The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 20, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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nmtorlnl to bo scowcd from
North Uend to the sand hills hut
now tho work Is In such shape thar
the progress of construction will ho
Ton of Material
Tho amount of material used In
tho bridge Is enormous. It required
700 tons of cement to tun Is o tho piers.
Tho amount of steel In tho brldgo
when complete will amount In all to
2.S00 tons.
No Accidents.
Tho first piling for tho bridge was
driven on .Inly (5. 1911. Slnco then J
there, has been from 75 to 100 mcn(
at work all tho tlmo on tho bridge. ,
Tho work has been so carried on that i
t. f. .. A 1. .. .. .. nK.lnti (irtnttlottf I
iiieroiiBBiioiui-B...-.u.- "-''; !, K)vUmv bent on hurling
Ono man fell off tho bridge and 3..J MmuU m (m,
feet noiow siriu
Sl'NDAV 111(111 JINKS
S(lr Kiitliiisliisiii for llanilon Celobrn-
(Inn Manners mill Noises
Advert No' Features
Continued from Pago Ono.
trestle from North Uend out to the
brldgo Is being constructed.
Tracks aro laid from North Uend
out on the trestle and at tho end h
' pllo driver Is operated and soon the
trcstlo will reach the south end of
tho brldgo beforo the structure Is
Coinnniiv T.HV8 Truck i foot bolow struck a scow anil sits
Tho grading of the railroad was tallied nothing worse than n broken it Neptune In bravado,
done under contract but the track wrist. On such construction there ,. f,, (.'Mint a tornado
laying nnd brldgo work Is done by are generally fatal accidents but in; ntl. playing havoc with on
tho railroad company Itself. Under this case the work has been carried i (,m!l nn( vvltli our cash?
Engineer Hroughton's direction the on without anyone being seriously )can II ho correct surmising
plera of the brldgo have been built hurt, lihnt Iho rnii.o Is less surprising,
nnd everything done excepting tho nc-' As soon as tlie nriugc is coiupieieu That tliN dally tidal rising
tual putting together of tho steel, the tracks will bo laid. That will
The assembling and connecting of be a matter of only a few days nnd
tho steel structure Is being done un- by tho first of October trains can go
dor contrnct bv McCrcarr and AVI1- . across the bridge
. MIIIIIIIM l.'l'l I IIIUUI,Vll.ll I.IU'l
MAW TO mjavi: l-'OH m ('III,!:. ! i. " ...-..,.
KOH HA. I'llrtuM inui
.1. F. Telamler Takes Heautlfiil
Myrtle Wood Table From Local
Lodge to Wife of .lames Davis
.Many members of the locnl Moost
lodge Intend to bo in Sun Frnn
clsco next Sundny, ".Moose Day." at
the exposition, when thero will be
visiting there thousands of brethren
lard, n firm of Spokane, Wash. J.
Joseph is tho superintendent In
Ootid Accommodations
clmrco of the work nnd stntcs that contractors placing tho steel live in ,lnr,.lv ,.,., mnlim. ' lln .,.,. px.
ho will have tho bridge completed North Uend. The track layers nnd , 1)c,t and w,)on nlteIltlon wn8 caUe(I
during tho month of September.
Cost Over .Million
1 the Southern l'nelflc bridge men live
What's this mi. Him mill ciiiiiuiotlou,
In the vast Pacific Occin,
Whence cniiie these surging Incnk
crs tilth a I'cuimiiiio tliuniler roar?
Aro their whirling ami their sulii
I ii i'
Anil (heir cllffuaid spray uncurling. f,nni " "nrt8 of lu IT,1,,lm1 S,,ltcs'
J. i'. leinnuor mis niicrnoon ion oi.
the Nu nn Smith taking with him a
beautiful myrtle wood tabic that is
being presented by the Coos Hay
ledge to Mrs. Jnmos J. Davis, whose
husband visited hero July II ns Di
rector fleuoral of tho .Moose lodge.
