! : .k. o. w f t-1 1 1 if'' ,i. iib.rJKlllliiiiC uMiAM 1 t fliuv&Mli' ',.... Mftlillii!W . . . I , h .l! t v. . . ' V3 '-,t';j -,. t, j t Vit,' .I.i.lliilAMtfclAMJ. -r?-::rTn, -...,- rurtliMP cniTIMM -j--u4---;v-inra?rifnipici n nocnnM T P.QnAY 1 Y 2 . a Q tvcmivu cuiuum. CUOS UAT IIMtb, iinonntuu, unuw,., ,w.ww., -, x n THE cBAYTMi.f;-, rinTssn. ' M. C. MALONEY, Editor nnd Vub.lt AND THE TOAST DAN E. 3HALOXKV, torn, Alitor j w w w ? Official Official Paper of Vn)cr City Entorcd at tlio I'ostofflco nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through Iho malls aa second-class mall matter. Cooq County of Mnraliflclil. , ! I 4- .(( eve.m.ng SUBSCRIPTION HATES DAILY. Ono year ?C.OO Per month co WEEKLY. Ono year ....$1.60 When paid strictly in nuvauco 1410 subset iptlon pilco of the Coos Hay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. An Independent Republican nows-j paper, published every ocnlng ex-, cept Sunday, and weekly, by i Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. I Address all communications to , COOS HAY DAILY times. Mind jo"" own business with our absolute will mid soul; but see that It Is ti good business first. Riiskin. $ PORTLAND -Tvvoh Bros, teielv od the (oiitiiut lor building it ttilrl miles extension of tho Oregon Unst urn iiillroiid fiom Illvetton i Ciano Creek (lap, In Htirnov Count). SALKM A new l tiling has been made whoiob.v WaltoiH at tho ponlien- !thny must pn an ntlinlmlon fee or 4 4 Lcnio Miulillchl Lone KoM'buig . tell it tii. unit tnuty CONGRATULATIONS I Hi's to llogan t'other day. Huh! When It ionics tu cooking My wife's right to the fiont. And say. She makes tho grub uttruutho looking. You want to taslo Just when you ioo! For Instance, plo miggusls tho filler." And llogan ses, ho sum, ses he, "Well, dldja cer tell It til her?' fttf iiAnntii txt TlntwTnn nn ft nnrll culnrly the committees In eha.ge Sen I to llogan .No. Why Hhouhl 1 thus make foolish (onverK.ttlon? I know sho knows 1 know 'tis good Moio would be supeierog.itlon. of tho celebration there last Suntlny arc to be most heartily con gratulated on the success of tliclr tIioukIi she Is all the world to me efforts. i I'm neither eo'er nor a blll'er." Probably never before was theie Am, nopan S0S( j,a ses, ses he, such n large crowd gatnorcd In the .-well, dldja ever toll It til herV" beautiful clty-by-t he-sen and that the .!., .,n..,1 an nlnnsnntlr unmnrred "Ye did!" Ses llogan. "Stlie C (11(1! bv either accident or trouble of any When ou was sparkln' kind Is a tribute nllko to the mana- you'd let ut geinent nnd the good nature and com-1 Run off your tongue like down a mon souse of tho people of Coos nnd skid; Curry Counties. "t now you've got her you for- Tho presenco of such a largo crowd , fict tit! created responsibilities for the pco-'My, my! hut you're the careful lnd! plo of Uandon but they met them I Ye fear that flattery would kill fairly. Tho visitors found no dca.th her. of entertainment nnd nccommoda-j An' yet yo think she's fine, bedad! tinna sti-nm.nru worn L'reeteil with n Well, run right home tin' tell it warm welcome. Hospitality nnd hand shakos were In evidence nt every turn. Tho greetings on ovcry sldo! woro of truo western cordiality. Tho peoplo of Uandon mndo It evi dent that they wcro glad their visi tors camo and tho visitors gave abun dant ovldonco that the pleasure was mutual. 