j-asaaaBBJiriKWrtV THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO sHNr' sn INTERE WAR BY A NG STORIES OF THE SSOCIATEP PRESS WIS SETTLERS FAVORED MEWS OF NEAR-BY TO OTHERED (HERE AND THERE KURDISH GIRL OLD FUND NOW ACTS AS MASCOT COMES IN USE Is With Hnfcin UtmVry K-stoH-nt Iky t lt.tsaa :bIh Itailaai H-hhb Ctrratms m he Money Whkh Ha ton Saeil IVrxUa Frontier -"""W ,,w- tir x-eii- r-. e e uy Tta.l f fr iwti rr- h - ft -nml vrs-rit: tw ta..fcM. ni BOMB. Jaly 9 Aaea? th foods Utile iU-yeac-o KerdMk gL ha -U d1"!!!!. IIKI'ARTMKXT OK INTEIUOH H S MAIIK IMTOBTANT MJCISION Uy-. tate Had Ne lltelit to Hire IVc-mN t Ttie l"nurTeynl ' Lund. An Important decision from the I Deeartaseet ef Interior which rfll TURN DDWN-PAVING WILLUSE AN AUTO "iTTiriin'lorXrir. .T31VltTLK POINT UK. IVTKKKSTIXG KVOI.VTIO.V OK .1 j rHved.by Be U hWdy of Rooeemrg, r.i.,. .,..,,...,.. t.v I ,., ,,-,,-vv ..,..... rKsrf inn iMiiwiuiMi , w.i v . . .iiv.-nn ' 4" iecerdtec to the .VeU ef that city which Mrs: Th ease was tbat tjirmii After ltemon'traner- Vote U a Tir I'eirr Axe, Win Built Trail to HW at the act of.- ,Iul ,JJrBr "mnt lIJ- Farm. Ituy a Gaollnc With Xezatire Truck. Sp-ial The Times ) MYRTLE POINT. Ore. Jaly J I (Special to The Tlmos.i COQCILLB. Ore- Jaly Peter . -- t..- . -- - irnainip mft fsaanaaaatai rb become tb imo( ef a Imki it- ' wvT city h o piw- " "f Zl i rfa comforts ami Bciri-J fee . J to the state for school tlltery rcirfmeBt working ee the Ra- samweru m occoMar-os .. . . . . . w -t- tho. who or Mftertmr dlrectrr r th1 D TWafci a ad tw'rw w m ! -!-.-. - - .JJ. ....! .1.. t. . . ., . . . L " wHett tb? BOMliUioa of the AraMmhM hWT thoth t war. a lter- u--i6 -. .(At tB famr seMftM f tae UKr'Axe. IKMiee. hn prchl a mw UIU 7fW d lli'W trUwtlo ef .early the Ci-. Valley eotrr c.ll TMtay etta?. the e-,mc teka b trytap It Mt loMlfrs Iwi her hut hi a fflthy ha h rMwl hr the CMaltt rteht of eulef t hMM9tai Mw nHjs W! gfre over t the the lertf reas hefece h at- afelrt. hWtJW ta th a w( a hake PranthNi al Mci ?h arTej4 laMk. Prt f the r- aislo ( the Ki street tenets to ra the !- on the otea. Vfter h h4 rewere4 from Cat ii lartax the war t reat ll had heea anntri. ht ,1, xteMto. the w-rk asrrs- atowataia highways betwee BrW- trUst'tuB la- kia4 tteatawmt !? I "M. - aa4 It ha4 heemjM.K ak,t ;, fc,,. sX df.all4. Mrrtle p. tae, tllat nr caDtflcs h Utth w uiwhkh. wm th oaly etaht d4lan lUea rttit4 at the WwaJ ha4 '-1 freat streets w wader msMMl!r. Axe Is to m aa aatomohfle thrown u'hl.W hiw ih hod ww th halaaee whhh reoMo4 to . -rre-l that years hefore atkMt imd aa iMrfcrft MMer trte!c la Uf hlaoo of seUhle fca left hhti hy hr Mher whoho tmml altor the war im oyer It ther Xtle4l the state of Oresoa to4 reoHMMtrators isre4 the ie-,aij fmlt growing