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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1915)
"Z y - f -MAN WHO KEEPS HIS BEST EOOT FORWARD SELDOM HAS TO STEP BACK ON THE OTHER (Eons Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's what tlio Ooos Ray Times Is. A South, nest Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo mid devoted to tho host Interest of this grout lection . Tho Times nhvuys boosts nail Mover knocks. n The Com nay Times Is proud of Uh title "The People's Paper," and It strives nt Ml times to live Hp to 4ta pntno by do voting Its energies to promoting the people's Interest. MKMHKK OK TUN ASSOCIATKD 1MIF.SS Lfol. No. XXXIX. KstnHlshed 1878 An The Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915 E VENING EDITION. A Consul Idat Ion of Times, Conxt Mall nnil Coos liny Advertiser. No. 2 JL. Jjiay mmm DEVOLUTION IN i HAITI STARTED It -ttack is Made Today on Pros - Idential Palace by Regiment of .Revolting Soldiers E HIE KILLED 'resident With a Few .of the Loyal Troops, Making a Brave Defense US H4I. r Bdilnco FAMILY HAS FLED Iltiilding Ih now in Flames anil It in 1'Vmeil Silnalloii Will ' lllapldly Itccoiuo Worse Pui- 'poso lo Set Up Xew Piesldenl ' ) I'KKSIIF,NT flicks a ITtOM HIS PA LACK i "(By AiMKlalM rrraa lo Cm Pay Tlmra I 4 r FOItT AU PRINCU, llnyll, July 27. President (lull- launio fled today from liln " burning nalnco to tliu protect- Ion of tho French legation, and aftor a battle which rng- oil through tho streets of tho i capital, Dr. Hobo iiml tho rev- bov olutlonary Bohllcrn rulo tho -4 city. I . ioo piusoxkhk ahi; i:'K(tti:r OX AuorlilH rrraa In I'm Ilajr Tlnirn. PORT AU PRINCIC, .Inly 27. Gcnoral Oscar, gnvornnr of Port Au Prlnco nnil a hup porter of PrcRlilcnt (iulllauiiia caused to bo oxceutcil today at 'tho limp of thu outbreak of tho 'revolutionary move ment, nil political prisoners In tho,, hands of the govern ment to tho number of 100 mon. Oscar wns lator cap tured and killed. r fti ' L'm IBj Auoclatod I'rtM to Coo. uay Time.) PORT AU PRINCK, Haiti, July J, A revolutionary movement (aliiBf tho government of President I I ! cak, Tho rebellious troops of tho jvornmont attacked tho I'resldeu- palace nnd 'continued firing upon " for two hours. Thero we're n 'lmbor of casualties. Tho President is in the paluco ro tating tho attack. Tho building It lit Is In flames. Tho President is with It lut a few loyal troops 'Jul is making a courageous defense. t Kill Chief of Police "".Included among tho victims of tho itnek on tho palace is tho Chief fK Police, Tho movomont was start l by a regiment of soldiers who ttkd boon disbanded by President ulllaumq. Tho town Is virtually I possession of tho revolutionists. Is feared tho situation will nip fly bccoino worse. ' Want Xew licniler "Tho members of tho I'resldunt's ;Mnlly bavo taken refugo In tho reiich legation. Thu present rev Million has been going on several rj'onths. Tho "purpose Is to drlvo it aulllaumb and set up Dr. Ito- Jvo Bobo, as President. . 'People Indignant. A' Tho victims of massacre of polltl I'd prisoners. under tho direction of General Oscar, Included Oonornl il rente Soamora, former president i Haiti.' When tho peoplo of Port -'u Prince' learned of tho massacre tHJjjre waB 0. general outbreak of ln gnatlon. Tho peoplo Invaded the fomlnlcan legation, whoro Oscar ) id taken irof ugo aftor au unsuccoss- jl defend! of tho presidential pal- 0, selzoui oscar ana uraggou nun jfore tliqiloortof tho legation where ) was promptly eucuicu. ,jf WoHklUlCill Pie-sldent. fThe mobp.wxcltcd to a great do ' foe, then,'turno(l to tho French lc, ' itlon and. tiireatoned to Invado this Gliding tpS-compo8s tho execution J Pro8identt,Guillaumo. Tho lattor ok refugo under tho French flag i ftor being driven from tho pulaco. 