T1 IE SHARPER MAKES IT A RULE OF BUSINESS NEVER TO MISS A CHANCE TO "DO REAL GOOD !i T7H1 'U(B rk (Bum mm lB4J t Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Oou Hay Times Is proud of its lltlo "The A Southwest Oregtm Paper Ihnl what )lt OftO KM" lWrf A people's 1'npor," and It strives nt nil times to xveit Oregon papef tot 8ovrthTt Vtryvn Vt ml ilcvmved to lb Wt lnltrolia tKH (KtM ccllon Hie Time nW KeM fcx ww knock. ?,Uto up to ltn nnmo by do voting !( cnorglos to promoting tho people's Intercuts. US. m Ifr MEMHEH OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MOL NO. XXXVIII. EstnHlshed 1878 An The Count Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915 EVENING EDITION, A Consolidation of Times lnt Mall nnd OoosUnv Adx-erller, No, 299 mmm ' i 3 . M KILLED Br CYCLONES Heavy Loss of Lifn in Wind storms Throughout Middle west Last Night pERALjTATESHIT ieyeral Scores of People In jured in states Between No- . M Lumu gROPERTY LOSS IS HEAVY iMoro Than Thirty Peonlo hi ("In- Iclniiatl mill Vicinity and Propcr- Jy Djiiiiiiku Will Exceed Sev eral .Million DollaiA K K"RACE IIOICS:s AM) JOCKEYS ARE 1(11,1,1 R ID AMwlitr.1 Pirn to Cooa n7 TlmM. CINCINNATI, .Inly 8. -A special train on tho I'unnsyl- l vnnln Railroad, carrying rneo horses from I.atonla to unut- orn trucks, wti8 xvrecked by n Htonn nt Terrace Park, near here. Two caretakers 14 were killed and 1!) othora in- -4 Jured, Including several Joek l4vr' oj'B. Nineteen of tliu lioHt R lioraea were killed. J A 11; tutlled 1Tj to Cooi lit; TlmM.J Iflf wvirtij I, Jiny ft. According UntMlt KT fill 1..1.. r .1. En f lflllrtu .i.ttii.il l.ul Inilmi ..ma... .I..... U2Z ' " vuiiiiuau ivuuj uiuiu lllllll j Infty pontons were killed and several Hcoro Injured by tlio violent wind fand rain storm wlileli oxtendcd from ENcbrnska to Ohio last iiIkIU. The property damage Is estimat ed, nt several millions of dollars. ITho greatest loss of life occurred In' Cincinnati and vicinity, where 30 persona are known to bo dead and If. missing, 18 of tho dead be ing deck hands who were drowned hyj the capsizing of tho towboat Convoy In tho Ohio river. In Kastcrn .Missouri tho storm na- Ssutned the proportions of a tornado luemoiiBiiing iu iiiocus in at, Char lies, a town of 11,000 people. iTho villages of St. Peters and jfOllinoio, Jin., wero almost wiped ant by tho tornado. in St. Charles and St. Peters there was no loss of life, while In Gllnioro only one poison was killed. Mn Lincoln and Custer Counties, Nebraska, the wind and hall caused heavy damage to crops and In tho village of Calloway several build ings wero unroofed. In Southern Illinois tho storm fcaUBed heavy damage In many lo- Fcnlltlcs, In Mound City tho buslueas rart of tho town being flooded. Up Central and Southern Indiana brco perhons wero killed and pinny Injured. Huildliigs were unroofed Fluid crops wero dnningud by the heavy wind ami rain. KTOKM IX IXDIAXA (fir AMurlate I'rua to Cooa Oaj TlmM. I INDIANAPOLIS, July 8. Tho ?lnd and rain storm which swept neutral mid southern Indiana last night canned threo fatalities, many Injuries and much property and crop pjamugo. Tho wlro borvlco Ib intor Lruptcd and many lnteriiburau and steam lines suffered front washouts. ? ItlCIIKST .MAX Iti 7(1 VKAHS Olill 11 Anoclalrd rrroa In Coos Ilajr Tlinfa. 4 NKW YOUK, July 8 John I). Itockefeller colebrated hla 4 7Cth birthday today by play- 4 Jug a round (ft gplf and din- 4 lug with his children aud, 4 grandchildren. ( ' ; 4 &.. 