The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 24, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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fc,j ce
i mil i jt v m ' -" ii fSHIKHBLT ' VTT v.
$ y2m t-raKisfTTttp ffia'flirx KitlfeHr SMlBtei &0$&m& v if J?A
BK'. I45ii2fKa . f VfTu I lKSI'KfS3lSk.-k2ri.iS,, 8&?., 8lJ8M.i,!5KXlK41- liS' fti;all
& I Wm8MMW '. ..LMlt5i ,lr iSglMilir SfCW .. - H5H8& :w JOb Kffil
B. filHHRfflfltl t -. T lsaEB&iH fffl&ktemammr'' jrtm&ms& -' Ml iNmHwHPAtiv ...Ri ! tr
I ! VwJ M ' . 4 J.yS'' .
THE SERVANT . .:'.'2iTm ..-.? ' fimJ
rivi in r in . s4 ' Twvtnims "vs , fi?.t," y '.. w r'"r"y ?rM!etiidsfiiESJMK'jTswo4i'
"" ivi'.a . ,,fc-rw.r " r1 tfrusw esRSSsrffiTtsf g vs p
bpvpmI Instances latrly,
wcnlthy men liavo takn po-
Bltloim tn tliPlr own factories
to better umlerHtnml tlic ic
tu.indR nf tholr men for morn unpen
In certain dopartmenta It took ncry
plmrt tlmo lo cninlneii rapltnl tlilit
tho concessions jinked wrru not only
renflonntile, but turegg.iry foi better
results Why not einploi th lamo
mflthoda In tho liom nnd the iru
proved ronriltlonn of douioetlc nffalri
would rnpny ub'
I dropped lu on n fi lend one day and
nbo wim putting uwny tho Ironed
clothoB. Hho raved her Indignation
Hao I ever naen fliich earolosnesa?
This bed Fpre,id la Just hh Boiled hi
when It waa put in tlii waali Oh jr p
tho rert of Mi1 rUulien had boeii uli
ilgbt with reluctuuee. It wan rathr
n larpo wash -but, with Impdilonre,
had I ever aeon such a apread, ctii'
It waa tho rnald'a afternoon out and
I caught a Bltrnpne of het aa ahe wont
li). a young sir) with a good-natured
laoo and a body not over Btrong I
Atlllled my (oiunienis to hear us.ilu
about tho bed aprad Maids woro
srarco in Hie auburba. and mj friend
had dona o much woldlnj; that eok
he heattatfsl about tlic spread. 1 hhk
Kihted that 1 help her waah ll vhllo
tho tnald waa out, and thus h iiIhIb
whn .ivortod
Wo went down and MniKKlnl r
hour with poap nidi, hot waKi hih)
bluing exhausted, but trluniphan'
wo hung It on tho line A brlaV an
was blowlnK nnd In a few Iiouih 11 waa
lead) to brlliK tit . but our Jo) wan
iiliori-lied, foi nioni of thono piif
winio spots still greeted us The aftet
noon bud not beni waatul. for I beard
in) friend exclaim. "Why, it's not no
any after nil ll rettllj uoids aomo
ono strong enniiKh to 111b it h irdor
thnn you and I together lould "
Thus had ono mlstieas learned that
a iimld wan only biiinan and taaka too
linril for ono aro apt to bo Just an hard
for nnothor A llttlo bettor undei
etandltiK between inlitrena and maid
would result In housohold affairs hot
thr run, friitlon replaced by lomfort
mid tho old-time, long.jcnialnlng anrv
nnt uo longer u delusion and u nuars.
Orapn ConllaL
Ono quart gTaps Juice. Hi iviundn or
white sugar (loaf la bast), au vn ta
tilasiioonful of cinnamon Hnd slmuiPi
unt an hour Seal while hot Win
keep jaara This ia au oxcollent tonli
for the stomach Dose., a tablespoon
Jul (uncial times a daj-, or when tired
take a tsaspoonful
Tapioca l'liddlug.
Soak taaoup of tupWa (jirl) oer
night in 1 quart of watai. lu tha
morning pate aud core C appbs Blew
thorn aud la) In a deep dish dd
Mijpir and lemon to tapioca pom it
over the apple Hake until 11 becomes
like Jell Lat told with susat and
plain cream, or whipped ireant.
('heap Sponge Cnke.
Three csks. amall cup f mifjar.
cup Uour. a plmh of salt. V teaupoou
bakiug powdei Heat uiilil light und
foaiuy rtus raKr can onh ls made
of stiictl) fiesb eggs j there l no
flavoring used, but has a flavor all its
owu The lougei yen beat lii eegs
the llghtei will be the cake,
One cup eonfet tiouers' sugar aid X
tablespoon 01 luiin 1 .torker) logetber.
flavor with vauitl.i 1 1 dd J table
epoous of milk, ba U
11 onderlaud l'liddlug.
