THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' FIVE Tht "Dakt"tormi styU in every detail select materials "Natural Shaft" lists for comfort. Pay $S Woolen Mill Stores Marshfield North Bend c kh! quality inUcil cot ton mix, full einlr. lue, ni, er wlr , irderr skin, mlf nml lnickkln, In lilnck. Ki ami gnty llnliiml to short kimono, low taluev now tiful ilrrvs milling owl ruffling'; variety of hlmU In ir (rmiii, !1V uml 10c value tin wile nt per yanl Or tlrv nnd work or, mltireri Co kt mlr ndtnl nntl plaid lrrv. goods Jut i!rvM", rtiliH In !i nil 1 1 urn toweling In ItlonHietl ami half llocliL nd iNc tnlur-s only, er janl . rll a or I) KrrumltM "FROM - r4 Urea 4 way VKI. WILLIAMS. that will m Italy nrrya IV VIN W NTHi e MiKiM, "ITlO nU taje .ty A sV" M T A FUMII an Niteoer J A jfnsnofn Fjfrwwic P EvtR BRAfiD" dw I sssnw. 1 H jX e Tiiiiiri i rt f 1 Vm XII If shoeIP for your next pair of shoes it's like ,nu.inir nn investment in footwear. The initial outlay for a pair of Florsheims may be more than you have been paying for shoes but the returns will show a larger percentage in length of service, added comfort and individual style. You wt!l be proud of your feet and well satisfied if you wear better shoes of the Florshcim kind. Every Day Patronage l)il iifo-lte More l Inciwifilnjr. Keen liurp aren't Tlscj rome lion Ihtiuho thr gvt merrliniiilKc of l-.t qual M.e I ""t price and mwt nttentlie M-nlce. Mnko The ! : Tf )inr ctcryiLiy More; mvp money nml Iks sniWriol. Sr r arr fferiiiK for Sat unlay, .Monday nntl TueIy, 6c 52 00 null) hikI driving Rimes, tilth largo jcnuiillots, mode 95c neck, nnil hlMirt slerte. .. 25c 15c Mixpemlem, guaranteed 25c the tiling fr dill ftn lurirt) of Mittrrn nnil color, jtl &&j 9k "THE FAIR" t ikwr to Chandler Hotel he Noble Theater CHARLES CHAPLIN i atest and beet romly ihccmm "IN THE PARK" auu la see this great tomnMH TlHtlgM We It HEADQUARTERS" Mar feats JUl ANtTA "PATHE NEWS" talsatliH (fM all r ( Wm rM- I'lnrntB to nn LMCrna of ih hml f4ar !" fair Uib IUnn. It flillitrr. ft wtnvtk pm4 X TUK ILXmUitTS UP 1 XJUNT Tk rtik of Jtrtr . MODEL CASH GROCERY 1 T are Pre- VV pared to T ? fill your orders for canning and jelly making. Jelly Glasses AT 'NEER 25c per doz. are 85 Ceataterciil Aveaae Psm433 W&H BREVITIES JULY TIDKS Time and Heights of tides at. ..i ii .T,. .... . .-i i M.rshtleld. The ttac arc placed la ,. .. . ,, ... L. .i. icral Marshfield people In a ease at i on the first line and height! on the' . . . ' ,.,. ,' second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In llratn trhfthr t Mrh nr low M.M lllrtVt tl.ln AM Kk n. MMIft -.. .. m w ... ... RnoU DrUco M0nc DrUcoll and hour and 54 mlnuteta earlier than!,.,.. ... , , ,,..., ., .. at Marshfield. At North ltend 3 4 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. SIHrs.. 6.S5 ' JFt. 0.5 ilO'Hrs.. 0 97 I Ft... $.2 (Ft... 5.3 i:illrs.. l.JS ' Ft... 5 3 1.0S 3.S 7.3S 0.3 5.17 0. 