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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1915)
WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, per load 91.7." to ."jU Aider wood, 10 to 24 Inchea $2 to $2.50 Free Delivery IV. IF. IdXGO Phono 227-Ji North first St. I MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for ' Good Meals . Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and H'dw'y. v DRY WOOD , nt CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono 270 -o ' ?? t X WESTERN LOAN AND X BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings i S I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer t I : to (0 ' " GOODIES ' Letters 'From Times Readers NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS THELAWOFSALVAGE WHITES DM ROADS! 1 ! NO CHANCE TO SELL WILL PLANT LAKES LIQUOR AT CARNIVAL, WITH GAME FISH m:.ciicoMiti-:ns can't FINDINGS. ki:i:i Marshricld Attorney Oriiolei Law and Court Docl-dotis in Matters "f Shipwrecked Property (The following wns printed lust nlKht, but aa parts of the types were damaged so that It could not he read It has been reset and reprinted. -Ktl.) ADVOCATK GIVKS HIS VIKWS ox HOXD ISSl'H Suggest Thai Cant hiii lie Observed and That Mutter lie G:on Careful Attention I Such is the Statement .Made in Port Orfoid Kcgurdliig Agalo I Carnival I Thero will bo no selling of liquor . , ai tlio Agate Cnrnlv ty saloon men this 'Ish Hatchery .Man at Sluslaw Has Phin Others Xowh of Unit Locality The Sluslaw Pilot of Flo-onco tolls Kdltor Tlinos: Kindly penult n vavTby Coos Co n-h fo,,"wlK: lck Young, super- ' .ii llntendont of tho Shis aw run the following which nppearcd In the "nt y 8lt"?t0,d ?" Lnk(! Cre6k Port Orford Tribune: ,ar Deadwood Post-office, was In "The Agnto Carnival this year nro- J. oronco to confer with salmon few words on the plank road article, nilses to bo bigger and bettor than . , " i1"'1., nlH sportsmen roln .Tuly 12 Issue of Tho Time Arrnr.l- cvcr hefore, and especially does It1,,," ..J , K tho. streams and Imr to ih n i, u ?i,..T, , , Kvo l'roinli of boliiR better from n.,nko "I1" 8n" nd salmon trout. Iig to the mtlclo. within n week from , nion vlow-iolnt. Tho good citizens , Mr:lfY0U" lms. bcen working un tllo missile of a rnsnlullnn liv Mm r !),.. r..f..,i .... i.. i ...i... .. tier difficult CH tho niiHt vonr imv. Coqulllu Iluslness Men's Association, ' determines offort to keep boozo and.1"' t0 lc j1 Rront deal of IiIb work . Ore., July 1.1, 101B. without further discussion, petitions immorality In the background, nut, n 'j,,1 J hnB Joon able to turn Liay Tlmcs.-A.though favoring proposition to saddle half InfSStfiS ?&W?At? &&& of your childhood baked the modern days way I UNDERTAKING I H win bo Hi OPKN TO Till: PUIHiia ' H A regular mIiiIo licensed Hi H undertaker will bo In HI H clinrgo H H Phono ln-.T Hi HHHHHMHIIHHHHi i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J. M. Wright Phono 188-1? BUILDING COXTHACTOK Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw liye, Knr and Throat .Specialist GLAKSKS l-'ITTHII Phono 3it()-J, Dooms U()(l-U01 , . Mrvhij; llloi'k. mi MATTIK U. SHAW. A i'Jiyslchin and Surgeon Phono :i:to-.i. Offico houi.s hy appointment. benjamin Ostlintl CONSUITING KXniXIIKIt AXI) AHCIMTIXT .Offices, 20C Irving Dlock. 