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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELAY, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. - iVe i V, fff-v.3!i.5- Vacation Days At Goodwills i f FINE' CAMPING GROUNDS f !v.' ' IJEXCELLENT HOME COOKING SWJMMING, BOATING "14 $ . ' . r, Jw-,and FISHING ' '1 DANCING PAVILION 'HnVftttil luifilu flulli J.. M......f.rl..1.1 rffv.''v"n " '"-"viui. .including Hiici'il launch leaving! lunrsuiieiu 111 :. uauy ami arnv . ,:liiK III tlmo for supper; leaves Good wlll's at 7 every morula);, reaching Mnrslifleld' about Hi'.W. Itutcs reasonable. Phono tttOXii Fanners, or inquire or Cap!. Sinllli of Hteanicr Italuliovv. roil TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND IIAGGAGH -r Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER l'hono 10:1 Residence riiono 1.1-J ,Mnik"ct Ave. and Waterfront n riiono 7.1. Htivo you been to SARTER'S for ,rn liUXGii? i ir Not, Why Not? Something; New Every Day. IcoiiOream bricks 50c lea" Cream, quarts IOe Ico Crcnm, pints 20e Hot Chicken Tmnnlea. . . .11 for 25n Picnic Lunches it Specialty SARTER'S t , l'liono 20!t..T. 'y " ' " " Marshflold. Opposlto Illnnco Hotel, Front Street j ' The Noble Theater To-Night Showing again tonight only, Elinor Glyn's THREE WEEKS. Tho fjcusntlonnl drama In flvo reels of pictures. Tlio feature (hat Vvlll make .ton sl( up and (a Ico mil Ice. It's a feadiro out of the oi dlnury and well tvorlli seeing. Press comments "Vivid in Interest and gives no offense." X. V. Herald. "Will Sweep tho country." New Voile Kvciilug Mall. "A startling sensation," New York World. The plcturo that plajeil 1(1 weeks in Now York . City; 12 weeks hi Chicago; :i weeks in Los Angeles; 2 weeks lit Portland and San Ki-niielsco. Ilteaklng all records for attendance. A feature worth seeing. PAT 1 1 13 WKKKIjY No. ill. Full of Interesting news events. STAGK MONKV Newest Vltagrapli comedy. Upstairs or down, 15c. i Children, 5c. (Toiiioitow night, "Tho Crucible." A big Paramount production ..,.. .. . .....- ,.. . I..1 1.. I... M....i I..., ,i - wiiii iMarguei no i inns in inn i (vumiIvco oicliestra. Usual pi Ico X8JJJ Buy Safety, Service, Satisfaction WHEN you equip with Fisk Non-Skid Tires you have bought right! You have bought one of the biggest values ever known; you have bought Safety, Ser vice and Satisfaction; you have bought the best tire ever made. Fisk Low 'Prices represent a new and wonderful standard. They enable every motorist to se cure this popular and time-tested Non-Skid at a price actually lower than charged for many plain tread tires of other standard makes. COMPARE THESE FISK NON-SKID LOW PRICES WITH nt STANDARD TREADS NON-SKID AND PLAIN 3y2x30 - 12.20 4i2x34 4x33 - 20.00 4y2x36 4x34 - 20.35 5x37 LMKMP ,.' ' Fisk Low Prices offer car owners an absolutely sure way to cut down tire ex pense. Whether you have a large or small car, the Fisk Non-Skid is the SANE tire choice. Gunnery Service is conducted in the interests of all car owners. Fisk D Atilhutoi-b Southwestern GORST & KIVO GAR GI North Bathing Suits That Suit You vou can't find a detter one for tiii: monkv than we can furnish vou with sow Got K now and ,voit will liavo a w hole season's service out of It Prices 35cts to $4.50 S e e () it I- W I n d o w The FIXUP Where (he, I'rk'c Is Always Right Mnishfichl :: :: :. North Rend Matt L. May Chandler Hotel, Tel. 20, Mnrshflelil The roprcBontatlvo of HAAS ISHOTIIEHS, Il-lt ItHANI) CANNED GOODS lins lidded to Ills