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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1915)
ppBWPWWWgggggH.m' s y AWSMffm BBMHBM"""""l,,l",",i"1 b,vn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1916-EVEHINB EDITION. r-1 '' iP six v H-i.-Jl.',V"CSl i . s ' ' '. i; i I In Our Opening Announcements We Said That This' Third Big July Clearance Sale f WouldBreak All Previous Records is AVo (did Ilii) truth. Fvrry tiny tills More has Iiih'H vlslfctl liy liuiidreds nf buyers. Our entire Miles force has been kept on the Jiihii. And no wonder! t.'ooiN In every department have been .sacrificed for lids Mg Clearance Sale. We iiote here the price in no depart incut only all Corsets In which nro broken! American Lady Cnr.seK regular price !jl.l!." i American l.ndy Coiols, regular price American Lady Cor.sels, tegular pi Ice $-.00. American l-ady Cor.sclw, regular price $:.OI. American l.ndj Coim-In, regular price !ji:t.."0. Modnrt "I'Yont l.nreil." regular price .s:(.."0. Modart "Front Dnccd," regular price ,5.".OD. .Modnrt "Front Daced," regular price .i(l.."0. Dailies' Suits, Coats,, Skirts, Dress (,'nods, Shoes for Ladles, Children and Hoys, and Hoys' Suits are reduced iirrordliig ly. See big prlco list It Includes practically everything. HUE DRY GOODS CO. n DOINGS OF CITY OUNCIL :: :: IDE IS ADOPTED ted by S. It t Cat heart. In COCXCII, VOTF.S I TO JJ SIIOYVIXU HltKAK IX SOIdl) FKOXT Jt tt tt tt tt tt 1878 tholtho property of Mrs. II. M. ltlchnrd- . ...i .i. ii,,r,a in. 'ami in He Included in mo usi council h'cukiiiauii mvnu ......., ..,.,.. o said. The street was then CO rect j rnvorlng grading nnd hard inirrnciiR. I ...,,. i.. oc n... .,n,. iin unlit tlint even Inellldlllir tllu Klc.ll- I Wide, llllll HI lOOll IIIV I"; ...v.... ..u ....... - .. nto foot strip on either side and "It wus dedicated to the adjoining pro perty owners under the provision 'ii..i .... 1.4 tl.lf , .- . fiintnt'it nvnntlt Kirs. Street Fight Waxes Warn, Dor. ' l""" ''" .,,;,. u Z 1I1K II leutu, biiuiiiu uu nun. .. - j strip. Any, violation automatically reverts linek to the cltv as long ns Grade on First street, according to I the obstruction exists." , the Clement plat was adopted four to Figures as shown In another article two hv the I'oiiiii'll Inst nlnht after In this Issue showed nt length t ho lug Three-Hour Council Sesslon- "Another Step hi War." ml $1.1X1 Sale. .'. .7lc Sale $1.10 Sale Hi. an Knlu Sl.r. Sale $'2.'M Sale Ji.-O Sale $!I.I."i Side !ii:i.M" SMART AVKAIl FOR AVOMU.V COHXHR HIIOADWAV AXI) CKXTKAIi AVK. Phono :illt TO 0 CITV DADS Wlldi I DIIMX THAT ixamixf., cox aid: iwsafi: Surprise Kvhlcnrcd at Condition of Some Sections -Would Raise Houses to (trade. ICxnmlnntlon of the entire water front docks and the condemnation of such sections as may he considered unsafe wiib authorized by the city fathers last evening. A statement of John 1). (loss was to the effect that on repairing the dock In tho rear ot the Kkhlnd store it was found souiUCrcd of tho caps were so rotted that In- purs, stead of holding up the planks tin. vice versa wnB true and, this support taken from them, the caps fell Into tho Hay. "It'8 surprising how rotten some sections of tho docks are," declared Councilman Kliuhall. A proper notice will ho given tho property owners ns well as n proper , Hoy Water Company west of tho city, received of tho Council pennfe slon to use both 1 Ith street t'lid Central avenue for tho hauling of bigs. Stumps will be blnstod out of 1 -I tli street and grading dono whcio necessary, while on Central tneniie planking Is to be laid length'.vld' an 1 also the brhlge at Thirtcunih Mini t will be strengthened under the su poulslon of Street Commissioner l.awhorn. Tho company wiiium all damages that may ho Incurred by tbem In the uso of tho street. Permission was also granted to establish a camp on Highland wist of Fourteenth. Tho City Attorney and tho City Knglncor wero empow- to draw up tho neccssarv pa- WE EiG ST n verbal battle, at some points ex ceedingly warm, had waged for near ly three hours. C. It. Peck, attorney