iyiUElMkllS rn!"" . n 1 1 i . uwi.Mi ly'il '""""'' "' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915--EVENING EDITION. "i t-i HlBHiHTTfeiCi4i-ijTEifI W Ti.riAMaiB93iMMt'iw&i bm in ,ni... ili uri'ta? r i r T'lflfBTi-irrmnnt r-r - f v FOUR V : jOoggBAY ig;BESEBifES DECISlf 111 PLUK HILL' u '..i lki..lkinw. o.. MAT.OXKY. Editor nntl Pub. hi . fl i. r.nm - w" , --- . DAN'K. MALOXEY, xcns Junior ' -t,in0 'int. M Offlclnl Pnncr of Coos Comity ! Official Paper City of Mnrehfleld. Entorcd at tlio Postofflco at Marsh- field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall .matter. straw denies ising .i tux sum: road of soutiikrv language i'acii'H' will m: improved Hulliond WIN I'm ni-li Material mill County Will Lm.v It Other Minor Road Win It Oideicd "lit- Didn't Assnull .Mf Either." S.ijs i:-Alnyiii'. "Hi IMiln't llliu-k M) Eie." OccMoii Later Dr. K. E. Straw whi analgneil After IiimioUiik Hip '" road . . .. . ... I ...1.1..I, !,.. ,.iillin.i l:lilfli 1i.li! rlltl- before Judge Butler tins afternoon . .. k,..., ...... ., n ,.in,.,.., nf HHlnir obscene Jan-1 sirmcuu in pi.nu uii .--- -.-- ..--...- of tliu i'minty SUBSCRIPTION RATES I) AHA. Ono year 56-0" Par month GO WEEKLY. i Ono year ............. .. 1:P"i .' . ... ,-.... Q..,i,in n ,. ..i.iu-kp I missioned ami Engineer Hliulinuixli ..affl v rx w 0iia' I ," ,; . uu ;; ... .-. ", ...c ,,, Times Is JB.00 per year or $-.50 for '. RqP(, between Dr. Straw an.l ' Plaints about it. Tho Southern I a- lull months. twii.. t iin,i nftnrnnv for Sued- rifle is to furnish the material to gunge. Decision of the Judge win. Wghwu wj.lch they had taken Tor resolved. The case grew out of the ' right of way. the Coos County torn- - J0rP$ ill i iWjmami m ivis uJSMk 3 M FUHDI S BEIETf HI OLDEST BANK IN' COOS COIN IT Established i'. ' Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Illtl'll'sl paid mi Tlino AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Offl ccrs SCHEDULE ADOPTED BASEBALL SGDRESiL .1. W. Dennett, President. .1. II. Flanagan, Mco-Pieslilent. It. F. WIHIiHiiH, Cnsliler. Geo. V. Winchester, Aist. (V!n,.r, new h . " . . . . .. ,.. I .,i.,..i.. nhmif Jiin foot nf thu road .uw mv iiut'iiui. i imi.i i: in COAST l.l'AdTi: (JOIIS TO M'l An, independent Ropubllean news-'don. who t.ion fuck at ur. .. .-- -"'. . . . v .. ,m. -" ; " " " v:,,,v ,,... ., AViXTrUK tln.lcn wna nrrnstPd for assniU. """ "- ....... . .- -.-, i ............. . .-.,..... .- ...... paper, published ovory ovenlng ox- Hodgo was arrested for assault cent Suudav. and weokiy. by Tho Cooh Day Times Publishing Co Address nil communications to COOS DAY DA1IA T1MICS. Hiiocld in-: wi:i.co.mi:d PETER IJ. ICYNI-:, tho noted writ er, whoso slorles In the Satur tin. I.UAiiliirv Vnat linVfl ntlriPl. UUJ .f.llllh . uu.. .... . . ......... cd 86 much attention, Is coming to Coos Hay within flvo or six weeks. Mr. Kyno is to write n 100,000-word sorlnl Btory for Collier's Weokiy and bo Intends to make Coos Day tho sccno of tho story. Ho Is .'oni' lng hero to get tho local color. That k I A .. . 1 Three witnesses were examined. . luuiu. i Mr Hodco declared he had been I ltoadmaster llall-I.ewis says that ,uv is Mitihrt!il to Pl at Sum- Du-tun called names and that was the 10a- the new piece of road 1ms a better ol.. Dimum- Mill nt DaiileN Civelt: son ho struck the doctor. W. T. grade than tho old road and tho nm, Hatrlieiy ut l-tlile. Stoll knew nothing of tho rase, as only complaint was thnt It was l.n wns not nroscnt. . B- M P"i"K ui - ami Detioit Vie for li Seine mill Tonnei- Wins Willi l.i Hun. to I lei- Ciedlt The season's siheilule for the teams of t'te Coon liny !au hits tr AnltNl iTtm to Vm Mr Tlnnn PHILADELPHIA. July 13. lolin . ...M. .nt tl.tl(iiur Ut mn'a Hut iikiu Dr. Straw denle.l mat lie nau uieu .. " .".".... "- "- . ,. .., wlli ,,. , , MlRrl,. m.