8.53 0.4 6.35 3.4 147 3.9 :.:c 4.0 S.01 4.: 0,0 0.0 7.22 :'.4 J.04 V.2 ! Will I at!. Rer Mr Abbott of the Methodist church will hold quarterly conference at Kast side Saturday evening and will preach there Sunday morning For Uiiir l.lcrnc- Ole Slever son of lakeside ha made an appli cation to the county court far a re newal of his lhMT license at side and It Is announced that the commissioners will pass on It August' 6th Tn .Mprl Rnlmevi U H- Hamlg. Orcat Chief of Rec ds ef the Rett-, men of Oregon. arUved hero last!T j tHUIFT, county aior. I avpnlng and en Monday wll meetj here today from Coqullte looking with the local lodge at a special j after rouaty lax matlrra. meeting He will be hero en builnii jcilARI.US KRIUKHO.V. of Catching for several days j inlet, was here today looking af Jack l IJkn Clam. Uarruloui j ter some buslneas matters waa Australian Jsak whoa Interview. MRS, A II STFTHMAN rrlH hutae d vesterday by District Attorney Ml- JeqvUt eonternlng bootlaggtng at Fewer He waa m( In Iks cooler for the night and this sMralag. hat , leg recovered, csoied bis asetith Hke (He Ki'verbal rUm aa4 refused te divulge a tWlag to the offteer Hat Frr-k Flower 8 U. CatU. art exhibited at The Ttmrt offtse a freak flower It I da-uW pink dahlia There are t ilstlnet , back tm back waking a large complete Watt of Issoem. On en side the bet U larger Uaa en the ether bt Mr Catbeart ajs he, thinks that la toe-San one side bso4eet tls aa4 had Ue Ibawev a( e esst btb sMee wM have besi enasty aa lace He aesisMs ' Hk the 4HiWe f tower braM ( tWM ftrl CTWMWg set en P. Ua la Mrtlem - Mis MH He. 4er (eneoptiy sreetari atf ts Maririr4 dsaaas-ef f Ceisusuwrw i b bat Wmw ea4g la Oak U4 tor bb past t tears, wflte to frseaxas lk sae reetty sasd a IMp m sen War ssmiher Oa tb way tb- las'J Hew asst aa4 aa4 a tfte efs t Mae f4e Mtiiaw IU4 u Iw. Jaftl 1141 a iir ter a Is sasaa ai l owwa ir ! jpr Jat X tr U VU War um aM (-( av4 H ba4 atSkt-4 H a4 Us sat tmUH ba4 M aaw4 a4 taM fc wvm 4 ike st ssrilrf vrfc was l a swwsttH TM M tbe f-rfrtaa set4 fwrwab sa s U -tat, a u ,. Vt a4 aw 1 rig bis We 1H for aw sr- U flU-HJ"-r,BUa UV tme aa)4 mmi law t ftie V M-4 ! .o4.g W Ms 4 M KMMa) - hm H s44 aM4 X atr m rVM is tw4 l- cr Tw att44rf aa4 .14 aa! ta-iet bewm at. at foot sawi xr s-i si 1 K.m-1 M tft r Mmj wit JNMM 1 .. Lam4 a alA4sWW4 a J Tfcwft. tAeMMtSX mm44! ajb F. tm 4 Ha-' ' M4ik a U - 4 raex j Itagii. t4 t. r A i ium aJMl A 4 TV MAX a ta4.4 till uk4 a I timt t 'JT1 t MaAaM ItaasBr i4tlrwl t wi b 14 Oe- a rMrt imw iw (- U Walket morning xthrro he wilt join his (nth. er T A. Walker and tn nis car ko jto ItoscburR. From thcro Carl Walk- cr Is expected to tako the train for Canada where he expects to look weeks Titration It Is said the tarn about over the country On the trip' Itv Is planning on going to Kan to KoscburR they will be accom- j ms later on th summer PnlcU by Hark Dunham who Is go-1 MRS. KANNIK WIIKKI.KR and hotuo Ing out to the state training school guest Mrs. Davis will pae In a with the Stlltwcll girl and two bo. few dajs for San Francisco, where rvrve Siiintmm. Deputy Sheriff I La'rd wo hare from Coqullle , log the Tanama Kvposltlon Ujt tervcd 8Uwnion on ,crJMKFD Mn8 ,,J,UY EiHKanc. i or casp ni vniuicsi (Roberts s, Drlscoll and Involved ( ithe estate of Mrs, Hnrrlette It S. . ....... . l Drlscoll to which