- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. FOUR u& ' " ( 't1 I 1 " O FLUES HAVE FLISM1T LONG STREET WOT OPEN SUNDAY " iii! KJItiasi: COATKD MANY THRKAT I KN CITY WITH KIIIK COINCII, SKKKS I,HX(!TIIKXIX i OF IXOIIRKOLL AYK. Chief Keating Winds Immediate Ac- (Ion Mini Repairs Made Say Sellers Overflow Dave llolilcn llii1 Iit In SI root mill tt'Mu-s City to lluy City Dads I Have Klioi't Meeting THKRK Is RinartneBs in the new Iiiitnp tlio Venus- -one ot the most attractive unci striking models thnt uro so fushloiiiiblc tills season. Every one of our new K. D. SHOES :?:i.r to !j!r.oo FOR WOMEN Defective and grease covered' The lengthening of Ingcrsoll Aye flues In the renr of restaurants nuo so as to complete the street foi rn n flrn liiPtinrP to the city, llu- traffic tlirilURll frolll Second to 1 1 ll roiiicK di:xy ricport ok sa- I.OOXS HHHAKIXt. RCLI'I Mayor Allen (liivc I'crmlt for Hour's Kl fn Time Friday unit Monday Xlghfs Coiiilllo Men Ciiinpliiln The MarBlifleld police have been Investigating the reports about the saloons being open after hours dur- Clean-Up Sale on all i a ....... i,.nnii..ii i tnii iiiti' ini n. i n ir i nil i'iiiiimi ii i him linn inn mini hi ,.int-r,;i vim flilof rVnn KoatliiE lieioro sireei wu urum-nuu i i"- hj ....... ,. .............. Ho c Ity fall rrn Ins eveYiIng Only ers last evening. Dave Hol.len. owner iter stated this morning that none of strlncciit mensMrcs will save Marsh-j of a lot that blocks the street near the saloons were open after 2 It Ton , blBronUerotlonono Seventh, would sell his holdings to o'clock Saturday night Frl. lay nigh ... .1 .!..- . ..!,! ...,.t nals.ul I tin PltV TOT SlIlU OI1I1 VIlOlllU Hie , mill munuil., liriiWl. nil ' ""' for council action An on mice al-'' throiiRhfaro. Repeatedly, said the with a permit Issued by Mnyoa Allen ren.lv Ton the looks cfXTthe fire councllmen. offers have been made to the saloons were permitted to re rhln 'nnd hu ding Inspector tlio rlalit ' have him accept a lot. similar In size, main open until about 1 o'clock, tli Kim I c c I nneyran.Tf cs and directly south of his present loentio.. This morninR City Recorder Hut. forcolhe owncrsXimt "hen! In" 'op. ?" on a corner, but lie has refused. , received In letter .from , rlct A - in rnierriiiK me iimui'i iu i..u .-iiuiiiuj i.iijuii tot oi.iiin,. ... ......- to I ..ti. fi... ti.m lead un from the nnnco Committee the councllmen ilo I conklnc stoves In the is Just as smart as shoes can be ' heavily coated with Rreaso plaint had been made his 10 f made. All tlio InteM styles In Shoos for nil occasions in leathers ami combinations of leathers ami fabrics of every description nro licrc. ' Como in and let us fit you per fectly with shoes of quality. Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear for Women" Corner Hroadway and Central Phone .101 rPftttirnntH are clorcd that they had no money nt fce that the saloons had been open "aso-'saliMIr I this time with which to buy lots. I after 12 o'clock Monday nlRlit Ho is out' on the "Mr- Holdcn told mo that ho had said that this came under the Juris- ... , ntncpR The nnt Is hoavv nougni mo mi ironi Dinjausuiiii, u , oicuon oi me ciiy nnu nun me !i.n Xi I TfVconcelartcd ot llIlV0 authority to deal with o .Is sor Is Xhtv uanwro. U ald there had been a mix up In ' lt. Ho said that the