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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1915)
v-h 'jtiLft ")' A Ml OF LIFE ALWAYS GIVES THE OTHER EELLOW THE LAST LAUGH Coos Bay Times Your Paper OIoos A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo rul devoted to tlio best Interests of this groat section . Tlio Times always boost aad aercr knocks, i 1 Tho Coun Ray Times 1b iirotid of its title "The ' People's i'mwr," und It strives nt nil times to live up to lis iinmo by do voting Its cnerKloi to ' promoting tlio people's lntercitJi. ; if MEMREH OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SoL No. XXXIX. Established 1H78 The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 3 An mm lm$ mmtB 10 RESUME DUTIES S Report That He Will Soon Jljake Active Management Fwof Big Plant Again Disposition of Large Amount of Timber Will Close Busi :wness With Creditors SYNDICATE IS BUYING W j, Statement Made 'Hint Large Tract KVrfjtignr Pine In CallfoiiilnNs to ,! WUUU wuu 0,l,cl' I lpRiHIrH Will soltlo Affairs j "J $ (Special to The Times.) f jrSANjPKANCISCO, Cul., July 28. According to unofficial repoits, C. iC.Smltli, who recently rutiirnud 'Itrom a vacation trip to Hawaii, will ' shortly rename nellvo personal nniii- ageniqht of Ills vailotis companies 'sEa'tho creditors' eoininltteo, which has 'been working with him hIiico Inst; February, will wind up Its work. Tlio creditors committee, of which ' Samuel Hloss Ih chalrnian, will, ' It Is .'stilted, with tlio conclusion of npmo'jd'enls now ponding, have com . l'XU'SW10 nurI'oso for which It was prgnnltod. I Tliogniattcr may tako pluro with in, a" wook or so, hut possibly not . until, later. One of tlio matturH on which tlio consummation of tho plant lilngcs Is tho conclusion of tho 8n)ovbL'tlio C. A. Smith sugar pine , holdings in California. A big syu-' dlcato .has taken an option pn this and has until September to courludu ' tho' purchase. Tho sale of thu Cal- - Ifornla sugar piuo holdings In tho vicinity of Luko Tahoo, tho Linn & LanoJ"rimbor and tho Alscn Hay . tracts In Oregon practically settle tho urgent financial mutters of thu ', company, which caused thu credl- ; tors' commltleo to comu to ' Smith's assistance. L TO 1 COOS ( HAY MILLING COMPANY 1 TO EMPLOY 1M .MUX DallV Capacity JiO.OOO I'Yot or Luiu ''fJCer -Pump Takes Water From "M1. ' ir..i.i .i ji... v... ii... ... aium til iiiu .!" iiih vrti &' .An eight-Inch pump from thu ' Cooai Day Milling Company was at work fQr several hours this morn- Inbypuniplng out tlio hulk or tho ' Northwest. K. O. Kamuuls at noon .reported, that tho water was being reduced at tho into of ten Inches t everybour, but pumping can bu ' tl?nVQonIy during tho period of low ; WW. ) llo'doca not know whether or not the' c'raft Is uoIiik to float as soon H SMITH ft BIE IS PENDING Mr I HH N DPEHATE ,'i nsln'h'hold la omptled. It Ih bu- ' Keyed that buo Is cottlcd too rar ln'4the!iinud to bo bulged without I a. strong tow boat. " -Next week Mr. Samuels Is expect i liig tho mill can bo, running with Huuiu Ji mull uuipiiiyeu, iiuiiiiik 'ii 56;opolfoot of lumber dally. Ho iBftldrarrMncomnnta may soon bo torn- iL plated, for tho carrying of tho lum j befjtq(San Francisco. Tho logs vlll bafbroUKht down Coos Hlvor from p aoawpwlilch Henry Hocck oponml. -W 'THREE DIVORCES UP ) ;"A!:BEF0RE JUDGE TODAY lrtiiVCn'pi(t Humbled ami in Despair t hlfi10ni IliiniUtvork, Pwivctl VfH'jU i'NUt-r.sful J V"(Spoclal to Tho Times) 1 -CqQUILLI3 Or6 July 28. Threo ft dlvorceases wore scheduled boforo Judge Coko at CoqiiIUo today. This laspifUapH tho greatest number tor ',', any'fcnVsrday that thero has been In ',' woBtliar previous equity terms. It Ii la'VnsimMo that decisions will bo J gratarom tlio bench. H' HarryyScott 1b bringing an action agaJBtit'hls