-.nr of the New Yolk iio iHil-iroml wi lie superior to me oui rouu. - - .... interview here, ile um uiub (,... .. .,.,,.. ... .,. ,,(., .i,., nnn. ouemtlou n.t Sunday. The flvo , Ownts, in mi TtZyZLoZ 7un.,t . mlfd hfr c,retl that the ,,,. of tho Xut- tor. 1 WOlllllll l nan- uiiuu. in ,ui.ii.. .l..l... v.. ih. .i- lr...l tum. mil witalrnr tills vnill' .. . . I l.nf.l.... I.an.l n.t.l u f fdll I. f 1, Oil ttll I'H rt ! I lH I IV VI iriHlIMfc . IV I, W .(.I.e. ..v..... .. . ....... llini UI1IUPS "llUhl- uiBMWll uira o..v-..p........ .." - ... t. i , ... r. t n.1 . n nlintiitn III A rUSlUll J w vmwMU in; hn could at least give me a black ' Southern Pacific trestle across Ten wonn up. .y ?. a .. M...i .. ... ,-.. ... - , lye didn't even notice him." Mile Creek was approve,! by the ! for each t rh 3n- He accounts for his fact with the Ho all hat 1.U convention was Commissioners. They also ordered Y " "ve conts shall tr .mtewent that only n certain nun,- 110 said linn ins miiiiiMiiuii ........ I,... Uvl .!. m-IU. r iwhrn- lw- nf cnnil i in vara nnii 1m nrmllirflil oked a numuer or muuuy places in ine u- i. '- -..- -. ... - , I prlrate and should have prov ino one. "If Mr. Hodge Intends to 'temporary .,.., i.n nm nm ii I iv mwi mnkni Slouch and I.akesldo fixed up. ....... ., iw,..o. lon-nnno. lio'il Todnv the Commissioners went to In? way th players of other 'earns Coos Day bo nindo tho oceiio of n' . . . .... , ,... , unnn..ni. i..io, n inm,.i i,n wntar. thas led to tho belief there should l.e - imn n iiniii inn null villi 11 n:ivai ill 11 1111111LII iiui.1 lu iiit'iivi v .v "ii. Btory In bo Important a publication ..... n . ..... .,....... aild BeQ W,ether the county," rule soInK into effect a week from 1 Now York road between North nine. 0O' Vr. The possibility of one tom ilnnr-l The scores of yesterday follow: American League At Cleveland 1 will bo a great advertisement for . . . ... . . . ,.. oe nn n nlirf ..., ..... (ho ,,... of Coos Sunday. July 3. giving this as tho place, ami It Is fitting thnt Mr. I f 'MnU BBanBt"Drstraw. ay In bearing the expense of dreilg- st date that players can be trans- Ifvnn It A rrtvntl m'fiPV rniirfPftl llV I . ff..l trn nn. tnm In ma At tho locnl people. It would be well for tho Chamber of Commerce to tnko tho matter up and sco to it that Mr. Kyno receives tho welco'no thnt his position In thu literary world deserves. $$ t WITH THE TEA i AND THE TOAST $ lng out some shoals. SASH AND DOOR PLANT 1ml . pW. . 0DDCD isTnninsRnnwwiWILL GIVE A SUPPER furred from one team to another, he Cleveland '. . . ; 1 At Detroit Hoston 1" Amiomice'iueiit That It Will Shut Saturdiiy for Indefinite Time Mill to Continue Manager Arkley, of tho Simpson Lumber Company, announced this 1 morning that the sash ami door 'factory of tho company would close down next Saturday night to re- COOI) EVENING There Is ono sure help to ward tho euro of every fault, and that Is tho honest recognition of It C-rlllpnrzer Nothing lias been done regarding Detroit 1 - the forfeit to be posted by each of At Chicago the teams and it is probable that j Washington , . . . r. :i -rniwinuT at r-UAMni en " luivmni mi unHi-Juusir. each