8l!l 6(N never win the heavy weight title by doing light weight stunts 7 .v., 'i Coos Bay Times Your Paper Ttio Coms liny Times la proud of Its (Jtlo "The People's Paper," mid It strives at nil tlmea to A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlint'a what tlio Coos Uny Times Is. A SonUi west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo and devoted to tho best UttoresU of this groat lection . Tho Times nlway boosts mad sorer knocks. tUvo up to its nnmo by dorotlng lt energies to r MAmnftnif til. njuinlA'a liifntuuifa Ik - w.. VU WfW O U.V&UHtF. MEMRKR OK TIM-: ASSOCIATE!) PRESS '?V0L. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 An Tho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 305 "P- 01 HUB CBtmja tit 'f - VfV r; 1 WELSH IKES M ' rt&K.tV' Workmen Numbering 150,000 Go On Strike and Tie Up v Mflllfnirlo nnr Vhmn V IIUMIUUUO Clllll ONIJJO n, i .r DEFY THE NEW LI Mines Supply the Vessels of -the British Navy With Coal for Steaming ENFORCES MUNITIONS LAW iMeia, DlNrcgnidcd Advice of l.cnder to, Let Wage Question lit Arid Ktrntcd Gowriiiiicut Used An- "7573 thot-lty Under War Mcusiiro ' TAKES OVER COAL Mjf-IDr AmocUIM rrtM lo Cuot liny Tlnin.) !&', CARDIFF, England, July tVL..ml.n 1l..tl..l. 4 ,t...lu,. I .. !... TfcjLXW llllllHll iVUUWIilliy HUB 44 ''i taken ovor all reserve coal !', supplies M tW 'it'&W vfeW m:,TSI': 'ro WOHK v : 'jTtDr Aaaoclata. Trtti to Coot Day TlmM.l 1 SW- LONDON, July IT.. A Car ' vllff dispatch says lit thu inln- Kors' COIlforenco today by a ffij&ivoto of ISO to 113 It was jwVdcclded not to accept tho Viti I 1 u n...ll A.. Ftiuauurn ruiuiiiiiiuiiuuuuii iu .ILroturn to work. '&TATA AAAA tSAi. W-WTTTTT-W---rT---r-- w IBy Aaaoclatod I'reu to Coot Bay TIium.) LONDON. July 15. Practically all mines In the WoIhIi coal flolils which supply steaming coal for tho Hrlt- (fslinavy, havo been shut down by a strike of moro than ICO, 000 mln- nrn. fcV 'UnlcBa an earlv solution Is found. (, tho Btrlko may provo ono of thu most boi'Ioub In the country's lils .to'ryi, Tho Hrltfsh government Is fusing for tho first time ItB author ity! under tho so-called "munitions measure proclaimed yostorciay, tunt 'the" minors must not Btrlko. Tho minors roply was to stiiko. FjflllU IIIIIIUID UIHIVhUIUUM HIV.. leaders ndvlco to huvo tho domands ntt.j mlim.n illulnl.niflnil 41ti.ll Jar hlgho pray arbitrated, thereby ' Al .!. ...I.., .....1 nlt. ..... n.i.l lyillK up mu lllinua uiiu iuiinuo uiiti y ships ongaged In coal transportation. iTha.nannltv for strlklui; Is a heavy V dally fiuo. KHAVS lT. S. SHIPS TOO .MUCH WAR .MUNITIONS LTlilnks Practice Has Reached Poln iKiidangerliig Neutrality of This Country, Note Snyw fpir AmocUIJ rrm root Br TlmM.J SWASIUNGTON, IX C, July 1C. Diplomatic representations by Aub-Kt-hy that tho Amorlcan exportation sofjfwnr munitions o tho allies havo attained dimensions ondangorlng Un- IteH'Stutes neutrality, havo heon un- deFT consideration by tho state de partment slnco July 1. fcTho character of tho American ro- SpiyThas not yet beon determined. Tho jfAustrlan noto delivered to Ambassa- RoPenfiold, Juno 29, contonds that twar exports "As a proceeding of tho pTsent war aro not in consonance rwfth tho definition of neutrality." fitKSULT of confi:ricnci: jJBgfHn Dispatch Kays (ermaiiy Ho- f, qiieotctl Austrian Pi-otest Upr AoclateJ rtraa to Cooa Bay Tlmfa J KONDON, July 15. A norlln dls- patche to tho Exchange Telegraph company says tho Austro-Hnngarlan pretest to America is a sequel to tho rSJent conference at Vienna by the Gorman Imperial Chancellor and gerelgn Minister and tho Austro Hungarlan Foreign Minister. The dis