name, of the lm in nnthn oHBlit to "on-'tho plattluR of the street and now witnesses Riven him were Doc. Dork "i , .'nmohini w""t the city to pay him $7f,0 for Gr, Ct Crouch. Ed Moon and Mr ThouRl. there has been no fires It." a Id Mayor Allen in introuuc.ug i.. .i... t , t, onM "Tu tim now has made Bevcral efforts to Me i,V. i. i.i i Vio f iio coos riislit "olden a lot a few feet south so imu SXTiKn tfi K'ti- ttr.!eZyrXse!iUrCly VtlCn,C" grease coated and makes one of the aniX reont time the city has said Mayor Allen in Introtlticltii? Koogh, a lineman, all of whom could be reached nt Coqutlle. It Is presumed that these are the names of the same men whom Sher iff Johnson referred to In the verb- i nl report which he made to City Ke l corder Butler yesterday. present time the city has officers Richardson and Shoup BASEBALL SCORES TNA.MS OP COAST CIIAXfii: TO XKV I'MII.DS OK IIATTM-: II. r, i:i Vcncdnns llllnk I lees ami (lariior lit lllls CIiIciiro Wins I'niin Cliicliiuiitl In II IiiiiIiirs l'OHTI.ANI), July 7. Yesterday every team In the Coast League, with tlio exception of Salt I.ako mid Venice, changed to now fields. The Venetians trimmed tlio Decs In a 9 to 0 victory In which they garner ed a total of l.'I hits. The scores of yesterday follow: Coast lOiiRiio At Venice lt, Salt I.uko 0 Venice !) American l.oaguo At Now York Philadelphia Now York C At Detroit Detroit 7 Cleveland , C At Chicago Chicago 12 St. Louis 2 At Uoston Washington ....ll Host'jii , Washington . . . . 1 1 lloston ; Xatloual League At Ilrooklyn It. lloston 2 1 Brooklyn '! lloston . :i Ilrooklyn -I ai unieago Cincinnati It 'Tin rrnnt Htreet chimneys nrol1" feet for a strc.01 nn" Ulc 'ol,', said that they were certain that none Psnoclallv bad Some o tl.em havo1 2C feet wide. City Attorney Goss said of the saloons remaned open after been staidlnKheo for 30 and 40 "Why wo can't condemn a street ,,,,, ht Sntllrdn, ears a S fl a dangerous cond.. through there and bent that $750 M AUen saU, that , grant. tlon Thov'ro worn out. that's what's ns fr ns t,',lt B,008,- , , , ' inp the permit to the saloons to re- i.,V.i?M?t L. I Mayor Allen declared Dave Holden i , ' fte v2 oclock Frjay 1 The ordlnnnco wo read that lvea."J t0' ",m ,,,c wantc.d, t0 ""t "l1 1 night and 12 o'clock Monday night-. nermlMon to the fire chef and the n aPfrtment house on the spo ad ,)c A , , foowed an oM ru,e. 2..? ,n eh Inevs tiiat the city ought to net soon In the . . th ", ttIe extr;l tmo niniirLiui fc i u. ...... - ..... Broken Lines of Shoes at The Golden Rule Children's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, per pair - - 38c Ladies' and Misses' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, per pair - 48c Ladies' and Misses' Pumps, pair, 95c Boj's' Low Shoes, per pair - $1.25 Men's Shoes and Oxfords, pair, $1.25 Mr. I. ""iii.MaimKcrnii7; m'J ""U(M 2ii?,.a. BUB nMBMbtv "i( liHBi.. !" I SAN FRANClRcn A modern. f.te-pioofup.,0.j u localed.in the ccnltr ol evcivik!.! P " ma i ie cenitr ri .. i "wan .. .1. . .. 