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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1915)
Mays TRY TO LEARN WHERE YOUR BUSINESS ENDS AND THAT OE OTHER PEOPLE BEGINS la Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Cqob liny Tlmoa Is proud of Its Utlo "The People's Paper," mid It btrlvea nt nil times to live up to Ha iiaino by do voting Hi energies to promoting tlio pcoplo's interest, A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coon Hny Times Is. A Boutli west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo mid devoted to tlio bent Interest of ttila groat sectiou . The Times always boosts ad never knocks. MKMBKR OF TDK ASSOCIATKI) PRKSS VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As Tlio Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 307 Glims mmm FISH FIGHT ON 1 Judge Coke Grants Temporary Injunction Against Seaborg and 80 Fishermen CLOSE BLOWS Hz, Says New Fishermen Placed Drift Nets in Way of Seines in the Daytime IWOULD KEEP THE FISH OUT Mneleny People Hay Others Trontcn- ed to rut AcIh Across .Mouth of lilvor Also to lllity Tliu Water Anothor chapter wna milled to tlio JIoruo. Itlvor fishing flulit when on Saturday Judge Coke Issued a tem porary Injunction ugulnst 11. A. Sea borg and 80 fhtlienuun and employes restraining, thum from trospueslng on tldo lands owned by tlio Mneleny es tato and also to rostra Inn thoin from "maliciously Interfering with tlio seining ground fishing." v District Attorney J. C. Johnson, of Curry County, was hero at the week ond to placo to rnso. Suit for tho In junction was filed by C. It. Pock ""attorney for tho Mneleny Interests. " It la' alleged thnt tho Wcddcrburn ilTrndlng company hns developed six aolnlng grounds, cleared tlio river 01 .snags, and that they are now being molested In their fishing, thnt throats Miavo boon mado to stroteh nets across fctho mouth of tho liver and also to ijdlrty tho rlvor Torthor up. Troublo first Btnrted when Roder ick .Mncloay secured totupornry In '"Junctlon against Souborg, elulmlng ICltho front half of tho cannery stood (on tho former's laud. Tho eannory ,mon moved their machinery to tho "roar ond of the building In tho night tf'and continued operations. Tho ln--Jqnctlon was thon wlthdrnwn. Slnco thon. tho complaint mado by ' itho Macleny Interests, alleges that tho itjSoahorg flshormon luivo anchored drift 'nots In tho wny of tho sono3 II of tho former's flshormon, even whoi. tho Beabqrg men did not intend to catch fish. ' It Is nllogod thoro nro some oln .mlnlng'BlulcoB up tho Itoguo Itlvor (Hand tho men of tho now cannery have threatened to plpo down tho muddy water to dirty tho rlvor nnd stop flBhlng, " Sovoral times tho men hnvo boon iron tho vorgo of blows, It Is said, and it Is prophesied thoro will bo moro( serious troublo boforo tho "war" Is ended. Mi QIC BRIDGE ' MARSIIFIF.LD "MKN GUKSTS Ob' , KOlfTllKlt.V PACIFIC ""JHnve Delightful Tilp Viewing Big 11 Work Jlelng Dono by (ho Itallroad Company As1 tho guest of Southern Pacific officials n party of Marshfleld men mado a trip to thu railroad brhlgo land tho railroad construction work .today, Tho party loft at 9 o'clock this morning on tho steamer f iyor. iney . woro taken direct to tho biidgo. At tlm nnhlnn nlif Milk ll'irtV (HcOlll.i VI1U LUIllUI fU ,iJ f . barked and remained somo tlmo vlowlng from thoro tho wholo work. 