wire, Mrs. Scott, who Ib Bald tfiLbe in Portland now, on a cbarg of, desertion. NreHdward Roberts seeks a legal gprUen from Edward Roberts on tk cUafo of cruel and Inhuman ' traatmoat. I ', AtoolBero 1b a Mrs. Hlscox, of Co !hiii. wko lias annlled for a divorce IS BIG ONE ONE SIXTH flNTERHS'H IX !17 ACRES IX EASTSIRH SOUGHT Mrs. Jess' May Vales Starts Suit Against Kits) Marshflcld I-and Company as Hole A demurrer hnH been nrgticd be fore Jtidgo Coko by W. U. Douglas on behalf of tho Hast MarshNcId Land Company ngalnst Mrs. Jesslo May Yates, who, through her attorneys, Hoy and .Miller, seeks a In terest in .'17 acres of laud lying west of thu ICastsldu school. The claim Is said to amount to about $ in, 000. Thu demurrer to the complniul was en tered on thu grounds thai not enough facts wore sot forth to conslltuto a suit. .Tudgu Co No took tlio matter un der advisement. This suit Involves lands, It Is said, that are now more or les.'t owned by individuals who bavo purchased from thu East Marshfleld Land company and have built their homes thereon. Many of those persons aro now en tered as defendants together with thu ICastsldu Land Company, making In ult approximately 100 defendants. Original ownership of tho tract is alleged to havn been In the mimo of Asa II. Hlnch, deceased. He was mar ried to an Indian woman and Is said to now have three heirs, of which Mrs. Yates Is one. Edna Hlnch, a notorious half breed squaw who died uer South Inlet was a daughter of Asa II. Hlnch. Other heirs aru tho three children of John Frank Elliott, being Mrs. Miller, or Oakland and John E. Elliott and F. Elliott, tho latter two now being residents of Coos county. Tho complaint filed by Mrs. Yates alleges that before tho defendant was 18 years of ago "there was a total disregard of tho rights and tho in terests or the plaintiff In and to the said real properly" and Hint tho East Bldu Land Company "did falsely rep resent that It, tho said defeudeut, was tho owner In rco or tho wholo or Bald real property and caused to bo riled-with Ufo county court a pretend ed plat !fld tho. dedication or a town- slto." DVE FDR RECALL PETITIONS OCT AGA1XST COUX ' TV COMMISSIONERS .Movoiiicut .Started to Oust Coiumls- MonciN Dement mid Aniistroiig and Coiinly .liulgo Watson (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLK, Ore., July 28. It was announced today that six peti tions to recall County Commission ers Domcnt and Armstrong and County Judge Watson wcru being circulated In tho Coqiilllo Valley. Just who wero circulating them and with whut success their efforts wero meutlng could not bo ascertained. Judgo James Watson when naked about tho matter said that ho had been Informod that tho petitions were In circulation. Ho said that hu was alio Informod that Proprietor Young or tho Coqiilllo Hotel, Pro prietor Chllils or tho Coqiilllo Liv ery ajul soino Ilandon partlea who had a personal grlovanco against CoinmlKslonor Armstrong, wero ro spouslblo ror tho recall movement. Ho said that Young was angry bu caiiho tho County Court had cut his bills Tor meals for Jurors from thirty five cents to twenty flvo conts. Chllds, ho understood, had a grlovanco becauso a man nam ed Orogg was not awarded tlio con tract for the now buildings at tho county poor farm, Chllds having backed Gregg, whoso bid thu Court rojected becauso they did not con sider him responsible. So far, thero has not been much discussion of tho matter In Co qiilllo. Howovor, It Is learned that Bomo or tho reeling against tho Com missioners is on account of road troublo attributed to Roa.dmaster P. M. Hall-LowlB and also tho action of several weeks ago when the freighting trucks wero prohibited using the planked highways. It could not bo learned who were to be brought out for tho ofHces in case tho Commlbsloners and