tV THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO If f 1 ,.? . - 1 . in bnnkocl to give the effect of n floral nltnr. The bride carried n of orchids (Cnttleyns), lllles-of-thc-vnl Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Frank Mnrhoffcr will he hostess nt the next meeting which will bo hold with Mrs. M. ley. nnd forget-me-nots niado up with Hoss In two weeks nnd It will be nn malden-hnlr fern, and was nttlred In i important ono as this will be the a gown of cream "pusBy willow" taf- election of officers. Thoso present fcta trimmed with old lnco nnd thc'v.cre Mrs. 0. Johnson, Mrs. Ottc usual veil held with orange blORsom ' Wnllninrk, Mrs. J. W. Davis, Mrs. J wreath. Sho was nttonded by Miss IK. Duncan, Mrs, It. M. Albco nnd 'Myrtle Lund, as bridesmaid, and was .Mrs. A. H. Snow, given away by her father, Mr. A. M. .j, .j. "Woodford. , . w-r -. i DUCllUN CbNTIlinUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In the Boclcty depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor no later than 0 o'clock p. m., Friday of ea'ch week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only Iti cases where tho events occurred lator tunu tho tlmo mentioned.) PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or or Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, togothor t with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received In tho social de partment. Tclophono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. The groom was attended by Mi. John Miller, nn old school friend, who acted ns best man. Tho cere mony being completed, the company ALPHA DELPHIAN SOCIHTV Last Monday evening tho Alpha Delphian society met nt tho home of was cntcrtnlncd nt supper by Mr. nndj.Mra. oilvo K. Drown on Jlnrkct nv Mrs. Fred Slnglo, close friends of tli Cnue. The club took up their first brldo's family, at their beautiful , cssoll jn tho study of "Enochs of home adjoining, which had been for mally decorated In green and plnh. with occasional masses of roses and following dahlias. , Dwellings A compnny of twenty-one snt down Evolution Human Progress." The special top ics discussed very ably wcro by tho IlltAVi: LOVE He'd nothing but his violin I'd nothing but my song, But wo wcro wcil when skies wcro bluo And summer days wcro long. And when we rested by tho hedge Tho robins came nnd told How they had dnred to woo and wli. When early spring was told. Wo sometimes supped on dewberries Or slept among the hay, Lut oft the fanners' wives nt eve Camo out to hear us piny Tho raro old tunes tho dear old tunes; Wo could not stnrvo for long Willie my man had his violin And I my sweet love song. Tho world lins ayo gone well with us, Old man, slnco wo wcro ono; Our homeless wandering down the lnncs It long ngo was done; But those who wait for gold or gear, For houses and for kino, Till youth's sweet spring grown brown nnd scro And lovo and beauty pine, Will never know tho Joy of hearts That met without n fear When you had hut your violin And I n song, my dear. lly .Mary Kylo Dnllns. I.IIELIHVE that