Sf THE COOS BAY'TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915 EVENING EDITION. 1HR maM will bo Monday evening, July 20th, with Miss Mario Gregg at hor homo in Porhnm Park. ! $ 4 I MOTOlt PARTV v m Contributing to tho plcasuro ot hor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wolcott, of Syracuse, New York, Mrs. A. D. Wolcott nnd a few Mends motored to Sunset Day last Sunday. A delicious "shoro" lunch con prepared by the hostess was served at noon to tho following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Horhort Wol cott, Miss Agnes Kunklc, Miss Allco Tlckell, Mr. Dwlght O. Volcott nnd. 3 4 Smith, Dernlce dlnzcr, Olndys Marshall, Helen Owen, Nellie Pra- 7.ler, Margaret Kverett, C. Peterson. dT'tektelA. g I Ho , iKr OTr'i Jp tho Improvements In FIRST ADDITION uro steadily going on, Tho k, ' (Continued from pngo 2) aF brldgo litis boon completed and numerous lots arc lining cleared unit terraced preparatory to grading tho rust ot tho street. It will only k i XORTH LAKI! ()l'TI(i I r Iim a inntdtli nf Hllllv ilnVa tftwt llo ittltll'n U'nl'lf ta ftntultml hlhY Mrs. A. D. Wolcott. v J T I. IIIKVIVI "I W...IJ W . " .Ul U ,, kiltie I1VIH Ifl . lllKIII,tl. H. V will have to hurr V the first ones will W i FIRST ABDIJIiaN mBBHFIELD DON'T YOU SEE WHAT THIS MEANS? You If you want to get tho host. It will go fast and got their choice. , ' AX OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS IS SELDOM OFFERED. Don't let It oxcupo you. ' YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO I1UY. Sightly, level lots with modern conveniences telephones, graded Htrcets, jitney service, etc. such as city water, v w jw Ifi 1 tf" Cnll at our office for n plat and any information. U '$U'V A Lots 50x120 $300 each. Your own terms. Wa ; ' B Reynolds Development Co. Jf One of tho cnjoynblo picnics of the week was tho ono given by X. A. Nel son last Sunday for the pleasure of his guests tho Misses Vera Wilson, Matludn Anderson, Cloldlo Rlggs, I Anna Heed, Olive Phillips, and Mrs. JAichlo Phillips who nro leaving for their various homes nfter a dellght I ful threo weeks' 'visit nt tho Phll I lips' liungalow, tho "Wako-cm-up," nt I Lakeside. Sports of nil kinds woro I participated in and a sumptuous ple ; nlc dinner enjoyed. The parly re turned homo at u lato hour. Those ! partaking of the generous host's hos pitality lit addition to those nbovo mentioned woro: Mr. and Mrs. V. 0. Hlndtuarsli, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. lly 1 ler, .Mrs. Horry McKoown, Airs. J. . Dennett and friend, Miss Nellie Swnn 1 ton, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kestly nnd 8on John, Misses Dorothy Hylor, Dor rls FalkciiBtoln, Allro Dylor, Enn 'McKcown, Carol Phillips and Dor othy Hlndmnrsli, Messrs. II. W. Mohl- inaittt, Win. Knlser, "woodrow Wil son, J. Van Acker, Iloraco Ilylcr, Ar chie Phillips, Jr., Raymond Mc ICcown, Jack Rnvnge, Hiitton and Roderick O'Connor. .j. . (utiiolio ladies tea : PARLOR and LIBRARIES I Nothing will set off your Library or Parlor like a magnificent Davenport We have them in stock in the Quarter Sawed Oak Dull and Fumed, in the Imitation and Grain Leather f- r t .A Prices $35.00 ''""$37.50 $55.00 $57.50 v (IlMffilii III Ax Prices $35.00 $37.50 $55.00 $57.50 I They are all constructed in the latest patented method. Easy lo sit, easy to rest on, easy to sleep on. See Them. MHUWW.. GOING VEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS K The Catholic Ladles of North Rend 'gnvo a union social Wednesday In tho , parlors of tho Presbyterian church. (The room wns beautifully decorated for tho occasion with cut flowers and foliage. A pleasant afternoon wiu pnssed. Thoso attending woro Rev. Father McDevItt, Rev. Father Wal lace and Mrs. August Hoolllng, Mrs. C. P. McCiillom, Mrs. A. 13. Morten. Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. A. 13. Rose, Mrs. Chns. Knlsor, Mrs. William Davenport, Mrs. K. Plntt, Mrs. W. P. Hogstodt. Mrs. Nell Hanks, Mrs. W. Kverett, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. K. W. Soliroclc, Mrs. E. S. Wood, Mrs. W. W. Helm, .Mrs. It. C. Holmes, Miss Elizabeth Donnolly, Mrs. Early .Mrs. K. M. Q rout, Mrs. Oeo. Razor, Mrs. J. O. Mullen, Mrs. aeorgo Mnn digo, Mrs. Oeorgo Truman, Mrs. Pnlrbeck, Mrs. Oeorgo Hnzor, Mrh. -...... 1... Til. (111.. n m,. f.n.t lunuu, .11 in. i-iiiiiii, .11111, jiikiiiiii, Mrs. A. L. Oulisor, Mrs. Edgar Mc Danlels, Mrs. (1. Taylor, Mrs. 13. P. Russoll. Mrs. Perkins, .Mrs. 13. P. Hi soy, Mrs. M. K0I10O1 Mrs. Robert Hanks, Mrs. Prod dlazor, Mrs. James Thonins, Mrs. V. 13. Watters, Mrs. Robert McC'ann, Mrs.O. A. Stophen son, Mrs. A. S. Hammond, Mrs. a. Matson, .Mrs. W. H. Chnpolle, Mrs. William Nollson, Mrs. Dennis Hull, Mrs. Henry I. Dlcrs, Mrs. H. Powoll, Mrs. Shnunou, Mrs. L. R. Otis, .Mrs. Shorninn, Mrs. Llnvllle, .Mrs. C'voy, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. Walter Smith, nnd tho Misses Madgo Harry, draco Sheridan, Anna Truuinu, Mildred Ledwnrd, O. Truman, Prances 4 I 1)1 XXKIt PARTI KM w A gracious hostess was Mrs. 13. J. Arms this week when sho entertain ed at two Informal dinner parties at her homo In North Rend. Monday evening her guests were Miss Amy Isaacs and Mr. Kd'wnrd Steele, and Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McNny nnd McXny Senior and son Hcrtlo. j. .j. 4. 0 I MIXXIK-WIS C'LlTIt I O Tho Mlnnlo-Wls Club has post poned Its next meeting until Thurs day, August tho twelfth, when Mrs. W. 13. Honglnnd will be hostess. I m-arir attracts maxv . The bench resorts so easily accessi ble to tho people of Marshfleld pro ved attractive, last Sunday to many nnd ninong thoso who motored down were: Mrs. K, Ryan, Mrs. Cora Webb, Dr. W. A. Toyo. Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Jennings, Captain and Mrs. W. A. Ma iren. Dr. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. A. Ii. Housoworth, Mrs. Dorscy Kreltzor, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rood, Mr. and Mrs.W.J. Rrown, Mr. nnd Mrs,. E. C. Rrows, Miss Agnes Kunklc, Miss Allco Tlckell, 11. O. Wolcott, Mrs. A. I). Wolcott, Mr. nnd Mrs. uoriiert Wolcott, Mrs. Charles Stauff, Miss Margaret Staufr, Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. M. Prnzlcr, Wcsloy Prazlcr, deorgo Prn zler, Ployd Prazlor, Nelllo Prazler, Leonard Prazler, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Anson O. Rod gers. : ALKRT CIjUII PICXIO I hick op kali: oi-' i.mprovi: munt iionds Notice is hereby given thnt seal- proposals will bo received by tho tanca commlttco of the Common iuncil of tho City qt JIurshfleld, 'OS County, Oregon, nt the offlco tho City Recorder of said City Marshflold in the city hnlj of said y until 5 o'colck p. 111., Monday, a 2nd day of August, 101,", for 0 purchase of street improvement nds of 'thoa!d City ot Marshfleld, OS .County, Oregon, to the amount '$1,250,01. All ot said improvement bonds to 1 In denominations not exceeding 00.00 and .bearing Interest nt tho to ot six per cent per annum from to thereof, paynblo semi-annually, Id bonds to bo dated tho day of uinnco and to mnture in ton years oroaftor, with prepayment option ereon at, face valuo nnd accrued tcrest to dato of any seml-anuunl upon, .interest period