'iniB..j ' aoifcci line louie tpoi!iiDn r... T"! Detached Doth RATES WwibJ im 11.00, $1.50 sIiirIb J1.50.J2 on ,r J1.50,J2.00 double t2JgSh I From Tliin! iihI TownifnJ St r).,.l",, No. 15 n, 16. K,o. -,yi.Usttel,' off .1 Kc.my Si.. x..lkl LCi'IP Take a "Universal" Uui direct feVS U' PROFESSIOWAL DIRECToi! which to clear out their places nsneci "0TI o wor In o ear of the Con- , "Well, we're not go ng to buy lots. dr ng the rush of a celebration trallote has been overflowing and I can eM you hat right now. Inter- h Cartep ga,d tha, Mme of now threaten lnB to stores In that "P ted Comic In an Kimball, of the c , by DUtrict vicinity, stated Councilman Albrecht .The n, g' tiio mnuer whs luiun.-ii . i.. ,a nf ., ...... vot. cnn comnro tnlse." said Mayor Allen ana it is pos- I, We can save you money on Shoes for the whole family The Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY First National Bank Bldg. THE BIGGEST STOCK THE LOWEST PRICES THE BEST ASSORTMENT J. M. Wright I'lione llu iujii.imau co.vntAijTon Ustlmatca furnished onrcqumj Dr. H. M. Shaw Myo, ICar mid Tliiont Sierllj (iii.t.Mr;N I'l'rrKD I'lioiio iCK)-.l. Itooms yoo.201 living llloi'lc. Dlt. MA'ITIK It. SHAW. I'liyslclmi mul Surgeon I'lioiio !t:to.,l. Ofl'lco lioiu-s by nppolnlinctit Benjamin Ostlind i CONSUIriNd KNOIMIKlt AM itnnlth Cnmmlttoo. "The water pines nround there are pretty much rusted through too." said Mr. Kvortsen. Meeting ns a board of onulllzntlon tlio city fathers affirmed the asses 1 A.fnrnm- f lllanvfat In tifa attar llrtn The real purpose Is to see If then. . ' . disturbance In one of the saloons Monday nliht ami were put out and he presumed that IE D sfejs s-, ar-ffiiffi st'SjrsnuK of lots and the street opened. for spitework. Marshal Carter said ..If!!1. J.' WJ..?c.nn.e" "ZleZJTtl: that had it not been for the lenie'ney merit for the 12th Court sower and "", J"" :" h. VX ,'i , i,Vr m exercised by the police during the KDWAItl) ('. AWAY IX IIUXXKMj PASSICS WASIIIXCTOX SIUSLAW JETTIES HELP THE CHANNEL MY GET STATION this was finally adopted. J: , A l.L- the wish of Jo3ech celebration, some of the men woum On Klghth street between Comme-- Por7iand. attorney for the ftave oeen arresteu men clal and Klghth Terraco the cost er cornpany thut further differences be front toot ior me s ruei 'i'" brought up In the council chambers mont will be $2.10; the ntersectlon ,nere t0 n'ave the matters thresheu of Klclith nnd Commercial w I 1 '- wth members 0f both sides preetr . $ir.7.C7 and for EIrIi h and Klghth Qnd nQt Q wke mauers t0 the Terraco. $07.88. On July 19 the cn'in- Uaroad Commlsslon. ell will meet as n board of equllUa- ,t g ga(d tha Mr Tea, wouId be tion ior tno niiirinuuuii ui un. ....- igd . be Dresent whenever the sit uation so demands and that In this way a better adjustment might be secured than through the state board, Several times the question of fur nishing a smoke helmet for the fire- Scttlcil at Sunnier In 1871 ami lilen titled With Knily Days on Coos Hay Siuey Mntlo by (.'owiiinu'iit IOiirIii- oei-s Shows 'Hint (111011 Work Has Heen Done provement. 7 1 VOLUNTEERS WILL PROTECT FORESTS death of Hdwanl C. Ilunuoll former ly of Coos County, which occurred at Sheldon, Wash. A telegram was received several days ngo by his daughter, Mrs. Willis Noely, of Co quille, telling oT the death. Mr. llunnell went to Washington five or six years ugo but has been back hero several times on a visit. Ho resided nt Fulrvlow Valley for quite a long time but formerly lived Modified conditions regarding the iU Sumner. Ho camo from tho east requirement of the government wire- """ seiueu ni &umner in 1S71 mul 10 Another survey of tlio Sluslaw hnr has Just been iniiile by tho gov ernment engineers, n;tyn thu Klor- iiniin W'jiuI 'Phil ttiilf ioiiij ttttilut v. .. viiv-u 11 loi. 1111 Hunt un iiii(i.