iMHHBHMHHMHHHHBre!9R9ffi9flffiHBHSS!' T1,T , -4? n!r T T ' - x t 'T'wjj-CE-.JuiTfflA.T' r.-.-.. . ... ,. - , jUttlaH,i - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1915 EVENING EDITION. T""1 THREE 1 i 1 J t llWell Dressed 2fiKl7L V ",1CU 1UU UU Swimmin' Bathing suits for Wen and boys i-Vfc.' tn $A.n QlJtthin, . I w (FIXUP - Whcre the Price is always Right jj Marshfield North Bend W-""l a- EVERYTHING for frW Summer Camp come anI) let us show YOU WALL TENTS AVo carry tlioni In Block In sizes ranging from 8x10 ft. to 10x2 1 ft., Iprlced from ( $.-10.00 'MBA'' ''JJEqiiDINO CHAIRS, canvas and wood ;!.( to )v, HAMMOCKS $1.!15 to COUCIf HAMMOCKS $11.75 In ftRMY CAMP COTS AVIRD COTS .?Si.OO duankets o in feJcOMFORTEHS .?l.00 up pohnson-Gulovsen Co. uWte'iQiiullty Xuino with tho Service Fame NORTH FRONT STREET t --- H-t . &S Second Hand ifiianos & Organs me have an over stock of Second-hand pianos and some W'Vf slightly used instruments that Mill! be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. L THOMAS MUSIC STORE v 73 Central Avenue. Plumes U.1IN.I 15H..J 4 ')- 'fluid' ! In V 'III It costs ono cent n word U ' '' 'Jto toll your story each day In il i T Times wnni columns "! fllC , IC ' The Noble Theater H'1 Whero nil tho best fr Tho Eighteenth Episode of "THE serial' story fliat is holding up to Pearl Whlto and Arnold Daly K pictures. Note: This Installment was advertised for last Saturday but was delayed on account of steamer Santa Clara being threo days late. "LONELY LOVERS" Special two reel Sellg drama a very good story and ono that will be liked by everyone. One of George Ado'B famous oinedlos In slang entitled "THE STRUGGLE RETVVEEX PERSON'S LII1ERTV AND THE " WAVE OF REFORM" "THE RED SIGNAL" Ono of tho "Hazards of Helen" railroad stories. Lower- Floor, 15c Ralvony, lOe O.ilhlien, 5c TOMORROW NIGHT "THE RARGAIN" a big Paramount offer ing in 5 reels. Learn to say Paramount qvory Wednesday nnd Sunday, !K2gB IB REvrriES .11' LY TIRES Time and Heights of tides at Mnrslifleld. The tides are- placed In order of occurrence, with their times on the first line and heights on tho second line of ench day; n compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcato whether It is high or loW water. High tide on tho Bar one hour and 01 nilnutets earlier than nt Marshflold. At North Rend 34 minutes earlier than tit Marshflcld. C His.. 1.10 10.09 3.30 0.4C Ft... 0.7 3.4 2.0 1.0 7 lira., 11.17 4.11 10.35 Ft... 0.5 3.5 2.3 D.O 8 Hrs.. 0.07 12.15 11.22 Ft... 0.3 3.C 2.4 fi.O 0 His.. 0.55 1.05 C.35 0.0 Ft. 0.2 3.8 2.1 0.0 10 Hrs.. 0.07 7.38 1.47 7.22 Ft... 5.2 0.2 3.0 2.4 11 Hrs.. 0.50 8.17 2.2C 8.04 Ft... 5.3 0.4 4.0 2.2 12 Hrs.. 1.28 8.53 5.01 8.41 Ft... 5.3 0.4 4.2 2.2 ' WEATHER FORECAST Dr AmocUteJ rrcin to Coot Dr Titan. OREGON' 4 Fair In ,tho eust, probably Bhowors In tho west, cooler In tho east to- night; winds mostly south- erly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n.m. July 2, by RonJ. Ostllnd, special Government meteorologist: Maximum CC Minimum 50 At 1:43 a. in 58 Precipitation 32 Prcclpltntlon slnco Sept. 1, 1914 07.25 Precipitation sumo period last year CC.C4 Wind Northwest, partly clody. AYant Ail Did It. A Times found nil resulted In quickly finding tho owner of a child's shoo which was picked up on tho street. Two shoes wore found nnd brought to Tho Times Depend upon "The Owl" We have it in Stock "TEe Owl" Frank 