rwMfc IE WHO BORROWS TROUBLE ALWAYS HAS TO PAY USURIOUS INTEREST A Coos Bay Times Your Paper 4 The Cows Hay Times Is proud of Its lltlo "The People'a Paper," nnd It strives nt nil tlmci to ' ,Uve Hp Vo Its tinmo by devoting Its energies to ' promoting tho peoplo'n interest. (Eiws A Southwest Oregon Paper That'll what tho Coo) liny Times Is, A South (vest Oregon pnpor for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to tho best Interest of this groat icctlon . Tho Times always boosts aad never knocks, MEMRER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1H78 As Tho Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos ltny Advertiser. No. 306 lay ExmtB CENTRAL 00 5 FLOOD Fear That It May Reach Mag jfitucle of the Great Dis aster of March, 1913 15 At Lima Over Two Hundred f Homes Are Under Water i,,H and Crops Damaged FIREMEN AND POLICE AID rr OnRuty All Night Taking Tint. In ttliojiHcgciio Woik Water Is (Jo Jlng up Slv Inches mi Hour 15 . ivlnches From High .Mm Ic ifBjr AMor-lated rrras to Cons mjr Tlmrs. COLUMBUS, O., July I C With rivers swollen by tlio torrential rains of tho last ten days, many points In Central Ohio mo menaced by floods that 'threaten to approach tlio inng nltudo of the ureal flood of .March, 11)1,1, .when mora than 500 persons wero'drowned and millions of dol larswort'1 of proporty damaged. OTTAWA RISING More Tlian Two Hundred Homes &' "Aro Under Water. .3 Ittf AssiKlatrJ I'rcsa to Tool Ilajr TlmM.J IIMA', Ohio, July 10. Ulslng six inches nn hour since midnight, tlio .Qttawajtivcr was IC inches from the lifgli water 'mark at 7 o'clock this morning.' Moro than i!00 homes ! are undor water. Pollco nnd flro iricuifWero on duty all night In tho rescue work. Crops aro roported badly damaged. r HAD AT KANSAS CITY , Packing House mid Wholesale Ills. triet May ho Flooded. "(Ilf Auorlatxl TlNl to Cooc tlr TIium.) (KANSAS CITY, July IC Still rising rapidly, tho Missouri Rlvor reached 27 foot at noon. Tlio U0 footstago means inundation of tho big' packing houso and wholcsalo district. . Railway sorvlco Is badly crippled: Heavy rains in tlio Kan sas watorslied havo sent tho Illuo a'nd tho Republican rivers out of .their banks. I 1 1 i I (I QUARTER OK MIIjMOX IX Hl'Ult- I " '(iOUS MONEY FOUND i :.'. - Chicago Pollco L'neiiith It Together !f-',A'l(l. VmIui Mhliwunhi Klnlii i,siiiudb ill Rooming House , ilBj.AMOcUtcJ Press to Coot lltjr Time.. J i CHICAGO, July IC What were thoughts to bo falso Minnesota state uomlaRud ii quartor of u million doilarstftln Bpurlous curroncy won fcr.ndtoday by tho pollco who bail entered!! rooming houso hero to (luelifcTa. disurbanco between four hoarders and tho landlady ovr a payment of rout. A trunk contain lnjgIUie counterfeit inonoy was so heavyCnro detectives could hardly fill' It, .Tho boarders wore arrested M tlienelghborhood. THUG SEES BELL THOUSANDS PASS HISTORIC HEL 10 .WHICH VISITS RO.SERUHG Arrrnl Nino O'clock Last Night, 'r Tnnn 'M'ected .Muny ll?!wl c,,"(,,'ei1 i-'e,' , .rajjf(SpccIal to Tho Times.) 'ROSBDURG, Ore., July IC Thousands of persons saw tho Liber ty' Beiifhero last night. Tho train bearing jtho rolic arrived at 9 p. in., latartban expected. Tho grown 'peefdVpassed along ono sldo and tho "ekllirea on tho other side. Pamph- L, late'Wntalnlng a history of the bell 'Wire handed out. '- 1- ' i. ., .1. l..t. l... . nft any me wuuie uw wuo v and hundreds from other jhio to Rosoburg to see tho R OTTAWA I ACTION BY MASONS LODGE VOTES TO XOT TAKE SIDE l.N STREET HOW Announced Smith Lumber Company Will Maintain Claim to lioi nt Entrance to Street At a meeting of lllauco Lodge, A. l Ai A. M., last evening, it was