1 fr l&lii D two THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1915-EVENING EDITION. MEL M FEflTURE-POSITIDW WW DWEAUSTRIA IKES MANY CHARGES Three Days Economy TUJ7 wori.i iiavi: local c.ut.s in hoy wkuxich co.nxkctki) with TOPItlXO CAHHV PH.V.VANT ; , MIU, COMPANY ' Woiils "Com Hay." II H Hollciod, if.. ..1.1 '...,.(.. Mum 'I'linti l.ms. . .MjlllJIiri'l' III"; Interest (Continued from page one.) Coog Bay cars tlmt leave for lour- i... it.ii tr.1i ttlrvlii vrtn t-a tnnti- infa trips should carry Coos Hiiy iii'ii- ""' '" " L"" " ' f" . ' , , , . .. ,,...., .,, uigor of tlici sash mid door factor Illllllf, I HIS 18 U I1IOVU llllll IlfllUUlH- Oi .mi mi iii malinger iloor factory Company of Astoria, and sulos inan- for tho entire concern. J lis contract with tho company Is ft-'Iil to have been signed up lust Sutur- S.isli nnil Hour Factory of i nuthentlcnteit In nn unimpeachable CliitMip .Mill Company nnil Sales i way. .Manager Also I Some in Doubt Vet "In proportion to tlie number of cases which hnvo actually occurred, Paris and was forced to leave within twenty-four hours. ' "The hostility and brutality of the population of Brussels towards (Hu mans and Austrlnns." ho writes con cerning his Journe through Del gluin, "was beyond descriiitlon From Hrussols we proceeded to Ant Sale at odi;ufi OPPOItTt m TO SI PPIA MHIt LOWFST Pint i:s. Sec Wlnti We mo nl toting I or Siiiuiilay, Monday 'Vafafinn IW FAIR f rftn,. Mums t - "vuuyy mill Tuesday: it- In ilm luat f.m- ilnva tins been talk- .,'.1 t in. thla n.nnnu It lu lil.llnvixl I l0iUtcd -i III. J, tlllf? iin.iniu a ...-. .- considerable advertising could bo dono for this vicinity. aiding prlncl- ,.ll,r In l.rlriirltif llio tintllii In fllo nf- UJtOr iunj ... ... ...p....rt ....... " tcntlon of people in the outside ills trlcts. lend, lias just been up-1th1' mi"",ur of ,,,e I'rove ,,,allUire8j up where we were arrested by the miner of the sash and . ls oxweillnitly small. tTp to thin tiny. CnriIo eivlquo on the station plot , of tho big Clatsop .Mill ",0 Mlltry of Foreign Affairs is L, M . wfu . ,.. It Is pointed out that a car leaving "n; ,,,,,,, hero and going to San KrannKo or "l " Wol' -rml' , further south. passes through ilorcm' '' I'10'""'1' '" ,0!l,n ,,r ,,,H ""' ,,rt still without Information concerning the fato of several consular officials' who have been arrested. The Aus-1 trtans and Hungarians who arc being detained in hostile countries Pxn boi counted by the thousands. Almost j nil of them still endure In silence the. nf tnu-nn nnil r-lltiM. Ill eVCI'V tilnco tho dust primed car shows Itself utof ,lin ,,p"1 """ ..,. ,..,.. .! (l.nrnfnrn PallU'S Oil tlltl Colllllll until 11 III. I nii.nihi ,.. i...j. v-.w. ' t moro than a pnsslng Klanco of Inter est Is taken in tho passengers. The j his new nosltiou Is viewed as nn the mill com panies on the. Columbia Itiver. DurltiK tho period thai he Iils been a resident of Coos Uay Mr. f.,rt (bat nn the sides nf tho car would' WitiiMi has made u host of iip- be a largo pennnnt Itnoribed "Coos ' quulntnucos who now wish him the Day" would create n further Interest. I ''t ,,f success. though at the .mine Advertising of this type costs