'They wero then taken to othor pnrts pl'of tho 'bridge work and on the boat 'to tho camp at tho mouth of North Slough. Horo tho hunk houses and accommodations for tho men woro Inspected nnd a flno dinner was ieorved, after which tho party board- -"ed two flaj cars and Went on was tho first excursion train olnut three miles north along North 1 Slough. Tho trnln went as far as She ties aud rails woro lnld. Tho inrty" arrived homo this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho sight of tho brhlgo was n 0 revelation, ns It was scarcoly rcalUed toy most 'of those In attendanco that bo much had boon done. C. II. Marsh acted as host assisted --by L. A. Wooley, assistant engineer, "J, Zachajy, the general superinten dent 'of construction nnd C. P. Mc knight, company attorney. "Engineer pfBroughton is In San Francisco now don a business trip. Thosenln tho party woro Judge 'John S. Coko, Senator James Coke 'Aland son. Philip, of Honolulu, Engin eer D.'lTjBucklnghnin. W. J. Itust, W. A, Iteld, City Marshal John Cnr tor, Mayor Alien, D. A. Jones, John Dotson, Carl Evortsen, Carl Al brecht. Dr. I.esllo, W. S. Turpon, I. S. Kaufman, Jens Hansen, T. T. SRosb, James nrnnd, Fred Gettlns, Fred Chestnut. William Grimes, Thomas Coko, W. J. Drown, Alva Doll, George Doll, win unanaier, Capt. Llghtner, A. B. Gldley, Harry ,Kimlill.TfJ. It. Anderson. Sr.. Clyde Vf .Evans of, Portland, Jack Guyton, U, J. asauers, oi uoquium, vuau Ingtou. "2 C Tiraejwant ads urlng results. jHavefyour letter heads printed ut The TUhm office. J ,"1 1 MMi am lining ra.itll. nUfc UUil Llitu .vwua.ut LET US TALK IT OVER Till'. TIMKS is surprised (bat Mayor Allen and some other members of , the City Council sh"uhl attempt In hold u star chamber session of tho City council to make alterations In tho Southern Pacific street railway franchise. It Is not necessity to iicstlon (ho purpose of theso gentlemen to condemn the methods by which they seek to accomplish them. Whatever equity i cumins to the city of Murshflohl in tho franchise or the Southern Pacific Is tho piopoily of tlio people of this city and not of the Council and Major. The people, as owners, are entitled to full anil complete Information on the subject before any alterations are made in existing contracts. Tho proposed Image In the franchlso limy he a. good thing for the illy. If so, a general discussion ami wide publicity of its realities will not in lure anyone. 1,1 Is a rather notable rent lire thai, at (his so-called seciet meeting City Attorney G'oss, who was opposed al olio time hcraiiso of corporal ion Influence, was the only man who mado a fight for tho city's rights, and probably prevented pieclpllato action in tho mutter. Tho Southern Paclllc plea (hat a club is being held over It, Is a spe cious one and comes with poor grace from a company (hat never has been noted for Its philanthropic motives hi dealing with the public. The peoplo of Marshfleld and all Coos Hay have no other desire than to ti-cnt the Southern Pacific fulily In this, as well as In all other matters ol mutual concern. In return tho people of (his community desire that there shall he something leclprocal In (his "square deal" transaction. A few iiiiiro moves, howeier, like this seciet Council meeting ami the peoplo of .'Marshfleld may have their suspicions aroused that the motives and methods of (ho Southern Pacific are not entirely free from gullo and that its mission hole Is not an entirely iuiself(sli one. The Mayor and City Council also should remember (hat (hey mo not owners of the city nnd masters of Its people, hut (hey arc merely custo dians of Its propel ly and sonants of the public. All mutters (hat so vitally concern the present welfare of .Marsh field and Its tut mo prosperity as the Southern Pacific franchise, should not bo acted upon hastily or scrictly, hut only after due deliberation ami general public discussion. The men who iiiauago (he Southern Pacific nro not lying awake nights (o dclcvolp plans that will benefit Marshfleld. Southern Pacific dividends arc their concern and It should ho the chief concern of tho peo plo of Marshfleld lo sco that this city gels at least an oven break and a "sqiiuio deal" In all negotiations. Tho day of the "gum shoe" politician ami secret sessions of cKy coim (lls and railway men is past In nil other sections of (ho country, ami it should bo on Coos