Armstrong, view, rds ...03.20 Hond Hist. Xo. ii Arthur Voldo, labor 27.00 Chester Hear, labor 'J1.3S W. II. Mclntyro, labor 32.75 Audoison-Klockers Co., Cont. H. S. Ilridgo 800.00 Tho Sun, notice, ltd. Dist. No. 5 5.35 Kant Multifield Ferry Alex Hall, master 75,00 S. G. Stcckel, engineer ....75.00 Georgo Ilhoda, deck hand... 45. 00 W. H. Cavanagh, ovo. ferry ..100.00 W. 11. Cavanagh, ovo. ferry ..100.00 W. II. Cavanagh. towing, etc.. 23.00 John L. Koontz, oil 5,40 Coqulllo Sontlnol, notices ....2.97 Frank L. Lowe, paint 7,80 Ploucor lldwo Co,, hdwo ...8.05 Smith & Wado, oil COO Union Oil Co., oil 3.80 C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co., Ibr 13.90 Mnrshflold Hdwo Co., hdwo ..5.73 Schroedor & Hlldonbrand, sup plies 3.70 Itoad Dist. No. lit Geo. Ward, labor . ... 4.75 L. C. Ward, labor 2.12 R. T. Ward, labor 4.75 Cluis. Ilurs, labor 5. 02 It. W. Cotton, labor 18.00 Samuol Stovous, labor G.75 C. V. llushnoll, labor 14.02 Henry Stevens, labor G.75 J. 13. Grlssom, labor 0,7( Lon lluull, labor 1.12 O. G. Miller, labor 22.21 O. G. Miller, labor 11.81 A. H. Drown, labor 10.87 Itoad Dist. Xo, l.t M. Drown, labor 10,12 Geo. M. Drown, labor 9. 50 13. I). Northrup, labor 2C.43 Pioneer Hdwo Co., Scrapor 15.70.00 Coqulllo I'Yrry J. N. McNair, forryman. 140.00 Coqulllo Hdwo Co., hdwo 2.90 CoqufllQ Sontlnol, notices, 17.. 3.24 Ilullaids Ferry S. S. Shields, ferryman 90.00 Kdwln I311Iugsoii, scow 473. 09 Coqulllo Sentinel, notices ..,,4.08 F. A. Jameson, ferryman, Itivor- ton 35.00 Itoad Dist. Xo. 21 J. P. Doyers, labor C5.00 Lester Donaldson, labor C5.00 C. J. Gillham, labor 47.50 Goo, Donaldson, labor 05,00 F. L. MtClollan, labor 65.00 Edwin I31llngsen, foreman ...195.00 Ja'ko Stlbltz, labor 15.00 13. 13, Johnson, lbr. 119.00 A. II. Odon, coal, etc 70.19 S, II, Adams, smithing 4.75 W. S. Graham, towing 24.00 W. W. Klght, piling 700.12 Coqulllo Hdwo Co., hdwo ...37.05 Coqulllo Hdwo Co., hdwo ....8.75 Itoad Dist. Xo. '21 Hnrvo Smith, labor 2.25 It. Mcllee, labor" 2.25 L. C. Paul, labor 11." John Fritz, labor 1.15 .Mr. Rnmho, labor 2.25 Itoad Dist. Xo. 25 Slf Aascu, labor 10,25 Alex Snyder, labor 15.00 James Dirt, labor .C,S7 Clayton Martin, labor n.iK) Lefllo Martin, labor 5.00 Cecil Scott, labor 3.12 M. F. Aasen, labor 1 0.00 Itoad District Xo :tl H 13. Johnson, lbr 13.27 Ivlmo & Von Pcgert, wrench ..13. GO Itoad DIsl. Xo. 1 Thos. McCulloch, labor 1S.00 W. F. Adams, labor 1 1.25 John Lr.!:o, labor 19.12 Verb Adams, Inbor 2.25 J. T. Davis, labor 2.25 John Peterson, labor 3.37 Tobias Chrlstcuscn, labor ....2.25 Louis Clirlstcnsen, labor .... I 50 Nets Pettorson, labor 4.50 XV. F. llowron, super 32.50 XV. 13. Harrison, labor 11.25 C. D. Wlushlp, labor 12.37 John Vlerow, lnbor 2.25 I3dd Sprnguo, labor 2.25 John Shelter, labor ,..27.00 Hn Dowron, labor 4 L0 Itoad Dist. Xo. 2 II. II. Fulton, labor 29.23 Alfred Lundstrom, labor 0.75 J. C. McCulloch, labor 7.!2 C. 13. Hanson, super 51.25 Simpson Lbr. Co., lbr 20.00 Itoad Dist. Xo. it G. A Perkins, labor 01.75 C. It. Perkins, labor 80.71 13. T. Coffolt, labor 01.75 Ira Padrlck, labor 52.25 J. A. Prentice, labor '. 