1'Jvoryono departetd firmly convinced that Uandon Is a good town filled with good peoplo that It does ono good to meet. til her!" Selected. This would bo n flno world 'f you could find other things ns easily you find trouble. Most of tho Coos Hay people who pi ay for dally bread have tjiolr minds on T-hono steaks. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY THE MAKER OK TOWN'S w HAT aio towns mndo of? Whnt causes growth, expansion nnd ultimately tho metropolis? When one looko upon a finished There are boiiio men on Coos nay who aro too honornblo to stval an other man's money, but who think It Is nil right to flht vlt!. an other man's wife. AX EPITAPH Here test tho bones of Silas Hay. The diirn fool got too smart; product, so big is it that most people "" looked Into a gun one day would await the coming of boiiio stu- j ''o see mo linnet start. dent who bnd Rtudlcd tho problem , for ages to glvo answer. ' When a Coos Day woman atelier How towns aro built Is a big pio-,her husband doing something wrong position, hut nevertheless sliuplo; lt's'd o makes up with her and sho root Is found in Individual activity, .promises him that sho will forget In proportion to n town'H peicent- wt he has done, sho never foigeU few days mat 23 cents when they go thoie sliupb I as slghtsoots und not to seo a tilund or on business. tlHANTS J'ASS .lohn Austin Hooper, aicused ot many jobberies, has been Jn the JOs-epliluo Couim Jail awaiting offlcoia fiom Califor nia wheie ho bioko his pinole. PORTLAND William l)a L'wlnt? ti uturun .Mason and plonuer of Ore gon died at his home in Pot Hand aged V2 jems. IlOSniJl'lUi Coiiiplalnt wan made to the Bhcrirr that a woman bathlim at Alexander's pntk was wearing u swimming suit whlcli was immoial and the sheilff linostlgatetd but found nothing objectionable. HAKKK Pinnk Collins a Hnki'i business man claims that spiritual ists laiihi'd his wife to Ieino him and that she allowed the Spiritualists to remove furnltiuo lioui the Collins' home. nOSL'lll'IU; Two dummies te- binc ' Picsentiug men were found hanglim in the street. They weio marked "Hallroad Knockeis." 1IOKTOX Elizabeth Hlcli'ards. who died at her home was uged DO years. 7 months nnd 1 S days and was n native of West Virginia. SALEM The suit brought against the legality of the $300,000 railroad bond Issue of Hoseburg. was argued in the supreme Court. I ALHANY A glowers congress has been formed to learn about tho ' flro blight which la dninnglng the ngjiriiii in i.inii i uiiiuy. PORTLAND H. L. Wlnchell. traf fic director of tho Union Pacific railroad, on returning from Cannda says that there Is more confidence nnd business Is bettor In the north-1 west tlinu a month ago. SALEM Ernest Underwood, a harbor, was sentenced to 15 days In! I Jail and fined $100 for selling liq uor In vlolatlton of tho law. PORTLAND Aicoidlng to n Roml- annual roport tho Multnomah Conn-, ty poor farm has been a profltablo Institution. SALEM lleiause the state board or rondo objected tho warden of tho1 penitentiary has icsclnded tho order t . m,Hl. I IIW I I 2 Don l forget among all the other "m tgood things to i Of course, "yours" may or may ". 