Init ' ""' i'"' ""-' " ,0 ll""' hl1" tfaM i little, it Is pointed out. Tho roHUltfij t,,(! vicinity, ould bo considerable. Mltlo ln- -Mrs. Wernich returned this mom- laud towns, totally obscure, are of- "' " "' W1UI """' '"'"" Into the lliiiellKhi;"1"' "'" "Pose 01 a snnru hi me lioiisehold kooiIs. moving part of 1 them to Astoria, where they now. In- outrageous methods wherein the gov- rled on with tho butt ends of the guards' rifles. As sho took no heed of this, she wan struck across both legs with a rifle and was Injured. Wo witnessed most pitiable scenes. A i lilld. nine years, vJas so frightened that It refused to follow tho others lte-t table OH Clutli, 17 In. ultlo, select patterns; al uiijs sold al UOc. Now, at the iiulieiii'il of a i price, per jmd I "l Ladles' r.llc and "' iniislln DraueiM, tiliiimeil In luces anil embroideries, liiaile of gnml nmlerlals mid orl niaiisliip; now nflcreil ul only pec pair 27c I Kiel; Itiuk amt Wao lliniiN, best nunllty, full sie bolts. Wore Hie anil l"e in .sale lit .Vow 3c Clilldron's L'.'.e anil i8c gooil grade ribbed tnilerweiii'. On sale al pec gai iiieut . . . . 15c FINE CAMPING QR0y ! IEXCELLENT HnMc 3 -...u UUy SWIMMING, BOATlJ and FISHING DANCING PAVILION ten brought through tho pennants placed on inrhi1 h balling from sucu districts. tend to settle. BUY AMERICAN MADE flm ... ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS ASHLAND OFFERS US , FREE CAMPING GROUNDS UulttsI States Matte flood for I'nlleil State CltleiiH Is Coiinlij's ' Spend SIT.'.IKM) Improving TJioir Xew Slogan Sptlngs and Xow Invito tlie World to Visit One good growing out of the great war in Kuropo Is it new spirit of sell- j Ashland offers free camping rclinnco by citizens of the United ground with plenty of space for park- States. .Many articles that tho peo ple of this country had come to rely upon Knropo to produce were shut off by tho war and consumers were compelled to turn to their own conn try for supplies. In nearly all lines tho doninud Is being met with artic les of equal and sometimes, superior merit. As a result tho word "Im ported" has lost much of Its magic charm and now "Made In U. S." hn.. boeomo tho most potent promoter of trade, Poiomost In the lines In which tho foreigners liavo heretofore predonn. lug cars, pitching tents and In places equipped with gns for outdoor cook ing if people will come and visit there. Sim has spent, or is still spending rather, $175.1)00 in tho de velopment of her natural spring-. Shu Is proud of them and the invita tion is sent now to all travelers who can stop over that wny. Tho springs are of llthla, soda and sulphur nature and situated hut a short distance from the city along sidu of Ashland creek. Having Improved to draw the out- ,ernments of hostile countries set bu-i I man dignity at naught. The breaches! i of the laws Of warfare as compiled ' in part of this collection, must like 'wise ho considered, however, as only Individual evidence. For tho time being we cannot have anything ap proaching a comprehensive know ledge of eventB In tho territories be yond the enemy's lines. And yet, from tho reports which reach ub and from trustworthy news published