One pi 111 neb milk, I . gus, little salt.
4 heaping uiblhpoonfe ikmi Oal t So
minutes in butieied cups lu a qulok
Muce Hnr.i m 1
pfhp" i t 1 1 h ,
u bentpn to
' prffrrcd
' tji ( -
f'ri It
0"3 K'a's Prown Prerd
Irtfll wrnlthv men liavo taknn ttn- . W -w v . -X . ;2jCHErrfwtviRm
f 1 -ii.. i ji.-i- -. i '$ jL i . i ' iji wrwwn ! ?s . -' - - ' I wb wirt I rhffT,TT:iin irirf ttfwwcm nrD vth wr&fg
i'i niiiiiiin in liii'ii itnii inn n i ii'H irv x,wr.fjLVik'.iint.r .iiA.r it -. - i r
ii -- .--..... .-. y aBftmvrK.ndu.T n i ' -fc. -h-. .r .. i... . v
h Thin beil in Just iir sollcil si-i Mt& Em,&&vr&l iuTt , kmmk M BJSSa ...T S
t : .... . -- -- n t . B&ftinwi . - r.'7( . jp' .4rwjjc .itt
: wjjon itwnaiMii in urn wuhii uh jrp KSy. jPPrsS Th-k. t i ''?----ft l, J JsOTK mF
"wWAtAsiuJilrwHlHHMihtflilli "' iHisiidi., , . i-v.!
AiM"v''t. v-rf.iwwj, , j iOj ... '- emam. J
yjMgMmllN X Ci- . , . r :..Miv aT . ..MBBHttx m, : " " y .-
j('flmrti!Pyrrafflff,? WJi.WWtfWifci". .. V VX. LaBaaaW "" .Ui.ll.' J2QfH. "laV
X ilm!Sl -KSBSBfew ' Vt . m -LN -HSL V'm ;,t ,,.,, rrtgiEE
NsiRFf if! t yR v f - .. ww v;. y
, t" r 'WfTy ' iv j vJijUVFStBtYVi t is Fife . X-3S -' ' f !WTTTTTff?ryfltgWW3M?fTCrTCTW,g?S B11 J T.TCfcM'if "niWT
ss.. 'zjksl.. jMHwii.'2rarii ijtsw.-. . sjumws; j!HBii3' iwf ? r'. '-a.
L m ? ' fflBSOTSttfc. iiffrW 1 ornain..ntal. When tho woik- Kl
Uk. . . . . t ?sw!t.xiTita! "aiigannMri. M - z.Jmv . ;?! i
ffl'a . 1 1 yi ' fwSr i m m V ' ifSn
ml it.
Iwl4r J
ilK9 t ..
it 1 - ifcar- '
1 rri'Ai
" 4 ' $U$ .isgy
jvw&tt? jsearar
teaapoouful bakiug aoda tgood uieas
tire), li,a teaspoonful cream tartat, )
coffco cup molasses, 1 tounpoontul
salt. Milk to make a (bin batter. It
ou use eoiii milk leave out tho cream
of tartar. You cau use pan milk and
part water if jou wish stem 3 or 4
hours, but the lousoi it Is steamed tho
nUui it will be.
'I be foundation of candies made
with gum arable, that is, the plain
paste, is what is usually kuown as
maislinialluwa The) are easy to
make, but piv tedloua. as they re
iiutre beating au hour oi umre Use
to make them the ery best white gtim
arable. iwdeied, aud double its
weight of water, with three times its
weight of sugar. Use powdered bugsr.
hiuiiUli t nam.
Oiiq package of cream theese. 1 10
eni botile of ktutfed olives. 1 hard
boilfi) ,h. i, (r smalt onion oiiml
.'il il nii,i food bopppi moisten with
1 1 earn mil i-i to id between trackers
Mulled roniiilnes,
W ipt and iemoe tbtu slices from
stem ond of 6 medium-sized tomatoes.