1 I I 1 MRS. AVILLEY'S NEW AH H H i-iriiiiii Kb Bn rH KB Is naiiied THE NEEDLECRAKT Now In new Home, I I T (Vlltlilt Aliv. ' I Aetomniolbile Stage Linj MARSIiPIElD-ROSEBURGAUTfliii Best Cars Fare, $7 Besl h 'iti ';'..X -. rf TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St MAKSIiriKLD ' New Dodge Cars Farejl WILLEY'S stori: Is niuiieri THE NEEDLECRAKT Now In new Home, 7rt Cendnl Axe. I, miles' Eiiipoilum O 11 n Have The Coos Bay Times your vacation goodrum'S GARAGE Sent to you during HOME OF THE CADILLAC AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOK ALL MAKES OP CAE3 .147 Central nv. Phono 37a-L 4 WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Dcllvi'i'cil at any point where Hieic Is limit service, wllliout etia (lllll'O. Simply plimio 'Hie TIiikn of flic1 anil gho jour new iulilie.s mid pa per will bo tniiisfeiied from car- ilcr or list or jour old nddicss, .. ' ..It makes' no iliffi'ienco whether' It N for two or three dajs, n ui'dc or n iiioutli, - Allegany 53 Lin i Auto Stage I .. ,. . IftB mjmr E n -x. I St M? lYiornuig uwu. -.nive urn 2 o'clock. r . j r i AitiLi n l vjuuu vaia aiciui UM Most Beautiful Route to Portland j The Smokehouse, AtlENTS, MAItKliriELD PHONE tl(l-.l or cull II. L. I'dOTK, Projnlclor of Auro IJI Phono tlK-.l for infoi inatloii. Fare $8.50 Phono i:t:i. iiro la Idleness whether of necessity or choosliiB and aaln In proportion to tho number of Its busy people Just In proportion to tho device of welKht on either bUIo doos a town crow, or slip iiacKwnru to remind him eveiy she lias forgotten. IDEAL SUMMKK TltlPS Steamer Ualnliow lcinos Marsh field for South Coos Hivor orery Sunday at S n. m. and returns at C p. m. T.iituw.li I.Tiir.iaa u.'m.lr ilnv uninn . , i, . . ' (...,,.v .,.'IUU f.WW. l.l.J ,,., uiai an vihiiors must pay twontj-flvo i,ours (.nts to Kit in the prison. ' ;,,.. ,,,.,. .,..,, AVt I'eail Keith of Poit- iMi'VifMSIlOLW'li.S HUH IOf 51U,UI)Ui llrlii.. vnllv lmixli Imul.'.itu rtaimiKM nmiliiHt Cunt. Kid Wan... ,, flBhlllK UlvMo tor i master of tho schooner II. Mars- ,i.iv' nnth.ir. snniinv iieimni all picnic crowds a specialty. a II INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICf .Maisliflchl, Noitli Ilciul, Euipli'o, Tin heel, Sunset lb)-, LciniN Miiisliflclil ut Itiisy Corner, T:!t() n.ni., 1 ;;tti ii,ni,Mj S p. in.; 5 p. in, LcmcH Noitli Ik'iiil 15 inliiiiies Inter. I.wiun l.iiiplio S:ri() it. in.; 1I::ttl a, in.; I.tto p, m.j H'tOil (:()() . in. 