HMmRflMn .jTC1 .T-i 5.1 ,jh AaJt" Mr1 i?T 7. . if .fi-si rfi'r k &J- ii . . i i nl Vij 7 tlMffMriWrTXr iit( )-. ftJii' L liiJal Lttliriw riiJtttflMtM - ---uhW3 MPBMIBlIWBaUimiWBIIWIl - SIX tiii.'stt'fit . .., -hmIiHMMU laiixUijjLiijiiLiXUiaam-sMMaMMtwmmMm 11IIW, niC rweMiMR cniTlnM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SAIUHUAT, jult c laio-num.. STAG E 15 DLL SET pi.ks inril! JINKS AT HAXDOX iiics dhawixc oaiii) George Goodruin Shj-.h 2000 People Going Fioin Coom Hay Kvcry One N Dulled In Attend Film, hlg onos nnd llltlo ones, nil Blinpos and sizes nml with their frlonilu galore will form a mighty herd on the Ilniulon Hcnch tomorrow. It Is the HlKh JI"Us Day the an nual gatherlnc. Kvery one In tho county ha been invited nnd for tholr ninimomoiil and pleasure a liaiititcoiiB rrmiFt will bo served. M B nil 1 1,1 V J JLLn i H H .tB J, "v HT r I I I kiatckks i i , I MNP-IIOWST KP1SCOPAL. Over Oregoim - --- - W.Wj FUWCIIt & HENHETT 8fll MhTViioDIST KI'ISCOI'AL. Joseph Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11 n. m. Sunday morning Hev. W. S. Oor- don of Astoria will preach. In the evening the pastor will preach on the Biibject "The Hoy Thnt Went POUTLAND-.Iolm Austin Hooper. ATIIKXA-Tlie explosion of a sep the man charged with many holdup:. 'orator caused a fire at the Joe Ke anil robberies In Oregon who was itt- farm near Athena. ASTOHIA About liu Creeks have left Astoria to return to their na tive country.Thoy canto from an Is land In the Dardanelles where the people have been banished by the Turks. I SKVKXTII DAY ADVKXTISTS. I Local Klclcr, J. K. Quails. Seventh Day Advcntlst services aro conducted every Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. IJlblo Study at 11 a. m. Young People's Society at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at, 7:30 p. in. i XOItTH HKXD PHKSHYTI'UIAX Itev. Frederick Shlmlau. Pastor Bible school at 10 a. m, fr Wrong." All aro cordially Invited. Epworth League at 7 p. in. Junior League Servlco Thursday There Is to bo a program of sports, 'afternoon at 3:45. all kinds of sports. Men will race Prayer Meeting Thursday oven- In tubs far out In the surf, others tag at 7:30 oclock. will swim. There will be nuto race3 ( on tho lionrh. And to sliow tnai thcro nre more ways of "skinning u cat" the gasoline buggies will race both forwards and backwards. Tho train to Cotiullle Is scheduled to leave at 7:10 In tho morning. At Conulllo there will be special boats for the down-river trip. It Is ex pected thnt 10 o'clock will see the up-river delegation landed In Ha.i don. Tho returning boats will leave for Cociullle ut six o'clock where the train will bo waiting. Tho round trip faro has been reduced to $1.15 for tho occasion. Thousands Going Ocorgo (Jooitrum, asked how many would be there from Coos liny, nns wcred In a second: "Two thousand." Ho Bays ho has unit figuring In tho hundreds for a trip llko this one. "Whnt'B tho uso? Kverybody's go ing." Dozens of machines will travel tho coaHt nnd tho Valley roads. Many nutos have already boon chartered. Tho early start In tho morning will placo tho entlro crowd on tho beach early In tho day and give thorn at least eight hours for tho Jollifica tion time. llandon I'llm nru tho hosts. Tiny have madn practically all of tho ur rangonicntK. Now and then thcro has filtered