The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 20, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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four ixipm
f".-C "DAV nrrTT7TlH,Q 1 1nnt,H inU,i lhclr wlves. An!' ir'
LAJLD JDV.Y 1 IIVXEO I father stays at homo at night mid
i ..jfc.
V. C. MAI.OXCY, I.dltor nnd Pub.
DAN 13. MAI.OXKY, News Kdltor
Official Pnper of
Official Pnper City
nntorcd nt the Postoffico nt Marsh
field, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as Bccond-class
mall matter.
suhscimptiox kati.3
Ono year JC.00
Per mouth GO
Ono year $1.50
When paid strictly In advanco tho
subscilptlon pilno of tho Coos Hay
Times Is $G.OO per year or $2.50 for
six months.
An Independent Republican nows-
pnper, published every evening ex
cept Sunday, and weekly, by I
Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. ,
Address nil communications to
offers to tnko her out somewhere
inullici' will nag lilm bemuse she
doesn't want to go out and will ing
Coos County liim because she liaHit't a lot of nli-u
of MnraliflcliL' inH-pu i .,,. iii,,, ...1..,.. ,,
Some Midsummer Musings
Tho Coos Hay pooiilo who nto
most eiiBcr to share their troubles
nre usually those who are most
stingy with their good luck.
IK Till: l.OHl) lot t .my hui iioiiIh In f
Pmmllsu the) look tin- shapo of
tho man who Is a lonNiiiii'd cynic
und pessimist. Tlio man who has
no rultli, no onlhusi
Tlli: I'OOK asm, no ciindoi. no
PI.S.SI.MIST sentiment. Tho man
who laughs at the
mention of good In tho win Id, or vir
XH of tho gioat trials ol tho
jiiwspapcr piorcsslou Is that
its moinbeis aic compelled lo
hoc more of tho sham of tho world
than un) otlioi pro
lesslon TIiioiikIi
ooi,v now spa per of
ficii, horn I ho Mg
mi'liopolllati dully
Til I A I. .s OK A
i tuo III woman, oi honor among moil. I to tho vlllago wooKly,.day nllor day.
When a Coos Hay girl Ih In love The man who calls his wHo a (wo! go all tho wickedness of llio world
sliu alvutf thinks tho young man Is ! because sho teaches his llltlo dill-mil tho vanltlos that want to bo puff-
perfeot, and ho agrees with her.
Woman Is tho slave of tusliiott;
man Is tho slave of woman.
ill on to mi) their pnt.vois, and ouils'od, all the revenges that want to bo
his lip at any belief In n world be- leaped, all tho mistakes thai want
)ond tho gtae. Tho man who never to bo corrected, all tho lneiiiiness that
saw (nothing woilh udinlilng in the wants to get Its wines noticed gratis
HKHOIIT PO.ssiliii.m..h never says a woul; she Just looks It
Hky when tho dawn touches It. or
The loason Cupid weals wings Is tho stais Illumine It. or the rain or
so that ho fan fly out of tho win-'fog fold It in gray mists of silence,
dow when poverty tomes In at the Tho man who lives In this spnilu
door. Hug, shining woild as a flog lives
In a pond or toad In u cellar, only to htl rooms all tho follies nnd shams of
Tho Coos Hay woman who really cionk Und spit venom. Tlio man who 'tho world aio seen, day after day.
thanks a man for doing boiucthl.ig never saw anything In a lose, it glint and tho temptation Is to bollove In
In the news or editorial columns In
older to t,nvo the (a of tho adver
tising columns, nil the men who want
to bo set ilHht, who never wore rinht.
Thiougli tho edltoifal ami tcpoitor-
Pastime club with .Mrs. i
.lustlii Aims. I
I'llscilla Club with .Mis.
U. Duncan.
.Methodist Chinch picnic
at Piper's (liovo.
House paity at h. .1. Simp-
son's Shore Aeieii.
- -. ,
"l -&.rry-.r.ri;'l-rNv? I -.. ...nm n n i- i n i r- ----. -T N
i - m r -r r -c ii " - i iti mv --- iii
$&&& hLAMAbAN ft HtHNtl I DAN
Kstubllshed JHKt).
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits $118,000
Interest paid on 'I'lino
,1. W. Hciinotl, PichIiIoiiI.