'RHPU1IMO ,VKKV PAKTICUfait 'BERNE, Switzerland, July 27. (he Federal Council has issued fresh insulations with regard to tho maln Jnanee ofVthe neutrality by the rwls pre aad bubllc. Insuts against dtions, clilefs of states and foreign ivernmenta aro forbidden under a axlmum penalty or six monuis im- L rloinent 'and a flno of $1,000. HOME FOUND EMPTyiENGLMO WILL TWO FAMILIFS IX ONF. IIOUSI-2 killfo ox fastlaxr When Hoilles Are Itiounlil llouu; mi One Alive Was There to Receive Them Il7 ARRocUlPd rrciu to ea nay Time. CHICAGO, July 27. Tho houso at 2:101 South Kolln uvenuo has not been entered hIiicu tliu Knstland cap sized. Two families, consisting of seven persons, lived In the houso and nil are either dead or missing. A wugon ilrovo to the residence with two bodies, but no 0110 was there to receive them. ('A MX NT MNMIINH TO LOOK TO KASTLAXR DISASTKR There Are Now Night. Different vestlgatlous of the Tragedy In Progress ' In- (17 AMwUlod I'rfWi to Conn Day Tltm-, CHICAGO, July 27. With the arrival hero today of Secretary of Commerce Heilfleld, steps will be taken to determine what form the Federal Investigation into tho cause of tho capsizing of the steamship Knstland shall take. With the en try of the Cabinet member into th,o case, no less than eight separate Investigations are in progress or contemplated. U700 On Hoard StutoH Attorney Hoyno stated that probably more than 2,700 persons were on tho Kastlaud when she cap sized. "I have obtained stubs of 2,550 tickets In round numbers, collected at tho gangway," said lloync. "Thero wore 70 members of tho crow, au orchestra of at least half-a-dozen, 8') to make 2,700 wo have to allow for only about 7G small children for 1 whom no tickets wcro collected." Will Investigate With tho taking ot testimony by the coroner's jury, tho first open In vestigation Into tho capsizing of tno ICastlanit started today. Secretary of Coiumorce Hcdflold, who arrived today, took up what he promised to ho n thorough Inquiry. Tho Total Deaths The official list of dead nnd miss ing today was: Identified dead, S22; unidentified dead, r; missing, :I93; total 1,220. Xo Warning (ilven. llobort M0010, nu excursionist, testified beforo tho coronor's jury to day. Ho said thero was elwht or ten mlutitets interval between tho I tlmo tho boat first begun listing bad ly and tho tlmo sho finally over turned. "There was ample time, I think," ho said, "to havo emptied tho boat had a warning been given, but thero was no warning." FIFTKKX lll'XDItKD Itl'ITKX AT OIL COMPANV PLANTS Heller Is Strike Is Hrokeu nnil That All Workmen Will Come Hack Tomorrow (Hy Auocttto4 Proa to t'oo nay Tlmea. NHW YORK, July 27. About IfiOO men who havo been on n strlko for several days, returned to work today In thu plants of tho Standard Oil Company nnd tho Tldowator Oil Company at Ihiyomio, N. J. Mayor Garvin declared that tho strlko is broken and that by tomorrow all strikers will bo back at work. WILL GET DETAILS OFFICIALS AWAIT 'tl'POKT OX SINKING OF THK LF.I'LAXAW American laud, Is Consul at Dundee, Scot Making an .Investigation of tho Matter Illy A"o. lata ITi-M to Coon Ilay Time.) WASHINGTON, D, C, July 27. Details of tho sinking of tho Ameri can steamship Leelanaw by a Gor man submarine today aro awaited by officials of the United States government, pending which they were reserved in their comments. A full account Is not expected until the American consul at Dundee, Scotland, has completed his inves tigation. Timea want ada bring results. AND IN BAG AT WORK SEND NEW NOTE Asks That Recent Reply to United States Not he Made Public Yet L In Official Quarters Action at This Time is Regarded as Highly Significant MAY FEEL INFLUENCE