for tho property owners against tho cutting of the street, declared It to bo "Only another step in tho Pine street war," and further notice of legal proceedings was given. Motion was unanimously passed by the council allowing all property owners favorable to the improvement to ongago an attorney or attorneys to co-operato with and ho attorneys of record with City Attorney John D. (loss In suits that will be started when tho opening of the street is onco started. This action was taken at tho re quest of .Mr. (loss himself. He said: "In view of the fact there nro many legal opinions regarding this street and also in view of the fact that the C. A. Smith company, or rather tho 1 Marsliflohl Trading and Ilcnlty com, pany may bo implicated in the fight regarding tho opening of tho south lino of the street nt Market avenue, I think It Is only fair to me that there bo others Interested with mo In this matter. Thero has already been n tendency toward undue criticism." Tom Hcnnctt In ninny words de clared this "to bo entirely satisfac tory with us, In fact wo re glad to see this attitude." "Yes,," Intervened Councilman Copple, "when the thing Is all over, wo want It settled onco and for all with no chanco or grounds on which to reopen tho breach later in." Clement Phil Fight Hack and forth tho battlo waxed warm over tho Clement plat. C. It. Peck asked that tho considering of the grade and also the proposed Im- disaster that would result front tho adoption of tho Clement plat for the street Improvement. Told Different Story. "I showed Tom McOlnnls how ho would lose 17 feot an I Iinvo his i house undermined," continued Mr. Peck. "Ho told mo nt has never been represented to him that way before. Ho understood It was to bo accord ing to tho present street lines., "If you want to destroy theso homes some thero for 10 vears, go ahead gentlemen, but it Is the starting of a fight that will take two years to settle. With tho planking now at tr cents n foot It's cheaper than tho $lfi per foot Improvement on which tho Interest nt six per cent will bo 90 cents a year. Tom Dennett declared It not right for tho property owners up there to secure an addition to their lots un der ono plat on Hroailway anil an other addition according to a sec ond plat on First street. Ho declared Is would bo a "wishy washy" policy for tho city fathers to accept a majority tit ono time and "because some poor old woman chan ged her mind, switched to the nth or side, take another stand In favor of something else at the next meeting." He said that tlmo had passed for u two-thirds protest nnd, none hav ing appeared, tho majority In pro test brought by C. It. Peck was out of order and should not he consider ed. M liner SeniN a Wire, Tom Dennett next produced a telegram from J. II. Mlliicr stating ns follows: "I favor pornmnent Improvement of First street but do U provementto come up nt tho saiuojnot W)Ult , ,n,x,n f, ,,,.. ,IcC!U18c ohdixa.xci: di:u ci Pl'TS SIIKVICK TV Itl'lii: NOW ex- Messenger services, ISO days from date, must opcrato under a city or- tlma In which to mnko repairs and, i """. '" '" "-,' " nn fallnu to follow Instructions, tho work ai"1 Hirthur "t pay a license of will bo dono by tho city nnd tho own I - """""Hy to the city. Such was eru charged with it. ! "I0 K'Kt r u" ot'lloauco passed last ' nlglit liy the council. 1 Ono-half of the license money must Condition I'liMiiillnry Inspector Tiibbcy reported that of tho old houses on the west!1'1 m,1 L'a'" "'l I,,0,,!h" '" m,Vn,1C0-, "anted to know mooting. "It will save boredom, n lot of talk, with tho sanio results in tho end." This proposition Is to bt considered on August 0. "If tho grndo Is adopted now thero would bo a chance to bring It up la ter anyhow, wouldn't there bo?" ask ed Tom Dennett. "Only by n two-thirds majority," declared John 1). (loss. "Neither side would ho nhlo to get that." "What sides?" Arthur McKoowt. bldo of I'ront street near tho corner of Alder avenue have settled Into tho mud, that the sewers are blocked un derneath, tho result being that all sorts