'1 A CHANGMSSOMETIMES GOOD BUT figB DOESN'T ALWAYS BRING BETTER THOUGHTS OlaoB Sat tma Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper Hint's what tho Ooo Hay Times Is, A Sooth, west Oregon paper for Southwcet Oregon peopto nd devoted to the beat Interest of this great ectlon . Tlio Times aleriy boosts nod. never knocks. The Coot Bay Times Is proud of Its title "The People' raper" nl U strives nt all times to Ure up:o Its name by devoting its cnerBlei to promoting the people's Interest. MKMHL'll OK Till: SS(H I TKI PHKSS VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As The Const .Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Coan Mall nnd Ctx lUr Advertiser. No. 301 iois r LI fJ N LI ABOARD VESSEL (concealed in Sugar Cargo in Steamer Kirkeswaid wnicn Sailed from New York TWOIMEWARRESTED GERMANY GIVES ;SEnLE BIG STRIKE MUCH INTEREST MTH IS FDUND MEXICO CITY MAY III: HAXIHTS WHO OPHHA TKII AT YKLLOWSTONH I'mintl by Soldiers Near Scene if Holdup mid Arc Held for Itlcntl- flriitlon NOT HIGHT MAX NO ASSURANCE Refuses in Note to Comply With Request of U. S., Evad ing the Lusitania Matter RETURNED SAFELY HEHBH SITUATION IS GRAVED .Three Other Vessels Also Were Discovered to Have Explos sives Concsaled on Board 5ECRETED BEFORE SAILING Mo Ikviis Sailing home Timo us the Klrkcsvwild Were Anion;; Those In lunger Activities In That Line Were at Their Height (Br AwoiitM rrM to co u, tium.) NEW YORK. July 10. Nine iiCU were lounu nuoaru mu steam er Klrkisa'd nt Marseilles when the rcr-scl tine to discharge n sugar car pa fr n New York on Inst outwnrd oaf;o ctrording to the officers of Ihe vcr-:l which roturneil hero to- llav 7Lc bombs wore million In tho Busar iaJha O'hers Carried Homhs. T 3 was about tho tlmo that ac- liM'.i'.i of bomb pincers, so far ns ft Jlr.lcfed, reached tholr height. pf tt.c c'her three vessels which sail- d o;:t of New York with bombs se- rrctcl In their holds two departed Itfc'n a few days of the Klrkw-nld. fi.es? were the Lord Krne, stilling Ajrll .9 and the Danltdnle, sailing Mav 7 Iloth were Drltlsh vossels k ! .J f r llnvre relensed Inter In the da v. when tourists who had been robbed failed to identify them. Col. Hrett, supcrlntcu- ! dent of tho park said no list ' of persons robbed would bo given out until tomorrow. j ttr AuattUti Pm. to Coo. ruj Tinas. I LIVINGSTON, Mont., July 10. Two men, believed to be the bnndlts who hold up fivo coaches and robbed about fifty passengers In Yellowstone National Park yesterday, are bolng hold today for Indentiflcation. They woro nrrested by soldiers near the Some Officials Suggest That Diplomatic Relations May be Severed as a Result HULIUXG OPKHATIONS IX (111 CAtiO WILL UK ISKSl MKI Sixteen Thousand Citlon Carpenters Will m Hark (o Work Cutler An Agreement (Of AnrUI4 rrr ( Cv IU, Ttnra J CHICAGO, July 10. -The strike of lfi.000 union carpenter, which for months practically ha pc.re.ly bulldlng Industry