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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1915)
U. ,.;,w. . 1 SURE WAY TO GET IN BAD IS TO TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY m$ Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Ooo Bay Times is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo snd devoted to tlto best LntcresU of tills groat lection . The Times always boosts ad never knocks. The Coua Hay Times la proud of Us title "The People'! i'upcr," mid It strives nt all times to live Hp to Its nuiiio by do rating Its cnorKles to promoting the. peoplo's Interest. MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 Ah The Cont Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1915 E VENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 308 (Eons mm V e (i of WW WL SIS Sit Sl3i lit $11 BE EVACUATED 5 Russians Will Withdraw From 5 ( Poffeh Capital Without Put- 5.i ting Up Any Fight Ml 51 Field' Marshal Von Hindcnberg Holds the Situation Around Bi City in His Hands THEIR POSITION IS FEARED Itusslans llelleo They Might lie Destroyed J f They Try to Hold tlio U IMnco-rWill Full linrk mill Foi , tlfy-Along New Buttle l.ino tllC Awoclaloil i'lrai to Cmm Hay Tlmm LONDON, July 20. Tlio upiiur- Ij-rnoBt question concerning tlio oust- "orn campaign now Is wliun Warsaw wlll bo ovacuulcd, rather than whotlior, tlio Polish enpltul hIiiiII ho given up. With virtually all Oour- lan.d In his hands, Field Marshal JJjvon Hlndonbcrg and with tlio Tou- tonlo rorces across the Hug rlvor, tlio continued occupancy ot Warsaw HI by tlio Itusslans exposes thorn to tho danger of disaster. Monaco to the Russians from tho north through tho report of the oc cupancy or WInilau by tho (lonnans .Is" paralleled from tho southeast by 'Man advance of tho Aiistro-Oernion forces on tho I.uhlln railroad, one of tho chlof communication arteries - with Warsaw. Tho wisdom or ubun C doulng Warsaw to obtain a straight 'Russian line is wldoly predicted. Tho aonnans" aro ropnrtvd advancing on Riga to solzo that port, clear tho nearby boob ot mines and establish I a naval base. 1 l'otrograd ndmlls a genoral rotro- grodo movomont of tho HiishI.ui forces. ' TOW'S IS CAPTURED M Germans Continue In Their Victor ious March on Itussla ill u (fir Auoclalil I'liim In Cim.m Hay Tlii'ii lj BERLIN, July 20. Furthor prog ress, of tho great Gorman drive to (-Warsaw from the north nnd south was roported officially lato today. VHTho War Office said Ostrolenka, on tho Nurow river, CO miles north of -'Warsaw, had been captured. Tho Ol'ltUBslans aro reported retreating In tho eoutli. K jaioni? successes Germans Itepoitcd Winning f Aloiig righting I 'rout All t .ir r HIT' (ny'AuoclatM Vni lo Oooa Hay Tlinn BERLIN, July 20. Important aucccssea fqr tho Teutonic Allies all along the battle liuu in Russia from tho Baltic Sea to Ilulcowliia are "clalmod in tho Gorman War Office "Btatomont 'today. The army of Gen oral Odilwltz Is said to bo standing k'ln force" "on tho Narew lino southwest of tho Novo Georglovo's girdle of A fortro8sc8protcctlng Wnrsaw and only tonjnllcs from Jim Polish -an-illaK With tho capture or Wlnduu, tho Germans possess another scupoit on tho Baltic and aro within a few mlles of Riga, tho seat of tho Gov ernor General of tho Daltlo prov jj incog, Tho Germans und Austrluns aro said, "to havo captured 15,000 Russian' 'prisoners. , .r-ftfi DEAD w CANTOX.JCHIVA, i;i,OODS CLAIM HoAWI't'D TOLD UUtlir ' Jj State Depart men ( Hecehes Mossngo . TodyTclIlng of the Dnormous t isXiimber of Deaths M (By AwocUled I'reas la Com llay Tin) WASHINGTON, 1). C. July 20. 'Elghtyly ono hundred thousand yllve3w?relost In the Canton, China, 'y floods, according to a cable today to. thjj State Department from Pe- 'fclng?, TlJ? Navy Department Is ask- rod tor 'oljjposslble assistance. - ,TJm Vwont nds tiring results. GERMANS 1 THOUSANDS OLD NUIRI GOVERNMENT LOOKS INTO Till'! charges made itv England Alleged That German Sjmputlilers Are Stopping the Manufacture of Munitions or War Illy Anno hliil I'lowi In Com liny Time. WASHINGTON, 1). C July 20.' (lovoininent agents under tho De partment of Justice aro at work on the British government's charges that Gurinun sympathisers In tho United Stales have violated Ameri can neutrality. The Investigations aro guarded with secrecy. Tho gov ernment's Inquiry will ho conducted