THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915 E VEIMING EDITION. ' THREE i'ism-:ft.MK (ii:r IjIttmo kou ax tiih tiaiukidiax suooksts ma- AliK-XIOIIT'K WOitK I'OSITIOX OK LAXI) .IPW1K WATHOX FAVOICH KltMA MIXT l'AVIXd JlOXl) 1SSUK gJllfipTT,H; , ill '" ! !,! I , . I . I I . .. ! ! MIMIM ! , - .UllM I I J.M..,.. lg gwntvj,, i, I 1 pl,M - 8 I Some Snap Shots Taken at Bandon SALMON FEW LANDS mm p 4 mystery? No but you 11 be j iSw"" '- IBKr' 'SF HI ' mighty glad when you gjl j$5 tl!$lK iP' Jjji irj':;'i frank catterlix r e x itiusf' AA...-'j i 1 . iM.VurrciiKu . .1 . jCCvlC AfittW Wliou ho escaped from tho cage . 0ner OOd OJe. lj(,ZaS7AAf 1U"1 cuuulit slgdt ot a "cold one." L .rTs T1BfnffTwwiMiiiiiiiit -t,i' . J,v"?v i JwSffl vHumrnmniiiiinnii H lwh t . ' CT$WV PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY ! sJMmmm iPI&k We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficiant Service ' jBJBr viH . Wm 'Wmm COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY . If r '1P W S1K will ''Sffex k'Wlri ' A ILaa ' Hb wmxtM -w J i 4r3k jtMm jrLftaiLH usi& .Mt a.-. 'mm. wi MaiiM , Ui4Jp- i ggSSMH l). I Two Men llrlnjt In One 1'lsli Tides IjUiiitiei I'npcr r I'ot'tland (Jives Aio WroiiK and Xet Week K- VleHM on (Jue.sllon of Mueli peeled to llrliijj ItvsultH Interest Xou- Though the Benson for elilnoolt I Tho Tlmberinan published nt snlnion on Coos Hay opened July tfi Portland, nnd one of the leading 1 fishermen report very small catches lumber papers of tho const, makes i and one of tho markets today had a suggestion regarding tho dlspo- but one ehlnook ns tho result of sltlon of the 0. & C. lands which two men's work last night tuul'ls of Interest. only two salmon tho day before. Tho Tlmberinan Bays editorially: The reason given is that tho tides I Thero has been considerable ngl- nro not running right. Tho fisher- itatlon regnrdlng the probable dlsyo i men drift down- with their nota on'sUlon of tho 0. & C. lands. A tho ebb tide and theso hnvo boon! meeting will bo called nt Salom by i coming In too Into In tho morning, I Governor Wlthycombe to discuss the almost daylight and tho result Is poor fishing. Hut starting about Wednesday the fishermen say that tho tides will lie bettor, ebbing In tho middle of tho Trying to figure out that long ' Bht, nnd airly good sized catches throw to third and making tho best ' aro expected then. Chinook Bnlnion right now bring n good price, ono dealer this morn ing stating that ho paid for tho fit li at tho rato of eight cents a pound. Hy August 10 It Is expected thoro will bo a good run In tho bay, tho spawning season ot tho chluooks I coming In nbout September and af ter them como tho sllversldea and then tho stcclhcads. '; High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi jiess makes " Conner & Hoagland .The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 subject. Tho Portland Chamber of Commerce hns asked Chef For ester Graves to outline his views on July 17 while en route to Alaska. Tho railroad company has not paid Its taxes for tho past two years on tho grant ponding tho decision of tho Supremo Court. About 233,000 acres of tho O. & C. land grant li" within tho Nntlonnl Forests. ItcstH With Congress Iho whole problem looking to tho fliml decision of tho enso rests with Congress Tho land should bo clnse Iflol and tho agricultural and graz ing lands should bo sold to "settlers on en By terms. Tho timber hinds within tho National Forests Bhould bo deeded to tho Government. Tho 1 1 AT THP HflTPI Q Junto or Oregon should acquire and t "I inc nuicuo hold the remaining timber lands outside tho National Forests and noil Chandler Hotel Uho t'moor Boparato