Siteh says tho protest was sent at Jurmany's request and Turkey will J fullow suit. Tho object of the pro- Is said to be that a rupturo of itlons with Germany means a rup- wRh Germany's allies. v a 4LZ AUSTRIA PROTESTS ALLIES ADVANCING MAKING SOME (JAINS ACM INST THE TURKISH FORCES That (eriuaiis Aio Ihldciilly Pre paring for Auotbei' llrho Aui'lnt Warsaw Is llelk-r. Illjf AtiDdalpJ I'rraa la C'uon liar Tlmci. LONDON, July 15. An uncon firmed repoit from Athens nays tho AiikIo-KiuiicIi TorccH havo liinilo a Hiibstantlal advauco against thu Krlthla Achl Halm Hue. Thu latent l'arhi communication counters thu (ieriimn claim of buc- (ess In thu Argonno region by Baying tho Kroiiuli huvo gained a foothold In tho (lerman tronchcB on thu Mario Tliureso road nnd thu French attacl.B aro progressing beyond lliu Hervon road west of tho Argonuu forest. Tho (lurniaiiB aru again showing activity botwuun tho Hug and Nlu- inuii Hlvoi's, pointing to a second (lerman drlvo toward Warsaw. .Mil itary observers heru. think thu Rus sians sufficiently strong to mako a consldurablu roHlstaucc. iy HAVE A STRIKE MKX OK Kltl'PP WORKS DKAfANI) IIICIIIOR WA(li:S Report. Is They Threaten to Wi-eck .Machinery If thu Roiiiet M Not (.'ranted (Br AiJodlloJ rreii ta Cooi Br Tlmrt. OKNKVA, July 15. Reports of n threatened big strike at tho Krupp works at Ksson, Germany, him reach ed Hasol. Tho workmen, who de maud less hours and higher wages, aro sold to threatun to wreck the machinery unless thu domands aro granted Immediately. They havo been put off three mouths with pro mises. FIGHT WITH SERBIA RRITISH TROOPS ARM IIIH.PIXC. AO.VINST THU AUSTRIAN'S Kyo Witness, Returning Kiom Serbia to Liverpool Today .Makes Kiiiiwii tho Pact. 1 1)7 Anorlttfrt Trraa to Coo. IUJ Tlran. LIVHRPOOL, July 15. That Rrl tlsh troops nro In Sorbin lighting with the Serbians ngalnst tho Aus-tro-Hungarlans was officially con firmed today by Crawford Price, a Hrltlsh oyo-wltncss with tho Ser bians. TAKE POLISH T (HERMANS SCORK VICTORY DRIVi: ON AVARSAW IN A Also Report Rreaklng French At tempts to Retako Lost (round In Argoiino Region (Br AaaoclilM l'leaa to Cooa Hay Tlrac.J LONDON, July 15. According to reports, Przasnysz, In Rut-slan Po land and a town fifty miles north of Warsaw havo been captured by tho Germans almost at tho Inception of what appears to bo a now drlvo at Warsaw from tho noitli. An offi cial Uorlln statement also records successes along tho east mission frontier to tho northeast. Tho vll lago of Konayu, boutli of Kolno, has been taken "and Olszuuka holghts northeast of Suwalkl stormed. Tho Gormans also report tho breakjng down of French attempts to retako lost ground in tho Argonno region with Infliction of heavy losses on tho attacking forces. Paris reports tho capture of tho lino of German trenches north of Ar ras. An Athens dispatch to London says the allies by four assaults last Mon ody acp tteurodw day captured two hills defending Krl thla on tho Galllpoll poulnsula, but Constantinople ropoits these attacks were repulsed. ONK .MAN LOST Second Hiiglneer Killed When Nor wegian Steamer Is Sunk Br Auoi-Uted Freaa to Cooa Bar Tlmea. LONDON, July 15. The Norwe gian steamer Rym has been sunk by a torpdo. Tho second engineer was killed. Tho rest of the crew was landed at Great Yarmouth. Tlme3 Want Ads tor results. Ml 0 THE NE6RASKAN This is Admitted by German Government Which is Ready to Make Reparation ' iTE COMES TODAY Assurance is Given That At tack Was Not Directed Against American Flag REGRETS ARE EXPRESSED Assures tho United States That At tack of 'Submarine Was to be Con sidered as tin Unfoi Innate, Ac. cldeiit (Jernrd