llay. TIPS OVER ROTH RRAKF.S RKFUSK TO WORK O.V SKVKN DKVILS GRADF. Mrs, Alva Doll, T;. V). Drown and Children, llavo a Narrow ICscape. Hefii8al of both brakes to work In nn omorgoncy yestordny, upset a nm chlno driven by L. 13. Hrown yestor dny on thu long grade to tho Seven Dovlls and tho occupants of tho ear had u narrow escape from deatn. Alva Doll, sitting In tho front sent with Mr. Hrown, and Mrs. Hrown In tho renr scat, had tlmo to Jump out. They nttompted to stop tho car when It first stnrtcd backing but woro un successful. Mrs. Doll, Mr. Hrown nnd his children woro thrown from the car when It turned. No ono In tho party was hurt, tho enr wns right ed nnd thoy proceeded with their trip. Half way up tho long grndo Mi Hrown said his engine slowed down. Ho expected to plek up moro power urn! so throw on his hrnkes with tho cnglno stopped. Tho first hrnko did not hold . Tho rnr stnrtcd back wards. Tho second brake also slip ped. It was then Mr. Doll nnd Mrs. Hrown got out of tho car. The driver hacked tho car Into tho bunk which tho rear wheels climbed nt nn nn glo nnd tho enr tipped over onto Its side. Hy this tlmo tho cnglno wns running merrily. Tho machlno wns righted nnd tho party continued on Its way. AUTO STAfilJ DOOU PltOVKS VX DOIXf.' OF HKVKItAlj T GYGLI5TS SCATTER Files Open mid Cuts lliiiul of Mo- (in cycle Klder Whllo Second Man Has Shoo Chopped Off Thero was n scnttorlng of motor cycles nnd their riders on tho Mil lington rond yesterday when an auto stngo, driven by Will Hlchardson, up set ono machine, on tho back of which n young woman was riding, and ran over tho foot of a cyclist who wns standing In tho rond alongside his machine, Troublo stnrtod when n door of tho stngo, then returning to town, flow open, hitting and cutting tho hand of tho motorcycle, rider. It was snld part of his haudlo bar wns broken off. A fow feet further down tho road Li. L. Thomas had stopped by the wnysldo to ropolr a blow out In tho narrow road. Ho said that Itlcbnrd son probably was out of his course because, of tho first mishap and tho tw machines scraped fenders. Direct !' behind, n young man, standing bv Ills machlno, wns brushed and fell over lils motorcycle whllo a wlieol of tho stage, clipped tho heel off of his slipo. Xo ono know tho uajnes f any riders of tho motorcycles. " 4 "" C. A. SMITH MAV SKLh S7."S0,000 WOUTH According to a Portland pa- peY a deal will bo closed this 4 week for tho sale of $750,000 worth of timber by C. A. Smith to a syndicate headed 4 by K. J. Young, of Young 4 and Stevenson of Madison, 4 Wis. The tract Is located In Linn County, and Is said to consist of about 12,000 acres 4 which will cruise an averago of 40,000 feet per acre. HOPSOi IS CAUGHT POKMP.Il MAHSIIFIFLI) MAX Alt ItKSTFI) IX CHICAGO Indicted In Federal CouH for Sell ing Stock In Cashier Company Wro to Strong Letters PORTLAND, Ore, July 19. O. L. Hopson, ono of tho salesmen sought In tho Cashier company enso, lias boon caught in Chicago. This In. formation was rccoivod by A. S. House, agent for tlio United States department of justice. Hopson is tho only ono of the dofeudnuta who hns not hitherto been tnkon Into cus tody. Ho will bo brought to Port lund. Hopson formerly lived In Marshfleld, Oregon, and his old homo Is nt Decatur, 111. A lottor written from Fornda'lo, Cul., February 1M). 