from tho land X. J. Cornwall, Gardiner; VH- whoro tho cx of tho lauds Ham A. Henly, Portland; W. k.w,' Jiermlt of agricultural duvolop WrlKht. Portland: N. II. Hainhnno. i,nont' i Portland; Isaac W. Horry, Motlfonl; J Should Sell Timber C. K. Marvin, Portland; John F. i"o umuor on tno rough mountain Unas. Seattle; F. G. Leslie, Co- lnml Bll0U,(1 bo B0,(l ns conditions qullle; Homer G. Johnson, Itoaton, "JJ"1' 'l tho land permanently S. Weekly, Myrtle Point U, p joined by ho state for reforest., Hranstettor, Kureka; Royal Wlnou.l"0'1, ,U ln ght b"rncl'c ' 8"' J .' .V ' 4 FOIl REI.TAIlTiB AHSTUAOTS OK TlTLIi AM) lNKUHAlATlON " ' lii trai V iiowuju COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec riTIF fillAKANTFF AFKTRAf T TO nr il ..- xw mi 1 K.K. w I 111 ! VV ftXJt (M ' MAHSIIFirUA) AND COQUHiMO CITY, OltKaON foWKvmlT. Afil.'VTS TJAfiTUinn .ivncvvfiU'Pinii'i.'W'a AnniTinv tlfc " AGENTS FOH CAXADIAX 1'ACIFIO KAIMtOAI) LANDS 5 ". IHOXItV SUNfJSTACMCUN. KlANAflKIt - .. - .f .-.-.....-... xui .WX& Tlniwlni Mn T Ml t T I burg; Fannie Carnal, I ouVg; L, ," ""E1.61 m'.m " " " "?!' Harold .lopo. Itosoburg; D. F. Me- l h ( V,0(W f l"mns "v " f1"10 , earthy, Portland; Miss Loud. ' l M8yBto"!' " '"W .uM. ng ii,... ni... 1H..I.I n t .. . f,om tl10 "l0 of tlmbor and other J vsilji iMitlilhtUli UUUi J l4UUU ' IIAItllV KIMItALIi As ho appeared Just heforo Cat terlln's wild throw In tho fatal fifth Inning. "S'. XHW SUITS l-'ILKI) m'(ji:i: Listening to Don Gnrdlner'H Btory of how Marshflold would ninke mincemeat of tho Haudon ball players. SftiW". - BE -I Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES '. Marine and Automdbile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Llliliy COAL. The kind YOU linvd ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72. Vacltl( Livery and Transfer Company. I.Ot.'S Hcccnt suits filed ln tho Circuit Court were tho following: Farmers nnd Merchants Hank of ( mitci Coqulllo vs. Alfred Johnson Lumber Co. ot nl. C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufac turing Co. vs. T. II. Harry. Agnes Peters, Kxecutrlx of tho es tate of Anna 12 vn Wulff vs. Sarah A. Farrln, Joslo McKay, A. II. McKay et al. ' 15 UNIQUE usi:s ovi:it urn) x xi:w iiousi; Hay City; J. II. O'Loughlln, Powers; Kntrlim Koch, Portland; ltalph P. Ileald, Portland; II. L. Poter and wife, Portland. St. Liiwreuco Hotel Miss Vera Clink, Handon; Georgo King, North Hond ;F. F. Patter son nnd wlfo, Itosoburg; I. W. W. Criming, Independence; Tony uenno, I and wife, Seattlo; Mrs. N. 12. Dag-' gott, Allegany; ICIlury Daggett, Al-' legany; J. J. Ilorrlngton, Allegany. Lloyd Hotel P. S. Jennings, Grants Pass; II. ' I. Young, Grunts Pass; Miss Loulso ' land to bo plnccd ln tl.e public Mliool fund. Tho railroad under the terms of Its grant is entitled -to a sum cuuulllug 7,ri00,0Q0. Tho Southern Oregon Company has filed a petition for a modifica tion of tho court's order naklng to lo allowed to soil tho tlmbur prior to tl.o disposal of tho land :. nctual settlers. POLAND E NG Kolley, Michigan, Wis.; T. It. Kol- 1H2VASTATIOX IK WOltSH THAX ley, Michigan; Mrs. Kolley, Mlchl- THAT OF HKLGIU.M Hough Constiiictloii Makes Artistic Dwelling Glass Hoof Over Ve randa Allows Light In-ddo ,'tA AN ADVERTISING PRIMER YOU HAVE GOODS TO SELL A GREAT MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY WANT TO BUY THEM TELL THEM ABOUT YOUR GOODS THESE PEOPLE ARE READERS OF THE COOS BAY TIMES WHAT IS SIMPLER THAN TO TELL THEM THROUGH THE ADVERTIS ING COLUMNS OF THE TIMES THIS TRAIN OF REASONING-THIS VERITABLE A B C OF ADVERTISING APPLIES ALIKE TO THE MANUFAC TURER WITH A PRODUCT TO IN TRODUCE OR THE STOREKEEPER WITH MANY THINGS