peoplo who don't make friends have three reasons for Elln Wnlstrom Elvira Frizeen .Ellen Ituduns .Sigma Larson Plants Tho Taboo . . . .Mrs. Rebecca Wilson Central Australia will provide for you tho brightest t0 tho wci!"K supper which wn improvement Food spots In otir life. No one who has mid under a flat canopy or Jasmino not tried It knows tho gladness of n,ltl nlllk rambler roses, upon ono having helped or cheered a friend. , loB ,nulo tastefully decorated with And there nlwiiys seems to ho somo Tcstout roses nnd forget-me-nots. Agnes Kunklo nnd Mrs. Ollvo Drown, one In need of help. Your duty toTll Illnce amis were hand-pnlntcn , T10 cjuo wlI continuc Its study your nlghhor Is your duty to your- b' tllQ "soss nnd wcro much nd- Monday evening with Miss Elvlr. self make new friends. mired. Thoso present nt the supper Frizeen at her home, 09C South Jwcre: Mrnnd Mrs. Iris A. Hlrod,1 Fourth strno.. Tim mnnihprn nrpsnn. BIG fvi In Price of Tents . .-.-.,. ,-i. . i Mint.- mill'MKNT OF NEW tit'AUANTEED TI.N'Tq i. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARCH-. s"' '...' 7. ,, -.,.. .,., ,'.' V.TS AX WHICH WE ARE ADLE TO SELL AT PRICES FAR ma hum, , .....,. k, I were Mrs. Rebecca Wilson, Mrs. Ollvo K. Drown, Dr. Mnttlo H. Shaw, Mrs. Dcrtha Eggleston, nnd the MIs- Rudnns, Irene Pruess nnd Mrs. Dyer. KENSINGTON UI.UII When you are marrlod at first you Miss Myrtlo Lund, .Mr. John W. Mil are nil In all to one nnothcr, you 'or, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Single, Mrs, don't want friends. Perhaps Just for ' K'rod, mother or the groom, Mr. A, . ... ... . ... . . . . a little while neither does he, but " woouioru, miner oi me unac, ses KIa Wnlstrom, Agnes Kunklo, "love Is of man's life n thing apart." . Mr- and Mrs. Frank Denning, Mr., Elvira Frizeen, Slgtnn Larson, Ellen Ho wants the llfo In splto of t.K.nnd M. M. A. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. love; you nro foolish not to give It Frank Sacchl, Mrs. Jane H. Wllllnnih. hlni. I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb, Mrs. Harry Friends will provldo relaxation for Single, Mrs. William Stratton, Mr. him nnd will give him n keener np- 0wcn Knowlton, and Mnstcrs Irving . preclation of your society. Friends I" and Maurice llllnms . M fl mcct of tho Ken8, ,on will entertain him nnd make him Tho oca! musical organization. clMl, hcl(, rcccnt y m10 mem hers de more fit for his work. Friends will i popularly known ns the "submarine ' 1,. ,0 (llscontln0 10 niectln(-s put him "up to things" and will help!"!, serenaded during the supper L ho lit in In business. Friends will ntniid i with several selections appropriate' , , , . . mil in iiiiHiiiLDH. i niuiiB win Binuu " )Bumo work again early In Septont- by h m when fortuno fa Is. Your duty to tho occasion. Tho whole affair b to your Husband Is clear. ,110111 uiu uuKiimnig 01 me inurcn 10 I the last "good-night" pnsscd off with t ' perfect smoothness, nnd nil prcson , OR .'MISS MATTHEWS I wcro roynliy ontcrtnlned, nnd depart ed for their homes about cloven p. in. An