of sewage, rags and bad smel ling Junk has been collected there. "Thoso places l.avo been In uso for the past 10 or 5(1 years," he said. "You couldn't move them; they'd telescope and fall Into a bunch." Tho council declared that any such buildings below tho side walk, never theless, should bo raised to grade. Tho matter was loft without definite action. , Transfer IJcciim-, A transferauce of tho Coos Day l,li nor company license whb asked for and granted by the council. It was shown that tho IhihIiickk U now oper ating under tho trusteeship of I.. II. Iliunlg, representative of the Woln Jinrtl Drowlng company with Albeit fieellg us malinger. This llcenso of $r.()0 was paid July 1. Messengers, while on duty, must wear badges to denote their hushics?. Failure to comply with tho ordinauco may result In a fine anywhero from $.r. to 1100, or by rovocntlng ot tho li cense. Tho opinion of the council was that this law did not In any way Include tho delivery service now conducted by Johnson nnd (iulovseu, this firm operating at monthly rates. Periiiils I'iiiiii I'lre Chief, Strict enforcement of tho present ordinance instructing tho flro chief In Issue permits for the sinking of gasoline tanks underground, or for storage In any manner within tho city limits will hereafter ho the rule. lire Chief Dan Keating told the' council ho had found "John Konutz; has a tank at his garage and no per-1 nilt from me to keep oil; go ban! tieornc tioodrum and Jay Doyle, j They all are perfectly lionent In the, matter. They told mo their tanks i have been put down with the per- I want ri'liftl II... ..II. I i i i . . . ., ,,,11,,,,, innpector Tiibbey .., ........ ..... .ri ....,. ... .... ,,, Umv whl,( (l0 uf 1W H hes a guage was purchased a short V,, ,,,. lH,.aftul, ,f , ,.. " "h1."V ". " '"" "'" dl.mnco reads thin Is iiiutii'iii.'ii in mo i-ny nisi evening ny A. It. (lldley. One-lmlf of this ox- Well," came tho rojnlndcr, "thero nro two sides to this question. Did n't you know that?" City Attorney (loss pointed out that if tho city adopts a grade on one line, It must Improve on that snmo line. He said tho street and the sidewalks now thero wero not laid under tho Clement plat. . Twenty days having elapsed dur ing which the proposed establishment of tho gnulo had been posted, and no two-thirds remonstrance having ap peared, according to tho usual coun cil procedure and tho law tho grade should have been voted on last night. "We have not a two-thirds pro test," said C. It. Peck, "hut tho coun cil has taken the stand of voting for what tho mnjorlty wants. Tho protesting property owners object to the grade, they protest tho street novor was built or maintained ac cording to the Clement plat ond It lulu It...... lli.i. r.. ,. ., i I .,..o ..nil nun niij mi iiiiiiu man ; years." i I New Figures Produced. Until tho Masonic Lodge and J. II. "I never any kind,' Not ouu oil." Issued any penults, not or retorted Mr. Tiibbey, for pense will bo homo by tho Port. The rending of the gauge will be used extensively In al) future sewer plan ning for tho lower section of the eltv. An ordinance was passed rescind till' all fiiriiinr ni'lli.ii iil... i. .......... I lug a sewer o.U.'ron. street. Tld; was '":;;:;'r,;;r '"' ""l "'" H,B,,,,r" done because the ,... r , ,. . "" ' '" m . 'l""l""'les are not vlo- grade on First street will lmo a new Mil.,..- 1....1. . . ny duty and I ' l",,' uinipien u noiiirni sinuii lam to he held responsible I want to,'"'" l,m""" m,t " eonsldered on have an understanding." . ,u,,m,r I'roiesi. saw mo atiorney. no suoweu ins clients to nave rU0.!i! i feet against, with,15 feet for. five gallon can of h,,,"K lmm " '""J""1' ' """- i1'1 toward tho majority. , Tl... MinxM.... iiu... i. i.. ..... """" as a liner niioiil tno ...... ...... ,,,,. uiii up effect on th situation and another set of plans and specifications have been ordered of the city engineer. Permission to i street. Walter Coudron, who. wiiu lack McDonald 1ms the outran lor lou- nuu. iiu- i in aiii' unci in iu chum i laiiug mo law wiiu their wareliniiKos' I where