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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
MMPWIIIMHWl iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ' ismm" :?' 33W TWQ THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915-EVENING. EDITION. IU 'V S 00 L H ED $! it i I p nr ': SHIPPING NEWS V tLLd Ul $$ i RJUD'MJIIir SEE EXHIBIT Kl'HAL IIISTHKTS OP COOS I, KM) MODKHX MOVEMENT s m E(S. I'. PCHLICATIOX (JIVES i TAILS OK XEW LINE Die. TiiorsAxns leakx or coos I AXI) (TIlllV COCXTIES Klolo Kocognles CoiiMilMnllou of stCAM.MIIP MAI) lllll THIP LnM Spike Will bo Drlon n( S(nie ( n .;xHW,ol, u one ....... ... .. ............... III...... ..... ?,! ill.l.l (111 III! ' Iturul IIMihls im Death Knell of Litllc School House Consolidation of rural school dis tricts for tlio purpose of eroding inoiloni mid well onuliiped schools for TllltOKill HEAVY WIND Elements Combine to Double TJitu of Tilp Into Euickn Leaves Out fur INt llntul I'liire Xenr (.nuHner on Hie L'inpiiii lilt or Which Alliwli Allcnllon of Jinny VMlois The Inst spike which will complete , gAN puAlN.c,SCOt July 22 When the construrtlrn of the Willamette tho Coo9 am, Curpy County ,,, ramie n.ii.o. . tv... n, ,, ,, . q 0regon bul,d,lgt nlld BASEBALL SCORES POHTLAXD HEAVEHS AHAIX OX WAY TO TOP OP COLCMX .Matched Willi Vernon itiul Knitlicr Ascension Looks lininluonl Sit 1 1 Luke Drugs Cnni rtti.t tiln1 Frntn f lut Vnruftt llioiiBHt year has boon gaining an t"-, rombi11(,', l0 Acay the steamship ; v'l,oro "cnr "ar'Hn"- nrronlln to petils in Oresoti. coos lins uon well S8n((t CIflra , ,,,,,, ari.vnj lcrCi s)l0 an account. 01 me inin.oau ui in tho lead of tho movement. witinwng .,, ,,,. , mnK t,L, trip the icsult that nt proont shoU hor- r,.om gl)U Kranci9(.0 t0 Hurokn. It aided not only over the state but the WW g(l,tli Tho VCMp, ,pfl out nt Northwest as well, aa a leader. Tho , .,n J( m ro,. iortiat(. Portland papers ofa few weeks ao T, s , .Brn ...... ..,,,., ... s.. . . . .... .. .1 -- - - - . . i. -... .1... ..... carried a long artico on me rami KranpNl0 nt week and the Elder i empinyeu in uregon " ' '" building devoted wholly to the prod- ft ill ....1... t . itln ft .. t ..1 n t I .. .. nt tl. I11IP W I I 1 1 l1 llf t rt " MfMinnm m i n c ) lv in 1110 w .. i. ..irt. n.j.n.. ,!. tf.m ... surruun u. niv hu uiuiimviii; .. . iii'it in I 'iuv viiih.- dih a ft' which nppoars In The Hnlletln, Is' sued at San Francisco by tho South ern Pacific Company. The n"tklo follows: "Over a thousand men are now many or tnein are ;i-muii, m i iinva. 1ipv riiiri no reason to be I other than proud of tho showIiiKI that has been mndc for their Bee tle n. As n mntter of fact they find two excellent and thoroughly nttrnc tlo booths in the center of the PKHCICXTAGK8 OP COAST LKAGUR 4. tnr AMorlnlfJ TrfM lo Cooi Ilr TltnM, 0 W. h. P.O. 4 San Francisco C2 "0 .nn-I Los Angeles ..r8 5"i .niJl Oakland r,S 50 .f.OS Portland '. I n.'l .no". Vernon fill 02 .101 Salt Lake f2 02 .150 porn or nil wee muy arc iiBiun mini- ,.,,v ller w,c repnlred. tloneil. The pasKongera arrlvtiiB hero fium The death knoll of the llltlo lied ,, ( gt,t! W(,rc. rn,(l Ijanijori)i n0tj- Bchool houso was sounded when ills- .. t'r. t r. Knowing. It. H. Ver- Pnclflc which, co'.iinvtlnR Htigeno and .Marshfleld, will no 120 