Tai e out seeds and pulp, sprinkle In
side of tomatoes with salt. Invert, and
let stand 's hour Cook for 5 minutes
tie fallowing r tsblrspqons butter
wjth ' irs;-,n fluel)' chopped
onlcn A 'i iup finely chopped cold
cooked c-'-ken rr other meat. & cup
hj-A 'fflQfeSLM-SF AmSm nf
. . --. JV - f 351KI.33SM3. a fe x i :H. Z vv.4v-Jtl r-
X ' i: .A ;M:f V ' W Simi Bra IBSiSSNfl I&& S
k. T ?- JU.MV.fVfl UKif AoV LiJ0r,fflVBlJi riS
W X ,trPpgr-.T?' TrTzTTrTTTkQjWSlJTCfr.
rm2mv , v 04CTSk. i1aiiiiiiiHiiv't. i.-.. . LjiiiiiK -?'' it t-a' 'ear " -
''Si" ' - Atlk.JF "fBs
i .a 'ks "ahssar ' ?w!ji
W.. - a ' . fiHEla ' .- .. "lklP
j 1 r : . s ?- dS;sssBisKvoteia t e -aMHBim
&?4gm? cwv
- -o
Simple Methods for Removing These
Pests of the Skin.
AHTS aro mimbeied among the
strange growths that oorac
tlmes appear to mur tho beau-
i ot tno sum. Tiiey need not
worry you. for frenuentl) the) disap
pear as mysterlousi) hs they dovelop.
There aio many teraedles which
will remove warts, but an application
that at one tlmo will work wonders at
.mother will be useless.
If these oxcroerensos appear ou the
hands they iojuIio a totall) different
treatment thau when they are on tha
lace oi neck
In the lattei case it is nlwa)s wise
to consult a ph)sclan, foi If tin ama
teur attempts to tomovo tho waits an
uuslghtl) scar is almost Inevitable.
Scars on the hands ate not so ton
spkuous. but tho eamo sear on tho
face may look far woise than tho
wart itself.
If uiau wans appear at a time It is
a sure sign that the blood ueeds at
lenuou. aud tlic taniii) ph)9ician
should lie cuusultetl
The lonBor ou wall the deeper tho
WRltl bcunma rnntAil niwl I. 111
qiilro long aud patient troattueut to
eiadicate tbem
hen the waits are ou ihe hauls
first treat them with colorless loduw.
appl)lug it to tho spots both night and
Aftei several dass of this treat-
mnnt i mi iii ,.,.. 11. ..---
W Vfl dTba' 'V ,?"'. J5V '
aud if jou find that the) have grown
1 egg siightl) beaten ad ceok ma
minu" RpIU the tomatoes with this
mlxtc-e, pla-e In a buttered ran
sprinkte with buttered cracker
, IW t Wi w
ftmmmmi Hsaifc .? ,ra3iikims
llfW li i
IHH f?fMI-'il HilHSI lJJ "fior If wnBhoil bj Jlaelf. To fFI
BE tlFi SI ' sSaBPSl IiIhhko It into tho Ronoral IS
Ira . W ftWKfMBI family unsli Ik u mlnlaltn. It hliould lEJall
MPl Uiv. n w "W 1 mMSLiJUVHHH
MWVSHWW .. . I 1 pimniiwm-.- !!-1 - 1 1 n mm. Wi-i-Wl
dcopet than tho autface skin it will
bo necessary to use caustic.
Hit) tho caustic in btlck loun and
trim tho wntts close to the soft skin
with a knife that baa becu stoillUed.
lie careful not to cut the wart so
that It bleeds, for thou tho caustic Uaio
uot bo used
'Ihe caustic will tum the surface ot
the eklu black, and will eat awa) tho
wart, but it must bo reuppllcd as soon
as the blackness shows signs or wear
ing off
Many inaUe the mistake of discon
tinuing treatments as soon as tho wart
is reduced to the level of tho surface
Ibis loaves tlu toots to flourish, and
t-oon tho wart will reuppea.
The caustic must be applied bdow
the outer skin until the roots Miavo
also been destrojed.
Anotlior loruod) is nitrate of silver,
and it Is usod lu tho tamo tnaunor as
the caustic
llelow are sltou formulas for wart
eiadliators, which will prove success
ful If applied sevoral times dslb
hublltnata milnlun. 12n frame
acetic acid. 1 fluid dram, gbceiln, 6
fluid drams'
Aftet several darn of IliU iruimani
th waits will dr) up and then orop
T'e second reined) contains
One grain of paraform mixed with
nine parts of flexible collodion Uso
uiiin jirta oi uexiuie couoaiou U
th,?.n t?e wU three times a daj!
After three or four dava tVio orvi.
dermls will peel off and the wart will
corae with It
rvver allow a wart to grow large,
for it will spread until It covers quite
a large surface
constant cutting -v ill discourage Its
rrv. i jx zrm
toij.ij '
1 course, iu uiinj, 'lett-uvna'
soinotuins new must bo add
ed Touth stonk may lie imoly
choiiped. bcusoned with salt, l.op
por und onions, und fried lu llttlo w.kea.