they now are. John D. (!osl ! declared the Port claims to have Jur-j Udlctlon over them, by reason of tho fact that ihey are built out on the! ' docks. Hut hereafter all penults for tho! i ii'itiinu down of s-u-li tanks must bo nude h the Pi iv chief. i Important Notice! All Desiring Their Eyes Examined or Lenses, Cliantj ed, are requested to have them attended to before July 27thoSAuousP8than Wi" bG Ut f lh0 City from Jlly OPTICAL DEPT. RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122 room. liiey looked solemn n week ago thougli," continued Mr. Peek, "whin, they found they had only ono foot In their favor. I abided by that decis ion at that time." (Questions me Kicked About, Ho argued that tho owners or pro perty already excavated at tho south lino of First street should not voto either way. They had already paid for tholr grading, ho said. "isn't that so?" ho asked of A. D. Oldloy. of this expressed opinion by lights his name belonged on tho petition of thoso In fnvor of tho street Im provement, declared Tom Dennett. Councilman Ferguson later took Issuo on this point, declaring that his name should have been on the peti tion In black and White. J. W. Dennett gnvo a long discus sion of tho early history of tho street. Ho declared that when Judge Coko and Dr. Tower moved out their property on Hroailway according to tho Clement plat they, by that net, adopted the plat. , "Ilccuiiso tho names on our peti tion aro the same as wo had lat tlmo and becnuso tho Masons have taken u neutral attitude 1 argue that tho opposition wiih not In tho major ity at tho last meeting," declared I. It. Tower. , Dig Crowd Present. All of the chairs In tho council room wero filled early. Thoso urgliif, tho Pino streot grading, etc., wero out In force. They Included J. W. Hon nett, Arthur McKoown, Tom Dennett, Ciaudo Nnsburg, A. It. O'Drlen and I), li. Dueklnghani, who Is under stood to have been doing sonio sur veying thero for them. Met Council's Terms. After comparing tho petitions and showing that or tho property owners who wished to take sides in tho Pino streot controversy thoso who op posed grading nvfi hard surfacing had n mnjorlty of tho front feet ah. utting property, C. It. Peck said. "Tho council told mo two weeks ago that thoy wished to ahldo by the wish ot tho majority or tho proporty owners. Now wo have It and It is shown by the petitions that tho wish Is against grading and hard surface paving nnd merely for tho plank Im provement. I presume that tho council will still ahldo by that pro inlso." Hemic! t Objecls Tom Dennett entered objection to this. Ho siilil that the eouncll should maintain its btand and not change Just because Mrs. Hutchison had changed hor mind. Anyway ho said that tho council should rooulro a po tltlon of two-thlrds of tho property. "When tho council changed the Im provement first from nioroly plank ing to tho proposed cradliiL' nn.i hard surfnclnir tlmv .11,1 ,.!,. "I pass. It's up to the City Uecord-( you to hrln, ,, a.Mm 7V. .n!,r,; ,?!? " lM,HVh,n, f t" I'WtJV retorted Mr. John D. (loss reco ve. in.,i.- -if m, .. ..... . . . . ' "ini man ill nil mi er. declared sldo stepped Mr. Fergln" unfavored cZJZZ Z slderlug the entire street In the l,n-:y tho wishes of the niajo Itv o t l.rovenient and making assessments irolor,y owners " ,UT0,lll"fiy- A. u nM.,,.: . tint son property for.gradlng and hard surfacing, thero was a mnjorlty ncnlnst it. He pointed out that Mrs. Richard son had deeded tho property to the Dennett Trust company ns security for n mortgage. Uter Kugono O'Con nell, her father, had ahl tho inort gogo and tho Btreet Improvement as sessment, nnd ho was given a claim on It. However Mr. Peck Insisted that tho legal tltto renialns with .Mrs. Richardson nnd she had a right t ... . voto tho properly nnu rmii.ui.iuiv the Hennott Trust company or Ku geno O'Connell did not. Tom Honnett sold that the records of Coos County showed tho title to tie in Kugono O'Connell's natno. Ho was t,ni nrnnnrmi to answer Mr. Peck fiirtlier than that. J. W. Dennett said that ho was not exactly sure how