"Sssa f-i -. 4- "lit V . SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION. OFFERS FREE SITE BASEBALL SCORES is L PRAISES EXHIBIT iu CIIAHIiKS I'OWICKS W'tLh OIVI-3 FOUIt ACICKS I-'Olt WIltliliKSSi ItAIX MAX STOPS (IA.MKS OVKK TIIH COl'NTItV ALh C'HAN.NKIj 200 FKKT WII)K HAS K1TIIKK OK ACCU8KI) MAX HAS OKI-WON MAX SAVS STATE WEM HEPHKSEXTED IS 23 FKKT AT M)V WATKIt KNT FUNDS TO SETTLK e DEEPENED WIRES 0 MONET LEXIB I CJrouml is .Hltiintcil on County ltoml n lid IjIcm IJctwrcn Cntclihifr iind Isthmus Inlcl.s Chnrlcs Towers has offered four ncres of land, situated lietwcen Is tlimus nnd Catching Inlets and on the county road for n United States wireless station. He offers tho land frco nnd Into this afternoon the wire less committee- of tho Chamber of Commorco wns expected to meet nnd net on tho RiiRgestlon. Enthusiastically tho Individual members today endorsed tho move of Powers. "Its Just the thing nnd ehowi some mighty good spirit," de clared Frank Morton this morning In discussing tho subject. ' On Comity Jtoml Tho land Is on the county road that lends out toward Sumner. It Is sltuntcd partially on tho ridge nnd pnrtlnlly on tho low ground, exnet ly what tho government wishes It Is said. Should the sltn bo taken it would bo neccsnary .j string tho power nnd'' telephone wires for npproxlmnt cly one mile, snld Mr. Powers todny. However this cost it Is snld would bo considerably less thnn tho nnionnt it was expected to pay for n rug on Isthmus Inlet. Ono Offer to Sell Tho proposition offered to tho committee wns tho purchnso of five ncres on Isthmus Inlet from Henry Scngstnckcn for $100 nn ncrc. This was considered n rcnsonnblo offer but It Is believed" the freo offer of n silo by .Mr. Powers Is by fnr tho best that has been received. "Tho station would menu n good thing to Marnhflcld nnd wo ought to hnvo It here," snld Mr. Powers nnd therefore ho mnde tho offer. Tho present station nt Cnpo Hlnnro may bo removed hero nnd tho indi cations nro said to bo very favorable providing tho slto Is furnished tho government. ICnstcm Ijcngito Is SwiiiuikmI nnd Only Two dimes Pli)c! in Const Icngiic YcMerdny I'EltCKNTAGKB OF COAST LKAOUB (Dr AmmIHH J1 to Com BiJ Tlmn.) ' W. L. P.C. San Frnnclsco .51 42 .519 Salt hake ... IS IC .oil Portland ... .il 13 .50G Los Angeles ..48 18 .500 Vcnlro 17 50 .483 Oakland .... 45 51 .401 Second Hoiindlnpi of Coos liny Mar by Cnptnln PoIIiciiiiim Show (JriUl- f)lllg ItCMlltH ' However He Will Have to OIvomi Komi or Itenmln In .lull on u Criminal Charge ' POHTL.AND, July 9. Itnln checks wcro very much in vogue In tho I leagues yesterday. Two games wcro played on tho coast and only one In ench of the big leagues In tho cast, tho Italn Man reigning supreme. The scores of yesterday follow: Coast Leaguo Los Angeles, Portland, wet grouds. At Venice: II. II. K, Salt Lake 1 Vcnlco 4 At Snn Frnnclsco: Oakland .1 Han Francisco U American League Detroit, Clovclnnd, rnln. Xntlonnl I.cngno At Philadelphia: PittBburg 2 Philadelphia 0 Cincinnati, Now York, wot grounds. Chicago, nrooklyn, rain. St. Louis, Doston, rnln. 8 7 11 11 SA 10 KAII " HAKKHK AND CHOUCH TELL SA LOOX COM P ia I XT OF Claim That 'imiiIII Man FIIinI nnd 'Hint They Wcro Simply Culled in iin Witm-NMvi In the .Mnttc-r Clint Crouch nnd Dor Darker or Coqulllo enmo over yesterday nnd on tored n vigorous protest to tho re port given out hero that they had mado n complaint to tho county au thorities nliout tho Marshflcld sal oons being open nfter 12 o'clock Monday night. They stated that they had not filed complaint but that Ed. Moon of Cniiilllo had made tho complaint und that Shorlff John son nnd District Attorney l.lljoqvlst hnd- simply allied on them as wlt umbos. They further stated that they did not hnvo any trouble hero nnd that 'tho only trouble wns when Keogh got Into a rng chewing match with n chauffour in tho street. This was nothing