-t News has been rerelved of hu, n,,, .n.. r n n u..i.ri. .. '- ' ....... 1.. ,.1. ........ ,.r .1... ............ ...1.1..1. tin 111 nnu H" K' 1 hi; mil f u uiuii AHCIMTICCT OfflcoB, 200 Irving Block. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. MnrHhflold, Ortd H. G. Butler oiviii i:xoiNi:i:it Room .101 Coko Illdg. I'lione H Hosldonco Phono .1G3-L. fiOVKItXMKXT MODIKIKS WIItI- l.KSS HKMAXDS FOH LANDS Smaller Tract CouliI lie Uvil mul Cominitteo of CtuimlKr N Author- izel to Purclme firoiiniK OreniilAttlnn I-'oniusl nt Port Orfonl men has been before the city fathers 7 .. . m,....... In a letter last evening Chief Keav 10 ioihj iui I'irpi in iiuiiH.r 1,,,. uave a list of nrlces of such hel- i0. ,,inn tmnrnva ti, rhm.rn. nt ran a row boat from Sumner Districts mets. Thev ranced from $23 un to i.inn t.rnnoV., m rnn. nm. .!, i.i.. Mnrshflold which was then known ., . n , . .p,.i..., .ii f $IC1- "e advised the securing of the 8tali0Il now at Cape Blanco. Arno ttt express boat mid carried pas- Tho Port Orford Tribune tells or ltUler whlcli has a capacity of oxygen Mereen has received a tetter from Hen.gers. At thnt tlmo Sumner was the following flro fighting plan: for one hour and 20 minutes, and. Lleutennnt Colonel K. H. Dodd. sup- n,l,,08t as Important as Marshflold, "Forester J. II. Curl organized a not wishing this kind, that two of erlntendent of Radio for the Pncli. ,ns ni"cli of tlio frleght for Jackson comnanv of Volunteer Fire fighters. !'10 -50 'l'0 be secured. These le Const 8tntng a much smnller n,"'1 Josoplilno Counties camo Into l,.rt. r i.hI u, Vh! nnlv rir ,nt,er h.nve no Pftecclo,, for the f , , , f ,d coos lay by water and went out which It Is uelleed Is the onl) or- ear8 and eyes and win hold up for bo ugedi At onco a moetlnK of thoover tho Caos Hay Wagon road, ganlzatlon of Its kind in tho state. 10 to 13 minutes at a time. The mat- executive committee of tho Chnmbor then newly opened. The boys servo without nny pay ex- ir rcieneu iu mc ..c -..u .- of commerce was hold and plans' , 'ur' "minoii was nuout r. yeurH was miulo u year ago While complete data has not boon given out yet, it is said that I ho soundings show considerably more water than last year ami that tho channel Iimh Improved a groat deal during tho past twelve months. Tills Is very satisfactory to tho engineers, as It proves tho Jetties are producing the desired result nnd have caused tho current to wash out u good channel from tho river to deep water in tlio ocean. W. G. Chandler AltCII ITKOT Hooiub .'101 mid H02, Coko llulllfa MnrHhflold, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AKCIIITICCT Mnrshflold, Oregon, ni,i ritK.WTi; hukxkd Xlpslw, ."ill Voi 1 1. s Prominent In lr Xavy, Hiiiueil for .Iiink S. (II Innings.) Cluclnnntl 2Chlcag'). (Called cud 7th, darkness.) lChlcago 5lcent w,,cn ln nctual fen-lco. when ter committee. they will rocolve a rensonablo com pensation. Mr. Curl has arranged i it so that during tho dry season Now1 YolrlkU!.l'.,l,!a.7 ;. . .r, I knapBaclw. provisions and tools will Phlladplphla At Pittsburg St. l.ouls Pittsburg I 1 T OFFICE KEPT Af.'ltlCUIlTHIST HAS HONK A WOULD Ol' GOOD