In foreign dally papers, It Is possible to draw the well-rounded conclusion (hat thousands of shocking violations of tho lnw of nations have occurred, especially in the districts of our country occupied by tho enemy. Troops Violate. "It may be conceded that certa'n breaches of international law seem to be an Inevitable consequence of the massing of troops on so huge a , scalo us this war has produced. Hut It Is nevertheless most disappointing that tho lutornntiouu; agreements I assuring tho protection of lives, the honor, the freedom of the religious faith or peaceful citizens, nun the inrts and sciences, should he vitally 1 violated by the troops and offlcinlo i of the very government under tho uegls of which The Haguo Conferen ces reformed and completed the laws of warfare. One of the main causes for this unfortunate situation must bo ascribed to the employment of troops wholly unable to perceive tin legal restrictions applied to warfare. In'Mi-oct Troubles. "Tlie object or this publication It I slders to her, Ashland has mndo the nated Is perfumes. Milady insisted surroundings particularly attractive. that Paris label bu on tho bottle of Tho Invitation was received hero from to adduce only such violations of tho hor ravorito odor. That, too, hasi.M. .1. Duryea, secretary ot tho Com-international law as hove been por been chnnged. Paul llloger, tho mercial club of thai city and roriner-j petrnted directly and Indlvldunlly well-known California perfumer, linn ly located in u similar capacity In (against nationals of the dual nion bieii probably olio of tho most prom- Kugeuo whero he was well known to urchy: It, therefore, does not include iifcnt factors In this change. Tin,' ninny people of Coos Hay. the evidences of numerous oxreed- witno sun and zephyrs that nuiko Call-, fornlii grapes produce flnu wines glvo p( J. POOLE WEDS to California flowers tho lasting and j ' " neo PADDCMTCD dollcato frngranco that mark tho, "1 loo U AKPhPM I hn flowers of Franco. "" riint f!i li,,v nn...,!.. m..v I1......1.1. ' (Special to Tlie Tunes.) ! Ingly grave breaches of the law which .affected Austria-Hungary in an In ! direct and general wny. Such breach- ! ck are to be found In the nrbltrur and unlawful declaration of France ! ami (ileal Hrltaln with regard to familiar with the merits of "Itloger's, lAM().. Ore.. .Inly If,. P. H-' the status of Morocco, Kgypt and Cy. Fowor Drops," there will bo a Bpec-' I'0"'1' f l'"rt Orinrd and bin brlilo pritH. In tho violation of the rights Inl sale at three stores tomorrow at u'ft "' tho steamer Kllzabeth ror Saiilr neutral nations and In the system, which you may purchase a regular Francisco to visit tho exposition on lU(. ,grL.Kar,i 0f the regulations pro r. cont bottle for only in cents. This Hiolr honeymoon. Mr. Poolo was nmr-j vldetl by maritime law. Is for Saturday only and tho stores ' 'l'd to Nlss Kiiulco Carpenter or Han-, ..T10 preposterous claim or the don. the ceremony being performed hostile nations to tho right to sub at the homo or the bride's parents In j,H.t ,io entire population of largo this city. The officiating florKymaii J cumitrluti to famine must be stigma was tlie brliloK father