In Oilman er. Settlements on nil points j was reached early today, after n con ference of nil Interests lasting since yesterday afternoon. The mon will IN 0. S. AFFAIR r SMITH, ALIAS (JUANT WIL HUHSTKI AT TAIt HLLL CliargvM With Itobbluc lliillnnls School House mid Tallin; Wittcli of MUs Trendgidtt Crisis in Situation With Ger many Center of Interest in War Developments Fred Wilson was nrrlgned ss DEO HP! ARE HAPPY-: receive "0 cents nn hour ami accept n "uniform agreement" to prevent further strike and lockouts. The BERLIN PAPER COMMENTS '"KreotmMU '" for ihTW ,onr- "' GERMANS I sides regard tho settlement ns a Victory of General Botha in Africa Makes Great Britain Feel Much Better MORE ACTIVE! Say.s That Germany Is .Wit GIiIiir compromise I i ller Itluhts and Thinks Keel- hig In Culled Stales Is Different X.OW Thinks People Judge. III AaaoaUtftl Titu la Com 111, TtmM.) WASHINGTON, I). C. July 10. Although the official text of the scene of the robbery. The amount or German noto on submarine warfare loot tnkn by the robbers lias not ot bad not reached here early today, been complied. the prow copy read by the officials' . . I was accepted ns verification of the earlier impreslons that Germany BECKER IS REFUSED Merlin ltcMtrts Some Suctfss,s Wst of Wrsn Hitsslmis lime Uvn Making Stand Width Held Hark the Teutonic I'nrves I BL E ACQUITTED I'Or.NII .NOT tJl'll.TY IIV Jl'HY AT ssoctii iu:xi) had refused to give the United Sta tes the astmrnbie asked fur In the iMiiericnii note of June 9. Talk of Scteruiirv. in, AMuti rtM u r nr timm.) IXINDON. Jttly 10 - The chief In .ll'STICK Hl'GIIKS WILL NOT tr.t In th llnvU.ul. f wur1 CHANT WHIT OP KltHOH cenlerwl lHlay In Germanr's reply - i to the Aiuorlonn note n sMbmarlne Another Chance Id lean Itleetrle warfare Generally It whs renardwl as a complete rejectlen ef the Amor Itefore jMdse PeHMnck thM morulas; and bound over i the srsHd Jury In Jttml r nndtr M.fl ImNds whbh h was unable to snpplr This nftermwH he was laken by CimrtaM Cex to CM.ii:ie Mmlth said he lived fnrme-y at VerMllltM, MlsMtnrl. I3) Hillm wast of KanMM dty Ho will be II voar ell e.t AukmsI, In five feet three In- rhea In helghth. dark rom- pleetleaeit and welKhs ahout 110 peHiids. JudRe I'oh nork teld the by. I'm rry to ho to send yiitt over. YoH're too ynMiiK to We rniiRht In Hch trteka " Htwlth enhl that he has He heme rnd that his parwHUi are I td General Gonzales Leading Car ranza Troops, Makes Head quarters Near Capital ul GONSU Information Received by State Department at Washington From Vera Cruz Today 0BREG0N BEATS ATTACK N Hiddlnt; Ht Own Against VIIU In Ihe Xorth General THan. t'nrrntiM 1e.uler, Was Klltetl In Itattle nt Aguas Callentes Chair Is lost to the I'uriner New York Police Officer Charged With llelng .MoiiiIkm- of Mob Who Drove Woman from a Claim (Or AMnrttl rrM la o IU, TIhm.1 ItANGLKY. Maine. July !. Jus tice Charles H. Hughes has refnnml nn aMidieatlon