444444444444444 .Mother Iiijurt-d. Mrs. II. A. Wolls .Vlll Icavo tomorrow for Portland In rospouso to a message 'announcing hat her niothor, Mrs. J. A. Dallurd, had sustained a broken leg In an a2fTccldent. No details wero given. Mrs, Dallard Is quite advanced In years. Will H0 At Home. Mrs. W. P. SMllIer, Mrs. P. M. Parsons nnd Mrs. R. M. Jonnlngs will bo at homo to It heir friends at the home of Mrs. 3Mlllor, Hall avenue and Front street Tuosday, July 13 at 2 o'clock. Auc tion bridge will be tho entertaln- fjment. ft Hnio vour nioin-aius nrlnted at Tho TUnei office. FREAKS OP STORM SEVEHA1 i KILLER AND HEAVY PROPERTY LOSS Passenger Tnilii lllmwi From True It Hut No Ono Hurt Hoi-nc, Huggy, mid Occupants Thrown lljr Aanoilatod Prrai (i Conr lla Timet, ST. 1.0 IMS, July S. Reports from eastern Missouri show that seven pcrsous were killed, three tiro mis sing, and several score woro Injured )iy a tornado late yesterday, doing damage of nearly $1,000,000. Near (lllni'iro a Wabash passenger train crossed the path of the storm and thu first four coaches wero neatly picked up by the wind and l.ild to one side of the right-of-way. Not a person was Injured seriously In tho accident. Two miles west of O'Fallon, tho wind lifted buggy ofr the road, carried with It horse and three oc cupants through the air liOO yards, and burled It to the ground. Dun M)no, driver, escaped with a few bruisoB, but his wife and child wero killed. j 'S savs si ii-: wn.h m:vi:r iti-nritx AOA1X TO lll-:u 1IUSIIAXI) ('utuo Hack With .1. It. Kilt her Claims Tower on Xlght She Was Poole, Her I'sed (inn Taken I want pcoplo to understand that 1 1 do not Intend to ever llvo with Mr. Tower again," declared Mrs. Charles Tower nt the home or licr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poole,' In Hay City tliis nftornoou. Sho returned from Kugono' last evening with her fath er nnd now expects to remain at home. Sho states that ulio was taken en tirely against her will anil that dur ing tho entire trip to Drain, wsiore they took the train,' nho nail no clinnco to get away. "He was with mo tho wholo time," sho said, "and I dld'nt hnvo n clinnco to cscupc." When naked whore Charles. Towor now Is, tho wife said that she did not know. They loft tho train at Junction City after their wild trip from Mnrslifleld and went to tho homo of eoiiio friends of Mr. Tower about 10 miles out of tho city and there they remain ed for two weoks until n doputy sl-or-iff canio and arrested Tower on the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, the warrant being sworn out by Ills father In law, Sho was asked if her husband had flemished a revolver tho night he took her from a taxlcab near Hay Ci ty. '"Ho certainly did," bIio replied. In was reported here later mat a Stllson wrench had been flourished Instead of u gun. "Ilo made tho remark," said Mrs. Poole, "that If Mildred would go away from hero with him for a mouth that sho would learn to like him nnd there would bo no moro trouble. Mil dred told him sho would rather klll herself than go 'back to Ii tin again." She said that lieu Hyde, who was Hci'ompuiif lug Mrs. Towor on tho night sho was ahductod, has gone to Daniels Creek to work and Is no longor at Hay City. ' Towor was released In Hugono un der $1,000 bonds nnd must appear In Coqulllo beforo tho grand Jury in Soptomhcr. p .MIH.ti AGXICS lir.StiULL FOURTH tilHTIIR TO TAKI-: UP LIKK Well 'Known .Maohfleld Young Wo man to Kntcr Lane Hospital Nest .'Month to Take Courtio There Miss Agues Russoll has resigned hor position us bookkeopor at tho Pioneer Hardware and will leavo early next month for San Francisco to take a course In nursing at inno hospital. Three of ' her sisters aro nurses and she will make the fourth of her family to tako up this voca tion. Her Bistor, Mrs. F. E. Hague, was a graduate nurso and her marrlago to "Mr. Hague was the culmination of a romance begun when she attended Mr. Hague during an illness In San Francisco. MIbs Ruth Allen, daughter of May or F, E. Allen, will succeed Miss Iss Rus- , tak.ng sell at the Pioneer Hardware, up her duties thoro today. m ONER VIEW u E URSES VILLA USES I Carranza Forces Claim Marked Victory in Fighting Near Monterey Today KILL llLA IN Claim to Have Relieved Monte rey and Surrounding Coun try From Danger ARE NEAR MEXICO CITY Ciiii-aiia Troup Train, According