1). Cohan, Tho Central Avenue- Drug Store List Your Wants Withheld. If you want to buy something "SEE R E I D " If you want to sell something "SEE R E I D " W. A. REID 150 Front St. Real Estate and Business Op portunities :: :: :: nlctiiias are shown. I EXPLOITS OF ELAINE," tho the last. regarded tho host talent In motion offlccu and uno was claimed by -A. Htuulon of Mllllngton and the other by Mrs. D, 13. Majors of Eustslde. Will Siwnk. Hov. 0. LcRoy Hall will speak at tho Hunker Hill school tomorrow evening. Choir to Meet. Tho choir of tho Episcopal Church will meet as usual tomorrow evening nt 7:30 o'clock. Sprains Ankle E. D. McArthur Is suffering from a sprained ankle today having sustained tho Injury Saturday In a friendly scuffle with Don Gardiner. Returns Home. Mrs. W. S. Tur pen, who recently underwent an op oration at Mercy hospital for uppou dlcltls, was nblo to return to her homo In West Marshflcld yesterday and Is doing nicely. Her mother, Mrs. E. Pollexfen, Is hero from San Francisco to assist In caring for her. Wagon Hrcuku Down. Tho wntor wagon lost a wheel last night arid Alex Spenro and Tom Myers rolled off Into tho Btreet nnd were taken for flrst-ald appliances to tho Hotel Carter. Walter Smith also fell, but ho waB fighting, and Inter was dis charged when ho promised to do better. Council to Meet. Tho city fath ers will meet tonight at eight o'clock lu their chambers, tho meeting of Inst night having been postponed becnuso of tho day being a legal holiday. Thero arc several matters of Importance that will bo brought up and It Is expected thnt tho plans and specifications for tho cut on First s'trcct will be submitted by City Engineer GIdlcy. To Haul Ties Archlo Kruso has brought his big motor truck to Coos Ray from Bnndon whero ho has had It hauling ties from near Port Or rord. He has taken tho contract for hauling a lot ofi tics from Sunset Bny nnd vicinity to North Rend for L. J. Simpson. Tho truck will bo opornted day and night. It hauls about forty-flvo ties to a load nnd accomplishes tho work of several teams. California Visit. E. P. Lewis, of tho Pioneer Hardwaro has gono to California to Join his wlfo and family who aro vraltliv there. Ho will spend sovernl weoks t'-oie. Ho has a noV offer under consideration nnd It Is posslblo that ho will not resumo his old position with tho Pioneer al though this will not bo dlflnltoly set tled until about August 1. SIioch Aro Alike Two Uttlo ba bies lost tholr shoos yostorday. Doth were lost from right feet, both feot were tho same slzo nnd both shoes woro ovory particular exactly alike. Roth sljoes woro brought to Tho Times offlco nnd advertised. This morning 'A. London, of Mllllgton, called In and identified ono of tho slippers and tho other shoo was nlso claimed this afternoon. Opens Store. Cards announcing tho opening of Chieno Drothers general merchandise store nt Thorn ton, Washington, havo been rccolvod here. It Is understood that ono of tho proprietors Is L. P. Chlone, who was formerly connected with tho Ek blad Hardwaro storo and who camo horo rroni Rosoburg. Tho announce ment Is In tho naturo of a general boost for Thornton. Rilng Dreilgo Horo. Horbert Phillips returned today from an out ing trip to Port Orford and Curry County points. Ho met a number who had gono down from Randon of tho crow of tho dredge Seattle nnd thoy Informed him that it wns planned to bring tho Seattlo back to