myrrwr t""""1-" - - vj r i " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SIX f -it t In Our Opening Announcements We Said That This Third Big July it Clearance Sale two. 1 I Would Break All Previous Records Wo tulil the I'i'iitli. Hvery tiny till More Ims been visited hy hundreds of buyers. Our entile Miles fotro Ims Ihtii kept on Hie Jump. And no wonder! t.'ouoN I" wy department Ims boon Ntrrlfircil for thin big (ioniiino -Sale. Wo quote hero the piko-t in ono department only Mill Onsets In wlilcli sizes uro broken: American Lady Corsets-, fnlur pike SI.-" mid $!. Sale, American liiidy O.r.sets, i cnln r price ."SI.."!!. American Idiily Ousels regular pilro .$-.. American Lady Corsets, regular price $!t.Ol). American Lady Cot-sels, regular price $:i.r(). Moitiirt "Front Lared," titular pike S:.."0. Motlnrt. "Ft out Idirod," intuitu' pflco $.".00. Motlnrt "Front Lined," regular pike Sll..0. Ladles' Suits, Coals Hi esses Skills, Dress (ioods, Shoes for Iadles. Children and llujs, and Itoy.s' Sull.s are reduced urcordlitg ly. Seo big pike list ll Includes pracllcally everything. HUB DRY GOODS CO. ad $1.IH Sale 7l)o Sale 1.10 Sale !?l.:i" Sale SI."-" Sale .V-S.tiO Sale lS!i.!!0 Sale !?:. I."5 Sale Jjwi.H.- SMART WKAIt FOR WOMK.V COHNKIl IIKOADWAY AM) CKXTRAh AVK. rhonc :ioi . drop tho service altogether. Mr. Kimball tlmttglit that thin would , tnko tlio placo of the saloon licenses wlilch the city will lose. He made the suggestion In n Joshing way. Mr. Miller said that his eompan wanted to put on a hotter service hut lacked equipment. He said that he tried to get In two additional conch es hero hut the steamships wanted $100 npleco for freight on them and tho company would have to pay the Insurance, etc. Not n Club Councilman Copplc objected to the franchise being used ns n club over tlii rnllrnml minium V. Mr. Kltubnll said It was not being used ns n club. It was simply a i question of trading and doing busi ness. I 'WTT.T Mr. Oofs snld that It was not be-, lug used as a club. He said that li. I negotiations, lawyers nlways raised j all tho questions Involved and set tled them In n give-and-take mini nor. i . Alltrocht Criticises Copplc ! Councilman Albrecht objected lol the attempt to rush tho franchise! clango through. He snld that once j before Councilman Copplc had rus: i oil tho electric light company's con tract through and now was sorry for' it. I Councilman Copplc vigorously do Inlcd tho lighting contract, saying ho had opposed It. ' Mr. Albrecht snld Hint ho wished they had n shorthand reporter to tnko down the proceedings so that the record would bo kent clear. ' Finally the council adjourned without anything dcflnlto being done except to ask (loss to investi gate it. BECAUSE FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD 'innirn of the freer circulation of money In tho Hast and Middle West and tho general prosperity that la coming to those sections and which will soon leach this portion of thu country, the KUVNOLDS DKVKLOPMUNT CO. is beginning now and extonslvo Improvements In FIRST ADDITION In anticipation of the Improvement of present conditions. Wo are preparing to meet tho demand that will bo forced upon mi mid aro opening soino of our choicest lots hy terracing and (jradlng. , Those who take advanlngo of tho opportunity of buying now aro miro to Increase their money In tho near future. A l'URCItASF, OF FIRST ADDITION I'ROl'KRTY IS A SAFK. SURK, AND KI3MAIIM3 INVK8T.MKNT. IT CAN NOT HUM' HUT HKINti UK TURNS. Investigate this even though you have no Intention of buying. It will satisfy you Hint there are groat opportunities for making money in Fill ST ADDITION and that It Is also an Ideal placo to build your homo. v ASKS FOR CHANGE IN FRANCHISE OIL THIS DEEPER COCXCIL WILL IHOIDLV FORCF, ORDINAXCF, x (Continued from pnge one.) He said that tho offer of service "h the company would not consider It. , (Joss Has Protest .,.,... .i... ..... .. , CltV Attnrnnv (kimi Hnlil Hint tlm wiih soiiicuiiiig uuu mo r.iiiiuiiu , ,.:,-, ,,,,.:. ;. ... , , i i ii .. 