who is an ol-',Z0(, tls IV sacrilegious violation of dor In tlie Latter Day Saints church. ,ho r,C8 r warfare. No loss sacrl- nio urine nun groom wniiu mo core- eKloiiH Is the act or tho hostile gov (inoiiy was performed crossed hands .,,, tolerating. If not tic .over an open bible which was tho ,lmy nB,,r,B, the unprecedented I ;umo one hid urines motiier anil in-; railings at the exit, u garde clvltiuo lilt It with its snbre and cut lis left baud off Pierces Voni"n's ',yo "An Austrian couple, who had owned a restaurant at Antwerp Tor the last sixteen yeais was terrlbl Ill-treated by tho mob. Tho poor womnu had ono or her eyes pierced with n fori; while her husbuud bail two ringers cut off. Another Aus trian womnu was expelled from n ma tornlty homo with her five days-old ' baby. Sho had neither dress nor rihlrt on her body which was only covered with u dirty bed sheet. It. was a heart-rcudtug scene yet ll did not prevent n garde clvltiuo from ma king fun of her in a shameless man-' ner; ll was such n 'comedy,' very am-' using, Indeed." With reference to the treatment of Austro-Hungarlaii nationals In i Franco, the chief complaint was against the hardships Imposed upon i Innocent women and children In the ' concentration camps. A deposition of Miss M. K. Schrelner, n graduate nurse, pictures conditions tu a con vent nt Oarnlson to which Austrlnns, Hungarians and Germans were or dered nfter a march or 20 kilometres Hero they were Informed that they wore prisoners of war. Treatment of PiUoneis "There wero altogether about 1000 prisoners," declared Miss Schrelne , "half of whom were women and chil dren. Thoro was no furniture avail able and straw was the solo beddln . Under the pretext of safety, the ex isting latrines were boarded up and holes In tho ground wero dug by the muio prisoners in lieu or otlier ui, rangoniontB. There wero no provis Ions made for washing f'lilldroii's Wlillo Wool Sweaters! nluaj sold at Sl.00 and S !.-". Xou on :": 48c Hoys' (,'liigliain ami Pemilo lllollso Waists; new lot of pi el I, pallei'iis ami all 'les Just lorolvcil: aliies to ;l."c. On Sato at 15c Howral bonis ilniu- ,.. ,. . . .. ' " -'Mr. int'iniiiiio. Hpoed I,,,,,,,,, .Maislil'loitt al 1:1.1 ,,,i.. . .i Ml ing; in nine lor siippn-, (, uillH ill 7 every Marsliflettl nlioiil 3 Von can always do bet I oi I'or less a) "THE FAIR" Mai sbl lold. Ore. (Next door to ( handler Hold.) Cine, '"ii'iihiu, H.itu. , ,I,,,,,H '''"ounble. mA in iiM-m, or lllllll of ( ol htoaiuer Italnliow. 1 't. HOME MADE SAUSAGE, HAM BURGER and WHNERWURSTS .Made In our own shop by oxpeils and moil. Vou cannot gel belter ones liny place only the best meal In tho couiitry. Wo will have some cliolco clilckons for I'lldaj's nnil Sal urila.i's tratlo. Wo also have some cliolco beef, poll; anil veal. Iteiiieiuber that we glvo special iilleulloii to 'phone outers nnil dcllvjT promptlx. . THE UNiON MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. Phone 58-J. 174 South Broadway. , 7I; ; ""$ : : t t t Pays 8 per cent on savir. t t : 44M4(tJ WOOD! Kindling wood, per load ?.;jj Alder wood, 1C to M IUCI108 50 , Ireo Delivery W. II. j.lNuo Phono 7-.T. North n, WESTERN LOAM BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO Local Treasurer - i ! pled tho Invaded territory whero the alleged violations had occurred. ' In Serbia and .Montenegro, the par I tlcipatlou of tho clxillau pnpulutlm. In the fighting, the misuse of t ho white flag, uso of cartridges filled with wire mills ami pieces of vitriol of copper, torture of prisoners, tho poisoning of wells with dead bodies Mind mud, tho firing upon the army AT THE HOTELS l uro tho Hi own Drug Co.. I.ockhurt-i lirBons "Husy Comer," and the. "Itoil Cross Drug Store." Don't overlook this opportunity to nuiko a money-Having purchase and got acquainted with "ltloinor' Flo or Drops," the sweet hem t of perfumes. iumiii-iu nn- iibi in niiuriiiuh rum- i, axeman. Miiiilnm. I. service corps by women and chll- liiBuffloneyuin.il. mutilation of bodies and mal- of food antl tho weather condition.. treatment of prisoners of wur with soon nioiigiii niioiit serious Illnesses insufficient food and accommodatloii I i Bui-.ms u)uiiierynnu in consequcuco ,.0inpleto Hie list of alrocltlos com-' epidemics broke out. Two women ' plained of by tlie Austrian army. I'n-i wore confined and had to put up with! ,)or tho bead of "Violations of the me mosi nirocious treatment. Four , i.iiwh of Warfmo that Russia refused to lecognl.e Austrlnns described at the Polish mid Humanlnu Legions us belligerents. handler Hotel I. F. Mi Lend. Portland: fl. .1. Itoth. Pnitlund; C. K. Marvin. Port land; II. L. .N'owtou, Storllng. Colo:; Josso L. Ilito, Coqullle; Lew F. Price Suuiner; .1. T. Sullivan, Hauilon: (). C. Suther. C.lendalo, Oro.; W. S. lin ger:. Porllaud; .1. !:. Cowan nnil wife Liiliosiiie: .1. ('. Kvaiis. Portland; .1. Smith, Akiiohb; Marguret Sutlier- !'. I.o Carlo. Port land: II. K. Lawon. Cot- SOUTII COOS ltlVKU HOH siiiivici: LAUNCH KXPItISS leavoM .Mnr.slifleld every tq H ii, in. Loaves head of ite at it: I." p. in, KTICAMKIt HA.,rV loaves liead r river iLiIIji ii. in. Leaves .Mnr.slifleld t! in. For cliiirter apply on W JtOflKHS ,xi SMITH Proprietors i TO PltOTKCT IIAItllOli Sweden Will lime Siibniarlnes I'oillllcntloiis. mid , (llT AMH-UI.l rrnt lo (m Mr TKnM 1 CHUISTIANIA. .Inly Hi. -I'ailla-meui lias Miteil the sum of $(i,.'iUU, (KKi for hullilliiK Hiiliiiuirliion mid fortifying the oniranio to Chrb tlnula. Ladles of Hie CliiNHmi Cliuivl, Mill hold a COOli I'dOD S,i; it abiiig's i.'iikiij Siiiiinla.i. begin 1 1 C at 1 1 a. ui MEATdSPECIALS Toinoiiow. Saiiinl.ii, we will sell meats lor u tollowiiig low i prices I'Olt CASH OSIA Per I.o HqIIIiik Heofs to, Slioil liiliw Heel -, Cliolco Put (toast I-Mjc. I lc Hump lioaht P- ! to I li- Sirloin Stunk i.v T-loiu StoukK i.i,. Hound Steak m,. Illli Steak M,. Mutton Stow he Shouldti .Mutton I'ic Shoulder Mutton Chop l-c Leg Mutton j.v Loin .Mutton Chop . . . , ,v Loin V.sil Cliopn i.v Loin Lamb Chop I Or Log of linli in,' Pork Chop 1.1,. Should Pork Koiut i.i,. Loin Poik IS'c Log of pork in,. Corn Peer i:,. Veal Siom ID,. Should i Veal .... lytc Shoulder e.il ti,, , j (l A agitation of u press which dissemin ates lies and fosters hatred. Most of tho excesses to which thousands of lunoeoul and defenseless poeplo havo fallen victims uro the