sorlous and did not In volve either Darker or Crouch, thoy said. They said that thoy aupposeml that Moon had IoiIrihI tho complaint, beoauso he did not know that n per mit hnd bcon given tho wtloons to re main open until 1 o'clock Monday J night nnd tlint furthur that Moon nxpoctod to get n portion of the tine that -might be Imposod. So far, ho notion has been taken It) the rlty official on tho cow plaint bornu thoy bellute that Ma or Allen's permit warranted tho t-xlooHS In Maying wn. If the aalooHs had reHinlne! opH after IS o'clock ihtturdM)' night then it would hae been a statu rnso to proiecuto. SOLD' LARGE TRACTS '.I tO AD DISPOSED OF 820,000 ACHES OF (1HAXT .Si C. IjiimI Hi-ought ii Totnl of i Xourly FIo .Million Dollars to tho Company. A largo part, of tho land In the Oregon & California railroad lnnd grant, which wan disposed of by tint railroad company, was sold In tracts exceeding 2,000 ncres, accord- Ling to tho Portland Jnurnnl. Tho cntlro acreage In the grant wns approximately II.IU.'I.OOO ncres. Coos Hny hns n 200-foot channel out over tho bar with 25 foot nnd more depth of wntcr nt low tide. Tho figures nrc shown conclusively on n chart just completed by Cap tain PolhcmiiH, assistant U. S. en gineer, following tho soundings made July 2 in the Trnmp. A month ago tthcre were two shonls ncross tho chnnncl lino", both of which have now been removed. Tho greater shnrc of tliu present pathway for the ships Is 350 feet wide with a '25 foot depth of wntcr. Work of tho bar dredge Mlchlo during the past month has been bet ter than sho has over dono before. With Increased power nnd with fair weather prevailing the vessel In 30 days moved 210,000 cubic yards of sand. The Inst three ilnra of the month wore foggy nnd tho dredgo lid not work or this record would hnvo been grently beaten. On n good run tho Mlchlo hns removed as high ns 13,700 yards in ono day. Englncr Polhcmtis Is plenscd with tho new results ns shown in the bar survey of Jtjly 2. Ho is now work ing tho dredgo opposite tho blnck buoy, widening tho chnnno there. Ho Intends to keep nt tho work there until tho chnnncl In widened, both on tho north nnd tho south fildi'H, out to tho end of tho bnr nnd entering Into deep wnter, n width nil tho wny foot. In tho survey of Mny 31 It wns j shown Hint tho Inrgo shonl extend ing from tho blnck buoy out for nhnut 400 feet hnd In somo plnccs only 19 nnd 20 feet of wntcr nt low tide. This entire strip now hns I nt lenst 25 nnd it runs up ns high ns 35 feet In spots. Tho snmo change Ib noted at tho outer shoal nt the very entrance of tho shoro I wnter. Captain Polhemus said that the Houndlngs of a few days ago showed there Is 15 to 17 feet fit water now over tho outer end of tho sunken Ji'tty. Colonel .Morrow Coming. Colonel Morrow Is expected on i Coos Hay somo time tills month lis on MANY August 1 ho Is scheduled to leave , for tho Canal Zono where ho has a , position as the engineer of mnlntcn-' nnco. It In said ho Intends before H. J. Long, who Is In jail nt Co quillc on tho charge of cashing worthless sight drafts hero and ob taining money under false pre tences, yesterday got another re mittance from his fnth'cr nt Los Angeles to settle up pnrt of tho claim. He received $107 by wire the other day to settle tho $100 chUnf which H. J, McKcown had against him and yesterday he received $52 by wire to settle tho $25 one which Cell Ireland cashed nfter Deputy Sheriff Davis had gunrantcccd it. Mutt ttlve llond However, the making good of the drafts not does not settle tho caso and Long will cither have to givo n $1,000 bond or remain In jail until tho grand jury meets in Sep tember. Col. Itosa, of Dandon, his uncle, refused to furnish tho bond tho other d.iy but yesterday Long was trying to get him again. Long Is tho only son of Col Rosa's sister. His father has a big orange orchard near Los Angeles. Instead of. being a