'hono 103-L or 2C7-J. Mnrshflold, Oregon. Tlio niodorii Cias lianc lms now 1)rought back to us tho wonderful baking- of the de licious cake, the pie thai called for a second piece, biscuit light as a feather and whole some, perfect bread i reals which we never really appreciated when we wore young si ers.. A Gas Range makes baking a pleasure No longer is it necessary to coax the fire until the oven is just right; no longer does baking mean a day-long task. With tho modern gas range your oven is kept at just Hie right Ivmperature, there is no long wait for it lo heat and it docs not eool off at the critical lime. Jinking is n renl plensuro with n Ons "Kangennd an economical pleasure loo. reson Power C All Kinds of Job Printing Done nt The Times Office Murshfleld, lCd I tor Coos Hay I read your paper regularly, my at. tontlon has only Just been called to an artielco I must have overlooked at tho time of Its publication, In wlileh Captain .Mncgenn of tho steam ship Dreakwntcr eritlcizes tho law relating to salvage as I gave It to tho nowspapnrs on request at the Umo of tho wreck or thcClnremont, or rather undertook to dispute tho authenticity of any such law, and us theso questions nro constantly recurring in a district located on ' fnvor of plank ronds aro sound a million dollar debt onto the county ; Ing effect. It hns been reported thai aro to lie circulated on Coos Hay somo or tho saloon men of Coos ex wlthout nny action being taken by ! ''cct to ,nnko n "clean-up" during our Chambers of Commerce In regard , "o(wW " "'"" Bn " ' r ,! to the matter. Presumably our neighbors linvo decided Just whnt wo want which will be embodied In tho petition nnd wo aro to do the rest. Hut there aro quite a number of us In this small end of tho county who would like to bo shown.. Tho arguments J. G. Butler oiviij i:xgixi:i:u loom '304 Coko Dldg. Phono 11C-J. Ilesldonco Phono 3C3-L. V. G. Chandler AIICIIITECT looms-301 ami 302, Coko Building, ' Marshtield, Oregon. Vm. S. Turpen AltCHITKCT Mar8h(lold, Oregon. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tlm most powerful, host equipped nnd most thoroughly inodora twenty-inch hjdrmillc Cfrcdgc In Pacific water Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. tho ocean const, the following may be of Interest to your readers, both as substantiating the law as I then gnvo It to you, nnd as u guldo to tho public In tho event of nny fu ture unfortunnto occurrences of llko nature. The substance of tho following Is digested from an article by Hon. George U Cnnfleld, of tho Detroit liar nnd one or the best known nnd most universally recog nized authorities on tho subject of Admiralty Inw in tho United States. Ho snys: "Salvors nro exported to exhibit great good faith In their dealings with tho subject of their work. Tho courts treat them with fnvor when this clement Is present nnd nro cor respondingly sovoro when It Ih nn. They must deal very honestly with ino property, nnd linvo no r k it to appropriate any of It to their own use. '1 no best courso Is to promptly Bin-lender It to tho court iindor a iniel ror snlvngc. They luivo no right to rotnln possession ns against tho owner. The law protects their right to comnensatlon liv n nmrlMmn lien j which hns no relation to possession j:md which run only bo displaced by an admiralty sale or their own laches " In enforcing It. "Practlco In snlvntro cases ocens- tonally brings ono In contact with nonio of tho very primitive notions or law. Ono of theso is tho Idea that the finder of wrecked property becoiuos Its owner, or that such prop- eriy is suujeci to appropriation by tho first occupant. There nro prob ably fow shipwrecks which fall to occasion applications, of this theory. Tho neighborhood takes what it can and is usunlly slnroro In tho belief thnt It has a right to do so. Tho oldest sea codes contain denuncia tions of tho prnctlco, but It was not considered reprehensible In tho enrlior periods of tho common law. and perhaps tho populnr notion Is n survival of an ancient custom oMho sen shore. It