direct out come of Hint agitation. Laws Havo Decayed "Tho collection of evidence, as now published for general luforniutlon, lie is manager undl,",,,not (,(,im'y oven a faint Idea ot mo decay wiilcli tlui notions of in ternational law hnvo undorgono nun which in the couiho ot a few months huo destroyed ninny u hope; it may, however, furnish some facts for tho reflection or those whoso Judgment has remained unbiased as to who i. responsible for tho collapse of the law of nations mid of tlie sense of morality lu u war brought on by on enemies for tho purpose of crushing nations engaged lu the peaceful pur suit of tho blessing or civilization, and as to who has tho right to claim thai ho Is fighting this hotly-con tested struggle ror tho sake of lib ci t and Immunity. Vines Withheld. The names or a number of wit nesses have been withheld at then own special request; they have rea- sflllu 111 f.vil' tlmt tl.r, ....1.H.....I .' .. rot i"i"iiiiiuii iii line or btaole "1,,lr mm, woulu" u,ml- 1ok i . the passions aroused bv the wa to subject them lo titer lined lu tlie same muiiuer when ' they wero miirricil. It"ih Well linown, For hoieial your past the brlilo has iiMHlHled her father in his store in Hauduii ami Is a popular young lad). .Mr. Poolo formerly resided In Hauilon mid wan the xccrolary of the Couiiuerclal club hero. o now lives al Port Oiforil partner in tin- firm of McKcmdc ,x: Poole i-iiudiutliig a general stoio at Pint orford and has taken active pint hi Hn- oir.ilrH of the Commercial club .mil . ibili onioriiiisiM and is one of tin in win . or Poit Oriord MODEL CASH GROCERY COMPLETE people died." Othor rases cited included tho "ma licious punishment, rough medical at tendance by a veterinary mirgcuon." and tho "shameless molestation or Interned girls by French soldiers" at Sables d'Olonuo. Young; (.Mils Mxposotl. "Tho young girls," according to one or tho depositions, wero exposed to criminal assaults; by the soldiers, lu the beginning, they wero herded together with the young men and had to slmro their rooms or studies with them. .Modesty forbids specifi cation of all tho acts or indecency . to which we had to submit; worst of all offondei'H was the commission or AHinim -rur oini a iiiimerelfnllv " Mmulvu incoiUfx " a lago Clove: .1. ('. .loliiinmi. (inlil complaint Is nuide i:,,,,,.!.- s. K c'lmi,!..,, ,..,, tu. I co; Al. A. Hun, San Fianclmo. Si. Lawrence Hotel Robert l- I'ov iiiiti u-ir.i n,..i,i.,. tho liusslans uro arciiFed of hnuglng1 i, u. ..-,. a.ii..-.. - i..i'n ,...' !- iiiin Htjiuii llniitiur; I ,. Xuwiimii. Stm-tlii! v YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'SAIT PIlOIIO (l().(j. iMglit mid Day. Hlglit Cufo. (JOOI) CAIIH. t'AHKl-'Ufj DEIH 1. L. l'OOTK. them "whereover thoy catch them." "Tho Itumuulan Legions, not less than tho Polish Legions," says tho hook, "comply not only with nil the requirements or Tho Hague Con voli tion In regard to a volunteer corps, but form a part of tho urniy Itself." Charges uro also mndo against tho Russians of -'grevlous acts or tor-' rorism" ugalnst Creek Catholics Hukowlua. In and Fancy Grocer ies at Reasonable Prices. lust, police Maternes, who maltreated all thoso