for a write of error Analysing the situation. oftlelnU to the Unltwl Statws Sunreme Conrt niHe br ,,, reWeHt and cabinet here found little on which legotln- iade bv the reunsel for Cbnrles HrliMi IVel lletter uennrai iieina s vietery WHS arrmitwl nt Tar llkal tarn I uli-hl kn repreeenlatteus and as calling k AMmHi CUM Nv, Al1lUrHMI. er an a.ertlo of Ha rirtu Wr thoef Nrlh UmK fM(rf H( ((( Tnlted States Sbsar aetten ws,. r , the subject for v-arled ..ecuhll.Hitr tnm lMu pending the coHsMocetteH of the ,,,. u.-iui. uf.-..u tu. H, AMttl4 tM CV- Iter T1a I WAHIIINOTON, l. a. July 10 - OlsHfttrhn to le Carrnma agenoy ' tedoy say that Gee Onmales and . 44...4,iuiii irM wonng on mmiico uuy Pred Smith, alls. Grant WIImh. fcw lnetratml to 1lll) Gn.deL nnpe. m mues intm ine apuai I t'nns could he further prnlottRod Hockor. f New York, who has been In the : mtuse man wa breHicht here and ntoeed In Jail. The Utoe ptee Webm. to MIm Glsdya Treadmold. teaeker ( AmerfH Oeneul Hlllman. In a lo the state depsrlmrnt frut Vera Cru. reortwl tedsy that MmHni City a eewplctoly Invest ed Hf Cnrraif treep and that Gen. GohmIas had establNhisI hradquar Inra at Guadeloupe. He also stated Um OkreiHHi reeorteit having re (Germany's complete evasion :.f ila- condemned to die during the ok 0" t Afrtea has e""ltiMI tUwt ht tMMtL WTH, th. ' rl- ' Hln M torees In bIMty for the less of American lives 0f July 2:. for the murder of Her- " n,,ra, tm"H at '-' peltce a.klHK lhlr aid In fHuilk i lh nk tD, AtKKlttfc mu to Coot IU, Ttist. SOCTII HKNI), Wash., July 10. Homer Illnlne, charged by Mrs. Mar-! on the Lusltanln revived the talk of severance of diplomatic .flations. President Wl'son will surt fiom Cornish, N. H., In a day -tr two lo ninnn Itosenthnl IS STARTNG WE I ID, Mwitrt rr to "oo ru, TIikm. roi. koosi-: i:lt axi wmi: m:- .l JOIHXIJV TONIGHT r'ermiT President Will Speak at San I'YaurNrn uid Also at San lllego 0sTI It HAY. July 10. Col: "- H cvclt has only four on-i. to spesk during his trip , I .rlfir toast which begins to-' n ht Three xpoochos will I . fcl in San Francisco nntl' a ' n IDi'Ki). Colonel nnd Mrs. ' - . i Ian to go west, vin HaBff. 'i and thence to Seattle. " ' will arrive July S3. - In -r gnret Koss with being a member of , outsider with the cabinet tho grave n mob which drove her nnd her two situation Impending, sons from n claim on North Itlver, Only One Course, wnn acquitted by a Jury today, nftur! Those familiar with diplomatic l'J hours deliberation. i precedent, and officials geuernlty, be j Uevod that tho I'nlted Slates, ha lug asked for nwiurnnco that had buon I I refused, now fared its the only course left open as an nlturnatlvo the neresulty of 'asserting tho rights This would Stat tw wcjld awnlt rlolntlon by Gerimtuy bf ire acting to ewmpel her reepoct for rights HMerted. Secretary 1-anslng will T RAIN don. which had been absent fur 1 some time. Stands made by the It' slntiH