'attitude by tho Southern l'ac f r. rs wanted now and while it was prom- Jllflt vopo(, ,,y Mr McKll,B,lti w , Islng better service, the Intter was ono genornlly shown. Whenever for Its own benefit Inrgely and lit- tlio company snw somttthlng t'tat thought tlrnt the city should obtnln wo,,l1 "onoflt Itself. It wanted It. bin (lie nflier M,l,. .....I nnHMll.h- nviild ! Wl,,,,," t,,t, ol,lcr Wn letl , " ' ' something, then It would not t'oil. vunii) iiUKiUiiin. aiiiuiih llllll'l things that the city desired ho said are I'ttttlug In of sidewalk and fixing up track near Nort Front and Hroiulvvny," according to oral agreement. Granting of Ferry street crossing which city council tins started to condemn. Settlement of South Fourth street case In which Southern Pacific enjoined the city from Improving it. Copplc Thinks It Legal Councilman Copplo wanted to know If there was really any doubt In Mr. doss' mind about the Iognllt of granting tho Southern Pacific re lief from tho franchise for five years. Mr. Copplo said that It certainly would not nullify tho franchise and declared that tho samo thing Is lit Ing done hy many other towns. Ho said Hint anyway tho council had changed tho franchise once. Mr. (Joss said there wasn't much doubt In his mind and thought that tho matter could bo arranged. Iltivv- Declde to Sustain Stand of Flro Chief Keating Want Paving .Mixed mid New Walk Put In The city council Inst evening deci ded that the ordinance) (.(''vesting gasnlluo tanks should ho strictly en forced. 'Tim lllntlni rtntlln 1111 tn nntitinnt Inn with tho tank which tho Marshfleld'l Hardware is Installing. City Engin eer (tidlcy snld that ho understood the matter had been referred to him and ho had approved the plan for mining tuo inni down iwo root in "m FIRST ADDITION and that It Is also an Ideal placo to build your homo. rj I A Lots H0xl20 :!U0 each. Your own terms. II M Rtwnnlrl.Q DRVplnnmfmf: do. Ik L , (OWNER) M I. " ? . L 178 Central Ave. W i . f - '" . m:i in nuitiiu -n milllllK 1110 1 11 II K IIUWI1 IWO 1001 111 made becnuso It would benefit the tho ground under tho cement slde- comnnny. Miller Scores .lltnoys Supt. Miller denied .Mr. (ions' chrm about tho service to the Conullle Val ley and Powers being a money-maker. Mr. Miller unlit most of tho people wore riding on the Jitneys and nutos. Ho said that In tho winter time, It would bo different. Mr. (loss snld Hint If thov gnvc goon service, the nutos walk. I.ntor Flro Chief Keating found about It and would not Issuo u per mit for it, saying the ordlnnuco re quired that It bo thrco fcot under vround. Mr. Oldloy said Hint ho thought that two feet with a con crete walk on top mndo It perfectly snfe. However, ho snld Messrs. Hnr rlgnn and Neff were ready to change It If tho council Insisted, although it would mean some additional ex- SHIPPING NEWS degrees from each school. "J hy publication pursuant to i" l.V.M II... ....... ..ttltl ...... 1,1... 