miles in loiiKtli when compbto. Of this 57 miles of tracks nre In oper- trlcts began (heir ooiuolldatlon. Thoi,,,,, j j Sullivan, Mrs. A. W. ntlcn aml c" "ll,cs ot tra,'': !uiVC llf AmrUleil Vtm to eoof llr Tlm". VI3HNOX, July 28. For pure un regulated luck the Heavers perhaps nfii tliu tinut nt Mm nlillt'fi fntiut wood Is exploited, and throughout! o Twco mvo tJj ,jcen nJ U)o bottom of tho percentage column; nets of their region, nnother glass enclosed booth at tho very entrance In which tho Incomparable myrtle I carrying of pupils by motorbom to mid from school Is an tiniisunl meth od, common enough hero, but unique ulsowhere. This week pictures of tho bouts in Jcneg, .1. K. Ilrldges. Kdward Clancy j ucc" m,t'- and IS Greek laborers. "Features In the construction of The passengers departing 'or'"1" " nl'o: Tluco bridges, one Portland weio .1. C. Peterson. Mrs. .casing the Sluslaw ltivor notr Ac- P..i.i-nn. Mvrll., P..tnrnn. Mnrcunr- ' "' tile SOCOlld crossing the Ullip- tho building arc tables, chairs, desks etc.. made of wonderfully grained and beautifully polished woods from these coast counties. Favorable Comment If they will but stand around a little bit with their cars open they 1 .... 11. 1.. .........,,. 1,,,,.., Imaii ' . .. ...... .. .,... ll.,.. ...,.t (I,,, lili.,1 ll '" "1. " " ".".,' 3" L :;:"TJ i,t0 n' 1CToyvlon'rL r" I". :' X., "L.;" .will hear more pleasing expressions niiun in 111111.1MU. . 1 ... "'"Campbell, r. c. Taylor, Mrs. T.ty- u,v tum "' '""' "" ii,nnt thr them was tho specially constructed gasoline boat Ilopo which every day, during the school year, bring tho pupils to the forks of the Coo Klver. This boat was built and is owned by William HJoniuist. .. l.ntit llman mnmla ntlrl fltlinr tirnil rrl. 1. !.!.. i. l.rt Uliialn... tirtni,,uul lilUOU """ t.iiw wv. i-.. lor, Katy Taylor, Tom Svenson, V. " ""' ' 'Zul u, ". ucta to be found In tho Coos and f! nt'wU'.. Tiinmii r fjniii. Acmo hns a 2bt)-foot through-rivciod .... .1 enf, i r 0 I en id To i,y'i.lrny span with 100 feet of clear span Curry booths than they ever Imagln- tnreiui, .mis. i.oiiienreidt, ion ' ,, ' or could bo said and they find Hon- Dean, .Airs. Dean, Jolin and Donaw "" l"u """l lu""""" "!.. BLAME ON OTHERS ili:'. HALL SAYS POOH PLAXS , CAl'SI! SCAHCITV OP PASTOHS , . . . .lL 1EAC E IS bildgcs and four miles of tretitlin The total amount of steel Mill to rock ,Btors aml In,,8Scls mnko SI1011I1I .Millie Appointments and Then There Would Alnns He jWIMTKUXKU THHKADS WAY Sunn o On II11111I Tlllton.'H MASS ,, ... , , , , Hlg Sticks Cmne Aililfl Ofr Point 'I hat there are penty of preachers , ,. ., ,, ,, . . , , ...... , ., Aiciiii I10111 Itafl ( iiptnln but a scarcity in tho plans of Hume .. . ,. ., . .. 1 "' Ivnow 11 Hero who would iihu the preaclieris I a tno claim of Kov. (1. I.olloy Hall. Ho1 Laboring In 11 heavy nor'west had read of the oiciirrcnco of yen- wind that at times blew 80 miles tcrday when Don .1. Scott, ti'ioui to an hour and with a high sea run marry Miss Lcona HiirlirldK". found Inlug, the steam schooner Westerner, tl.eio wns not 11 milliliter In tno cltV Captain A. Paulson, off Point Arena, .,itton and ballasting Is belli!' done '8toC,t- 1 .'.. r..t....wi ... .... ... v.. -.I. it... .1 ...... .. 