County Judge are recalled. WILL lll'ILI) FACTORY ID7 AMuclttti PrM o Cooi Bj Tlam.l PETROOItAD, July 28. Tho lead ing manufacturers of Moscow have joined In furnishing the capital for a national munitions ractory thoro. Times want ada Bring results. CLAIM FUNERALS HELD FDD 710 TODAY Chicago Observes Day of Mourning for Victims of the Steamer Eastland Disaster FACILITIES" TAXED As Many as Thirty Taken to One Church for Holding of Services MANY AUJO TRUCKS USED Xol Enough IIchi-sc iniyl Electric Euncrnl Trains to .Meet tlio Xecds of Occasion Conveyances of Var ious" Sorts Curried the Dead THE DEAD LIST Identified dead 828 O Diildeutirted dead 5 MiBsiug r.:n Totnl 1..10I fnr ACM UtM PrrM tn Coot 1U7 TltnM.1 CIIICAOO, July 28. in response to a proclamation by Mayor Thonip pou, Chicago observed today as a day ror public mourning. The City Hall closed and the burial of almost 700 victims or the Eastland disaster took plaic. Facilities were lacking to liandlo the funerals and services over as many as .'10 bodies woru held simul taneously In ono church. HecniiBo thero were not enough steam and i electric funeral trains and hearses tho dead were removed to tho comc terics In various sorts or conveyan ces. In many cases motor trucks that can led several coffins wero used. (rand ilury Working With HO persons either under ar rest or detained as witnesses, thu official Inquiry Into tho Eastland disaster proceeded today In tho effort to fix tlio responsibility and punish thu guilty. Indictments charging manslaughter, criminal carelessness or conspiracy will bo returned by the state grand Jury tonight If tho evidence presented to that body war rants such action, according to Stntea's nttornoy Hoy no. latest Figures Tlio latest figures of dead and missing aro: Identified Mead, 828; unidentified dead, R. Tho Wcstorn Electric Company rovlsed list of missing, nil I; total, K1G1. llislfield Active Secretary of Cominerco Itndfluld (111 t ted thu Fedural oxamlnut'on. Ho examined tho records of the lo cal hteamboat Inspection service a d conferied with officials preparatory to beginning tho examination of wit nu'Hos tomorrow. .Mayor Returned Mayor Thompson returned from San Francisco on a special Ira'u and held a conferenco with tins City Council's committee that Ib con ducing thu Investigation. Tho work of u Iflng tho Eastland was begun but It will bu at least ten daya bo foro tho bteamer Is placed a an even keol again and a scarou for tho mibslng lesumed. REACH SAN DIEGO MIDSHIPMEN" OX CRCISE MAKEJ STOP IX CALIFORNIA Tvo Coos Hay Roys Among Those on Hoard the Naval Vessels LOCAL HOYS A HOARD Among tho middles on tho crulso aro two Coos Huy boys Milton Carlson, son or Au gust Carlson,' and John II. Jenkins, or Emplro nephow or Mrs. John Snyder or MarshHeld. Roth young men will come to Coos Hay as soon as the fleet reaches San Francisco. vr Aioriid rim to coi ny titom.j SAN DIEGO, Jply 28. Tho bat tleships Missouri, Ohio and Wiscon sin, having on board 850 midship men from the Annapolis Naval Acad emy, on tho annual practice cruise, arrived lu San Dlogo harbor tills morning. E IIOt'SE OF CITY .MARSHAL OF .MYRTLE POINT Rl'RXED Loss Is About Three Thousand Dol- bus First Flro In That City lu Years (Special to The Time.) MYRTLE POINT, Ore., July 28. Thu residence of City Marshal Jas. Hrown wiib destroyed by flro r.t midnight. Practically everything lu tho houso was destroyed, excepting the piano, which Mr. Hrown, with others, managed to save. Mr. Drown resided in thu liousu with his two children. The latter wore away on n visit and tho Alnr uhal remains down town every until "about 1 a. m. At midnight thu hoiiBo was discovered to by in flames. Although the 'Volunteer department was called out the I It u had too much of a start and tho was entirely ruined, only part tf the walls and front standing. Tlio residence was a ten-room houso at thu corliur or First ui.d Spruce streets. It was a nice resi lience and only a yc.'ir or two ago Mr. Hrown spent $500 making ro 1't.lrs and additions. Thu loss is about $11000. Thero was S I ". 