It stood but Hint O'Connell and Mrs. Itlchnrdson had statements from tho Dennett TniBt company showing how It was. Dennett Deduced Street C. It. Peck read an ordinance adop ted liy tho council In 18815 which va cated ten feet or land on each side of Hie street, allowing this to rovert to tho abutting property owners. This action was taken on n petltloi. or J. W. Dennett nnd others. Mr. Dennett also dmrtlng tho ordinauco which provided for tho vacation, Mr. Donnott then owned what Is now known ns tho Nashurg proporty on Pino street and was honofltoil by got ting tho ten-root strip In front of his property. Ho Identified tho old or- dlnnuco ns being In his own hnnn wrltlng. , Tom Dennett later pointed out Hint, this ordliinnco specified that tho Cle-1 mont plat governed nnd also Hint It ', provided Tor Improving Pino streot j north from whnt Is now Mnrkot avo-1 into, indicating tnnt tun lot now claimed by tho C. A. Smith company was then considered as belonging to tho city. Ho said Hint John Henr claimed that C. II. Merchant had told that ho hail vacated tho lot for street purposes although It was not a innttcr of record. Clash In Decisions J. W. Honnett touched on tho court decisions regarding tho property lines but It was later pointed out by City Attorney (5oss that Mr. nennctt orrcd. Mr. Dennett said that tho Supremo Court had held tho Clement pint gov erned In the Mcl.eod enso on Hroail way and reforred to a Second street en bo decision. Mr. (ioss later de clared that Mr. Honnett was sonio wlmt mixed ror (loss was not cltj attorney when tho MvLcoi caso was tried and furthermore that tho Su premo Court had hold In tho Mol.eod caso that tho Clement plat lines did not govern hut that tho lino on which tho property lad been occupied did hold. In the Second street case, tho litigation did not reach tho Supreme Court, Mr. (loss says. Judge Coke J. V. Dennett nlso censured Jiulgi. Coko for opposing tho street Improve ment, saying Hint ho (Donuott) had assisted In getting the Mill slough rill nnd that Coko "hnd profited by that action. Furthermore ho warned C. It. Peck to bo suro of getting his at torney tees ns ho said ho novor know thoso who wore opposing tho grading nnd hard surfacing to spend much money on lawsuits. In responso to questions by C. It. Peck, City Knglneer (lldley said that he did lint consider tho slope of tho proposed Improvement being any too sate. As ('mine linen Voted, Tho ordliinnco was finally passed up for second reading aftor tho council had voted upon It, four to two. Duncan Ferguson voted no. Ho said he firmly helloved those against tho Improvement now lmvo tho majority. "And thero Is no oiu. moro interested In heolng that street improved Hint I am," ho said. Coifncllninn Coppln voted no. Ho did It from tho position ho has al ways taken, that thero should bo no improving dono until tho street Hues aro firmly established. Carl Albreeht voted yes. Ho bo Moved thoso favored In tho grading had n majority and that tho city Im already Improved streets In tho out skirts of tho city and should do tho sanio down town. Harry Kimball voted ayo. "I al ways lmvo said I would stand with tho majority," ho said. "That's mo, too," said Councilman Cook and ho voted ayo. Councilman Kvortson also voted o and tho grade on First stren. has been adopted. , V 3 Parlors and Librari Nothlnir will set. off your llhrnty in- parlor m,,. ( i Davenport. We have theni In Mark lit tho uaid.,.. Dull ntiil Fumed, In tho HuKiiHoii nnd (train l,en(heix Priccs-$35.00 $37.50 $55.00 $5; Thoy nro all constructed In the latest, patented method, i to sit, easy to rest on, easy to sleep on. See them, r GOING HARVEY' COMPliKTi: IIOl'HU I-l'ltNISHIIItS. Allegany Auto Stage 1 Brai, Lini Leaves Marshfield Eveif Morning 5.30. Arrive Draij 2 o'clock. Good Cars - - - Careful Drivet" n Most Beautiful Routeji to Portland I1 The Smokehouse, Agents, Marshfield i Fare $8.50 1 !l M LUES CUT DEEPLY BASEBALL SHI! CI. i:mi:xt pdat ui fi:i:t off takiis to to SOJIK LOTS .Many Houses .Must. .Move Duck on First St feet t'nder Now Improve ment