nt, or after, 0 year from tho dato of said bonds l0'l Ely.lrjK notice by publication in newspaper of general circulation Inted and published in Coos Coun . Oregon, such notlco to be pub .hed not less than twlco during 6 month proceeding such seml- nual period nt which such pro- Ill bo made. The eserved to reject y and all bids ana upon an or iy ofBUcli' bids, or proposals bq g reJectSd,'!f there should romaln iy jbndjr unsold tho said bonds ay bq'tljreaner gold at' prlvato le bys Sajtl Common Council of id Cltytbr Marshfleld, Orogon, it in no event to bo sold at less an liar and act rued Interest. Said mds, are.iauthorlzed by the laws the' State? of Oregon, and Ordln ices of tkf,Clty of Marshflold, bra in. ' ynien hereof wl ,'ht Tt'expressly r 2 if. of Marshflold, Oregon, Is ?2,CiO, ISi'i.op Honded In dob led 11 ess Is ,"1,000.00 Population estimated at fiOOO. A certified cheek for 5 per cent of amount of bid or proposal must nccompnny each bid to bo forfeited to snld City ot Marshflold In enso bid Is accepted and bidder fatls to accept and mnka payinont for snld bond or bonds, covered thoroby within ten days from tho dnto of ac ceptance of said bid or bids. Kaeh bid or proposal submitted to dcslgnnto the denominations ot snld bond or bonds desired. Hid or proposals received for any amount ot snld bonds; small blddors bohiK given picforonco of purchase. Proposals, or bids, with cortlflod cheeks, to bo Inclosed In scaled plain envelopes without distinguishing mnrks, or writing thoreon except the words: "Hid for Improvement Hoiuls ot tho City of MnrshrMld, Oregon." Dated this ir.th day ot July, 1015. R. A. COPPLI3, Chairman of the finance commit teo of the Common Council. XOTICK OP SALK OP IMPROVE MRNT ROXDS Xotlco Is horoby given that soalod proposals will bo rocolvod by tho Pi ttance Conimltteo of tho Common Council of tho City of Mnibhfield, Coos County, Oregon, at the offlco of tho City Rocordor of said City of Marshflold, In tho City Hall of said thereafter, with prepayment option thereon nt face valuo and nceriied In terest to dato of any soml-annual couiion Interest period nt, or nfter, ono year from tho dato of said bonds upon giving notlco by publication In a nowspnper of genoral circulation printed and published In Coos Coun ty, Oregon, such notice to bo pub lished not less than twlco during tho month preceding such semi-annual period at which such prepayment thereof will bo made. Tho right is oxprossly rosorved to reject any and nil bids and upon all or any such bids, or proposals, bolng rejected, If thoro should rotnnln any bonds un sold, tho said bonds tuny bo thoro nfter sold nt prlvato sulo by said Common Council of said City of Marshflold, Oregon; but In no ovont to bo sold nt less thnn par and ac crued intorest. Said bonds nro au thorized, by tho laws of tho Stoto of Oregon and ordinances of tho said City ot Murshfluld, Oregon. Assessed valuation or snld City of Marshfleld. Is $2,010,195.00. Honded Indebtedness Is $51,000.00. Population estimated at 5,000. A cortlfled check of 5 per centum ot amount of bid, or proposal must accompany each bid to bo forfeited to said City or Marshfleld, In caso bid Is accopted and blddor falls to accept and make payment for sale, bond or bonds, covered thoroby, within ton days from tho dato of ac coptnnco of said bid or bids. Each bid or proposal submitted to dofclgnato tho denomination of ba'ld bond or bonds desired, Hlds or proposals received for nny Uiinount 01 said nouns; smuii imiueru bolng given preference of purchase Proposals or bids, with cortirieu chocks, to be enclosed In soaled plain onvolopos without distinguishing marks, or writing tlieroon, except tno words, 'nid for Improvement Honds ,. . . ... 