J. II. Klnniiguii, Vlio-Piosiiloiit.
II. V. Williams, Cashier.
(Jen. l Wini hosier,
Avt, c,J
PROHAHI.Y no other locality on -pho only way u Coos Hay man
tho const olfeis more summer (n )CC1) ,8 w)fo flom w,,T)liig
resort possibilities than Coos (ni.out his mornls Is for him to worty
Hay and Coos County. This locnl- n,out ,er health.
lty has alvvnys been enjoyed to n '
great extent, but ono necoiint of j Auolll thrco ty8 before his wife
tho difficulties of transpoitntlon ro,,,8 homo from a visit, a Coos
thorc havo not been as many vlsltois i ny m ,CK,18 to look ns If ho hf.d
from tho outside ns to some points l(l oto ,0 that ho couldn't pay.
Now tho railroad will soon bo com-'
pletcd and people can reach here
Always try to remember when
with ense. Within a few hours those jymi nru iughlng at a mini behind
in Portland and Interior points wliO,s i)iu. t,ro ni0 u ot ()f ,non ))e.
nro Buffering from tho exccsslvo heat hind your bnck laughing nt vou.
can come to Coos Hay and enjoy
all tho pleasuies of an Ideal sum
mer cllmato and benefit by tho cool
In tho sunlight or a lll asleep In tho
' moonlight, but a species of useless
vegetable, tho Infoilor of tho cab
bage or the onion. Tho woild Is
ovcifull of such men, and Coos Ha.v
has her full share. If I had tho right
sort ot a bloom, I'd sweep thum away
ns the girl sweeps spldets
II n Coos Hay iiinn sliiys ,-vrovnd i
tho houso nil. tho while his wife I
sea bruees. iow places In tho ),., 110 uso for liim, nnd If !n stnyv
Unltod States offer so many differ-Lway flom tll0 ,101180 , tllH)
cut kinds of outdoor sports and lhile ,s ,,, - ft wet l011f
plensines. Thero is tlio bench nt
Coos Hny, tho beautiful beach
You can't make light of
Ilnndon, the rivers with their fish
ing mid summer rottuges, the Ten
Mllo lukes vyhldi will attract thou
sands, mountain loads over which to
motor ami tramp, lovely waterfalls
to nun in ino wooiis, mountain Whcil flllp ,8 nnoteen she makes iollr natures Is encouraged nnd fos
ciiinuniK, cieer anil nig game limit-1.. ., .,. , ,, ,.,,,, i tered by our eldois In
your troubles by bunilng
your bills.
HY Is It that duty that Is a
tl I II 1 -lit t .1 lJ Illllttt'U ltlulllIIW.,1
niv,uoiiiv o lit ii if luai Jiuuvtl i
while the unpleasant task Is
disposed of piomjitly? The lottorn
, lo our nearest and
OX Dl'TV AND dearest are al-
.M.WSI' was tho on'3 In-
cloflnltely delayed.
uur nest irienci waits tlio weary
weeks for the message of ntf'Ctlon
we mean to send nnd some dny will,
but the stranger receives Immediate
acknowledgment of his communica
tion. it Is tho same trait that In Milld
lpod lends us with a gilmnro to
eat first the "food that Is good for
us and lastly to linger lovingly
neither (!od, mini nor woman. The
Hinpilso is that newspaper men be
lieve In mi) thing.
X Till, highest philosophy of
!B piactical living theto Is nothing
I saner thiiu u determination to
I find out what one best may do and
do It as well ns pos
A(JI. .VXD Bible. This Is ns
ll'SCI'TbXKSSK Impel (nut In' tho
I Axxorxn: i:x(.'.ii:.Mi:x'p
t .
.Mr. and .Mis. Charles I,. .Mastic k
announce tho engagement of theli
(luitghter, .Miss .Maud .Mustlek, to
Clarence 10. Ash, of .Mulsh field, Or.,
the wedding to take place In August
at the sithm ban homo of tho .Mas
ticks at Kenton, with only the lela
tivcii nnd a few fi lends In attend
ance. ,
Tho biide-elect and her fiance
both attended the Unlveislty of Ore-
"He Starred in Life
a Poor Man" .