regular deputy sheriff at Los Angeles, ho only ser ved occasionally In that capacity, hefg called In once in awhllo for special work . Wns With lmlrd Deputy Sheriff Ialrd who nrrcst cd him was In n rather cmbnrrnslng Spcnks of Coos Day Showing nnd Sny M)rtlc Wood Novelties Attrnct Peoplo Much praise for the Oregon exhi bit nt the San Francisco exposition ' is given in an interview with Com missioner C. L. Hnwley of McCoy Ore., contained in a press telegram from San FrnnciBco. Referring to various parts of tho Oregon build ing, Mr. Hnwley Is quoted ns say ing: "Coos Bay has a splendid show ing of gamo and blrdB. To the cas ual visitor, the greatest attractions In tho Oregon building arc tho spe cimens of myrtle wood furniture j from the Coos Day region. Tho myr tle is classed as hardwood, has a beautiful grain, takes a marvelous i polish and In table, desk, chair, ' lodge room arch nnd small wares, as well ns in pnncls, it constitutes the most beautiful wood attraction on the grounds and gives Represen tative J. A. Word opportunity to do nil the talking ho wants to. A myrtle wood booth disposes of lm- menso quantities of souvenirs nt rnthor "stiff prices," for tho visi tors cannot resist their beauty. I HAVE WORD BATTLE i MEN MEET IN JUSTICE COURT TO ! SETTLE DIFFERENCES $3.50 to $5.00 tteeffr J1 $3.50 to $5.00 To make a stylish shop comfortable is one of the principal aims of the manu facturers of Queen Quality shoes. They know that a st iff,- unbending solo on a handsome shoe will never be satis factory, to the wearer. Thpy have spent years perfecting beau tiful, stylish shoes with the most flexi ble soles possible to produce. This flexibility means the most com ' fortable shoe on ea rth the Queen Quality shoe for women. You can get these shoes at this store only because we are exclusive agents. The Golden Rule position In locating him. Several through of about GOO ' weeks ago when Laird was In Port land, Long, who wns Micro then, spent considerable time with him and accompanied Laird on several trips to tho Portland pollco station. So when Laird sent to tho Portland officers to arrest Long, ho had to Include In the description the fact that Long had been with him on recent visits to tho station. Even then, tho Portland pollco wcro un- able to locate Long but Mr. Laird ' had no difficulty In finding him after ho got to Portland. RIclinrtNon Promises to Keep Ills llnnrfrin"Hliticir and Grcrn to Keep His .Mouth Shut 000 PAYROLL WORKIXC OX NORTH DEXD IMPROVEMENTS ti.,. n...m...t .aI.i ..i.i.a.IiiiaIa.i con ! ... ....... -.. "'""""-""-" lnvK to make a complete survev of all projects that hnvo been under ncres, which nro to bo ntspost'd of i his supervision. mi BREAK ROC ns congress mny direct, if tho sug gestions offered by tho United Htn tus Supremo Court In Its recent decision nre carried out. Shovts linil Sold In one of the exhibits made u part of tho brief prepared by II. 1). Town send for tho government In the government's suit to have the lands forfeited, a recapitulation of tho grant lauds sold Is given. This table shows tho following: There "ore 1,930 sales In qunntl-1 ties not exceeding I no ncres, making "Your Austrlnn forgers aro the a total of !HR.727.Fi2 ncres, sold ' best workers wo hnvo In tho whole for amounts totaling $1,23 1.H3S.&1. ' punltoutlnry," Is what the warden Ijirger Trnclh, i of the statu Institution told Deputy In qunntltlos exceeding ICO ncres, Sheriff W. C. Uilrd a few days ago. AUSTRIAN FORCERS COMMEND. ED IIV WARDEN AT PEX lying's RoikN Cut to $.- Claims 'Hint Draft Wcic Issued In (mmmI I'nllli ami Art) Safe. Rrlilgo llulliilug. Track laying nnd Street Work Combine to Hold libor Situation I Tho pnyroll nt North Rend now Is quite largo 'oh accaunt or various Improvements which ore In progress. Tho big brliigc Is being built across tho bay nnd has furnished employ- mom to many. Tho track laying on tho other sldo of the bay opposite North Rend Is In progress and about l HO men aro. working there. Thoso men nro IIV htn Id camps in tho sand j hUls but tho steel workers on tho I bridge are living in North Rend. Sherman nvenue paving vork is I now In progress and this Is n -".