team will be put on its honor 'Chictigo to do its ben and falling any time I At St. Louis to appear, except In the case of Phllndelphln-St. Louis Itnln rain, will forfeit tho game to the j National League 'He'Sfcarked m Lsfe 9J jnen nid J mt will find " a linmi nliniit, tho liven of rich rule tho statement, "Ho ntnrtod In llfo n poor man." Competency was only acquired when tho habit of s.uln, M, formed. No man who exchaugog his labor, for money In too p.mr m Btart a bank nrcnuut. Wciilth dopendR upon what you savo 110I on wlml you rn. This hank nccopts savings accounls In nny iinioiint thr i.i.-ill depositor is nlwnys welcome. It pays Interest on time rir-poslK Stnrt thnt ncoiint now. Having IhIIio rpault of nnU FSeSTillOILII OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For Rent. Iliistuess Men's Awirlntluit mid the Chamber nf Ciiiiiniorit'. AVill .loin In the leut The members of the Business Men's Association and the Chamber of Commerce will give a get-together opposing team. The schedule follows: July IS Marshfleld at Sumner; Beaver Hill with the Tigers at Dan- KOLDIEIIM Ol' SUNSHINE "Tho captain of tho morning Is on the (Hairs of time To lend tho music makers To fields of cheor and chlnie. Ho lifts n stnlnlesH lily To mnko himself a sword A soldier of (ho sunshino In tho ImttlcH of thu Lord." Too many Coos liny people spend thu best part of their tlino blowing liolca In tho atmosphere. Diamonds of tho first wator are absolutely pure but whon It routes to milk of the first water, well, that'H different. Tho Coos Hay man who Is look ing for trouble Invariably rimls ll and more. In after years soino Coos liny iniirrled men wondor why they full ed to appreciate a noft tump when they had Jt. Sometimes u Coos Hay young mtin getH his feelings hint bocnuso no ono will volunteer to mako u 1i1uk far him. Many 11 Coos Hay girl shatters her Ideal by niairylng him. Really rouudors. auuaro men are Holdom Anyway whon a Coos Hay woman argues she can always ionlnco herself. ; t NEWS OF OREGON I SALEM Thu stuto board of con trol has taken under ndWsuineut the matter of uiuplojlng a woman par ole officer. main closed for nn Indefinite. length llotol, when various matters will be of time. There has been a force of discussed by thoie present. 24 men nt work in the factory. This announcement has no of- KLACKAMA CLUB WOULD feet on tho lumber mill of the com-1 diiv ciTt: cno OAD! pany as the Porter mill and log- BUT bl ' h hUli riK ping camps will continue nt work cs has been previously announced. Mr. Arkley says tho sash and door fuctory was closed because of gen eral depression in huslncbs. supper this evening at toe inandier "is v,rN; imiciiery m r.asisiue. July 2o. Eastslde at Marshfield: Sumner at Daniels Creek; Hatchery 1 t 1 ..0 ;i To Stage Pagennt of White Men's Coming Again Next Year Pic nic (Jlxcu The Cast RUNNING EXTRA TIM I at Beaver Hill. August 1. Marshfeld at Iiouxcr HI!'.; Eastslde at Sumner; the Tig ers at the Hatchery. August S. Tigers at Eastslde; Hatchery at Marshfield; Sumner nt Ucavur Hill. August 13. Uuuvor Hill ut East- (Speclal to Thu Times.) sI('o: Marshfield at Daniels Creek; DANDON. July 13. At a picnic Sumner nt the Hatchery. given on Sunday by .Mrs. J. L. Kron- Camus to bo played at homo .enberg to the ":' members of tho Marshfield. :; lleavor Hill, IS; Tl N01 Hi itcml Luinhei- Co. Cutclilim l'p ' caste in the pageant held here a short Bern, ."; Hatchery, J;' Eastslde, .'