Sends Nolo (Dr AMOclitei Prra, to Uwi Vu 'limM 1 WASHINGTON, I). C, July 15. Germany, In an unofficial iriemornu duiu transmitted today from Hcrllu through Ambassador Gerard, admits that tho steamer Nobraskau was tor pedoed by a submarine and expresses regret and a willingness to mako reparation, and assures tho United States thut tho "attack was not mndo on tho Amorlcan flag, hut was to hu considered an uufortuuatu ac cident." CONFERENCE ASKED KKCRKTARV LANSING WILL MI'.HT (.'I.R.MAN A.MRASSADOR Supposed They Will Talk Over Crisis Itetneon (icriiuuiy and United States 1)7 AwocUteJ TrM. to Cool Til TtraM. WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 15. Secrotary Lansing today asked Ger man Ambassador Count Von Herns torff to confer with him tomorrow. It Is assumed that thoy will discuss tho crisis between Germany and tho United States. SEATTLE OBJECTS THINKS KXOUHSION RATKS ARK KAVORAHLV TO PORLAND Chamber of Coiniiieiee Rellees Great Northern and Other Ifiiils nro Not. Just lly AaaacUteJ I'iraa to Cooa Hay Tlimi.J WASHINGTON, I). C July 15. Complaint was made today to tho lu-j terstuto commorco commission by tho now Seattlo Chamber of Commerce that excursion rutcs on tho Great Northern and other trans-coutlnen-tal carriers from Seattle and Port land to eastern points via San Fran cisco, woro unjustly discriminatory In favor of Portland. CASE IS DISMISSED RATES HUNTSMAN FREED ON OLD MURDER CHARGE Refusal to Allow Evidence of Man .Makes It Impossible To Proceed One By AtaorUta. Tiraa to Cone Day TIuim. HEDFORD, lown, July 15. Tho caao against -Rates Huntsman for tho alleged murder of Nnthanlol Smith, tho Missouri cottlomau, and his son, In Septombor, 1877, was! dismissed today on motion of Hunts man's ottornoys. Attornoy General I Cosson acquiescing on tho ground I that tho refusal to admit tho ovl-l donco Involving E. A. Gollday, thu druggist, said to havo participated In tho alleged crime, mado It im possible for tho stato to proceed. TWO MEN INJURED Drought From lloeck Camp to tho Mercy Hospital S, Maxwell and Charles Peterson, one with a broken leg and tho other with a crushed heel, were brought to the Mercy hospital from the Hoeck logging camp on Coos River where they wero Injured. Thoy woro both reportod pot seriously Injured. CHARGE BIG THEFT POST OKKU'l. MMPI.OVK AMiKC Kl) TO IIAiVIJ STOIjK.V !?20,(l()() Clarence .McDaulels and Ills Wife at Palo Alto Are lloth Under Arrest. I Ilf Annnrlitftl I'rrta to Cnoa Bar Timet 1 SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. Clar ence McOanlels, a Palo Alto Post Office employe-, was arrested hero today charged with thu theft of $20,000 from tho Wallace, Idaho, Postofflce, where ho formerly was employed. Ills young wife, I.uella AIcDanlelH, 1b bold as an accessory after tho fact. A bottle containing $1000 In reported found In the hearth ut thu .McDaulels home. Tho eouplo'B alleged cxtravuganco led to an Investigation. IS MAIM I.MPKRIAL POTKNTATH OF THU MYSTIC SHRINKRS Klcrtloii Ill-ought About by Advan cing Officers of tho Imperial Divine Ono Step fUr Aaao'tated rrta to Cooa D(r TlffiM.) SEATTLE,, Wash., July 15.Tho Council of tho Mystic Shrine today chose officers through the mcro for mality of advancing the officers of Imperial Divine ono step, imperial Deputy Potontato J. Piitman Stevens of Portland, Maine, succeeding Fred erick R. Smith, Rochester, N. Y., as Imperial Potontato. FREAK SHOES TO GO STYLES FOR WOMEN WILL RE MORE CONSERVATIVE Such Is tho Decree of Various Shoo Manufacturers' Associations Issued Today , Br Aaaoctitod Treat to (.