Ily wire Dr. K. K, Straw asked
.Major (lenornl Arthur Murray at the
I'rcsldlo to transfer the cavalry es
cort, which was granted personally
to Dr. Straw In connection with tho
locnl lodge, to the general puradb
of tho Moose on July So., Tills has
been done. ,
Though every effort was tuado to .
take the band to San Francisco this
WHS fOllllfl flnnngcilllln lmrnlisn nt llin I
great exponso and the project wns
Just forlclls Itaiiilon'.s coming col
thratlou, the Dig'.'
"Elks High Jinks at llnntlon, Sun-
itnv. .Intv ?!i. Itminil Irln fnro 41. fir.
The men who are here with the Ffco ,rll'cue Evcryono invited."
to them by IClks who whooped and
Steamship Not Vol Chaitorotl Savs
Captain MKJit Carries n lllfj
Cargo of liiiiulier
At three o'clock this afternoon the
steamship Nann Smith loft down for
San Francisco with o full cargo of
i lumber mid n full passenger list.
Those leaving hero wore:
Mrs. II. T. Van Do Car. Julius Mal
son, Mrs. J. Albert Mutson, Mlrr Kn
therlno Sinlth, Miss llesslo Maury.
Mrs. I. P. Maury, C. II. McCutclieon.
C. M. Cunibers, Dewey Atkins. P. V.
Atklim , Miss Kstbor AtkiiiH. .Mrs.
K. M. Atkins. Mrs. Jessie Willi ho.
Frank Mustem. Ilermnn I loin, James
T. Ouerln Mrs. P. M. Wilbur. Mrs.
James MeOeo, II. Carlisle, J. Welti
shlnk. It. J. Sacchl,, Hobert Dlllard.
J. F. Telamler Mrs. J. It. Ilendrlcl;
son, Miss Ivy Odell. .Mrs. Pearl Nl ii
olson. Miss Alpha Mauzey, Miss Mar
tin, Mrs. A. L. Colbert, Mrs. 1. Pnd
rlek, C Smith. James 11. Virgil, and
13 steerage pnssengers.
PTOTMffl. !?
se of
Muio people every In.v aro eoniplliiientiiig Hu
rronoinlciil slnro with their patronage mill i ,
uiiul to poisiintlo to ilo tho wmio. Iteail wlmt
for Uoiliio-ihij, Thursday anil biiilny.
" Ml,,,
l nte i,u
.Men's ."(e anil lllle miimi
mulct wear; all sles; o
icIIciH M'mlKj, for threo
ilajs, at 2Qf
per garment fJj
Ileal !!." .Mercerleil Cropo
PIlMsej variety of patterns;
nNo uliili), for it
i!a.s. per yanl . .
i ........ ....
t r,rsiiiill Sriinil..-
cleans cwi.uhln,, ,
nn diiiiiiiio; nn S0
('or three ilas nt
ii."e (iill-Kdm. SI
lor three
days 1 1 1 , ni
In a camp In tho sand hills oiinoUcjmado 8'ort8 of fimny no8es an(, , finally dropped.
Tho brldgo proper it 2.1CS feet. North Uend at tho mouth of North ,lrove (own tho Btrceta wltll two , However, a Iqlrgo continent jt
long. On the north sldo tbero Is a! slough. There Is quite a llttlo town'brngs bniul8..I say Jonn( you c0ia ' Coos Hay .Moose will bo on hand for
trestle 150 feet loig nnd on the 'there. There Is no logging camp or ( u,t MluIcrstnIyy.I1B what thcV tho celobratln In San Francisco next
south sldo extending out from North; construction camp In this part of tfto i mcnnt, could you Jnwn?" ! Sunday. ,
TIXC; ItKADV I'Olt l,()(i(il(
lltingaloii Apioiis, variety
of patterns, I'ull length anil
ulilih, "Or anil 7.c values.
l''or I luce thi.s only
loe cans lies!
Shoe I'olM
Only . . .