H aa latereeUa epti Ukimsr wtth hor aKhr ooltrf m the aa.e of Cooat des to 1 Jl9 tk work-' tk Mtlo " oWBt la the htetory of a aa hRd. Her father she U. who a Saa. a well-kaowm patriot of the aad h4 so4 It to the C A. Sartth Railroad areaoe. wMch was la who has heea throosh mot of the wldfcr aad ha4 he tafcoa rtoor ! forty-atae yeors k ha Tltaher Comoany. ooot. j devefooaieaU of the eooaty tore thaa i(otatod mt """- cooaeuaioa uoeriB. Streag 1M Mr Axe has a hoautlfni place on ( Whea.Tfe.iale aatl Mrs. Faaale , shroe4lor Toted for the work to ' a road fire miles a creek from WHY pay more when you can buy for less? SUK YOlIt I'KXXIBS KKCll.-K 1'KXXIKS 5IAKK DOLLAUS nu can alway ve a tew IVtiHle In lluylne Your Meat If You tk not kHow tin? alrt. It l.0 X. UltOAIlW YA We m?U at retail notliinc bur the lt rcfricoratwl tneaU at wliole- al? prire. We jdre 5Hckl attjtlm t rlilUIren railing ami telepljotie onlcr. StK-hil for SutHnlay aly. Vest I loaf. rr HunI IV kII for SatHrUy tmly. Cruln fetl (1ikkrn, per ponnd .. K PALACE MEAT MARKET Abstracts IM-'UICMATIU.I KOU HEIJAULE AlteTIUCTS OH TITLE AAU ABOCT COOS BAY REAL ESTATF, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. JLUtSHFIELD AND COQl'ILLE CITY, ORKGOX GEXEnALAGENTK, E.VSTSIDE AVD SEVGSTACKEVS ADDITIOS AGENTS FOR CAXI)IX 1'UIFIC IUII.UOAD LAMhJ HEXRY SEXGSTAt KLV, JLV.VAGER by the Rassioa trooyo. . Wt.tl . L t.- ....tft.l . STUDENTS WORK MA WANT TO LEARN -' a .,a ZTZZ Z WHILE THEY FIGHT THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE fore the ta8d 8frk, :o -ake Hpa, I . proof, there appeared the attor. Oo Aa-MrUa While at th Front IVmand In Tltat Unr tolumbU BW 0f tke c v s-(Ua TlmAer Cm , I AwartWI FrU? fr III- I nlterMtr will tort mwui 1 ore GohX WtIl . ' That Line. proceed, while Rarkte. Laird and j Bridge. He west there la the nelgh WhUtaker Toted la the aogatlTe, j horhood of fifty years ago. hom hetterlag they stated, that aa erea steaded his place and started in to majority of reatoastrators were saf atake a faraa ef U. He selected his ftdeat to rale a deetstoa. The place well, as It Is a heantlfal ral- fftj ijvUU4 TTm to Cfert tI TtnaK MfMCIL Jaly 5 Bolaw to the. gets pteaty of soaltght. MVr a Trail. Whea Mr. Axe settled there he had to atake a tralL Later be made saying they had deeds from the state We re3g n a tie. Mayor De-'loy between mooatalas where he corenag te aoaiwteaa?. -,. ,, . roie w!th tk- nM. to, i-rt.