echo from tho foregoing ovent Miss Ilnrrlet Collins and Miss Mnrlu (re. irnvi. n Ihinn shnu-nr nn Thursday evening In honor of Miss Ib hctlrd t0 tl,Q cffcct lhnt Mlss M'r Ruth Matthews who Is soon to bo Uo L,ln,, wll wns "rU081''. n, married to C. n. Landers, formerly Mr' Owon KwItn. who wns n of this city nnd now ngent for tholKUC8t' nro to bo nnrrlod about tho Drcakwater at Portland. Tho ni . ttnt of SePtem'J- fnlr vntt n. tlin linmn nt Mloo Mn.l V . v I (H.HKX-Wlll.l.LKK NUPTIALS ! ...... ..UIIMIIK UIUIII IIUCilllHU t1lnn.a ,, Wn,,.n, .trnnl Ql, -....oi- they don't want to because they nro VC(, ,tQ umib ()f lmml80mo 0. too proud to, nnd because they can't ,,, , .,, .,,. - ' bo bothered They like to keep nr lh(J ovcn Ul0 com Lnst cdnes.ay evening In Jinn- thomsolvcfl o themselves." T hoy , ontcrtnlne wllh ,., MB8 aRmn -Ion. before a largo nsBomblnge o nro ulto content nt homo and they Ura(Jn , ,, ,ho m J . Roboknhs and Odd Fellows, occurred ..... n.u , olllur ,h..o,.,0 nre noi , CollllR tll0 volln nm, Ms8e8 Knrrln.;"u ' ' " " -; ""ill so also. Going out disturbs them ger nnd Kelly gave plnno selections. nnd Louis I. Wheeler, both of that and having people In completely np- ,na ynunK hule8 , nUemlnnce woro; city. Judgo James Watson, of Co- """";" can' "lona" "vo Adelaide Clark, Ursula Farrlngcr. ",mH" ol"c n" w" lno rlnK eor" no place In their progrntn. They nnd they It. They belong to tho "oye-for-nn- oyo" crowd; they don't understand Ilmco Kelly, Mnrlo (Jregg, Allco Mc- ' oniony, provlous to which Mr. Wheol- f haven't money to entertain ;,.,, cnr; u ' oy don't want peoplo to know1 ,,, , . . ...... ,..' Slgnii Larson, Ilurrlet Collins, Annn Holland. Ruth Mntthews. 1 er was instnllcd ns Noble (Jrand of tht Odd Fellows lodge. I Tho ladles had converted tho 1 lodgo room Into n veritable bower j. 4. 4. SOCIAL EVENINO INGTmf B?awUM. in: the price of rorrox m "J""'" " IN TUB COST OF TENTS AND VB ARE NOW 0 IN T K I'M) PI. 01 COOS D AN) yf IVITV TUP VDVAVTAOE OF THIS MARKED DECREASE IN I'UK h. ' ,MrT,nET.STA'RE"ARANTEED 1IV '''Vlviossm DF.'MN i, pt'AUANTKB THAT WILL PROTECT YOl' A0AIN8T AN POSblllLK I)I,M,t I IN rij j,u, 'A'fy'ttVs'mARKED WITH THE WEKH1T OF THE DFCK CANVAS PSI'I, T3 VV MPOKtInT litv 'AS SOME TICNTS MADE OF A CHEAP. I.ICIIIT CM S WFI I FV NEV nt'T VlNb XHITHBIt HE AN EFFECTI VK SlIE.l'EIt NOR WKMMVKlJ THF WALL TEN' T NOT ONLY HIVES YOU MORE.CONVBNIBNCE HUT IS MORE UVl AND SAT.SICTOYN EVERY WAY. IP V01' .N'BBIl A TENT NOW OR BXPE.T T.) mfe USE FOR ONE TOON'! COMB IN NOW AND LET PS SHOW YOP THESE AND q.'OT,, Y0l NEW PRICES. Lc I SIZES WALL TENTS K'iRirf'vr-r I'ltlCES It Wijk pl0J J mfflm $8-oci 8x10 ft 10x12 ft 12x14 ft 14x18 ft 16x24 ft $28.?5 1 A GOOD TENT WILL SOLVE THE PROIILE.M OF WHAT YOU ARE (10INH TO 111) l-'OU YOl'1 ANNUAL VACATION-YOU CAN CO ANY PLACE AND HE COMIORTAHLE AND ENJOY TIP S 11EAUTIES OF THE VARIOUS SECTIONS WITHOUT HAVING TO WORRY AROUT A IIOAIlpjyi PLACE. AT HOME. IT WILL TAKE THE PLACE OF A SLEEPING PORCH OR A PLAYIIOtgl FOR THE CHILDREN. IT IS AN INVESTMENT THAT YOU WILL NEVER REGRET. 