Independently of any evlduucu the Allies' embassies may have collected. Tho officials havo been In posses sion for some of reports of alleged attempts to causu strikes to check miinufnrturo and export war muni tions, but no absolute proof has been found that foreign Influences aro at work. IS three killed t.v accident in TEXAS TODAY Engine and Cars Demolished When Plunged Two Hundred Feet Into a (iiilrli Illy AniimlAlnl I'ifftrt tn (tiiti llay Tlmm. DALIIART Tex., July 20. An HI I'aso and Southwestern freight train plunged two hundred feet today into a gulch near here, killing three men and destroying tho engine and ten loaded cars. , L E MYSTERIOUS BLAZES OX BAT- t i , i:s 1 1 1 1 s i x v est i : at e i Officers Helleve They Were Started by Accident and Were Xot Incendiary Illy Auin hlM I'ri'M In Cm llay TIiiim 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. Reports reaching tho Navy Depart ment today regarding threo mystor Ioiih fires last night aboard the new dicaduaugh Oklahoma In tho Now York Shipbuilding Company's yards at Comden thought that the fires were likely due to a cigarette stub, matches or electric wires. Navy of ficers do not believe the Indications exist of work of an luclndenary na ture either on the Oklahoma or the recent fires on tho Now Jersey and Alabama. PRESIDENT APPROVES ORDER AFFECTING ALASKA ROAD Employes Who Are Hurt or lump luted on (io eminent Work Will Ito Helped lly AwHlatM I'rtiw to Com llay Time I WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. I'rosident Wilson today approved tlw order prepared by Secretary of tho Interior l.anc, making Immediately effective tho system of compensa tion of employes Injured or lucap Icated in tho Alaskan railway con struction. SENDS BUCK MONEY DOl'liLi: ASIOl'XT STOLHX KltOM I'. S. IS ItKTTRXKD Ten Thousand Dollars lteceied at Tieasury P'roin I'lilcnown Man in Xew Yoik Illy AU4 lalol IMiwm to Cdom lUy Tlmcw. WASHINGTON, D. C July 20. Ten thousand dollars In currency, tho second largest sum evor recolved for tho government "Conbclonco fund," arrived at tho treasury department today from Now York In a letter which said tho sender had paid dou ble tho amount ho stole from tho United States but that his conscience was not yet satisfied. Tho letter was anonymous. I1IDS WAXTKD nids will bo recoled for the painting and ropalring of Cooston school house, up to Aug. 1. Work will require two roats of paint on building, placing of blackboards In house and two coats of paint on floor. Bidders apply to Mjs. M. A. MrLaggan, clerk of school district No. -in, Knstslde. JOHN DOTSON. WRECKED 1 DOTS FIR PROTESTS WORKERS IN STRIKE IN BIG FACTORIES Trouble in Works of Remington Arms Company May he Set tled at Once 5000MEMHAVE OUIT That Number Stop Work at Big Standard Oil Plant in New York ASK FOR HIGHER WAGES Labor Troubles Appear Serious mid It is Kcuicil 'I hey May Spread Alfects Muiiufacture of Wiir Munitions MAY Hi; SCTTLKD . ny AioclitJ I'rrrt to Coot llay Tlmn. 4 BRIDGEPORT, Conn., July 20. Later In tho day a Rem- ) Ington official denied any 4- strlko at his plant, it was ru- mored tho men woro offered concessions there and decided at the last minute to remain. V Subcontractors admit strlko of their men, who number two hundred. Illy Ataoctated rrria In ruoa llay TIdim. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., July 20 Ono thousand machinists struck at nooit today nt tho works of the Rem ington Arms Co., and four sub-contractors. Labor leaders said the men would not go bock. Leaders say tho strlko may spread throughout Now England nnd cnuso serious curtail ment of the manufacturo of muni tions of war for tho European belli gerents. "Neither Samuel Gonipors nor tho President of the United States can stop tho strlko now," said J. J. Kop ulcr, machinists' International vino president. Tho men ask for bettor working conditions. STRIKE OX IX XEW YORK .Men at Standard Oil Plant Have Unit Work. Illy Aiaoclatisl l'rraa la Coo. llay Tim" ) NEW YORK, July 20. About fivo thousand men are now on a strike at tho Standard Oil plant In Buyouue. Tho entire police force wus sent to the plant this morning as a result of somo disorder resulting from the firing of several shots. Six stcaiuors are tied at the piers, all said to ho destined for England. Tho trouble began last week. The strikers are abklng for higher wanes. , STRIKElS "SETTLED