' t " "uifiK' J r, pU U"., THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1-915 EVENING EDITION. THREE -- rtments ens ens Jo make room for our incoming Fall Stylos woare forced to give a large per In the Men's and Boy's Departments ve are giving an average of 33 1-3 off on all garments which will be found to be only the best make, style and ma terials, It is our earnest desire to please and we are offering bargains that cannot be duplicated, A call will convince you. ', uciiuto ui uibuuuiu on an garments in me uuiies ami omiuren s uepanmeni All garments are of the finest quality and make that our buyer could get when in New YoiK, and are sure to please you, uome in and look at them, IRVING BLOCK SPECIAL GLEAN-UP PRICES on ALL SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS in BOTH MEN'S and WOMEN'S DEPARTMENTS One Week Both M a i or v r Ih -S Wkv and worn uepa j&a4&$umy iTM v" LADIES' SUITS ' Reg, $16,50 to $19,75, now . ..S10.75 Reg, $23,50 to $27,50, now .. $15.00 Reg, $25,00 to $42,50, now $19.75 Reg, $42,50 to $60,00, now $25.00 New and up-to-date suits In latest ma terials and styles, LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS Reg, $12,50 to $17,B0, now $8.75 Reg, $17,50 to $27,50, now $12.75 Reg, $27,50 to $37,50, now . -SI 7.50 W IK I fc High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef- ticioiu cierKs uqing out oi ! ,. i I ... Keeping our prices as low as consistent wiui goou uusi hess makes a . ... k u cornier & bh -4-The Lcadinn Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. n iMt m GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish. from pllu In our yard or In carlond lots, nt following prices: From pile on ground, $2.?f per canond lots, Retail H A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pciftt-Offlco. ms.m,im independent L,Marshflold, North Ituud, Empire, IiOhvcs MurMificld. nt Iiii.sy Cornet'. a'j). in.; 5 p. in. Leaves North ' Leaves Empire 8no a. in.; 11:30 a. in,; 1.30 p. in,; it'ito p. in.; i,-0:OO p. in. Trips lifter tlioo hours mny ho arranged or. Phono V.sllMsy Corner. Night phono 1(17 - a Agency Kffbn1tw OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES ft Marine and Automobile North Front Street :: ffiirshfield-Coquille Auto Stage vo Leave Coqulllo A.M. 7:00 0:00 11:00 P.M. it: oo (1:30 "ggjplmrniacy field M, , 500 so o to JIIFIELR-COQUILLE AUTO PAGE TIME SCHEDULE cdule arranged to connect ibonts to llandon, Stages to Point, Warner, Roscburg. Xo delays. Ifi'om Mnrshflcld to Coqulllo: 75 cents. agio Lnmboth, Props. ll furnish extra cars for trips day or night; also tr cars. IE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 IERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals iPrices Reasonable Commercial nnd U'uw'y. All garments All garments LADIES' AND MISSES' SILK DRESSES For Afternoon or Evening Wear Reg, $12,50 to $17,50, now $9.75 Reg, $17:50 to $27,50, now $14.75 Reg, $27,50 to $42,50, now $19.75 WOOL DRESSES Reg, $7,50 to $10,50, now - $4.98 Reg, $10,50 to $14,50, now .. $8.75 Reg, $14,50 to $23,50, now $12.75 me nign rein district ana Z"i i .. il II..1 noagiana Phones 348-J and 326 GRAVEL In any quantities ynrd. takon from cars, $2.00 per yard. Department. Phone 100. auto service Tarheel, Sunset Hay. 7 n. in.: 10 a. in.: 1 n, in.: Rend 1.1 minutes later. 11. arase for Repairing a Specialty :: :: .. Phone 180-J City Auto & Taxi Co. Day mid Xlght Service For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandlor Hotel LYXX LA.MHETH, Prop. Now Cars Now Cars T. J. SCAIFE tf A. IT. liODGIXS MarsnneiQ DECorating co Estimates Furnished Phono 110-It. Marshfleld, Oregon X t WESTERN LOAN AND I I BUILDING CO. t I t t Assets $2,340,000.00 t 5, X Pays 8 per cent on savings 1 1 X 4! t I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. J X Local Treasurer t X X YOU AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono UOO-L. Night nud Duy. Right Cafo. GOOD CARS. CAREFUL DRIVERS 1). L. FOOTE. Calling enrds primed at Tho Time office. are of the finest possible quality that our buyer could get while must go regardless of cost, to make room for our large line or PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J. M. Wright Phono 18S-II HUlLRIXG CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Ejo, Eur mill Throat Specialist GLASSES FITTED Phono :t:io..i. Rooms 200-201 Irving Miotic. DR. MATTIE 11. SHAW. Physician mill Surgeon Phono :t:to-.r. Offiro hours hy nppoliitmeiit. Benjamin Ostlintl CONSULTING ENGINEER AXI) ARCHITECT Offices, 20G Irving niock. Phono 103-L or 2G7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. H. G. Butler CIVIL EXGIXEER Room 301 Coko Bldg. Phono 145-J. Resldonco Phono 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Rulldlng, Marsliflold, Oregon. Win. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Mnrsliflold, Orogon. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC AXI) DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOlt ALL MAKES OF CARS S47 Centrnl nv. Phono 373-L 04 WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, - QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10U-L. SLVRSHFIELD, OREGON SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump coal, per ton $5.50 Or half ton of both 81.75 I). MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt Hlllyer'fl Cigar Storo. 20 COMMUTATION TICKETS, ."513.00. 20 Auto Mnrshfield-Nortli Rend Lino Cars every ten minutes from 0 11. in. to 12 p. 111.; to South Slough oiico a day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Empire three trips it duy. GORST & KING, Props. Chimneys Fireplaces J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of brick work at prices that nre right. And all work guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson nidg., 137 Second St. French rangeB, boiler work. Phono 434-J Cotton Crepes and other Summer Ma terials at'.-l ---HALF PRICE All Ladies' and Misses' Skirts at ..HALF PRICE All Ladies' Waists 331-3 off Few odds and ends at $5.98 llMllliWifll sins. willevs new STORE Is nnmel the needleciiaft Noty i '"'"' Homo. 78 Central Ave. Ladles' Emporium NOTICE Effective June 1st, 1915 Cream 20c per pint Whip Cream 25c per pint Milk 7ic per ciuart Buttermilk 10c per gallon Butter 30c per pound Ice 50c per 100 Special prices for larger quantities COOS BAY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. -daily Phono 7l. Have you been to BARTER'S for LUNCH? If Not, Why Not? Something New Every Duy. Ico Crcnm bricks 50c Ico Cream, quarts 10c Ico Cream, pints 120c Hot Chicken Tamalcs. . . .12 for ll.'c Picnic Lunches it Specialty SARTER'S IMinuo U(i:i-J. Marshtlold. Opposlto Illanco Hotel, Front Street IDEAL SUMMER TRIPS Steamer Rainbow loaves Marsli flold for South Coos River,, ovory Sunday at 8 a. m. and returns at C p. m. Launch Express weok day samo hours. IDEAL. FREE GROVE AXD PICNIC GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskotB, ko daks nnd fishing tacklo for a fow days' outing. Sunday school and all picnic crowds a spoclnlty. Round Trip, :5 cents. For ehartor apply on board or phono 31GX3 or phono 31G7. DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 270 THE REAL QUESTION Tho question Is not, will 111 on honor you for your work? Hut docs your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to crcato profit for yourself, but to mako that which will profit, many besides yourself. COOS RAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J. WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood", per load $1.75 to $2 Alder wood, 16 to 24 Inches $2 to $2.50 Free Delivery W. II. LINGO Phono 227-J. North FJrBt St. In New York, for the prices. Fall Goods which will soon be MEN'S SUITS Men's $35,00 Suits, now only --$25.00 Men's $32,50 Suits ,now only $23.25 Men's $25,00 Suits ,now only $17.50 Men's $20,00 Suits," now only ..$'15.75 Men's $17,50 Suits, now only ..$12.75 MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's $37,50 Overcdats, now ..$27.50 Men's $32,50 Overcoats, now ..$21.75 Men's $27,50 Overcoats, now . .$18.25 Men's $25,50 Overcoats, now ..