Coos Day In a few days. Mr. Phil lips says Port Orford Is making big plnns for tho annual Agato carnival August 19 to 21. Roaibi are Good George Dlndln or returned last night, by auto stugo via Myrtlo Point from Rosoburg. Ho wont oift with Mrs. Dlndlngor, who went to visit her daughter, Mrs. Marks, lu Albany, and Mrs. F. E. Allen, who will visit In Albany with her parents. She was accom panied by her son Donald Allen. Tho roads to Roseburg woro In good shape, said Mr. Dludlnger, and, leaving hero at 12:15 p. in., they arrived In Roseburg seven hours la tor without a mishap. Tho party continued on as far as Drain and thero Mr. Dludlnger turned back. ITH LOCAL GH0GERSB1G FIRM WORKS W 20-Mule Team Representative on Yearly Visit to Coos Co. Points to Demonstrate Fa mous Products. In line with tho advanced policy of other firm's manufacturing na tionally advertised goods, Mr. H. N. Starrett, of the Pacific Coast Horax Co., makers of 20-MULE Team Rorax products, Is In town to carry on the yearly educational campaign on 20 PERSONAL MENTION t.T -4i$ . JAMES iMACKIE, postmaster nt Em DEPUTY GAME WARREN TIIOM lilre, was u visitor here yesterday. AS AFTER LAW llllKAKEItS DH. E. MINGUS left this morning for Beaver Hill on n professional call. WESLEY NOAH was n business vis itor hero today from his homo on Coos Itlver. MRS. A. FRED STONE was a visi tor hero yesterday from her homo at Reaver Hill. A. A. HALE Is here from Portland and for a few days Is calling on the dental trade. DEPUTY GAME WARDEN THOM AS wns a Marshflcld visitor today on official business. HARRY GORDON has been n visi tor at tho R. F. Williams' cot tago at Sunset Reach. MRS. U. M. RICHARDSON will leave Sunday for San Francisco where she will spend n few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Win, Ford. R. STEMMERMAN wns among the out-of-town visitors thnt spent tho Fourth of July hero from Alle gany. RAY OLLIVANT nnd wlfo aro expect ed homo Thursday on tho Nann Smith from an extended stay In San Francisco nnd Oakland. JUDGE JAMES WATSON returned on tho morning train to Coqulllo nftcr a short visit hero for tho celobration. NELS OSMUNDSON, Deputy County Clerk, who has been In tho city for several days, returned to Co qulllo on the afternoon train. JAMES J. DAVIS, director genoral of tho Moose, arrived hero last evening nnd loft out Bhortly after nine o'clock' again for Rosoburg. JULIUS LARSON wns a passenger on tho early morning train for Co qulllo nnd Myrtlo Point whero ho expects to bo gono for a couplo of d"'8 ' .11. ALEX ANDERSON Is moving his fniully down to tho beach whero he Is employed in tho construc tion of tho now Const Guard stn tlon. EDDIE O'CONNEL, wrestling in structor of tho Multnomah Athlet ic Club, left this morning on tho Kllhurn for San Francisco after a visit In Curry County. DWIGHT E. HODGE has returned from Olympln, Washington, whore ho was called on legal business, having a caso in tho Suproma Court thoro. MRS. C. C. CALRERT, wlfo of Sen ator Calbert, of Fort Smith, Ar kansas, arrived horo today to visit her Bister, Mrs. A. H. Wood worth. E. K. JONES Is expected homo tomor row from a trip to Portland nnd San Francisco. Mrs. Jones will remain In San Francisco for n few weoks longer visit with hor sister, Mrs. Wm. Ford. . R. KEEK, national organlzor of tho Sons of VetoranB, returned with his wRo last night on the Kllhurn from Portland whero ho has been mooting