WELSH COAL .MIXERS WILL RE Tl'RX TO WORK Leadeis Approxe Agreement Willi li Will he .Submitted nt a General Mass Meeting Illy AHMirUlnl l'rraa In ('una llay 1Im. LONDON, July 20. Tho strike ot tho miners in tho South Wales coal flolds this afternoon is regard ed ns virtually ovor. It Is expected that tho miners will return to woik Thursday. An agrcomout, which has been ap proved by tho miners' executive com Ittco, has been drafted and will be submitted to tho strikers at a mass meeting tonight. YOl'XG MAX KILLED ai Arcblo Milton, a leamster was Injured In a runaway at North Bend this afternoon and died at Mercy Hospital at 4:43. Ho was a young man and is. survived by a wlfo and child. 4 SKAl'IXG ItlXK OPEX Notice to ihe public: I havo la ken tho Marshfild Skating Ring over entirely and now havo exclusive and absolute control of It. Tho rink will bo open as usual Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings and the public Is given my assurances tint It will ho properly conducted RU BUYS BIG SHIPMENTS GO IMIOM THE t'XITED STATES Enormous Amount of Rolling Stock Will ho Shipped to Vludlsmstolc. During This Mouth Illy AiwoclilM Trend to Coos llay Tlmm J VLADIVOSTOK, July 20. Twenty thousand American freight cars nnd four hundred locomotives are due hero In tho next two months from tlio United States to relievo the congestion of supplies destined for the Russian armies at the front. Munitions niu. arriving by stcamur loads from tho United States and Japan, Including hundreds of armor ed motor cars. Mountains or cotton hales are piled high outside tho city waiting transportation to Moscow to be made Into blankets and uniforms. AUSTRIAXS HAVE BEEX PALLING BACK I'XDER ADVANCE Reports State Five Miles or Terri tory Have Been Taken by l-iitlns This Week lly AMorlatp.1 I'roaa lo Cotm llay Tlmm GENEVA, Switzerland, July 20. A dispatch to tho Tribune hero states that tho Italians have made largo gains slnco July 1G. The .Austrlans havo lost more than fivo miles In Cn doro and lesser distances at 'various points in Cnrula, , PROVIDING FUNDS ENGLAND VOTES ANOTHER BIG WAR CREDIT Cost Xow Has Reached Over Three Billion for the Current Fl- naclal Year Illy Aimoclalp.1 1'rwa lo Cooa'llay TlmM, LONDON, July 20. A new vote of credit of soven hundred and fifty million dollars was Introduced today In tho Houso of Commons. This sec ond supplementary voto will bring the sum actually appropriated by parlia ment for war oxpondltures to threo billion, two hundred and fifty mil lion dollars, for tho current financial year. With tho amounts previously vo ted, grand total for war Is fivo bil lions, sixty millions dollars. Tho now credit does not Involve a new loan hut merely sanctions ex penditures out of funds on hand to tide over the period forthcoming dur ing tho parliamentary recoss. t444A VESSEL SUNK 0 ny AMnHattil ra lo Pan nay Tlmra LONDON, July 20. Tho Russian steamer General Ra- 4 detsjik)- was sunk by a Ger- man torpedo July 17. Tho crow of 22 were saved. 4444 BOMBS START FIRES ITALIANS MAKE AX AIR ATTACK OX THE Al'STRIAXS i:ploslcs Dioppcil on Impoitaiit Woikshops nt Tries! ami Do Considerable Damage AIRSHIPS BOMBARD t (lly Aaamlaled rrio lo Cooa llay Tlmra PARIS, July 20.-An of- flclal war statement today says blx Fieuch aoroplnnes bombarded tho station at Colmnr, tho capital of Upper Alsace. Tho aorophuios re- turned undamaged. 4444V'0 lly Aaao late rraaa to Cooa llay Tlimv ROME, July 20. A Ministry or Marino statement today reports a bombardmont July 17 by an Jtullnn dirigible or Important workshops at Trlest. The bombs Btarted a fire so extensive as to bo visible miles away. Bombs also wero dropped on destroyers near tho Pola and Trlest railroad yards. The statement alt-o says most or tho crews of the Gulsoppo and tho Garibaldi, which wore torpedoed by an Austrian submarine, wero saved. Calling cards primed nt Tho Times office. ' T 1 NOTE IS READY e President and Cabinet Com plete Document Today and Forward it to Berlin dTENTS SECRET Officials Refuse to Divulge the Nature of What Position Has Been Taken HELD A MEETING TODAY President Laid Before Cabinet. Ills Outline From Which Draft. Was Made Believed That. Danger Point Has Been Passed NOTE FINISHED WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. President Wilson nnd tho Cabinet today approved tho final draft of tho noto to Germany after two