through a glimmer of tho stunts thoy are going to "pull off." Ono man In guessing, said thoy meant to rested at The Dalles, has been brought to the Portland Jail. Till-' DAjLLHS Harry Howell, en gineer at tho Manchester Lumber company plant, was killed wlten lit was caught by a moving belt. HOOU KlVKlt Curtis Gould aged fifteen years, went to the San Fran cisco Exposition on funds which he Hlver people plan to climb Mt. Hood earned during the berry hanest sea- ,on ,Uiy f, about one hundred local son. people taking part In the trip. SALK.M Governor Withycombu has granted a conditional pardon to1 ni'Fl'H George Mack, proprle Wnlter Alirendt, sentenced to the tor of a garage, was Injured when penitentiary for defrauding. a machine ran over a grade. HOOD HIVKH A party of Hood Have The Coos Bay Times sent to you during your vacation Auatomobile Stage Limes , i i I ux M uxitki) hhkthhkx ciiukcii south hkxd Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. j Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m.! Prayer Meeting Wednesday eye-) ning at S o'clock. i . j ITHST HAPTIST CIIUIIC1I I Dlblo School at 10 a. in., with graded claBses and competent teach-' crs. ' A cordial wolcomo Is extonded to all. I 8 fr , M ARSHFIELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers Leave MiiiMifielit Leave Hovelling . ...-::!() A. M. Dally , .:;) A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 ERONT St. MAUSIIFIKLD New Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 Dolhcrcd ill niiy point where there Is mull service, without elru cliiirgc. Simply phone The Times office and gle your new address nml pn per will be traiif erred from cm i Iti or INt or your olil nddicss. .. ..II makes mi illtfcrcnre whether It Is for two or three ilnj.s n week or a mouth. Photic l!i:t. :: rii i OLDKST HANK FN COOS COUXIA I'dIiiIiIIhIiuiI ihhii. Capital, Surplus arid, Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest pnlil mi Tlino AND SAV1NUH DKl'OSITS Officers J. V. Ileimi'lt, Piesldciit. " . J. II. li'liiiiiigun, Vlco-rrcslileiit. it. t. WIlllaiiiH. CiinIiIoi'. floo. l -Windiest,.,. Ansl DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono UTO I CATHOLIC CHUHC1I NOHTU m:xi) Hov. Father Win. Hognn Mnss will be celebrated Sunday at C:::o a. m. and !):0U a. in. CATHOLIC CHUUCII SIAUSUFIKLI) Mass will bu celebrated Sunday throw every Coos Day 121k Into the nt " '"- s '" ni1 ,0::0 ' bV bay to show off their harbor. Ilw 1'tllL'r SlcHovltt. 'fivn u'ltiilm nirn rnliiliiltlcnH from .... . - ovcry city In tho county were nii i KPLSCOPAL CIIUHC1I. pointed to tako charge of making up Fourth mid Market Streets tho delegations In their homo towns. R. K. Urownlng, Hector Tho reports already received show i There will bu no services nt tho that overy city Is trying hard to get Kplscopal Church tomorrow, Hov. up a delegation to beat tho ono of . Urownlng having been called to any other placo and between them 'Gardiner. all It Is expected thero will bu sov-l ; ral thousand porsoim Sunday on N01 Vtov"'''" 'UAN' I the llandon Ileach. j Sorvce3 w'ui bo lleld 'in the Xorwc- I'nignuu of Day. .