Some- Can't .Move Mr. Peck objected. Ho said also that the lot at the south end of First had never been dedicated ns a street and that the only right of the city is that of user. ite went over the hlstorv . it. u n r en minted Mrs A,... Hutchison as making an uncompli mentary remark about Mr. peek. Mr. Peck had previously stated thai ho did not claim to represent Mrs. . i tiuteitinson and ho Ignored the re- Or the'lllllrh- inn, la 1... two plats, the Catheart and tho Clo-i Ml. , iiM ,,, i Z .. MU. In ISTfi the around ,n ,,,..! ' ' . '."' m"K,m s ' Vo'u"',V " " W. U. I'VCK Olltni'itll nlilanil,, ...., ""MlWII in PIA.VO Tl'XKU COMIX(j i M. O. Warner, the well-known Pioneer piano tuner, who has been coming to 'Coos Hay many years writes The Times from Kugeno that mmu. V n,,ak0 h, rsP an num visit horo In a few days. Ho requests his rormer patrons and nil fro?Uh''n"K X1,0rt ,,,nno '" w" Tho linos of tho Clement Pint on rirsi street win, under I lie propos ed Improvement, take from HI to IM feet off properties on tho west side or tho street and from threo to ton feet off on properties In Hlock 1 on tho east side of the street, ac cording to figures compiled by 0. It. Peck. Ho says: "On tho east the pro posed Improvement will take from threo to ton root off tho front, of all property In Hlock 1, which Includes tho proporty of A. It. O'Drlen, Mrs. Hutehesoii, thu Sccuiitleu Realty Syndicate, John Dear, Captain Her ultt, A. D. Jones, Wright and others. "On tho west tho proposed Im provement will cut orr ten to 2-1 feet from First Btreet from nil uiu proporuoa. it will cut back to tho steps of tho Noblo residence. W. P. Murphy will lose about If. feot of his lot and It will cut under his hoiiso a root or more. "It will loavo tho bay window or Mrs. Ulchaidson'H house hang ing over tho precipice or tho ex cavation. Tho O'Connor lot will bo cut down ill reot ,ack from tho fence. Tom Mcdlnnls will lmvo 17 feet cut rroiu his lot and his house will extend about nine, reot over tho excavation ami In his caso hu has absolutely no moro room In which to move his i(MS0 )iu,(i "Mr. Timniormnn will lmvo to glvo up about 111 reot and bo deprived or about threo Toot or tho founda tions or ins house. Judge Coko wilt loso npproxlmntoly at) reet and tho top or tho' proposed Kiopo cuts right through his living and other rooms. "Also tho top or tho slopo will cut orr about two-thirds or Dr. Tower's liouso as It has oxlstod thoro ror moro than 10 years. All o( tho above-mentioned houses nro "old tlmors" and lmvo been In tholr pres ent locations longer than tho tlmo necessary to establish odvoreo pos session. ir tho Improvement Is car ried out It will mean tlm dnr,,,...,... of tho McC.lnnls, Coko and Tower Homes. Whether tho others have room to move their resident !.,, on their lots is a serious nuestlon." I coast i,i:A(Jt'i: iiniitiRsair I m:w kikmw of VDirt' Chit ago Still Heads AhicnWA Philadelphia, of XnlM ' Also In the l-ciiil ' Illy- AwkUIisI I'll In Cw Nt ' POUThAND. July 20. Set! ol venture and ndveiiturom' sought yesterday by tho met (ho Coast League. In the K t l.oagiio tho Phllailelplilanirit In tho lead with Chicago Wr, eloso ion their heels. CbW rar, predominates tho ArocrkK j, cenlngo column though the B laim have not much to sepin'i' t albo from tho top layer. Tho scores of yesterdij . Nntloiial liCflK" .' At Now Vork St. houln j Now York ) At Drooklyn V Iittfiburg f, Drooklyn f At Philadelphia- 1 Chicago Philadelphia At Hoston Cincinnati Hoston American lcaKM At Clovoland Vashlngtoii Clovolnnd At Dotrolt Philadelphia Dotrolt At St. I.ouls Now York 10 St. boo"" Now York I St.I-ouIi At Chicago Doston Chi ago if WEAVING All kinds a S ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nasoj 12th Courth So. Phoned Tnvltntlon.s office. piiiKed nt Tlio Times y.itrr'- FOR AUTO SERVICE Any idaco, and tlmo. our ra lit! f on and nlno passenger cars a ful drivers will sorvo you. Hates Reasonable Day and Night Serti CORRIGAN & KNOX fl Right Cafo VW 'i ----t----t- T T " Vj nfprprai t'fISt?nin'fwtia' JLX"- ---''-wjfc-jfi -tAW, jy &, t'y