I .
lllci' il
'o(l can ulnars
(In heller
for less at
.Mens I.. i' unit 'Mt ,s,,
llllMtl llflJkl. .... 1
s "iin nrSi ja;
"' IHIISi ,,. f(,
(lireo ilajs nt
' baiuiinj
stnto where tho men arc better cared
I fnr Tnnlnnil nt linvllltr Inrpn lllllllf
houses whero the men aro all crowd
ed In together thoro nro smnller
Loud tho trcstlo is 2,520 feet long
This makes tlio entire structure,
counting trcstlo and brldgo proper,
from sldo to Bide, 5,130 feet long.
Tho total cost of tho brldgo was cs-( houses, each with four rooms nnd nc
tlmntcd nt ono million nnd n iitinryommodntlng twenty-four men. This
tor dollars but it Is said thnt Mr. .allows a crowd of men who tiro con
Droiighton will como Insldo of tho 'genial to be together nnd It Is found
cstlnmto In actual cost. that tho nrrniigemcnt Is much more
There nro In nil fourteen piers, sanitary and comfortiililo for tho
From tho north sldo thero aro eight men.
piers. No. 0 Is tho center pier. All1 Dost of CJimmI
of tlieso piers havo been finished ox-, Tho big mess houso Is perfection,
ceptlng Nob. 10, It nnd 12. Tho lat- The kitchen Is well appointed nnd the
tcr Is nlmost completed so It can bo, food of tho best. About 200 men
said thnt thero aro but two piers yet
to finish.
can ho seated at once. Storo houses
filled witli hnmo, bacons, flour nnd
On each sldo of tho center pier jollier good things to cat aro nt hand
there Is n space of 200 feet. The 'and the very best of wholesome food
draw takes up I5S foot. When the ,ls given tho men. It Is necessary,
brldgo Is open thoro will bo a clian- In viow of tho fact that somo of tho
ncl 200 feet on each sldo. Kltlicr men have been living In tho camp for
chnnnol Is open for tho passage of the past year.
vessels nnd It is likely that thero will Quite a number of tho inoii work
bo some government rules demanding' Ing nro married and for tlieso there
that vessels going down use one side nro provided separate houses whero
nnd those going up use tho other thojlttlc families live quite comfort
sldo. ably.
The draw of this bridge Is tho lar-' lluvo Shower Itatli
gest draw In Oregon. Tho bridge. At tho camp Is provided a shower
ncross tho Wlllnmotto has a draw of bath, n feature which is greatly en
only 430 feet wlillo tho Coos Hay Joyed by tho men after a hard dny's
brldgo draw Is -158 feet long. ,work. A flno supply of wnter wns
Concrete PI crs I found In tho sand hills and n big
All piers aro 1C0 feet npnrt ex- engine, pumps tho water so that there
ceptlng tho two nearest tho center Is a supply for all purposes as woll
nnd they nro ISO feet npnrt. The I as If It wero a big city,
piers woro mailo by building coffer No small part of tho camp is the
ilnnis, driving piling and pumping lumber yards where tho big tini
out tho wnter and" then filling Infers which aro used to make the
with concrete. Tho center pier Is) coffer dams aro assembled. Tlieso!
38 feet In diameter nt tho huso and 'nro rafted or scowed to tho bridge'
31 feet nt tho tap. Within tho rlr-'nnil tho old steamer Flyer, ouco tho
clcs thoro wero driven 1 13 piles. Tho famous passenger bont running from
concrete extends down 53 feet tnd ' North Ilend to Marshflehl, built over
under It the piling extends down 30 In tho sbnpo of n sturdy tow bont,
feet more. There Is a sand bottom ! bundles everything that need bo mov
In tho bay at that point and It Is Im- ed on the wnter.