0 0 lu- jBiironcc. Hrown says that tho lots Is a particularly hard blow for liliu at this tlnio. Tills Ib thu rirst flro that Inn oc curred lu Myrtle Point for u liiim- jber or years past. I Mr. Hrown Bays that he) has no Iden what caused tho flro. Some sug gested that the house might have been set afire, but Mr. Hrown .says lie docs not Ilka to think that any one deliberately set fire to his hoiuu and that hu has no reason to sus pect anything of the kind. STRIKE ENDS TODAY .MEX i() RACE TO WORK AT OIL COMPANY PLANTS Other Factories Closed During the Rioting Hare Also Opened For Operation (lljr AuoiUtoil I'lr lo Coo. Ilajr Tlmm. NEW YORK, July 28. Tho Btrlko nt tho Hayunno, N. J., plants or the Standard Oil Company and tho Tide water Oil Company ended when vir tually every man who walked out ton days ago returned to work to day. Tho plans or tho Xavuitm Oil and General Chemical Company, which closed during tho rioting lu which threa -mon wero killed, also resumed operations. SLOOP AXD YAWL WILL COX TEST OX OCEAX lloats Representing Yacht (Nub Will .Make Run Fronii Seattle to San Francisco ny ai iat1 rr la Coon tr Tlmt.) SUATTLE, Wash., July 28.--Tho Hloop (lonovlovo of tho San Francis co Yacht Club and tho yawl Ortona of tlio Seattle Yacht Club weru ready to Btnrt from West Seattle this af ternoon on a raco to San FranclKeo. Many yachts wero at tho Blurting point to speed tho contestants away. CAPITAL IS CUT OFF XO DIHEr WORD RECEIVED FROM MEXICO CITY Ill fori. s of Stale Department to Oct Into Connection With Place Aio Without Success IDj AuorUUd I'rM lo Com ny Tlm.J WASHINGTON I). C, July 28. Mexico City Ib still cut oH rrom tho outaldo world today and Secretary Lansing said efforts' to got first hand Information' of conditions thoro had failed. Tho forthcoming step to be I taken by tho United States with res pect to Mexico he would not discuss. VAQU1S ATTACK TOWN AXD KILL TWUXTV-XIXE CHINESE Also IrfMKit'tl that they RecentI) Rivaled llermoslllo mid Killed Many Peoplo There inr AwoclJUt PrM In Coo Day Tlmw NOOALES, July 28. San Jobo RES DENG STARTS TODAY INDIANS IKE RAID OF HAITI IS KILLED Infuriated Mob Takes Him From the Legation Where He Was in Refuge IS SHOTl DEATH Murder Takes Place in Front of the Building at the Capi tol of Republic CRUISER G0EST0 SCENE Rear Admiral Cuperton With tlio Wuslilngton Has Sailed and Has 7(10 I luejackets mid 100 Mai lo os at Ills Command IIT AMnrUlo,l l'tr U Coor IIJ TImM.l PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, July 28. A mob of Infuriated HaltleiiB to day removed President Oulllaumo from thu French legation, where ho took refuge yesterday, and shot him to death lu front of tho building. Followed Funeral This act of vlolunco followed Im mediately after tho burial or 1G0 political prisoners massacred In pris on yesterday. Tlio mob was mostly composed or relatives or tho mas sacred victims. Tlioy Invnded tho French legation nnd seized Oulll aiime, and though M. (llrard, tlio French Minister, protested vigor ously, ho was powerless before thuir fury. Dragged Through Street. Gulllaumu was dragged from tho protection of the legation. Ouco in the struct, while tho crowd Bulg ed around with Imprecations, ho was promptly shot to death, liven then tho anger of tho people was not appeased. Tho body wiih mu tilated and tied to the end of n ropo, and dragged through tho streets of tho city. Tlio people aro In h state or tenso excitement and further vlo lonct Ib feared. CRUISER IS SENT Tho Washington With .Marines Sails for Port An Prince 