to .Mchsago to l H. State Dcpuit- inent, Is Now Xoai- Capital Dr AmikUIM rrrtt to cnoa n7 TlmM. liAUICDO, July 8. Carranza auth orities at Nuovo I.arodo announced today that as a result of the twelve hour battle yesterday they captured Icamole and relieved .Monterey and the surrounding territory from linmo dlato nttack by .tho Villa forces'. Tho announcement said Villa lost fiOO men while the Carranza losses wero light. CI.O.SK TO MKXICO CITY Cai-i-una Forces Closing In on Cap ital, Says Kcpoi-t. tUr AMoelalM PfCM (o Cw Ilaj TlmM. WASHINGTON, July II. Tho Car ranza forces have pushed tho attack on tho convention forces defending Mexico City up to within ten miles of tho capital. Their military trains nre operating closo to tho city. A Statu Department dispatch from Vera Cruz guvo this report. W'OUIil) HKIiKAHK IIUKIITA I-'oi-nicf President, However, l)oe,s Not Want Liberty Itestilctcd lljr Aaaorlatal Trent to Coot liar Tlmct.l 1-:L PASO, July 8. Attorneys Tor Uuertu and those for tho govern ment are awaiting tho approval from Washington of u plan agreed upon for the release from Jail hero of Ilucrtn and five other Moxlcaus, held on I charges o( conspiracy to vioiino tlm neutrality of the United Stntcs. Hu- ortn, however, said ho would agree to J no compromlsu that would in any way restrict his liberty. COOIMLLK lU'SIXKKS .MUX'S iK- SOI'IATIOX I'IKJICS noxn ISSIM-: Will Stmt Petitions to Call Special Klect Ion Urge Cousiilid.itloii of Teh-phono Exchanges (Special to The Times) COQUILLE, Ore., July 3. At a meeting of the Coqulllo Huslness Men's Association, which Is affiliat ed with tlio Coos County organization laBt evening steps weio taken to urge a special election to vote IiouiIh for tho Improvement of Coos county roads. Petitions aro to ho placed In circulation asking tho county court to call tho election nnd ns soon ns tho latter acts, a county booster meeting will bo called to start tho campaign for It. It la their sentiment to have tho county bond for tho limit. One Phono Hxrhniixo Tho question of consolidating tho ; Coqulllo telephone exchanges was al so discussed. Tho huslness men feel tlm in miriltioii to tlm inconvenience i BORDER FIG no and extra expenso two telephone ox- Harry Gordon, oponed up tlio Gor changes did not give ns good ser- J lon Shoo company, Ilroadway and vico as ono would.Tho Fnrmors line j Central nvonuo. has ono nnd tho Coos and Curry com- Tho ceremony will tako place at pany the other exchange In Coqulllo. At Myrtle Point, the Farmers lino recently absorbed the Coos aim Curry exchange It was decided to liavo a ropreBontatjvo of each company pres ent at tho uoxt meeting August II and Beo If they cannot get together. Sec Powell xvas hero trom iarsh fleld to attend tho meeting. RAIX GENERAL Extends iin Far East as Itosebuig During tlio Night The rain last night xvas not con fined to'Coos Hay but was quite gen eral In this part of the state. Theie was rain in the other n oar by cities jus far east ae Roseburg. Speedwell sails south Saturday ut p. m. Reservations a, Abstnu-t of. I flee ami Warren Painter, North Ilcml I WIRELESS IS SEIZED L S. (JOVKItX.MIIXT TA-KKS OVIIH SAWIMd-: STATIOX Only ISenuiluliig Kndlo Powerful KiiiiUgli to Operate Hetweeit Amer ica and flerniaiiy Taken Oier Pjr AaiocUttx I'rraa In rona nr Tlmca.J WASHINGTON, I). C, July 8.