possible to drlvo piling down very far VlrM. ICxcnrsloii
In tho sniul. It was necessary to use About forty men nro nt work lny
n ninchliio by which tho sand Is Ing tho trncks nnd with thoso work
drawn up so that tho piling can btjlng on the brldgo about 150 inoii nro
l'htccd. tnkon raro of nt tho camp. The
On a llrono Dial track now extends nlmost threo miles
Tho center pier of tho bridge Is up North Slough from tho brldgo.
really tho most Interesting featurolTho ntcinhom of tho Mnrshflcld par
of tho whole structure. Firmly pin-' ty yesterday wero taken up ns far
ccd In tho concrete U tho pivot on (as the tracks nro laid. They wert
which will rest the entire weight of loaded on two flat cars and with tho
tho draw. This pivot Is inndo of old locomotive No. 3 as nnwor woro
steel nnd works on a dial of bronzo taken on tho first excursion over tho
which rests in n lako of oil. So per- new railroad.
feet Is tho mechanism that tho pivot Tho track laying will coutlnuo on
was easily turned b litiiul by those up to Ten Mllo ami to tho I'lupinm.
visiting tho bridge. A false work As tho brldgo Is built across tho Sins-
law iier the tracks wilt run down
from that point. Tho last link will
To stir up enthusiasm for tho High)
Jinks no that Isn't right cither for,
thero Is all sorts of enthusiasm nnd
bottled pop but to ndvertlso tho '
feature, that's It Kilts by tho hands
fill and tho dozens gathered at the
Goodrum Garago last evening.
Helcaacd at a given signal they
tooted down Central avenue, with tho
Coos Hay hand leading. Machines,
filled nnd with passengers on the
gunning bonrds, followed after and
then thero was another band "Why
oki:;ox pitoviDKs fok danii:i,s
SALKM, Ore., July 20. Tho State
Industrial Accident Commission yes-
no John, thoy wero regular music-' tordny npproved tho claim of the de-
lans. Ask Gcno Crosthwnlto or F. pendants of William II. Cross, who
1). Fletcher. Oh yes, nil union men,
Well, thnt meant another big ban
ner which overyono rend and by the
tlmo tho crowd, motley and other
wlso had made tho rounds of Central,
Front nnd Broadway It was wldol
known nnd well breezed nbout, nil
this high Jinks business. And for
good measure tho iiutos wont down
to North Ilend and got tho pcoplo
thero enthusiastic, too.
Unceasingly tho Klks nro working
on tho plans for Sunday. Not only
aro tho membors hero nt work, but
the Ulks all over the county aro busy
nnd getting ns largo delegations as
posslblo from tho various cities.
To tho wholo county Is givon tho
Cm Caterpillar Kngiuo (o llniij
l.ogs Down I 1 1 It anil Central
AVeniio Crew of l!lt Men
WItli much of their equipment
on hand Jack McDonald ami Wal
ter Coiulron today put a crow at
work repairing and making a road
by which the heavy trucks of logs
can bo hauled from the 11. "-acre
tract of tho wnter company west
of tho city.
Donkey engines wero on hand. A
15 caterpillar engine will bo used
In limiting the logs on trucks down
11 th street to Central and thence
rii killed on Juno IS. lOlB.'at tl.e!t0 Slxth or S0"1" w,,ora l,, u-
i giuo nun lays us own irncic win no
unhooked and a four-wheel drive
Orders !iH,n.-,t.H2 Invested to Provide
Monthly Pension of Sli: for .Mrs.
W. II. Cross anil I'liUtlrcn
The July telephone directory is now hemp disb
Careful use of the cHrocloiy will improv your'
CALL BY NUMBER. If you do not receive a copy
new directoiy piomptly, call Chief Opciatoi,
loglng enmp of McDonald & Vaughn
on Daniel's Creek. To provide a pen
sion of $30 per month for tho widow
nnd $0 per month for each of the
two children until they reach the
ago or 10 years, tho Commission dir
ected tho State Treasurer to set
nsldo In tho segregated accident fund
tho sum of $8,550.S2.
This fund Is Invested by the state
truck will Jerk tho logs on wagons
to tho North Front street dump.