near Luhlu. Pomud, Increased peltre aiklHg their aid the mail. It was aatlng on a In flndlM HHOlie MM Ueneritl Kllletl (teneral Martin Trlana. who led Ihe Carransa forres in lm recent ac in nri n nn -","" ""- " --" ..... ,. trttM .,...., t,Mrma . (lltt S Hrh H I'"' fK,'0rfM,"M Mf lU MMXl " Tarheel rWM ,ht lU pellee wre ! "" ARH",, f-""M- " "llr.1 IU IILLU Ul !" . . able to letatu Mmllh. He eame there I '" Ml,,M' """'H" " -w '" uermnus A.ll.e (rwM, r(Mt,mlw7. wurw, relr here lodar bv the VIIU .In llouowal of German nollrlllt w rl, .., M. , ..., ... 'rr tif (Warsaw. .,.., tlx . . POUt HOHHHHS LOOT .MAIL CAH ' ON I .V . HOAI). m e is 01 i iPLAY ron(ilAMPIOXSHIPSTAHT'u",lw lTitMHonal law. I AT SV KH.(iSC( nienn that the United S 'oiilinues for n Week and Phials liMTtsl to PuriiMi Ib-st Ten nis ler Sts'ii ' til, AwMlltpd 4m K.Omm U, T1im. SAN PUANCISCO. July 10. Play Pises Aw Semiring Country NelglilMirhniHl of UioeMtlllo Sum Taken Nl Knmwi along the front wust with rousldemble auerits. Is report , h1 (rum llerllu In the western tre hi , aire of war no movemeHts f Impart mice are riorled by either side. KYNETDGOMEHERE n, Amclilrl Vmt la Om Par TUmm MONTOOMICHY. Ola.. July 10 Posses are scouring the country IRE VESSELS SU nreuud Greenville. Ala.. In search of four bandit who held up nnd roh-, "HUMAN si HMAHIMCS CLAIM bed tk Iulstllle and Nashville tml IMKTHKH MCIIMS AT SIU . . .. ibk me (ni , ther surly today. The) wood this warning. A dneerlplleii of the wan bad been furnished In the ramp by Disk IHebenli. o( the Han don auto at. When arraoted Hwlth had tint - - waleh In hM wH.ltw. IN derlarnal WIILUHNOWN APTHOH WILL he had found It In the rwsd Hear) VISIT COOH HAV MMI.V Ihe gnle of the sehoolhonse yard j - and denied lavst he nnd Wfwkon lite j InlrmU Mrtklii ihls lAwmlUf Hrm lock o( the buIMIhk d enleed It. of Serial Story In Collier's The watcb dlMHpenrgd lulu Wed-1 Weekly. .ft .. aa aa , . .a . A r. iitor, w i GermaH note lo Preoldent Wilson utrMMieru dltehed the eHglne erew aHlU)HUh SI .Miner HlUmeiti, liellnu tornu. as seen as the taxi arrive.. I rn , VHKin ,,, mr .f,, r will go direct to Sun EACHER WINS BUT tennis t-bamulonahlpe began today and will continue thnugh Ihe week. The final matrhue are expeettxl tt furnish the beet tennbi ever seen on the coast. Never In the history of the game have so many experts , beeu assembled. i I Will Come Tonight Secretary lnelHg stated that I Ihe trnrk where the latter was loot ed. The value of the Jo-t rould w I tr t Usl F r tiuk HI HIS( IIMKJHI) Hi: SHI. GOT MAKKlhi) WILL OPEN GIMP while he hail u reason to doubt Ihe at-ertalHe.1 correctness of the version as tele Mraohwl In the news dwpatches no formal eoimlderntlon oooM be given lo the note until toe official copy was received. That probably will be lat tonight. No wrl h. been receive beyond 'IM.NrlCI.UHI KXHIHOI Hit OP the sinloMeat I bat It Is being tele-j KMil.l.Ml In hATISPIHH