1912, by O. L. Hopson fur himself ami his partner, Joseph Hunter to Mr. Le.Moun, con tained this Interesting Information: "Your wire announcing stock will soon advunco to $r0 will help mnt orinlly in closing. Wu should got something along thnt lino ut least onco n week. Thut Is the only lltera turo wo have, aside from our let ters. "Hopo to closo horo tu a week or two nnd thon are ready to go to Marc Island. "Joo says he's sorry that ho will hnvo to wait until stock goes to $50 to got that bum promlso of il) per cunt, but no doubt tho stockholders horo would lovo to soo both you and tho boss to verify somo of the things wo'vo told them In order to got thoni to buy." Hopson und Hunter nro two of the salesmen included In tho indictment for alleged consplrnccy to violate thu postnl-frnud stututo, for which Mr. Monofeo, Mr. Le.Moun nnd five othor officials nnd salesmen of thu compaii) nro now on trlul. Hunter pleaded guilty. TRIP IS ,E WIHKLKSS AIDS Rl'SII TO SICK MOTHCR'S DKDSIDP, When Mrs. Ireno .Montgomery, f Kuroku, daughter of Mrs. Milton Lattln, of South Inlot, receive 1 word two weeks ago that hor mother hud a partial stroko of parilysis, sho summoned a ship from tho high rens to bring her horo and Intor, finding hor vessel fog bound off Haiidon, sent for tho life-guard crow and wns takon ashore. In a 'ew hours sho wus at hor mothor's bedsldo. Tho messago camo to Hureku. Mrs. Montgomory found there would be no boat north for sovernl day, but sho also found the Speedwell had sailed from San Francisco tho night before for Handon. Hy wireless tho ship wu.i bvruad and tho captain agreed o come In close to Humboldt Hay. Thut eo nlng In a small boat Mr3. Mont gomery crossed tho bar and rllnibO'J up the side of the Speedwell. ' The arrival at Handon wai made tho next morning. It wua foggy and tho captain said ho could not cross In until six o'clock that nigh'. Having come this far tho daughter CITIiG NEXT 0 KAISER SHARP Pres. Wilson and Sec. Lansing Decide on Practically an Ultimatum to Germany J Will Announce America Can Not Remain Passive if An other Attack Occurs MUST CHECK SUBMARINES Attack of Ciinard Liner Ordiina Said lo llavo Swept Away "Watchful Waiting" Policy Assert U. S. Rights on ttii! Jllgh Seas ' WILSON TAKKS TP KKPLV TO GKRMANV ttlj AmtorlitoJ I'm t Coo, U, Tlran.J WASHINGTON, July 19. President Wilson returned this morning from Cornish, N. II., and drove nt onco to tho White Houeo to begin a C conference with Secretary Lansing, which will take up tho Amorlcnn reply to (lor- ninny's lntost noto on sub- marine warfare. tllr AtloctitoJ rrru to.cuog nar TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 19. After tho conferonco It was under stood that President Wilson nnd Sccretnry of-Stata Lansing found that thoy had reached prnctlcnlly tho samo conclusion thnt tho next com munication to (formally will bu def inite In character, making unmis takably clear that thu United States cannot ho expected to remain pas sive In thu event of another attack on nn unarmed, unresisting ship with tho loss of American lives. It Is prnctlcnlly agreed thnt tho nolo will nunounco to Germany the United States' Intention to ussort Its righto on tho high seas In ac cordance with International law. Whllo It Is not cortuln whothor roforcuco will bo mado to tho sub marine nttack on tho Cunard linor Ordunn, It Is known tho Incident has swept nway provlous suggestions that the next communication would tnko Into consideration tho provlous suggestion thnt Gorman submarines woro In nctunl prnctlco conforming to tho rules of International law. GOMPFItS IILAMFS liAHOU TUOF III, I! TO FOKF.IGX IXFLL'IIXCH Says Powerful Influences Alt' Try lug (o Check Importation of Am munition to Furope (11 AHiiilalnl rrc," in Cooi Day Tllni-. WASHINGTON, D. C.'July 19. Samuel Gompors, president of tho American Pedornthm of Labor, be gun today an effort to end the strlko of tho Remington Arms plant nt Hrhlgeport, Conn. Do will confer with tho lenders. Secretary Wilson, i of tho Department of Labor, has boon consulted. Saiuuul Gompors today I expressed tho opinion thut tho Hiidgc- port strike may hnvo been, part of a genornl plan onglneored by foreign Influences to nit off tho exportation of munitions. Ho said "I know an of- Tort was made to cause a strike of I longshoremen. When thut fulled, an 1 effort wns made to causo tho seamen to strike. Thoro can bo no doubh that I