hours' conference. They rofuscd to Intimate Its contents. It will ho scut to Berlin In a day or two. (Oy AaaocUted rrai to Uwoa llay TlmM. WASHINGTON, I). C, July 20. President Wilson laid boforo tho cab inet today nn outline of a now noto to Germany In reply to Berlin's last answer to the American notes on tho sinking of tho Lusltaula nnd sub marine warfare. No announcement was mudo at tho White House, hut it wns Indicated the noto wns of a character that had not yet been fi nally determined. Tension was shown In official quarters and confi dence Is provulling that In tho ab sence of any fresh offenses tho situ ation would not become Immediately dangerous. Tho secretaries returning from vnr Iniis sections of the. United Stntes re ported to tho President that public sentiment generally favored taking a firm stand. ARREST HUNTERS DEPl'TV GAME WARDEX SEIZES CACHE OF KM) LBS. VEXISOX 7alter Devoe and E. Fell, lliiuteis and Trappei'H Alioxo AHcgimy Aro Brought Dotwi. With 100 pounds of Jerked venison In their possession, Walter Devoo nnd E. Fell wero arrested 25 miles above Allegany In the mountains yesterday by Dopuly Game Warden Thomas. Brought down this morning' heror Justice or tho Peace Pouuouk the pre liminary hearing of tho men was sut for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Both are said to lutvu evidenced thulr willingness to plead guilty. Judge Peuuock declares thoro are a series of charges to be put against tho men. According to Mr. Thomas thoy run dcor with hounds,- hunted without licenses, killed more than tho limit or deer und this, too, out or season and had In thulr uossosslou more than tho lnwfu 10 pounds or Jerked venison, Mr. Thomas declared tho country was so Inacccsslblo that hu was un able to rldo a horso. Ho found tho meat In camp. It Is said Devoo told friends ho expected to piako $2 CO this year selling venison which bolls for about $1 a pound. Devoe admitted their killing six deer out of a herd of 17. Mr. Thomas says thoro woro moro for ono deer gouorally makes about 12 pounds of Jerked meat. Both men aro married Devoo has two children and Foil, who is a men of middle age, has seven children und a wife and thoy uru said to bo In destitute circumstances. Judge Pounock told District Attor ney Llljeqvlst of tho arrest and tho latter Immediately called tho Stato Bamo warden on tho long distance 'phone In regard to the rase. Breaks Collar Done. Donald, tho year-old son ot Attorney and Mrs. R. O. Graves, met with an accident. Tho child fell Iroin ihe patch or the fam ily homo nnd broke Ills cnllnr bono, lie will bo laid up for a tlmo. STEAMER IS LOST THE BERTHA GOES ASHORE AND IS BL'RXED Running From Seattle to Dutch Harbor, Alaska All On Board Are Sacd Illy Aaaorlatnl I'riwa lo Coos nay TlmM J SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Tlio American steamer Bcrthn, hound from Seattle for Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Is reported gono ashore and destroyed by flro off Harvester Is land, Uyiikl liny, Alaska, In a wire less messago received today. No lives were lost. The vessel was owned by tho Alaska CoaBt Company of Tacouin. The Bertha was valued at $75,000. Tho steam schooner wns a vessel of !2G gross touunge, n length of lSn.n reel, breadth or ;!2.ri feet. Sho carried a crow of .'12 men and was in tho pasflongcr and freight service, having been built In lSD'J In Ala meda, California. T IS LET BIDS FOR POWERS SCHOOL HOUSE OPENED TODAY Shelley, of Myrtle Point, Will Build Structure, and Marshfleld Firms Got Work (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) POWERS, Ore., July 20 Tlio bids for the construction of tho now school houso nt Powers wcro open ed today. Contractor Shelley, of Myr tle Point, got tho contract for put ting up ho building. His bid was $10,0."