TO SELL TELL THEM OF YOUR GOODS NOW Sot back In tho fir trees on a well situated lot In Uny Park is u new null unique bungalow, JuBt com. ploted, that now attracts tho eya of tho passerby. It Is tho homo ot ,F. C. Ilircli. Moro than a year ho has been In building It, much of tho work being done by himself. In Its construction huvo been put moro than 200 trees. Tho grentor share ot thorn, ho says, enmo from his own lot. Tho homo Is ot tho one-story marked gun; Carl W. Olson and wlfo, Spo kano; Harry Hattorn, Portland; F. Cchrnne, Mllwnukoo. Illaneo Hotel J. C. Thorhavon, Handon; Tom Hnydon, Kmplro; II. C. Hanson, Co qulllo; Ilichnrd Hohr, Ditto Uhlgo; Shermnu Hufford, Coqulllo; Paris Ward, Handon. Annies On All Sides Aro Crushing Out tho Life or 1.1 to Unfnituuato Country injr Anioc litcd 1'rcn to Coo. Ilajr Tlmra, LONDON, July 27. -Tho despornto fighting now going on around War saw and throughout tho Knstoru 7.0110 of operations centers attention on tho colossal tragedy of Poland, tho soc- ond that unhappy country has endtir ed, tho first having stirred America 1 to its dopths when Kosclusco wont j thoro to toll Poland'B own story ana T Pnn.lMKill l.!l...,.l . ll-o ' lUlk IIB IIIUIUUI IUB 111 II1U BIUIUU Ol IIIO L. Goodwoll, Portland; Mrs. PoH8, borfttor ,,, ono of tho ,)ub. MONDAY'S AHHIVALS Cliaudlcr Hotel Kvnns, Handon; W. C. Swain, Pow- iic squares of Washington. ors; C. L. Hamilton, Astoria; C. I Hut that first tragedy was as noth Horrv. Portlimil: V. fi. Mnminil. ' Ing compared with what Poland Is tory typo. Tho corners aro i0rtluiil- J It Potors Gold Hujeh-! "ow ""'lorgolng, tho ontlro theatro ed with great logs, tho window , , ,7 . , o V. . of Kt" "BlitlnB bolne within tho m mm hiLiii luh". 1110 wiuiiow w 1.3 Gotzondanor. San Francisco: ...ii..r i. ,.1.1 i.i...?.i.... n rnslML-H nrn nt Inns nn.l n 'nrn Mm I ... ' ....". J .'"' ' .""''. ." .w,u "'" "(."" ' " " "- " " -a. weoKiy, .Myruo j'oint; Mrs. a. door casings, while tho chimney of 0t Krantz, Arago; Viva Wind, Conn tho big flroplnco that runs up on cll m.lffa. Iow. ,, nMmnnn 1 .... w tho outsldo Is blocked ln nil around with smallor logs, clear to tho very top. Over tho lironrd front vornndn Is a roof, which If solid would havo greatly shut out tho light from tho big front room. Anticipating Bldo ;Mrs. J. L. Spafford, Norhlll, Mnss.; Kathorlno Spafford, Norhlll; J. H. Shields, Portland; D. Rouno, Santa Durham. St. Iiwienco Hotel Frank Smith, Coos Itlvor; Frank McCulloch and wlfo, Portland; C. this, Mr. Hlrch put In glazed glass, . Pcncock nanuon; John Adams, 12 feet square of It. Tho result Portland; J.J. Pncoy and wife. Oar Is plenty of light. diner; F. P. Mlnnlo, Portland; Mr. Tho walls outsldo nro of heavy ! Blld MrH aray aiul c,-llul( Utltt0i lap boards, ono by twolves; lnsldo i,,.,....... Lloyd Hotel F. Cochran, Milwaukee; Mrs. Wil liam Smith, Coos Itlvor; Orton Dur ham, Powers; Mrs. J. A. llnrno, Coos Itlvor; G. Larson and wlfo, Conledo; A. II. Anderson, Coqulllo; William Aiken, Heaver Hill; II. II. thero Is a covorlng of rough hlrch bark. Tho front room Is 38 by 18 feot. In It is tho largo flroplnco. Hurk of that aro tho othor good slzod rooms of tho house. Thoro Is a closet 10 feet square. Clearly tho houso Is unlquo In ev ery particular and not only Is tho'Adolphson, Handon; W. II. McCurt ownor and his family proud of It, jnoy, Coos Hlvor; Miss Mabel Wilson, but so aro tho neighbors as well. Handon; William Hlaekhurn, Co- I 1UIIIU, lllaneo Hotel W. Mogonsoy, Portland; F. P. Postel, Woddorburn; It. J. Holries, DRUNKENNESS! is a curablo disease, which requires treatment. Tho OHIUNI2 treatment can bo used with absolute confi dence, it destroys all deslro for whlskoy, beer or other Intoxicants. Can bo given In tho homo. No Ban- Powers; L. S. Taylor, Powors; 12. 