- Sparring with words and contra dicting each other's stories, W. A. Richardson nnd F. C. Oreen met late1 yesterday nftornoon in the offlco , of Judge Pcnnock. Richardson hnd bcon nrrestcd by Green on n chnrgo of nssnuult nnd battery. "Ho hit mo twice," declared Grcon to the Judge. I "It ought to hnvo been 40 times 1 Instcnd," rejoined Richardson and I tho word battle was on. i "I can get C00 men on this water-' front, Judge, that 'ml give $10 npleco to punch his fncc.' I "Rill, you couldn't get 20. I'll ' glvo you n dollar apiece for every one. I didn't Insult your wlfo and I don't want to fight any more," ' 1 broke in Green for tho second time. At tho end of tho 13th round of talk District Attorney Liljcqvlst call-' oil time. "There's got to bo n point and an end to this thing." Tho men again told the story of their . troubles. Green said ho had rented Richard-1 i son a houso nnd n hoat and that ' he had rent coming and tho latter ' 1 refused to pay, whereupon tho latter j rejoined that ho didn't owo nny such amount and that he had built n i cabin on tho bont in lieu of tho rent. , Rlchnrdson admitted that ho had i hit Green In a Front street black , smith shop. On tho advice of the Our Offerings For . Saturday and Sundaj In Fresh Fruits and Vegetables PLUMS GRAPES CRAB APPLES APPLES CUCUMBERS PEACHES APRICOTS TOMATOES CANTALOUPES WATER MELONS VEGETABLES CARROTS BEETS GREEN ONIONS CABBAGE LETTUCE .LOCAL WAX AND GREEN BE RHUBARB PEAS LOGANBERRIES STRAWBERRIES AND RASPBERR Wolcotfs Grocery 398 No. Front Telephone 97 FIREMEN LEARN LESSON ADVERTISED LOTUSl Hubert Mat-Mini, .Ir. Host to Fire- List of unclaimed letters I ngntrrs at aumo micro uiey mB In tho Marshflc il, Orfjet iA.. ttl ......triul IL...B., I -v .. .!,. Office for tho week cndlnj.V I Twenty five flromen of the Marsh-1 1915. Persons calllrg fir U iiieiu nro weparimoni iasi evening. tt.m ,. Knv ndvi,rHi(lm tililpf llin fnrninr nrnrnlsA.1 In Vnnn , fnllntL'ltic- ftiolr miriilnr , trill wnm liln itfinria nff lirnmi u'hn tirmiilfinrl . i. iA mTV . . " " - !!,. -...w... nt lnnn,...r llnl.nrt Mr..OnC CCni lOr IMKH IIV" .. Tho new sewer system is to "keep his mouth shut," and tho 'V!: .. " ...::."T.?:VJ:. " ' k ' .... . imu.n, but not exceeding CIO acres, !80 solus were made, nKKregntlng 91, tSl.ttf ncres. atuouuUtiR to (03, 7X6.10. In quautltltw exceeding CIO neres but not oxroiKlliiK 2,000 acres. KG maUv wore mado, aggregating CO. IGC.tV Bcros. amounting to Hltt. 7&K.II. Ill qMMiitltltw taramllUK X."00 acres 10 wlr tr mado. iKgrttntlng ITX.Stiy IC nrros, amounting to IX. HXX.lftO 07. The total m of land mimbor 1.30C. roMprtfw bl.XTl ncros. Ho scorned pleased to have acquired such good workers. Joe Davis, fat und bald bonded, the supposed loader of t e gang dur ing its maneoiners in North llond. the uarduu declared could break n surprising amount of rock. "All duy shape In tho way of pay 000 Job being put In at n cost of Jlfi.r.00 and charge was dismissed tho grading of Virginia nnd McPher ou, which work Is also now being done, Mill cost $10,000. The SlmiMton Lumber Comnnnv hns 1 n nnnmmro.1 thnl It ulll run contln- I l It costs ono cnt n uoimly for six months and tho North Rend Lumber mill is running right along so North Rend Is In better roll thnn word j to tell your story ench day in 1 Tho Times want columns A !, C crnllty .Inn If nt tin. Vnlilo ThAnlrn whnrn'l HaKHfltt. II. S. . j MV", .., ..J .. ... ...V.....W ....v.wi . I they witnessod the picture "Lockod Mrs. Walter. Jr , ( Doors." j A keen Interest in the film was I evidenced by the firemen who saw clearly and graphically Illustrated ! tho results of poor exits from burn ing buildings. They expressed their thanks to the manager for his lib- Row me FltrwslUR (I); Green Mrs Majtxll Ed A.: Lasher Frark W Win. Jr.; McDnffee Pardy J. D.; Mor.