'Jo. hums mis i MJl! The Quality o Name With the Service Fame NORTH FRONT STREET MARSIIKIH NOTIC Tuesday evening, July 13, n soc al wns held nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Renchnuson of North Rend. The groatcr part of tho evening was ta ken up with a business session, Mr. CnvanniiRli nctlntr ns nrcsldcut. Fnl. lowing tho business meeting, two I;ot street dock early Sunday morn- Mrs. . L. Ilnusowortli. Mrs Geon.i I hungry looking specimens of him.. 1 'K on the Mllllcoma. going up to' (ioodnun. Mis. S. ('. Small nnd Ml h unity wcro selected from tho crowd tho Goodwill home on Coos River. Lm Powers agisted ubmii Un to test their eating qunlltlos, nnd see Vnrlous sports wero Indulged In, ; rooms. Ai curds Mrs. A. E. Ncf which 0110 could devour n sllco of bnthng, (lancing, Hwlmnilng, ennoe- won high honors. Mrs. Harry Hut-1 bread and Jelly the quicker. The soc-j g. strolling, tolling stories, etc. lor, seiond, uud .Miss Evelyn Andir-' ii iiuri ui mu uvemiig wns conuuci- uiuu uiu r.iu were ninety en miii, i oiisoiaiiou. ,p fl ed by a well known C.crmns soloist, Joyed by tho hungry crowd. The day j About eighty guests onjoyed lliu ' ,, , . p oc especially noted for his extra gooi. ' passed nil to soon and no 0110 foil hospitality of tho ladle, nnd1 pai Whip OPCcim 25C fJ? tasto In tho solecton of songs, being , ready to return. Those Invited uro1 took of the dainty luncheon. MlIK 7'1C P6f very nppropnnio lor sucn n raro oc-,nB ioiiows: tno .Misses luuence Po caslon as this, 0W0 of tho songs be-jwers, Wllda Harris, Nellie Warwick, Ing, "Rock of Ages Cleft for Me,"' Marjorlo C.rnhani, Ilortlin Davis. ... .......... I .. ntiuougn it is nrmiy believed thnt ho -Murio Gregg, Ruth Muthows, Dai V .$ mennt tho other follow. Following; otto Collins, Louise Lloyd. Ruth Chester W. Woleott left this morn wero thoso present: Jessie Hcckn- Cowan, MntM.ii, Ilmco Kolloy, lug overland vlu Roseburg for a thorns, Roy Ilccknthorns, Mrs. Ad-' Adelaide Clarke, Grace Wlhla. week's xlslt 10 Asltlanil. Orcimn li WEDDINt.' RU.MOR Buttermilk ..10c pert Butter 30c perj Ice 50c pi Special prices for lar. quantities mm rrioniisiiip is not "giving" but K or flowers, using tho lodgo colors.!"1"8. "" Corrclt, Doris Coffolt, Ev- Helen Lesh. and tho Messrs. William Is bellewd by rt lends that lie does VVAC D A f Iff "hnvlng." Thoy themselves go out; , i:i.U()D.V()())Fom NUPTIAI S i l,,n, nnd Krcen ns tho Predomlnnllng m Hodson, Mr. and Mrs. Young-1 McDonald. Hen Davis, Ralph Kruno. ' not exi.en to reiutn alone but that'LUUb DAY III for tho entertainment they gel, iiml . ' ' feature, of tho decorations. Mrs. '"oyer, Allan Youngmoyor, Hnzol ; Mcrlo Kramer. Ralph Dresser. John ' Cupid h:is (,,iC(l him there I they think that other peoplo do tho At ,.,K,t.tllr,y .,. uvenllur f Rrcn' cortcd by her father, Jos. Stewart, Gnrland Froy, Howard Froy. Noble, Lesllo llnlo. Chits. Frodellus. ' ' .;. .;. fAI T CTADAFl same. The meaning of hospitality ihl , ,, (lt ,.., . , K. Fox, with her daughter Anna, Mr. nnd Mrs. Renchnusen, Minnie L Chupmnn. Duncan Forguson. f Continued on Pago Three. VULl jIUIlHUL1 Is lost upon them: they don't 'w((H.