-i.,,, i,theran Church nt .Mnrnliflold. I- ' ' ' Tho llandon Western World given , sminy nt 7:15 p. the program for tho day iih followH llliill) ii. in. ICxeurslon linatu with crowds from Mnrshfield, North lleud, Coiiitlle, Myrtle Point, Powers and Inleriuediate points, headed by Coos liny baud, itrrlvo at dock. Grand en ocmblo on wharf to give the visitors u royal welcome. I(i:-ir n, in. Itoyal open air mar riage ceremony, Miss llandon and Mr. Mnrshfield, at corner of First street nml Alabama avenue. 11:111) a. in. Parndo forms on First street; cash prize for best de corated car In Klk colors: Col. H. II. Ilosa, marshal of the day. 1 1 :U( it. in. Water sports In bay at comer of I'lrst street ami lMlsou avenue, cash prize. I 12:00 a. in.- Freo picnic lunch In I grove near ball park. j 1:00 p. iii.-WreHllIng exhibition:! Imso ball game between Marshflelt. Klks ami Ilaiidou KIIh; nuto racex and other attractions. II: 15 1 1. in. -Surf sports, races, ten uis game, etc., on the beach; near trail, only three minutes w-nlk from ball park. m. No Sunday School. Services will lie held In tho Nor wegian Lutheran chapel at North Hend, Sunday nt 1 1 n. m. CIIHISTIAN SCIHXCIJ Services Sunday 1 1 a. m. Subject, "Truth." Wednesday, S p. m., Auditorium Pnblli! Library. j Sunday School, 2 M. In Chrlst jlun Science Hull. j Heading Itoom open dally except Sunday ami holidays, ,1 I p. m. 1 Christian Science Hull -'J37 Third St. North. If j CIIHISTIAN CIIUHCH Services as follows nt the Church, I corner Sixth and Central: I Heguhir services every Sunday. ! lllblu School at 10:00 a. in. 9 KWIIIHSII F.VANGHLIOAL Ll'THI'MIAN CIIUHCH. Hov. II. F. lioiigtbon. Pastor. UeHldenco lit) I lllghlaud avenue. Phono Ut-U. Sunday school nt 0: in n Sermon 1 1 a. in. ( jiMAUSIIFIMLI) PHICSIIVTIIHIAX i Allegany Drain Auto Stage Line Leaves Marshfield Every Morning 5.30. Arrive Drain 2 o'clock. Good Cars Careful Drivers Most Beautiful Route to Portland The Smokehouse, AGKXTS, MAUSIIFIKLD PIIOXI1 llll-.l or call I). L. FOOTK, Proprietor of Auto Line, Phono 'JH-.l for Iiirofiimtliiii. Fare $8.50 WOOD! WOOD!, Kindling wood, per load $1.75 to $2. Alder wood, 1C to 24 inches $2 to $2.50 ! Freo Deliver) W. H. LINGO Phono 227-J. North First St.' I UNDERTAKING H will be kept H OPFX TO Tin: PUIILIC H H A regular Mule licensed Hi H uiidcrtiiker will lie In H HI cliargo H I Phono ID."-J B T. J. SCAIFK $ A, H. IIODGIXH Mnrshfipld PA,NT AND ivmrbnTiem DECorating co Kstlnintes Furnished Phono 1-III-H, Murshflcld, Oregon MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial ami ll'dw'y. INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Multifield, Xortli Ilcuil, Fmplre, Tarheel, Sunset liny. Leaves .Multifield ut Himy Corner, 7::( ii.iu., 1 1 :.'t(l, Jj.ilo p.m. - p. in.; 5 p. in. Leaves North lleud 1" iiiliiutes later. Leaves Kinplre 8iao a. in.; 1l:!IO a. in.; l.ill) p. in.; :i-.:io p. m,; (l:l)() p. in. Trips after theso hours may bo arranged or. Phone Dusy Corner. Night phono KI7-H. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE (iorst V: King. Curs leavo ."Murshflelil 7 11, 111., 2 p 111. ami ." p 111. Cars leave for I'niplro 7 11. 111., 10 i( in., 1, mul ." p. in. Curs Leave .Sunset Hay 7 11. in., I) 11.111., ami .1 p.m. Fares, Kniplro, tt.'c; Tarheel or S01UI1 Slough, noe; Sunset Hay 75c SAVE MONEY j by ordering the famous 1 HENRYVILLE COAL i Nut coal, per ton .$1.00 Lump coal, per ton .$5.50 1 Or half ton of both .