-out my Tlmrt.J NEW YORK, July 15. A decree was issued hero today as tho result of a meeting of various national shoo manufacturers' associations that tho recent freakish Btyles In women's shoes must go, especially shqcs of odd colors lacing at back or sldo. Con servative styles will prevail In tho coming season. 15,001 AT FUNERAL CLERGY AND LAYMEN PAY Till RUTE TO RISHOP QUI G LEY One Thousand Priests, A Scro of Rlr.hops and Pap" I Delegato Aro PartIclmiitN By AaaorltlrJ Tr'at to Cuoa Hay Tlmra.J CHICAGO, July 15. Fifteen thou sand persons paid trlbuto at tho fu neral hero today of Archbishop James Qulgloy at the Holy Namo Cuthedrul. Ono thousand priests, headed by tho celebrants of tho pontifical mass, ac companied by acolytes woro In thu procession. Tho Horvlco wob attonded by Car dinal Gibbons and Archbishop Hon znno, tho papal delegato who occu pied tho thrones of their respective church offices, and by a score of blbhops from nil oor tho country. Tho body wus laid to rest In a maii Boleum at Mount Carmol cometory. TELLS STORY OF THE EMDEN'S EXPLOITS Lieutenant Von Mueke Ik Giving Lee tares for tPio Reuef't of tho Gcrnmii Peoplo Bt AnMtfil Vmu to Cooa By Tlmfa J AMSTERDAM, July 15. Tho story of tho Gorman cruiser Emden Is being told to nudleuces In tho principal Gorman cities In a lecture by Lloutenant Von Mueke. Ho led tho party of tho Guidon's crow which escaped and mado Its way around Asia and across Tuikoy to Uorlln, and ho has proved a great success as a lecturer. SENT TO ASYLUM Old Soldier Who Kills Comrade Gees to Asylum (Special to Tho Times.) ROSEDURG, July 15. C. R. Stimpson, the old soldier who killed his comrade, Alexander Church, at tho old Boldlers' home, will be taken to tho asylum at Salem, having been adjudged Insane. All other prose cution has beon dropped. STEVES CHOSEN THOUSANDS DIE IN GREAT FLOOD Three Provinces of China Suf fer Terrible Losses of Life and Property ' CANTON HAS A FIRE Flames and Water Make Res cue Work Difficult and City Is in Darkness LIGHT PLANT INUNDATED Missionaries Arrive and Aro Seek;. Ing Aid of the United States Gunboat Callao Dispatch Tells of Deplorable Condition lily AnocltlM riraa to Cooa Bay 1lma. HONG. KONG, July 15. Tens of thousands of natives are estimated to have been drowned by floods In tho Chlneso provinces of Kwnntung, Kwaugsl and KJnansI with terriblo devastation of tho flood nrca, accord ing to the latest reports reaching here. FIro swept an nrca of ono mllo and raging floods nro handicapping tho rescue work In Canton. Thnt city was dark last night becuuso tho elec tric light plant wus Inundated. Mis sionaries havo arrived hero and aro necking nid of tho United States gun boat Callao in the rcscuo work. TROURLE AT CANTON Thousands Drowned and American Mission Property Damaged By Aaaorlataa rrraa to Coot Bay TlmM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15. Tho American consul general at Hong Kong reports Canton Isolated except to powerful steamers, thous ands havo been drowned nnd tons of thousands aro rnfugees on tho high grounds. Thousands of houses woro burned nnd the Amorlcan mis sion property damaged or destroyed. Foreigners aro taking rofugo with tho Urltlsh consulate at Fuchow. WRECKED BY BOMB TRAIN ROUND FOR MEXICO CITY IS RLOWN UP Many Persons Aboaitl aro Killed or Wounded Road Quit's Selling Tickets to Capital (By AaaoclttMl Prraa to Cooa Day TlmM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15. A train has been wrecked by a bomb I near Aplzaco between Vera Cruz nnd I Mexico City. Tho explosion killed I and wounded many persons. A Vera ' Cruz cablegram to tho Btato dopart j moot says It Is uncertain whether I tho train left Vera Cruz July 12 or ji:t. Tho