llellcf Is Since (ci'iuan Communica tion Was Sent (heat lliltiilu Slny Ho Willing to Consider Any Xew Suggest Ion .Mailo by LT. S. Illj AMoiUtcil rrcua to Cora IIr TlmM. WASHINGTON, July 27. SJr lCd ward tirey cabled Secretary of State l-anslng today that tho Ilrltlsli Gov ernment has In preparation another note to tho United States on orders In council, and asked that tho nolo delivered yesterday bo wltlihehl from publication pending tho re ceipt of tho new communication. Tberoforo yesterday's notu will not ho published tomorrow morning as was planned. lie Hero In a Weelc Tho message said tho nolo would bo hero In a week. In official quar ters tho development wns regarded as highly significant. Tho bollof prevailed that tho last American note to Germany with Its reference to tho freedom of tho seas may havo Influenced Grout Hrltnlu to placo herself on record as willing to tako under consideration any now sug gestions by the United States to tho belligerents. L COXXKCTIOX XOW IIKTWKK.Y 1L. WAIIAX ISLAXDS AXI) JAPAN Soon Mossages I let ween I'ultcd Sta tes ami Japan Will He Itegularly Accepted Illy AiiacUted ricii to Coo. Ilay Tlmm.J TOKIO, July 27. Wireless com munication was successfully Inau gurated today between tho now sta tion nt Funaboslil, near Yokohama, and tho Hawaiian Islands. Messages by wireless between Japan and tho United States will ho regularly nc copted In the near future WASHINGTON' .ll'IKa'K SAYS I'lMI IllltlTlOX MKASl'Iti: VALID Killing Is Handed Down by Judge Wright In Thurston Couiity Superlor Court Illy AM"tlato.l Piiimii (, t'nuH Ilay Tlmiv.) OLY.MPIA, Wash., July 27. Judgo Wright, of tho Thurston County Superior Court decided to day that U10 prohibition law adopted by tho Initiative and ballot hist year Is valid and constitutional. WILL CUT FORESTS FKI'PAItATIOXS MADK FOU TIIH lll'ILDING OF ALASKA ItOAD Permit Issued Allowing Use of Mgbty J'Jve .Million I ''eel of Government Timber Illy Aaaoclatea Pna to Cora Ilay TIoim 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. July 27.--A porinlt to cut 8,i,ooo,orio feet or timber In the Chugarch national for est of Alaska, for use In construct ing tho government railroad In thnt torrltory, has been glvon tho Alasku Knglucorlug Commission, so the For est service announced today, FEWER "ATTENDING FAMOUS UNIVERSITY tUy Aasocltlet rreo lo Com UJ 'Iiium. FIU'inUHG, Germany, July 27. Tlio fumous old university of Frei burg this year has only 2203 reg istered students as again 3178 last year, and of this year's number 173G aro in tho army and lied Cross ser vice. This year there are but 20 foreigners enrolled at tho university, Including three Americans. Tho In stitution's honor rail includes three professors, three assistants and 117 students who linvo fallen for tho Fnthorlnnd. W ARRIVE SOON INSTALL WRE DECIDES W LAW; L DSSES REPORTED CASl'AInKS IX IIIHTISII AltMV AXI) XAVV :;M,IM).- Pi'intcd Statement is Issued Today by PicmhT Asipiltlt Giving tho Figures Illy Anwiclilcil 1'rrn to I'm !! Tlmiit I LONDON, July 27. The casual ties in tho Urltlsli army nnd navy has reached a total of :i;t0,!)!l"i, ac cording to a printed statement Is sued by Premier Asuulth. y KL'SSIANS CLAIM DIISTHOVIXG rOKTV COAL CAItltlF.ltS Another Itahl is Made on Fishing Moats off tho Coast of .Scotland Illy Aiwiralrl I'itm to Crnm liny Tlmrn.l LONDON, July 27. Petrogrnd onnounces that forty sailing vessels laden with coal woro destroyed 011 tho dllack Sea by Uussluu torpedo boats. No developments of any moment 011 tho western front aro reported. AFTNIt FISHING FLI3KT Germans Destroy Xlne Trawlers Off Coast, of Scotland Illy Amoi IXxl I'rru to Ca Ilay Tlmra. LONDON, July 27. Apparently determined to demoralize thu Ilrlt lsli fish supply