1 1.... -..r 1.. ne .. ..... H it , " '" '"'ll" '" "u "' ",""" '" "" 'b "'i ' ' "' i"H between Mnpleton nml Florence. Tho twice hnvo they gono close to the top again. On tho third trip to tho bottom .another ascension look ed hopeless, but up thoy have gono again. And this, too, nfter 11 week's defeats nt the hands of the Seals. Now they nre matched for 11 week with Vernon and should tako every one of the series. The scores of yesterday follow: Coast League At Vernon H. II. Portland 2 7 Vernon 1 .! At Onkland San Francisco Oil! Oakland 11 1.1 At Snlt Lake Los Angeles 8 12 Salt Lake 7 11 (Flcveu innings.) American Length) At Hostou Chlcngo I Boston .1 At Philadelphia St. Louis I Philadelphia 0 At Washington Cleveland 0 V null lit rt nt ' 1 operation between Kugcno ind Ma- K'ou ls stronB " tlttll'y nml otl,or At New York Detroit 7 iiiTaci.s .-iori.smcii miniiliillvn .T A. vn nl befltnirr.d liv Dean. Marlon Footo. Florence Kd- TIip total weight of tho approaches, - " wards, K. (5. Davles. K. L. Strom- 'nml draw span Is 1,895,000 pounds. ",. " " f( I,e0,,,e bom. 0. II. Strombonr. Clarence "That over the Unipqun Is u. l IS- b,""""b "" l ne' r. !:. Tinmen. Fred Sax. .1. S. ' foot through-riveted draw span, with , Co8 am Cllrry oxl,,blt . A F I unman I II Smith I"'"'1 12R-foot through r vetircl np- ' Uo Loos nna V .. . cx", ll ' .,,, " c ' 5 Lroneh spans. Tho total walgnt l.'o. no .loubt but that that region . .: ... .... . ' . S.vionnn ., i I can Biippiy all the gastronomic ne- jiir siiiiiu nnn Kinei auiiin. ..,..-, ,.u......0. , "The Coos Hay bridge la .1 458- foot through-riveted draw span with ccssltles for both man and beast. A large section is reserved for tho 1 ..... . . ll.......... ..... nine 150-foot and two I.SD.foot "ei'cuminu aim noriiuiiiuuui i-.-thtough riveted approach spu.n. To-;,lt;t8 ,u,,, tho frl,,t ,l,ul vegetables tal weight 5,251,571 pounds. ltl,oro ro vcry tempting. Hutter and "Tb., nou- rn.n.l rnll fnr- fWl,.. I'llOCSO IUO Hot leSS SO, aild tllO HB- Kortmcut of fish, sea crabs, clams, 1 ... 11.- ... 1 -t..u.i n.. .. i.. be erected Is over 0000 tons, or ;,im" 'oiB wiuei. uuuy uo.u.i, I J, 000,000 pounds. ,m8 " "8l''n' l'otntoes that produco ""Jus't when the Willamette Paclllclllt t,,n n,t0 of r,0 b,",hels ,cr ncrc' wilt bo completed Is hard to say nt Aml t,,cro nro rn,IIB aI,tl Kra8SCS ll.U tlmn Til.. rn,..l la I., t.Mt SllOW llOW It Is tllllt tills TO- K. 1 1 on his errand and there Hccurod I boat and on Its way from Portland contractors nro working north from' '" "'mltion to all this lower floor Hov. Mr. Illsoy. - j to San Diego. Hetweon 25 and .'10 Mrriirini.i n..,i n.n inat ...n, v.m Idlsplay the Southern Const region ... .... ..... . .... . ....... . I . " ... o,....w ...... piolmbly bo driven somowhoro In ' "01,st ot nv,nB nirnisnoti nil There nro at least six pastor In .of the big logs hail broken loose the city, but yesterday all of th"iu and were pounding about In the seas, happened to bo out of town, some , It wns with difficulty thut Captain (Hi IiiihIiiohh and others away -on Paulson brought his ship through, their vacations. Illo bays that had he pabsed there Mr. Hall claims thut too often I In the night there might bo a dlf nnlhlug Is said to tho minister until Ifereut story to toll. New York .'! National League At Pittsburg V..... V....1, 1 ... . ,11... r........ .i,ii. , '" .win. 1 the vicinity or (inrdlnor, or aboiitl1"" "' --i '''" """" PttBi,rK where tho lino cross tho Uniprma. thu ulltlro u"nK bo beautifully, cinclniint'l "With n combined rail and auto decorated, and on the mezzanine ,,,,,,,., .. stage service, the Willamette Pad- j flo()r ,tt " cxl,ll)lt of w" blrls 1 Cincinnati 'l i . i At i .. . titifi miiiin nniiiuuu r nr iiuiifo inn iiL iiuw iiiuiti'H inriiiiLTii I'fiiuiitni iniirt " w w " - &UA&Z Whether it's ours or some other kind docsp't matter to you. The important thing is I will either be falima or some f $f other good one. V!rWJ I jjjiiTTnrrnrnniTTiTTrrfTnrfrT'"''v,T' "" ' "" l V' J HAIi HOME MADE SAUSAGE, BURGER and WEINERWIW a I. I... ............ .....I ....I.. .... . .tlliuu III our mm mnii 11.1 --.-. is 1 , 1110 IKK j,l used. You cannot gel beller ones any jiliico in the lounln. We will liaio some ( liolco Spring (iilekeus lor 1'rMj;' SatiiMlaj'N liatlc flno fijers. AVo also have Mime rliolce beef, pork anil wnl, Itenieiuliei' Dial ue give .special nl tent Ion lo 'phono and deliver promptly. THE UNiON MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. Phone 58-J. 174 South Broariol PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDR We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient M COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY will, Marshfleld. As soon as trnlus '"vorngo sportsmen tnko on a tro- At Hoston- Hoston n KW minutes before ho Is wanted, The word of the drifting logs IsL , 0orntlon to A,I11U t ,vlu 1)0 mendous longing to visit this won- " ' llllil. like II fireman, be Im uIwiivk belnif amit In miirliwiru 1111 iui.I .l.iu-n ... . .i....r..i .,.n it l 0..I.1 1... .niJ"'uul")11 .. , , . , 1 , , , ' iposfciiiie to nuiKo the trip tnrough "" -.. " " " "m";" epccted to bo ready. j the coast that they may be on the;,,, r ,, , 0 fro K r1 ; that this Is ono of tho vcry best i Ono time whllu In Medforl work-, lookout while in that vicinity. I Mnriliflohl In ono dnv I exhibits of Its kind on tho grounds., I II 1 tl I lit lit III lltli olllll ! I( ,.1.1 I 12, x I ..,. tl I.. .1 A. I. .. 1 ... . . ... I lug about in his chinch In old; So fierce wiim the wind that clothes, ho said a man riiblcd In nt at miiiio tlmoH Captain Paulson says the door and hurrying 1-wu ro bin ship made not more than two ali-ld culled out. "Say etui you u n- uiIIom an hour ami the steamship due a funeral?". ,, Santa Clara was Ilti hours getting "Why, yes, I can." was, tin tut- Into Kuroka from San Francisco 8W',r- 1 ;wiieio orillniuily tho trip takes about "All right," replied the bioath-! 10 hoiiiu. lean vlnllor. "Put your qot o-i," I Tho log raft sighted Is said to bo ami ho pointed throiiuli tho i.penltho flrt of the season to bo sent (ic(H Its Share Tho crowds at tho Imposition now PUT IB UWUSUA L door. "They're Kilning now" So Mr. Hall my tluit ministers slicnld Iiiino appoliilmeutR nm'e for thcli fcervlces the same xs :" -me woi'ld do in keeping a hush" 's en l.i.ninent or In vIhIHiik the ilentfM. Y. M. G.A. MAM HERE WILL HI.IOT WHKiHT. Ill si:ciii:taiiv isris u.w noiitli by S. Honson, the big Port land lumberman, to his mills in San Diego. It was cigar shaped and loniHlned sovoi nl millions of feet of I ok, nil ilmlncd together. Was on limner Captain