mmmmmimmmmmmrmmrrmh.Ll , L j MHi;tnnwmiliiBMiwrmTTjif - imrniaii JriiTTiMiwiiwiMlWii ill II IB UTTMliMIIWnlHll J THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 6. 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO 1 MB t:l fJ r MWMi BEBEnlfiTi COOSBAYTIMJ LL M mm M. c. MAI.oXKY. Ktl tor nmi run, DAN H. MALOXHY. Xctra Ktlltor OUT IS IE i T Official Paper ' of COo County Official Paper City of Marshfleld. ' Entered at the PostoHlee at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through he malls as second-claw mall matter. mil a vn mks. ki:vvi:tii ll.US i:it taki: i.o.v(i hovhymoox Society Tunis On linnmso for Wed llf ir f Popular Contractor to lll Mabel A. I'oiier Ml nisTUtiuvn: to mh THHHIMlAY PliOGH M SUHSCKHTIOX ItATBS DAILY. Police Sny So Trouble Made Hnr- ket Fold Their Touts ami le- part In "Cold (Jraj ll.iu'n." 8 BARGAINS AT THE FAIR For Wednesday Thursday and Friday H A peaceful Fourth, s-afe and sane," say the police officer.. And they are rleht. There was practi cally no disturbance on the s-treets Mr and Mrs. Kenneth D. Hauser have left Snoknne on their honer- Ono year 'n moo"- expecting to visit In Portland Per month . ..! t ttoarhurr anil then One rear "Mhh,a . n.0 , travel down the coast taking In both j "e during the celebration When paid 'strictly in adranc the Impositions in California, following of tnre lav nA on'-v ,he "nar subsctlntion mk9 c-f the Coos ri-htfli thv will ma to Honolulu and number of personages fonnd them- Times is. ,5.09 per year or J2.0 lor . rhi.n ,H sr vn "c Hovs' ! M oot Serce Ca ;n a 1' i:f relal 35c Infants Illa K otl Ho-e mtr-SiRaUH-ii nU and lw. sizes -l 4 and " rediueo 10. pair ... .... JC thence back to Chlca.o and St. Paul. ' for " the crter ,,olrt The Spokane Chronicle carrier a , DP' the fr' ,hat hundred of lame picture immediately following ' visitors poured into the city and dea ths marriage of Mlw Mabel A. Por- ! ln fact hundreds of MM ter to Kenneth D. Hauler, who is t6 I"' no wryliK nuanilties well known here, having been two ot s"ndrv ""'' ' I"" ua(1 no ears aiding in the construction of mo 'rouble rail than usual and the Willamette Pacific Mae north of the ole schedule of festhitlo Coos Bay to the Cmpqua. I wpnt " ,,tnom hl,cb- The following is taken from The T b u ther were a couple of Chronicle: fichts: a man too niwh in the wind ' wiur inmt Anf c "! to fleen on the car tracks, but F pie'ta" ctally complained ' l evening for the wedding: . '"" m nw flul,er ' P- about tb hat. Th hlgheHiw Mli Jlabel A. Porter and Kenneui , " --. that the temperature reached during ! Hauser of St. Paul. As early as , the past week ru 7S degrees Dttr- onK motors oegan to araw . uv ai iw roner riaire ana unui tivlties. This mornlne. "the cold six months. An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by The' C001 liny TImco Publishing Co. Address all comranntratlon to COOS MAV DAIf.Y ti.mi:?. coo ii.w ci.imiti: Oil several days Cooa Bay peo-j Ji T-. and t" "' Pretty Wfndow Curtains vanou kinds of Net St rims and l.ace Peslcns. T and " ards to the pair. nnh. pair $1.15 ..33c ..ulus .i n:.d (" Muslin and Cambric drawers, ben mi ftl! trin mod in I jh e or Km broidery, reduced to CM Mr 1 s. i' made of j?erse and Poncee In Tan. QA niue an-' !!-d former ; ri e J.' to $4 " now . . . J) 1" ( nsta C, werine oai laret- si?e. per cake gg Best Paste hoe i. lih onh. an 5c rinrk s Hest S, ool Cotton si ols 25c Itain came at the conclusion of the long prosram. waiting long . .. r. . u. n pnonch 10 In no wax- mr the f- Ins the same perlHl Portland suf- i " "".r r.Wr uu. -- - -- - -- -- - --- fered.n hot period when the mar- me nour announces tor tne wwmng. .