as much as possible, two German submarines appeared suddenly among 11 fishing fleet off thu North Coast of Scotland and by shell file Bank nine trawlers. SINK DANISH MOAT Loaded With Itallroad Ties is Sent To tho Hot (0111 (Dy AmoiUWiI Ivmu to Gia liny TIinea.1 Copenhagen, July 27. Tho Dan ish steamer Noglll, bound for tho Itlver Tyno with railway ties, was sunk In tho North Sea by a Gorman submarine. The crew landed at Wilhelmahnven. T FI'MNCH CKAIT DKSTItOYF.D lY GKItMAX I'XDF.IISKA HOAT Tlilrty-uiio of tho French Civw aro Taken I'r.Vonem by tho ICneiuy Dy Aaorlatrl I'rr.a to Cooa Ilay Tlmra. IJKULIN (Wireless to Sayvlllo), July 27. Tho French submarine Murlotto, wna destroyed by a Ger man submarine July 20 in thu nar rows of tho Dartlanells. Thirty-one members of tho French submurlno's crow woro captured. VESSEL IS HELD UP AMKIHCAX STF.AMF.U MAYCKICK DKTAIXFD HV DITCH SHIP Taken Into Port on Java Sea us a Suspect, Hut Is Liter , Iteleased. I tlly AmmrlatM nw to C.nm nay TIoim.1 i ltTAVIA, Java. July 27. Tho American Oil Steamer Maverick, bound from Los Angeles, on reach-! lug the Java Sou was held up by a Dutch warship us u suspect. Tho J vessel was brought to Hatavla, and after an Inspection of tier pnporj was released. I BOATS. SET ON FIRE GKItMAXS DFSTHOY XOUWF.GIAX HAItK IIAKHOK LAST SATCHDAY Captain Says Ho Saw Throe Other Vessels Huriiiiig in the Same Locality (By AaaorlataJ I'rraa to ? rial TIoim AMSTERDAM, July 27. Tho Norwegian. bark Harboo was attack ed and set on fire Sunday by a Gor man submarine. The crow which landed hero, was glvon five minutes to get Into tho boats. Tho captain said ho saw three other boats on fire near tho spot whoro the Harboo wus attacked. Dr. TonilcJns office will bo closed until further notice. 1(1 QUARTS MILK FOR $1.00 Holme's Dairy Will Front St. Xoith Phone HOO-J I TS so SUBMARINES WARSAW SIEGE- STILL RAGING Terrific Fighting in Progress All Day Along Entire Battle Front in Poland Petrograd Claims Germans Have Been Repulsed or Failed in Several Places CITY ALMOST SURROUNDED On tho Northwest ICneiuy Is Within Fifteen Miles or the Capital Advil 1110 Defenses Xow Helng Attacked by German Army Illy AMorlat! rrru to Cora Ilty TlmM. LONDON,' July 27. Tho German advance on Warsaw continues to day to be tho most Important de velopment In thu war. It Is being conducted with energy and tho Hus slau resistance has brought furious fighting along 11 wldu front. Never theless the Germans aro attacking tho ndvanco defenses at Novogeo rglevsk, 15 miles northwest of War saw, but at tho same tlmo recites n number of Instances In which tho Germnns were either repulsed or un successful. Petrograd claims the Germans were repulsed at Pultusk, :i0 miles north of Warsaw, and at Iviiugoroil, fiti miles southwest. VESSELS BOMBARD POINTS OX ADRIATIC ATTACKKD HY Al'STHIAN HOATS Cruisers and Torpedo Hout Destroy ers Drop Shells on Itallroad and in V.fllnges flly Aw.'UtM l!rraa to Cooa hay TIoim 1 HOMIS, July 27. Certain light Austrian cruisers and four Austrian torpedo boat destroyers at dawn to day, bombarded sovoral points on tho railroad which runs along tho shore of the Adriatic between Seulgallla and Pcsaro, At tho same time sev eral shells wcro thrown Into tho vil lages of 1'ano and Sonlgnllla. FIGHTWDAY5 STILL ITALIAN'S AND AUSTRIAN'S RICACII XO RKSL'LT Rattle Along lson.i River Described as Worst anil Mightiest of Tlio War Illy fiumi latr I-iraa to Cooa Ilay Tlmra. LONDON, July 27. A corres pondent on tho Italian front t a Gorman newspaper describes tho fighting along the Isou.o Itlvur f.s tho mightiest and most frightful of thu wur. For seven days It bus been going on and no result was at tained. PIFTF,i:X OTIIIUIS MADLY MHIS ICO IX GAS KXPLOSIOX Accident