-t rr v. c r Tba 1 I llennl Loral ly i rtTe tkm defeating the parlag. vctw vniK Jlr 9. Csluabii The case was heard before the Jo- Tv. ru, w.. AB -n , flU nn iJier Jt- ha- a-K o-rr-at-' talrsty aaaooacos that sch a lad "Ke. tfce ..eaolwM repaired a two-thirds re ed eleiea meiaohyrrtca to4 from i oaa4 for pcacthml losttoctien la was la uror or tie aomes.eaaers asw .tra, to klM a rooosltiea aad I a road part of the way dowa from taifa t tlae to compoto for the 1 M4 k hits arisen as a resalt I hs de(sto was sostalaed before ' al tHtk a ta,e ho-r me, of ,ae J kls aw wet aootr roaa whJctt mark nrtse offered by the Kaol So- Borof-aa war that the hmi- j t eomrnkwloaer ef the general land cb,, j!tMrta frm proeo.ire. ' had bea bUt ap from Bridge, chtr for the bt aaawor U the oos-1 "y b rsaoiam k this of flee at U ashlagtoa. aad from there ' j, nilMll eoosMerabk sorprise This was at first hot a Tory erode trB "What siao aMmmt tor seoaloa bgin- ko before the secretary of the to- aBWs thwe wtsbtag improremeato. I mooataU road, bat later was im meUphyshru maoo ia. Germaay ? trter- w"'1 ,h r"" " m9M at The aeaeral seattmeat of the pah- proved from time to time. the Use of Hl ami HVrtMrt' Tho coorsos wUI hwlode both hls-the bectaalng The sutlers taere- pi4mU w u .th Mr Aj makJJ a s9.UHr of Dr. Oakar BvaW of tho FoifOnrry ' cy aad bawg. soectal sUoss be- '" set the land aad .will recede a fJwer sjr9WB, w1 ab td i atoes aad each year sells aboot of leaao, aoir at tho fsostf. wi uwr laM oa Rossta's economic growth )ent from the United State -wt at the haats of Coaadlmea. I nt worth of freoh tomatoes from award! the !. aauk achto. whocal oooatmra for trade between firming their title. Street pavtag has bee agitated a half acre of grooad aad bosMes wa donated by Pro Dr Kart Oat- that coarry aad the United States. CarriI Cum? Off t-e KMWra, or MT. BuU p tnm $ f 0 , , tier of the I'aWorstty of Moalrh. Aa- 'u.w 'l l"w "!""!. . "' '" ' especially 4orlag the hb prlrate eaaoery oa the pUce ' otaer scrrta,? th wur. Dr. Kymast FRAUD IN PARIS , !il i'I .w j " '"r ""lfcs tk hl "'" - for caaala?. of Breslaa. woo the esd pet of CTII I PHMTIMIIPQ . i TV ."1 tV".?? m"axed -- f tk nT -! 5 marks. Th Jmtoos wore Prof ST,LL CONTINUES land and he arrt4 hh, pol.t to the iUtttt ,.MtkMl e a. . . . for ,h Miinu u v,cW w.. ... . lauiuU. Tn Af IkM ! (,m). fruit " - "" '- "" " I - -oo - . HosscI o CottaM. Prof. KosmoI C, W(ar J4 N(t Kllrelj. If,tte Awajr wS(ck wa .. aUb00SB e. ErUata aaU Prof. Mwr of Oloo- ats. NOT TO CHANGE THE NAMES OF TOWNS K With Tetty Cliratlnx In That City Arcurdln to Rrtn. f Jjwtiul ftM u Cm sr TlM.1 PARIS. July . The rerialog la- ftoonce of war. seea la so many other dtrorUoa. has not moot whea paved will form a llak of no boas. The calls he feeds to posed by some of the shrewdest land ,waM lm99tlkm ,a tbe y i attorneys in tne coontry. m were In the employ of the timber com- r c. Ma 9T highway botweoa Empire aad the NEWS OK COOTILLK WW. Rot Few Hxrcptln Frrnh "-". -" -" -'""' jvw,wv,v ,r Xamc WUI Mill h 11 l IVrUian, ," the IHtle fra4s of Par-. j AT TH Jf; Maa commerce. Dwrtng