(, ,,r ro(lU(vo8 ,..,. ', preceding ns ring henror, nnd fol- Renchnusen, Nora Sells, Joslo Cadi- Gcorgo Murth, nnd Hurold Winder :-5 tho value of a "cup of cold" ()f ,,, , ,,. pnrUeB r J 'owed by her sister. Miss Elizabeth naw, Edith and llort Cavannugli, Mr. ... .-. ltffeVSJM' PIlOnG 73. They resent Invitations -- they A ,.,,, f N , ''Jl''ox as bridesmaid, wns met under Cavannugli nnd Earl Renchnusen. . ' ' SmSiZiimi neiverles at 830 a "Wish to coodneKK i.nm.l.. uo..l,l- V . . ' " UTlU "L""' an" Uulh ,, lrr... ...,i,n i.n i... . .,...., I ' , "WIVUILb Ul O.OUd. !: Winn rnr.i ..r r'.wn.i .. ... .i.i " " "j ! iiuui- ... iuriii.:i' ! i 1 Tkjmltll 1A They nro too Indolent to ' ... ' ' "V or nud escort. L. II. Lowo. Her., Tyszxa. -irjs s i yxrszz zz. : -"-. .? -..' of Trinity parish. Co.iuIUe. and Arch- '"","' ",,Br w,,lc" ,no "n,1 n, Deacon of tho Diocese of Oreuon. ,'i,uu", wuro recipients or ninny pleasure by endless objections "cold," "fatigue," "no clothes." each has to be combated. Independent of friends you mny bo Just now. but Just wnlt a bit. says Doris lllake. There will come it day when you long to "tell" somo one, a day when you care not to burden thoso nenr nnd dear to you. u dn. when, perhaps, the latter are fur re I moved from you. Then you will re- Bfet that you liuvu unt bound yum set tff silver knives nnd forks. Episcopal church was read nnd tho w eddlng wns pronounced by all pres ent the nrettlest affair .if Mm nn. son. Thu brldo's home had been do-1 of 1,attlcslll gray silk poplin with corated for tho occasion with lavish (oniriiiutlons of flowers from her 11AV CITY All) Members nnd friends of tho liny Pel-Imps tho most charming event soclnlly during tho past week was I tho ono given given by Mrs. W. F. ' X The Life Insurance Com panies of The U. S. The linpresslvo ring service of the I m-",l"l congratulations, me lodge my i.nuies' Aid Society wero de-! Miller, Mrs. F. M Parsons v-d Mit I ,, , . . iieseuie.i mom with a linndsomo llghtfully entertained Wednesday nf- ". M. Jennings, nt tho home of iimi"""' "" ,,M" ,MM,KS " policies ttH WESTERW LOAN M BUILDING CO, ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. W. L. ' former, Tuosdny afternoon. The """ Mv ,," '""' '"'I'alil The bride woro n beautiful gown Foster. It wns decided Hint during j wills of tho spacious mourn of tht .Some r this n lnco trimmings nnd cnrrled a show er bouquet of pink rose buds and tho summer months tho meetings "onio wero artistically nnd tasteful- would bo hold onco n month ns a ' decorated with huckleberrv. while, number woro on vacations. Tho j ''""King baskets hung hoio una j louey limy lie coining many friends, and the result was a ' n,n,,,u,,-"r fern. Miss Fox was names of tho following now members ! t"ore. and cut flowors, dahlias, sweet to you Hotter Look It up. iiuiKiilflceut display of roses and dab- belf with .be bonds of friendship lo ,'",, """"',h 7, " ' ' r some ono v. ho III advise and sym. ""T "J""" " J""m.,", " pa.hlze nnd lovo. Is v.l..o t,,,,;o,,, ' "' u",u' ",,,,,K ...... ,. ...... i while. The br do entered Ibis In miiMich, while the formal de- nd sweet prettily gowned in plnl: with cren want as much lovo nt we can get. t and tho more friends we have the "rm ,"! ,'p. '" "' " "trains of mnro we III Ket the !.