$l.75! I). MUSSOX, Prop. I Phono 1H-J or leavo orders nt ' Hllljer's Cigar Store HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 After tho beach program there wlli curucii . A 1).... C...I.1.I .ri.i 1 .. . be a band concert and frolic ... the I ' "V ' . '" ' r,",r " tuiiB. II. Lowry, clerk of genu on s 0o. II. .Stadden. Sunday School Superintendent. Directs up town Moving pictures will he taken nil tho luterehtlug events from the! time the hoat arrives. 20 20 Auto Miss Cluiii .Myron. Organist. A. L. Hut, Treiimirer. Mrs. CIiiisi. McKnlght, prenldeut Women's Auxiliary. Sunday School, 10 n. m. Pleaching lu 11. m. Coiisolldiitlou serlie mUIi Church. . MKTIIODIST CHUUCII Hev. A. S. Illsey, Pastor. Nortli Bond KILLS A BIB"BEM; 1 FIIAXK IIOWHOX .lit., SHOOTS A , :i5l).'Ol M) 1IH1I , Hhijs AiiIiiijiI Cnrrjlng Off (.'at 1 Largest Hear liter Killed in . That Sect l.m Frank llowron. Jr., sou of Vn. I Howron, killed 11 :i."i(l-pound blacK 1 heur 011 his father's ranch ut Ten I Mile this week. It was the lurgt bear ever killed In (lint wet Ion. The bear wus dlsemereil h carrying .rf a goat. It had boon making luioads on the theop and gouts In that vicinity for Mime time. mioii uimiverod the llowron -nn ronilrltiK espert plnno work to wait were put on the trail and soon f-1 for him. lerwarus rranu ulint and killed It COMMUTATION TICK UTS, .$2.00. MarshfiehLXorth Heuil Lino Curs every ten minutes from (I a. 111. to 12 p. m.; to South Slough (into a day, leaving nt 11 a. 111.; to Kmplio three trips a day. (JOUST 1(1X0, Props. -; GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOM15 OF TUB CADILLAC AXD DODGK AUTO SUPPLIICS FOH ALL MAK1CS OF CAIW !M7 Central av. Phono .'17:iL t WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 4 City Auto & Taxi Co. Day and Xlght Service For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring curs, phono 20, Chandler Ilotol LVXX LAMIII'TII, Prop. New Cars Now Cars 'luo norvli'os Sunday will toi lows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. U:0u a. m. Sermon. Vesper Clrclo and L'pworth League nt 7 p. m. PIAXO TUXHU COMIXtt M. 0. Warner, the well-known ploneor piano tuner, who has been coming to Coos Hay many vears. writes The Times from Kugeuo that he expects to miil.e his legular an nual visit heie In a few days. He reipuihis ins tonner vnn AltTn on 1 bo as ' uu huiu ohll FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Piiouo 200-L. Xlght and Day. I Hlght Cafe. j (JOOD CAHS. CAHF.FUL DUIVHHS D. L. IOOTU. Marshficld-Coquille Auto Stage lul,i, lilt.-,, AITO ST.Wii; .SCHHDILi: T.i I'OUTLAM) VIA FI.OUIINCU I.eae .Msishflelil mid I'lnrence patron, and all , nurday 24 .:u nm Sunday Mcuduy Jii j. n...t ..r .1 1 . win- m uu fiiin was kuut 111 to day to Piniik DeuiiliiK. POHTLAXD- Mark Hroom and Ja mes WIIIImuih are held In the Mult nouiuh count) Jail 011 a clmrue of mootiihlnlns In tun uuur MrKenile river counti. Llbby COAL. The Mini you live ALWAVS USUI). Ph .110 72. Purlflf Livery mid Transfer Company. lb 'I rests one cent a word b to tell you- atory eadi il'iy in 1 n 1 iih limes want columns a lb C '!' a.ii 'ifiiimy ;mj j, ) ftl 'lUMduy 2" ... 1 2,1 a, Wednesday 2S :)r) , Thursday 2u -,.) uln ''''l'l''.v i' 5 :t nm Siituiday a l :,;:,0 Ul, I.eHve (iardlur one hour hiii r. Autoi aie now ruunlug throug'i. On trips Unvlng Murahfleld b.