29.25 W. 13. Tompkins, labor 11.25 XV. Molburn, labor 11.25 G. A. Trask, labor 19.12 U. O. McNoy. lnbor 25.87 P. Thlllon, labor 20. 1'5 C. I), Haddock, labor 2.25 Paul Glrard, labor 12.37 13. J. Udell, labor H 60 O. A. Perkins, 'supor 32.50 llnzor & Sou., supplies 9.00 Hnzer & Son., supplies 1.75 W. A. Powers, smithing O.'-O A. II. Daly & Co., powder ..1C.C5 G. A. Perkins, Cont 1122.00 Leo Nun, labor 11. &7 M. C. Hoffman, labor 2S.50 L. T. Kdlngton, labor 2S,0 Olo Pcdorson, labor 11 25 Hunk St. Clair, labor 11.25 AI Thrush, labor 1125 Win. Abel, labor 12.40 J. C. HoBkeuson, labor 10.15 R. J. Stauqulst, labor 9.00 H. I). Ingorsoll, labor 9.50 Itoad Dist. Xo. B Loo Nunn, labor 97.38 13. F. Wymoro, labor r. S0.7 5 M. C. Hoffman, labor 55.00 F. P. Norton, team 53.75 L. T. Kdlngton, labor 43.57 Homor Crnmby, labor 13,50 M. C. Hoffman, labor C5.00 Olo Pcdorson, labor 51.75 Hank St. Clair, labor 45.00 Itoad D(st. No. n. AI Thrush, labor 57.50 Win, Abol, labor 32. C5 Frank Dlack, labor 45.00 J. C. Hosklnson, labor 47.90 It. J, Stonqulst, labor 51.75 James llyrno, labor 30,10 13d Dundy, labor 9,50 J. W. Hall, labor 4.75 F. P. Norton, trans 12.60 F. P. Norton, supor ... ,..,C5.00 Coos Day Iron Wks Irons .,3.00 Uon Wright, smithing 19.97 13. L. Hopson, supplies 1,50 11. F. Wymoro, supplies 9.00 Geo. 13. Dix treat. O. Poder 8on 5.00 Marshfleld Hdwo Co., hdwo ..10.70 No. Demi Mill & Lbr. Co,, lbr 2G3.13 No, Ucnd Mill & Lbr. Co., Ibr. 370.79 Coqulllo Sentinel, notices ....1.80 Hagqulst & DJorqulst, bal. Cont 1194.00 Itoad Dist. No. U N. 13. Daggett, supor 35.00 Kllory Daggott, labor C4.10 W. Hanson, lnbor 24.76 L. Ness, labor 24.75 Joseph Suchauok, labor ....18.00 Henry Mlchelbrlug, labor ....G.75 Arthur Campbell, labor ....12.72 '. T. Thomas, labor 2.37 Marshfleld Hdwo Co., powder 53.15 It. D. No. 7. S. D. Cutllp, supor 50.25 Guy Cutllp, labor 70.50 John Smith, labor 04.76 Alfred Jutstrom, labor 13,50 Oscar Carlson, labor 17.50 Geo. Runklii, labor 31,00 Alton Robertson, labor 33.75 Roy Robertson, labor 0,75 Marshfleld Hdwo Co., hdwo ..4.28 A. D. Daly Co., powder .... 17.25 Twin City Retail Lbr. Co., lbr 12.00 Itoad Dist. Xo, H W. II. Short, super 82.50 Ned Lawrence, labor 50.25 Watt Short, labor 13. GO J, Vnnburgor, labor 123.25 P. H. Plukorton, labor 44.85 Jack llowron, labor , 32.05 J. S. Austin, labor 0.75 Marshftold Hdwo Co., hdwo,. 20, 20' Schroedor & Hlldonbrand, plow U K II 18.55 It. 1). Xo. I). '.. T. Slglln, super 30.00 Geo. Chard, labor 9.00 W. H. Drlsce, labor 18.00 G. S. Anderson, labor G.75 J. L. HotchklsB, labor 24.75 P. It. Robin, labor 29.25 L. A. Green, labor 27.00 A. 13. Alder, labor 25.87 11. V. Tromblo, labor 13.60 N. O. Watson, labor 4.50 Z. T. Slglln, team 10.00 Marshfleld Hdwo. Co., hdwo. ..19.50 It. D. Xo. 10. II. C. Uoono, super 112.50 N. H. Hanson, labor 54.00 Paul Crooks, labor 13.50 Paul Crooks, labor 7.87 C. II. Woodard, labor 25.87 J. W. Catching, labor 6.02 Genu Stadden, labor 16,87 Frank Dlack, labor 9.00 13rnest Smith, Inbor 52.87 I3d. Smith, labor 22.60 O. N. Wilson, wagon rent ...13.25 It. D. Xo. 11. Win. Ilettys, supor .20.75 G. R. Denham, labor ...I... 29. 