The logs aro for delivery at tho
Simpson mill.
Tho first work In establishing the
camp will ho to get tho roads In
shape. Already tho city has grunted
permission for tho building of a
-Sigh Quality Groceries Pl
Our own prompt nnd particular delivery servic
ficient clerks bcinn: out of the higfi rent dlslr.'1'
keeping our prices as low as consistent with gooi i
ness makes
Coimer & Hoagland
Tho Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Grocfci
797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J arntl
treasurer In the clnss of securities Tk "0,1SO uml ,,V,I,B 'lunrterH for
nuthorlzed for tho Investment by
bnnks of savings deposits under tho
stnto law. This principal and com
pounded Interest will provide pay
ments to tlieso dependents ninountlng
to nbout $10,000. ,
If tho widow lives tho oxnet tlmo
Invitation to nttond. It Is for overylof her expectancy, 10 years and ono
ono, nnd with gnmos and races nnd ' month, tho entlro sum of both prln
n frco barbecuo scheduled. It Is bo-lpal nnd nccrued Interest will havo
lleved, will bo ono of tho biggest ever been exhausted In paying tho month
staged by tho Ulks of Coos and Curry. y pension allowed by tho commission
W. S. CIIANDUCU enmo down to
day from his South Coos Itlver
slimmer homo and reports every
thing flno there. Ho hns killed
51 groundhogs. In excavating tho
other day, they found tho homo
of the colony of llttlo nnlmals
vhlch llvo like prnlrlo dogs.
This fund set aside, cannot ho used
for any other purposo, and tho wid
ow's pension Is therefore as cortnln
ns life, even tho tho commission It
Bolf was abolished, tho money must'
ho paid by tho stnto direct to tho1
widow, nnd Is not subject to assign
ment, and cannot pass by tho pro .
cess of any court. I
the men on Highland avenue beyond
1 I th street.
According to Mr. McDonald the
crew will bo busy logging for sev
eral mouths on tho tract.
Lodging; In City I, hulls
Despite the fact that this is a
country In which considerable log
ging Is done, thoro Is' a largo per
centage of Coos Hay peoplo who
novor havo soon a logging camp.
With the work going on, much of
It, within tho city limits, thoro will
bo afforded an opportunity of hav
ing tho operations handy, almost nt
tho back doors.
! A
I U It costs ono cent u word C
to toll your story each day In
n uno Times want columns A
lb jg
Mnrsliflehl, Norlli iteml, Kinplio, Tarheel, Sunset liar,
.caws .Miii'Miiicm at llusy Corner, 7:!to, ll::iil a.iii,J1
- p. in.; n p. in. I.eincs .Ninth Ilend in minutes later.
Leaves Kiuplro S.rtll a. m.; I l::tl a. in.; !.: p. in.; 3Mt
".hi ji. in. 'Jrfp.s after tlieso hours inny ho iirrntiucil M
Dnsy Corner. Night phono 1(17-11. Hi
. Tin
(,01'sl & litnif.
Car.s leave .Maihrielil
Cars Ieae for ICiupIro
ar.s i.iio miiim Hay 7 il. l. .. I) a.l.l.. aoJI
Fa res, Knipl ro.Jl.jTnrliei'l or South Slough, .-,0c ; S uiwtti
7 a. in., - p in. anJ!'
a. in., 10 a in., 1, '1 miilh'
Havo your programs printed at
Tho TUues office.
extends lengthwlne of the bay and
when the bridge Is open tho drav
will rest on this falsework which will
servo 08 a protect Itou In case of ves
sels striking. It will be reiilren
that the bridge bo Kept open all the
be tho construction of tho brldgo nc
loss the Jtlver which will
require a year hut before It Is fin
ished train servlco will be maintain
FUANK (3. IIOHTON, accompanied
ny A. l. Haines nnd C. K. j Notice Is hereby given that sealed
Nicholson, got away today bids will he received by the Coin
in Mr. Ilorton's machine on Ihojnion Council of tho City of .Marsh
road to Klamath Falls and Crater field, Coos County, Oregon, until
v ".,...,, mum mey win eigui o clock p. in., Monday, tho
to trescont City and come liGth dav of Jul v. int.-, inn n... -
back up the coast, homo again.