-lssey, O A N' Salnnn: West. W F Wl C . Williams. Rev J It Ytt HIGH V MV ro and thtt totnl H.V70 273 M. purchnso prlrv was long ho drills and drills and never , ,or mo "m l,a a word from him ulthor " I The deputy khoriff enmo over from Coqulllo )iMiterdny on official butd noss, having Just ruturnml from Sa lem, by wny of Portland with It J Lang who is now in jail. hnvhiK failed to raise ImniU t NORTH INLET NEWS t Pay Day Special Bargains In Shoes We aro closing out a biukcu line of men's tan ox folds In odd sizas (hat soil regularly from S'1.00 to $6.00 per llr, nt only per pair, 95c This is a &reai bargain if you dnh gqt your m. for every day ear oroutings nothing excels out new Kne of bike shoes. They come in the tan with Elk soles, priced as follows: -T Youth's sizes, 12 to 2, per pair S2.25 Boy's sizes, 21-2 to 5. 1-2, por pair . . . .$2.50 Men's sizes, 6 to 10, per pair .$2.75 It vMll i-.iT you to look ttese or BUNKER HILL DEPARTMENT STORE W. H. DINDINGER & CO. PHONE 32 ' Two Free City Deliveries Daily.T BIG BULL BOSSES C00ST0N ROADWAY Tnki Stiind on HlKlmn). :'.efiiM- to IIimIk, Hint Childrvii uik Xilil ' To Ur KiidiuiKcrtM I That bull, u hukv tw )r ld lluUtttlH, U Ihmu bwlf rltK'twl to tho HltlOH of (mm of the road. Uk, his stand In lb mldillo of tk klk'k Mrs Thomas Chttpnmn. who bus boon wrtiHK ns Itbrnrlnu of the North llond public llbrnr) lnr It opvnod, has roslRnod hor position nnd ox wcl to Uato tho city and her plac ulll b takou b Miss Mjrtltt Holm Mls Klhul Motxlar. who formrrlv rwMwl In North Hend and whti has Wen rHsUllnR nt CornllU fur th putt thrtw )Kr. I oxpected In tho clt) tHt first of the wok to lslt frlmd. DovUI AUhws and Mr. Ansa Holm D and force pJirlu to walk i w"r ""'"' l"" y,'sw "l l "" aboMt klHt. w-auhlU uUriHK tf.,of U ' Uav- A- S- Hl,, o( ,001001), I tho rotHHlalHl of Coln ' Mc,",,s clllta that kaa Ihmn totelrwi t M,, r S n u wKla tb office t Juds fMMH-k. lmo WtH,K ttiim S4R HraiirUco No tutu in aH) MMiHctlN ore wr ht, vWIUr tko x MitMttONMi. Ue UteWHNt koliig Ikat I1'0- to rio . oulU .roteMy la4 to b4 Wrnw I'alRlor. tke city ulmrflnu feoilHK Th hum wilorlMK tbn com- ' m'4 ku MHrly trmn to the pWlHt toJay hU that MVoral Umm cUi " oHR tkat rU total rttuoruotu amooHtoti to ie.is FOR AUTO SERVICE i cMbirMk nave ai4 nmw wacaoos ad It U fearoil loat mow one tswjn Ihi Roru4 vvhoo tk aalmal kt tit a sulliw Hto4. Ju4 PowMKk took U Haas ot Ik oarty ooiH tko anlMut ami' Ak) plaeo. an4 tiwc oor five. ev tll wilt m Mlr MattnK tfcat Dmioh ad ntom puHi;or oars with cre kU Must U tl4 unitMt to tk iMffci drlr lll servo )o. tor aod tkat It Is mmU(nI to such amaU roa at few . Rl " r 1)4) an4 Nlgfct StK-vke Nearly Every Auto Stage Line Uses FISK TIRE! i The men who onerate autos fnr a livnlihnnri Jmvn rflsnnunrpfl that thev saw money, time and trouble by using Fisk tires on their cars. There is no sentim in it -it is lurely business With them. -?- - If the Fisk tires save them time and money, then, Mr. Prjvate Car Owner, ) snoum prom oy ineir experience. Don't waste yourmon2y by trying other tires, but start rinht because voir eventually use Fisk Tires. ttttft'ijiL .!-. FISK TIRE SERVICEJllo' ll U fMi-ndctl to all car owner rt-i;4nlp f Hie nuko f car or llrr ueil. Mr arc pUd ' roiiiuiiNUln yiwj uttti auy urk that may U umlnl In cttincrtlou with )..ur tlrrs ld fr & tvulr, any ottrntiuii wo cau ie U KUvn Klmlly ami without chart:. THE GUNNER Fl.sK lUSTItlltl TOILS Sfll TIIW I STKItN Or.F.C.OX C.OIWT A Kl(. f.AIUf.1. .Nor,li IW-ii.l Scnt. KUIK OMi:CKKT Coo.uHlc ArtoU Times' Want Ads Bring Results C0RRIGAN & KNOX BROS. UiRkt Caf Phone .-,. niiintn IUuUob temkuun I I - , lWuM'AKXJ Y: 'fftn ";' " ' M i n