does not, howovor, find any ' countenance with tho courts. Tho Albnny, -14 Fed. 431, presents such nn instnnco. Sho wns stranded In tho Straights of Mnelnnc with a vnlunblo cargo und Jettisoned in considerable quantity which wns I appropriated iy various peoplo along bootlegging wns successfully cnrrled on at the Inst carnival, It has prob ably led them to bollevo they can do the same thing on a larger scale this year. Any lnboring undor this Idea, howovor, will find It erroneous, and thnt It will bo to their own ndvan tago to comply with tho law. The Agnto Carnival nt Port Orford Is cither going to bo a moral institution whom law, and decency reigns, or It Is going to die, nnd It Is n good two to ono bet thnt It Is not going to die." XHWS OP POUT OUKOltl) and thero can bo no question but whnt wo need tho roads nnd n bond lssuo fpr building the siuno under proper snfo guards, will bo a good Investment for tho county. And thero ""'"H ' People Thero im Told In Is it difference Hi opinion instead I Tho T,l,,"" or two hundred miles, good cngln- Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Stewnrt, who ecrs state that ono hundred miles linvo been visiting at Wedderburn Is a more correct estimate on tho for lll l,nBt month, returned to Port niileago that can bo built by tho rt UUn of , , pioposed bond Issue. And It can visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. easily fall below theso figures. 'P. .T. Llndberg. nt this plnco. Hut where aro tho roads to be ' "'8B ''ot"o Hlekmun, who for the built, under whnt system, and why such haste? Hefore any potltlons nro circulat ed why not furnish tho press with a copy and givo opportunity for dis cussion. Good roads like other good things, cun enslly becomo nn ex pensive luxury. Coos County has spent In tho pnst ton yenrs nbout n million dollars on roads nnd outsldo of n fow miles of good road nil In ono section of tho county, whnt Is thero to show for It? Tho complaint Is gonornl, not nlono In Coos County, but -in evory county In every state In tlm union ai?alnst tho enormous waste of money under tho system of county road su pervision. And this system will fil ter a way nny money raised by bond lssuo Just ns Biiroly ns it filters pnst year or so has boon nt Myrtle visited her homo nt this place one day laBt week. .Mrs. It. R. Knorr nnd daughter. Miss Xonln, and Attorney C. II. Huf flngtnn of Gold Hcnch, pnsscd up the coast on their wny to Coos Hay. J. U Knight, tho Myrtle Point Btoekmnn, was n Port Orford visitor. Ho contemplates starting a butcher shop at this plnccc and caino down to look tho situation over. head snltnon nnd one-half million uincK spotted trout. Other New Tho bids for tho construction nnd ropnlrs of tho Florenco school houso were rojectcd by the school bonrd becnuso they wcro higher than the amount tho peoplo voted. A concert given for tho benefit of the Florenco library wns a suc cess. A now ice plant Is to bo built nt Florence. XKWS OK COQUIfiM: PORT ORFORD TO GET COAST GUARD STATION Governor nnd lteprcsontntlvcH Congiess Will Look Into tho Matler Xet Month In !,,"r",i ";.,!!!., ?f..i!!R!!. """I" 'r l'lon nnd It Is safe to say iihinvtPi fcjuiiiu wi iiiuill til lull uniuti I ii i slbly as salvqrs, but on landing tho r"0 only ,)la" 1,y w,llt'n ft 1)01"1 ls8," proporty they permitted It to bo wlu ''"rry In Coos County. Heforo potltloiiH are circulated linvo tho . Govornor Wlthycombo, United States Senators Chamberlain and Lane and Congressman W. U. Haw loy will bo at Port Orford at the away money rnlsoii bv invniinn l ",Q 0I u, Agato carnival. W th o.m ZTJ,: t y.."X' l0" .A:thl nnnouncomont Is coupled tho - - ""' "vi-vaauiy in-1 