!; for'lMisi Tlino rhs Wwk 'time ago the project was broached , Sumner, 2. .u Bi-uuii- jo. i.iu iMitinniiiH c.uii, s , a park, the site used by thorn In the open nlr performance. Plans ware laid for a continuance of tho mi- KwilIa lx,lch w, gcani no.xi year, two nays to no no-, xoted this time to. tho affair. Mrs.' Kronenberg, with her husband atulj (Special to The Times.) family, is loavlng today for a yoari ilOhl'HURti, Ore., July 13. The At New York Cincinnati . ... Now York ... . At Brooklyn Chicago Brooklyn At Philadelphia Pittsburg 2, Philadelphia Pittsburg 4 Philadelphia ... 2 At Boston St. Louis 2'Hoston 1 St. Louis -I ' Hoston .'! fla s 1 s FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OK TITLE AND INI-DHMATIO.N ABOUX' COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHPIELI) AND COQl'ILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSMIi: AND SKNGSTAOKKN'.S ADDITION' AGENTS l'OIl CANADIAN I'M I KIO RAILROAD LANDS HENRY KEXGST.U UEN, MANAGER Tho plant of tho North Bend Lum ber Company Is running extra time this week and Is putting in twelve hours u day Instead of ten hours. The mill was closed down for n week during tho Fourth of July celebration mid Is now catching up In orders. .MILL TO BE LARGE in California, but she expects to ro-il'lans for the Kendall Brothers' Mill turn In time next year to huvo all In, ''fill for n building .130 feot long - 3ot$f readiness for the staging of tho pro-(and ICO foot wide, with an anno;: dilutions showing the coming of tho -'-" 1J "00 feet in sixo, nil undur one 1 oof. In addition,,, there will h" other buildings. There will he n 1 nrAi nurDri 01m u" luuhi. uvcnruuvv white men to Cooi. I ' EVENTS TONIGHT I .WRITES FOR LOST BROTHER Tho North Bond city council will willlaiii Cox Finds Then. .. oilier. hold 11 meeting tonight to open pav- Hearing Ills Name I lng bids. " I Tho members of the Business! William Cox has discovered that j Men's Association and Chamber of , there are others in the country who j Coiumeico will hold supper at the',Jl'!,r 1,H name. Recently thoro was j Chandler hotel tonight. printed In a Portland papor a pic Special to Tho Tlmos.) noKi-Mtmir: rwn t.,i , -. . . - ..,.., .onw, uhij . ,,, run uiumiiero 01 tno .xianiiirioiii , """ "'" i .'ir. toxs twin The big Clmutnuqiin meeting which lodge of Owls will Install newly eleu. j boys. Tills was of courso seen opened Saturday night Is In jwmIoii led officora tonight. 1 throughout tho state and now Mr. .nm! 8 i)0nf jnrguly attondsd Thl.i ox has recohed a letter from Mm.'ib u,0 foHr,h ,,, ovont of Ul0 L. L. THOMAS luu gone to Lakeside Charles Cosset!, of I.ntorolle, Ore- ,i,i and a big tout was orotted In Tor u few day. Ron. She writes that her brother. 'wl.l.-a to hold tho sustdong William Co, left home IS yours ' A U 11lMirtVI .in.. ...If.. .11..1 tr lllflt In wnll: In ti IaumIhu 1 ,.... ... .,. .............. .. ,,,- ,, ,,. .. "! vn.Hi. inn. , liiSAUIIAUT F. A. Mcbola. of I J t AT THE HOTELS t 1 '$ 1 ' Chandler Hold. ! Carl N. Kennedy. Corvnllls, C. II. McCutehcon, Sun Francisco; II. 11.' J IIn.lI, Portlund; II. B. Rodgors, llau- tlon; A. W. Brown, San Francisco; P. M. llnll-Lowls, Couulllc; .1. L. Anseu, Couuillo; J. L. Bowman, Erect Lnrgc I Portland; C. 11. Mitchell, Portland; Stiuctuie ill Roseluug l.lanios Watson, Couuillo; C. F. Hun- ison, Portland; C. AV. Robblnn, Port jOrford; D. II. .luekson and wife. 'il.'andon; Mrs. Ed E. Dyor, Daniels Creek; A. F. Sothor, Rosoburg; Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. (Jroeno, Puoblo, Col.; 1 . 