--Tlio government today took over tho Snyvllle, L. I. wireless station, the only remaining prlvntely operated direct means of communication be tween the United States and Ger many. Secretary Daniels announc ed that Captain Dullard, In charge of tho Naval Radio, had cone to take over the station and would con tinue Its operation with naval foreeB. Tho action of the government fol lows ninny complaints that tlio cen sorship of tho Snyvllle stntlon wan not sufficiently rigid. Recently it hafl been claimed that tho Ballings of Kngllsh nnd French ships woro being "tipped off" to tho German submarines enabling the latter to sink tho vessels beforo they rench od their destination. President Wilson's Order Tlicro will bo no chango ns fur as tlio public Is concerned with messages; messages being accepted ns hereto fore. The only difference will bo tho naval operators 'instead of commerc ial employes will bo tho man at tho keys. Charges collected will bo paid to tho owning company. Today's notion was taken under executive- order issued by Prcsldont Wilson, and was deemed necessary becnuso of tho alleged violation of neutrality by the company's operat ors. NOTE PltKtilDK.VT WILSOX WILL NOT CO.M.MHXT OX PROPOSALS M'colcr" on Tentative Drafl of (a'cr- iiiiiiij'h Reply to Amerlcim Protest No Response 111; AaaoclateJ rrraa In ruoa n; Tlrow. WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 8. Presldeut Wilson has decided there will be no answer to Ambassador Gerard's request for comment on tho tontatlvo draft submitted to him by the German 'government on its note on submarine warfare, and no comment will bo iniide by tiro Uni ted States until Germany's formal reply Is delivered, GOES FOR' BRIDE LIOXEL GORDON TO .MARRY ORE (JOX CITY GIRL Cciemnuy to Take Place at Home of .Miss .Madge Hriglithlll Pup- tihtr Young Woman There Lionel Gordon, of the Gordon Shoe Company, left on tho early morning stago for Oregon City whero on July 11 ho will marry Miss Madge Ilrlghtblll, a prominent xniiug wom an of that city. They expect to re turn hero about .Inly IK an,: will make their homo on 12th stroot. Tho young couple nro former M-:-.ool mates at tlio time Mr. Gor don lived In Oregon City, Slnco grad uation from high school thoro Miss Ilrlghtblll has been teaching In tho grades of tho school at East Oregon City. Mr. Gordon camo horo a year ago and, In company with his brother .Q homo of tho bride's parents In Oregon City. Jwo of Mr. Gordon a brothers are coming from Ilrlllsh Columbia to bo present nt tho wed ding and a slate', Mrs. W. S. Wells, of Raiidou, Is already In tho north. LU.MHER.MEX VISIT Los Angeles .Men and Coos County Wives See W. T. Davles nnd wife and Henry S. Patten and xvlfe, both of Los Ang eles and members of tho Pattcn-Da-vies Lumber Company, have been vis iting In tho city and left for their homo yobtcrday. They made, the trip from Los Angoles to Coos Ray In lira In a ii ti-itiintillrt n nil It tlm u'linln distance did not find It necessary to , use chains on the tires. While here they visited the Smith mill and made trip to Powers The trip up from l0Zc n rt?l (on. m AWAIT SIOP TUETONS NEAR VISTULA Russians Claim They Have Checked German Drive in Southern Poland ' Reports Many Russian Posi tions Taken by Storm in the Northern Districts FRENCH WIN AND LOSE Allies Talto Gel limn Positions Near tiimrlie, Hut nro Driven Out lnter AiiNti-laus Claim That The Italians are Defeated inr Aaaoclat! ITm lo Cooa 117 TlmM, I.UINDUiN, .liny S. TIIO JlUfmlllllH In Southorn Polnnd hnvo checked temporarily at least tho Teutonic drive toward Warsaw iilthough tho invaders report minor success. llerlln mlmlts there Is no change between the Dniester and upper Vis tula but says to tho west or the up por Vistula a number of tho enemy's positions wero taken by storm. In tho west tho French penotrnted tho German positions along n front of 800 ynrds west of Souchoz but woro driven out lagnln In n counter attack. Reports from Austria say tho Ital ians suffored severe dofeat along tho Ibouzo front. ITALY LOST HKRLIX RKPOR'I'ti AUtiTRIAXti WOX OUT AT IHOX'O HATTT.1-: Claim ItallaiiH Oiitnpinlietcd Alls- li-laiis Pour to One nnd Kept Up Incessant, Romhanliucnt lily Aaaoelaieil I'rtaa'lo Own nj Tlmfa.l HERLIN, July 8, (Hy wireless to Snyvllle) A battle botwoon the Ails trlaus and Italians on tho Ibouzo front ended, according to dispatches to tho Overseas Nowh Agency, with a great defeat and enormous losses for tho Italians, who outnumbered tho Austrlaus four