THE COOS BAY TIMES, WARSHFIELfc, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915 E VENING EDITION. FIVE Kli MSi 'M $ m -11 lli "5! .ft .J! ',. M fc$ mm r. m YOU CAN AIjWAYH DO BETTER I-'tUt LESS AT "THE FAIR" Why mil reduce Unit high cost of living by getting your share of these wonderful bargains? Look what, wo nro offering for AVodnesdny, ThuiMlny mill J,rliliiy. fe 1 Children's Ferris Waists; per fect fltt'lug; values (o IQp J )."(. On sale at ' l" 'Wo hiv st,lll selling Clarke's Best Spool Cotton. 9Cp rlilfillT SPOOLS FOR . ..3t " Genuine t'-Mrund I). M. C. embroidery rot I on; all colors On wilo at r SKEINS VOU 3 i!fie anil il.'c Roys' Hlhbcil Swimming Tights. 4 Cr Itedili ill In Jt i? SATISFACTION A1AVAYS ou "THE FAIR" i Next iloor to Chanil Icr MHHIIHHHHnBni "He Started in Life a Poor Man" Road about tho lives of rich men and you will find ns u 'rule tbo Btntonient, "Ho started in Competency was only acquired formed. . No man who exchanges his labor for money Is too poor to 'start a bank account. Wealth dopends upon what Tills bank accopts savings ' doposltor Is always welcome. It pays interest on tlmo deposits. Start that account now. Having Is tho result of saving. FIRST ili OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Kent, t The Noble Theater 4 Anotlicr feal u io that proved to bo a. real knock out. VIOLA DANA, tho lltllo It roadway star In ) THE STONING i . Tho best tltrci-reel feat mo over shown In Tho Noble Theater, This ,1s saying a great, ileal when you stop to think of tho great Paramount proiliirtlous wo nro showing every week. This picture .?lins no (iiiiil for a picture play anil is being repented tonight, hy ivquustH f iimi several people who liuil the pleasure of seeing It 'last evening. J)ou't miss it. It's nioro than a picture. ' .MILS. .MURPHY'S COOKS ilanily Tom JIlv Western conieily. Pull of fun from tho start. , PATIIH NEWS Interest lug events caught with tlio camera. Karl Williams ami Anita Stewart in THE PIIANTO.M SWEET- HEARTS. Conieily drama with these two (topiilat motion picture 'htars. An excellent program of tho highest class pho(oilays. 'tyower floor, lft r Hal cony, toe Children, ."e Tomorrow night Jlury 1'IrkfonI In "Cinderella." Special music by Martin's tcu-pleco orchestra. Regular prices. Vacation Days At Goodwills felNE CAMPING GROUNDS EXCELLENT HOME COOKING :- .SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING DANCING PAVILION : Several boats daily to Jlarshfleld, Including speed launch leaving farshfiold at -1:15 daily ami arrlv- 'Ink, in time for supper; leaves Good- j twill's at 7 every morning, reaching ;Marblifleld about H:itO. $$ 'Hates reasonnblo. I'hoiio .'ilflXil L'Fttrmors, or inquire of dipt. Smith J tfMJVsteamer Itnluhow. City Auto & Taxi Co. uny ami wgnt service !For taxi, phone 20, Chandler Hotel fFor touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LYNN IjAJIUETII, I'rop. lew Cars Now Cars have th roof fixed NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 Ladles' Sleeveless Vests, trim ined and plain; values ( to UOc. Oh sale at " SI. 00 lollies' Wool Kelt lints in led, green anil blue. AtZr Kcdiirctl t JX Ladles' good ipiallty Cross liar I .mm llamlkcr- ) rhjel's. Oh niIcj at Host ipiallty Calicoes mill prints in dark, medium anil light, putlerns. ?1 I'er ynril 2 .money refunded Hotel, Jlarshflcld, Ore. llfo u poor man." when tbo habit of saving was you savo not on wlmt you cam. accounts In any amount tbo small L "S I1 BA For Rent I )i stoim: itoo.i I Itllssol IllllldlllK H Central Avenue H .".00 iter month H or will rent (ho full H store room If desired H For Rent I Storo room under H Lloyil Motel H Front StriH't H (noil lease H to ilcslrablo mrty. Hj 'Sou Held About It." W.A.REID, 150 Front St. I Coos County People should make Hotel Terminal their headquarters during visits to the Imposition Located on Market avenue, near