Read about tho lives of t It'll men and .Mm
nilo the statement, "Ilo stinted in life it poor limn
Competency wits only ticiiuliod when the Imiilt of
gun and their eiigtigoineul Is the out-
evening of life us nt,coino ot lonianco that had Its begin-
Its noonday. Much of the dlscoin- nlng in their college days. .Mr. Asli
fort and unrest of elderly peoplo Is J Is an Alpha Tan Omega mail and is
duo to a surrender that involves Idle- now city editor of tlio Coos Ha.v
ness, assumed to he necessary bo- Times In .Marshfleld. .Miss .Mustlek
causo of some measuie of falling Is nu Omega Xu girl nnd u member
powers or beoauso foituno has be- of tho Kappa Alpha Theta soroilty.
ft leaded them nnd there Is no longer Many pie-nuptial gayctles will bo
necessity for uppllcatlon to the dnllv.i given for the oung couple. Pent
task. Many lives are shortened by land Telegram.
this arrangement, and most of thoso I
who ndopt It are so discontented ns
to bo mlsornblo themselves and mnke
ollinra iirirninfnrlnM.i
- - --......... ... v.... .jd ...... 1.. ..... ... a . a... ... ..
iiiiii .'irs, i.oins vv iiooior VMi
"HI Und,!1
No inn ii who eM'hiingen his labor for moiioj u too ril'
stmt a bank account, 1
Wealth depends upon what ou save not on what roa
'PI. I.. I.r.,.1. ... ....i.l.i. ..... I...... ,1.., , tin. I.. I.. 1
l inn ,miiiiv ,1, ii-iin- m,iiiit,o iii..uuiiid III till) IllllOUtlt ht
depositor Is nlvvnjH welcome.
It pns Interest on 1 1 mo deposits.
Sim I (hut account now. Having Is tho usult of
Safety Deposit lloxes For Ticnt.
! with the dainties.
Old I'lleniK at Teiupletoii While
On lloiiejiuooii,
lug In season, duck shooting, motor
boating, frosh nnd salt water bath
ing, deep sea fishing, elnin digging,
crab catching, trout fishing und lit
fact most every kind and variety
of outdoor recreation one could ask
for mid all within a few miles of
Coos Hay. Tho vory variety of our
resort attractions is what will draw
the people nnd now Is tho time to
mako theso advantages known to
tho outside world. With tho rail
road complete thousands will coma
bore to enjoy the mountains, lakes,
rivers and beaches, nud Coos County
will becomo a fnnious resort place.
with citily hair and dimples. When
she Is tweiity-nlno sho Is willing
to compromise) on a male un.-.iul
who runs
Tho Coos Hay man who can't
tnko a Joke Is mighty quirk to take
of tho chocolato or sweetuifiit after
wo l.fivo tnkon tho castor oil.
In tho matter of lettcs to thoto
we lovo wo probably postpone them
because wo do not wish In bo r ish
ed. Wo delay In ordi that nm
hiMit njay Join a ineas'ito In our
jr..' -safe and our mood mee the re
eiulroiuentB of u coinmii'itrttlo'i tli.1t
Some Coos Hay peoplo knock allH mol lImn Perfunctory,
man openly nud above board. Others, A" "iIh Is Piellinlnary and by the
say "Ilo means nil right." v'' "f profaco to tho statement that
, fr a long, long time tho editor of
Tho follow who has to catch up '''I"' Times has deslied to epioss
on tho time ho spent lonting is al- Publicly his appreciation nud appio
Idleness mny M,
I impair unci ngo uniicrmiiio physical
I resources, but for each ninn und each
U'flllln,, tr umil- flu. .t.......i r ....1I..11..
This clen.ent in :"""':.,?"" V ... " w'1- . ..
.nm uai'.iiiiiuxH in which mey nro "ii a suori uoneyiiioou trip .Mr.