voted that the lodgo should not tnku sides In tho Pino street con troversy. A previous meeting of tho lodge, which was said to bo Ir regular, had voted to sustain A. 3j Savage, who, as a trustco for tho Masonlu property, had signed the petition favoring grading nnd hard paving. Tho vote of tho lodgo last night rescinds Mr. Savage's action. It is announced that tho C. A. Smith Company will maintain Its claim to the lot between tlio Flan agan & Dennett bank and tho Sum ner Hardware which Is the entrance to Pino street, from Market. With this being the case, neither tho Ma sonic property nor the FIiuiukuii & Ilenuett bank property nor tho M li ner property front on what Is a part of Pino street. Majority Against Paving With tho action of tho Masonic lodgo withdrawing from tlio petition and tho other proporty not being on Pino street, .tho adherents of grading and hard surfacing of Pino street 're considerably In tho minority. Tho majority of tho frontage Is signed for simply planking tho street now but whether tlio City Council will bo guided by tho wishes of tho majority of tho property owners u'- foctcd remains to bu determine 1, possibly at next Monday nlg'it's meeting. MIL AXI MltS. HOWARD JOHN KTOX SUFFER HEAVY LOSS ltesdciici at Itaiidou mid CouteiitN Destrojetl by a I'lro Yester day Afternoon. (Special to Tho Times.) DAXDOX, Ore, July IC Tho res Idonco of Mr. and Mrs. Howard John ston on tho ocean drlvo In this city was entirely destroyed by flro yester day afternoon. The family wont from tlio house for a trip to tho beach and tliero was a flro In n stovo In th . house. Tho only way tho blazo can bo ncountcl for Is Hint It started from tho stovo and was soon fanned into a big flro by tho high winds. Tho houso was burned down and Mr, and Mrs. Johnston had tho mis fortune to loso everything in tho houso. Their homo was nicoly fur nished and tho loss wus a consldor nblo ono. It was reported that thoro was Insuranco amounting to $1700 on tho houso. .JURY Di:CLARi:S AL11KRT (JIM). DKS SOX OK MILLIOXAIRK Is Thus Oixeii Right to Share of Kccles Mlllinus Which He Claims (Dr AiiocLteJ rroii to Uvoi ni; tidim. OGDKX, Utah, July IC Tlio Jury in tlio Qeddes-Kccles caso rotumed a verdict today declaring that Albort Geddes Is tho son of David Kccles, tho deceased mllllonalro whom Mar garet Geddes, inothor of Albort, al leges was united to hor In a plural marriage In 1898 by M. W. Merrill, n Mormon church apostle. Tho boy claims ono thirty-third interest In tho Ecclcs millions, EARTHQUAKE FELT IXHAIUTA.N'TS ()!' JAPAXKSK IS KXD ALARMKD Shocks Conio Hvcry Half Hour, Cracking Open Kaitli mid Withering Yegetntlou Wr Auoclitxl Tin to Coot Bij TlmM TOKIO, July IC Kartluiuakes which occurred every half hour or so In tho 'southern part of the Island of Kiitslilu for tho last two days havo caused widespread alarm iiino.ig tho inhabitants of that region. The earth has cracked In soveral places, and trees and grass havo been with ered. The eruption of the Klrlsluna volcano is, increasing in violence. No casualties are yet reported, ltftMNANT ALH at the" GOLDKX RULtJ SATURDAY. I DESTROYED VERDICT OH BOY IK. IS FREE Justice Hendricks Today Up holds Jury in Verdict That He is Not Insane GIVES S3M00 B01D Required to Insure Presence at Future Proceedings as State Appeals Case THAW CHEERED BY CROWD When Ho l,oaes Court Houso Peo ple Outsldo t.'Uo Him it Wild Demonstration Surety Com pany Aitmiiko :$ Dull ' (Dr AisorttteJ Pr to Cool lltj TlmM. NEW YORK, July IC Supreme Court Justjco llenilcks today up held tho decision or the Jury which declared Harry K. Thaw sane. Thaw was given his freedom on a $.15, 000 