to ono. The Ital ians kept up Incessant bombardment without effect nnd thu waste of am munition wiib tremendous, GETS ELK GAME WARDEX THOMAS All RESIS.IORD KCIIAPPERti Will Pi-ubably lime lleai'lug'Touioi--row llcfore lustlco Peniiuck Con nected With HaliiH Case Game Warden Thomas has return ed fiom Allegany where ho went to ui rent .lord Sebapper on the eliargo of violating thu Htatu law prohibit ing elk hunting. Schnppors arrest Is In connection with tiu llalua case which was taken up several weeks ago, eleven pair of Elk horim being secured as evidence , thou. Rains claimed that ho secured tlio elk horns from SchapporH who resides beyond Allegany It Is expected that (pos sibly others may bo Implicated In tho insu before It conies to a closo In Still Warden Deputy Game Wuriluu Thomas says, that tlio change In statu game wardens July 1 has not affected him so far. His appointment carries un til It Ik revoked or bis successor Is appointed. Neither bus been done. Mr. Thomas, owing to his strenuous ' ; J this section, will have strong back lug for reappointment by tlio new warden, Mr. Shoemaker of Roseburg, 16 FARM CROPS 5 IBf AuecUtd i'reu lo Cooa Uj TlmM.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 8. -The Department of Agriculture July crop report fallows tho prospects of a billion bushel xvVeat crop this year Increased tho last month. Tho pros- ',ectlvo total Production is estimated i yoj.uuu.ouo tuisueis compared with 050,000,000 estimated from the June crop conditions. The curn esti mate Is 2,81-1,000.000 bushels com- pared with 2,r,72,801,O0O in Juno. BERLI I GUI MS I CLAM HORNS PUN CALAIS DASH PKTROGRAI) SAYS KUM S RK Hl'SHINC TROOPS TO WKST Railway Traffic SuMHwricd In Onlcr In Moxe Tnxips l'nim Rnvsl.in I'mm lo I-'IrIii KiiKllsh Ilf AmikImJ rta l Don Piy Tlinf,) 1.OND0X, July S. -The lVimRrnil correspondent of the Times says Hint nccordlng to private reporu nil pns- Fonger traffic on the Gorman rait-1 ways In suspended. Ho wi-a It Is ho-t Moved largo forces nro leaving the Kastern Front for the Western the- nter with the view of ImpendltiR rush, on Calais. BYT ITALIAN CRUISKR AMALFI VIC TIM IX ADRIATIC ' Vessel TorKdocd While Taking Pint In Reconualsiinco Most or the Civw Wero Saxetl llr Aaaoclalis) rtni to ! IUf Tlrara.) ROME, July 8. Tho llnllnn ar mored cruiser Anialfl was torpedoed nnd huh It nt dawn yesterday by nn Austrian submnrlno while taking part In a rcconualsanco In the upper Adriatic, according to nn official an nouncement. Most of the members of tho crew wero snvod. The reconnnlssanco In forco xvns accomplished tho night of July Gth. At dawn tho Aiunlfl was torpedoed and soon listed heavily to port. Her commander, beforo giving orders to tho crow to jump overboard, cried, "Long llvo thu King. Long llvo Italy." The crow echoed the shout. The commnuder was the last to leave slipping overboard shortly before tho Aninlfl sank. Tho Anialfl xvns completed In 1'JOS, and had n dis placement of 0 1 r S tons. Her crow in time of peace numbered (S4. SEEK BOJTLEGGERS HOOZE AT POWERS Iti TAROOEI) SAY OI-'PICIAUS District Attorney Questions Austral Ian .luck R. .1. l-ong Still In .lull In After Itonds On tho trail of bootlegging Hint has been going on at Powers District Attorney LHJeqvlst camo over this af ternoon seeking witnesses. One of them, Australian Jack, ho found so drunk that ho could do very little with him nnd thu man wna put to bed until a more opportune time. Mr. LllJcqvlst Ik this afternoon Investi gating thu Iv. O. Green case. Por weeks there have come from Powers complaints Hint bootlegging baa been going on. In spite of extra precautions boozu found Its way In to tlio camp. This practice must stop, say the officers, and they nre hot on thu trail of the offenders, It Is said that men hnvo been pak Ing tlio boozo to Powers In suit cas es. A. II. Powers has made stringent endeavors to put a stop to tho prac tice and