this foreign propaganda, with unlim ited menus behind it, Is seoklug to check tlio manufacture nnd exporta tion of supplies to tin rope." SEEK TAKES J ACTION RFfiTX AGAINST SOl'TH- KRN ORKGON LAND CO. Sheriff Johnson Serves Papers To day on Local People R. ,1. Iiiing Still Short on Rail Shorlff Alf Johnson camo over this afternoon to servo pnnors In connec tion with tho cuso of Douglas County vs. John A. Winter, ot al, ono of tho original owners of tho Southern Ore gon Land company. Tho County, following tho Suproiuo Court declblon Is foreclosing on the tax Jlens ana determined to got tho surplus due In back taxes. Pupors woro served pn Herbert Armstrong, local representative of tho company. J. W. Dennett, P. L. Davis nnd G. Gllbortson, of North Ilend. Tho sheriff said that napors have also been served by the First Nation al bank of Coqulllo ugnlnst tho Alf. Johnson Lumber company for pay inent on a noto, tho amount of which ho did not know. retused to do detained, Tho wire less sent word to tho life guard stn tlon and the mon came out In tholr boat and took Mrs. Montgomory ashore and at onco she camo to South Inlet via tho coast stage. Yesterday sho roturnod homo, hor mother being much hotter. CONFERENCE QDA STRIKE BY GERMANS Pi ALLIES' LOSS HEAVY HKPOHT .LI!H KHiLFD WOUND Ft) AND I'ltlSOXKItS Premier Asiiil(h Tells "Houso of Commons Figures on Fighting -Gain Against, Turkey llij Aaiocltted I'reia lo Coot Dij Tltnti. LONDON, July 19. Tho total onsunltlcs of tho Dardnnullos expedi tionary force to date In killed, wounded nnd missing hns boon 12, llll officers nnd men, Premier Asq ulth told thu House of Commons to day. Tho total Includes tho nnvnl and military brunches. Allies Are Gaining Athens report's hard fighting on tho Galllpoll peninsula with success ful attacks on tho entire front. TO DEFEND COAST PACIFIC AF.KO CI.UH WANTS .SlU, (1011,0(10 WOKTH OF 'PLANKS Campaign IjiuikIiciI at San Fran cisco to Secure Protection of Coast Cities lUj Aocl,trJ Trria to Coot liar Tlmn.J SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. An nerlul defense of tho Pacific couBt Is the object of a campaign just launch ed by the Pacific Aero club and simi lar organizations to trnln enough men so tho Pacific coast may obtain noro plnne equipment from tho proposed twelve million dollar congressional appropriation. Tho campaign Is similar to ono started In Now York for tho Atlantic const. TO EID COAL STRIKE DAVID U.OVD GKOItGK WILL GO TO WALKS TO SKTTLK IT Now' Proposals Said (o Pao Way for Peace In KugllNh Imhor Circles (Ur AttoeUteJ rrna to Cooa liar TlenM.l LONDON, July 29. David Lloyd Georgo, minister of munitions, hns taken a hand in tho South Wales coal strlko and has announced Ills In tontltou of going to Cardiff tonight to talk with tho. men, among whom ho Is nery popular. Announcement was mado soon after it hcenmo known thnt now proposnls had boon mado offering good prospects of a settle ment of tho strlko. OHIO FLOOD SWEPT 'IFTKKX PKRSOXS RKSCUKD FROM HIGH WATKR Residents of Lowlands In Grave Danger North western Missouri is Also Threatened Willi Flood Wr AaaorlalM rrtaa to tor n7 llinra.l KKNTO.V. Ohio., July 19. Fifteen peoplo standing nock deep In water and nearly drowned, wore rescued to day fiom a flood-submerged houso In Scioto marsh, nonr horo. Tlio wutur rose six Inches during tho rcs cuo and It Is feared othor marsh resi dents nro tu similar straits. FLOOD IN MISSOURI Rising Rivers Threaten Northwestern Part of Stale Today I Mr AaiorlateJ riraa to Cooa Day TlmM.J KANSAS CITY, July 19. Increas ing fear of flooilB provulled hero to day after from two to four Inches of rain fell lust night In Kansas nnd this part of Missouri. Tho rivers u ro rising again. FLOODS IN CHINA REPORTED RECEDING Dlstiess Among Population of liiiiu- dated Districts Increasing U. S. I Gunboat at Scene of Disaster III, AuwHIM I'rraa