Sol Drlscoll. Mrs. Lillian Drlscoll of Xtarshleld sr I heir and consequently parttc to , the action- t Slew It Off. Though his name' was not entered on the police blot-! ter, loud snoring, high pKcheil and shrill, this morning disposed the fast that "Australian Jack" was sleeping within the Hotel Carter He' wna nlart there jesterday afternoon j following the attempt of District At torney l.UJcqTlit to Interview him. all of which was of no avail ter ' Aus tralian Jack." had long since pasted the point where he could rccognlie facts and Indlrlduals and was wan dering about in "Lotus Land j l PERSONAL MENTION U O Mi:KK8 of Cooston was Marshfield visitor today H. 11. 1NOKRHOI.I. of Umpire waa at Marshfield tisltor yesterday JOHN D (lOSS was among the vWI-' tor at CVkjuIII today on legal ,l buklnesa. i DR. K Ml NO U8 was called lei Reaver Hill this morning on a J professional visit. I JOHN MATHON among the) Catching inlet people down shop ping today MATT L. MAY left this morning for the Valley where he Is falling on the trade today. CLARKNCB GOULD and wife were I dawn last nlgbl and today from' their home at Allegany Uke-'MRg niASCM K1UNa: rxrc.u to to leave on the Nanu Smith tor a -visit to the lanama Kiposltlon. MISS FIX)lli:NCi: FAHY csme dawn on the Rreawater this morning and Is on her way to Randon. today en the Nann Kmlth after i erral werks In th south. Midi. KTKVK CUUUK.V and ohtldren wore here on a shopping trip ll;, m,j hy his rnaay fflMhl a morning from Oatchlng Inlrt. !lJoo, IUr .. ,j. Uwmi w y. m MIHrt At.ICi: FUCK UI be a visitor t the Fair with the neit f.w d.J. sad steels te leave on ! Nana r ,h jM ttta,'B- t The stnamihlf lh lvfwjC J C. WATpOK. a promlaeal raash-, hlmmgkt Ul, jttH H Wf. s-r -ar OvjulM. w.s la th c44y,,4ra u$ , Mtt WtH last eicnlng and ld est Ua- .,,, fMe UUh are ia - lad4 IkU aflvrwexHi ANHOK O ItOOl.'UM w a visiter at the eownty sa slae. lvtag for there oo tb raomlog, train. MIDI. It M IHli-'Wy rlrae4 Ibis tworaiag e V lrtkatsr from t4m u s.Ma r I. Tewr. It Fertlaad where is been lr,UtiArfU(liM Mf, K Uafit. M several data. Uaibrta. Jr fa Mile. V O L. 11. HAMIO. flfeal tH ' Hrrs Qtv4t. H Ka. ff f the lawrxtui Ordr ( H4m. Ulmw MU r Fa. Mr. A ! " lr lei vtsll Mh1niwW4k ttM -. Lm. e ik Mtl Mm Mffc ( It .. r A4. w A MlWt A T IIAMtfUJl r4ra4 at W4a 1,4 Wm w a H.fc T r a t Ka fta-jMli iNsea Sa nv v i,. g At4. K Wa4 I Imw wber it ha bt en a Nuat-. . 04. F r 1 K lor U Rat aw. ' i,, u vtr Fb4-M. Mrs. U. Y ti- I. A. ULJIKITlpT av4 w ittl U Het Vu Me V,' ruasriMtuMHMSstusisus-j,. . . Mr tJtJH4 I'lvra'utrusBs. M A btafUs. - e the rser4ar leala TOM t iinrwrrrT r u o fsaW (Ms tMfMSf . tv I nakeag k (taaJ ba ftb waeu save ta r i4n Ceis rtJiv ! km ft-r-' r pettm mnturr v c uum viiw. Hovwijfti .Mp it t4 rT4( 4 wss Jlf4ip4. V. . v. r4r-f.f 4444tielef rfr4Ua.l. It 1 s 1 M wm.hh waU. . 4ir l-iff ia-4, 0$a. Kt4flS, l.f l. as, I 4)UnrAJK KAiJ&f 4.4 w, (44 4 fejM aai 4a at sM4'Ka tt& Hls4HM H a( fthM at s-s4V C4j' ltlr ! wiWr- HU w g a Isu4 ! t&k i-ssa.4, MX4bc. a-tWC W K JCliMtftssvr la .-.! 