SIX ACCIDENTS IN COOS COUNTY bo In readiness so thnt within a few nilniiln. nftni" rnpol villi? WOr.t nf a COL Nil 2 i flro tho company will bo on their way. with a pack of 2R pounds and KwMlxQ Coimnl,,eo f ciianilHii-, In prepared to stay In tho mountains Special Meeting, Asks That Coos three days without further provls- County Muko Appropriation That Xiiiubei' In tho Week Includ ed In Total of IHO In Slnto A total of 180 accidents In Ore gon wore reported to Labor Commis sioner Hoff for tho week. Two were fatal. Of tho total six wero report ed from Coos County as follows: Klslo M. linker. Marshflold, fin gers burned and bruised, printing; J. SwniiBon, North llend, Injured, construction; K. P. Stnudovltch, Del- mar, head, face and tongue mashed, put on foot to secure n suitable trnet. , 'd una was known to most all of Weeks ago tho Chnmbor agreed tho old pioneers of this locality. to buy flvo acres of land near Mill- Ington from Henry Sengstackcn nnd I WILL CIIANfiK KIAO his business associates for $100 an I ed ho had not received n favorablo "(,,lm -oiiiiuny s,ll"' Transfer answer to tho proposition nnd while I To Hiitlsh King 1 tho matter was under adjustment tho first action to buy was rescind- Regarding a proposed chango of ed. flag by tho Dollar Company tho , It was stated that thoro Is ro ijandon Western World says: money on hand with which to mnko , ,.,. , "' tho purchase. Tho commltteo was ! n, ,louert Dollar Company, .grl- yesterday afternoon authorized to I stoamslilp owners with headqunr Ions. coos must keep her County Tho following young men volun- cultiirlst. Thus voted tho executive I get hold of and buy nny sultnblo i tors at Snn Francisco, has announced teored their services: H. L. Whlto., commltteo ot the Chnmbor of Com- tract for this purpose ti,nt it8 vessels would chango their n ni.... hm.1,1 i niiin.i whiin Miorco at a special meeting called, In his lettor Lieutenant Colonol i ,, , ., , ' . Capt; Clarence Ar ght. Loland Whlto tl(Uo y08torilayl aftL,ril00Ili A ,cttcr ' I)odd Btated t1mt tho tract W0I, registry to sail under tho Ilritlsh .lohn Stono, Orris Kuapp and Delmnr WIV8 ttt onco uiimtchecl to tho Conn-1 have to be nt least 200 by 300 at ono fnK on account of tho now La Wright. i ty Court, now In session, asking end and 750 away must bo another Follette-Fursuoth seamnn'B net that the $1000 bo appropriated to tract, 200 by 175 feet. Hotwoen tho ! which goes Into effect nt tim ..,! match tho sluillar amount from tho land need not bo owned by tho gov-' . J, " . . ", " DHAININO OCT WATlUt state to keep up and pay all tho eminent but to them should bo ' , l ycn1, "ouort Dollar, presl- expoiiBes vt tho Agriculturist a of-igrnntcd n permanent right of way. ,,u"1 0l mo company, Is on his wny ItnbiM'l Kellnir Haw CliniL'.. of Woi-k 'flee. ii Mill sionui, "J. L. Smith has " .....!. I t ...Wt.l ' L...I.I ll ..Willi Ul KUII I. D.llll Lilt LUII IIIILLVU" ft . .. . J 1.I..L ,..U I...111 l.l... till BUI t. . U... . ..n. Uobert KoIIok. who Iiiir rharKO ofiuoii. "Hh'h nun nt tho wt IhvphNI It In said that tho Pnno iihinro Rtn. ' ianioy iJollnr. Becontl vlco-nresi . . . . .." ---" - - .... . -..-.... ,.--.,.- .. ... mining; William C. Rl odes Noitl ,m' 0l,t',llllK "' tno north arm or , inonts the county over iiinde." Hrlof-, tlon hns been repaired nnd provls-1 iieui ' tno company, says thoro Is . .. . llll VI I 4 1 1 IT ll klfllll lllllltK lllflt IIIA IOIII. , .. . I. .... ......I... I II. I....1.. I.