iiows mat nrtcr yeurs of endeavor oiiro goon roans, uood roads nro possible only through n wlde-nwnko public spirit, oxporlonced cnglneors nnd n practicable business system of accounting. It must occur to any one with n pnrtlclo of public spirit that tho raising nnd expenditure of half a million dollurs Is too Impor tant u mnttor to bo undertaken with out careful consideration. Thero enn bo no posslblo oxcuso for hnsto unless somo ono has somo thing to put over. Wo will suggest Doing f People at County Seut From tho Herald F. Thompson, of Portland, wns In town several days last weok, buying up fat hogs for tho Portland stock ynrds. Ho Is n well-known old resi dent of this county. ,fv. nidi .Mrs. II. M. nraham, of Milton, Oregon, wore visitors In tho city several days last weok. They woro accompanied by .Mrs. Urnn hnm's slstor, .Miss Ayers. A. rccoll,on wl" uo tendered Rev. I-. S. Shlinlati, tho now pastor of mo i-reByierinn Uliurch. nnd his wife, Frldny evening at tho church. Mrs. O. A. Suthorlnn, who has been visiting nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs. S. V. Kpporson of this city, loft by wny of tho C003 Hay wagon road for her homo in Port land. Chns. Kvland will bo n resident of Myrtlo Point for a tlmo, as ho has mndo arrangements with tho owners of several young horses to break and train their stock and work them out for posslblo Indications of speed. rtov. K. II. Mooro, prosldlng oldor of tho M. K. Church, was horo In nt toiidunco nt tho quarterly conforeneo of that denomination. Hov. II. S. Shnngle, former nresldlnir oldor. wnn nlso horo. XIIWS OP HAXDOX Happenings at CIty-lty-t he-Sen Told In Jtecorder . nZ, 7 '.',': "" "lV"" Miss Agnes Giles Is .nondlnt a station. Tho cnptali. of the Han, o,i Ca ?fi ?rfn, rv.L" J,yr,Uo l V life saving stutlon has probably mom ,, a "0,n' Itl'0ni",rnr,a1n'1nnd 'f,r responsibility to shoulder than nny 5B"ior'fAj j'0, ,"J lUe ch,,J other Blmllnr officer. Ills patrol to . . ,.hd' "onry, loft for n weok tho .south is from Hnmlnn tn Tri.,. ""! "mwBior vnnoy. Irfl. v AN ADVERTISING PRIMER YOU HAVE GOODS TO SELL A GREAT MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY WANT TO BUY THEM TELL THEM ABOUT YOUR GOODS THESE PEOPLE ARE READERS OF I THE COOS BAY TIMES WHAT IS SIMPLER THAN TO TELL THEM THROUGH THE ADVERTIS ING COLUMNS OF THE TIMES THIS TRAIN OF REASONING-THIS VERITABLE A B C OF ADVERTISING APPLIES ALIKE TO THE MANUFAC TURER WITH A PRODUCT TO IN TRODUCE OR THE STOREKEEPER WITH MANY THINGS TO SELL TELL THEM OF YOUR GOODS NOW i loaded Into wagons nnd carried awuy by such ns chose, to such nn oxtont that tho court treated tho transaction ns ono of plunder nnd not of salvage, saying: 'Tho ovldenco in this enso discloses a very sln gular mlsnpprohonslon upon tho part of a cortaln clnBs of peoplo with regard to tho duties of tho public toward vessols In distress, and with regard to tho ownership of proporty thrown overboard or un laden from them. So far ns being moved by tho mlsfortuno of tho Albany to oxtend to hor such ns slstunco ns wns In their power, her slgnnls of distress scorn to linvo bcen Interpreted ns nn Invitation to everybody to holp himsolf to whatever ho could lay his hands upon bolonglug to tho cargo. Indeed thora is n medieval flavor about tho conduct of tho men engaged In this wrecking oxpodltlon which Intuitively recalls to tho student of mnrltlmo law the customs of tho Gauls as stated by Judge Poters In his observations on tho laws of Heron, who woro in tho hnblt of seizing upon tho enrgoes of vessols stranded upon their coasts nnd con fiscating thorn to tho uso of tho lords of tho soil nnd of elthor sell ing their crows into slavery