graphed beesn Uerlln and CopeH- SUPPORT WAR L 0 I but I Clio end NorueuUn Veel XnnLins Are hnl. j rt, Miuri rrM t w, m, tiim i UiNDON. July ! The HrHUh Biwaaser lUlnsoere elled and ihn lorpsoosd oJ sook today by a Oerman sobOMrloe off the OotmIosi roost The rre woo saved OtOOPl one man kllUd by a abell. Two Mete Hunk. I Toe otattoMaia, ill. OfMMNHiblr ' lloltoM a4 loo KorwiMjIoM limmt sflernoeo Imoih Inlet, ruin umbered a hmm hh sworlng too deecriiKloo of Dm mmh soon on too red about that Uwe. obsmed this loformelMo to Tar Heel. It Is MM. Pted Mmllh M n yoHK wan. mrt ef stature He Mid Ibal bo orka in a I tendon realAoroat un der lb name f (Irani WlbmN. WIRES ARQU TL bagvo. wbooco It wO bo cabled rln Aiini.tiiitttiie-nl Is utl.-.ril I., Of. Words wore terysilowi and sook to MtllHtSKA MAX ANHH Coos lby U to be Ihe Hint uf a t , evctl sorlal stery hleh wilt be wrliton lay Peior H. Kne for Col Nw'i Woebly. Mr. Kyne Is the ievr noUMH' woo b beoH wrtllng tfla sr baa of son tort for Ihe Haturdsy MvomImk Coot Ih wbleb he fesltirml Cnot I'Maetoy f the soheonsr Om go. lb old aVrmrH lumbr Com. many aeboeeer wlrtoh was bulll on tbosa Im The storbM attrneted mueh bMol iMtocmrf (r J T MoCocnmc who it now vlelllag In lb oHr beeime f)UH wall eejoolMtod wkb Mr Kyne ss they tliniT oo4b live m sbirbole" The deetor OT rrt.iv Decided An Interest. Ikk.I Case In Portland t ourl TtxLiy Mot rM U Cm ru, Tfa.L) M July lo. In the olr- today Judge Morrow ' "f waadamus ordering Hi:.M( HOIU K WILL OPHHTH OX COOS HIVHIt Plant. IondoH to toe ITnltod Moboi. Mu) Atmll I'elhi Oolntoo vortos m to Um Ktgoiloot's probe bis eooroo. bot H woo tJnMj.l likely be oold ncolo wait lor Um and eosloseor lo loo oost b Isdorfwot Ifce wlabeo of Ism Asoorl- fltial of Gnsst llrllaln hi IiImIhii TihU) THII GHHMAN VIHW LOKUQH, July I . - Nsoitaald Mo- Kommi. rtmMsrollor of too rtcboejoor. ootboriosd too wsniiwHl fotay tlwi Groot HrtUla a wor Im hod i boon soooorted lo s way Ibal Balls 'flod hot tjM-iol.a doy by Oorosao 'rrrajo aeeo aovod. Too toembors of loo rw , Clbs wot Uboo to rUie. Tbe of Ike Too ..'IS OUT OE DANGER Fr - I. Irfigs Will lb- Hnmuhl In Ihe of Cos liny Mill CoiiiMiiy Henry lloerk will ooeo a now bss glog eawo on tk eoolk fork of Cooo at to roJnetato In her . rtTW to onpply logs for loo Cooo Bay reaiber In too girt im Oootgony plaot oo IstkJoos Im-j ' . a Maode 1 Itlcfcttrdn. I lel ,t MUllMtoo. Tko mUl Is o VII j m , m hs-..w a-, I.S.a.1 I..O -...- 4... ... ! -.-- ..,.,,, IJ oot .w too ismooaoroj mmUK. Jory ! Tb. M.ro , .... .n .ra- tuoeci to n oo a lojsof r3 mj j M( fbo oaunror to lr e try nirort agrwent wlthAllKWll . Tko, cno -tart eotll w-ft Oorsmooy. It oknoe " ard Judge Morrow th aUi ,-koo-or Kortkoot ooa beo ' . .as .