bond. Tho state had Immediately served notice of appeal and Thaw's bail was fixed to Insuio his presence future proceedings. Cheered by Crowd. Crowds on thu sidewalks and around tlio court houso applauded Thaw wildly when ho appeared on tho court houso steps after tho bond had been arranged In tho euurt'H chambers by a surety company. Cost I'hiormoiis. Tho cost of tho Thaw caso has been ononiious ns hIiowh by the fol lowing figures: Estimated cost to Thaw'w famly In first two trials for tho murdor of Stanford White, $1,000,000. Cost of trials to taxpayers, $3G0, 000. Cost to family, threo later at tempts to prove sanity, $15,000. Cost to family to escapo from Mat toawan, $C0,000. Cost to family of conspiracy and present sanity trial, $1200,000; cost to taxpayers of last two trials, $7!i,000. Total cost $1,800,000. Total cost to family, $1,375,000; total ccst to taxpayers $125,000. RESERVES DECISIOX Attorney fJenenil Will I'lrM Emnlne Records of Court. (Uf AuGClitfc TrrM to Coo. D.r TlmM ALI1ANY, N. Y July IC Attor- noy Gonoral Woodbury Issued a , statomont horo today that ho will reserve his decision us to the ap peal from tho Thaw vordlct until ho lias examined tho rocords of Jus tlco Hendrlck'a court In Now York. trn oni.t Mm fiiMiinl nniionl notice was clven today moroly to prevent Thaw leaving tho court's Jurisdiction. HANG WIFE KILLER WILLIAM II. SPHOUSE EXECUTED AT CLAYTON', M. Tries to Commit Suicide by Cutting , Throat untl Eating a Quan tity of Soap rnr AmocUUJ rreaa to Com nar TlniM.l ST. LOUIS, July IC William II. Sprouso, of East St. Louis, Illinois, was hangod today at Clayton, Mo., for tho murder of his wife In Oc tobor, 1014. Forty-five mlnuUM be foro hanging Sprouso tried su'.cld.j by slashing his throat with a hh .' ened steel spring taken fiom his shoo. During tho night ho uto pilf a bar of soap In his effort to die. MANY MARRYING Number of Licenses In Ignition Is Greater Xow. (Ill AaaoclateJ Prem tu Cw Ilr TlmM.) LONDON, July IC A London icglstrar reports that tho numbor of marriage licenses now being Is sued is nearly four times tho nor mal. This la borne out In part by statistics which show that during the past three months there have been 4000 more weddings in London than were held. durlnK tlq panie three months last year. Tho bride- W M E1TER THE CANAL 110 RATTLES!! IP USED IT FOR FIRST TIME Threo Vessels Willi Annapolis Cu- dels Aro (loing Throiiogh tho Rig Ditch Today Itlr AtnocUleJ Pitm to Coon 1U, Tlmra.l PANAMA, July IC Largo United States battleships used the Panama canal for the first tlnio today when the Missouri, Ohio nnd Wisconsin, cnrrylng Annapolis naval cadets on their practlco trip to San Francisco. Tho 'vessels nro scheduled to pass tlio slhlo at tlio Galllard cut at two o' clock. YOUXd TURKS HAVE PLANXED . A MUHREK, IS CLAIM Relief Is They Would Assassinate Former Premier Vcnlclol of i recce, Dlspatt h Hays. ttlj Anocltteil I'fm to Cooi Dr Tlmn.J PARIS, July IC An Athcn's dls- patch from Constantinople says a plot has been discovered among the Young Turks to afsasslnatu former Promier Venlzolol of Greeco. Tho Athens pollco have taken precaution ary measures. WELSH MIXERS SHOW XO SKINS OF YIELDING Heller is Lloyd Ceoigo Who Has Much Influence, May Settle Tho Trouble IIlT AsiocUtcJ rrru to Cuoa Hay Tlrofl. LONDON. July IC Tho South Wales coal miners' strike continues to cause concern In Great Britain, tlio miners showing no sign of yield ing. Loudon advices hold out hopes of tho problem's solution In it few days through tho efforts of Lloyd George, Minister of Munitions and a man of great Influence anion? tho minors. E E REPORTS INDICATE GERMAN'S