4 IUV. 4 rr4e. . as. 1sV. bf4tf fw a rtfsuw 4 1 4Kbr tfalsjsMwis a44 4 ' rt4t Mav. trtJa,44r i4 ' 15. A OFFUJ S4k4 (t4f f aoersx Wv ' V.c a)e Ciai-eU tHitM l tr a. ! etssaasa- f U-.r svH Ifawt A btAsrTm mv4 m 1 seaag Iw Ue4 ( i tW 4e wa K4 - tV f W 14-V Mara4 H V4 SS4V4 I 'HH AHfs MJl N a H04tAI-r. I-,' fs4 l tUw -l-a Mrs I., Ha4 samU (W tniAf .! btMUr fi- on the Nonn Smith after visit t the Fair HfOH SNEDDON and hi famllj have gone to the country for a two they will spend some time lsl IH3IVSON ar prcitriu to leave Marshdeld. going to Vedderbnrn where Mr lKxlson will take charge of th branch store of th NWIderbtun Trading Company at ('old Reach l.KO J CAUKY eanie er from Oo. ... , . . qullle last evening for the par- hv of getting his dog that was found Ky Frank Durgev on Isth mus Inlet and advertlsett (or throHgh a want ad In The Times. MRS. J. T. W1LRU. titter rr Mrs A T Halnee, together with her daughter Mis (trace Wilde, both of Kansas CM), arrbcl here to day from San Franc with Mrs Halnca and will visit here for a time. RKV RORKRT K RROWMNU re night and will eondHct srntlce la Xlarshtleld and Bmplre en Today and leave for Oanllurr on Monday where service will be held tn the Kplscopal Church on Tuesday even Ing. J C. McMCRTRY and son Jlobert ar rUel here today from Merrtmar Okla , Intending to stay (or about a month Mr MeMurtry has a ptar between North Rend and Ten Mile and will spend hU time there fit Ing It up He Muttered somewhat from seasickness en route up the roast. 11. LONdFIKLD and wife Mrs Douglts Ruth and Mrs Heard o( South Rend. Ind . are vliltlng rel atives here Mrs Rush Is the moth r of Mrs. A B AdeWperger Mr. C L. Ulabaagh and Mm Oati I vis and the l ladle with her are also hr daughters They earns via Han Diego and Kan Francisco Mr and Mrs lnxtlrtd will leave Monday via 1'urtlaad for home hut Mr Heard and Mr Ruth w re main for a Jor visit IIEHEI 15 IN CAITAIN MAOIJHK.V IH AKAIV O.V IIIIIIHfi: (IF hTiaMhllll lrla lite Ftwttr M l'ntn i t'orlUna VeM-l Hetof4n SM Captain J T Margenn s n the1 bridge of th steamship llrrwk water where b" er.i M this mfalaij from Fonland For wo trli- he b Wn III and the veteran 0snndr b, aA4 (oti4 to lae U wmUf ., A,wrtt lt KM ,fti j, mht repw't a ! dais t U( ,h- uti(.alr bad s-rtfrH iftrrm tviA bf ,B jwtkrw VhrttU. fi, j,,, arrfttag bM are M c mhala. Mis IH w4, rn.,t Kw. t - . . ... . c wt. rrvaa . i A at WlstUff fX U44. -ttaf- farff K ' w. ; fkaf-sel HI44 0- Arf W'"V M. r r q,., y Kaajjw 4 '7 r yf, m .- 4 lk4 f tm ik. ( Cla. Ipsfai. ft. in, le I 4 IMe Flwit.t1li.aeV . Uj4 !L44. t4 sfa4 . II sf.ijfH Mil ! NUtt l 4 tv. au. Ho ! 4 .tUwl 4 (Urn 4 We F4f J 1- J. C. Penney Co. NKXT DOOU TO MARS1IFIKT I) POST OKI-1CK STAUTINtl SATIRDAY, Jl'I.Y 10, VK WILL IMfT ON AN AH SORTMKXT OF Till! RliST KNAMHLWARF. .MARK, AT fltlCKM THAT ARK MONKY-HAVHRS TO VOt . rtiiient No. I Flo Fans VI Fan. Iruo SiHtons Small Stew Kettlp, Drinking Ctt, FiuWIivk Fans, ct Fan A"iorinnit o. ii-i,h Fans Milk Fans Wash Fans Se Kettle. . AMrtnwnt No, :t Tti. a((e aNne onl) larger arwl a tetpr grade of gHxl lie sure and see the wlnitow FrliU) evening ni lhe you ran ge4 a Uetter ldea of lit snnls This I the chance of yotir life to by ueeW lit ihn kltrttpo. Whrn this lot l gone wo will not have auy more this -far. Tte OrigttMtor of I'W Frlce liMJ i - CASH Is what counts at our store and that k trhf rtftsw we arc making the following rrftees. We have ne hi Ui ' accounts and the goods are paid for betof leaving the store. Citrus Washing Powdof .....21c BIuhik, par pint I Chooto, full crofim, oof pouml 20c Goki Oust, por pnekago 20o Sodn, por pound pflcknio .....5c New SJMids, 100 or 50-to snok, por pound.... 