T?, Duke Doesn't Like to Be Stepped On So Long World l.oli.r I nnnns Ci. 8t Uiuit, Mu . ... , . r.:-,. m aMaMaMarXv !? MSs'nfii Ws3K CB&N tFiI Lmi nTitx.de hiL t;JS'peech the firot " othep dzxy j 7 l III w . XSBSJVsKS. HTOSIKMW vryflTJKMal cne ol; ihe.psifonrnpo.sis broke - -Andy csudaeo'tect ihso. they Lu-b when he threu: ihe v Mcr pitches Sk-rrne-, it wtr too mucli- i'"n j,,,'u ti'y ANNA BELLE Goes On a Hay Ride . VL. . I . 'i ft pi a m If- 's1Ns MvASt7 n a kl wm TTw iV yJVsJ JU M A til r3 S Dear I rlfintu:.- wiUlc down at Grnndilft's ho took iifi for n dandy hay rldo and I wish vou could litvo hem with ub for Vo onjnyod it vc'rv much. We drove In town ami the boy ooupht dum Icp cream which vm tront in us all Incle Kzru votulrrtHl how p could .njoy a wapon rid- when mot of u woro mod to mnchmca. hut 1 iht,Kht It xi lino Kvry mail rontlnuo in Inlnp Rood Irttors 'rou frioiid and noilnnit inakR mo happier thin m know thai w munv of os aro handed together o try to make the uorhl happier and hrighiea r.n our haviiiK lived In i:. If you havon't sent f.. your Certificate uf Memhernhlp now Is the nr . to do bo hs wo want to do a gtoat work in eomlu rail and mtei .lust addrew mo. .... tnla uajwr. enclme a two. cent man.p for pos amt I'll be ml too glad to send ,u mam , . wlah for yoiiraelf and iiiemufr l.ofa'.ij ,, , tosotner for the good of poor (rlg and Unf. v ',. Mvont the opponuiiiiiti we Iwvo and i imso them ever to teinomh, r the ANNA UKI.I.r ?, w I.Vti 80CIKTY at (heir gieatcst fnnd in n..( Write as often as you can to your Inwnc 1KB r I ni.l I'd U. ; ; Hm V iJ T : C Is fl f v :1 -, i'N '"yA immm iah- 'I'ii'lti GAMC or CATCH the VOULL FINO IT DEST TO CUT OUT THIS GAME I30ARD AND MOUNT ON HEAVY CARDBOARD -TlltJ PLAVER SELECTED FOR FIRST Gp PEACES A PENNY ON ONE OF THE CIRCLES BELOW AND THUMPS IT TOWARDS THE FOXS HEAD- IT MUST STOP ON ONE OF HIS EY!?S TO COUNT THE POINTS INDICATEO HJY THE CIRCLE FROM WHICH ITWAi THUMPCO-THB PIRST PLAYER MAKING, A TOTAL OF ao POINTS WINS THE-G.AME- THE TWO NCAR EfST Clf?CLES COUNT 1 POINT EACH AND Tilt' OTHER THREE CIRCLES S POINTS CACH- VWV IH VtAi5iy" fw v Vx-'jyVy ITSnlzfi i v"v7ll-. .Au&tSS&JjLjf V i il KnSSSKl UWr-tf v YWB M h mss LvyiLiA. , ., JVr ffi IIIM lJf life i sLncl r c3biu-ck- mm m NFvH-ir ' xifiHY ' Il liaS'i' Mi m ' !i Vlf f K ' M. VI W I. "I All S3. -: "' ' """"-"fr isbW:.:T SsJlVSwi'si SfS::.-;:::::: iiT-n J--r l, i 'nilgai i II nfc Tii) JRK