A iilio btcw can bo mado of the
pieces of cold boor. Cut them iu htnall
plecon and cover with water, boll till
tondei. add an onion, canot, potatoes,
a llttlo tin nip, u spoonful of rlco, pep
per nnd salt Servo with slices of
toasted bread
Scraps ot voal. mutton, lamb or
lean pork, alone or all togothot. malto
a fluo moat pie, or finely chopped up
may bo heated in tomato aauce.
ItemuantB of fowl of nuy klud can
bo served with cream sauco, haihed
with a dash of mustard and set veil on
toast, used as sandwiches. Tha bonos
of fowl slowly slmmeied in water for
a long tlmo give tho touudation tor a
rich soup
Chop pieces of cold ham flnolj. sea
son with onion and.mustard aud uso
for sandwiches, with scrambled eggs
or in hash. Horse radish makes a
good seasoning foi this
Cdld potatoes may be fried, bashed,
creamed and used In salads.
Other vegetables ma) be used In
hash oi stews, or as a egetable salad.
i old beans and corn warmed up m
mill' make a fine succotash
Cold rice can be made into a pud
ding or used in muffins and eriddla
Make hash and bails with left-over
fish chop cold oysters finely and add
to poultrv dressing. Dry and pound
all stale bread and use fcr rolling cro
quettes and flsh in
Frv c-ld catmeal ir whe, n but
u nerve win ream rn
was'e not, want net ' )u
2&5l9 hua? in
Ttri AKU u lather of hot wntor nnu
If kJJ II wap Jelly, it heaped tcaspoon-L-"!
fill to tho tiallon, nnd udd a
llttlo liquid ammonia. Stuup
Hid (iiilt In thio fni a few inlnutcn.
'i lion iIuho well up and down and uso
a nit ond or thlnl lot of audit, If ticroft
saiy. Illnae In two lotn of clenn wa
ter to which 11 llttlo ammonia baa
huim and run through wrlngor
If ou luno no wiltmor liailK In u
windy pliimilon and finueezn the bot
tom onaslrmalH aa ihi wutii thrina
ton i, Shake (reijlienil) v bile (Itjllli,
.mo do nut diy H lu 100 told a 11 air.
has '" a com uatpiu win crow
jj (jl tarnished and tho best lu thio
J I'ondltlon nro nnMhnle hut
ornamental. When tho woik
iiianahlp In sueh that ilio usual brush
ins piocosa la out of tnc nucatlou. put
the plu beads In a tumbler of ninmo
ula In which two tablespoonfuls of
some powder cleaner Is placed. This
3Cltlcs to tho bottom and tho pin can
be churned bnek and forth on the sub
stance and cleaned. 'Ihla Is un excel
lent method for cleaning hatplna con
taining small Jowols. Any ooap pow
der can be added to the ammonia. Holt
pins and buckles can bo cleaned in tho
nanio munnor.
INKM will last longor and bo
whlitjr and will iron much
bettor If wnBhPd b) Jlaelf. To
plungo It Into tho General
family wash la a mlHtako. It bhculd
ho lino its own tub of wator, bo vnsb
d tapldly and rubbed but llttlo, then
boiled uloiiti '.vhllo Ibo lest of tho
laundi') woik Is under wn) It will bo
leady to liang out when tho noxt ro
lay of clothea coiiich lo tho bolloi and
Hie longei il can sta) in the aim nnd
air tho boiler. Constnut bleaching in
sun and nlr aro bettoi than washing
powdeia nnd lo finish perfectly tho,
pieces should be ironed whllo very
damp. To starch table lluen la a j,ross
error. Whon Irouod correctly it will
be stiff and will lonvo a polish.
HA IN your chlldieu to keep
iheir to.vs and pla) things tidy
and In their proper places It
is a good plau lo tench lliem
to Play with ono to) at a time, und
when tirpd r n,ai , rppineo t be
fore a nosh one Is taken. Then, In
stead of a lltici or ihlngn lo bo tldkd
ami put nwii) at bulllme, or whon tho
little ono baa beconio tltcd of pla)lng,
theio Is simply ono toy that can bo
qulckl) cloaicd awa) Whon a child
returns fiom n walk teach him to put
his outdoor gaimentB neatly nwa lu
the place allotted lo them This eatly
i raining will be of great uso to him
aa ho gronB older, and help to form
aud strengthen IiIb character.
MOST convenient npron and
one which is charmingly daln
l) and neat Is mado of uu on-
long ot wiuto lawn. Hoth
on Is of tho apion nro first horamed
vmt a half an inch hem. to which laeo
is sewed, Bllghtly fulled Ono cud Is
then turned up so as to tonn a pot ket.