to Loo liar TlBlM 1 WASHINGTON. D. C, July 19. Plnods In China are receding, but distress among tho population of tho 'inundated districts Is increasing, ac cording to advices to tho Nuvy Do- li.,.flmnti triiloti ftIH f'fi ttn In I Iiitllrti IUI MMvJIll luuttj tiuiu v iiuill iwitnii of the Gunboat Wilmington ut Sha meeu, China. PICMIUlJCCESS 1000 PKRSOXS AT SONS OF .NOR WAY PICNIC. Simpson Park Scene of Merry Tlmo Animiil Affair Is Well At tended by Young ami Old Moro than a thousand porsonB, young nnd old, gathered yestordny af- tornoon and evening In Simpson Park listened to tho music, somo danced nnd every one Beomod to have a good time. Tho occasion was tho annual picnic of the Sous of Norway. It was a happy but quiet crowd that camo. Many brought tholr lun ches and ate supper undor tho trees. Thoro woro concessions on the grounds and tho dancing lasted until late In tho evening. Good auto and train sorvlco allow ed tho crowds to come and go ovory fow minutes. POUND'S FATE IS IN BALANCE Gigantic Campaign .Between Germans and Russians From Baltic to Dneister S GREATEST OF WAR Cavalry Operations Far Ex ceed Anything in History Germans Gain Steadily CRISIS BEFORE WARSAW CVur's Forces Must Fight Gieal De fensive Rattle Thero or Abandon All Poland to Kaiser's Army Says Loudon Advices FLOWKR OF ARMIKS OPPOSK KACII OTHKR 4 Dr Aisoctatat I'rraa to Coot liar Timet, LONDON, July 19. Holnt- od dispatches from the Rus- sinn front tell of the con- centrntlon of grent Austro- German forces on tho bun- drod mllo front botweon Vis- tuln nnd Hug Rivers. This great Teutonic move against Grand Duko Nicholas' nrmles bus resulted In simultaneous 4 Oormnn attacks along- tho entire front from (ho Haltlc provinces to Hessnrabla. Tho Russlnn forces nro do- dared to bo tho host that Russia him over put In tho fluid. Ilr Aixiclttcil Treat lo Cooa liar Timet. LONDON, July 19. Attention now ccutcra on gigantic operations In thu eastern field ot war whoro fighting Ib in full Hwlng In nearly every sec tion of tho Russian lino from tho Hal tlc sea to Dniester. Tho oxtromo loft of tho Gorman ndvnnco undor Gonornl Von lluolow Is bolng conducted by cavalry on a scalo exceeding nnythlug horotofore during tho wnr. Horlln claims a steady ndvunco nnd Petrogrnd con codes an advnnco after n stubborn contest by tho Russians. Genornl Von Klchorn, on Von Hue low's right, Is bolng hold up by tho gront Russlnn fortress Ossowetz. Genornl Von Gnllwltz, to Von Kleh orn'fl right, after capturing Pryzn snysz Is pressing tho German nttack on tho Narow Rlvor and tributaries. Comparative quiet prevails on thu famous Ruwka and Datura lines, hut n movomont against Lublin, south east of Warsaw which wiib tempor arily checked, Is again in full swing. Tho Russians must fight a defen sive battlo for Warsaw or must ubnn don all Poland. AUSTRIAN SUHMAHINK SINKS AN ITALIAN CRUISKR Gulscppo Garibaldi Founders With in in Minutes After Torpedo Struck Her Dr Aaaoclat rrna to Coot Oar Timet. RKRL1N, July 19. Tho following official communication wus received hero today from Vienna undor tho dutu of July IK: "An Austrian sub marine this morning torpedoed und sunk, south of Riigusu, thu Italian cruiser Gulsoppu Gurlbuldl. The foundered within fifteen minutes." Tho Gulsuppo Garibaldi was IISII foot long, wiib laid down In 1KDS und carried a complomeut of fifiO men, Rngusa Is the fortified Austro Hungarian seaport In Dalmatla. AUSTRIAN SUBMARINES ARE REPORTED MISSING Homo Dispatch Says Two Crafts Sent (o Jtocouuoller Italian Coast llavo Not Returned (Ut Aaaorlte! Tieaa to Cool liar TIuih.) PARIS. Julv 19. A Homo dlsnatch says Austrian refugees from Pola, an Austrian naval bnso, suys two Aus trian submarines sunt to roconuolter tho Italian const hnvo not returned and are believed to bo lost. Ouo carried a crow of twenty und tho othor of forty. MORK SCIKNTISTS AID U.MTKD STATUS (Dr Aaorltte4 1'1'n to Cool nar Timet, WASHINGTON. D. C. July 19. Secrotury DuuIoIb today asked the olght loading Am orlcnn scientific societies to select 1G men foromost In Bclonco and Invention to join Thomas A, Kdlson ou now naval advisory board, Daniels will not mnko more appoint ments as was expected. 