- ,.ll1,n,l,,.",","",,,," iiihik mnren puiy- thcro Is of ever being lonely, sorrow ful, or afraid m i woro added to tho roll: Mrs. i. s i neas. untl roses niinrnoii ti. t , i.i. i T? A . 1 TTV TVT trimmings and carried a shower bou-1 Relbe. Miss Joy Foster. Miss Rose Tho aroiim unon oiitorlnir tin. ,,. LiUWalU L- 10011311 .IIHtt lf uii'.w,! ........ e ll..l ... . . .. .... mmm ' """ i'khd. iiuiiii uKreti, , .iiuuiiuv unit .miss Ollvo J nnro. wero lint or ii innnl fnl u-n...n,..wi "t i i ........ iilnl. nii1i!,M0 rl"K ' rcr, was daintily dress- After tho business session nn i bower. Muiiv Invnh- irnu-.,o ,..-..... ... . Vhe bride entered on thoCtI '" wll" s,lk n1"1 'rled tho ring , hour of social chut wns enjoyed and displayed and the iiffnlr wns uPo "' Assets $2,340,000.(1- Pays 8 per cent on saw I. S. KAUFMAN & Local Treasurer .sticet. I oil h Mrs. Win. Ktiatton. on u pink satin cushion. Tho groom' a delicious luncheon sorved to the ' Kther n delightful one. Miss M wore blue. followlllir ladles: Mm .T l m,.i.,.,. irnrnt limrnr. ,i,..,i .1 ..... n..-l.. . il. . ... .. 1.. """'"-Ji " . ... it.uu nil' KUW llllll ....HUB uiu vt filing .miss vox, nc-l.Mis. t. Garth. Mrs. J. I). Ilonilni; The ceieniony was performed be-i "Paiiletl by Miss Alphn Mauzey, way, Mrs. Will Matson, Mrs. Jn fill, or afraid ' ""'""""j h periiirmeii ne-i - 'i" .mih..v, ". n m .unison, .Mrs. Jnnios The henollt acts both ways vo ! ",'M,I, "" ,m" fl"," trim-, ."""f "' 'oyo You Truly," and Touhej, Miss Mnrgaret Touhey. Mrs. need not wnll for the rain dav , ! "W w,fl1 Jn"l,,,n" un" a'" ' W "f" S"K '8 Sweet "' ,,or U8,,nl l Fre" Mooro' 'Mr8- J- W. Langdon, ' learu tho benefit f friends ' ' lK'r"ro " """'s "f Km'" l""1 w""" 'W'n "'? , , .M"- A' C Allnnl- 'Mls- S. Relbe,, -. . 1 , ?- : 1 At ii late hour the wedding party, Miss Ilruce Kelly. Mrs. Ollvo Moore Vacation Days At Goodwills SONnflrOPA7A V if, V'0 Wny "U ,h0 l,!Ul(llu,t room Miss Rose Maloney, Miss Joy Foster OVJlNOIlNUKW I which was profusely decorated with 'and Mrs. H. llrlnkloy. Mrs. Foster Jliiiliriehl, Ore. fMMmmmjmmm .ITIWII,...... - -.,. ' ,, IDEAL SUMMER TRJPS YOU AUTO CALL . FOR F00TE'SMr lMiono 'JMO-fi-Nlgtit nnd ! I Itlirlit Cafe. j GOOI) OARS. CAUKVVhVM 1). I. I'ODTL'. FINE CAMPING GROUNDS Will Give A Big Dance pink and green streamers nnd swoet'was assisted In sorvlnir bv m.