P.iiiIhoii Is not a strnngor on Coon Hay. lie has been In hero seeral Union, two yeais ago having Milne in (ouimaud of the steam s homier Homer, plying between hero "Activities nro being directed from ( Hugene. where Assistant KniMnoorH II. P. Ilooynnd W. It. Fontuhio linvo,,limi,)op "lore tl,an r'0-000 ,e0"10 I HASKHALL THIS YKAH HAS PHO tl.OK offices. mill) auu iiiu vjiukuu uiiiiiiiiik via- Mted by as many us can bo cared for to advantage In Mr. J. A Curry have ono of representatives In tho building. TO START Ilfll ROAD KS5 Dl'CKH SO.MK FAST WOHIC I'cii'oniinnces Out nr oni!iiar.v' Have Hecu Heeonled to Credit of ) Some Players Abstract r d KOIt HKI.IAHLli AHSTItACTS OK TITiiU AND IMUltJUUl AHOU'JD COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., MAHSHl'TFLD AXI) COQUILLIO CITY, OHFflO.N GKXKHATj Af.'UXTS, IIASTSIDH AX!) SIJXOSTAOKKN'S ADMS AOKNTS t'Olt (JAXAI)IAX I'ACIKIO HAILItOAI) LLM1 iik.vkv Ki:xasTACJii:x, maxaouu COXTHACT LKT I'OH kxtfxsiox OF TDK OHW.'OX FASTKUX Thought Possibly a Link or Pos. .slide Lino Across the Stale of Oregon Tho lotting of a contract for a a new extension of the Oregon ICastern railroad Is taken by sonic to be tho possible Hturt of a Hue across and Suit Frnnelnio with lumber audi tho state of Oregon. Theio bus for passengers. Tlio Wenterner belongs to the OImiii .V Mnlioiic) Hue and the skip per m u ten hIio ling been chartored by the C. A. .Smith Company to make a Hip to San Pedro. About Uo weeks will be consumed in milk ing einii round trip. WIISiilltMllt IIHHi: Merely on Iiihciiu Tour Itul He lloes There Is Openlui; Tor Assucialloii Heu Will Kllui WrlKhl. field neeretiiry of the Y. M. C. A. In Orenun and Idaho, uun here toiluy un the gueitt ol W. A. Held ami oilier friend. Mr. Held Has formerly in iburgo or Hie Army Y. M. C. A. work in Alaska ami Is an old frleud of Mr. Wright, who ban been engaged in that field of endeavor for iiiuiiy jears. For wiuie tluiu Multifield htm been considered a likely field for organ ising it Y. M. I'. A., but t oud ll Ions he not been exactly favorable. author fUld for tlio Y. M. C. A. 1 hai has been considered hero has been the orgaiii.luv' of u Y. M. C. A. at the he.uliimirM'rs 01 the Hmltli- PoWls luKKlllg CHinK which In HOW l'0V4H. Willi Hie comiuK or (he mllioad ami the piol.ubli loeittou of aUopa mid dUlhiiin lieaduuurUirH on ibl end of (he road. Uiera ill vtat ahJ be a field for u riitlroiut or liidiintrial Y. M. C. A. Mi Wilgbt uld tlierv wm aoihiiiK to Kho out about, Ills trip evept that lie was uiakiug a gouorul In. speetloa tour. He wus nt Coitullle and Myrtle Point yesterday. Heptesenl .-((ui Mill. -.jjat, j,. M. tho well known representative or the wholesalers In this terrtior). has just been appointed uiwut ot the Aflt.rln l,l,.r(,i itti.. r... -. ... ... 1 sutlton. he Astoria firm 1.m wlu-Fr nou.o rea.ou that has never SrW!"!.TU,,0,0, ,U ,'Afcbw" p" Annio Union Zu , l "V"" ,", r Hbonrd and wns l.nmodl- " ,,u" '" "" '" ' ""-' -e.'