lines tlio ARMOUR At CO'S PRODUCTS known as tlio Top Notch Good. canned meats, 1(10 per cent Simon-pure leaf lard, Tliri'o Star Stnckmet hams and Imcou and their WHITE FLYER laiiudiy soup. HaTO your LETTER heads, bill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES office I revis. njiecini immn- ) .'imiuin of admission. No increase. FISK and Get THE GUNNERY II end Agents KI.ME AND VON S. G. WHITSiriT, Uand"n Agent BREVITIES .JULY TIDES Tlmo and Heights of tides at Mnrslifleld. Tlio tides arc placed In order of occurrence with their times on the first lino und heights on tlio second lino of each dny; u compar ison of consccutlvo heights will ln dlcato whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tlio Dar ono hour and G 1 mliiutcts earlier than nt Marslifiohl. At North Moml 34 minutes earlier than at Marshflold. !20 Mrs. Ft.., Mrs.. Ft. . , Ills., Ft... His., Ft... U.IJO 0.S :i.:ir, o.c 1.10 0.1! r.r. i o.n S.05 !UG :i.:i jo.r.u :t.i 12. 08 :i.7 1.27 1.0 2. 28 2.0 ::.5t 2.3 n.t7 2.1 8.o r. 5.1 D.0G 5.2 10.11 5.1 11.15 5.5 u:i WEATHER FORECAST (Pr AnoclaM I'rrsi la Coon Hay Tlmr. p OREGON Fair tonight and Wednesday, continued warm. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItKCOKU For tho 24 hourti ending nt 4:43 n. in., July 20, by HonJ. Ostlind, special government meteorologist: 4 Maximum GO Minimum 5G At 4:43 a. in 57 Precipitation 00 Precipitation sluco Sept. 1, 4 4 1014 G8.74 4 4 Precipitation samo porlod 4 4 last yoar 0(5.5-1 4 4 Wind Northwest, cloudy. 4 4444444444444444 Itaptlst ladles Tho ladles of the Uaptlst Aid society will meet tomor row, Wednesday nftomoon with Mrs. C. 11. Mcars, 080 South Uroadwny, for a business session. Flno Auto Owners. Will Itlcliard son and L. L. Thomas both had fines suspended in tho police court this The only Grand Prize at the Panama -Pacific EXPOSITION pertaining strictly to photography, was award ed to tho IKASTMAN KODAK COMPANY "TTe Owl" Till: KODAK STOHK Central Avenuo Drug Storo Tho FISK NON-SKID with FISK SERVICE THE COST OF OTHER - 27.30 - 28.70 - 33.90 risk Distributors Southwestern Oregon PEGKRT, CoquIIIo Aenis afternoon on tlio clmrgo of not hav ing tlio proper lights on their machines. Visits Masons. drnml High Chief Evans of tho Hoyal Arch Masons, has nrrlved hero and tonight will meet with tho lodge. Ho Is on his annual trip of Inspection to all lodges In tho State of Oregon. Ankle Sprained. Chas. Dowceso who was Injured by a fall of coal at tho Heaver Hill mlno yesterdny was found to liavo sustained only a Bprnlned ankle. At first It was fear ed that his leg was broken. Plans Homo. Architect I. Lo Xolr Rngsdulc, forniorly of Eugcno nnd Portland, who is In Marshflcld for his health, has finished plans for a flno flvo room bungalow which .las. J. Fostor will build on his ranch on Coos River. Ships Dark. Honry Scngstnckcn will ship about ton tons of chlttlm bark to San Francisco on tho Yel lowstone this week. Ho has boon buying It up in small lots for somo tlmo ami holding It for an advance tho outsldo market being low. Mall N"t Knrly. IJccaiiso of a do lay somowhero along, tlio lino tho mall from Rosoburg failed to arrlvo hero last evening as per tho now "speeding up" systom nnd thoro woro many hundred disappointed patrons of Undo Sam's service this morning. Fggy at Itcuch. Jay I), Towor, who with his wlfo and baby liavo been spending n fow days at Sunset Day, camo up today. Ho says It has been very foggy thcro slnco Saturday,' tho heavy fog shutting off tho