'A. Wohlln, Portland; J. .7. Meuny, ' Portland; Sum Gordon, Poworu; 1 Earl I). Doran, Portland. Llojd Hotel B. llnstlng, Gurdlnor; Edna B'own Coor River; Mr. and Mrs. L. Wat-! son, Uosebur'g; Arthur Moore, Coos j River; Jacob Stanley, Powers; Carl I llolllstor, Bandon; K. M. Prlng, ' Powers. 1 Blanco Hotel J. H. Corrlgan, North Bond; It. Bialnord, Myrtle Point; It. John, Cocmlllo; S. II. Glllon, Myrtlo PoPit; H. C. Hanson, Bnndon; F. Thomus. Portland; II. F. Proy, KaaUldo. j St. Lnwronco llnlnl 1 W. T. Demont, Myrtlo Point; (I. J. Ariimtrong, Bandon; Frank H. Lnioh and family, Houulam; .lam on j TwirBtntwiw,vPCTi7S3CTTjctriraMgi;xrrij;g8i IV a 1 A.KILBURNjteamers.SANTA CLARA I a 1 011 PORTLAND .11' I A 17, !!:, 1:7; At'Gl'.Vr , 7, 115, 17, l!l. U7. EUREKA ANlfSAN. FRANCISCO IL'IjV ill, Ul, Sill; AUGUST I, (I, II, 1(1, til, s!, I'm l-'uillier liiliirm'ntloii Apply NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. SMITH TERMINAL DOCK , STllllt, gent Phono l:tll ataaftuif iwtwigjgmacsigarca ia 'n''KPaammimM9umunirii9mM4iMmaiaiumrimigmMnnimuiuii inirn nun ponu sufficient to hold ::,000, 000 foet of logs and a large men of Ir ml will bo occupied by the com pany. CIIATAL'QUA HELD equipped With avireless Iteamship cwaier .ft) 8J9& ' ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM .MARSHFIELD EVERY SUNDAY Dl'IIINf,' JULY AT H:() A. M., EXCEPT SUNDAY, JULY I, AT 1 P. .M. NI FROM PORTLAND EVERY THURSDAY AT H A. M. Phono .JJ-J. II. J. MOHR, Agent. I. McKeown and wife have return- t' bo has never heard from him ' Portland, wax elected' pretddont of "ton' Portland; Joe Murdoch, cd f 1 inn u fishing trip to Elk Illv-' sliu-e She miggekta thnt he would the State' Pharmaceutical ussoelntlon I'""" Krnc,c--! Jk Bogon, San Dr. Curry County. Judge llwiu-,I"-olmbly like to see her again mid which has boon In -.cfwlou nt 0r.iFr",a,fcC0, ed or iiioiul sas It Is tho fluent fishing to Unit Ills mother and father, and hurt. In Oregon uud tolls of wondrous """ Mr. Cox K hi is her brother. trout they caught. The Multifield William Cox in TIIK fashions Of WR uwi uiu iuiih-.oi iiiuiuor WHO is Minium, wni.1,1 ill,0 ,n ,.i.. .. l)r.Sell.erc.i..)r. A. F. Kothor.li.lii. o..ffl.. 1.,,. ,i. , ..... """"" """""' ' cuooso a gown V of Itoseburg. Is in the div ,..,,. ih. .,: ,,; ..."..,. .... ..! .. " '"etiiing chttrmlng.-very, -;-"'. t . imipmviwu (iiu iau.t, wiiu yon latter part of tho week will go to will doubtless be disappointed .vhen ..........v. ...I 11 ...hiuk inp wiui v-in-, sue riinia that her hopes of find ren Reed. Dr. Sotlier's uncle, Dr. ling her Mother uie gouo. u. v. hotiier ol l.loiulale, U e.xpucted "'. Ot0. to urrlxo tonight. They both aie In- terimtud In tunimi'lv on tin. onii wi.i.. PORTLAND The city of Port-Lf n... i,v. land has 10 bakories and all hut 10 are of tho loquliud cleanliness to bo Included In the "white list." HOOD RIVER The county court has appointed 11. L. Furrow county rondinaster to take full chargu of thu loads, WOODUUIIK -- A Cliautauuua OI-'IEN SlJltS HERR Diher or Hie H.iudou Singe Line lias Hunting I'l.uc Located. Dhk Itli-hunU. who runs the Sewn DeMlK auto stage Hue biii...i meeting has opened at Woodburn M '. fl ,,., , , '' and is being largely nt.euded. 1 an , I , n ?1 ?"U PORTLAND Mr, Mury Joll0h. , "J " ' ' .'".