1... I..... I'm iiiu (Mini vihiii iiiiiiiiun nu nun ' , , . had charge nof (lie Christian enroll j "ln,ll '' tho Hon. JobilT at Coqulllo. llo formerly lived all Circuit Judge of Com Cbi ELDER DUE SUNDAY OVERCOME BY GAS Illverton. Tho bride Is well known In 10 a genu f'Mlllit lint competo on tho long hauls but Mil ler Insisted that tho people would I I'enso. pay moro for auto rides even If Hit1 At first the council woro Inclined nutos were not as fast as the trains. ,0 ,t!t It go but when Mr. Kcatlng's Copplo Liberal jattltndo was stated, Councilman Councilman Copplo said that tlm ! .,5,",,,,mU m'! ,' tho"" ''! re- cltv wiih dlsnlavliir the ." ,,ll,l)f criticized Kentlng for not tlo- ludQ lowanlT Hu ' ra. roa, r' k, sa J JjlV"? W ","" IT, Tt ." IT' It was antiiKonlallc mid wmnir in ' ,llpy houltl stnud behind lilm. Tlio s!,l.r.hail,ow",Vroooy,SomK th C0U"C" l00,t tho 8n,,, clflc Infliiencoc but lust tho same ho ' ,, ., ,, , wanted the railroad to bo roated , '", " .iU. ' (,f U, was b n falrlv. llo hum Hint tin, ,.iv. -. .t,,, l,,u ' ' Koontz had recently now talking of Issuing $ inn.nnn , .V," . " ." tl,llk ,m " ,cn"11 sivc" b' IS TAKIXfi PiaCI! OF HTKAMKK SANTA CIAIIA ( i;.(;iM:i;it of iikkti.kss has a NAItllOW KSCAPi: I To Klv Street City Kuglucor (Jldloy was Instruct ed to take up with Supt. Miller tho question of fixing holes In tho North Front street paving which were made by tho trains, causing tho dirt to soldo under tho sills. Mr. Miller could not believe this was tho causi bonds to build roads to enable tho pooplo to got to the towns. Now wlioq tlio railroad company offered service that would permit tho poo plo to got to tho towns, they woro not mot with tho proper spirit. We said thai the nutos and Jitney buses WOI'O UhIiiu the hIiiwIh nml rMiilu ...... . ... . . i COIIIil not hnllnvn tlilu u-nu tlm fvinui. over. hoa.d It . different from , tZrvn E iZ'. ' "" F: " -" that ho would Uio usual legal questions In that Ifl Cltv Cots Worst of It i K,lmv """',. ... . tho council gave up Us rights now. Councilman Albrecht said that ho' Myr Allon an.ltho councllmon tho Itallroad Commission might gain alwnvs noticed thai tho city got tho , will "infer wUh (" K NlrliX" niii! authority over the franchise so dint wm,"H' f It In initios. 'other property owners and try nnd . .M.M.m.u.n rormisou wu.i tuat no ' arrange with thoni for small stretch. wauled lo ho fair to the railroad m ,,f ni ,.,. tio North Front conpanv but that ho wauled the , Hreet turn m that the proper kind railroad to be fair lo the city. r a wk can bo put In along die Wants Pay tw Paling ( railroad tracks. Cltv Altornev Clixu mihl Hint mi --- North Front si reel when the side walk was ordered changed, nildlllou tho city would really have Utile to Bay, Wants Street Fiod Councilman Kimball wanted Ninth Front street walk ami crossing fixed up so that It would bo moro sightly miii saior Latter Steamer (Joes on Dry Dock i at San Francisco for (Jen oral llepalrs Tho steamer (!eo. W. Fldor will nrrlvo hero tomorrow, taking the nlnrn nf tlin Hnntn Clnrn wlilelt linn gone on tho dry. docks at Snn Fran cisco for general repairs. Tho Kldor will sail from hero at 1 p. in. tomor row for Portland. Sho will leave Portland Wednesday at in a. m. and snll from Coos Hay for Hureku and San Francisco Thursday, July '2. Tho Hldor has boon on a run from Portland and ;Ha,i Diego by way of San Francisco. When C. P. Doo, head of tho North Pacific Steamship company was horn recently, ho spoke of tho possibility of putting thrco vessels on tho run between Portland, Coos Hay, Furokn and Snn Fran cisco nnd If thrco boats nro used the' third would probably ho tho Kldor. It Is likely that tho Santa Clnrn will bo ready for sorvleo by tho tlino tho Kldor has made ono round trip. "" ' 'il Hiiuikn . lillllll llill- Slllil. .Miller mill! Hint tin, lli-..