Ferry building, In heart of tho city anil on illicit car Hues to the exposition grounds FIno rooms nnd reasonnblo rates M BREVITIES JULY TIDIC8 Tlmo and Heights of tides nt Marshfiold. Tho ttdes arc placed In order of occurrence, with their tlmos on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a. compar ison of consccutlvo heights will In dlcato whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho Bar ono hour and CI inlnutcts earlier than at Marshfiold. At North llond 34 minutes earlier than at Marshfiold. I Irs. Ft. . , His. , Ft. . , lll-H. Ft. . Mrs., Ft.., llrs. Ft.. 1.58 G.7 2.1 C n.c 3.31 n.2 1.18 1.8' 4.CG 4.4 9.12 0.8 9.49 0.0 10.27 0.3 11.03 0.3 11.38 0.7 3.15 4.7 3.53 4.8 4.29 4.9 r..on 4.9 0.11 4.9 9.14 1.4 10.03 1.3 10.50 1.2 11.39 1.0 0.0 0.0 20 30 31 wi:athi:h i-oukcast Dr AmoclaltJ rrcn to Coo D17 Tlmn. OKI2GON Showers, southwesterly winds. LOCAL TKMI'ISKAXURIO ItECOIlD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m July 27, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum CS .Minimum CI At 4:43 a. tu GO Precipitation 00 Precipitation stneo Sopt. 1, 4 1914 C8.74 Precipitation s&ino period lust yoar 6C.G4 Wind i Northwest, partly cloudy. .J X BORN $$ lILAXCIIAim- -Horn to Mr. nud Mrs. Arthur S. Illanchnrd, of Fifth street, Monday night, July 20, a "& pound boy. Tlio mother and child urc both doing nicely and to day Arthur Is uround town receiv ing congratulnt' " and was ready to meet thorn rM with a box of clg a io ho carried with him. j Will Speak. Itov. L. II. Stclnhofr, 1 district mlsslomiry for tho Baptist 1 stato convention In Coos County, will j speak In tho Daptlst church Sunday evening at 8 p. in. j Ituptist Imilles. Tlio ladles or tho i liaptlst church will give a silver tea I Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. , nt tho homo of Mrs. Wulter nichnrd j son on Market avonuo. Kvcryono l Is cordially invited. Takes Jlnchliio ITp. I). L. Footo took his big 1914 Cod'lllac on a scow lip to Allegany this aftornoon where ho is going to uso It in tho Allognny Droln auto stogo lino. Ho now has two machines on tho run there as far as Scottsburg. Jliich Hay Down. Farmers up the I Coos Itlver nnd on tho various inlets havo a great deal of their hay down 'nnd today thoy aro watching tho weather nnxlously, hoping that thoro would not bo any rain storms until the crop Is out of tho way. Seek Lower Postage. Hecauso i tbero Is a move now to build up bet ter trado conditions with Australia tlm Portland Chamber of Commerce bolloves thoro should bo a niovo to lower tho postngo rates to those Is- lands nnd help Is asked or tho local I body In resolutions that will later bo forwarded to tho Postmaster Gon 1 oral. Tho argument Is mado that CR0SSETT SHOES guarantee you com fort and wear What more ) do you want $5 and $6 per pair FIXUP Where the Price is always Right, Marshfield North Bend Canada mid Great Hritnln at present have domestic rates from tho United States. Ka.stsldo Council Meets. The Kastsldo council Is meeting this ev ening to cqnsldcr tho Improvement of tho streets of Cooston, a mcasuro that promises considerable opposi tion. Tho Improvement has been be foro tho council since early in tho spring. To Curry County. D. A. Jones of Tho FIxup left yesterday for an nuto trip to Curry County points. Ho ac companied Mr. Alexander, a shoo sal esman, who needed a good convincing conversationalist and he Immediately picked out Dave. They will return tho last of tho week. KaMport Has Own Itnlii. Kast port Is getting "right smart" lntoly In Its own particular way. This morning tho colony stnged a rain Hint was all Its vory own. Passen gers waiting for tho jitney bus were drenched in n downpour about nine o'clock this morning whllo in tho city there was not a sign of rain. Teddy to the Front, Capt. Corn wall who camo up from Berkeley this morning on his way to Gardiner said that last