sun shino and keeping tho grass wot all day long, making it rather disagree able. Itullds Fireplace. Charles Kaiser of North Ilend, la now at Tomplo- tou whoro ho Is building a fireplace in tho now bungalow of Captain John Monson. Tlio latter was hop ping principally on ono foot today nnd after long questioning admitted that ho had dropped a brick on his foot. After Cars Again. Again has ro vlvod tho crusado of tho law against tho careless nuto owners. Threo cors wcro reported last night for being Tent Prices Are Low Now Wholesalers and limnurndurciN fiavo Just announced a big reduction lit tho prices of tents and wo aro now giving tho people of this sec tion tho advantage of It. Wo liavo Just received a ship ment of the best wall tents made in various They aro guaranteed liy tlio maker and liy us. Come In and let us show thcin to you ami quote prices on the wl.o tent you doslre. Johnson-Gulovsen Co. Tho (Quality Name with tho Service Fmiiu NOHTII FItONT STItKI-rr IDEAL SUMMEU THIl'S I Steamer Ilalnhow lcavos Marsh I flold for South Coos Itlvor ovory , Sunday at 8 a. m. and returns at G p. m. j Launch Express week day samo hour3. IDEAL FHEE C1UOVE AND l'ICNIC OltOUNDS Ilrlng your lunch haskots, ko daks and fishing tncklo for a fow days' outing. Sunday school and all picnic crpwds a. specialty. Hound Trip, Y5 coats. For charter apply on board or phone 31CX3 or phono 31C7. The Magic Crystal II. N. Starrott Tho umkora of 20-Mulo Team goodB bollovo that in Uoraxaido i Kitchen rowuor, mo iuoui soap tor kitchen uso has beon produced. Uoraxaido is a compound of tho purest soap with that grotest of all cleaners, Uorax. It dissolves easily and quickly in hot or cold water, lathers readily and removes I irftnn HIta n rhnrm. Upraxldo ia not a scouring po'V- dor. it Is purely a kitchen soap, Somo of Its chief uses, aro ?or dishes, greasy pans and kettles, windows, much will uppreclato this point. Look for tho 2Q-Mulo Toam Trndn Mark L'l'ii''.iV-u''-il,VW without lights. They wcro cars No. 20.22G, No. 18,345 and No. 7,805, the latter two having no tall lights and the former being without n headlight. Dairymen .Interested. Thcro Is expected to bo n good attendance ol dairymen nnd tlioso Interested In clean milk tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and at 1 p. m. at tho Chamber of Commerco when Messrs. Shrock and Fullonwhlor, representatives of tlio Btuto food commission wilt be present to give somo Interesting talks. Start LnyJng Plunking. Tho lay ing of planking on Anderson avenue between Third and Fourth streots started yosterday and by this ovon lug agood sharo of tho roadway will liavo beon eomplotcd. The sidewalks aro yet to bo put in on tho shies. Tho opening of this block of street Is expected to considerably incrcaso tho traffic on Anderson. Goes to Falrvlew. Ilov. G. Lalloy Hall loft today for Fnlrvlow wlicro ho Intends to ho for sovcrnl days aiding Ilov. Stclnhoff In tho giving of n revival series. For this reason Mr. Hall will bo unablo to meet his engagement for tomorrow evening nt Flagstaff, whoro ho was to do llvor n talk. Ho is not certain that ho can got back hero by Sunday. Oklahoma Men llcre.y-W. It. Mc Gcorgo of Eugono, who has extensive property Interests In Mnrslifleld, ar rived hero yesterday to look -after his holdings. Ho Is accompanied by two friends from his old homo in Vinltn, Okla.Dr. Thomas T. Wolner nnd Win, Mnlono. They hnvo mot many former Oklahomaus here. Thoy will proceed from horo to tho Ex position. Saaro