'I rips after tiicso iioiir.s may bo ut milled or.j llusy ('oincr. Nlnlit phono KI7-IL ASTOIUA- laud has started If the Marshrield Hi o departnient had to km out every (lino a false! ton. DALLAS Uobeit Andrew of Port. land, grand padlarch or tho I. O. O. 1 encampment, paid an official vlsl! to Dallas. POIITLAND Atchblshop .lolin Ico fow and Hound Tilp, 75 cents. I'or chnrtor apply on board phono IJIGX;: or phono I! 107. or Phono 7a. Ilavu )ou been to SAltTEIl'S for' LUNCH'.' . If Not, Why Not? I Soniollilii; New Eery Day. Ico Cream bilcks ()( i Ice Cfcain, ipiarts Idc , lco Cream, plutH -Oc, ' Hot Chicken Tainnles. . . .2 for .'c ' Picnic Lunches n Specially SARTER'S Phono ii(i:t..J. Marshflold. Opposite Blanco Hotel, Front Street OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE (ioiht .V; KIiik. t'nrs it'inn .tiiirsiini'iil 7 a. in., U p m.tJI (ars L-aM' for Liiiiiio 7 n. in., 10 a in., I, 'Jamllj Cars Leave .Sunset liny 7 n. in., II a.m., nmlli Tines, Empire, :15c; Taiheel or South Slouch, niic; .Sinnrtl PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ahum lilts Coos Hay the poor Hro-I nonzano' "ltollc deleKato to the T. J. SCAIFIi tf. A. n. IIODGIN8 .... .. . United Ktntotf. will vluit i'n,ni,,i 'v Marshfiplri PA,NT AND i mdlMIIHSIU DEC0RATING CO,; ' ." Mi, .1, ver y natiiro .,r th.iiKs no nient would bo on tho Ko most r, ' ' S "vlsl I -or land on town can stand still; It must move ih lime. ' j uttoii. the con- forward or bacUwanl-thero ,an be Si SiTV n"' no choice In tho matter efrectually SAD , U0 m"Al UMV "" dooloped, outside of that ono (on dltloii, or rule, or activity. j One need K" no further than to I two types of men to see the iesults' und effect of activity both as to : tho Individual and as to the town.' And when oun lonlis uiioii the Intel-1 llKcutly active man and then turns to the Inactive, piocrattinatliiR man, them otiKht to bo and there Is no doubt of the pattern that would be chosen. OltECON AT THE TAIIt teielved word that lie U annolnted Poor lllll Is dead. Ills heart wun ' poulinastor of Hood HIvur to Hiiicecd K"od, 1.1. P. Lucas. I Hut he was oft the Boat, by Heck, j PENDLCTON A now public nut- I'or eiiy now and then he would jatoiluin, built at a codt of $10,000, Aicept a MtiutiKor'h check. i nnd presontetd to the city by a Cham- I bur of Commotio coinmlttco, was Any Coos Hay woman will tcil mi that peails ale never Kmiiilna if soino other woman Is weal Ins them, Tiy to be liberal with upi'Ia'iM) and ullimy with kuockM and when ou dlo the world will lee! sotry. TEH icNiilt of the OreKOii o hililtH at the San lrauclsio o Iiosltlou Is hlKhly mat Ifylnte A uuiiibei of piUos have been taken and this state lias douhtlesM altract iil much attention. The state cap tured the pi lo for tho ilchuess of foiiually duilliated. LINCOLN Two larse waiehousos1 wlilch housed Kialn ror LIuiolu (oiin ty woto burned but tlieio was no Kt-aiu In the hiilldliiKKiit the time. I'OUTLAND John lluike. treat.- liter or the United Statoh. made Pott-1 laud a visit ami Mated that tho bust- , iichK of the (ouutry In hU opinion Is when xoIiik ,,,0li ! UNION Mi.. Cora M. Davis, su- iiiau. Hut wo aio all tliiikiimt or.i-, ,,0m t.,f f tho Pjtblan Sliders.' tins when wo are IiikMIiik onriwhcs.,ioft tor Anihtoidani. N. Y wlieio the will nttoiul the Brand toiuplo of the The illffoiuuio between ollici' un- oncanUatlon. ' Ions and the llaiidholders union U. DALLAS It l lmllovod Hint n flm.1 J. M. Wright Phono 188-11 IIUJ LDINO CONTHACTOK 11..ll.l .... tl. . .1 A. Estimates FimilsSicd J -""i luruwiiou on rc.jueai Phono 1-10-It. Marshfleld, Oregon '" " ur. h. m. snaw Eje, Ear and Tluoat Specialist CLASSES FI'lTED Phono iCIO-.l. Itoonis liOO-UOl Irving llloclc. DH. .MATTIE II. SHAW. Plijhiclau ami Surgeon Phono :t.l().,I. Office Ikiiiis by appoiiitmciit. I Wo all have M nun filKht 1 we nit cpected to boost Mime otlior mill.