WM. KAHDMM,, conductor on tho
local S. 1. lines, was nblo to bo
down town yesterday after being
confined to his home by an oper
ation for nppendlcltls. Ho Is rap-
structlon of n sower extending along
tho center lino of Twelfth Court'
street South from tho center lino!
of Flanngan nvenuo West to thoi
center lino of Golden nvenuo West, '
pursuant to Ordinance 715, accord-'
lug to tho plans nnd specifications
and $5 per Month
No Interest
No Taxes
Will buy you a uclMocntcil
lot level, cleared, with
(.Hoot Improvements liielinl
ed. "See Held About It."
150 Front St.
i "
!M7 Central av. 1'liouo 7:i-li
Cliliniieys It'
Any Id nil of brick
prices that are rlj-
And all work guai
Cnll nt "Tho Flreilde,"J
llldg., 137 Sccoui
French ranges, boiler'
I'hono 434-J
time excepting when there aio traliibj ed from Kiigonp to Coos t'llny by
to pass over It. , j means of transferring at tho i'nip-
At the present time the falsework ; qua. It Is not likely that work on
Is crowded with steel which will bo Mho I'liipqua bridge will bo started
iissonililcd and put In place. until tho Coos lla bridge Is prac I
Tho heavy steel has been brought J tlcally completed. j
here on vessels mid unloaded right i The distance from nugeno to Coos1
ai mo nriuge. it is iiamlled with the Hay over tho railroad will bo 1:13 1-2
big cranes, which operate on scow' miles. It will require several hours
so that they can bo moved about to make the trip. It Is slightly far
whcievor needed. tber from Fugene to Coos Ilnv than
vtoru Itaplit .Now,
Tho other piers, aside from the
center plor. were built by the drl
litfT or 00 piles and on top of thU
foiiiulatlon tho concrete Inlil. Theko
lders are square up to tho low wa
ter lino with the part showing above
water of circular formation
It Is from F.tigono to Portland.
lulIllIT "
liny recuperating, much to tho 'on fii in n, ninn .,.., ,... ,,
grntlfleatlon of his many frlonds .cordor and open to tho Inspection
However. It will bo a few weeks! of all persons Interested thoroln
beforo ho can resumo his run. j All bids must ho in accordance ,
'with tho reiiiilrninniilH ni'i.niii,...,. ..i....
(JUY WAIINKU roimn.wl ,....! i ..., ,.,'.... -i-"-vh
. , , ; v.....,,, mm npueiiicaunns nun upon lilanks I --"'------ ---
mot I.M-HIHK o.n an exieiiueii visit .which will bo supplied upon request'
,t""n "'" '""unes in aim at the office of tho C'ltv KmlMiw.o.. I
A certified check of five per cent '
or tho amount bid must accompany
tho hid, to bo forfolted to bald City
ot .Miirshfleld In case tho contract
Is awarded tho contractor and ho
A """"'"l .. US
-. .
Phone 3171
near San Francisco. Ho says
that tho exposition far surpasses
what ho thought It would ho ami
snys everybody should seo It.
Ills brother. J. K. Warner, for-
..W.-I.. ...111. .1.. Ill I .
...... , m,., ,uiu-) uotoi neie. rails to outer In n contract with said
Is now managing a big store not! City within five days.
far fro,,, Kan Francisco. Mrs. Tho Common Council reserves tho
I l,h",u' reiuaiiie.i right to reject any and all bids,
tfVtll Mm
.Maishlleld.Norti, Uoiul Auto
Car.s overy ten minutes from
. m. to j p. ,.. , iS(Mlh
Plough onet, ,(IVi t.nv,K ((t
f . in.; to Kinplio threo trips
a day.
fiOIJST .V kixo,,,Sj
Citv Auto & Ta
Day uml Night S1
For tnxl, phone 20, CH
For tourljig cars, ptc
Chandler Hot"
Now Cars Xl
for a lonitor stay.