12. Hendlt, Myrtlo Point; Georgo W. Spewo, North Hond; Charles Nordstrom, 12mplro; II. Wilson, Pow ers; A. Anderson, Powers; L. F. li vlno, San Francisco; W. M. Iteo&o, Itarlum exponso. No loss of timoi Powers; L, Solombo, Heaver Hill; from work. Can bo given secretly. It uftor a trial you full to get any benefit from Its uso your mouoy will bo refunded. ORHIN12 Is prepared ln two forms 1 No. 1, secret 'treatment, a powdor; OUHINI2 No. 2, In pill form, for thoso who doslro to tako voluntary I treatment, Costs only $1,00 a box. I Como in and talk over tho matter I with us. Ask for booklet. WINKLI2U PHAIOIACY 08 Central Avenue. W. S. Blessing, Coos Itlvor. IU2DMON1) Tho general. storo of It. A. McCoy & Son at Terrebonne was entered by nohhors, tho safo blown open and $400 In money tako;r. Have your LETTKU heads, bill heads, etc., prlrlted at THE TIMKS office. Get your Job printing done nt Tho Times office. land, with Russian armies tramping over tho country from tho cast, Aus trlnu armies from tho south, anu Gorman armies from tho north and west, nil compressing Poland ns In a doublo vlco from four sides, march ing and fighting on u sculo of unpre cedented magnitude, and leaving a train of wreck and desolation oven greator that that of Belgium or Sor-bla This Is tho testimony of disinter ested oye-wltnosscs, Polish, English nnd American, who havo recently traveled tho stricken regions, Inelu ding C. C. Gibson of tho Rockotoi lor Foundation, who declared on his return that this was ono of tho great est tragedies tho world had known, tho devastation of Belgium shrinking In comparison. Little Given Out. Such telegraphic news us trickles through from Poland, except tho of ficial roporta ot military operations from tho three sldos, Is censored nnd garbled and gives only tho plcturo ot fighting, without that of tho pros trato country undor tho heels of tho fighters pressing from four sides. But from eye-witnesses returning, from Polish student refugees from tho scourged district, and from letters to thoso who havo sought asylum hero, thoro Is a muss of Information on tho real conditions at tho scono of theso glgintlo eastern operations. Believes Planking Would bo Wnsto of Money Heavy Motor Trucks Now Running Temporarily Upon the success met In tho lay ing of tho one mile of hard surfaco roadway between Flngstaff and Englo Point may depend tho propos ed bond Issue for tho paving of tho Coos County roads. This Is tho be lief of County Judgo Watson. The bids for tho work aro to bo opened August G and many compnttles nro now figuring on tho project. Plank roads for tho county would bo a failure, Is his belief. "Wo would no sooner finish laying thorn" ho snld yesterday, "than wo would havo to start replanklng at tho point where wc stnrted." Ho said the County Court would not look favor ably upon an cxtcnslvo roadway that could not bo called permanont and nt least outwear the tlino of tho bond Issue. No certain material for tho hard surfacing Is mentioned In the speci fications. Each contractor hns tl 0 right to specify what ho wishes and out of the number will bo solected tho ono Mint is most favorablo to tho county. It is understood that tho Warren Construction Company has put In a bid for tho Job, Paving to bo K.xumplo If tho 0110 mllo roadway has a good wearing surfaco, stands up un dor heavy traffic, tho belief Is ex pressed that this will bo tho exam ple to which tho good road enthu siasts may point when n road bond Ififuio Is brought boforo the people for tholr approval. Having macadamized tho highway al this point, Judgo Watson declar ed It is now necessary to hard sur faco it to mnko it hold. Thero Is no election this fall. To get tho bond Issue boforo tho poqpla a Rpoclnl election would bo neces sary Judgo Watson oxpresscj the opinion tlint it would tako at least a year to oducato tho voters In favor ot a hard surfaco roadway through tho county. 