- ,i lilliil.i.l .mil ului. .11.1 l.l.v tliliiKN In tho ho.tlcultu.al Hue Tho',lm,1 ,,,ll, "u"""l", "f ' ) r' I bun Is woikln in tho nolKliliorhood iiiln.Mii! exhibit or O10K011 has al.o ,Hlu,lx,n l"'1 Kot ,M,I!, ,l,,l,"l,1 ,lu'' n,r'f l'''"' ""' lro has been a been .a..l.,l the .and prle. The ' ",,rl,,i"1"1 " wt,,l cnoillmo evoty lmilnber of rite, lately, fair roiiimlMdoni'iH did not piovldo ' K I NKWHEIUl- Tho Fioo Methodist for this fiMtnto at tho IiukIiuiIuk .. . i(,',lu,' houuiiK tno annual campi and Hie fair was noveial moutlis ulil , hororc tho state uiinliiK bureau Rot busy and provided an exhibit or tho 1 uiliieial icHOiirccs wlilch has pioved to bo the best there. Coos County' came In ror 110 small sliaie of state1 houoiH when the white cedar ex-, hlblt made by tho C. A. Smith Company won a Kohl medal, .1 rent al o wlilch will liriiiK much notice to this locality as the while lodar Ik louud no place else lu tlm woild. The uovoltleu made or myrtle wood. iiIbo peculiar to the locality, hold at tho Oregon lnillilln. have (leatod a blu luteioht. So ultOHether Ore Hon and ('(urn County am jiuUlnit their sliaie of uotUo at the bite exposition. With Henry Foul udvihlnic tho 1111V.V tliere sliould bo a vli.np full lu tho pi lie of battleships. TIiIk lb a paradox, hut kill! It's truth, so ploiihu don't frown; You can't ilse In t lilts world until You ,n and nettle dnwn. The PiuoiKtiney that ou have pro pai.ed tor U th ono that uevor hap-pens. 1 Hut a Coo Hay man never icallwl what tool Ideas ho ha uutltl after j ho builds a houko according to hlxj own plans, Every employe know thn ho It ovei worked. Hut somehow or other you can't mako the oiuplo.veu be lieve It. Sometime ono eo .1 biutal C001. Hay mail led man who wouldn't mind1 war If nobody woto lotved to fight, except hi wile's lelatlves. , meetiuic with a uuuiber of dlstlui;- ulsliod leadeia or Hie church piosent. , Till-: DALLES The forest fire in jthe Chonowlth Ctoelc district which 'diHttio.vod novornl farm ioii8i. Is now I under coutinl. I CANYONVILLE A forest fire five mi In twin Cnnyonville promised ( for a time to do cousidoiable d.ini ,110 but Is now under coutiol. MON.MOUTH (iovetuor Wlth- comlie will hpeud the da of .lul 20 Kit Monmouth and will tpoak belore the xummor hdioul vtiideuts. UNION It U uftlnuitoU that .'.00 campuu have pitched their tents along the Catheiiue Cieek to ensajfe 'In salmon and trout fUliiug wlilch Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Iea 0 Owl Pliatjiiacy Multifield A. 31. 7:0(1 li::id P.3L lion Leavo Coipiillo A. 31. 7:ii(i tiMio ll:(iti P.M. :!;(( (l:!IO mm & BEMMETT ei OLDEST HANK IN COOS t'OLM'V L'stublUhed JHHt). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid 011 Tlmo AND SAVINd'S DEPOSITS OffkciH J. W. Hennett, President. " r .1. II. I'laiiiiKiin, Viic-Piesldcut. It. F. Willlaius. Cashier. (.'00. F. Winchester, At. fl 3IAHSHFIELD-COQUILLE AUTO STAf.'E TI3IE SCHEDULE Sehcdulu niiiniKcd to connect vvitli boats to Uandon, Stones to .Mjrtlo Point, WaKiier, Ilobcbui-g, No delays. Faro from 3Iiii'hhfie(i to Ctqullle: 7.1 cents. SIiikIo A Lambotli, Prop. Will furnish extra enra for oxtra ttips day or nleht; aljo ilmit&r cms. Benjamin Ostlmcl CONSULTING ENOINEEU AND AHCIIITECL' Offices, 00 Irving Block. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. H. G. Butler 1 CIVIL ENfilNEEK I Room .104 Coko HMb. Phono 14C-J. , Hesidenco Phono 3Ca-L. STEA3ISIIIPS SANTA CLARA f PORTLi WEDNESDAY, JULY UK, NOON SAILS FOIt SAN FRANCISCO VIA EURBI F. A. KILBURN s, PORTLi Si: MIA V, AUGUST I, P. 31. For Fuilhcr Intvn NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. UM mil riinii.M... '- - '-... ....ii i.Mi.ii 1 i.ii.mi.x.vij nui'K W. E. hiu""." Phono Did 20 !- COM3IUTATION nrj TICKETS, L'.Od. II .MnrshflehUNoitli Hend Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from (I . 111. to It! p. in.; to South Slough unco a ilnj, leaving nt II 11. 111.; to Enipito three hips a day. GOHST KING. Pious. W. G. Chandler AHCIUTECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshfleld, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AHCIHTECiT Marshfleld, Oregon. WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, per load 1.7.1 to S2 ' Aldor wood, 10 to 24 nches 2 to 2.50 Fieo Delivery W. II. LINGO Phono 27-J. North First St. EQUIPPED WITH W1KELESS Steamship Breakwat ALWAYS ON TI3IE. SAILS FH03I 3IAUSHFIELD EVERY SU.MIAY JH'lllXO W 8:00 A. 31., EXCEPT SUNDAY, .JULY 1, AT I 1. M. A I'limio 1M-J. PORTLAND EVEHY THURSDAY AT 8 A. M. II. L jioiin-l IITEHffll TufliSPOfiTnTlii Inly, 1111.1, AUTO STAGE SCIIKDULi; To PORTLAND VIA FLORENCE A Ciui. Ha.v man allium Kiiowb wliat ho doutiu't wuut until altgr lie Man a hli;h.pilcod shoe hide nnac,,,,,,w ,l' aciuiiK coin, Tlmus Waut Ada biluy results. Imitations pi luted ut Tho Times 1 office. Id particubnl.v good Jiiht now. I.u.ne 3laishllelil mnl Florence ORKdON CITY Four tinullle iu Monday ;'0 j.0 um Claikniws County will adopt children 'lueday 27 1 ja u. I from tlie ennt tlnough tlie uffortH Wodnendiiy 2S 5:.)Q mn , of the Juvenile court or New York "IlniruiUo 2D ', o nl) Ult. l'rlduy 30 5 80 am ' SALUM-Au effort will lie made Saturday 31 s.o am 1 to obtiibll.il lu Salem a hiamh of the Leavo (lardlnsr ono hour Ian r. ChiUtlnu Peine Anboclatlou. 1 Autoi aie now running throuj'h. On I tu,,s leavhiK Marhfleld iK-fiu 7 , Tlmos Want ada bring result. Mn Bliould mako Portland same day DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Fiom Street Phono 270 SAVE MONEY by ordeilng tho famous v HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton S1,,)0 Lump coal, per ton 85.50 Or half ton of both 1.7.! D. 3IUSSON, Pro,,. Phono 18-J or Iwivo orders at Hllljer's Cigar Store. Weekly Service Coos Hay and Sun Frnnclico. STEMHSH IP ii S fflTH Freight and Passenger Service FRO.M COO HAY FOK SAN FRANCISCO, SATUIIDW, AT 1 P. 31. Ban Franclaco OfHce. noo mt n..n,iinn ..n.i Mer 1 Cooe Bay Agent. 0. F. Mca Vm " j sajKzitiuti wmmm.