week "Teddy" Hoobo vclt was at tho exposition and outdid any of tho Zono attractions as far as tho crowd drawing was concomed. This wns tho tlmo that Mr. Hoosovclt mado hlB "pink tights" illusion to tho Angel ot Pence. Wins on Knstland. A. O. Haas, a Mnrshfleld riiall carrier, know tho Enstlanll, the Chlcngo excursion steamer which cost Hio lives or about 1,200 pcoplo In the Chicago lllvor last Saturday. Sho waB thon nt Clovoland, Ohio, his old homo and ho rodo on her a number of times. Ho says thnt sho was then considered dangerous and top-heavy. F. W. Dortranf was also familiar with tho vessol. Fonl Agents Jlcet. I. It. Tower left this morning in his nuto for Portland whoro ho will attend n moot ing or tho Ford ngents ot tho north west, to (Hbcubs tho Ford sales cam paign ror tho coming yoar. S. G. Whltsott, tho hustling Ford agent nt Imndon, wns to Join him nt Coqulllo nnd mako tho trip to Portland with lil in. Mr. Tower has handled fifty two Fords slnco January 1, which is a phenomenal record. Store Changes. Mrs. Wllloy nnd Mrs. Owens will occupy tho snmo quarters on Control avonuo after August 10 when Otis II. Wilson will open Wilson'8 Jewelry in tho west hnir or tho storeroom now occupied by thorn. Mr. Wilson hnB been with tho lied Cross Jowolry department for about four years nnd Is well cc qualntcd on Coos Hny. His ninny frlonds will wish hliu all kinds of success In establishing a business of his own. Would Ilring Germans Here. A lottor hnB boon received horo from Clmrles L. Molssnor, secretary of tho North-Pacific Gymnastic Union, 'nt Scattlo, Wash., asking that tho local Chamber of Commorco unlto with thorn In n movo to havo tho Germans of Camilla movo to tho United States. Ho states as his reason tho alleged claim that tho Germans in tho nort havo been mistreated and that tlu Canadian government has taken no steps to prqtect them. Ilclintu This Year. Through n ty pographical error In The Times hiBt ovonlng, tho Flak Tiro nd of Tho Gunnery wns mado to rofor to tho "1910" Ford rebate, whon It should havo boon tho 191! Ford robato. This will bo paid in a row weeks so that every Ford owner will know It thon, but tho point ot tho nd was to glvo thorn tlmo to Hguro out how to spond tho reboto to tho best ndvnn tago. Jay Towor says that tho only answer Is "FIsk Tires." Mado Fast Trip. Dr. A. L. Houso worth mndo n now record ror tho trip from Gardiner to Coob Hay last ovonlng. Ho loft Gardiner ut 4 o' clock and reached his office in Marsh Hold at a row inlnute'ts after six o' clock. Ho hired a special boat to bring him down from Gnrdlnor to tho stage landing and had a special auto moot him there. Ho went to Gardiner yestorday morning to por form an operation on Mrs. L. S. Weeks, who Is reported doing riuo. WimmI lllocks Successful. A short tlmo togo the Chamber of Commerco put on foot the movement tor nn ox- isCi '2 2SwffT'W- "JWi i5V . M r tonslvo uso of wood block paving as n means of boosting tlio lumber In dustry. Most encouraging Is the word received from tho Everett Com mercial club. Secretary W. W Plain writes that the inn In street of 1.n. !,.. I- - .....! ...111. ........t t.l..1... unit uuj i u imvuii nil wuuu uiuunn . ns the most important side streets, and that tho system Is highly favor able. Tho next few Issues of "Tho Amcrlcnn City" will contain a series ot articles on paving. Ono of tho articles will bo devoted to wood blocks. t PERSONAL MENTION $! TOM PI3AKI3 was In from his llaynes Inlet ranch today. AL NICHOLS was hero from Em pire today on business. T. C. RUSSELL was In from Hea ver Hill today on business. El) SWANSON, of llcnver Hill, was n Marshfiold visitor today. F. O. LESLIE Is over from Co uulllc today calling on the trade. MltS. E. E. JOHNSON wns n visitor hero today for awhllo from Co nulllc. HOY LANnillTH, tho well-known Cons River rancher, Is here on business. E. W. SMITH wns among tho vis