25 Androw Hatcher, labor 18.00 L. D. Jones, labor 10.12 T. II. Denham, labor 9.00 Itobt. C. Train, cont 150.00 It. 1). Xo. 12. F. A. Raker, supor 63.75 Tom McCoy, labor 64.00 Itolllo Alford', labor 47.25 J. A. Dovault, labor G.76 Plln Lawrence, labor 45.00 S. C. Meredith, labor 9.00 J. J. Meredith, labor 9.00 Hit Klopponborg, labor 47.25 David Crowley, labor 58.50 Chas. Shepherd, labor 29.26 M. C. Miller, labor 12.35 Harold Shepherd, labor ....29.25 J. M. Kiullcott, labor 27.00 Porley Crowloy, labor 11.25 W. C. Culbertson, labor 11.25 F. A. Dakor, tenm G0.00 Porley Crowloy, team 7.50 M. C. Miller, team 13.75 II. II. Darst, labor G.75 Sam Drown, labor 6.75 KImo & Von Pegort, smithing .3.05 J. I. Sprlngstcnd, cont 100.00 Coqulllo Hdwo Co.', hdwo 20.05 n. i. Xo. i:i. II. S. llushnoll, labor 38.24 C. V. llushnoll, labor 13.50 John Fabry, super 62.50 Goo. M. Drown, labor 2,25 O. 13. Marstors, labor 2.25 it. I), Xo. 14. 13. W. Fahy, super 89.87 C. G. Fahy, labor 34.87 J. A. Morrison, labor 34.87 Lawrenco Dullard, labor 43.87 Owen Evans, labor 22.50 Chester Dullard, labor 22.50 Fred O'Rourko, labor 32. G2 Warren Dullard, labor 16.87 Thad Shlnn, labor 11.25 Henry Koos, IaW 2.81 Chas, Phllpot, labor 68.50 Kbert Phllpott, labor 45.00 A. F. Merchant, labor 4.D0 A. Saccltl, labor 9.00 Jahn Goll, labor . 18.00 Frank lSlllott, labor 18.00 I3d. Motcalf, labor 19.13 W. 13. Colby, labor 2.25 A. F. Merchant, team 3.37 Wm. Kadlcott, smithing 5.00 It. W. Dullard, hdwo., 4.25 E. W. Fahy, lbr., etc 10.31 E. E. Johnson, lumber ....704.89 it. i). No. in. Frank Wllloy, labor, 43.87 Vanco Weokly, lnbor 65.00 Win. Wostbrook, labor 60.00 J. Drano, labor , . 07.50 Frank Chaso, labor G0.75 Dob Campbell, labor 38.00 Louis Klatto, lubor 79.87 Roy Carter, labor 11.50 D. Donovan, labor 6,52 John Yoakam, supor 7G.2G Elbert Allon, labor 31.50 D. Donovan, labor 23.75 KImo & Von Pegort, Btool, etc 7.75 itoad Dist. No. 10 Chas. Strang, super 125.00 Harry Tozlor, labor 52.85 13. F. Davenport, labor 52.60 W. G. Rogors, labor 57. 3G John Fouts, labor 52.85 Honry Carver, labor 50.00 Sam Whotstono, lnbor 7.00 Vanco Weekly, labor 2.35 Coqulllo Hdwo Co., hdwo ...14.05 Geo. McAdams, smithing ....5.25 E. E. Johnson, lbr 10.36 Howl Dist.. No. 17 Alvin Jackson, labor 16,85 J. W. Hutton, labor 16.75 Claud Mullen, labor 18.00 Herbert Gillie, labor 18.00 W. L. Donovan, labor 18.00 II. M. narklow, labor 103.50 Ed Olson, labor 99.00 J. W. Hutton, labor 27.00 Claud Mullen, lubor 22.60 Frank Deyors, labor 18.00 Alvin Jackson, labor 20.25 W. 13. Dlgolow, lubor 31.50 W. T. Drady, labor ..15.7G W. A. nrlght, labor 51.75 Geo. Mullen, super ... 60.00 Hodson-Foenaughty Co., hdwo.. 9.00 G. S. Mathowson, lbr 36.29 Hilling, Lundy & Sons, hdwo.. 5.20 ltoud Dist. Xo. 18 M. N. Dellou, labor 87.00 C, F. Thomas, labor 36.26 I. R. Crlbblns, labor 38.C8 C. E. Morris, labor 9.00 WV (Continued Tomorrow.) JU III