ARE GALMXG FORCE Official Statements Claim Army Go ing Ahead While Allies Take An African Town TOWN OCCUPIED 4- t tnr AmocltleJ Preaa to Cooa liar Timet. LONDON, July IC A lirl- tlsh official statomont today says a tolegram from tlio gov- eminent of Nigeria reports that tlio entente allied for- 4 ces occupied on Juno 20 Hg- aundoro, an Important town in central Kaniorun. (Ilr Aikj-UIM rtvi to Cm nr TlmM.) LONDON, July IC According to reports tlio German campaign In tho Russian Ilnltlc provinces scorns U bo gaining force, llerlln today an nounced that the German troops havo crossed tho Wldau, north o Koltlnyan In tho eastward march. Further Gorman advances In Po land, north of Warsaw, aro roport ed by tho German official statement recording progress southeast of Kol kno and south of Prasnyaz. Tho la test Russian statement says an at tack In this region was repulsed. Allies Tnko Town It is officially announced tho oc cupation by tho Anglo-Fronch ami) of Ngaundero, an Important German town In Kamerun, In western equa torial Africa. Italians Gain On tho AiiHtro-ltallun fromt Itomo reports success in forcing tho Alls trlaus out of a position in the moun tain regions wl'ero tho fighting con tinues. Father advances by tho entente allies on tho'GalllpollI peninsula are roported by way of Athens. grooms Include men homo on leave from tho trenches, men from tho training camps und men about to en list. Tho officials, muko, matters easy or them in deserving casos, by reducing tho usual feo, Rig dunce nt SUMNER HALL Hat iiuluy evening. V'co II leitven Murshflehl at 7: lit). PLOT IS DISCOVERED Ii CONCERN 1 ABAC II SETTLE IN PEACEFUL WA Some Hope of Difficulty With Germany be Settled Through Diplomatic Channels CONFERENCE TODAI Ambassador Von Bemstorff Calls Upon Secretary to Talk Matter Over PRESIDENT IS NOT THERE Ills Couio Could, Therefore, Not ho Given U. S. Ih Urged to Tnko Ad vantage of Germany's Offer to .Mediate Important Question CONTRARAND NOTE I IJjr Aaaotlatrd Trfaa to Cooa Ilajr Tlmaa. LONDON, July IC Amor- lean Ambassador Pago visit- ed tho foreign offlco today .. ..Hm.lM.llllil.l ... nnt. .111, k pi UBIIIIIUIMJ i" ilWHIIi.HH. VI. u uritiBii govornmoni wmi tuo suininary of tho druft of tho now American note. mr Aaaottat! rra lo Cooa nr TlmM.) WASHINGTON, 1). C. July 10. Count Von Remstorff, tho Germau ambassador told Secretary Lansing today that ho bollovod tho Gorman reply to tho last American noto on submarine wttrfaro presonted wh op portunity to sottlo tho controversy by further diplomatic negotiations. Secretary LaiiBlng was unnblo t Inform von Uornstorff, In the ub soiice of tho President what courso tho United States would pursuo In tho next noto. Urges Meditation Doliovlug personally that thoro will bo no repetition of tho Lusltnnla dis aster and that Germau submarines would avoid any Incident llkoly to inflnmo tho United States public op inion, von Uornstorff urged tho Unl tod States to take advantago of the intimation In tho Gorman reply that Germany would bo willing to havo tho entire question of tho freedom of tho sea medlatod with Great lirltalu through tho Amoilcan government. Today'B conferonco was an Infor mal ono, ' OF DISEASE HREAKS OUT IN HUN GARY CAUSING DEATH Flvo Hundred Cases In One Week anil More Thau Half Result ' Fatally. (Ilr AtaacUt I'rfaa to Cooa liar Tlmn.) PARIS, July IC Press dispatches from Genova Bay Information receiv ed there from Hudapoat Is that up wauls of flvo hundred cases of chol era doveloped In Hungary In tho week of June 21-2S with 281 deaths. Eighty-one cases wore In tho army and 2 1 deaths. YOUNG LADY KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Two