RtlllOfl. Id 111 ultllliln I'.wtn. ml I.... nf lltl.l Itpd l...itr. tll. ....! I
l tllO I'lbmlsn 7 .....- .vlUh...ii" ui -u ....o. ... uiitoci, in-wiy inar- after "ce',H ot lml,no '"Pl'ed by n i led, nro now Malting tlio former
i rentor oc unratiioiniiijio wisdom. homo of the bride at Templeton,
(whero they expect to bo for several
THIOItn Is one slu which, it soainsldnys yet hefoio returning to Hnnilon
Is overyvvJiero nnd liy everybody where Mr. Wheeler Is u photogrnph
uiidercBtlinntei, and too much 'or. On Satuiday evening they wero
overlooked In ' valuation of clmrac-1 given a dance in tlio hull at 'real
tor. It Is the sin Pleton und on Sunday at the home
Tin: SIX OP or fretting. It is 'of Mr. und Mrs. Xels Monson they
l'itl.TTIX(J ( opinion us nlr, uh were chiirlv.nied by the young peo-
speech so common Ilo of tho neighboihood.
that, unless It jises above Its usual
tone of dlstoiclnnt toniplalnlng vro
do not ovon observo It. Observe
any ordinary meeting of people und
Geo. W. Elder
Mills for
0 TiiriisDAV, .in.v uaxD, p. m,
1 t
Phono CHI
. I
i-eo how many minutes It will be be-
What is lightly done stays
with us, to stippoit another
light beyond, or higher up;
whatever Is donn 4
vanishes, mid by the blank,
. betiays what wo would have ,
built aboveJohn Itiiskln. .
lu'iifu l.i,l..J, I.. l.l ,..., .., ii.... i... VM I ill' Mm I'm 'l,l,,,.. ., ... .... I
, .. ...... in ma MUICTI IIIIII. U " "" " " fil.'hllllll .13 UIIU f.,,.., uMIii.l.,..!.. .....1. . .. I
, . .. . ,.r .1... i ,i..,i . .1010 someliocly .miiKes moio or Iohs
i:guippi:i) with wiui.i.kss
Steamship Breakwatf
" A. M., i:.Ci:i"P SUXDAV, .JVLY I, AT 1 P. M.AMin
Is overworked.
A in ii it starts
flf tlm lu.ut flfillir muuii i ... .. I.. n i
, gon und the entire Pacific coast. .Oven I tw0!I,;!,,1,!l,"BI , " , " oii
tovvnrd happiness Voie John !. Carrol acul,ed pro- T V' tt h nml
" Mfci-vn lll UUIl'Il'i JU1U
i:. k. Jo.i:s ti:i,i.s ok visit i
Phono .'K5-J.
AT H A. M. '
II. .1. .MOIIII.jf
nt 1 1 mil. Ii Hui .1 .. I. ,.. I.. k 1...1 lirlitf ii it I nl .it it .it titt.l ii l.-.i.. . ..i ii..
'I II Wlllllll I IIII llll V lift IM Mill ll'lllll . I'llAlllll.) Illll ICHL alllll II IIUIIIII III IIM .
And It doesn't take hi... long to find u for Tho Telegram nnd begin. I !"",;' ' ""? "T,. T'' . ."f ?
i.uiMng It Into tho splendid news-! " ',: ' 3 V ' . ... . . l. .'
pnper It is today. The Times was T ". "" ' u""'Jr "
... iiii-o """broken 1111 aniiniitniiuil- ill , nv.,.i ,.
u Coos Hay man has felt i miuecieu to commend Tho To emain. . ... - .-... ..
"' iiiininj hi iiiiii mull litiiue
out which way ho is headed.
After a Coos
tho buz. Haw two or tluoo times It . When It appealed In its now and dls-
doesn't humlllato him us much to tlnttlve typo chess Issued fiom one
take a dine as It used to. (of tho most modem mid best equip-'.
iuu iiunnNiiur plains III lliu united
vvhoio has resulted in discomfort.
Thero uro plonty of things to think
It Is simply nstonlhhlng how
When mother Is mad at father States, tho thought again urged nc
slio often tells hint that she merely t Ion. Again tho tileudly feeling, tho
puts up with him tor the sake of pleasant duty mild wait. Walt until
tho chlldien, hut the truth of (ho
matter Is that she merely puts up
with 111 in because he Is her meal
Heartstriick she stands
of all Sol lows-
Circled with iiiln, mink
Kaeing the shadows of her darfc
Mourning the glory of her yester
Our Lady
In deep
Any Coos Hay girl who thinks as
much of a man as she does ot hor
se II will do to tie to.