with tho mem bers of tho organization. They aro on their way homo to Ran don. MRS. HARRIET KELLOO has left for tho homo of her parents near Ashland, being called thero by tho death of hor father. At tho sanio tlmo Mrs. R. N. Kollog loft for Salem, whero sho Is to visit with her parents. Many believed that tho father of Mrs. Kollog hud died. llui-ley, IH1.VW Haines. Wanted Rookkeeper anil bteiii ograplier at Pioneer Hardware Co. Times want ads bring results. ' Get your job printing done nt The Times office. Mule Team Goods. Makers of tho most widely known lino of soap goods lu the country, tho company which Mr. Starrett represents la ono of the leading business enterprises of the Pacific Coabt, and their trademark Is known tho world over as a guaran tee or purity and quality. Mr. Starrett will rim a series of articles on these remnrkablo pro ducts In Tho TlmeB nnd every house- - wife should watch for them, r in nvmiiiiniTrri ,1 n II I IUH V I 1 1 II i . -- Uhc Explosive In River Above 1'nw- eix ami lliitiks Aro Siren it Willi Dead FMi, It is Said Fish nre being dynamited In the river ubovo Powers und trouble with the law Is liable to result, accord ing to Deputy Game Warden Thomas who was hero this morning. He said that evidence a plenty lias been found showing tho explosive was used nnd that two days afterward fish wore still floating on tho water and many were dead on tho banks. The uso of explosives for fishing purposes is a clear mlsdoamor nnd Is an offense against which the law Is particularly severe. It Is said that u stick of dynamite can kill practically nil fish within a reillus of 200 feet when exploded. Tlie concussion is so great that tho gall bladders of tho fish aro burst open, stated tho Doputy Gnmo Wnrdeu. Ho said that ho cut many of the fish open and found this to bo true. Deer Season August 15. Continual queries liavo camo io Mr. Thomas asking when tho deer season will open. Ho announces the dnto definitely ns August 15, tho season opening two weeks later than Inst year and closing at tho same time, October 31. .Tho short ening of the season was mndo at tho Instance of tho tlmucrmou, It Is said, who showed that camp fires during tho dry Bummer months very often started big forest fires. This year hunters must havo tho head to Identify tho carcass with which they aro found, says tho Dep uty Game Warden. Tho Inw is go ing to bo followed strictly to tho lotter, ho declares. July 1 was tho offlclul ending of Mr. Thomas' term of office, as at this time u new Fish nnd Gnmo Com mission takes offico and Deputy Gamo Wardens must cither bo re appointed .or now ones elected lu their places. Ab yet Mr. ThonuiB has received no notification nnd now ho is wondering whether or not ho will bo re-nppolnted. I AT THE HOTELS $$ Chandler Hotel. I. I. Elrod, North Rend; John L. Leo, Coqulllo; Ira Gardner, Coqulllo; J. L. Laird, Myrtlo Point; William Schcppers, Marshall, 'Mo.; Agues Smith, 'Randon; W. Walker, Rose burg; C. R. Keck and wlfo, Randon; H. R. Donahy, Portland; Gcorgo J. Sclmres, Hoqulain, Wn.; J. F. Stan ley, Portland; A. E. Krusp, Randon; Ethel Clifford, Los Angoles; S. M. Gnroutte, Randon; J. C. Thorhnven, Randon; Roy Watson, Coqulllo; E. F. Hansen, Stockton; S. Carmlchael and wife, Randon;! Margaret Mc Cutchoou, Denver Hill; James J. Davis, Pittsburgh; A. A. Halo, Port land; J. F. Wondllng, Myrtlo Point; W. G. Emerson, UIuo