who opposed his $ $ Immoral designs." Mrs. I Liiudo is reported III ut her Tho lioyal llungnrlau Ministry or homo, the Interior obtulne'd on January !!. -Mrs. Crawford who underwent nn l!tt5, n report or "tho murder or In- operation the other day Is reported terned Hungarians nt Argenton-sur-1 doing nicely. Cruse. Angers. Ilastldo-St. Pierre, La j Mra. Jack N'owlln was quite ill Courtlne, Oeralsou, and Onillo. ' last evoulng and Dr. Hnrtlo was sum. Chocked by Kitchener moned last night In a Kpct-Iul trip up lu Croat Hrltaln, Insufficient rood ' Xo,m Coos ,llvor- ' and accommodations, it is clnlnied.' orsoy Kroitzor Is reported woio accorded tho Intel nod nutloiiulb ' m,1('M ''"'tor toduy nud Ills physician. at Devonport and Newbury. ,)r- A- ' Housoworth, feels groat l Colonel llnlnes," (presumably In 'latod over his Improxenient. ' cbnrgo or the detention camps), says '- -1, Ixardeil, conductor on tho a letter from lluion Glskrn tu Pmiin Southern Pacific, who submitted in Horcbtold, "would havo been quite n" "Poi'atlon for appendicitis nt the . willing to do tfoinothiiig for tho oris. Morey hospital, has heon taken to his I oners, hut his liiininnltarlan InipiiUes ,lomo '" AlurslifleUl and Is rapldlx j i'.e i-iiL-L-iit-u oy i.orti ixitciieuer. Similar complaints are made of the prisoners at Dorchester and tho Dot, gins concentration camp on the Isle of Man. Prisoners Plmidciotl. In liussla, the Intelligence dep.iu ment of tho Austro-Hnngiirlan gener al stafr learned or 'barbarous treat nient inflicted on tho Interned at Ar- oniiurg, whoro typhus and i. nine, Mai o. Olio 'fUni-mm Xr. (ata: .1. A. Smith. Co.m Itiver; ' j Oconto King, North llenil. ! Llo.nl Hotel ' II. .lackKon. Coqullle; Mr. and Mrs ' , William Martin. Hauilon; .lohu Ohorg. I ft Ml . . . . . ... v nqiiiiio; ii. .xi. .MfClnlii. Heaver Hill; I'M. Matllcs. Hrld-e: !' itr.MU.,ii u,,.. 1,1 , Francisco. Frank Howe. Norway;' J. j I larl man. Cachery, Wis.; Hen .Mnr- see. (iiirdlner. Hlancii llniel ,L F. Polloy Coqullle; W. II. Mil ier I'ortland; C. Decker Coos Itiver; IL C linns. in, Ciirillner; C. w. Could. Allegany; pet0 .IoIiiiboii. Co qulllo; A. W. Stevens. Coos Hlvor. City Auto & Taxi Ci Day nnil Nlghl Scnlte For taxi, phono 20, Clianft Hotel i For touring cars, nhontHsfi Chandler Hotel f- LVNN LAMHKTH, l"wfi N'ow Carn Naur Of Marshfield-Coquil Auto Stage , Ladles of the ClirMlmi Chmrl, will Imlil cuoii ,,.M)) SA ,,. .( "isoii.g (jrocery Satunlaj, besl. at II n. in, . - , Tra0SKra'sa--Oc. " "" "''"iWriiiiill'rrMtliiit a nfer.. 'OU KKAKNY ST. n.. . .ei.outterandUu.l, T twr. Lenvo Cm I I'liarnuicy .Mnrslifielil AM. 7:00 0::to P.M. l:oo n.tio lw H ',: D.M iii pji 3:0 0: recovering. SAN FRANCISCO i A -!.. , - p . .oacin, nie-pwol, up.0.date Hn S 2 locMrd in the ccnt r.t ' it e "?,tl - Hi:.MAXT SALH at the COLDKX 2 ct Imeloihe E-pooiion7 c"8,,. n -' Itll.U SATl-ltDAV. I I .MAHSIIFIKLIKCOQUILMJ An STAOK TIMK .SCIII.'UUB Schedulo iirrmiKcd to ecu' with bouts to Dilution, SUg Mjrllo Point. AViigner, HoteM No tlelavs. I'm'o from .Slarshfleld to Coqn 75 coiils. ShiKlo & Luiiibotli, I'rP R Will furnish extra cart W oxtrn trips dny or ulgbt; fl charter cars. IB Detached DamRATES , w- .M.0MUO single JI.SO.SSS?. uu, 2.00 double J200 J . Z 1 -- . B I1 iniv. jm. vixj Al'TO ST.