Kohcoary mi nit nuitw tr J-w n- u cm s Tim.i . ,t , choattavg la weights worn : BRUSSELS. Jaty . Tho oos-1 doieetod by the fd sitporessioa tios whether or not to raawm iholMrnce of the proloctore of police. Not of the County Sit Frum the Herald Taken The tomato beds are Irrigated, the water botag secorod from a stream oa the place. Mr. Axe also has fla grape arbors aad grows excellent pachs aad other crops. From Wuson to Auto. All of this frosh fruit he has for . som yoars poet boea baallag by I' 3 (lumllcr Hotel Booth Saa Prancuco. ... , t, . ! team from his place to Myrtle Point. Mr. aad M,s. P. L. SterHng who 'a ai-w ,g ,. -wi Jure bee. eamotag at Rock Creek p- Wek mb h prtadpol ctthw of B4- r( J saaaptos of milk asulyiod. 2 Thrift. CoaUie. C L Starr. ort- J since Satarday. have retarned. look an sb aatlr Oar it hie llm i0Ci from tho SW. to tho Oec, ', t wr foo.4 to be waterod Umi. e-rh Por.tama. w c, "' "Z Z Z'TZZ'" ta" ta" snan has boon sottted by tho voir- rw p sompios of wlao 12 por coathiii r.tiu tri uPU1.,k .. " 7 . . ' . .. . .ooctdod that ho mast have aa auto ersor-seori vna not row ox-l wore itiMfM oi 29 samples or ccptloes tho citiM. aa4 all tst thotTartooj) othor orolslos IS por cat towns, win orricmjqr iwf isMar po-ivec adoKoratod A too of faM- Portland. Ito W. p. McKonsn. Umpa. O Earl S. Brosvaogh. u u.-. w.k. o. j .oocioo i ram. IV..UL. .. i, "'""'' track a a nut tor of ecoaomy to . . , sve usno aao to pormu oi nts - Roy Daabam ws over from .North ,, mukH fftfh B. Helt. scat nomotKlAtare The excofKtosw feacli -which Is to locomc Mocsmto. Uorr to Ltor. Toajcrcc to Tooaora. Roo Icrs to RooMoioro. Coaruai to Kor tryk. Ahtot to Aahtf. asjd Tpros to Ypcoct Poctal caorolkitHSM will ac cordingly bo aoaf to fK tho clUnres oroorod ftod mrchaa4h) was sotaod rormoo. u v.. rvomp. saa rraacss- bj ,wti ku r.t. u ..t TltIH TO KH'AI'K PrUonrr Cnal. r OorlOMtc u Sf 4Mut4 t-m COn tHf flan 1 SUGGEST PROTECTORS FOR SOLDIERS' HEADS I'arU Ktr ! Thlrtrtm l"cr t'rnt of 31ru In War arr Hit In kull Mrs. Z. II. Stwaglor. Hindoo. Mrs. C. Ttmmoo. Hindoo: Chart K. Bass. Clovelaad: J H. Hamlax. Portland . Kdard J Yooog. Madl son. Wis.; John Bolkaap. Vaocoo ver. B. C : W. M Kattor. Haweor. L. A Uliooriit aad wife. Coo.allto; A C. inory. Saa Francisco. R. S Wrifhl. Sa Prancisoo. t. Ijwrrnce Hotel Claroace Oookl aad wife. AUoca- J W WhotstosM. CbnalUc: - ... n - wftaomt ooUv from boco to Powers, ichoro ho vis- T tapwtl iiom lo vocoroa ior a coopic ot dors before rotamhmg to the Bay J. K ToJlBMa, tormeriy locatod that tho nato can be ad la tho somator timo aad Mr Axo has atado the porcaaso. He It probably the GccWapclootosoWlnyoim., ntthi. Of M PARI. Jaly -It U Mtiautod. accordion to tho latest Itgnrco, that 13 por coat ef the moa hit siaco v tho