.,i i.x gowriunoiu officials. some yeais been a lot of talk about a road actoss Oregon which might possibly terminate at Cooa Hay and some think this new extension may bo a start. A Portland paper, re ferring to tho now work says: "Tho Twohy Hrothers Company was awarded the contract for tho construction of a :t0-inilo oxtenslon of the Oregon Kastern railroad from ADVKKTISKI) LKTTIIHS List of unclaimed lottors remain ing In the .Marshfleld, Oregon, Post ofHco for tho week ending July 27, I!) 1 5. Persons calling for tho snmo will please say advertised and pay ono cent for each letter called for. Appeltou, Mrs. S. K. H row n, Miss Susan. Coos Hay Fruit Co. Fltzwallace, .lack. Fulton, Mrs. Hort. China, Mr. nml Mrs, It. S. Helms, Howard. Ileslln, Geo. T. Holms, Mrs. Mary V. Mnsson, Dr. Miller. Hussoll O'Connor, Lary. Peterson, J. V. Plx. Mr Hoherts, Mrs, Mary. Hobertbou, It. J. M. Savage, II. S. Sheehan, Pat. White, Mr . lll'dll M'LAIX, P. M. Murshfleld, Oregon. tr.r .wollel Pim in C.,o Ila; Tlimi XICW YOItK, July 28. Hasohnll piny In tho major and minor leagues this season has been productive of a number of unusual porforninnces, soino ot which hnvo established re cords or surplanted ' thoso oxlstlng ror Homo years. They Include nl most every department of the gamo' mid nt the rato they nro piling up, 1015 Is likely to ho romoinbered ns ' tho year of odd features. Halting Heconl In tho Pacific Coast league Jack Xcss, first baseman of tho Oaklnud tenin. batted fcafoly in forty-ono con Hccutivu games for n totnl of sovonty hits, bicaklng Ty CoIiIi'b record of ono or more hits In forty straight games, inndo in 1911. Previous to Cobb'n nilvcnt tho record was held by Hal Chaso, who In 1007 batted safe ly In twonty-sovon consecutive con tests. Tho snmo your that Cobb was hitting so consistently, OtU Cly nier wns establishing tho minor lea guo record of snfe-hittlng in twenty-five straight-games. Harper's Owm Woilc Other extraordinary features In eludo twenty bases 011 balls by plt- faor unrry Harper. In a gamo bo-i tween Minneapolis and St. Paul of! Koontz Garaee ' Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELS WinTnPPVPI cc niuiniM nno cmhimcc Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty ... North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone If'' . -:" The steam schooner Wenterner ur- Itlvertou to Crane Creek (Jhp, liar lived this moriiitiK nml is at tho iney County. C A. Smith mill. She In chartered j Tho woik Is to coiunieuco nt onco for one trip to take a cargo of luni-tuud will cost about 11.500,000. bor to San Pedro. The osto.ior "The contractors expect to finish has been in Coon Hay a number of! the grading this rail and regular limes before. service is expected over the eomnlei. j oil line early In the spring. SCIIOOXHH A HOODOO I "Tho Hue will make three cross- lings of the Malheur ltivor. Steel for OU011 .V Mahniif), On nets of Annie one of thene is already on bund. Tho UiiMin, Held Inc "(inn Hitiiulug" rest will be ordered lintnedlatelv. Kiw since the .chooner , U,,,W,,l'U , J mA m J"0" W,U " Lain,,,, put out from San Diego r f Um !,,-,Hnt '' -outlier,, watem and wan turned buck , l" T'T ? n AinerUau war.hlp and landed' L,, " '"V " . '" lu llo.iui.ui. Wunl... and It was lound ' ' i , , T, T' she carried large nhipnien, of rl- t". 1 ' " '"'" " III4U tlilu 1 iUJ.l l.,.u I....... I !.. 1 '" wnHMIW, ,.w, u niTj 4his urni 111 ruumi- llikllu Im.kkI.I.i V,.... 