- win jpens of the same color. At the1 Matson. The next meeting will bo held with Mrs. J. R. Hemingway, on Wednes day, August II. EPISCOPAL (.TIM) EXCELLENT HOME COOKING' at- SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING ' DANCING PAVILION Several boats tlally to .Mm-hflelil, including nitiil Iniincli ealn .Miii-hlifli-M at l:ir, daily iiml null lug in time lor supper; lenws (i.n.d. v.lll'h nt 7 eeiy iiiiiiiiIiik, iviiclilng .Mailifleld tibinii S::io, Hates icasonnhle, Plioito ll(l.:t Fitlineif., ni- Imiuli.) ( cj,lt snillli of oteaiiifr Italubdu, i bridge's ami groom's places .wis a Marge white wedding enko with frosted wedding bell. Immediately after the banquet Mr. and Mrs. Wheoler. accompanied by the hitter's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fo and Miss Alpha .1,. ,,-..... !.. ... . .. ni. ..... .... " l'i ' n auto ror Mnrsli-; "u ''uscopai i.adles" Guild of Held. The bride and groom left ,N'ort "end met Thursday afternoon Thursday for Lakeside where they'wl,h Mrs. Dennis Hull or Hint city, will spend their honeymoon. and,0wlnK to this being the vacation returning will make their homo in'8l,ason ad a number of members ' "" (Mm? nlwont. no business was trans- I avlei1' At tho close of n pleasant IT '"-- .viafternoou relreshnionts were serv- 'WUA ,MKX , ' the ladles present v. ho I 7T, 7, " ''''" 'Mrs' Geor8 Everett. .Mrs. Wal- '. i J. m? tlnB ( tht? Jol,y 1,oz-!,er Smlt"' Mrs. Lennan. Mrs. Mnr!i a"U,'8ll:,' w1"1 Mrs- Krnc K. Morton. Mrs. R. v. Marshall and' Marhoffer. nominations for officers hlrs. Dennis Hull. onn.rr!!:i!:rm.rro",!i.ips' ?n w... t w,i, Mr... ,nVi ."",w"1' -,l's. w. wall- .. k. Morton Thursday July 29. mark and Mrs. II. M. Albeo; vice- PioMdont. Mrs. J. I.rockiuuellor nnd, . mI's' J'T. MrI'"r: Boc.otary.1 ! Vrx fom;s PICX.C ; MIS. M. Ross ami Mrs. William A.-. I cher: ami ir.ion...... .... .- ., . . .. . - ""'""""i .Ultt. ;. ran nun Mrs L. Chrlstensou. Steamer RAINUOW leaves Marshfleld ror Houti, Coos RUer every Sumlny nt S n. in., and returns at C m Launch BXIMIKSS week day snmo lioura. IHKAL l'lHR.: CHOVK AM) VlvSW CJROPXDS ROIXI) TRIP ie. For charter apply on hoard or pT.oue 310X3 or phono :.1C7. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. Simpson Park Sunday July 18th 3 o'clock i Excellent Music 17 l. J lir.l I "r-. . ''"nperoned by Mr. Mrs. F. L lVCiyUUUy VieiCOmQW MS: :r'U!anttl S"v. The merry' "" " "irowa or young people left tho Mtir- Dun- A delightful picnic wn8 the one mo pi:i: Mo.vni wii.i. p ,, unn SI.1PKH MOXTH WILL RUM, ul I ":. "" W. A. REID ''din, IV ,..,., MO (lvt, " little luiiigiilnu homo nil our nun? M'hat we (tie now ia,ving "'l 'U' lent mu ,'llos, l'.i.i lor n liiiuie Im tu, monthly Installment ,,,, Let us "See Reid About It" ".v location joii iirerer Ml close in. .ny plan von nn select ruimliiK vnlii,. Iiom S'j.-,o (.. s-'niiii Marshfield-Coqul Auto Stage ; j 'See lleltl about Do It Now i i novr st. Lenvo Owl Pliuniiucy .Mncsliflold A.M. 7MI0 t):il() 1M. 1:00 ri.iio cm1 ti flfl 0 Jl. t tfl MAIlSIIFIELn-COOl'IIiU3 .1 staoh timk sciiEnrw v...l....l..l ........ .......i to con in .IVIIIIIU 111 ...l.v.a IV'lll. 1. ,.,..., ... 1...1, llllll. SW Mjttlo Point, Wagner, H" No delays. J l.'nrn frn... M.llf I(11 tO CTl 75 cent. filllL'ln T.nilllK!th, 1W Will furnish extra " extra trips tiny or we-1 rhnrttr enrs. mtWm,im&tJUfrwwmni ,i.,Kh J-Tk;, k&telimt$. . n . " T : i - ) 1v 'JLj.i.jii.t A(i.-t,A, l'?U(?7ae?r.r Sti fei.t I