The OltlUNK treatnioiit for tho
From Drink Habit can bo used with nh.
ino liortn sine or the liay there Is soiuto confidence. It destroys all1,.
11 lllff fnlan u-ii.l.. iivtnn.ll.i.. ..... r....... il.kulrn f..u ...i.t... . .. h!l
" ....m ....... V.M1.IIIIUIK .1 in iiiiiii ..v..ii' iur miiHKU)', ueor or other
oiioiu. iiiiH herveu us a aocK ror aiconoile htiinuiniiiu fim ..i..
wu,i, havi: ni:w hoat
A llnndon paper says:
dipt. O. H. Wlllard states tlint ho
is sold his Interest In the Coniillle
Klver Trai(sportatlon coiupanv to
tho unloading of tho steel nnd nowjhaxo mciossfully used It nnd hao'the' lnemlieis of ,no concern mid Is
Dated this, tilth day of July, ui:,.
thnt tho piers are built and the steel' been restored to lives or snlirioiv
i. ..i .... .... ... . . - -- .,
umiK inn in piaeo tno taise woiK or
tlmbor will bo roinovod.
The upper structure of the brldgo
lms been put In place on the south
side nml the whole Is now nstuimliiK
tao appearnnco of n roal bridge. At
tlrt the work was slow for the roa-
Pu that everything In tho way ol
and UbtruluoM. Can lu L-lvmi ...
crotly. Costs only $1.00 per box. If
you fall to get results from OH KINK
after a trial, your money will be
refunded. Ask for free booklet
tolling all about OH1UNK.
Wlnklor Pharmacy, 5S Central
now rebuilding the Wolverine, which!
has bcea tied up ror somu time. In i
Mew or establishing a new traipor
tatlon line between lliindon and Co
qullle. Tho boat will bo made cousld-
orably larger and will have a new en-1
Kino, giving u n gront doal more pow-'
er. .
About it,
Second Hand
Pianos & Organs
' V
r. J. hoaifu A. n. noDOixa
We have an over stock of Marsllfield PAINT AND
second-hand pianos and some iJlSNG S
slightly used instruments that -'""" uu umw, oroKOn
will he sold at exceptionally SAVE MONEY
ilow nrinns. nnri tot-mo ..n !'. "!!K,,,,,IB ,, "'"9
1 ' "" " auu' vnHENRYVILLE COAL
I..... mt t.rl..l.l itltffU
.JUl??l f l
8 ii. ill. Leaves hwil i
ii !tr l. II. in-
leaves head of ilvcriWj
a. m. Jioavos .hi'hfIeU
III. l,ir rlillllM' illllrM .
. IVojuictor
Times Wut ads brtni; reaulti. I
Is nniucil
thi: Ni:i:i)M:cn.FT
Now In new Home.
78 Central Ave.
Iimllei' l.'uiporliiui
73 Central Avenue.
Phones U.5l).,l intl.j
.Nut coal, per ton
Lump coal, per ton
!r half to,', of both
D. MUSSOX, Prop.
Phono 18.J t.r leave orders t
Hllljor's cigar Store.
UPHOSto Rlnnrn Mnti
I Phone lOii-L. ""lull
Tho iiucstlon Is not.
1 i ,. vnur '
j uonor you ior - m
r . . i. hnroi .
Hilt ilnou vnnr worn """ l
Vour concern Is ' cfl
rrnnta Hrnttt Tor VOUW1-
to mnko that which B"1
ninny besides yourself, j
- turn, m- ---
Phono G7'J-
l'lione i:iio-
Night nnd M
m.rlii Cafe.
onnn niu nxiiVFVbW
--- i i
1).' L. FOOTft
' r,
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