or sac rificing them as an offoiing to tholr gods. Happily the crow of tho Al bany woro preserved from this fata' "In another enso, Murphy vs. Dunham, 38 Fed. 503, tho question of when tho owner of shipwrecked proporty lost his title was consid ered. A schooner wns sunk In Lake Michigan, loaded with n cargo of coal. Murphy bought It from the underwriters, but did nothing to wards recovory and It lay on tho bottom of tlio lake from May 12, Chamber of Commorco hold Joint meetings nnd nil who am Interested nttond nnd thoroughly discuss tho mnttor. At theso nicotines lnt dm Idnd and nt times his crow Is ex pected to go CO or mom miles in order to render service. That In n bont without u stateroom. At present tho nonrest llfo saving station to the south Is nt Hurokn. It Is said that 'the government Is nil ready to make this Improvement nnd only awaits tho visit or tho Son ntors und Congressmen to mnko their visit or inspection. NKWS OK .mvhti.i: POIXT The KnterprlNO Tells What Is I lap peiilng Thero i Mr. nnd Mrs. Curtis Jackson and chlldron or Seattle nro horo visiting laxpayors decldo where they wnnt i ,lt "l0 ll0"10 of tho lady's mint, Mrs tbn i-nniiH hunt ,..! .i,. .i. i J M. Arrlngton. .,. ' , ' V.'V M .. . ' "h,uu Tho County Farmers' Union picnic upon to bo final. Lot thom forum Into n plan for building tho roads that will Insuro dollar for dollar. If ' tMo occasion hold nt Xorwny was attended by n inrgo number who greatly enjoyed wo do this nnd show tho peoplo whom tho monoy Is going nnd glvo nssurnnco that full valuo will bo given for their money, It Is renson nbly sum thnt they will voto tho bonds. Wo Jcnvo It to Tho Times manors If this Is not a hotter plnn Mr. nnd Mrs. A. McXnlr of Han- don returned tho foro pnrt of tho week from n visit to points In tho onstorn pnrt of tho U. S. and Cnn ada. They woro joined hero by their dnughtcr, Mrs. Italph Itackloff who will visit In Hnndon for n time. W. K, Luiidy nnd fumllv loft Run- day via tho coast road for San Krnn- Captaln Alec Scott roturnml iiorino- tho past week from his prospecting trip into Curry County and reports that ho found tho prospects encour aging. Mr. Snndorlln, of Michigan, a brothor of the lute Hov. F. M. San dorlln, (s hero visiting with his nieces, .Mrs. Johnson nnd Mrs. Clarn. Canterbury. Miss Susy McGlnty, who has beon visiting with relatives at Fish Trnn during tho month past, returned to Hnndon. Hor slstor-in-lnw. Mrs. P. J. McGlnty, accompanied hor coming up to nnndon for a day's visit. Mrs. John h. Anderson will, as soon as tho weathor and roads por mlt, Journey to Iloseburg to visit relatives. From thom sho will go to Med ford, Cottago Grovo and oth or points to visit and will bo gono two or threo months. NKWS OK GOLD IIICACIf than go lo tho oxponso of u special ! Cisco, going In Mr. Lundy's Dodgo olectlon without giving tlmo for dlbcusslon only to have tho bond Issue voted down by tho peoplo. Or porhnps nftor it Is too Into to hurl ugly epithets when wo find mistakes linvo beon mndo. Let us adopt Tho Times' slogan: Got to gether nnd talk It over. Good Iloiuls Advocate. oar. Hoturnlug thoy oxpect to muko tho trip through tho Siskiyou moun tains as well as visit Crater Lako country. TllOUIU.M OVKU IlltlDGi: Woik on Cheteo Strut tore Has llcen Fnjolucd Thero Is trouhlo about tho bridge across tho Cheteo Klvor In Curry County according to tho following PKIHCi: GUTS IlltlDGi-: An aided Contract for I te-Coust ruc tion nt Kile ltlver Tho Gold Hench Globo says: "Hon. S. P. Polrco was tho lowost and best bidder on tho ro-coiistruc-tlon of the Klk ltlver bridge und tho contract was awarded to him accordingly. Thorn worn tlirnn IiIiIh boforo tho court, or which Mr. Polrco's bid wns some two hundred dollars less than either of tho others. Mr. Polrco re-bullds and paints tho from Hin flilil Ilnriitti nini.oi . ,, , , , , ' ., , ontlro brldgo ror nbout $2,300.00. "A suit wns filed hero In the clr-l ., . ,. . 