-i.l I "I hard pavlllc had lo bo nut In nnd wanted, when the track was being Hirougb an error. II had not boon constructed! and tho paving being' assessed to the railroad o)id dial phi in. in liaio tlio whole si reel '"-, " I,i,v mr li out or llo Ihoiiuhl ihal the cltv had In Hie general fund Hit) coulor. Id. kmIiI Hmi iiu.v i-iint.i i Hio railroad ought lo n:iv for tin. T ' ' nwung over mi iik to keep tho track In not nut Hut whin ..iiiim-.m t',.,ui ,,r liavlug. tlio tracks without buying additional M'. Comde then moved Ihttt tho propori and oiery time the coiiipan i '"" '"'J '. evidently being Ir- trlotl to buy property, they woio helil rltiiti'il by Hie uucsllnuK rnlneil b up on tho price. , .Mr. (loss Hiiwewr t'-o nlhor cotin- Clty Attorney (loss said that nrlco ,'"" '"'I not take his ew. DRAIN AUTO LIE STARTS MONDAY zymmzm.:T'j i Hrotlior Worked With Him for Two Hours lleforo He Could Ito Itcvlvcd On tho last trip of tho gasoline boat Restless from Coos lla to the Sluslaw Iter engineer, .lames lackson, had n narrow escape. Wnll filllnu bis lanterns in Hm iMi'iim room lio was overcomo hy gas anil foil over unconscious. This was at two o'clock last Sunday morning while off tho mouth of tho IJini qua UIor. Andrew .Tnekson, n brother, going o find out the reason for tli engluo slopping, found his brother o,; tho i."('r. Kor tWO llllll-s tin umtr.i.l m or him before ho regained con sciousness. Tho ItcstlrsL' !( uio In this noin lim r.ualn from Floi-eiwn mi t i.. loading frolsbt ant', expects p leave out In tho mornirg. Vim TIIA.VSFKIt AND HTOIl AGi; OF IIOPSKHOM) (200DH FltFK.'lIT AND IIACOAO'K Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Ki:t Ite.sldcnro Phono l.'t-J Maiket Ave. mid Waterfront gon, which order Lean k81 i, l'Jir,, and direct! pa, hereof In the Coos Ilayfttl eacli week for u period olud' tho first publication thtrtf. made on tlio L'Gtli tlayolJtij,, K. IlERHtl Attoriicy htPJ First publication June!l Mid Inst itubllcatloM Augmt!nl Ju i iiy Aiioruey itoss said mat price "'""'" " ii" ins new. did not make much difference to tho '"i" Mr Connie vnl'l i sooinoil railroad In some canes, poluilng out "mt ,r- (iss was taking tho place that thoy had paid llOft.noo for a1"' ,,u wbolo council and the latter ltimbor jard site in North lloud. Mr. '"'I not have unMhlng lo wiv. Mr. Miller said they did not pay that " ""I'l that he was simply call inuch hut Mr. (Joss InsUtod thai Hie! '" ",, various matters to tlio conn- inniimtii I.. ..I r.....i..i. ill'u iiltnntlini .t l.. i.. .i. ... company had fuiulshed eililonce to this effect. Oppose l-'ert) Street Councilman Kimball made Inquire about Ferry Htroct and wild that ho was not familiar with that ptojoct IIDWAHIIS .V OTT AND I'OOTII AH- n.wtJi: foh fini: sfkvicf m:- TWi:i: M.MtSIIFIHI.D AND Tlll-J ItAIIJtOAD TIIH MOST SCF.NIC Id in:. The Draln-Allegany-Coos Hay auto lino will start next Monday morning ami Messrs. Kdwards & Ott and D. I,. Footo aro arranging for tho best i'H'm nfi.Diti.,,1 .... ii.... I.., i service that has over been nmltit.iin. could not wiv in. had been deiellc't 1'1' ,,l,tWv,, Marshfiold and the rt.ll iu his duty. ' mad. Mosstd Miller and McKulght said', A fi,Kt UIU "'l'l" t-chcdulo has i that too many tiuotloiis wore helim ' I'.0''" . "naugeil, passengers l-iulug' drawn In to It. Thoy said that the ' 1,rhi'leld "i tho niornlug and nr matter would have to be taken mi 'mug at Drain ei lll.r .. I1....I.. 1.. 1.. ..... . .. vft.. i,......i .. ; . ,i,""j'". iiniiier iiiiuiii nave to no lakon mi " "' ""'" ") m uio anor ,,.', II1MII IIIU 111 11. Illl Klllll Hi, Will 1 1.1. .1. . ...... .... . . . IWlflll lllll ,'lfi.i ..w.... . ..' .: -... .... ..... iiiiiiiu nun me lunor oil coin urn i " ! ,vmii ... i. V . l "s, l ""1'1 '"' '"tt'OK. would require iiuu-li time. Thov dls- . T1, l'0i"1 ' ritrortod iiiriiiii. i. nil mm iifi...t. p m. .ii. ..' ,V ........ ..... . "iumi tne uoiay i. "", Mill lllll IIMIh cltv nt It that waj At any rato, ho said tho council oiiKht to hao thoiiKht of that before thoy accepted tho Jit root from the c A Smith Co in the ,uiil siougii cosliiK noKotlatioiik. ' onlnlon almnt n. n.n..r .M.ivnigiii N ,,,m,m-i , Kln.lMll Would Trade ForV VTrZtmttl!lr, ai'' T ',' ,!,, "arn K,n," -1"'1 "' " -' V '. v"" muttir was going to be tm- c,m W(la losini? si nii n ii,,ii, KS Uo0dru;,;,.,.,v' .'! ,,,,,,",, V" ,":,, SS1;, t lis ou bo dHppc.t ll,. ,,! ,h, ttll)(; t pIl (lRX ly fl (iu(1 111 ,.,,! shano all Hie u-nv. Kiiinii-i-iun en.n . - -...-. -..,.. i...(, ii.iii. lloweior. .Mr. Mi-IviiIl-ih uni.t ti...t ud other supervisors hotueon Aiin. ho wUhed the council to bo properly . Pnv ""'' Soottsburg and l.oou l.ako mi irianoii me council io Do proporly . ""' """ ot-JUHiitii-K anil l.oou l.ako advised about the change In tlio fran- ,,IU0 m)ll " '"' of excellent vork ilium and that it should have tho,,,s season. Tho route Is .,no fif flt' nlLilMi...! ..I... ll. .. tlU ItlAUl Ufiillt.t ...! .... I 1.1 ..t 1 tti'iin. unit 1 111111 H riIUMl V'- " mvuii uuu I'ltJUVtlW m I'liIOH tl... -..,. .... Ill tho 4.1-iin Expert Watch Repairing IS WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT WE GIVE YOU"" JEWELRY DEPARTMENT RED CROSS DRUG STORE Watches Diamonds Rings High-grade Jewelry In the state. Tho fast launch Cadillac will han dle the passengers hotweon Allegany and Marshfiold and D. I.. Food, with several oxcolleut nutos and careful drivers, will hamllo the her Ue hot iv ecu Allognn and Drain. The Smokehouse in Marsh Held will ho the local agent for tho lino and will bo pleased to furnish anv information desired concerning It .is veil as soiling tickets and making reservations I.lbby cOAIi. Tho kind YOU Imvo Al.WAVS I'SF.n. l'hoiuv 72. VacitU Livery and Transfer Company. xotici: to iiii)Di:its UliU will bo received by Jo"n niasco on July 19 for .10 cords of 3 foot fir wood and L'5 cords of a foot aider wood to ho delivered nt school h.iuse In DHtrkt No :tii. Com lthor ' wgagia' (Continued from pngo .1) Miss Margaret Miidget, a niece of Mrs. 1). A. Jones, Is expected to ar rive hero shortly from Valley City. North Dakota, to sponil u fovv weeks on tlio Hay. Fmrouto sho will visit tho San Dlogo nnd Panama-Patifle Impositions. Mr. am) Mrs. V?. ll. Ward and daughter Fllaboth who have boon Iho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noll II. MacMIIlcn loft Friday for tholr homo In Duqiioln, Illinois. Knrouto they! will stop at the Panama-Pacific !:.. I position, mid from thoro will tour California, taking In all tho points of Interest. ! ! ' HIHt.HTmijMiOHOOX . Mr and Mrs. Monol (Jonlon ar rived on tho early stago todny from ' , Oregon City whore on Wednesday I , evening at tho homo of tho brhlo's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. p. Hrlght-, bill, they were married. Only imimato friends mid nioni-l bors 0f tho families were proseut at1 the coromony, k. k. (Jordon, brother! of tho groom, of Powell River, Bru sh Columbia, ami Miss Ruth llrlght olll, slstor of tho bride, attended tlioiu, i For a tow days thoy will make! their home at tho Myrtlo Arms while preparing tholr homo at :'73 Twelfth oiiirei nuuill. VKSSKIj .movf.mfnts Arrived. Rustler, from Itoi-iiM lMv,.r m.i morning. Heller, from tho Sluslaw, last night Nairn Smith, from San Francisco, I p. m. today. Duo Here. CJco. W. Fhler, Kurcka, tomorrow Duo to Hall (CO. W. Killer. Pfirlliiti.l i , ... Sunday. Uustler, to Portland, tonight, thorini' last Kiinilnv inif 1 1 ,.i i... wors. Tho occasion being a' dinner given uy .Mrs. Ingbloom in honor of the marriage or tholr daughter May to Victor l.lnstroiu. Dinner was sorvod under tho shndo of the trees on tulilna lii.iinir..ii.. ,i.... . , , , :: - .