(JI-3 SCIHvltl V POHTLAND VIA I'lMW Lonxo .Mnr.sliflelil nud Klow i oy tno liuu. besides , vimiiiK, ii iiiii r ii ii ii- tiiift i i.i ...... lln-lu-il., .l tl I . . . : -' " """ """II- .-,'.."....! ...... uutaii I I ll.ltlll.t.,,1 ll. r.t ,. ., ..,o ..I.I I... ,.. ... ... . ' v" '""'I IIIK ' viiiuu- iiiuir inierests or ,i,-,,ic IhOkO Of other i.,us:.,t.B I,. l. " ' 'uauuib llUIKfr -'""tries. The Iden v nil ho ''""T"; ",um,or1,,1R aml ,"i,"" lmo.o, ha.. i, ' 11 .... ". ...L . I1 ont t0Hl MPiilbory naturaiua- .. ....-,.,,.,..,." .. I.:.' V.V v'"u " "8 'rori-wl, prisoner oi war Incut . xinuuiiniiiiii iii it m in ii 1 1 ii trxi'.xi.ii ... --.. ...-..... ... i vi'iruuuiuill kill 111 III Of uiont officials: the names which hnx Enterprise Market Don't Hide luoni Them Willi til Otlilne Prescription. This prescription for tho roinoial truckles was xviltten bv a iirom- phyiilclan and Is nsimllv sn wero robbed, badly fed. ami fm,.i mu-reuful in rnnim-in- f..M ti,.,. VOI In u-nfk f,. ...in...- .. i. , ... " !,.,. ,1... .1 I...I.... ...... " "lllliuii III ' IOSOK. II li SOll hi- I rill!. tj ,.I,1.. ,rn..- l.ii- n-i -- -, "' l' ueiiiH. oueu suppressed I iflllllw, ,.,, , , .7 "' "-" "' I.V r Kff ilAiltrVir' wl" ,)0 "."Wi' when their publlca-1 rfina ... , , ' ,'J,sl, u,1,ee to 'of,llul the lll011l?y " lt '- ik i i ee u'envery wllI I10l ,. Ilal)l0 10 , ,h!;rmj,l2p b, o -f a i).-t mh you,- neckios .....10,. to iliem or other uflerers of the I i..u-i T. .V. . ' ' 8iu-t : get an ounce of oililue and re- war Jt vlM' ".. lio nUo 'woio for- ""oxe them. Kven the first few an- Clvos nn Kxnin,,.,, 1 ., Z? ' ,. Z . 'T. t0 "k ' !, oh1,1 show a wonderful V ' txplcal OMiniple-' of tho treat nient of ii8trlans In Helglnin Is des crtbed In u letter from nn Austrlun meichant lu tho perfuinerv liiminnaa F QFCUl F OS l50R.wc i-j- . B enxo .xinr.slillelil nun ri""' I '50K'Sol:dComfo,l-EvyCo1cZ I TtlQlnV in ...5: Tlieni With n Veil; He- Take n "Onlvcrss h ,. ?wh' Of I lmrsilny 15 5 ... um uirm in iiak, -"-oi,::,l! Coinniei"l,i Axe., Pb ono ."..l. JJ86 COMMERCIAL AVE. PHONE 433 -DIAMOrMD st?ruegee at- of tho llghtor roclties committed i.v n... r.,.,.. r.... i ,.., ,, " ,ww ,i-i.ir vuiiiaiiing entirely atlons and robborlea nini i... .... ... .. . . . -Hn- " ui iu ub k me itruecist 101- v.ho had lived for fifteen years inclaliueit after assatlu ton destruction, all supported bv ion-' Hi i eio instance!). the double strength othine: it la this xxoro verified ! h tl a is sold on the money-back guar Austrlnns reoctu ' tei I PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY Pi-IUay IG S' Saturday 17 5:5 i Monday lit . ,, Tuesday 0 .' 6',! Wodnostlny 21 ' .Thursday 2 10'" Friday .:: U:0' Saturday 24 '"lay 25 3:3 Monday 20 ' Tuosday 27 4 ! Wednesday 28 8: 'Ihursday 20 t5 "' VtAay 0 J Saturday III 3:J Louvo Oardlnsr ono hour'' AlltOS uro nniv riiiinlnc tliroUS tr.IlS loill-liw tn -all field b-'f". vou should make Portland "x"s i Tltyiwpf'-'- '"YmiwirTvrA- it i -wvr--$w- t-Vus;, ---- ,""-1 --ri'.' J'i . y.-iJM-r . i.s .J j- w. . '.!. - ,4. .'.." , !a-wv--:ii i-E--SHSni 'V- ii