Occurs at I'hitrauce uf the Moderwell Mine at ('lii'lstoplio.r Illinois, Today (lly'.l l'fc lo Looa Ilay Tlmra.) CHRISTOPHER, 111., July 27. Might men weru killed and IT. Iiudy burned In n gas explosion at one of tho entrances of tho Moderwell mine here today. Thrco men aro mluslng, Itnptlsi aXMinilily.. A ineotlng was held at tho Marshflohl Ilaptlst church hist evening to mitku prepara tions for the Coos County Ilaptlst Assembly to bo held hero August 27 to 20 Inclusive. A number ot out side speakers havo been Invited by Rev. G. Lultoy Hull but tho detailed program wjll not bo completed for soiuo tlmo. This Is tho first Ilap tlst assembly arranged for Coos Coun ty Ilaptists. Rcpiesent Astoria .Mill. Matt L. May, tho woll known representative of tlio wholesalers in this torrltory. bus just been appointed agent of the Astoria Flouring Mills Co. for this seetlton. Tlio Astoria firm has gain ed a great reputation for Its "As toria Patent" flour and for Its mill feeds, Mr. May will represent the firm In addition to his other lines, U HESSTIN6 EIGHT M HERS DEAD IHEUl IS KILLED ANTONIO CAXTOKK, OF ITALIAN' ARMY, FALLS IX HA'ITLK First Officer of That Rank Lost by Italy Since Filtering, the War. (Dy AaaoclateJ rrraa to cnoa Day Tttnw. UDINH, Italy, July 27. Gen An tonio Canloro wns killed In battlo on tho fsonzo front. This Is tho first officer of that rank lost by Italy. E DON' J. SCOTT, OF LA GRAXDF AND .MISS KUKHKIHOi: WKD Ceremony Takes Place at Homo of Hr'de's Parent In Mar.shrield This Afternoon Thu mnrriago of Don J. Scott, of LnGrnudo, Ore., mid Miss Leoua K. Ilurbrldgo took place this afternoon nt the homo of thu bride's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Iiurbrldge, 027 South Fifth strcot. Tho ceremony wiib performed at 2 o'clock by Rev. A. S. Htsey, of North Ileiitl. Tho wedding wus a quiet affair, on ly the Immediate members of the family being in attendance. After tho ceremony, about 'I o'clock, tho Initio and groom left In nu auto for Ilaudou where they will visit for a tiny or two. They will then return to' Marshflehl anil romealu hero un til probably Friday whon they ex pect to sail for Portland and from that city will go to La Grande to make their homo. Mr. Scott is a young man woll known lu La Grandu as bo Is the money order clerk In tho postofflce thero' nnd has been connected with tho postofflce for tho past eight years. Tho brldo with her paronls came to Marshflehl less than a year ago hut has many frlonds lu thu city. II r father Is tho manager for tho Oro gou Life InuurancoLoiupauy for this district. MARSHFIELD SUFFERS SHORTAGE OF PASTORS .Ministers All Away nnd Necessary to Secure One From North Rend for Wedding red today In connection with tho uarrlago of Don S. Scott, of La Grande and Miss Leona 10. Ilurbrldgo when It was quite unexpectedly found that thore was an utter short ago of ministers In Murshfleld, It wus expected to have the Mothodlst pastor perform tho ceremony, but when J. J. Ilurbrldgo, rather of tho bride, went yesterday to arrange with thu minister it was found ho was out of town on a visit. Thou It wns decided to try another ot tho pastors, but ho too wiib away and when Mr. Ilurbrldgo called upon Rev. Drowning and Rov, G. LuRoy Hull, It was found they, too, woro away. It Just so happened that all ot the Marshflehl preachers woro out of town ami when tho local list was exhausted Mr. Iiurbrldge turn ed to North Rend and this morning engaged Rov. A. S. lllsey, who per formed the ceremony. WALKS INTO JAIL gi'okgi: i:. suttox maps to MAKIJ OWN' ARRIIST "Why Dltlu'l You Tell .Mo What You Wanted?" Ho Gasps When Door Closes George K. Sutton beard that Pop uty Sheriff Laird wns looking for Ji In so ho called him over tho 'phono. "Do