Sunday afternoon, at homo in tlio
quiet nook surrounded by books
and then say boiuothliig worth
while about Tho Telogiuin for it is
u worthwhile newspaper. That Sun
day atteriioon never comes, and now
i much miuoyiniu) may bo found in tho
j course of oveiy cluy's living, oven
1 of the simplest If one keeps a uluirp
eye on that slelo of things. I. ven Holy
, Wilt h.ijs wo mo "born to Double as
sparks fly upwind." Hut oven to the
sparl.B fllng upward, In tho black
est of Biuoke. thoro Is a bluo skv
Slilliicis Take Possession of Poi.
laiicl l.posi.ini) Takes on .Vevv
Air of Piosnuiltv.
Several thoiibiiud Shrineis wore
entertained In Poitland this week,
luccordliig to 10. K. Jones, who in-,
turned yesterday from u three-1
weeks visit at tho exposition, coming
nonio via tho Iloso City. I.imt Sun
i day ho wiib In tho north when a spe-j
tial train of Shiincrs nrilved on
their way to Seattle to the gieut con
c!nvo wJicro 75,000 were In atten-
Tho Dallas, Toxus delegation, saln i
Wookly Bert ice Cooa Day una Han Frnncliico.
lOven alter a Coos Hay mail sees Telegram nnd Its Milondlil eiuallties
he niailo a mlstnko ho keeps light " newspaper but an apology und
with the cry of "eop" , one ear and h . FTtUni h 7lU waicd ' lh W i
a demand for a check In the other. .. t2e Volul i0'1"' K. " Sun.
I am wilting not a loviow of The- ' ,woio the gnosis of Portia
Tolesiam and Its tiplondlcl eiuallties, w j Xovv that tho conclavo
on making mine.
sho Is qiieeii.
Thera, whero the sloim ol
olatloii swirled;
an in Hole that might qulol.l.v i un In
to tlio confimslon of a louutr.T edl
inariiud t"r: his manifold duties und why he
.Sometimes a Coos Hay
eveiy , mini gets so lonesome when his wifo novel writes the thoughtful intlclo ho
(. IIUlll' Hill) llll t ,......,.., 1.. ....a.. 1.... I. 11.1.1 .1 11... II.... 1... 1 .
i ". " " in iiuiiiii-ii in nun mm iii iiiiiiii, nu- riui.v (iihi huh uoeu
.ir?ue striiRKlliig for uttoraiiie, the pla
,),,,,. the phoiiogr.iph
with It.
nbove; and tho loss time thoy waste ,'d7' mo"Kllt wUh U"-''" ''"
on the toad tho sooner ibm- uin ,?"" '"'"' ' weio loiiuvveil bj
inu mg delegation from I-'oit I.eaven-
dny nlglu
Vmv Hidf ilm ,., i... i
PYTHIAN LODGES AT , M Mr. Jones, thousands of tho
BANDOrM HOLD SESSI0ll'51"!',U!''K nro m t,lclr WB' ,hro"i
.-....... ijuiiiiii mi- me exposition.
Tho Poitland temple expected to
spond $10,000 In their onteitalnniont '
of the vlsltois In a night and n day.
Moio Attend I'nli
Freight and Passenger
Ji", nt
Ban rrnnctsco Oflke, out) Fife Hulldlng, mid licr KobHI
.Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McQeokqe. PhoDil
Knights mul I'.vtlilan Sisters Install
Newly l.lcetecl Offlceis at '
Decent .Meeting
Willi nu iiniUkfiirik ri in,, ti ,ii,i .n,,i ii, .1 iiiiii r .. ... . i
' it iiii'h(tiiil- in ii ii ii iii iii aiiiii iiii - . ' v niniiiiiiii him iii i. iiiiriiiu i v iriin.ii iii.. i i. .