1 . - i "P iiimii-iv. MMV IIHI' (MVIU'IH, IM- .... ,v ,, . . . AIM.' .....l f I... ,...fn. .t.. ll. i. (.. .. .... '" '"a m Mahoney have filed a lieu "". "' K"" '"'' '7 H . "" ' " ' ","!" -"'"u '"' """Ie'ed ball, which umpire Klen, HWluirt the arum for back rent on '" ? ""? , "' J "":.. u' , u" ,,":" u" 1" , ZJZ i Z I " ..,eB",'.m tho rookly.Chl- ll i ''i Hi" iioriu hiioro - "" " ranH. mik" giiiiio or .inly io nml loft field er Malheur lake and 15 mllos bomb- riut ll "t,le o( uotl- er Huho Oldrlng'a falluro to tnko m, .mot nf 11 r.. ! Pill nil! tills onnnon.. n.,.l .....II 4 I ,... IU llll "Women and Children First" tll American association; ' tho win- mB f two games in ono day by! is tho order Hint comes promptly pitcher Melllngor of Cednr Itnplds when Americans nro lu an accident team of tho central association who on tho high bens. pillowed fifteen hits and two runs in1 Why should they not recelvo tho twenty four Innings ngalnst Mnrslinll. snmo consideration on land? If I town; n twonty-two inning scoreless you live you will Increase their I tie gamo between nurllngto,, and1 comforts and welfare. Is It not ' Keokuk in tho same ,,in..n... ! Itlvertoti lh tho present terminus I ,uoro Important to KXOW thnt thoy Ooorgo Cutsbnw's two Bnfo hits mi Pnget Sound Bridge i Dredging Co- Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Constat COMPLETE PLANTS FDR HARRflR WORK I Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon wM woik the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most Ihorouglil L twcnty-luch hydraullo flreUgo in Tactile waion h Coos Rnv nffiro iioin nfflw. L Marshfleld, Oregon. Seattle, WashWa ' D: east of Hums, Or. "Tho new line Is being financed by the O.-lt. 11. & , c0." the ensel, This is the name nteamship line that owns the steam nehoouor Cnrlos ibat niuny times dining tho winter operate! in lier o n speelnl (bar ter Tor the C. A. Smith Company. A San Diego firm agreed to pay I2fiu per month for tho uso of the M1'IIIBI1I1(II 111 ti lull. -. !... l... I I I . I ... .a ... . . " " " "'" .MUMiaii . iiuiiiiiiu it i.iii.iieua. is niniiiK a con-' I . i,,,, .1..,. tlnuous mid greatly lueioasod KloLdilrois ...'.'. .' in many boctlons of tho county. Pleasant In tante. mild and still of foctlvo, this laxatlvo is gaining In popularity. Trial iz ten cents at .tij drug store. " " " -"i' " "I"" lo.ueiu with tho rest of bis tnn,,,, my nddross. j , sovern, , Without obligating myself In any I been called upon the batter. ,L to ,vav 1,U,ab0 onA " Hlustrntlon of an Interesting conversation with Too OAIX.MI IX POPU.AHITY ! MmTo" Z 'i' '" " rccent 'WUotlcnrown. mu . Coos county m tlon I. ' ! ! .' ! '. ! '. '. '. '. '. ' Ki"" nt SL EDWARD D. N00NAN TIIK I.IFi: IXSl'HAXCIC MAX '-'III Fi-ont Street YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono SOO-L. Night nnd Day. HlL'llI Pi.fn MlSinKU, Oltl'OOV GOOD oaks, cahffpl diuvkrs 1). Ii. roOTE. "He Smarted in Life a Poor Man" Rend about tho lives of rich man and you will " '3 1,1,0 ,Ul Btno,tiont. "Ho started In lifo u poor man." Compotcncy was , only acquired when tho habit of ! jormed. No man who oxchnngoa his labor for tuonoy la too V start a bank account. Woalth dopenda upon what Vnu Rnvn,.nt mi what 1 This hmilr nr.,.o. . . .thel ,, ,. , ""I"" "KviugH accounts in nnynmoiii" depositor Is always welcome It pays Interost on tlmo doposlts. Start that account now. Ilnvlug Is tho result of a FIRST NATIONAL' MI OF C00S BAY Safet; Deposit Boxes For Tfent.