has been discharging any ono In camp with liquor on them. Look In Jail R. J. Long, arrested for Issuing no fund drafts, urrlved In Coqulllo Tues day ovenlng with Deputy Sheriff Laird, Ho has been unable to secure 11000 bonds. Ho claims Hint ho Is sued tho drafts In good faith and ex pected ho would have money In the Los Angeles hank to honor them. Re baa wired to hla father for funds to aqunro himself, said Mr. LllJcqvlst. IS EXPECTED NEW HEAD OP .NORTH REXD SCHOOLS COM I NO- Now On Ills Way Prom Joseph, Ore. .Making (lie Trip In an Automobile G, L. Coo, tho now Hiipurliitauduut of tho North Rend Schools, Is expect en that city in a few days. Ho was formerly superintendent of the schools at Joseph, Ore., and Is com ing with his wife from thul elty In an automobile. Ho Is oxpovUd at any time. Mr, Coo will succood A. (1. Ituah who has boon superintendent of thu North Rend schools for some years past, and comes hlghlj reinniiiii-ud-ed. su 0 EDO SON BIG VESSEL IS EAT SEA Blnzc on Atlantic Transpol Liner Minnehaha Reported Caused by Explosion - - Bul Belief Is Frank Holt MV Have Placoti a Bomb on Board the Transport HAD AMMUNITION ABOARD X lt..cnuer llnl Crow f lwr ItWR ilml Men KiuIaiirviyxI Rc.m lug Mvnnes lnn from Sjob In nnd PhllndriphU 44444444444444 4 HOLT MAY HAVE 4 CAUSED EPUHIOX 4 tnr AxwiaiM rr i cw rt Ti. 4 NEW YORK, July R As 4 4 If In nnsxxer to Frank Holt's 4 4 Inst warning Hint n ship t 4 4 sea "Should sink, Goil xxlU 4 4 ling, on the seventh," there 4 4 enme last night a xvlrelcst 4 ' 4 mcRsncc made public today, 4 4 from the Atlantic transport 4 4 liner Minnehaha, telling that ; 4 the ship xvns set on tire by 4 4 nu explosion. Whether the 4 4 explosion which started llic 4- 4 fire xvns caused by n bomb 4 4 placed by Holt Is n matter V 4 of pure conjecture. . 4444444444444444 44444444444 4 XO PASSENGERS OX 4 4 SHIP; CREW UUXRHKU 0 (Hj- AMorlat4 rtra In Ca lr TImm.1 4 4 NEW YORK, July 8. 4 There wero no passengers on 4 board tho Minnehaha. Tho 4- 4 crew numbered approximately 4 100. Sho sailed from hero 4 4 July I. .4 'f 44444444444444 tllr AaxxltlM rn-a ! IVM lur Tlaiw.) NEW YORK, July 8. -The Atlan tic transport liner Minnehaha, on j her xvny from Now York to Halifax null Loudon, xvns fighting lire today In hold No. 3, according to n wire less received by the Marconi com pany. Fire wns not believed to be Hcrlouay Considerable quantities ot ammunition xxcru aboard. CnuStl by Explosion The lire aboard tho Minnehaha xvas caused by nn explosion, ac cording lo n wireless from the cap tain received nt noon today At that time the fire wns said to hnvo been mastered. The vessel's posi tion was given ns M0 'miles south east jof Halifax. Apparently she had made Halifax nnd was on her way to London. TWO LIXHRS SAFE (Ilf AaMlalM rt la 0m lur Tiara I NEW YORK, July 8. The police continued todny Investigations to do- i termlno whether FrniiK Holt planted bombs on board any tojuner now on their xvny across the Atlantic Al a result of thu wlroloss warning, re assuring messages have been re ceived from the Saxonla ami Phil adelphia. IS CARL At EHSWALD HIES AFTER OUTRAGE AT REDW(H)I) CITY Discharged Employe Shoot Employ er, Sets lint to Hiilldlng. Pi i In dus Stork mill Cuts off Water tllr AwliM rraa I Com lit' Tta. r iHii.niuin anj nra El IDIN HlfiDWOOl) CITY. Calif, July 8 Carl Auomuuld. dlseliatgMl employee- i this morning poisoned tho lhostoc,W, ; cut thu water supply nnd set (Iro to tho house, garage and barn on tho wiat of c P Cunthorion, a capitalist. Whan a crowd of neigh bors arrlvmt to hxlp the (Iro depart ment. Auenaxtald fired three rho.ii t CuiHbwwn wouiiillnj: him s'ljtttt- ly After htng arrested A'jotsmjil dropped ttond. It Is believed thft be wu demotutd lleforo ho &fk ho nld, Glad I shot him beraitM he ruined my family ' Auurswald u xvlfe died recently nt Cumbets'jii 4 home x here sho was employed TJ I ions b fr. h . lu.ooii Iti ITI t V L