itors in tho city today from Catch ing Inlet. DR. MINGUS went to Hcnvor Hill this morning, making n profes sional call. E. E. JOHNSON, tho Coqulllo lum berman, wns In Murshfleld today on business. MISS AGNES HENDHICKSON, or Coos Klvor, was down shopping this morning. DEPUTY SHEIHFF W. C. LAIItD enma over this noon with bigal papers to serve, MISS IDA MATSON was ilow.i shop plus this morning from her home nt Catching Inlet. GEOUGE NOAH and wlto wore among the visitors in tho city to day from Allegany. DIt. TOMPKINS loft today for Grants Pass whoro ho will spend n fow wooks' vacation. HEN HYDE, or Danlols Crook, Is spending tho week with J. II. Toolo and family, of liny City. MISS ESTHER NELSON camo homo this morning on tho Kami Smith from n visit In San Francisco. ANDREW THOMAS wns u returning passenger on tho NiimuSmlth to day after a visit at tliu fair. PAT HENNESSEY wont back to tho mluo at Dolmar this morning af ter u short business visit hero. H. HREMMHR, or Allegany, was down tills morning shopping nnd attending to some business mat tors. C. A. SEHM1REDE went over to tho county scat tills morning where ho has a case in thu equity court. CLAUDE THOMPSON and "Mblgo" Welch went up South Coos River to The Nook yesterdny attnrnocn ror a visit. MRS. N. E. DAGGETT, or Allegany, accompanied by Ellery Daggett, wcro Marshfiold visitors lust night and today. FRANK BLACK who has been em ployed at Tlio Chandler barber shop, loft today for Portland where ho wllHocato. CHIEF OF POLICE BRISTOL, of Eugeno, expects to leave In tho morning, returning after u faovei'ul days' visit hero. FRANK H. PAGE Is horo from Port land representing tho Cllno com pnny, calling on the trado and meeting with old friends. ED LAWRENCE, who was rormorjy employed on tho local railway and at Danlols Creek, wos hero yosto- , GET THE YOUNGSTER A No. O Brownie J Price $ 1 .25 , Wo will carefully explain it to him and . giianiiitco results, ' (t The Owl" THE KODAK STORE Yes; Why is it that THE J. C. PENNEY CO. can sell you first-class merchandise for the same, and in many instances, for less than our competitors are asking you for seconds? Think of the enorrrious amount of mer chandise that we use in a year in our 83 busy stores scattered over 13 Western states. Then it is easy to .see why we are able to sell you the same merchandise from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent less. Better think this over. .Men's Wool Jersey Sweaters, SIMM value. Our price ....$1.11) Jlen's Wool Jersey Sweaters, .il.."( value. Our price Ho Men's fine Wool Jersey Sweaters, value. Our prlco , ...UHc .Men's evtrn quality Sovj no scams; lllc value. Our price ....fie Jlen's extra heavy new Rockfords, ISIJSe value. Our prlco. . .8 l-:tc Feather Pillows, Tfie value. Our prlco IDc A better Pillow, $1.00 value. Our price (ll)c Heavy Ticking, larger ami heavier, $l..0 value. Our price . .UHc it!-lh. Pillow. A dandy, $2.00 value. Our price Bahy Blankets, blue and pink, Kfie value. Our prlco -Wo Pnliu-Oltvo Snap, lllc bar. Our prlco H i-'.lc, Ciitlcura Soap, "."c bar. Our prlco lllc Scrub brushes, He value. Our prlco -Ic Burning- Cotton, all colors, 'J for fie value. Our price . . .it for fie Colgate's' Talcum, -e can. Our prlco 12c Wo aro bringing the prices down anil wllli your help we will keep Uioin down. SHE THE WINDOWS FOR LAD1FS ONLY Origlnntors ff' of IiOW Prices S m?fWVtVM-- I I MET Follow NEXT DOOR TO JIAHSHF1ELD POST OFFICE We Are Still Selling Our Goods for Cash and Will Continue Doing So NOTE THE FOLLOWING PJHCES Romeo Sardines Per box Sodu, per packago 10c Amorlcun Sardines fjn Largo box '. Ub Romcmbcr wo soli Golden West Coffee. Whon in doubt as to what cotreo to uso buy Golden West, guaranteed to cup moro than nny other coffeo on tho market. Norway Butter Cn Two Pound Squnro t UU b This Is tho butter that took tlio Grand Prizo at Oregon Stato Fair. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Wo SAVE day en routo to Coqulllo to visit his rnthor, Rccordor Lawrence. From thoro ho nud Al Sprnguo nnd John Vnnburgor will go to Curry County Tor a short stay. MISS ELLA BREWER loR today to visit the San Francisco exposition nud from thero will go to Albany to seo her sister, Mrs. Whlto. MRS. CLHAI WELLS returned on tho Nuiiu Smith this morning from Sun Francisco where sho went ror a row days to attend tho expo sition. MISS JOHNSON, or North Bond, re turned this morning from Catch ing inlet where sho has been visiting at tho homo of her mutt, Mrs. John A. Carlson. CAPTAIN N. J. CORNWALL camo buck on tho Nairn Smith this morning rrom Borkoloy, whoro ho has boon visiting with his family. Ho was ou his wny to Gardiner. 1)11. II. B, MOORE, of Coriulllo, was hern today. Ho has iold o it his prnctlco during tho pasi week (o Dr. Ilopson ami expects to lenvo In a day or two for Portland by wny of Eugene. RICHARD BEHR wns down from tho Blue Rldgo camps last ovo nlng. Ho received n painful In jury to his hand, having grnbbed a wlro cnblo In which part of tho strands were brokon. WILLIS KENNEDY nnd wlfo ro turnml homo ou the Nairn Smith today aRor a two wooks' visit at tho exposition, and In California. Mr. Kennedy attended tho Elks convention nt Los Angoles, as a delogato from tho local lodge. J. 11. M'CUTCIIEON, r Jledford, arrived horo lust night after u trip up tho const. Ho says that nearly all of tho loggors and mlll niou aro leaving Brookings as a result of tho work being shut down, llo Is visiting A. P. Owon, nn old friend, today. AL OWENS CELEBRATES HIS 73RD BIRTHDAY "But I Have Lived iT.i Years," He Says, Telling of tho War Times Al Owen colobratod his 73rd blrth day yesterday. Ho said that ho does not feel his ago and that he is yet a "youngster." "You seo," ho ax plnlned, "I'vo lived 373 years al ready." And this ho explains by tho chan ges that lie has seou como nnd go, "I was three years In tho Conreder uto army, slept In tho snows and ato tho old tlmo ruro or' the south." Yes terday hn rocolved many congratu lations from his frlonds who wishod htm dozous of moro birthdays, 25 10 AlborH Bros. Rolled Oats f)Cn Largo packago ZdU YOU MONEY NEW TODAY 1 $ FOl'ND Bunch or koys; owner may get Buino at Tho Times otflco by paying for this notice. FOR SALE Motor Boat, 1H ft., il-hp ongluo, full entilpinont. In good condition. Prlco $50, phono 3091. WANTED Housework or general work by young Indy. Phono 308 R.R. LOST Child's gold bracelet, Initials 13. M. D. Return to Times office WANTED Young man to work in general storo at Myrtlo Point, ap ply at onco, Matt h. May, Chaudlor Hotel. REWARD Fur return of pair of "lovo birds" that escaped from cage. Jlrs. McKlnnon, C22 So. Tonth street. WANTED Woman Wtuits work la rostnurant or day work. Phono 3S3-L between C nnd Cp. m, t FOR SALE t $$ FOR SALE Alder and fir wood. Hank Schmltz, Jlarshflold. FOR HALE Cheap, Sltl-foot cabin launch, S-hp. ongluo, flno for ranchers; seo L. L, Thouins. FOR SALIC F,iio riding lnwo; oo L. L. Thomas. FOR SALE Best restaurant in Floronco at big bargain. For par ticulars wrlto Pacific Restaurant, Floronco, Oregon. I FOR RENT t $$ FOR RENT Now, modern linfur nlshed apts, with heat ami hot wator. Prlco cut to ?10 nnd ?I5 per mo. Phono 303-J. FOR KENT Rooms mill npts., very reasonable. 41G So, 4th. FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished apartments at Tho Haguo. Apply Pioneer Hardware Co. FOR KENT Jlyttlo Arms minions furnished apartments froo heat arid wator. $25 por month up. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR. AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Cull ,- FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono ltiil Residence Phone l.I-T .Market Ave. nud Waterfront Speckled Bayo Beans, 4 pounds for , Mixed Sour Pickles In pint Mason Jars, pint IN s( r tl Ian 1-tl