-, Im.n.l fA.Hn.n.lwiH..nnu.. .. .1 il.ni ll.n ' llentl. bill of foot cut. ru lroml con- .' """" "" "" . - iy me) ihicmu uiu bvuiiiiubi ' itf la .irnliilitif .kill flii-imim ilia illlnli I .... 11.1 This then modifies greatly the , to Vancouver, II. C It Is nnnouncod done us a ' orlglnnl proposition nnd It is pos-! t0 arrnngo for tho transfer ' o comnilttee-islblo that tho land may bo secured. I q., , trttIl8ror. For 50 years tho American frig ate Xlpslo was ono of tho host known ships of tho United States Navy. SIil cost approximately $1,000,000 In hor day. A short time ngo shu sold for $7,000 nnd tho company that bought hor burned tho hulk below llolling hnin for Junk. In tho Civil War tho Nlpslo was ono of Admiral Fnrragut's fleot In Mo bile Day. She next camo into prom inence in 1889 when In the big ty phoon of tho South Sens sho rodo tho galo In the harbor of Apia, Samoa, and was tho only American ship to como through. During tho blow sho collided with and sank tho (lorinaii ship 101) or. Tho sails of tho Nlpsio blow from tho ynrds. Tho crow, 050 men, wont aloft In tho rigging and, forming ti humnn sail, aided tho helmsman to hold hor bow Into tho wind nnd sea and thus rldo out tho gale. Detwoon 1888 nnd 1804 tho ship was used In New York harbor as n prison ship and then brought nround Perl Riley Balllnger PIAXLSTi AXI) TKACHRIl Residence Studio, 217 No. Third) Phono :tC8-L. TInvo your MSTTHIt headi, hcnils, etc., printed at TIIIO T1MD offlco. , ii HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW I See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial mul ll'dw'jr, -U the Boomliigly Im-, loned for another year nnd thnt this an eounl chnnen Mm i. ,........ , ......... . -. .... ..... .. - . . . Z. . . ... . .. . . " ". .u -W. .II...... . structlon: If. (Inlbrultli. Marshfleld. I .,'.. .'" ,""",.':. ". ..V" T' . "". "V' ' l08?' " .l,H" ""? n aico upiiBiteu neami i u-iw year uoioro ii couni , wln movo ,tH ,endminrtori, ,,., Hnn ; tho ,,... ...,, ,. ,,. , ..in .,,i .i,n,iMr i i. i iiiiii nun iiiTii uiiiii iiiiii ne e. perm . Dv nun our ni: I no ri no no mis neon no ninveii (o uons unv. . . . .. - " " " uu""" .... ...... o... .....i..ti ...i.i n.'ii. .. . . . i ..... ,,... .. . ... 1108(1 strained, sawmill. M M Abbott. ...... ...... ...... .... ... ..... uj iiiiii unlink uie iiiuu liu nuo uvuu , "" uiu. in wuua wuy. . p.,,,,-!-. , ,, " - that in about n week or ten days ,lt work in Coos mid unanlnioiisly t Other conditions of tho station nro ' ' nu,U8C0 to nncouvor. Ho adds ns : receiving ship u tho (Xaval stotlon. A short tlmo ago sho was sold and for a tlmo used ns a burgo. Tho copper nnd fittings woro remov ed and now graco a privato yacht. Ill, .11 .U ADIIOII. .... ... .. .. ..... . ..... '. . ". """ " - ""- "" """'. ... . .. . 