4 Calling cards printed at Tho Tlmo office. Times want nds bring results. s T IRE TROUBLE 1(1 OLD MEXICO Consul General Shanklin Re called From Mexico City Because of Clash IflllLLllREPORT Zapata Forces Loot Section Puebla and Vera Cruz BANDITS SHOOT TRAINS CarraiiMi Army Loaves Mexico City For Interior Towns and Villa Army May Again bo Ai- roaclilng Capital (Hr AaaoMatM Treat to Cooa Car Tinea. WASHINGTON, D. C July 19. Arnold Shnuklln, American consul general at Mexico City, is coming to Washington under State Department orders to report conditions at the Mexican capital. Incidentally It was admitted thut Shanklin has boon withdrawn tompornrlly from Mexico City to avoid a continuation of fric tion with Suuor Cordozn, the Brazil ian minister who has boon looking uftcr American Interests for many mouths. LKAVI! MKXICO CITY Zapata Force Quits Capital nnd Villa Army May bo Approaching (Dr Aaaoclate.1 Ftm to Cott Htj Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 19. Official dispatches to tho Stato De partment from Mexico City today said Hint General Gonzales and the Cnr rnnzn army had "loft tho city" to tnko Pnchuca, Dispatches did not Rtato whothor Villa's column was ap proaching tho capital or nou. Official dispatches said Gonzales left six thousand men In tho capital. It Is believed that Gonornl Gonzales has gonu to moot tho Villa forces. ZAPATA FOHCKS BUSY Loot Territory 1 let ween Puebla and Voni On. tnr AtaoclateJ Treat to Coot nar Timet, PUKI1LA, Mox., July 19. Thoro hits boon much looting nnd property destruction in tho region between Vera Cruz and Puobln. All tho sta tions on tho lutor-occaulc railroad botweon Vera Cruz and Julapa have boon destroyed, Thu Zupatu forces nro becoming bolder along tho British owned railroad, Trains aro dolayod nnd frequently pnssongors, Including Americans, nro compollod to Ho on the enr floors while bandits shoot through tho windows of pnsslng trains. Interruption of food suppllos has Increased thu suffering In tho towns. AXE MURDER PLOT MAN ARRKSTKD IN N. Y COX FKSSKS TO KILLING FIVK Chicago Police Relievo That He Com mitted Several Similar Crimes, Claiming ill Victims IDf Aatoclat TreM to Cooa liar Timet, CHICAGO, July 19. Tho pollco of varioun cities today delved Into records of tht) mysterious axe mur ders whllo Chicago dotoctlves loft for Buffalo to bring back Cnslmor Are Iszowskl, snld to huvo confessed to thu murder of Jacob Mlsllch, wife und daughter, Mrs, Mary Mansfield und baby In Hluu Island, Illinois, AioIszowbIcI told tho Buffalo pollco last night thut he boarded at tho Mlsllch homo and killed his victims with uii axu whllo thoy wero usleop. Tho similarity of tho nxo murders ot tho lust four years at Colorado Springs, Kllsworth, Kansas, Mon mouth, Ills., Vllliscu, Iowu, and Bos ton, with a total of :1 victims, makes tho pollco bollovo that all woro com mitted by ouo man. FRANK IS VERY ILL OKORGIAN, WIIOSK SKNTKXCK WAS COMMUTKR, A'lTACKKD Life Termer Cuts Ills Throat and Possibly Inflicted Falal Injuries "Thought It Should ho Done." (Ur Aiioclaled Treat t coot Hr Tlmaa.) MIDGKV1LLK, On., July 19. The condition of Leo M, Prank, sorving a life term horo for the murder of Mary Phugan at Atlanta, was report ed today much worse by the phys icians. Tho Jnggod wound In this throat, Inflicted Saturday night by Wlllluin Green, a life-termer for murdor, whllo Prank was asleep In this bunk, wns swollen with a torn peraturo of 102, Groen'a only ex cuse was "ho thought It should be dono." Times want ads bring results. Invitations printed ut Tlio Times office. :