-fcre 7 eu should make Poillaiid miuo d.w eae Oh I Pharmacy field A.M. 7:()() HillO P.M. l:iM) 5, no Leavo Coiulllo A.M. 7:00 0:00 ll:oo P.M. it;00 (l:ao MAUSIIFlKLD-COQUILLi: AClO STACH TIMI SCHKDULH Schedulo arranged to connect Midi boats to Handoii, Stages to .Mjrtlo Point, Wugnor, Hobobiirg. X11 delays. Fare from Marshfield to Ctqullle; 75 cents, Single .V- I.ainlvth, Props. Will furnish oxtra cars for extra trips day or night; also charter cars. J. M. Wright Phono 188-H UU1LD1XO COXTHACTOU Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Fje, Far anil Throat Specialist CLASSICS IT'TKD Phono ;l.tO-.l, Hooms 200.201 living Hlock. nit. M.rriK 11. siiaw. Physician ami Surgeon Phone :i:t().J. Office hours by iippoliiliiieut. Beniamin Ostlind coxsuinxo i:Xwixi:i:u and AHCIIITKCT Offices, 20C Irving Dloclc. Phono 103-L or 2G7-J. Marshfield, Oregon. H. G. Butler '" CIVIL KXaiXl'I'lt Hoora 301 Coko Hldg. Phono H5-J. Hesldeuco Phono 303-L. W. G. Chandler AHCIIITKCT Uooms 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshfield, Oregon. Read THE TIMES Wm. S. Turpen AHCIIITKCT Marshfield, Oregon. TImea Want ads bring resulti. m n "He Slarted in Life a Poor-Man" Head about the lives of rich men nnd you W f. rule tho statement, "Ho started In llfou poor tnun" Compoteney was oniy.netiulred when tlio luiliit 0f eavli,," formed. 12 No man who exchanges his labor for money g too pS stnrt a bnnk nceotint. ' Wealth depends upon what you save not on wlmt yon This bnnk nccepts Bavlngsecoiliitffln tiny itiiiouut the depositor Is always welcome It pays Interest on time deposits. Stnrt thnt account, now. iiuvjuk is uo rcsini 01 ut FIRST IT DM BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes' For Ttent, GRAVEL mmmami Wo nro now prepared to niriiian (uiavhl in nny ui: from pllo In our yard or In carload 161b, ut following prlcet: From pllo on ground, ?2.?5 per yard. canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 wjh I Hetall Departineut. tl C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg,G$ Opposlto Posl-Offlro. I'hor I : STEAMER F. A. Kilburn Mills for SAN FRANCISCO via EUREK MONDAV .HJI.V 2(l,rfi"t'r.4 'ft Santa Clara " ilf . v Portland tt Tl'KSDAV, .ll'LV 27, P. M. tfor "Further Iiiforiiuih NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. D KHMINAL DOCK ' ' '"W. II. STLIIIt. Jj ifi '6 SMITH Phono . 1 Hill IIQUII'PKD Willi WIHKLl'SS ' Steamship Breakwatfj ALWAYS ON TIMK. C SAILS FUOM MAUSIII'H'LD I3VKUY SUNDA.V Dl'UI. Jl'lU. J H:()() A. M., KXCIOPT SUNDAV, .lULV -I, AT 1 P. M. AMIflS I II. J. JI0llll,ij5( '9 POHTLAND KVKUV THCIfSDAV AT H A.M. Phono :I5-.I. INTO DGEU TRANSPDRTAT II I Weekly Service Coos Hay nml Han Franclico. STKHIPilllTI Freight and Passenger Service FHOM SAX I'UAXCISCO FOH COOS HAV, JlMiV 21, Xtl San Fruiiciaco Office, 000 FJIfo Hiilldlng, hiiU I'ler Haa Cook Buy Agent, 0. F. McQEORaE.. Phone - ' t Abstracts FOH HKLIAHLE AHSTUAOTS OF TITLE AND IM-'UH'W AHOUX COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Itt M'VUSIIFIKLD AND COQUILLK CIT1', OHKGON S"8 KASTSIDK AND SRNGSTACIvKVS APjJ AOLNTS FOH OAXAD1AN PACIFIC HAILHOAD WI,l)l HI.XHV SKXGSTACKKN, RIANAOEH I Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOODYEAR TIRES - EXCELSlC MOTORCYCLES-UNION GA5 ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty g worth Front Street :: :: :: .. pnone m ft- tgssm . !;.(-(-. LaJLCI.lM. ' J 'TMtHgMMfl &a6. ' irv flnx3 flMWMMBBA.te.d