laaarUoo ot tho war of)T Wttkham Ooooulc; Franceo Mar irojaTBOj nr wooadod m tho hoad. un. OdhbHw. Ohma K Taylor. Rsmo Dostors Doatn aad DoaralgSM ,. jM4 Tostor. RsMohotg: WHI- tho ano of mesjMHc itin,bM Wlodmaa. San Joc CaL: Mr. J. W Coach. Baaooo. R. L Bockott. la Cooolil. artlrod from Rosehory; lf mim w u nmmty bwanc wHh his wife aad danghtor. drtviagl taK , . a0 a tMrm to which he (ooad U aocoaoary to make a trail, aad who now finds WOMEN Find The Coos Bay Times a Most Valuable and Helpful Assistant in Their Day-by-Day Life The Times tells all the local news. The Times tells all the general news. The Times tells only news that's fit to print. The Times tells what's gojng on in society. The Times tells where to find the best bargains. The Times. tells how to save money on daily household expenses. . . The Times tells how far your dollars will stretch in getting the comforts and necessities of every day life. The Times tells how to save marry times the price of the paper by reading Times advertisements. In fact you must read The Times la ith hts 1MB. Thoy will take a sommer oothur of soveral weoks. camaiag oa tho tract of land sooth of hoc la which Mr ToUmaa Is m-toroetod Al.lirlGil.VY XHW.S ceaNajr hlawojf ts a . an m anhot I dura wooaood la tho hoad trotted llwaoa. Wi Dexter Dooralsmo. wi. ilaminJ at lha !-! al l.ifc tvi. , soeh protortttoe. A famine me of tho mm aomhor nit Tho nnai sreisjht wr IS 1 ef ,,, mf4 AU ia tof af(ri from froctaros aad If from suae ao coritai vy a Tao foamlahBc U with metallic kai: of oc ot tbom rooard rape and 1 of those wore only Urhi- reotofod a -aaatfy of cobwoj!'1 0,l4- W Doaraisjeo oo- , H)0; B. HllWor. R H Nortem. Baa- Ulj Hotel II H. Astolalman. Cesjeiae: Mm. Btu Brea. ceoo Rlvor. P. L. dm- Ino. UUeofcto. Mm. QortrsnM. North Bond: B. A. UamoooK. Boar- wbB tryta to II Wi- a4 foead Ocrsnan aoMlor I wffamta 4 MrfwSW a,lrt Bsastt. baata. 'favombte to thm protoctltoo aad HI . I Ma no IMH A mi aemoo Srhmtdt m saoslpaaj in tMMtitt U h. ho-t j.,, swtaj. Kmalro. H. HiU. shot aed ktliod ot Ulan a week egel1 ,wft "" t, . T CenahUa. laaoaBto. T i moo aa in moot rooos tooy in afoosMM. Iseoham J C WaUoa. ,bs9y. Ooanlllo. Otto Maotnol. UhosMo. Ftak Koroa. BoTr HUI. tL 0. MHiruTI Fool tmorjimoor. Pew: WtUUm Boo- -' t. Myrtle Pome. (Frank Bro--m. Only tttil Aioouai of Baadoa. Trk Lc. Povors. I'HIiSJAKHe, FAT H aeceosory. la erdor to kp ap with the Um. to a too most mod era nsoanis of tnmsporutioa to haal tao pcodacK ef that mm farm to markc to keep up with the times I ip irfal to Tho TIoms.I A1XMAXY. Jetar 9. Roects My Mrs. W. D Reeoru wo taken to the tabercalar soaiUflam at Sal-1 lu'n em butt wook. no ont by oaa a ' tar as icetuborg. hor ah took aa , ante to Drain aad thea tho traia I CosjalU stage