7 . '""" "" .!.. ..... Myrtle Point, anklo criwheil niul'ulu ,l" "' ' '" " il1 r"" om-i they voted to ask tho County Court mm it sunn no nt least seven miles l""i "my ono or tho company's bruised, logging However, because of tho softness of u) mako the appropriation. I from tho const, must bo near a pow-, vessols, tho Melvlllo Dollar Is now the surface, it will bo hard for It is undorstood that tho nionoy ' or plnnt, on a railroad and also have I eilKaced ln .,.,, nnaKv.. , ' . ,, , , tho men to nial.o drain ditches nnd 0f hist year has now run out mid : tolephono mid telegraph -connections I ...V " roasiwiso trndo, tho t 1mm miclloii of .loneln, Cut (iiass, I this may take a little iiuigei Right ihat another $1000 must bo sot ' with outside points. j oulors' tho htnnloy, Graco and Rob- China, etc., at I toil Cross tonight, now It Is soft enough tu llllio a ns'il.i tor tho lonlliiinuico of tlio Tho station would keen four mnn i crt Dollar, nnd tho Mnokhmu- l.nl,. Don't inKx It. duck Red Cross Jewelry Auction Closes Tonight work mid tho feeling was that I bvsy and It Is believed that from tho under foreign charter, tueie niigni do some nitcii anil that mmiupoiui in auvercisjng to loos "Tho (.auso ll... a....... VB1I 1... ..Il.......l .. I lift I. 14 II1!... 1.1 lh.l .....It feB.fiB. I I. A I. .1 t..f 4 I inn niiiiiei WMiiui uu iiueu 10 " it "nm u nun nuiiu mu uilK- ,). ,.... ... .. i . . slide without unv lutinn nf tiie liiul cost for tho land. w' l0I"Pnn objects and on account Court. I i of wlleh tho Pacific Mall Steamship of tho hill to whlcli uio louor was sent on tno man mamv CTIinCMTQ AT II tins morning in time to roach the' MANY blUUtNIb A I U. Commissioners for their session today. O. & C. Lund OF C. SUMMER SCHOOL Our auctioneer, R. M. Harding, lias heen called away and our hig sale will close with tonight's auction. Don't miss it. It will bo your last chance to get some of the greatest bargains ever offered here. Tell the clerks, or notify auctioneer of any special pieces you warn 10 mci on. That tho' local Chambor may nct'Mw',,,,K "f O'""1'"'- t Herkcloy tnulllKontly on tholr recoiuinonda- sl,'s Many from Coos County tlon regaiding tho O. and C. rail-' Aio In Atleiulaiico. rmd land giant, a committee will bo appointed by R. M. Jennings, At tho first nioetlug of tho sum whose basiuoss It will bo to mako.mor session nf tim nrM ni.o. a study of the land and the condl- iui.i n,. n.,i.-.,.,i.,. r. nr . tions that surround lt. I ,,t,a at lhu lT"ors!ty of California MlunuMitii, Then on recommendation of this a fow ,,uyB "K- tm ro"8 allowed . Hack ,.. . . . . . . . i 1 1 -. .....v.. ,. ... ...... luiuiiiiiiue iu ue imgou uio views '" "ii'tjuiiiaus 111 nuoutinuco. 'I no Company also says It will withdraw Its vessels, Is that which provides that all vessels under American registry must carry crows 75 per nitllt nf i.rl.sv... . 1. it m vv u4 wiiuiu hjiuuk mo sumo luu YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono 1!(10-L. Night mul Day. Itlglit Cnfo. 0001) CAHH. CAltKFUL DRIVEN! D. Ii. TOOl'K. Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage WILL DISCUSS LAXDS Public Meeting t Hosohm-g To night to Consider Lauil (Jiant (Special to Tho Times.) ROSKMJRO, Ore., July 7.A public meeting will bo hold horo to night for tho purpose of discussing tho disposition of tho O. & C. lands. Kuagu ns tlio captain and other of-il" Do,,Kls County thero nro 050,000 firora acres of this land. fleers. ship xoxk thi: woitsi: f Hill Line, Conios Willi 1D.O0O Tons. of a spokesman that may Iio sout ' entire number of students regis-! Apparently nono tho worso for her the largest In tho S:! IllStltlltlOll. Ihlu KtLim.ul,!,. ll ...'