Ijoth sides of tho apion aro sowed to
tho sides of tho turned up portiou.
llireo pockets ato mado from this
largo ono, by dividing the width of tho
apron into threo qual paita and
stitching on tho lines, from the top to
tho lowei edge of tho turned up patt.
These seams, as well aa tho side
seams, have a piettj finished look if
imphV UJ,y cat "ed or feather
etltched Ribbon a half an inch wide
is then tun tluough the top hem of the
apron ami thtough tho hem at tho top
Sili! i n"1 i"p pa,t The ribb0
used m niUn thr.Ush ,Ur ,0" 1,e, lB
used to Up atound tho waist.
?,ELT fhuW Dot be deep
usuam,a,11, 8,ei.ldPr Perso"
dlen hi nPWa,B,P(l aDli th0
iv. hb8ll eh;eB a b0rt ot Bro-
leh to the waist line. A
rturr. .i. ' "' n ine rest
-n bAbUt the 0DlP t""0
r 08 w-orn )S when soft
.I- m a ana me Rtrdle
widespread, andnK
!!!tt.n.Lout?M I
,l'11! ""hegiow.r"
,u ",r ""(&
to hov ne (hc(r ,
Not nt ill Tbc
in-Kin. nr a i
n rante u
and 1 , rforc if
m wrli fu U.,.V
n'i aro 1,., .
cnaig ,o naur-j jJJ
best 1. roll ,-j, H?"
out of nir jj.. : . .
liandfl in front oh- to Cn'
turn bPv, lo ?n
Wbrn ihcietbiji, ovcn'
niembern this itCn. S-&xt
mtna and iiCr ,lupj
chniacterp. and i-J'1-yot
iieen t.stor
., was 1
Tho Dutch Qe.-,ovenl
likes to tnkc t:.; 10 si
askni a piriurtr' out i
woman wtihal'gc.
woman iripu Sl i lanco
thnnkcii the queers inn for fta gy
but eh ceth jUbt ,
1 note
1. B
uld t
Sne he
to 1
t thli
"iSAld al
cs t
to vl
0 tha
ui 0 snow n a cm lJ1"0
belt ir natcst B!lttorC
one-lnch bell T- J;ch
BhouldavoMaWir' l ,
slble haMng ILotl " '
ovci the skirt 7ti!0S
when one H wcar:V j,ei
bhlil waist Is vors aBjj
imrrow and wflUntn
Tlic largo wonair stiflcr
mow io Iter Jwiatr,
blirklr for with It ftj ..j
belt In the en tir fUi
lnrn Din-m t.hdur
lons'li coat audi: ij tall
nnuh more so tbner 1 v..
coats. '
DIJITY tot '
wound mnttV
cd In a
fstrenctb v
ouncea of nattr) L1
kept In the mtdlcltii
can bo made upitt
meaouro glass. Aff
piece of white Hot t
the cut, soak it 1Q
lion and apply, i
piiitn.ncrcha tlis'.tw
a margin of one Itf
lint. whlLll Is lutl,
dressing may be w
four hours aru w
found clean
on nouii '!
i over incut
I'm on 111 'I
the tin oat ToHir'JgSj
glBl mill I have w "JJJ,
liard tasi Vno " ,
ono-half cup N 0 ro or
teaspoon "l"f1'"KPr
mlxtuir nil it B
tenflpoonful onic
give SH I'"'' Jia,,
llttlo .hlldm; dw,
wouM help whereJldei
would terii
make yofsg
lit (JUOD ncv
who keep" srB
Hie rut' J'Wn
. I. I.l HIV 'AAn
lesn or ii!competf!igut
tho road any ol wo
to rack his car to rj Ca
tlon the effect Whn
Uut to fid ln'?fU
nosa life ! n.WRy
Instead of JoitU oli f.
meann that vou Pem
mire of the Uort JW
tljo same vav Sng
wound -t 'Cl'1W
any oi iu" ; ..n
lor. Wuat've'JJ,
howover, it "
th ng. ,...h ,i
K?CP.? . conM
?'. . . niir
dr ea in ..
nriieclally that I
of your waKinb' ,mh
work, tho J ft
bored aiinj -,
will soon be ju
tho Umc :
rut In ' "'.'r , , td
it B gOlUH "" I
nn fas a t" .
tho smp -""' ;t m
duiis upi ., t0 imt
nilow jotirs" ".V-iyJt
7. Tnlra Pl' .. I
snaw ri f.
as though " 7fMrf5
alert to anj (r m
your opportu'
Certainly ft'Vg
that vou D,Jjli
wa you are M