- i .l. a- iJ ' UIMIAA. WHO WAh MMrr removod. lorlro. bot earaBao a firm :ii oot ; I'HIIUM. I'IMI Tbe compooy coodoctod far tk u ajomtay sm Jot Oorasoay's rifu. j purrbaae of loo Mlliloo foot M -, Tb fooilM h tk Polled Auur ia j - ttMsI at OHWo 'Ittal He Ila her fosn lb SooUem Orosoa Com- 4tffrs( tbmm M Um0 M ih0 l, Urfilavil ! oaoy aod It will bo on Suotkotn Oro- totMto staklog Tb ooe ! " l goo compooy toad tkni tao Moock wU, ,,. ,. Mitofr Iku a fHos ... - r- -asw a., m. camp will b opMood hi aaostortog lo ots Tbi t'e KfW TCUUC. Jelr Ik. J " loot IU sMot oorootrMoo.1 ofner! gt,a, & tmu okol a aa so BRITISH SOLDIER WOULD 'of . Ur oemb-r of Agtortroi.. H l(MtK. b, nri. Mam . w Krob COME HERE TO LIVEi-" .n. - -i. ko 04 IHAUIOHIi Illl.Vr I'llOPIIII'PV (, Chutes m IU Pel KrmU edy AeaMfillng a lostor Inmk Mr Km I Ml ajosro 10 HMisr uhi na Who ' MrMo Ik eertol story for Col I llor s Ikt tv sof iMlondnt lu crow of ib NurdoM k igfioiod 4 (M Ui iu.rt i omb cai tUr ik ssone of tbe Ul AkardWo. lb leM soMjiblMSK kor mM hmt9 u, ai ,, m9kt sailors ko-iog boon lowod tb oillso iMajeMflos k omen roeoteod koro M mnttmt u. nmwJ sobr b lb (JtrsMS eobaurlo rogordsMf tkw Crftwford PmIoi oro . ! OOfif ON IkO t aid Of Ik boy Tkor onto fretm orooiiorlleo borers NssorvMwosj oy oooou 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 U II to Ik vwlo of Iko uro- lrty. oaaj wkolkor Ikofe tIH be raraaaj iarS ism IO Crawford rHdsH Is tk oosoo of a Iroot b4 1 LEAVE TOOAY SS hah K TUnRTY I K.IIII.I'.N III Mllll.ll PIIOPI.II Mil. poll UAHIIIM (L VnillW IMmllllt HO CA.NMrr PHOHIlCtTK 101.vno.v op Ligtoit i.u a t unlawful. NOT ENJO I1 K I LI HKI it kiiiuivr ' impohtwt hhcision " P UntorreHteul of Uh i-k' Out of Hutlrtfss Km I 1 men 1 Agiici 1 r I I rroos for oay lodU mu oaos COOS BAY LIQUOR r-aues.,, m9pmi tmm a ..rt,., ,. . COMPANY IS ATTACHED a JJy It Coliod Cooo Coooiy iHroiro Kueklo to a dortiloo , k) Wepk.U trtor1f . o '(ud to oNjgox tk Hat Lors si Mhttloor "- of tk vtoio of loUor aa tkrosuik '.IM - kft.m a. ft. "la, J .-n.. ,mm " tSkA Afil ' aai5 imm ssr - i i-iaaasjai awi, " w .- , fa--... loi adOMUd at afkOMMeoati katbMbMC Ibmi Brtorty woof ladka. Hk) tod at -!( 001 of boene alt isco.ms wtasat acooot- ui.tAioioc iiipliiromsi. ci Kson IIHLH to arrteo ol tko oo am so tk aUltlsb OO OO IbN) WOT b) or I ao goiag to rbark tb ifo a raasclVaOOOJS. Mo writ areay. kt Sheriffs OffUe Pole l-n in Chars Wriubnid1 IUoMnf7 uf l'rt bind IMd. tTalui aUbertrf A I Uls lb 00 an koxaat tm uimun H.iMt.mi ci.itIH.M A fw woobo s0 a oo woo kef tm a..,HiKi r , m e, -Haw. 1 froos a 'oioowdo CM y attfkos" Iks I bo hW TOIUC. JoJy ! -WVHtm' '' bM fir mi ksuWrad h w, otii moeo bC ' ' toeUy 00 etooamklivs b.d for o "'1"" Mbr raol vto kotoro ooy lbiroi oeooirio Kverr mMo of to ove Ao.rioo Uo olsuvOMfcl ot Loo. Tko Mo lMrT soomo kt Iko r Utoroool. wao uMo4ed soot Umt '"'Wo. lo Mori rke-ofl. omi corrtesj .e lo sll ' "tof I "n o' rocooiboo -oto ute utbiybv H U tmm a ? kotosos .sai oolr tkoa. .be oootd tedod. ! ttl CJHy. Nob Tko mo. to . k o MooMtoof bo of- ,. . Mt, . w WJ- ... wtokkoM ot Ik fooweot of Mr low fir AH d.oor to aold t, kor