7. ' ... ' ' u lunu iiuiii .Uiiy l-il,,,,i , ..ii..t.. ... .. .. . !" " "uvu nun uui u nuiiui iui uu inu isx:i until after tho mlddlo of , , '" ""-""" w""1' i const at this kind of work and has Juno. 1881, when Dunham raised fom further work on the Cheteo V'"."""" , VL " .. " nearly n thousand tons and sold i brldgo. Tho suit was filed by Chas. , ,, ,,.,, , ,, . , ""' Rmlll, n.,,1 AM..w. n II T,..r,l.... ,u ",a w" "' untiBU l" "0 cum- :;.:, ;::.'' ":...r. in""ii - September mtn. w. t..M... (W VWWi9 UIIl JIIIIJO It Iii Chicago. Murphy thon sued him for n tortuous conversion. Tho court hold that the suit was rightly brought tltlo had romalned In tho ownor Murphy, desplto tho appar ent abandonment, and Dunham was day morning to see Judgo Coko re garding It. Just what will bo tho outcome or how much trouble will .. 4i...f.....ncM i. i...r..r..t.... ...1.1. I. it urniiusm ill iiiiuiiuiuiM nun ll. il i, n. .... i ... , . The only way of divesting tho own-! , u , a BU""-,l ' era" title would linvo through a Ju-, '.". t""-J-tityi'. illclnl Rftln In n ft.alvnirn iii-inooil. IllgS." PKOPliK AXD 1IOOI-: IS Claim .Made Two Autos ('any lloth to Curry County That somo of tho tiutos nro car rying liquor Into Curry County Is alleged In tho Port Orford Trlbuno which says: "I-oiir or Hvo automobiles aro on mmmtemmamm In suitably encouraging tho protoc- Shlnwreck doos not dlvost tltlo. Hlon of llfo nnd proporty from tho Those who net us salvors will be i perils of tho sea.,Captuln Macgonn amply prototted by the courts Ifils n good captain nnd nn excellent the run between Port Orford und thoy observe the requirements of navigator, but ho is too engrossed I Handon. It Is quite generally rec- oww,. ....v.. .. ....,.. ..w..col,. oin iiuBucm uapirauons to ever do ognized that two or threo or theso basis of the law of salvage is equity a sare guldo ror tho public upon , carry boozo as well as passengers. rr r frr L"Tlg,,MIIW of m.a.r" T Iaw- ? ! tlio other two or three re- taBor ot recoVery; and publlo policy I B. LOTIIAIID M'ClAHtR 'goods." """" 1"U",, B0JP " Jlapiieiilngs In Curry County Told In the Globo. Mrs. J. It. Stannnrd and chlldron nro now enjoying n vacation and visit at tho homo or C. II. Siiydam on Hun ters Creok. It. L. Maclcay, who has bcen ab sont rrom Woddorburn tho past month, returned Saturday nnd will personally superintend his business thom. Word rrom J. It. Potora who Is now nt Astoria, Oregon, having his min ing machinery built, snys good pro gress Is now being mndo and In u row days mora the inachlnory will bo roady ror shipment tor Gold Ueach whom It will bo sot up and given u thorough tryout. Stunloy Huntley nnd wlfo or Uk- lah, Cal are now visiting Judgo Huntioy nnd wiro or this place. Mr. Huntley is a boh or tho luto Will Huntioy. CASH OK SMALLPOX Hairy Sfrnhnn, of Port Orftii-cl, Vic tlm at Gold lleiu-li Tho Gold Ueach Globo says: "A well devveloped caso or small pox was discovered In town early this morning. Tho disease developed In Harry Strahan ot Port Oriord, who is visiting at tho homo or his grand parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Itobt. Pasklns. Dr. Dunlap has tho case In hand and does not anticipate tho spread or tho dlsouso ns the patient Is not In a frequented portion ot tho town. However, there should be strict quarantine placed on tho houso and till precautions taken to prevent tho spread ot tho disease," . M