railroad litis discontinued i selling tickets to Mexico City. DR. ANNA SHAW HAS TROURLE A ROUT TAXES Stalls Proceedings to Prevent Dcla- it ai o County OfflclaU Selling Her Car "Eastern Victory" By Aaio'-lal4 Treat tu Cooa Bay Tlmea. NEW YORK. July 15. Dr. Anna Howard Shuw, president of tho Na tional Woman Suffrago Association, began equity proceedings hero today to pi event the Dolewaro County au thorities from publicly auctioning for delinquent taxes hor tltlo to hor little yellow auto, "Eastern Victory" the gift of New York suffragettes. Dr. Shaw claims Now York her homo slnco 1012. ARTIO HEAT Br AmooUIM Crrta to Cooa Bay Tlaot. SEATTLE, July 15. A tomporaturo of sovonty de grees was reached yesterduy at Tauana, an Alaskan town Jusf south of tho Arctic cir WOULD T HERE AFTER YEARS I'J. H. MKAIMO HEARS FROM WIFE AFTER in YEARS SEPARATION Couple Recaiue Estranged and Lost to Knell Other, Rut Aro Drought Into CoiiimiiiilcAtlou by Story E. 11. Meade, proprietor of tho Kandy Nook, has Just received a letter from his wlfo from whom ho hod not heard In fifteen years. Mrs. Mcadu Is in Cleveland, Ohio, where sho Is leader of a ladles' orchestra. Thu letter came as a surprise, as Mr. Meade bad not beon able to got her address slnco soon after sho left the homo of her parents In Now York not long after shu had left him to visit in the East. He had also been traveling most of tho tlmo with various theatrical com panies and sho was without his ad dress. They had boon married four years and had resided two years In Great Falls, Mont., when sho received word that her folks were 111. Sho went Bast nnd Mr. Mcado returned to tho stage, traveling with various troupes. Tlmo passed without many letters and grndunlly they becamo estranged. Mrs. Meodo writes that n friend called her nttentlon to on oxtended wrltoup of Mr. Meade's book In on Eastern theatrical magazine. Alio thought It must bo her husband and It was tho first Inkling shu had received in years 'of his whoro nbouts. Although the posslng years 'ind long separation has cooled tho ardor of years ago, Mrs. Meado's letter Is n most kindly .one nnd Is being answered by Mr. Meadu In tho saino spirit. LORD KITCHENER IS A BUSY MAN NOW Puts In Fifteen Hours' u Day and Although SIxtyRivo Holds Up Well lly AaaoclataJ rrraa to Cooa Bay Ttuin LONDON, July 15. Although ho has Just passed his sixty-fifth birth day, Lord Kltchcnor shows no sign of breaking down under the fifteen hour workday that ho sot for him self on taking charge of tho war of flco at tho beginning of hostilities. In this Interval, he has slept out of London only four times. Ho has a bed In tho war building for emergen cies and always lunches thoro. Lord Kitchener's day begins at St. James' Palaco ot 7 o'clock In tho morning. At 8:10 ho sponds ten or fifteen minutes ut brookfost, break fast Is followed by n walk In St. Jam es pork to tho war office, wliero he orrlves at 0 o'clock. Important dis patches must first bo cleared nway. Thoro aro oftou meetings of the cab luot or of tho high explosives, or of other committees to attend. Lunch eon Is a muttor of fifteen minutes, usually taken about 1:15. From then until 7:30 in tho evening ha works steadily. If thoro Is business of ox trumo urgoney on hand, ho contin ues without dinner. Otherwise, ho dines and stays on duty until nnout 11 o'clock whou ho retires to hod In his rooms In St. James' palaco. A somowhut raro form of relaxa tion of tho war lord is n drivu Into tho country In his motor car. Ordin arily his walk in tho park Is his only oxorciso, Ho cats abstemiously, drinks nothing at meals and follows tho King's examplo In regurd to