you want mo?" "Ves, you bet," camo the answer from tho sheriff's office. "It's Important, too," Where upon Sutton cllmhod aboard tho train from Powors and caino to Coqulllo. Ho was placed under arrest on the charge or larceny from a dwelling. "11 I," ho oxelalmeil when tho cell door locked In tho county jail. "Why didn't you toll me what you wanted? I'd a bout It buck In tho brush and you never could u caught mo." "That's Just what 1 thought," laughed tho deputy sheriff. It wus said that Sutton lsc barged with taking food and some machin ery from the Salmon Mountain mines a few months ago. Ho states that some ono olso claimed them and told him, Sutton, he could take them along. Sue Logging Company W. T Stall, on bclinlf or Louis Tlol- I AT Hi NZ I LEAVE BORDER Troops Evacuate Naco and Thus Relieve Threatening Situation There E Fighting of Two Factions Ex pecting to Meet Would Have Endangered Americans GEN. FUNsfoFHAD ORDERS Leader of United States Troops Wns Instructed to Shell the Mexicans Away From tho Hordcr If Their Visiting Co u sod Danger lly Aauiclat! I'rraa to Cora nay Tlmra.l WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27 Cnrrauza troops havo dvacuatod Naco and left tho civil administration In charge. Tho action rclloves tho threatening situation In which Major General FiiiiBtou had ordors to shell tlio Mexican ractloiiB away from tho border If tho fighting endangorod American territory. T ORRFGOX'S ARMY STARTS HIFGF OF TIIH CITY Report. That Gen. Xntera, W,iUi 8(100 Men, Deserts Villa for Carriiii7n i (lly AaaoclataJ rrraa lo mm nay Tlmra. GALVICSTON, Texas, July 27. The main body of the Obregon army, assisted by tho forccB or Ocn. Tro vlno, Is making a strong attack upon the city of Torreon, according to a report reaching tho Constitutionalist Consulate hero today. It la also alleged that Gou. Natora has aban doned alleglauco to Villa and with 8000 men has declared realty to Carrnnzn. SEEKS FATHER LOS AXGiaiCS MAID WANTS IN FORMATION FROM POLICK Says 1 1 any. L. While Ik HuposeiI to Have Heon Here Wns lu Lumber Deal Hoping to hear somo word for a little girl whoso father Is mlBsIng Mrs. M Straehau, of Los Angolos, has written to Police Chlof Cartor asking tho whereabouts uf Harry L. White, who Is supposed to havo boon lu Marshflold about three years ago. Inquiry about tho city today brought no Inkling as to tho Iden tity ot White. No ono has beon found who knows him nnd tho be lief is expressed that tlio man might havo come to Coos Day un der tin assumed name. Chlof Car ter hiiB written Mrs. Strauhan. Thu letter received hero Is as fol lows: "A rumor bus reached mo that Harry L, White, who formerly llvod In Los Angolos got mixed up In a lumber deal and lu somo way oin bo.zletl some money belonging to n company lu Oregon, ' "It Is claimed that Marshflold Is the place. Ho Is supposed to havo fled to Arizona anil thero ended his life. "I am certain that Mr. Whlto' was lu communication with somo lumber company lu Marshflold, but I cannot recollect tho namo. Ho was lu Oregon lu the summer of 1012. When this affair occurred I cannot say. "Any particulars you can give will bo very much appreciated by his little daughter, who- Is auxlouo to know ir thero is any truth in this report." SIkuciI Mrs, M. S. Straohan, 2fi00 K. Fourth street, Los Augules. llsh, bus brought suit against tho Smith-Powers Logging company for $3,000 tor porsonnl injuries allogod to havo beon suffered April 8, 1915, near Powers. Tlio complaint alleges that Hol IIbI, aged 27 years, was employed as a chusor In tho camp and that through some negligence ot tho com pany ho had several bones in his leg broken and has boon nnd Is still un able lo work. WAS E DU 0 EON TACKED r.Vil AH ,ro ne til Wi