Rldgo; E. J. O'Connoll, Portland; Abo Johnson, Dullards; G. E. Howell, Randon. St. LnwYcuro Hotel R. II. Norton, nnndon; Mrs. N. E. Daggott, Allegany; H. .1. Heiington, Allegany; Dick Miller and wlfo, Po wers; R. Watson, Coqulllo; Orvlllo Wlllnrd, Coqulllo; Geneva llltlior, Coqulllo; J. W. Watson, Coqullle; Ermn Culln, Coqulllo; It. F. Miller, Coqulllo; A. Peterson, Empire; Peg gy Norton, Myrtlo Point; II. A. Luth- rell, 'Myrtlo Point; C. F, Luthroll, Myrtlo Point; II. I McAdams, Po - wers: Louie St. Clair, Randon; J. C.jtiuillu River though tho entire crow Slgnon and wife, Portland; E. Roll, Coqulllo. Lloyd Hotel. E. W. Smith, nnndon: W. W. Ma - cartnoy. Coos River; W. S. Gates und wife, San Francisco; John Rlrd, San Francisco; Alton Chandler, Coqulllo; Mrs. A. F. Oppelt. San Francisco; Peter Capoo, Reaver Hill; Mrs. A. Fred Stono. Reaver Hill; Arthur Steon, Myrtlo Point; S. Sanderson, Randon. Hlniii'ii Hotel E. Davidson, Hundon; .lames Mc- (part on Coos Ray whoro sho had 20 Graw, Powers; Peter Tully, Powers; months of work, going only In tho O. G. Thayor, Ontario; J. C. l'oter-jlast few weeks to Randon. son, Randon; L. Kurnell, Powers;) 1 r Stovo Curron, Daiityiii; C. S. Mo! $$ CuUocli, uoqmiio; it. ijiouimcrinuii, Allegany; Georgo K. Johnson, Co qulllo; Lester Roso, Randon; A. R. allien, Myrtlo Point; J. W. Wooloy, paudon; T. J. iBowroii tiud wlfo, Lakeside. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PURLIO A regular state llconsed undertaker will bo in chargo Phono 105-J . I HAVE THE ROOF FIXED IMUW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 J. C. Pentfey Cb. NEXT DOOR TO MARSHFIELD POST OFFICE IT'S WONDERFUL HOW THEY TRY TO IMITATE OUR PRICES HIT THEY CAN'T DELIVER THE HOODS. Xo matter what the prlro our everyday prlrcs are Ims for hot ter values. EXAMINE THESE EVERYDAY MUSLIN UNDERWEAR VALUES Muslin Gowns in Crepe, Muslin Embroidered, $1.50 value, our price "H(1 Think of buying $1.00 nnd $1.50 Combinations every day nt 70c and OHt. Muslin Petticoats that aro good values at double tho price, 70n and OHc Corset Covers, dainty emhro-ldery trimmed, nlso good values. at double the prico -5o and nop. Ilrassleres that aro worth 35c and 50c each, prico .. ..25c and :)c Wpmen's and Children's Muslin Drawers, nt 10c, 10i HUc, and -10c JUST RECEIVED A now lot of Crepo do chlno -waists by ex press, thoy aro worth doublo tho prico $1.08 of Low Prices V r7T. tftJvM-iTrrWam Follow UISIN COMES IX LAST. EVENING AFTER QUIET TRIP SOUTH RriiigH AlMiut. 50 Tiiiih of Freight Leaves Down at 1 p. lit. for Eureka- anil San Francisco Coming from Portland tho steam ship Kllhurn, Captain McClelland, ar rived In about seven o'clock lnst night. Sho loft down at ono o'clock today for Eurokn nnd San Francisco. Tho vessel brought about 50 tons of frlcght In from Portland. Thoso who arrived horo from tho north woro: Geprgo J. Sanors, W. S. Smith, J. F. Snnkey, F. C. Carnot, C. R. Zcok, Mrs. C. II. Keck, L. F. Troton, Mrs. Trcton, Mrs. C. II. Mas torson, Inn May Mnstcrson, Monn Mnstorson, H. I). Donahue Eva Camp bell, Tom Morris, James Cordcroy, T. Mallnrlno, J. J. Smith, Arthur F. Jones, T. Welch, T. II. Clemens, Al. Hrocha, August C. Rcckman, Sophlo Tucker, It. C. Hughes. PnBsengors sailing south from horo woro: Goorgo Sorenson, R. C. Rub Boll, Miss A. Miller. Charles Nords trom, E. Henderson, E. O'Connor, If. Foust, Edna Marshall, S. C. Rarnhlll, F. Rllck, II. Holms, V. II. Coulter, Antonio