!8. Howard Savage got tho contract for tho pluumblug, Lang worthy tho contract for tho lighting nnd Schrocdor & Ilildeubniud, tho contract for tho heating. IS GEOBGE LAMBERT, OF POWERS, TAKES WHESTLIXG MATCH Conies! a! Myrtle Point Attracts Crowd and Another Match Will Bo Held Soon (Special to Tlio Times.) MYRTLE POINT, July 20. In a wrestling match which took place tit the Unique Theater George Lam bert, of Powers, scored tho first two falls over Frank Martin, of Los Angeles. Tho Angol City man was not In tlio clnss with tho loggur. Lambert made tho first fall in 17 minutes and tho second In 2 min utes. Another match has been arranged between Lamhort and Wilson, of Los Angeles, to tako place hero In the near futuro. DAIRYMAN IS DEAD ARTHUR FISHER, OF MVRTLK POINT, PASSES AWAY Tiihoi miosis of Bowels Cnuso of Dcmtli Leaves WRo and Child To Mourn Him Arthur Fisher, aged 10 years, died today at tho Mercy hospital of tuber culosis of tho howols after a long ill ness. Ho was a resident of tho Myr tlo Point district, being n dairyman near thoro. Ills body will bo shipped to Myrtle Point In tho morning for burial. ,Tho deceased loaves a wlfo and ono child. A brother or Mr. Fisher ar rived today from the Coqullle Valley and will tako charge of the body. At Myrtle Point, tho deceased Is woll known, having boon a resident of that sectlos for many years. SCHOONER IS CHARTERED Encore, of Former Big Simpson Fleet, Will Go lo Australia Tho Bchoonor Encore, still owned by tho Simpson Lumber Company, and nt ono time n member of the big floet that numbered moro than CO vessels, has Just hcou cluirtored by Hind, Rolph & Company to carry lumber from Port Pacific to Austra lia at what Is considered a top notch prlco. Tho vessel was in bore lust fall and at that tlmo ono of the sailors wont crazy and Jumped overboard and drowned. llnvo your letter heads piloted nt Tho Times office, GOT LOGGER WINNER BRIDGE TO BE DONE W OCT. I Southern Pacific Hastening, Work of Constructing Big Span Over Coos Bay T Marshfcild Men Have Close View of What is Being Done by Railroad TO COST OVER A MILLION About. 7(10 Tons of Cement Used in Piers nnd Steel In Bridge Weighs U.HOO Tons .Men Supplied Willi Good Quartern and Food FACTS ABOUT THE BIG S. P. BRIDGE Tho hridgo will cost closo to ?l,2r)0,000. Length ot brldgo proper is 21G8 feet. Trestlo work on each sldo nggrcgato 21)70 toot. Length of brldgo and trcs- tie, C138 foot. Span Is ins feet, tho long- est In Orogon. Amount of concroto used for piers, 700 tons. Amount of steel In brldgo, 4 2800 tons. First pllo for bridge driven July G, 1911. 4 Bridge will bo completed ' by October 1. Thoro aro 1 1 piers In tho bridge, No. 9 being tho con- tor. All piers aro dono ox- copt two. 4- Thoro aro ulna spans ot 1C0 foot, two or ISO root, bo- sides tho 200 loot opening on each sldo or tho contor plor. VISITORS MSEC Tho construction work on tho big Southern Pacific brldgo across Coos Bay at North Bond will bo finished during tho mouth ot September and by tho first of October rails will havo boon laid and trains will bo crossing tho bridge. It is acarcoly posslhlo to realize that the big brldgo has progressed to that point, and it Is difficult to appreciate tlio magnltudo of tho un dertaking without seeing tho actual construction work. Yesterday a. party of Marshflold men nindo tho trip to tho brldgo and undor tho guidance of Southern Pacific offi cials wcro shown all that was bolng dono. To ovoryono In tlio party a closo view of tho work was a revo lution, ami to make auro that a rail road was really approaching Coos Buy tho momhers of tho party woro taken for a trip over tho lino as far as It extends. , Thoro was nothing especially prear ranged for tho trip. C, II. Marsh In vited somo thirty or moro mon to go with him down tho bay and soo Just what was being dono. Obliging Officials .1, Znchary, tho genoral superinten dent of construction, was with tho party and showed everything that anyoifu wanted to see. Engineer Ilroughtou who Is In charge or the brldgo building Is now In San Fran cisco on business but his assistant, Engineer L. A. Wooloy, was ono of tho hosts ot tho occasion. Mr. Wooloy, by tho way, Is a young man, but Is a highly efficient onglneor as Is indicated by the responsible posi tion ho holds undor Mr. Ilroughtou, Probably no ono comiQctod with tho Southern Pacific has made moro f: lends on Coos Bay for hlmsolf or ror tho company than has Mr. Wool oy. C. F. McKnlgut, local attorney lor tho Southern Pacific, also was with the party and was ready to ans wer all questions asked and thero woro somo questions. Tho party was mado up of mon ot various vocations and viewing tho work whllo It was In progress thoy wanted to know about everything that was going on. All Woik at Once Thoro aro sevoral separato and dis tinct pieces of work going on at tho same time. The bridge Is being built, tracks aro being laid and tht (Continued on Pago Two,) 0 ,vv :$. '