$15.75 RESORT TO OPEN IN ' FOREST RESERVE Tin el Near .'Mineral Springs lit Iano t'ninty Is Secured from Forestry lluieati PORTLAND, Oro., July 13. The first lease under tho Act of Feb ruary 28, lS'JO, for tho uho of tho land adjacent to mineral springs, has just been signed by tho secre tary of agriculture in agrcoment with James O. Hardin, of Portland, Oregon, for tho development of a rocroatlon resort nt Salt Creek Min eral Springs on the Cascade National forest in Lnuo County, Ore., nhout ten miles from Oakrldgo. Tho location of these springs Is ciiBlly accessible from tho upper Wll lamctto Valley, and Is on a pro posed lino of tho Southern Pacific railroad. Tho tonus of tho lcaso rail for tho building of 11 hotel, bath houses, swimming pool, and some small cottages I for those who wish to livo by thomsolves. With tho ex ception of thirty squnro foot around tho sovoral mineral springs, and a right-of-way bolonglng to tho Oregon ft Eastern Railway, tho re sort will cover approximately forty 0110 ncres. According to tho lcaso which is for a period of twonty-flvo yenrs, 11 public camping ground Is reserved near tho springs, ronds and trails open to tho public will bo de veloped, nnd to nvold oxccsslvo or monopolistic charges, tho schodulo of ratc3 at tho hotel will bo ap proved by tho government. Tho Salt Crook Minora! Springs nro located in 0110 of tho most beau tiful sections of tho Cascade moun tains, nnd tho completion of ar rangements for tho iiso nnd dovol- opment of tho locality surrounding thorn Is but a part of tho Intont nnd deslro of tho Forest scrvlco to put tho national forests to tholr high est uso for tho benefit of tho peo ple. Indications nro that, when com pleted, tho Salt Crook resort may bo 0110 of tho most magnificent health resorts of tho Stato of Oregon. UNIVERSITY BULLETINS ARE SENT TO HOLLAND Dutch Farmers (Jet Word of Ro- Milt of Oregon Study of Potato Industrie Send. for Copies EUGENE, Oro., July 13. Tho Potato Dullotlu, rocontly Issuod hy tho Dopnrtmont of Industrial and Commercial Survey of tho Unlvorslty School of Commorco, nnd widely dis tributed among potato dealors and shippers In Oregon, Is now meeting with a largo and insistent domand from outsldo tho state. Tho hullotln donls principally with Orogon problems, but In ordo: to handlo theso with n proper basis of comparison, Prof. II, n, Miller, who complied It, mndo n thorough study of world-wldo conditions In tho potato Industry, nnd It Is this that Is causing a world-wldo demand. i Tho latost forolgn request for copies mot ny tho unlvorslty conies rrom Holland, through tho Amorican Vico-Consul at Rotterdam, Dulletlns aro asked for hy tho following so cieties which roprosont moro than 1GC.000 niomhers: NodQrlandscho Laudhouw Comlet, Nedordlandscho Tuinbouwraad, and Nedorlnndscho Mattschappy 'voor Tulubouw en Plantkundo. EUGENE Clydo nnd Jes,so Davis and James Wnllaco wero arrested by tho sheriff on a charge of raldlug a widow's homo. Times want ads bring results. arriving. WEATHER FORECAST $ O tnr AmocUIM l'ri to Coai Uj Tlm.l O OREGON Fair tonight V nnd Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD O For tho 24 hourn andlng at 1:13 a. in., July 13, hy HonJ. Ostllnd, spocial government meteorologist: O Maximum C9 O Minimum D2 At I:-i3' n. in ...53 Precipitation 09 Precipitation since Sept. 1, . 1011 C8.C2 Precipitation B&mo period 4 last year 0C.1C Wind: Northwest, clear. ALL ADVERTISE, SAYS JOURNALIST Cliurrh, Educational Causes nnil Corporation Should bo Drought lleforo tho .Pulillc Notice SAN FRANCISCO, July 13. Churches should ndvertiso so should educational causes of various sorts and corporations. Tnlcott Williams, director of tho school of Journalism on tho Pulitzer Foundation In Col umbia unlvorslty (lolcgates to tho International Press Congress In an address hero today. "As tho stato roinlts taxation on church nnd school," bo snld "So tho nowspnpor should give frco public ity to these and lllto objects, but only oh tho stato remits taxes, wlicro thcro Is no, financial return. As tho state doos not support or aid tho aggrosslvo growth of these agonclos, so these agencies caiscs and corpo- ,rat'ns "M 1o,,0',ly "s!'t .t,,olr uuiwi-a 111 mu iiiivui iiouiiiuiii, 11 iiuur, a more efficient, inoro manly and moro honost method thnn bogging publicity, getting It by Jnforonco or maintaining a lobby. Great improvement was shown In tho class of advertising handled by nowspnpors slnco thoso povorty striken dnys whon leading newspa pers frooly nccoptod