Is Loaded. That Is, ho wan loaded, n term differing llttlo from "pickled." That's what It was "pickled," and ho was put In soak at tlio Carter Hotel, reclining luxur iously on tho Hrussols carpot, dcop in contoutment and confinement. Tills morning Snare, John Saaro, to put it all In, had hut $1.00 to his crodlt. "Oh, dear, so provoking," and ho had Judge Dutlor dcclaro ono of thoso moratoriums, pesky things. X PERSONAL MENTION $$ MISS YOUNKHltS, of South Inlet, was among tho visitors hero to day. SHERIFF JOHNSON with his wlfo and family was hero today from Coqulllo. AL SMITH was down from his Coos Hlver ranch yesterday on business. CITY ATTOUNKY G. T. TUEAP COLl), of Uaiulon, was hero today on business. W. R. HART was a Marshflold visi tor today from his, homo at Hayncs Inlet. MR. AND MRS. F. E. HAGUE left this afternoon In their auto on a trip to Powers. iMISS ALPHA MAUJCEY loft today on the Nairn Smith for u visit at tho exposition. CHARLES CROUCH, of Hayncs In let, was among those In tho city today on business. J. A. HORNE and his wlfo woro visitors in tho city for u fow days from Coos River. ROUERT DILLARD went down to San Francisco today to tuko u look around at tho fair. J. G. 11ROWN and wlfo, of Myrtlo Point, woro hero last evening nnd today on a shopping trip, MR. AND MRS. E. M. ATKINS and children left on tho Nitiiu Smith today for San Francisco, W. S. NICHOLSON and family have l'aclflc Const Do rax Co, glassware, cutlery, sllvorwaro, '.in olooums, otc. Whon washing glassware or ull vorwaro with ordinary scap, a thin film ot grease is often loft on tho surface of tho article, which causes It to collect dust from tho atmos phoro nnd cloud up quickly. Uorax aido cuts this film entirely, so that glassware and silverware shine- with a more permanent lustre. Last, and not least, It Is per- ifectly harmless to tho skin. Thoso whoso hands aro In tho dlshwutor it WWtmSTmfW .....i.llty if 1 -" -' ' -!f J. SALE! SALE! Our sale lasts iKl." days In (ho year with tho exception of Sun dajs. With close comparison of our prices and of our goods you will see that wo have first-class merchandise and not seconds, und prices that are as low for the firsts as you are asked elsculiero for seconds. If It Is so that (hey cut prices In (wo as much as they say (hey have, who pays for lint they're losing now? Or they evidently luive made joii pay an enormous profit in the first place. Better Think it Over Men's Unions, $ .75 value, our price S .III Men's Unions, $1.00 value, our price $ ,7 .Men's Unions, $1.1:5 value, our prleo Jj ,t)H Men's Unions, 81.50 value, our price 91.25 Men's Unions, $2.00 value, our price $1M Men's shirts and drawers, 75c value, our price $ .-15 Men's shirts and drawers, 50c value, our price $ .ill) Mole-sklu trousers, tho pant (hat wears, $;, value, our price $2.-10 Itockford Sov, no scams, H l-ile value, our price ,, 5o New Hockforil So., heavy, 12 I -2e value, our price 8 l-:tc Mule-skin shoes for men; Just tho thing for summer wear; '$2.50 value, our price $1.08 Men's dress shirts with military collar or without -10c Men's dress shirts, negligee, $1.25 value, our prlco DHc (Men's dress shirts, negligee, $2.00 value, our prlco $1.