Peters, Mrs. A. Pctors, Wll llain Hoffman, William Sehopors, T. J. Conarty, A. II. Kushnor, D. G. Honor, H. M. Jones. VESSEL .MOVEMENTS Arrived F. A. Kllhurn, Portland, C lnst night. Adollno Smith, Oakland, 0 last night. GJoa, Roguo River, this morning. Snllotl Acme, San Francisco, last night. F. A. Kllhurn, Eureka, 1 p. m. today. Duo Hero Santa Clarn, Eureka, tomorrow. DREDGE TO COME HERE Work of Seattle Ih Completed llauilon al Tho dredge Seattlo, of tho Pugot ! Sound Rrldgo and Dredging company, 'has completed its work In tho Co has not yet beon paid off und some of tho men aro still aboard making necebsury ropalrs. . Tho crnft Is to bo moved later on to Coos Ray, said Superintendent R 13. Miller today, though ho does not ki,ow how long It will ho horo or What work thero Is ahead for tho ilredgo. It Is now two yours since tho Seat i tlo camo from Pugot Sound and slnco that tlmo she hns been ion tlnually nt work, for tho most t WATERFRONT NEWS I t Lute yesterday aftornoon the steam schooner Acmo loaded with lumber from North Rend, left out for San Francisco with her cargo. Taking cannery supplies for tho Seaborg cannery at Roguo Rlvor, tho gasoline boat GJoa wont down toduy. Ton days ago sho completed the trip to Gold lleach in 24 hours. Tho steamer Kllhurn arrived lu last night at eight o'clock from Portland and this afternoon at ono o'clock left down for Eureka and San Francisco. From Uny Point tho Adollno nr rlved lu last evening from tho South und Is ugulu at the Smith mill loud- ' SELLING GOODS Tho big problem In soiling goods is getting tho customer Into the Btoro. Coos Day Times ads will help you solve this problom. SOCIAL CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Swedish Ladles' Aid with Airs. J. Grant. Auction Rrldgo with Mrs. F. V. Cntterlln. Pastime Club with Mrs. O. Rralnard. Sisterhood nt church hall. Prlsclllas with Mrs. L. Christenseu. THURSDAY Rainbow Club at club house, South Coos River. Happy Hours Club with Mrs. Burton, South Coos River. FRIDAY Thimble Club with Mrs. John Mullen, Kensington Club with Mrs. N. S. Mnttson. $ t NEW TODAY jj WANTED Young lady wants liouso work or other employment. In-, qulro T, enro Times. WANTED Work by man ami wife. Apply II, T. L enro Times. FOR HALE Furnished tent, house In good condition. Phone Gordon Smith, 171-L or 9-R. FOR RENT Myi Ho Arum modem furnished apartments froo heat and water. $25 por mouth up. FOR HALE Tent liouso. Inquire nt; Flro Department. Phono 9-R. LONT One brown Irish water Span, lol dog, clipped all ovor, strap collar. Leave with Chief of Po llco Carter and rocelvo rownrd. FOR RENT Furnished flat lit tho o'Connol Apts. Phono 113-L. $ I FOUND 1 $$ FOUND Key; owner may rail nt this offlco nnd obtain same by paying for this ad. t FOR RENT t $$ FOR RENT Rooms and npartmouti. Transients tukon. 415 So. lth st. Phono 413. t' FOR SALE t $$ FOR SALE Ono i 1-nioiitlis old Hoi- stein bull, $50. Aug. Carlson, phono 303XX1. P. O. Rox 785. FOR SAIjE Hoises, harness ami wagons, will glvo tonus. Hill & Murphy, Rrldgo, Oregon. t WANTED t ''8 WANTED Young lady would llko placo to work at once. Address "E" caro Times or phono 202-L. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND RAG GAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone lOit Residence Phono 13-J Maikct Ave. nnd Waterfront Times Want Ada for result. J1" i tin ti I m mti IVsl V -Y I -JM