1. ..... - ; i iity,umiihociocK-i".M.on.Moniiny.'or r of Mrsnf loltl. Orogon." iiiu .1111 uio u iiuK.iBi, i.M.i. iui i. nnlml Milfl 'lKt ilnv nf .TulV. 1015 ptirchnso of stroot improvement bonds! of the said City of Marshflold, Coos I County, Orogon, to the amount or $0,120.00. All of tald improvement bonds to ho in denominations not oxcoodliiK $500.00 nnd bearing lntorost nt tho rato of six por cent por annum from dato thereof, payable sonil-nnnunlly; said bonds to be dated tho dav ot Is- Aamsed, valuation of said City suauco and to mature In ten )cara It. A. COPPLE. Chairman of tho Plnanco Committee. Julv 21. 21. 20. 31. Sl'MMOXS In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Orogon, in and for Coos County. Hllnm Ahlqulst, plaintiff, va. Egon Ahlqulst, defendant To Egon Ahhiulst, the nbovo nam ed defendant: In tho namo of tho Stnto of Ore gon: You ore hereby required to appear and nnswor tho complaint filed against you heroin within ten dnys tram tho dnto of tho service ot this summons upon you if served within this country, or If served within nny other county In this state, then within twenty dnys from tho date of such service but If served by publication or by personal sorvtco outside of tho Stato of Ore gon, you shnll appear and answer on or boforo tho Oth dny of August, 1015. If you fall to appear and answer said complaint as nbovo required tho plaintiff will tako judgment ngalnbt you for want thoreof and will apply to the Court for tho re llof demanded In this complaint, n succinct statement of which Is: I That sho bo granted a decreo of dlvorco from you; That sho bo awarded tho raro, custody and control of tho minor children ot tho plaintiff and do fondant. Service of this summons Is inndo by publication pursuant to an order mndo by the Hon. John S. Coko, Circuit Judgo of Coos County, Ore gon, which ordor bears dato Juno 21, 1015, and dtrocls publication hereof in the Coos Hay Times onco each week for n period of six weoks, tho first publication thereof to bo mndo on tho 2fith day of Juno, 1015. E, nEROLAXD, Attomoy for plaintiff. First publication Juno 2G, 1015, &nd last publication August 7, 1015. PASTIME CIjUII A largo number enjoyed tho pic nic given by tho Alert Club last Saturday at the "Lonesome Pino" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heap oa North Coos River. Tho reception commlttco, wKo met tho bont and escorted the mem bers ot tho club from tho wharC woro Messrs. J. 13. Noah, Z. T. Thomas, J. II. Price, Eugeno Terry, Oeorgo Oould and C. K. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Heap wcro voted royal entertainers by all presont and thoy will bo missed by nil their Coos river friends who wish them a speedy return to Coos Bay. Those going on tho picnic woro:! Jack Terry, Volla Terry, Alien Terry, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Prico, Pearl Price, Hazon Prico, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Terry, Eugono Terry.Jr. Elslo Terry, Miss Myrl Stemmerntnu, Mr. nnd Mrs. 55. T. Thomas, ItalpU Bishop, Mrs. Tom Lawhorn nnd baby Holland Beatlo, Mr. and Mrs. James Nowlln, Jennnetto Nowlln, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. B. Rood, Leonard Itood, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Piper, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. K. Rood, Robert nnd How ard Rood, Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Piper, Evelyn Piper, Jack Piper, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Noah, Ivy