2 Pnlm Olive Soap, por bar 9f These prkes wil give you an Idea of what we art selling our goods (or, an d when you need anyihtog !i our line come and see us. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Formerly the Com lay Tea Coffee and Spice teim. 130 North Broadway. Phone 3f4. TO BE CHARTERED vmvtms vAtimu n it I'ISOimil.K Hllll HILL OO IH ! f rirrra Otfpf Yet ArWt ' -'(M4r UtM4 I Im (' m I'MMhrMgrr li la aM pewUMIHy tk .Van KmMIi W be aAvsifsr Is, Ike off iMmi UaI M Osplsla M Ik allr mk8 ii arrival of fc4 m ri liM lsaaM tUisrst fr l siM t4 MsMs4 be IM eflW-it Im 14 Mik. be al4. 4 a t tsVcaa bi - ft4 U 4M W4 SM kf tb vs4 4 bi fs4 r Us vt H k rif4 T Xaaa rksallb bewwabl la 4 e(r Hit aa4 Iff ! e4 ttl (1 Vr4 a44H i 4 Mlti4 M K(b K4 4 U US hw M4lt44 K wW mH , in a l 4i ff Fimm. MS TV fti4a e Mr. 4 t Hl.-. W4f T W1M Ulh a WM. F J kmm n ' Mf4. Mr A tran, , v . er- m tMi4. A lUs-f V CMtkts, .a.ins, A rt, M A M tiajM U4t H F IM j4. H. F tVaUM. Ml 0e df I f Ma. We 4 ' 4assa Al. )4mn( i K. l4Wfff. Mal bM4r H U la4l I W4 , a4 4I444 SANTA CLARA HERE "mtMatF ttmniA iis on r iH FIMiH IHIl Mt tH ruiKr Af . 4 rr4M li l Filtj 4 n. mi-. -Tu fcneait Hs vc . M t. IcW iMaia 4sM fty. Qwee latiiaiti a.raf t tejeaay tiibsiii aN a44 m ejsVa1 It iiajniis,,! t i, a W hMlaaMi at ss4Wt s (a-.. ' ffj( S44Jil. t4 4 4Misi 4t4Mt MW 'af 'atom ai lie lh ae TV ftff'! tM vr'tar ortSm taia4a M lata L F L. Mtt at ag,,ja, . ajy4T. m f Mejsiiara, 4'fta f HfSK'kV VrJswStP eeerSP aBBBBSBBBBJBBBBJBBBlejBBf P'fftt rPTyaJ MW Me, Ms MOs4H Ray t IMta. O. W MeCasy. H Jnl.. (Mb rw 44 J W Ml Im'I fegrt l ! a (ummJ. m1F KalMiiU; wl fiutely flrr. 9cents 23 cts 39 cts We tea! (Mhers i a. mm.wLjmjKzammam M t f.F.W TODAY l'lHM 4i' sw kM 4t sxwe fUBl lUy Jtuaday U'lUlM ai THsr wtfits. , I1MI st.U.Me, Has w4f. sitM l leraia. Hill 4 MMfpbs, Urid4. Orui. itTw-AMll bUk tt 4aU4 ehk Imt I J Flt4r Mtafa U riets olfU . LOST T-HWM'. VH4j ms lH4t t 14 al TtM efllsa -f fo new i 14 I'OM UlUr FfwJ4v4 fu b slee I)Umii Alv Fkn Ill-L. IIMJ ltli.VrMsri4 Are. fw-ratia.! ayar Im4- -fr k) . waue lii ar iniatk ue. I FOK SALE I t44)444S roil a.kl.U-M 4l yim. M. N. ttk i Wtrfc(l44 (IfiMary M44e - I WArHTto i Ie4444)S ya vrt)tu-V,-k b; sms '! wife,' At4 II T L 4l Tlm. M t7JI Y4 14 .M ll a, b vk l . A'ljlf, K ' ear 7tAt4 er akaee 3M? --- v i fr tf -i en st-isi" h TaiT,iE oM TrMJum .M sWWH AUK OF HOlrtKMOU) (KXMM ritKMJHT AVO H.UMJVUK fii - 1. .. FE0US0N TKANSFE itwHM 14.1 ((MiUnwc ("tut IS-J Makf ,Ve, . Wurfrit - OUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will h kc? OFriV TO THM I'l'HMO X rrtfular slate llr H4ertaker wW be ki chartf Fitoua tVJ impany (j4t it tra " CtvaalW ki f tl-r arrt'of Ot 14 a-.