-10 Tho r (77 CT - 7? Wo lead Originators 7 of Low l'rlros a WW'Vt-:VMM;lZ3n W Follow NEXT HOOK TO MAHSIIFIEXJ) POST OFFICE mammmmmmmmmmmatmmmmmsammmammmmmmmmmm Gettings Cash Grocery We SAVE You Money returned from a week's camping trip on South Coos Hlver. MRS. C. II. MARSH, who has been visiting In California for some months, will return homo this week. A. A. MILLER, accompanied by his mother, camo down from North Inlet this morning on tho way to Random J. F. TELANDKR, of tho Mooso lodge loft this afternoon on tho Btonmshlp Nairn Smith for Sail Francisco. .MRS. J. ALI1ERT MATSON nnd Julius Matson left on tho Nairn Smith this afternoon for San Francisco. MRS. W. N. EKHLAI) and chlldrou wcro wcok-end visitors at tho homo of E. Q. Smith on South Coos River. MRS. JAMES M'OEE, uccompanled by Mrs. 1'. M. Wilbur, wont down on tho Nairn Smith today. They will visit at tho fair. MRS. CLAUDE NOI1LE and Mrs. Joo Noblo both camo In last eve ning from tholr homes at Lake side for a abort visit. DEPUTY GAME WARDEN THOM AS returned this morning from IT) miles nbovo Allegany, whoro ho has been on an official trip, MR FERGUSON, tallyinnu nt tho Eastsldo mill, has returned from a trip to his old homo In Kansas. Jlo roports that section vory pros perous. MRS. SARAH COX of North llond loft on tho stenmor llrcakwator for a visit In Lylo, Wash. Sho will also visit in Portland for a couple of months, CELL IRELAND and Art Mlllor ',ll leave next month on nn extended California trip, taking In both the San Francisco nnd San Dlouio expositions. THOMAS T. WINNER nnd W. M. Mnlono, prominent citizens or Vi nltn, Oklahoma, aro on tlio Day looking for somo Investments. Thoy expect to bo hero several days. W. R. M'GEORGE, ot tho Commer cial Savings Dank In Eugene, ar rived horo last ovonlng to look ovor soma of tils Interests on tho bay. Ho was horo about four months ago. J. A. GOODWILL camo down from his South Coos Itlvor resort nnd suys oyorythlng iH fjno thoro. Tho wcathor tho past fow days has been especially flno for tho largo number of campers thoro, R. J. SACCHI loft today for San Francisco, whoro ho will tako In tho exposition. Ho says thoro is nothing to tho report that l.e would bring back a brldo. F. A. Sacchl will bo in charge ot tho milk depot during tlio fonnnr's absence. C, W. CUMnERS, tlio popular man ager of tho Standard Oil Compani on Coos Day, loft today for Snn Francisco, where ho will join Mrs. Cumbers In a visit at tho ex position. C. II. McCutchoon, ot tho San Francisco office, accom panies him to tho city. $.$ t AMONG THE SICK t $ Miss May Myron, who has beon seriously 111 for tho past two wcoks, Is reported to ho somowhat Improv ed. t NFW TODAY $ FOR SALE 2 single beds, mat tresses und springs, CG2 North Second street. FOR EXCHANGE Modern bungn Mow In Spokane, value $3500 for Coos Hay property. Phono or call on F. E. Alien. LOST Lady's amethyst brooch phi. Rowan' for return to Times office. FOUND Vale lock key, Sunday, In West Mfld. Ownor can got samo at Times office. FOR RENT Now, modern unfur nished npts, with heat and hot wutor. Prlco cut to 10 and, $1G per mo. Phono 303-J, $ I FOUND 1 $$ FOUND Agate. Pin. Inquire Tiniw. I ' FOR SALE t ?$ FOR SALE Ono registered Angora buck raised by Rlddlo & Son. W. S. Ray, Cooston, Oregon. Phono 30Gxl. FOR SALE t-liolo gas mugo and rofuso humor with wnter-hoatlug colls, $10. Call 858 So. 11th. WANTED t $ WANTED Empty sacks nt Haines. FOUND Pair of bow glasses. Ouner may have samo by paying for this ad. . WANTED Empty sacks at Haines. : for rent :: $ FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished apart mouta at Tho Hague. Apply Pioneer Hardware Co. FOR HENT Myrtlo Arms modem furnished apartmonts froo heat and water. $25 por month up, thl Ian )r6i Ine Fi'J wj m ov- " 1 a i "s M m