.... ''.'"7 Among the number listed from back In Seattle. Sho brought with ( Finest Cathartic I Ever Used" tf from this body to meet with other i tered Is 5"7o tl ivjinmertial representatives of the ,,,, ,,. ," tml(i), history of the lust Leave Owl Pliarnincy Mar.sliflelil A.M. 7i()(l DiilO P.M. 1:00 ti.iiO "Th.r do not grips nd lh.tr effect I. quick ' (.'tiveiuor Asks View, "For a lone tlmo I .nrr....i tipatloii ana ltver trouLln- Vn.'.'J cons Jewelry Department RED CROSS DRUG STORE I aciiuiur i. a. hiuiin lias reco veil "" "w iu .his. ueroert Arm- i iu.uoo tons, tno largest carirn Sit- .f i.ovcy of arcen TinC. wi. from tlovornor Wlthycombo a letter strong, of North llend; C. A. How- t0 ovor C108S I'aclflc. ," 2Ilc,unr?1,"em1e,i. t0 help me. i niiai- bedUpoof.' " '?,nel,MI,'M,0?llTow f MarsU; 'I'forsoveValda'onapl Soofl ff tfiSn. t5f " JS Intorinallv Seiminr Smin, Btt...i f.' ' M ?8 l-sthor Silverman and ; tho Pacific, was nrle.i i,, !.?,?..?. I ?2 .her. do ."9' Krlno atall.VJdra he favored tho bonding o ho ato 1," '.VL bJ-ormnJ were both In- ed back to Nagasaki for repairs If you nro -t i,'1re" m iiv ii.. i,,.,!. i b. .... '.,.. '"" . atruetors in tho huh school I uiiBimirB. 5.i.y.,u.arl. ?t all troubled with " ....v. iiiiiiio iiuiii inn i ii in ikiiiu i . ... .... - , r r p rm k . .. . vuuiii ... iota jiuii. uioy mo registoreu OULU cna W LL Hh H iur me reuuiur . :iii ner ncr.i i-.i. iuil.uri.lnK them for taxes paid In iUUl so uro lr am' -Mr8 Walto and! the pust. Then he would havo those Mr- and Mrs. Robertson, of tho great tracts .ldod so as to give high school faculty. .. .mu iu un, niitiK hcilOOl mini. im... r ... .. , . .. one ciuarter to Uio r.m.ia nf .i. '" "'"human usieu iu uie su . ." ""' w DKUU i ylll te a-'blessin'rj to 'SSSil. "? HARPST PICI no- Smff,, r,?'"'.. comfor'tawi . u" cnlnc and ben IDt AuoclltM Treu to Coo. nr TlmM.J and the other quarter to tho ree-,mor Bcl,0l i,re from aniauon borice. providing tho iuon-iiuuos ot tho stnto. y iouiu uo control oil bv tim stt.. AU money of tho reclamation ser vice Is under tho supervision or ICungrv-ei at piesent. different m-i LONDON, J 1'iift miction of Jewelry, Cut Glass, t liiiia, etc., at Red Cross tonight. Don't mUs It. KThiSi Mtt75'tIo.. Tableti induco natural, co Foley Catlmrtln T.I.I...-. .. . uly 7.-aoldlors ,(re wTAiSS? 3TF, mc "b ? iJ"'"". camp- ISS1A iLn"yecl?ovFoa0eLred'e cepi otuinsbut tho Benulno? Kor sale by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Ave nue, Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Tele phone 74. to be sent from tn linli, T)..llc1, fn.......-. ...... .. . .- ...,. an i.iiiuvia wiiii uieir harvests wherever thero Is a short ago of labor. Tho farmers must house and feed the soldiers, and pay them C5 cents u day which will be usod to defray traveling expenses Leave CoqulUf A.M. 7:00 icoo JliOO P.M. ::00 (1:30 MAHSIII'IIOLD-COQUILLK AIMO STAOK 'JIJIB SCUKDULK Schoilulo arningeil to connect with bouts to llamloii, Stages to aijrtlo Point, Wiiunor, Itoseburg. No delays. Faro from ninishflohl to CoUlllei 75 cents. Single & Ijiiiulutli, Props. Will furnish extra cars f" extra trips duy or night; a'80 chmttr cars. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will ho kept OPKX TO THE PUHLIO A regular Btute llconseil iiiideitaker will bo in cliargo riiono 105-J Times' Want Ads Bring Results !i J- I - i Ktf ZSX' -,.. s-KX LUgi-