wot to MvWm in ho been aa lavalM V ob aeteaot ef th MEAT SPECIALS 2 STAOK STOI'I'HH lnterfrr With the to ulHe Vallej . ToMrrn . aturtl). ne u ill m Trufft woili for the following Urn ricr am ccs s as cat oat e am 0 Li li-i.'ao4r-ic-, I 250 KEAJLVY ST. BtCSvttmkaJBua J I I Treat mau In Qjcoaiimt Tfcos TlifO ft ChMW rM tar. BKRLIS I eeA Allewnl I for veral year. Th weather was road, the aatotou maocUac to BeUlas; Boon very warm hot e stood tho trie wait nntU the huthy I wll dried Short Bib very well. Mies Owl XeCla wsmt hofer startug their scaedales vUs. Chetc Pet Reaet with hor aad will tatt her atore at Taoy My that aaiem there to mere Reaaa Boaet . . . Toledo ta Uacoin Coaatfr bofero hr rata they ! be ah to not aw atrlean Stsjavk . . recant. toasorre. However do-a tho coaet T-Boao atealu . The mtlw at Uoa La.k were ht road tho BuasJoa sa I oeorattasT Reoad Steak . (owi for tho fourth today. Oliver Keeeoxt wat eat hue Bib fjseakn . . .. Jock MrDswotd mbooM to no oat rrey siioraoo tovard Booe-Mattea Blow ... to his euro at Leoo Uc bat ha with te pi so or aad. moot- IheoKtsr Matte !M far boea dehuM be the raia. lg a atom from Banham oa th Ihoaleer M Pee to wa tatoadmo to art t ' way tnaeferrod his poMeaasrs to Leo Mattosi the aete ta to acettsbers. bat (h other car aad rotornod hr with Lota FOR CASH ONLY Por l ilk . ... 12c ..I-.'Hc, lie o BBBaamnw I I rTPeBBBBJIBftnBB hiUHkVBH B" I SAN FRANCISCO j A codas. Bze-frooL, vp-toL HxA, located ia te ctrr of crtjh iod oa J it: H t t ic ISC 1.V LV 15c I RATES I m ale ahysd by tho nh Joly PitseasM of war la Orrmoaf r rtd no that the? are ftuat 't- Crane wesir. caiot muiiarT ro i wo TURKS ASK FOR . !WJ i lalKSDKJt Jaly , This rhy a a laetalU a vesjpubt card to froiate sad tw tho - t.HL . .. a. a ,ua. .v. ... . . prisoeoo cojap at Xurteibot. ho, "" " ocsy ifrj .tutiuto .: j GERMAN LITERATURE! I Vert ha low Crock brtdsjo oaced the Mar- tho lead from the ValUj HAS HIS TWOWRLlWi Cold Settled In His Back rawice a - at flt bonr from the " " -Uae taoy osi4 ta ,rtooa teej"- r' noonth va rrtj-oir hoee aasl i noonth e rrty-oi)i chango la waicot of a In that tarn Oaly five. The Hxioi a isach u lot K otosee dried vegetthlmi. ' seea t drtad eat, pane. rice. Msaohar- veils) boea. uee nomad af , the ' dried voswtoeis'' ajar te limMtM eerB ssaUh be each tababt ZZS etohocltf WUtlKS WIUL HChlK I'lMi ha UIK1II m ji miin taw we kiKM) JtmfMM thaeh may b sjbiao q ef th Tartu Tort. ' tao aoaeat. like their wny UI b advajkred ta co ts,iM.MMiM.eoMel LOfdCOX. Jaly Althoojn th 1 T-T """ r"" rmaae ijrmixs iaiy The Poosmm KaUaaoj BehW rsjd ronsoMlr i ,,-. ,, ' m . - i k. a.- c mMm. . k a. ta rt ad WmLm' Pad a lis moo U. (, Tarne trut at Mbotttotm? n.''i labor be tsueed the I'sHflhi for that of BMSi ta -M..z moil doBor mark, eeatftieimas still Th first ef ta aow -. - .