11)7 AiioclileJ I'rrn to Coo llr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, I). C, July 28. Tho cruiser Washington with Rear Admiral Caperton and 700 bluejack ets and mi expeditionary force of 100 marines, sailed from Capo Haitian last night for Port An Prince. Ad miral Caperton will iibo his discre tion about landing. WILL LAND MARINES Orders Sent to Admiral Caperton From Washington (H AMncutcii rim l rwi l)r HraM.j WASHINGTON, I). C, July 28. American marines will bu lauded at Port An Prlnco flo protect tlio lives and property of Americans and other foreigners. Instructions were sent to Rear Admiral Caperton Into today by tlio Navy Department. Admiral Caperton arrived at Port An Prince today on thu cruiser War.lilngtou. Tho collier Jason, with "l 00 additional marines, was ordered from Giiautanamo to ar rive at Port Au Prince tonight. FLODD GETS WORSE CLOUD HURST ADDS TO TROUHLE I IX WYO.MIXG .Much Damage Done anil Ono Death Repoitctl Peoplo Floo to Hills Mr Awoclited I'rww to Coo. Day TIism.) ROCK SPRINGS, Wyoming, July 28, Tho second cloud burst lato last night added to tho Hood which has ilone serious damage, and Is report ed to liavo caiiBeu ono oeutii uuru. tho residents left their homos and fled to higher ground. Do GuaymaB, four miles from Guay iiuib, was raided yubterday by 000 Yaqul Indians, according to Informa tion received hero today. Twenty nine Chlneso wore killed and a young girl was carried away. It also became known that tho Yaquls raided Hoimoslllo, the cap ital of Sonora, two weeks ago and killed a number of people. TlmeR want nrtH bring rosnltn. S ffl HAS ND COMPLAINT CAPTAIN OF LEELAXAW SAYS HE TRIED TO ESCAPE Did Xot Stop Until Two Warning Shots Wero Fired by tho Submarine (Special to Tho Times from Asso ciated Press) WASHINGTON, July 28. Con sul Deniiison at Dundee, Scotland, re ported to tho Btato department that tho Captain of tho American ship Lcclanaw stated under oath today that ho "Endeavored to cscapo" and only brought his ship to a slop after two warning shots wero fired at him at a distance of two miles. Ha had no complaint to make or tho treatment by tho submarine com mander. E OERMAXS STILL DESTROYIXC1 HOATS IN 'NORTH SEA Ono Swedish nnd Three Danish Steamers ami Two HrllMi Traw lers Victims Today tly AiaorUtoc rtma In Cool Hay TIiiim LONDON, July 28. Tho German submarines show no cessation or ac tivity lu tlio North Bca, Tho Swed ish steamer Emma mid three Danish schooners, tho Mara, the Neptuuls, mid thu Lena, wero sunk by them. Tho crews lauded at Hlyth today. Two Hrltlsh trawlers, tho Sahicla and tho Irene, weru also sunk. Thu crows landed at Lowestoft. RRITISII STEAMER HOGARTH IS TORPEDOED HV GER.MAXS Some of Crow Saved Rut Others on Hoard Rout aro Repotted Missing Inr AmocliloJ t'rn 10 Com Hay Tim. I LONDON, July 28. Tho Hrltlsh steamer Hogarth was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine today off Aldoburgh, a watering placo of SuYrolk. Tho vessel was Bent to tho bottom, It Is alleged, without warn ing. Some or tlio crow wore sav ed, hut others aro missing. Tlio masts or tho stcamur remain above water. LIST IDE GERMANS TELL HOW MANY HOATS WERE SUXK Up To July t!5 Submarines Sunk UUI) English Vessels ami Thirty Other Hostile Routs inr AMo"tatl Tr'ia In Cona nw TImM.l AMSTERDAM, July 28. Thu Gor man submarines up to July. 25, ac cording to a tologram from Ilerllu, have sunk In tlio war zouo 22!) Eng lish vessels, :i0 other hostile ships and six noutral crafts. Thu latter, thu mesBiigo Bays, woro sent lo tho bot tom by mistake. Twonty-suvon ad ditional noutral vessels woru exam ined and sunk becauso thoy carried contraband. NOT YET DECIDED PRESIDENT'S .MEXICAN POLICY TO RE DETER.MIXED LATER Admits that Something Will Ho Done In Tlio Xear Future to Relievo Situation Illy AnocUtod