'But I bellovo that $l,COO,Ono would do tho work now of $2,000, 000 Inter on nnd savo tho peoplo half a million." Tho reason for this Is tho cheapness of building at this time. Favors Trunk Bonds Tho atnto's proposal to bond for $10,000,000 and build big perma nent trunk roads through tho entire stnto is a good plan, bolioves Judgo Watson. "That would glvo us some thing to tin to," ho said, talking of tho rondway out by Rosoburg. Llttlo mora can bo dono with tho road to tho Douglas county lino this year, ho said, becauso most of tho money for this section has already boon spent. Trucks Now Running Hcnvy motor trucks wore banish ed from tho county roads because they wero tearing them to pieces. Immedlntoly thoro enmo potlttons to tho Comity Court to nllow thoso rucks to continue. Tho ones men tioned wero tho ones running be tween McKlnloy and Coqulllo and botweon Handon and Two Mllo. Many names of persons who remon strated In tho first plnco wero on tho petitions to plnco thorn back on tho road again. Tho County Court has taken tho matter under advise ment and has granted temporary right to theso trucks to oporato. AUSTRALIA TO HAVE BIG METAL WORKS Country Will bo Independent In Making Its Own Steel and Iron Or Aiioelitfcl rren to Coot Dy 'ilmej.J SYDNEY, Australia, July 27. An Iron and steol works, represent ing an outlay of ovor $7,000,000 has Just boon opened at Port Waratah, near Newcastle. Now South Wales, by means of which Australia hopes eventually to become Independent ot foreign countries In tho matter of iron and steol. Tho opening of tho new plant was regurded as an event of great 1111- DRAWEIu ' BEST ONE NOW 1). L. FOOTI2 TAKES ADDITIONAL AUTO TO ALLEGANY TO HAN DLH TRAFFIC ROAD IX FINE SHAPE QUICK TRIP TO PORT- LAND. D. L. Footo announced today that In cousequonco of tho Increasing pas songor traffic via Allegany to Drain, ho would tako up his seven passenger Cadillac today and add to the sor vlco. Ho la also making provision for another car Just as soon as the traffic demands It. "Wo havo boon getting a largo number of passongors and tho travel that way Is constantly Increasing as tho public going and coming to Coos Bay Is becoming aware that tho auto sorvico Is being maintained. By tho Allegany-Draln route, tho trip from Murshflold to Portland Is mado eas ily In sixteen hours. So tar wo havo not missed tho northbound afternoon train ut Drain a single time. Tho road Is In excellent slmpo and chains aro not required." "Capt. Edwards is handling tho passongors between Allegany and Marshflold on a fast speed boat, ma king tho routo ono ot tho most at tractive for travelers. "Tho Smokohouso Is our Marsh flold agont and will glvo all Informa tion about the service. Tho faro Is only $8.50 which Is considerably cheaper than some of the routes." portance in tho industrial history ot tho country. Port Waratah Is to become tho center ot other Indus tries allied to tho mamtfacure ot Iron and steol products. Tho Iron cro for tho mills will como from Iron Knob, half way across tho Aus tralian continent, whoro deposits carrying 68 por cent of metallic iron nro sufficient to last for many gen erations. All tho machinery In the works Is ot American mnko und about GO workmen from tho United States aro engagod chiefly for training tho Australian workmen In modern methods ot steol making.