Nonli, Nool Noah, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bar ker, Eileen nnd Oraclo Barker, Miss Weekly, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mahaffy, Mrs. Larson nnd daughter, Adollno, Raymond Nowlln, Myrl Nowlln, Mr. nml Mrs. deorgo dould, Mrs. deorgo Torry, Susnn Mahaffy, Louiso Ma haffy, Charles Mahaffy, Jack Beat tie, Junnlo Bowman ntid Ella Bowi man. f I Mrs. 13. d. Arms ot North Bend wns hostess Wednesduy afternoon to tho members of tho Pnstlmo Club. A pleasant afternoon wns spent with fancy work and social chat and at tho closo delicious refreshments wcro served to Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, Mrs. Roy Bralnard, Mrs., It. II. Ha zer, Mrs. Milas Richardson nnd Mrs. 13. J. Arms. Tho club will hold Its next mcotins with Mrs. It. II. Hazcr Wednesday, August the fourth. I ALPHA DELPHIAN SOCIKTV Tho Alpha Ilolphlnn Socloty met Monday ovoiilng nt tho homo of Miss Elvira Prlzeon, thoso present woro Myrtle Mlllor, .Mrs. Olive K. Brown, Elvira Prlzeon, Dr. Mnttlo II. Shaw, Irono ProusB, Ellen Rudr'ns, Harriott Kollogg, Agues KiiiiIck, and Mrs. Dryer and Mrs. Oreen who have or ganized tho club. Tho next meeting IIovo your LETTER bonds, bill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES offlco, i. GIRLS CURSES X A number of Coos Bay young wo- mon nro now taking nurses' courses at San Francisco nnd mora ara planning to tako up tho vocation soon. Miss Ruby Wntklns, Miss llnzel Powers and Miss Lulu Soron- son nro now nt Lano Hospital whora Miss May Bennott completed a courao somo time ago. Miss Agnes Itus soll, sister ot Mrs. P. E. Hnguo, will also entor Lano Hospital next month, making the fourth member of tho Russell fninlly to take up that call ing. Miss Ruth Ollbcrtson, nnothor popular Coos Bay young women, will leave shortly for Portland to entor the dood Samnrltaii Hospital thoro. Miss Edna Wledor. formerly ot Marshfleld, Is at the Oerman Hos pltal lit San Francisco and Frieda Holm is taking tho nurse's courso nt Morcy Hospltnl nt North Bend. , .j. .. 4. I MUSICAL NOTES - Hi mBC"??'V 4V '--'jMiiMHB0BHflBlw llr . Cjai ' 'y 10' V ' ''til" BECKER BROS, PIANOS BEAUTIFUL QUALITY OF TONE DURABLE IN CONSTRUCTION ARTISTIC IN DESIGN REASONABLE PRICES &JKS Miss Mnry ICruso Is continuing hor studies with Prof djordrum during tho sumnior. Miss Kruso's noxt public nppearanco will bo at a ro ceptlon to bo given In connection with tho opening of the Honrlk djor drum Conservatory of MubIo, Sept ember G, Miss Kruso Is also doing somo teaching this summer. i II6nrllc djordrum expects soon to movo Into tho now conservatory building which Is now almost comple ted mid will continue his touching. activities horo. On Soptembor 0 tho conservatory will open, dernld Hunt baritone, and Jons Sovely, violinist, ot tho conservatory faculty, will, as sisted by Honrlk djerdrum, give n. coucort shortly boforo tho opening of tho conservatory, vi:i ix poRTLAxn X VGSmKM? 'KJkHir VVIlliir SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS BY HENRIK GJERDRUM Claronco 13. Ash, of Tho Times, will leavo about August 1 for Port land, where early next month ho will clnlm Miss Maud Mostlck na a bride. Tho nuptials will tako placa at tho home of tho brldo's parents lu Kenton. Mr. Ash and his bride, will arrive In Marshfleld about Au gust 15th and will bo at homo to friends in tho MrCulloch cottagg near Fourth and Hall, ihjKs rioxio I . Tho Marshfleld Lodgo at Elks la planning to hold their annual plc- nlc for their wives and sweetheart nt tho doodwlll plnco on South Coos -n- somo tlmo In August. (Continued on paco 8) xij , 'i j i