Peru lo Cooa Hay Tlmn, CORNISH, N. II., July 28. Pros Idont Wilson has not yet decided tho noxt stop In his Mexican policy and no announcement will bu madu on tho subject until uftor his return to Washington. Word to this effect camo from tho President today l:i answer to questions submitted to him on tho .Mexican situation. Tho Presidont did not deny that clops' would bo taken lu the near futuio. PLANNED TO BRING EASTLAND TO COAST Was One of Iiil:i Vtiisols .f. Homer Frltch Considered Moving to Pacific Cikist Tho 111 rated steamer Eastland which caused tho Iosb or over 1300 lives when sho capsized In Chicago River, was ono or tho boats whlc had boon under consideration lu n 1 SSELS SUNK UlfARNIG 01 NO RESULT ON ITALIAN FRONT Terrific Battle Has Raged for Past Week Without Any Let Up in Sight Teutonic Forces Are Directing Every Effort at Polish Cap ital and the Railroad ISSUE STILL UNDECIDED Russians Claim Temporary Gnlns and Germans Stnto Von Mnckcn zen's Army Is Progressing To ward Lubllu-Chcliu Rallrolid toy AasoclaleJ rrna to cooa Day Tin. LONDON, July 28. Sovoro fight ing uu tho Itnlo-Australlan frontier which hits been going on approx imately for a week, shows no slgna of let up, nor Is thoro any clear Indication of a dofinlto outcome Rome continues to claim advances ror tho Italians and checks for tho Austrlaus. To Prevent Retreat In nddltlon to tho capturo of War saw, tho direct objective of tho Gor man Polish campaign of tho Inst two weeks, tho Teutonic troops aro evidently making a special endeavor to cut off communication between Warsaw and Potrograd with tho pur posu ot preventing a auccosBruI re treat ir Warsaw fallB. To this end nro directed their op erations north or Kovno, according to Potrograd dispatches, as well as tlio advanco upon Nrcat-Lltovnk by way or Cliolm and tho right bank of thu Hlvor Hug. Still Undecided Isbiicb aro still undecided with tho Russians claiming temporary adr vantages. Potrograd claims Gorman attacks along tho Rlvor Narow woro check ed, and along thu rlvor Hug tho Russians aro holding firmly. On tho other hand, thu Gorman troops under von Mackonzon .mado prog ress toward tho Liibln-Cholm rail road. In tho west no Important develop ments wero reported. RETAILS OF NATION'S SCHEME XOT .MADE PURLIU YET Secretary Garrison Will Keep It Unlet Until .Military Policy Ji Fully IjiIiI Out (II) A mo laid rrna lo Cooa Bay Tlrata WASHINGTON, I). C, July 28. Details or tho administration's pro gram of national dofouso now bolng formulated will not bo glvon out until completed It Socrotnry Garrl boii can prevent It. This waa mado clear lu a statement Issued hy tho Secretary and published today, lu which lio urged that hu ho not press ed ror details, until tho now mili tary policy Is ready to bo laid boloro tho public. SECRETARY LANSING AHKH FA VOIl OF ARIZONA OFFICIATE Would Postpoiio Execution of Flvo .Mexicans on Account of (ho Present Situation Illy Aaaoclateil Troaa lo tmua nay Tloin 1 LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 2R. Wlloy Jones, Attorney Gonornl cf Arizona, received lioro today a copy of a telegram rrom Secretary ot Statu Lansing, asking that further roprlovoa tor tho Hvo Mexicans un der sentence to dlo Friday at Flor onco, Arizona, "In vlow of tho pol itical situation lu Mexico." Thu telegram camo from the chairman ot tho board ot parlous u' Phoonlx. Jones ropllod: "The United States bus no right to inter lore." plan of bringing lake boats to this coast. J. Homer Frltch, of San Frauclaco, who operated tho Homer to this port had a schomo ror rormlng a company to bring Gieat Lake steamers to tlio Paoiric coast and run thorn out of Coob Hay. Tho Eastland was ono of tho steamers considered for this plan. . -i'iaM WARSAW NOT TAKEN c DEFENSE ITS REPRIEVE Ir ,fj J 1 3 J 4 WhUBbnnU. 'n,1