Mishaps on tho Highway of Rosehurg District Within Past Foy Dajs. (Special to Tho Times.) ROSEHURG, Ore., July 15. Two unto accidents havo occurred In thu locality this week. When a niachlno wont over tlio grade on tho Pacific Highway south of Canyonvlllo, Mia Ilesslo Hanson, aged 17 years, and one of tho most popular young la dles of the Glondalo district, was kill- ml. luir fnllior A. 11. HniiROn was Ul. , ..w. -, --. - -- seriously Injured, and his step-daugh ter, Mary Smith, aged 1 1 yoara, was badly hurt. Mark N. TlBilalo, president of tlio First State Dank of Sutherlln, with his son, Charles, and Arthur Kruso mark, wero eurouto to RoBoburg, when their nraehlno turned oer. Mr. Krusomark was pinned under the nia chlno and painfully nurt. REMNANT SALE at the GOLDEN RULE SATURDAY. DYING COLERA IE RUSSIAN SHIPS DESTROY GER MAN UXDEHSEA CRAFT According to ltcMits Ono of tho Dreaded Flglitcrs Meets De feat lit Rlnck Sen Dr Associated Prfll to Cooa nr TlmM.J LONDON, July IC Tho Gorman submarine U-51 Iiub been sunk In the Rlack sea by Russian warships, ac cording to information received by tho Athens correspondent of the Ex change Telegraph company from Var na, a Bulgarian town on tho Black sou. GEORGE E. SPEETS TAKEN IN CHARGE AT RERLIN Snld to Represent American Copper Interests mill Had a United States Passport. Dr Amoclllfxl rrraa to bvja mr Tlinn.l RERLIN, July IC Georgo E. Spcets, an American, understood to represent American copper Interests, has been arrested here on charge not yet divulged. Spcets has an Am erican passport but has boon undor pollco surveillance several months. While Ignorant of Spool's arrest, Am erican Ambassador Gerard yesterday had started an Investigation how SpeelB obtained IiIh passport and had communicated with tlio German au thorities. IS WILL NOT AIiLOV MUNITIONS TO PASS THROUGH COUNTRY Refuses Emphatically to Meet tho 1 Demands Mado by Germany to Trnverso Territory (Ur rrru t. root Dar Tlmaa. LONDON, July 10. Tho Copenha gen correspondent of tho Exchango Telegraph company quotes tlio nows papor Vorwaortz as follows:: "Ru mania has emphatically denied Ger many's demands to allow war muni tions to traverso Rumania for Tur key." GERMANY IS ACTIVE DRIVE AtfAINST WARSAW HAS REEN STARTED AGAIN General Von Hliideiiburg In Lime light Once Moro Hut. Prussians Havo No Fear, Ilr AaaoclataJTrrsa to Cooa Ur Tlmra ) LONDON, July IC Flold Marshal von Iiludeiibiirg has again como Into tho limelight, which brings tho Gormaus within tho zona they reach ed last winter wlion tho Polish cap ital was saved by a Russian counter offensive. Petrograd appears not greatly dis turbed over thu lato Gorman drlvo, assorting that much sovore frontal fighting must bo done boforo War saw can bo surrounded. Tho Austro-Gorman nrmlcs nro making their way across tho Dnois tor River In Southeastern Gallola, undor heavy Russian nrtlllory flro, which has prevented tlio Gormaus crossing In soveral places. Fight lit Caucasus Fighting is again lively In tho Caucusus, where tho Turks and Rus sians both claim successes. Tlio bat tlo In tho French Argonno region culminated today In the capture by the French of Hill 285, which Crown Prince Frederick William had takon by storm July i:t, driving the Froimh back three-fifths of a mllo with tho loss of 2500 prisoners. llomb and grenade fighting Is now supplanting thu artillery in tho fight ing In Franco Indicating that tho opposing forces are now In close grips. SPREAD ALARMING Dr Associated Tims to Com Oar Tins. ZURICH, Switzerland, July 10. Tho Austrian Minister of tho Interior announced today that 800 casos of Asiatic