li quors. Hut .ho does oujoy a clear after meals. HINDU MECHANICS OFFER SERVICES Aro Among Flint to Itospond to Call for Volunteers to Manufacture Munitions By Aioelile.l n to Com Bay Timet.) LONDON, July 15. Olio of tho first responses to tho call for re cruits to manufacture munitions camo by cable from Calcutta, where tho student body of tho Victoria Hin du Technical Institute offered a hun dred Hindu mechanics to go at onco tp England for employment at any kind of mochanlcal work tho govern ment might chooso. Ladles of tho Christian CliurcN will hold a COOK FOOD SALE it Xitsburg's Grocery Saturday, begin lug at 1 1 a. in. Dig danro at SUMNER HALL Sat urday evening. Alice II leaves Mnrshfleld at 7:!I0. Havo your letter heads printed ut Tho Times office. Times Want Ads bring results. STEAMER HARDY WILL DE SAVED In Collision With Shasta and Beached Last Night Oppo site Exposition Grounds Vessel Bound for Coos Bay and Had a Cargo of Freight for North Bend MESSAGE SENT TO SIMPSON Rig Slmplcv Machlno Was Aboard Rut Wun N"t Damaged Hoy nnd Other Personal Freight Was About d Can 1h Repaired 4 FACTS AHOUT HARDY Gross tonnage, 429. Net tonnage, 289. Length, 158.5 feet. Rreadth, 34 feet. Depth, 11.4 feet. Crow, 18. llullt In 1898. 0 Homo port, Sun Francisco. Carries 550,000 feet ot lumber. Tho steamer Hardy which has for several years past boon carrying lumbor from tho Simpson mills at North Bond was In a collision last night ns she was leaving San Fran cisco Hay and has been beached. Tho Hardy collided with the stoam or Shasta, a freighter. J. If. Hardy, ono of tho owners, wired L. J. Simp son today regarding tho accident but did not state tho extent ot the dam age. Tho nccldont happened at Point Donltn which Is practically at tho ontranco of tho bay. Tho Hardy was beached In shallow water op posite tho Exposition grounds, Can ho Repaired From tho telegram received It Is supposed that tho damngo Is not great as Mr. Hardy stated that tho boat could bo repaired In two weeks so that sho could go back on tho run. Tho Hardy carried somo general morchaudlso for Coos Day nnd also somo freight for L. J. Simpson, In cluding a shipment of hay. Mr. Simp son's big Slmplox machlno Is also aboard but tho message, stated that It wus not scratched. OmA mi Interest v Tho vossol Is Insured but tho car go Is not Insured. Recently tho Simpson Lumber company bought about u one-half In terest In tho boat. J. II. Hardy, , Capt. Mlchoolson, tho mastor and1, others own tho rest of tho boat. WAS LOCKED OUT OF HER OWN RESIDi Mrs. Lola Ilaldwln Seeks Aid of Police- to Recover Key Man Held Aid of tho police was sought laa,t, , night by Mrs. Lola Baldwin, who de- . dared that sho had Just moved Into tho Pioneer Rooming House and that n man who had been holptng hor move rofused to give up tho key, claiming that sho owed him -nionoy. Judgo Ponnock was called on tho 'phono. Mrs. Raid win told him she $1800 worth of furniture In tho placo and wanted to get In. The Judgo'told her tho man would have to bring suit for any money and that ho could not hold tho koy, which was lator dollvored to Chief Carter. Again tho police wero called, tho koy was given back and Mrs. Raid win was able to got Into her now homo. FRENCH IN INDIA All Men Hctvtcvu Eighteen anil Forty-eight Mill Vlght for tho Mother Country (By AitocttloJ rrtu t Cooa Bay Timet, CALCUTTA, July 1C All Euro peans and descendants ot Europeans In French India, who wero born be tweon 18 and 48 years ot age will go to tho colors. Almost overy French family In India Is affected. Contingents will sail for Europo from mid July until lato In August,. DAMAGE IDT KIM L ENCE