- ' at a rate ef - llo.bo sad wtK fee wl" at rr lb I " iatlr Th r aoi x(rlsvn - -' '' ' -' " a oil i- rks nctc4 to i-'r :-. a -.. t. . i a ir start titu . f ' - s4 ixi r - P C Lovar. eittor of lib Cenill TIk (Wsu Irlofahl who teeeaiiy hemsjbt a mo- -r,r Xidltmr pjj, .. ti. is ta niM i r . c n vi . M- J.J,, vlf ourm s.-ww lets I - Tec, ih . ,. . . . rr Kky no Mr .. !! ' say . rsoy o rSt aal I oaa cbctsUz rsa- Tb mm Fotar Kiear PSD act aUstaorUr u a lbr a- aMy ef th 0uh Daroveear jM h .t, fwi t ra a ekly m b Ceaetoatiaepl. a. ! ba iam!,,,.,. a rtw ., a ,,. sM tMwSSBhsmt OermaM for Oemsm , ll at tb msm urn, , ISSBOWSBj j IB SUM -Th hA s.- ! (hMS F.UUlHIto lO MHHT Tho aaaaal Mint osbihroilaa ef the rsrasn laiea aad Gnwjt Ui b mbM al dtsMlv wuu Mltif tkat remain to Ma twmi tk kidaora d latar wk rrir i aitnvC sod coMlag t from ta sytUm soM saa nltot. e Httr OMMily faors In a f- r sod seen irariooi a MJa ta t-w. hsbt MM. eaiuoj. to rroot Motor at Mob, xmt Ijttn Teal Caeojs Lola Lamb L of Lamb Perk Chop .. beld Pork I-oia !-,- of om ol Hbouleer VJ no!) Teal ttfire ("Mckr-n l-'.i tea pooad for !r4 fit tiao for IjrJ t&rr pi md ta FflEGKLE-FAGE Wr MIW 1M. ST lb MO or bi wrWi, rWooti SOMM f ISM bf la CooeUMUMoi at which CWitsun book t.l b btaiaa4 mnihll fLsmiia IUul.b 1 tk-.o - "-:- '." .rr:.' r. -?. i s-y?.aKr!&u3s: .11 . .a, a. smmiieam4 -a w M mjj up. BBWWMB1 aaa, eean amm smsjBBaaBM Mb IB rill Arllswto Oroca t pt4sit ef " ! trr. in Parmr I a to iti prat Kr m b O Prn..iwB Phar libby COl- The kinj YOr lure M ' d 'r ,,r, T," r "v1- -' '' -lr V- AIUAYo fSKIi. Phots T2. PaclfU ' B' e- i -c.s an4 au !,.! i r.aa4.r Uo. T. ' ''f ' 'B n "1 l ioHrt wl , lhoee 3CJ. ENTERPRISE MARKET Llicry aa.1 Traasfrr Cvmixjiy. Hit your Ll.Tn.lt heads. b:l hea4, - f- atpi a THH TIM1S o'fl . o jcicacaaaa rriratcBstt a I" )1.03.t1idwrs M53,lCQwt4 S Mifl,.2JHIJt8S 23a..I0dtis I IttrUriSGfea-rCOTwoc 2 I FTWttJTiJkrVtt.w.r I . ltt JlUvi .UJItUtS. Or o .lSt,e 1 171 "tvcnoT Bs AitxA to Haul j 15c imtmmmtmmimit I.V . . 1 . . Itv . . 15c . . . I.V ...! Su" B- w ln MnK Out I ly Sputs. . . iSr How l Ctniute lUsily tec Bjkfcs a obaoce. Mm Frekic face l-H;e try a remedy for frecxle f - Hi, iBrQrarue f a relUbM deMr ... 17c ' that It -will not est yes a peony n .$IJM lt3 K remoT-M the freckles, -whi.e f . . ff ejoe cv y clear cesneler f jib esfMOjse is trtmar;. f Simply set aa eemre ef othme -doabi scencth free nay dr t and a few aofdlntieaa ihtm'A sFoV vott her esoy R is te rtd renrsclf of the homely frecicl aad s "' ural romploxhM- Rarely t -i!'4 tbAm oae as(keade; aoede for th ort otoe Be sore to ask the dmscist 'r tB double trasth othine as tkis is : -e. nptuM sold under gtiarin'ee ' t. r.ey Va ,f j fms to r-T tk I