Cholera existed In tho Empire July 12. An alarm- lug spread of tho disease oc- eurred In Gallcia, whoro many war prisoners aro uffoetod, Si ISSU ST i N RUMANIA 1 AUSTRIA MAKES MANY CHARGES Imperial and Royal Minister of 'Foreign Affairs Issues Red Book Giving Evidence It is Alleged That Many Cruel ties Were Inflicted in Vio lation of Laws MANY EXAMPLES GIVEN Depositions of Eyo Witnesses Aro Printed Toll of Women mill Chll- ill en MM rented and Prisoners Subjected to Suffering (Dr AasoclatoJ rrtsa t. Coos Dar TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, July IC Austrla-IIungnry'M Indictment of tho methods of warfaro of hor enomios, giving scores of Instances of "barbar ous treatment" of nationals and pri soners and broaches of international law, was mado public today In a "Red Rook," Issued by t:io Austro Hungarian Minister of Foreign Af fairs through Its embassy hero. Tho publication is called a "Col lection of Evidence," nnd is divided Into four parts. ""Thu first two parts," says a pro fatory nolo Introducing numerous depositions and affidavits, "contain evidence concerning tlio treatment of Austro-Hungarlan diplomatic and consular officers by the govornmont officers of tho hostile countries. Tho casos adduced deal with tho viola tions of tho most elementary rules of tho right of hospitality, a rig-t consecrated sinco tho remotest rulos antiquity and respecloa ovon by tho uncivilized nations or tribes. Never boforo have so many cases of the violations of this right been instanc ed. In several cases tho lllogal ex pulsion or arrest preceded tho ac tual stato of war, a fact which still furtlior aggravates tho offonso. Tho expulsion of tho Austro-Hungarlan diplomatic ngonts from Morocco and Egyt, which Is lrreconcllublo with existing International treaties, has boon mado tlio subject of protests lodged with the neutral powers. Gives KwVlonee. "Tho third part contains ovldenco of tho treatment to which Austrian and Hungarian citizens havo boon subjected, in most cases boforo tho opening of hostilities, in hostile countries. Even if it Is to bo conceded that tho prevention of tho enomy's nationals from Joining tho war is to a cortaln extent JuBtlfiablo, tho me thods employed by tho hoatiio coun tries, and especially tho arrest nnd tho Incarceration of aged men, sick persons, womon and children, aro contrary to tho elomontary usages of Immunity. It was a Fronch prores Hor of law who thus doflued such conduct: 'To Inflict Buttorlngs on flo fonselcBs cltlzons of tho onomy with out imperative reasoiiB Is to revert to barbarism'. Proof1 of Violation "Tlio fourth part comprises authen tic proofs of violations of tho laws of warfaro. From tho ov;onco nero wlth tho conclusion Is Inevitable that there Is hardly a rule of warfare, which has not been vlotatcd rupoat edly by tho liostllo armies. To tho numerous cases of disregard of the regulations concerning tho use of prohibited projectiles, consalncd In Thu Hague itgrconient about tho laws and practices of warfaro on lanl, and of tho Geneva conventton, must bo added tho unspoakablo outrages of which tho Serbian nnd Montene grin troops have boon gn::ty. This ruthlessly Illegal way of conducting war operations, and tho cruel and treachorous participation of tho ou tlro population in acts or war, cer tify once moro tlio lapso from civili zation which tho pooplo of these countries havo undergone, "Tho 'Collection of Evldenco' docs not purport to bo comploto in any rospect. It is naturally restrioted to tho exposition of facta which havo boon olthor off lclally Inveatlgatedor (Continued on Tage Two,) ALLIES ARE ACCUSED rvilh'S t HK re ii