ndvortlsomontB which tho worst would not print to day and , Horaco Greoly publicly wrangled over offlclul ndvortlselng which carrlod with It political sub sorvlonco." Tho moral advance ucgnn, ho said with efforts of threq quarters of a century ago to oxcludo lottery no tices." ( AX ADVERTIrilXG EXAMPLE No business shows moro phenomenal Increases than that of the Now York' Tolo phono company. Each quarter tho 'phono hook" grows In slito. In this connection it is in teresting to noto that this company is c largo newspa per advortlsor. It not only advertises to get moro subscribers but It advertises to mako prosont subscribers uso tholr tolo phouo moro. It oven advertises to teach tho public tho value of court esy with tho shrowd idea that tho "Volco with tho sinllo" will mako tolophon ing moro agreeable. It Is a striking oxamplo of how nowspapor advertising will build up a business that lias a real scrvlco to perform. BOY'S SUITS Boys' $10,00 Suits, now $7.25 Boys' $8,50 Suits, now S6.50 Boys' $7,50 Suits, now $5.98 Boys' $5,00 Suits, now $3.75 ' BOYS' OVERCOATS Boys' $15,00 Overcoats, now ..$11.75 Boys' $12,50 Overcoats, now ...$8.75 Boys' $10,00 Overcoats, now ...$7.25 Boys' $8,00 Overcoats, now $5.95 Like Reductions on all Garments not mentioned here, including Haberdashery GERMANS ASSUME CONTROL OF CITY At I-od. Which They Captured, Havo Taken Charge iih Though Pormaueiitly I-ocated tnr Auocliltd rrc to Coot Daj Tlmn.l PETUOaitAD, July 13. A rofu gco from Lodz who managed to pass tho Gorman lines hns glvon to tho Outro RosslI of Moscow an Inter esting account of Lodz under Ger man rule. "Tho enomy's organization," ho snys, "Is amazing. They hohnvo as If they had cotuo to stay. They havo Introduced thero already their fn vorlto systom of police law and or der nnd the typical German system of hygiene "Tho outward order In tho city Is perfect. Tho streets are kept clean. Cuspidors nro placed at o"vory streot corner, nnd tho Gor man policemen nil wear whlto gloves. ' "Hut tho cost of living Is appall ing. ' Meat has reached $1,25 a pound; Gorman butter so-called, (half margorlna), is 90 conts a pound; eggs $3 a dozon. Only tho Gorman potnto-wnr-bread is sold, and that at 12 conts a small loaf. Tho rate of exchange for a mark Is fix ed at 75 kopecks i.nstcad of .ho normal 4G kopecks. Tho larger part of tho population Is really Buf fering from lack of food." FEW ENGLISH WANT TO LEARN GERMAN Only Eighteen In Loudon Show Do slro to Take Up Study nf That Language " nj AiiocUtM 1'fMi to Com Uy Tlmx.1 LONDON, July 13. Tho wholo of Greater London, with its popula tion of ovor sovon million, has pro duced only 18 studonts who wish to study German at tho special uum mor sessions of tho freo schools, which opened Inst month. Tho educational authorities wore prepared to opon classes In German In 33 districts of tho city, but 0110 class will suffice for all tho ap plicants. For tho study of French thoro were application from 1100 studcitu. One hundred students nro to take tho study of Russian, LITTLE INTEREST TAKEN IN KING OF SPAIN 1 Alphoiiho XIII Bald to Favor Alllo.i While Rest itt Ills Court Is Pi'o-Gcrmnit IDr AwocUteJ Trui (a Coot Dtj TlmM. PARIS, July 13. The King of Spain, who formerly furnished n groat deal of copy for French news papers, has had very llttlo attention slnco tho war. Paris began to cool toward Alfonso XIII in 1913; now ho seems to bo nlmoat entirely out sldo tho zone of interest. Reports from Madrid and Saint Sebastian rep icsent him ns following every devel opment of tho war with great In terest and with sympathetic leaning to tho Allies, while tho rest of tho court Is said to bo pro-German. Tho Rayonno correspondent of tho Petit Journal writes that King Al fonso recently acted as Intermediary between tho Gorman government and tho wife of a French soldier who had received no nows from her husband slnco ho was wounded at Charlerol, August 28. Tho king sent an auto graph lotter to tho young women in forming her that her husband was a prisoner of war in Germany, deprived of tho privilege of communicating with Franco, and that ho was con tinuing his efforts to obtain permis sion for., him to write to his family, i mo 1 i'l m If 1