Clowned only will, (he thorn-do- idie.i.n poems that flit llko swallows ' M. ' "V""' 'VUilaii Slttoi8 was hold I .luiica nt the,, ,i.. V,
spoiled and b.okeii- Till: IIAPPIKsT WAV now nud then across his vision. ' ' "' h?"'0" .,,I1B i1-.0 t,,e '""owImk "I Lntl ,1m, m K ""
Her kingdom U the he.,,, of ., the! !...,- loo so , dwell each' The Portland Telegram Is a great ffi TZo ISuT? Z'
""'" "Unlit. , newspaper, gieater than the people cer plnci,K omco U0 foliowiiiK: ho said thero wero --. oon !!,
.M.irloii Coiilhouy Smith. l.lther laneled or real tho" It to ' of Poitland or Oregon appreciate I"1'' "li I'huiuellor Commander. J. I ovor i .,. ,.r ..LV larboii8 ,
'p. ii.i ii... i..... .. i. .... ... . . i... ii... ,. . . . .nun c unco in- ('nm,.... ...i ,-. ... hu iu umur x,;o ex
i " " """i ' 'ui:ii mi in passing iiiiiii iii'iuuse .1111111 c. enrol, nil nn-, vi,,. .... nln. ,.,., .,,;,. " u"""""i' nosltlon ifrniin,l. vn . .1
, T,, d,r,ake," finowol, thru. ted bytho Ideals ,n Ameilcnn ' u,nXl, )!i , , S!!: l.rirtio'l i'S" I "
"" '"" ' ' "I" Happiest way. aoonm to me- journalism U milk inc t Kieat. The our Hoover: .Mnst.,r ,.r vvn.i, ". hm. r.n v
AbQtMte I
i.-ni i,t.. pi
.. -iii.iiii. AUSTKAOTS OK T1TI.E AND lM-'UIU-D
npv.ntiLiI,8,II'IKM) AN,) cQui3 citv, oki:gon
, t
IlapplnesH Is hugely n mailer of
our own making.
Hear Say.
Thoro aio Com Hay men who
never pay mi) thing they owe ex
cept KI'llllglM,
Most Coos Hny people would be
pei feet If the) lolluvved the advice
they glw) olheis,
Morning Knlei ns,i t.'cts Out Highly
Cu'diublf Piibllciitlciii 10 Ail.
value Imeivsis oi ,,uilli,
-.1 11...... . .. ", .
.eioBuuu i a newspaper or menu as. ;'",' ."'' u .rms, ,eno (.at-' J.'acos of 11.., iv..0i.i
hui. inner iiuuiii, ,i. II. .Ipues; Out- .. 1 .1 "I'u'"u" "imingori.
er (luiiid, .1. II. Howe. nmI tno concession men now wear
.h,n!!1.";I,al,1,,K off.i''e,' l,r th0 P)-,,,ron,, rll,s "'l oven can bo raised
ffiKl STnvS., ,Vei;',!!- ." '.to " In awl.1.0, now
ml l.u ..rti ...'..."" . V."': ' "I'C-, Pllllll OUSIIIOSS S ll cklllir ....
well as nows. The spirit of public
service and devotion to all that Is
host in Aiueilinn lllo animates The
Telegram at all times. On .ill public
nuestlous Hie stand is for the best
and blithest Intoients of the peoplo.
The Telegram U no tiluiinor. It is
a true couseivator of public Interest,
un honest moldoi of nubile oninlon
The Moiiilng l.ntoipilso of O o-, ami an able nud otflcleiit educator o.
anil the oftkeu they Installed wo 0
P. C.. .Iiiiiii (i. papoj .M. u. c Hettv1
Mlteliell; 10. V, Anna narrows; ft "j
I.. COM XvUIllli: V nf 1 .....1 r, '
Hon (it) lui8 published .1
Pi om
it Is
It Is easy onmigli lo forgive our al"l Aiinheisarj edition
eneuilim after wo h.ivo not eoii,t,it' hiipe of a siipplemeut in bonk
w. . .. . .
with them.
You have to flatter sumo Coo
Hay people to keep cm good term
with them.
foun 01 I pages mid contains many
Mlliisfatlons mid takes up the var
ious Indiihtiloh and iooiiuos of tin
public thought. The Totem am I
tulfilllng nil these functions mid liu-1 u-i. ..
,.,.i., i. .. i.i.a.i. ..... .. "lt e.ilhci'
i-ivitc,,,,, ,. iiiiiiii. lillll lilt" IHH Ol
Oregon iu a vvn.v that mm Us Its con
tinual glow th Iu Inllueiuo and favor.
11... 1 .... 1 ... .
i-oiiiiiiiii 111111 1111 wiegou are to no
buslnoss Is picking pp.