-- L. Jo.iiu. .. liv.. l' . "" " '""" '" "" "UU,,B alK . -, .. .tiir B,VII . fl iUHlcl wlfo of C buyer uccldently fell Into 11 well and wub drowned, llor body was found nftor she was misted fioiu her home. LA ORA.NDE Mr. and Mrs. J. Conrad, wealthy furmers, are search ing for their daughter, Miss Nellie Conrud, who dUupuouiod a week ago und of whom no trace has been found km HlHl Pioperly Fitlwl Depailiiieiit. llo says that they si in to appeal In about the sumo ,ihue and ho thinks ho surely lias the huiiiing places hinked out when the deer soaon comoa again. It is ci. etblng unite out of the (ir.lln.iry uu.t on a trip through u more .' !. vottlod country between two cltks only a little over 20 miles t nimit that deer In their wild wt.ige should be so often seen. .. SOCIAL CALENDAR Mrs. IlioKcii lenses dupllciiti-il xxlillf )ou unit Itvtl Crass Opih-nl Dept- TUESDAY C. W. H. M. with Soli llu uilo. Auction Bridge with Mrs. W. F. Mlllor. WEDNESDAY Hay city Aid with Mrs. R. A. Chaplin. Nsuelwui Club with Mario Galbralth. Dorcas Club with Mrs. L. llaxoltou. Robokuh Itudulhitlon. Auction Hrldgo with Mr. F. V. Cattorlln. THURSDAY THURSDAY North Beud Altar Guild with Mrs. Deuuis Hull. Eaktside Sewing Club with Miv Freil Brooks. Baptist Ladies Picnic. Happy Hours Club. Mlunlo-WU Club with Mrs. fee. tho stylos we're showing , now I Are btriclly military! Of coiiro, till, war in vory sad, But ludlos must be dreod, And so, in spite of tiuubloil tlmos, Wo strlo to look our best. This llttlo Fronih trl-colorod gown Is being copied much, Thoy wear an euglo un the hat To glo the llerniun touoh. The military epauleu Tho chevrons on tho arm Thu buttons cut like cannon balls ' Could net or fall to charm! 1 Then, with this gown, I'd just sug-t get (It leally Kn't shocking) That darling little red.cioiw slgu Embioldercd on tho stocking. Of lourse. this war is vory sad, But ladies must be drossod. And u). in spite of troublous tlmog, We strlvu to look our host. Selectod. 04 WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING tho most satisfactory Place to turn for infor inutlon Is to tho advor- Using columns of THE COOS BAY TIMES. Tho advertising is tho messngo of men and wonion who bollovo thoy havo unticlpatod your wants. Thoy bollovo thoy can add to your pleasures by 1 supplying thorn. ' They usk your patron- ! ago und frankly tell you x why becauso thoy call 1 bo of service to you. The advertising Is tho mooting place, tho great -- exchange for supply and demand. H is a profitable 'habit to road the nilvi.rllcl.r - - ....ft IITEIHIBEIIII TIUSPBHTIITIH U Weekly Service Coos Buy nnd Hnn Frnnchco. IS STEAMSHIP II II .11 t.Y Freight and Passenger Service FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, THURSDAY, 1.1, ut !':() P. .11. r' San Francisco Office, coo Fife BnllilinK. and 1'lcr Number 23 .Ooob Bay Agent, 0. P. McGKortQE, " Phone U. 'TWXJfMUV-fcftMirtXJ--l-llKtBMJKinni Bill arm '"' .I ! I , l , ! H It costs In a live daily newspapor like a Puget Soignd Bridge & Dredging C Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most pouorful, beit equipned nm) most "thoroughly mode"1 twenty-iuch liydniulic drudge Ir. Pnclflo waters C00S-ji?ay. rf,fi.ce'n Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle. Washington. THE COOS cent a word j r(Y TIMES. ' to tell your btory oach day In A. 54. Downs. Tho Times want columns I lb it 1c 4, 0e44v I " A? F AM DCAu Tfi rT7,r " " : XJV.LIMH DLHUI RVW UINC i , Ooi-ht W King, i Cars Iwno .Marshfield . - . , - ,n. iiiu-s, l-.mplro, .huMjHiHseio,. St)llt ?oi , a Bmct .,y 75c , TT-rrr-. --S, - B Ill ctvJS, .. i w' -.' 5jn5pi!tT i--'i-- "fyci 1 - r .r , -.., h '..-, .Ar ,ik. ' - 1 flli - K l 71 XBIhW HMtM YJl T. -rffti.