-.".....inn) uijr- orated with flowers nnd ovorgroons. Tho vonnir cnimln li.ri .... n. Ing train for Hiolr homo at Cooston. 1 ho best wishes of a host of frlonds ' goes with them on their Journey' through lUo. ' Many beautiful and usorul pros outs woro received by Mr. and Mrs. ' Mudstrom. , Those present woro Mr. nnd Mrs.' IJrry Hampton and daughter F.tta,' Vti V-" """'I'lon, .mis. win Preston, Miss Uva Lewis, Miss Fvn Konnov I Mr. ami Mrs. 0. C Mooro and "hHd: ron, Marian, Ivan, May, lln nnd Mas-1 tor C.rovor, Mr. and Mrs. Cram Mc Million and chlldron, Willie, Vista i Monroo. (leorgo, llesslo and Master"' Harry. Mrs. h M. King and thrco children. Orvnl. Leslie, nnd Floyd I Mr. mid Mrs. Frnest Valuey an. baby, C.Indys Valnoy. ! COQUILLE MINISTFR BRINGS HOME BRIDE Rov. Logged, of Christian Church, .Marries Funnlo Cornc litis of Fugeite. SPMMONS 111 tho Circuit Court or tho State or Oregon, In and for Coos County. Illlma Ahlqulut, plaintiff, vs. Kgeu Alilqulst, dcfomlaut To Kgen Alilqulst, tlio ubovo nani cd tleremlaut: In the unuio of the State or Ore gon: You are hereby required lo appear and answor the complaint filed ngalnst you herein within ton days from tho date of tho service or Ibis numinous upon you ir served within this country, or ir served within any other county In this state, then with In twenty days rrom tho ditto ot such service, hut If served by publication or by personnl service outside of tho Statu or Ore gon, you shall appear ami nnswer on or beroro tho nth day or August, 10 1.1. H you Tnll to appear and answer said complaint an above required tlio plalutirr will tnko Judgment ngalnst you for want thorcor nnd will apply lo tho Court lor tho re lief demanded n this complaint, a succinct statement of which In: That sho bo granted n decree of divorce from you; That sho ho awarded the caro. custody mid control or the minor children or tho plnlntirr and do fondant. Sorvleo of this iiummnns Is made WEAVING All kinds it,, ii ii in si t iauy. rvirs. w. w. m 12th Courth So. PIiom'S rth ca i -------- FOR AUTO SERC hii " m st Any jilnoo, nml time. oi i eu nnd nine panHciiKcrcanr0" fill drivers will servo you. B0 Rates RoaiioniWe on Day and NlRlit Senkll ' Right Cnfo I'bote -- - - CORRIGAN & KNOH, ('(Hiiiiioi-inl Ave., Vbm ! 3 DIAMOND SQUEEGEE TIRES -nt PIONEER f pi1 11) D Inn .tot m we tli. ba vli Th HARDWARE COMP). 8k act in tfiior 'ed wa tin Allegany Draf Auto Stage Lifli ii sa dm Eve1 Jol 7 i WF.DDIXO DIXXKR I ' " . The summer ramp nf (jus i,IR. bloom was the scene of n merry ga- Rov. Mr. Lncirnll nt i... m.. .. 'cliurch in Coqulllo;' vvenV out. iTu" gone n short time ago n single .. ostordny ho returned homo with a bride, having married Msa Fannlo Cornol us Their marriage ca,n tho culmination of a romnnco start ed there iualiy morjhs ago whei. !& Sor'tj!""8 Ut th K"feV ov- '-eggett attended both the Blblo University and the State Vnt yerslty. tho campus of the two Instl tutlons adjoining, so that ho had classes tu them both. A year acn In Juno ho graduated nnd receive Leaves Marshfield Morning 5.30. Arrive Df 2 o'cclock. Smokehouse Agents Good Cars - - . Careful Dri Most "Beautiful Route. to Portland jam eor yj tor, Dot no Ffc Tlu Dbl Ca") Kli Evi 5 w rvtvtxtuci t , j " v v vW- .1, ti