Woik 011 Itiillicuil
Halliistlin: of Mm mn.i t. ..-
Cora XjKien: X. iii" n ,... V. ' i.i.n,,,, ... - .... .. ' la
w thin a fow days, said .Mr. Jones,
IIAIIH OX IIAV wlo tamo in over this loute.
, "miss 01 men mo woikln
PuU Hehiiiil!IJ0!lN018 0avtlug nt tho
Koontz Garage
Agency for
Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specially t
North Front Street :: :. .. Phnne Itt
I I !-
ofihofiop. uoiow .Miipleton where tho
p.,., ,,.... ., ., , .. " ,ouo l'aUnt " o" was!
Jol. v".,V "," ",,"" : "".V" " ,ut0"t ' Hslit of w
. .. ' " iiraiv llh II III) 10 OS
ay 1
1 -
s iiMiiiiij ii ik naiiiiMiinely nimocl congratulated on lielua the hnin.i ot '"" m nanilon .Monday. iu 1... ,.. . .
with nice rover mid h nulillrn- such a splcudld modem iiewoimner iu ., . ,b.. '!'" 'aimers of that vicinity .,.,', '"t l'lers of tho Slu.luw
Hon which the Connuerclal 1 lul. ami Tho win. , ,,,11 ... . in... '....." .'.lll" fc0I" irnoulty In ""l,.u 'o "irojily been liullt ami I
er can ...ln.Dthei- ma send out with or, lo. Ph.. lolm V Chi, oil. ol ,,..1. ......, .. .,1. "e, Z, X i 'ti. ''!!'' .,!''t;lul!)u '-' bl0 ." ,,ow tllu cars la i:.,Ceue. I
vvoddlnu now 11 ' 1-e.ok will doubtless im ,.r ..,,. ilu'., 11.. Sinin .u.,i ii. . ., - 111111 1 101 thom I...) niii.,..i. ...",. u"'ut"'K shlpniont to tlio river, im.i
,7 ,... n r, .. ..." . ... "v '" auu ca' -li. h.11,1 .... . . " A,",!".l,v ,i4, nied atolv on ... ,...i...... . ' I
hull . r J ivpik.iii lit .11111 1 11 iiiiit -. .. . iiimri t mn . ...... - ii.i lii- 1 .1 1 1 1 1 ; ii u 1 u it 1 . ivrsn.i -- -- ' vuiiiiinii 11111 rT .
ii ---t--., ..- 1 It lillll J 11 l'UVII IU Lil I 1 V I I1llll I 11
A Coos Hay dieshiaak
Kill out with her
but not with her dlvorc
...1. ... .11 . .
'iiiiiiB medium ami ieiiie.eut
What's the use? If father goe. out '" '. nnd ciedltublo effort u t'ly
ut iilKht mothor will nag him when lil el the newspapei.
no guts tmoit lmnnibe lie doosn't take
her out somowheie like other .nib-
f'r tiiovviiiK stutf nd is welcomed t,iuk lulllK-
' 1 un 1111111 nu nm ii 11 ( 11... 1 1111 i,i,..i .
1,1b..,- COAI1. The Kind YOl- Im.o -nMderabie md.tT fc, ' """ ' . "ou " . "" oxpreE-
l --. l'-l.i 111 . . ... 1 1 .' . -..-. ttia - vuililuulll'H iti tli.i
tin. .irviib ilni . khv
A1A.Y.S PSKII. Phono 7il. Pnrlflf ''C"' niinket iu
ijimt) anil 'ir.iiisrer Coiuiany
oponlug of
Times want nda bruit, results.
j Times Wain Ads for results.
1 " ui inu kiuuk lllill coil- iii.. .ii ' " '
Mime. it. Tlio h.i) f0Ulib cowb ,.d tho "0,,oa,, ''""i1 through to Coos Hav
'"leiMlplgia. jr, Co raises ono ugh by DeuljQr. bolleving at that time
,P'i?i.h0 th0 l'8- their Hiul I"" "ldges will be completed n,
"oro p, Q ,n 0Ur yMa o. , caroa(j
rrom 1,n on srouna, ?2.?5 per yard.
canoad lots, takon from cars, ?2.00 Pr
detail Department.
C.A. Smith Lumber feMfi?.
-f IMM1HI m UtnrT rvmMt " .1
. "' "v-'Jiico,
completed and the
,lJ)er of fat
imes Want Ads Bring
'track laid.