sn- 194 to d e I 4 j nloniQ tfcfo Mtotjrio oorroai' bMoSffcoi rorofeod by M Po I '. ... Uurfalaaua. .1. ! ' SO MdlOWS ftorkl rut Nt . Jely I Ptosas lr yomr oololoo of bote for t,f KorOsad. skMoo ond Coo Mnr Load t'oooosor Tkotr mtoatto k eoitiag lit for ootMloar Mdi to Crawford ! Poioi Are tkor oroooocu lot iu It loniioesioats At Crawford '-"" ASBiGBAIGESr'T-v--:; sod try my lok la Orogon otia( sb 4 MM af'ald ot Sulk I ass re . Jo" 5 Knl iiid ,1 '6n s to a Tb fa-1 &' o.i ' " Kooi of J- . r.api-mir i-. isi.4 ifc ..4'' "ag boM 1 .mk nnjir.g I h-h :'e a . 1 .., rolt of a blowlatore rbduld 10 bitooeo. v- i 'i, a ficht whi. k ly ooMMVie that Hriril) will ' r"' -K I tucked ' firs rci 0 tko Cooo stoy U)oor Cooooooy sod a. HALL TILUI HTAHT si IT ksispor. Ooora t'knsd. wot ooaoorfi - la raorg To rtaJoi to oukdo by tM&' JVl WnHtu-jUni Want, kihi to'vtakard ltror ul PertU4 fjof Pmi Chsilm )wtHtrra for Ter. , ib rtolei i lor ft 'l I uwi MM, iuailug III IJoutrast , altoroe. . fa, sad Slt.uiStOtl S0MM A.M r - Coa, a, -. uf 1: . I. sad liddjNjio ; cumajimti 04o j., lr M MoaUg coaM aro o, a r-- j tVor.ml.coo. larow; aw.. ratiMi of tao Wokskgtrd rJaoyiadJ mi ratiive IN SOU IO 1 , ajij .. -j, taaaaa j- " " aww aw. v.rw waiaia- IIAIUIAItV ffllJT iiiuits oavrii K.viii.L ftAM PfUHCm. Jaly to Iksrbavrt CftAot. to tea os oartof of ttoa rroaobfoo law kurd iu dpafc kAofL TOO riK aaajamfcaaBOaoCS kov rsfusod to roaow iko aVhaosao' oormlts for 100 alee 00 raotfbr aad Jrkoa . afot ood la aator life of ' iko dtotrtot will ooo flf yesrs of world wbl fame ' aoostal to Tko tow) IMaMIIIPMO. Oro. Joly I tooxlhwa boo dottdoil last vk- ' totloo of Iko orobiattMm law to a ')ou affoaoo aad thai ta Wty of 1 Maiefcorg to wliboei MMaortly to sadsoeartag to imoooo oaojibneait far oasa vtosMUHM Tko aotma f Jodgo MAOilliaa to a il of tb dortotaa of tao city aarl. Iks Md of wbn u4 sooAoorod ffsktl Hon- to i 1 . joy la aii for irytoK , lier ihcogk i otreou of lae ii.i.Mliug ii, ih 4aao40 too rt,at iiniayJIog lOVOlVOd WOS WOOtbT to n kd ootkarltr t ca in ordinance toeklog 10 Iko rwfor airm of Iko arokiMitog laws with ...1 .eibortooOon b, t lty 'bar '" fbo weal ivUom tows r Hale las.. sAld fudg HomlMa.. d eMU .. .Mtokmoou tut inokukms are pro .iod Or lo Mai Ikof HMt t ojoin In tin 4sa jerladtotfON, Hon si g hi soatf Ml tao suit I gs ugoiex Cbos Xom.'Ts for tr hi-UV. I I Im at "The Owl." felOaHsic hia eonlrarf. I Kodak I Um al the Oitl." sod would ya lalok av.rrtosbi " bey Iko lata. Wkor okoa oad what roUxaado r roauaiisuiMog bolldlag MM Crawford Pdoi 1 aoy Wire Uy bsttor ttferla m, nmntm Tasabft. " Mr Po ell's aw.- M-rskfloM. Oro.. Uu i" v. rbaaras for rollrasd IkrouKb Crow- . frd Point Cbaonel of bay on Ibu nit- n net 10 iiawford pim I Itodek I'lliMa iii '"Ihe Onl," Tharalur 00 neSMeilal ohH fef aai.r idM)iMJiiato. PMfl0H I S'.aulutelr kllM4 LsAVO K alulie '- BSOMM. D) HOI funilrfrr Ik lri worth over flee pur sdro. v. i.