- -v..,.. . . cry, was up to 3.6 d.grees At gnests filed Info the spacious groands ? lawn of the mornlnr after Itoseburg the thermometer showed """ l"f continuous ' 1 Anting presents a drean p degroeH In the abade and at Pen-, " JJ J- ,s were heaxy dloton It went up to the 100 mark. A 'lng tette concealed on the h ft' r. The urk Photnlx. Arizona, recorded 106 In balcony played a m;fcal pr0rram j had gone from his stal. bad pack the .hnde and at Medford. Oregon. , "" S oVlock when the strain of Hi up his tents in the night and fed tho people sweltered under a temper- Warners Lohegrln" announced the once arala the datl round had nturo of 102. If some one of those "rival of the bridal proceaslon. !" people who llie in an xrcMte Ii-' Mr. Porter, mother of the bride. ' "ll; W ! mate could Just come to Coos Bay on thearm of Hupert V. Hauser of St. The 11a by Doll rouMte wheel at for n week and enjoy the cool beeies. Pl. W the procelon Into th Ff0t and Commerd.l. w8 prob It would do them good. "vlng room, where the ceremony was w" the bige-n money-maklng con- .performed. Mrs. Porter wore a here the Fourth. It had a !gown of black lace over white satin w P'' an the profit mas large. CIIOU'li Vi:i,l, IIA.VIil.CH Wth girdle and trimmings of old 0n toner named Pierre is said .blue. !' nve spat 550 In a vain effort Till-: FOURTH OF JULY celebra- xim Jean Porter, Mster of the to win a Baby Doll. Many others tlon pnsued off In .Marshfleld bride and maid of honor, followed, soured dolls more easily, but a without any accidents. The .jM porter wore a creation in pink , I"? percentage of those getting only unfortunate thing that happen- shading from a thell pink drop of , do,,s JM w't tor them. lil waH the drowning-of the little taffeta to a deep shade of the same) T"e Teddy Bear concession did not boy. but that was outside the ity color In silk tulle, which formed a ?t the play it did last year, but did mid could not be attributed In any ghort overdrape that veiled the skirt. ,ar business. Four conce- way 10 th celebration, and might ( she carried an arm bouquet of Klllar- s,ons ot this kind are said to hae sat i.fait ion Uu.ij. or Money Kefumlcd "THE FAIR" et door to Chandler Hotel OLIIKST HANK IX COOS COlXfY HstnblMitMl lSHI), Capital, Surplus and Undivided I Profits $118,000 Inlcrcst mlil 011 Tlmo AM) HAVIXfJH HKPOSITH Offli'Cji'H J. W. HcniiPtt, ProHlilent. ' .1. II. b'lniiiiniin, Vlco-Picldent. f It. I Wllliutim, Ciishli.T, (loo. J- Wlnclicslor, .1mt,f Bffc Puget Sound Bridge &. Dredging Co. Dams. Bridges. Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the mot powerful, bet equipped nnd niot thoroughly modern twenty-Inch hydraulic areds;e lr. Pacific waters Coos Bay office, ' Marshfield, Oregon. Main office, Seattle, Washington. Dozens of Savings Accounf Have Been "Opened Here' w This Year Nofftll largo accounts but the smaller depos knows he is just as welcome here. y For months we have been urging the opening m savings ciuuuuiu iiltu uuuuusu wu wain to encoury inrm ana iiiuiisuy. We pay interest on savings accounts. You may open an account at any time in anyamSj n" HOST ill I BUI OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Tient. -mra F.A.KILBURN Steamers SANTA CUl belonged to a Sacramento ender. lut lie took out t'-e permits in the names of iadi i-Jua's havo happened on any day There nty rog tnd in her hair wore an was a large crowd in the city and ornament of tin) pink rosebuds everybody had a good time and llefore dancing began at 10 o"- the crowd was well handlt. There dock xusu viewed the magnificent were extra policemen on duty and gifts which the couple received. Sup the officers did splendidly In tak-' pr was served in the dining room, ins care of the crowd. There were which was massed with pink bios- scores of automobiles moving about sne. On the table was a pyramid the streets, but the corners and 0( i,nk rotes. danser points were watched and The crounds of the Porter home marine superintendent for the tollleions wore avoided. Consider- wtrd brilliant with myriad of elec- Great Northern Pacific Steamship Ing the enormous number of ma- trie lights and Japanese lantern. Company, will open offices, in Port chines which went to the beach Sun-, d chlm and great va leal land. day. the wany which were constant-0f iWeet peas and rotes w0r.e placed ly raorlK about the city for several ai,ou, th lawn. On tho lower tur- SALK.M. The report of the Stat- days ami the large number of per- race was the dancing iwvlllon. the Treasurer shows n gain In tin LJltLU WatA A SB tlt. Ktstj It uab . . . . r...m - .., w ., ninK, it n. nerca 01 tne guests until an eariy ' i"i 01 money on nana us oni- t NEWS OF OREGON ! I teeeeeeeee PORTLAND C V. Wile, new GRAVEL Wo are now prepaid to fumlh OHAVEL in any quantities from pile in our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pile on ground, $2.:-5 per yard. canoad Ms, taken from cars, $2.00 per yard. Itetni! Depnttincnt. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite IW.Office. Phone 11)0. San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland rno.M sax KH.wnsco North Bound iiiMit) a. in., .iiii .-, 10, 1.-, tt, -,ttlti rno.M roos hay foh ahtohia and pohtiiAmi. P. M. Tide .Inly 7, IL, IT, 22, nV KIIOM POHTLANH SOUtll BOUIld it P. M., .Inly I, II, I J, 10, M. FROM COOS HAY I-'Oll HUHKKA AND SAX FHANC'ISCO. P. M. Tide July I, C. II, , 2( j NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Smith Terminal Doclc. Pliono Jiltl. r i. yrprTtlU It. "V - j ' i- 1 iiit iiKi .Tay-r?w-y?wTwBpffY'n Irang fiirlct IFOL nil IdBa rwiuy rewarKaoie tnat tne celebra- Jl0ur ,h morning. ! Hon was carried through without Co on lloneyinooii Tiip. ' aomeone being hurt The officers Mr. ami Mrs. Hauser left over the deserve credit for handling the ' Milwaukee railroad for an oxtotndwl ! crjad as they did honeymoon on tho Coast. They will 1 stop at Portland and Ooarhnrt and 1 lulled to the Mime date lust enr. HAKKIt Daylight fireworks ex ploded too soon at a celebration in Hakor, ami J. p. Ponrod was Injur ed and may be blind as a result. -Carl llooft, a promln- f proceed leisurely to San Francisco 1 WITH THF TFA u"1 Ut Aeles. They will visit tho PKXDLKTOX- Alin TUP TflAQT ' ('hl,a0 8,n,, St- ,'"ul wl" "cenpy unt Herman fanner, died at a local MIVU int lUttOl farK A trip to Honolulu and thence, hoHpltal, agod J yoaiH. e the remainder of their honeymoon. Tunnel will reside in St. Paul. ; ItKD.MOXD- High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 i:gi'ippi:i) with wihiilkss 5teamship Breakwat H'HIXd Jl'LT, ' AIAVAVS OX TIMK. u.s i'ho.m MMtsHi'iiii.ii i:vi:itv SIXII.VY II S:(MI A. M., i:.(i:PT SIMIW, ,l LV i. AT I P. M. AMHt! pouTi.wn i:vi:uv -r Pliono :i."i-.i. IH'IWIIAV AT H A. .M. II. J. .MOIIIU;i ki .,' fe 4 ((ion i:i:vi.(; It Ih sliiiost aa presumpt ive to think that )ou cut do nothing as to tbluk you din do eteothiiig -Pliilllp 111 (Mil.. Aliliough tho hot Slxtv or more of the guostH flock- winds hae done some damage the ed to the train to see tho touple grain nop in the Dosohutes conn n.ifel off. The, Hutch band. (om-ti will he u lutge one this p.eeon. posed of friends of the lirldul pulr. It Ih estimated Hint five bushels an serenaded Mr and Mrs. Hauser at ' acre Is the extent of the damage the union station before the ai rival done JV the wind. if their train , . HUhtSblONAL DIRECTORY . ; AMONG THE SICK 1 . from the tact that lie ttemialiy Keeps Ids opinions to lilmtiell' You can alws tell a uoo.l nli-ml 20 I'll.lH M 'l. ol l. HlilluO C. 1 ar Store, i i)'orte( to be quite l.ols of Cooa llay men ho whip m Uf i.n.iiuiouia lie had bieu all- Ihelr ilillilroii fUr telling lies ill Ii.k for 10 01 tl.n, davs before he so out ami use decoy ducks hen was lonml to icmuin at home. Ihwy Ml ,,H",M- ' l'o,.y Kreiter reported to w a little better today. ImUn.- J. M. Wright Phono 1SS-R Hl'l 1,1)1X0 COXTIIACTOH Kstlmates furnished on reauest COMMUTATION' on TICKKTS, .Vii.OO. I) .Muthlifleld-Xorth llend Auto Lino Cars every- ten minutes fioin (I ii. in. to 11! p. in.; to South Sloiiftli oiho a tin), leatlii ut II a. in.; to Hmplio tlueo trips a day. OOIIST .V- KIXO, Props, SAVE MONEY liy oideiliiK the Inuioiis v HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton Sjil.ot) : Lump coal, per ton j Or half ton of both $1.7.1 II. Mt'SSO.V, Prop. Pliono 1K-.J or Iwivo orders it Illlljer's Cl-ur Stoio. IT EH TIN S POTATION I Weekly Senlco Coos Hay nnd Snn Fmnclsco. STEI1P ii 1ITH I ho man who um,ries a ldmr pmsm fairly Bod nlaht. liurhm uiiy mil In. h aanlaiior. but he m-l,,e ,Mt tn Aayt IB, ,, Mill0B lalnly rtminvo. the weeds. lherp hWm, l0 llUU, ,,, R , ' nu Improvement. A Wfliiwu ieer knows what she wan., until sl.o ,!!, .he can't, ,,... CloVd llowii.-Tl.o C. A.' v( " 1 a.. .t.i., hi . j niHiiu oilll Hill 1101 I llll lOllllV, lillt ir.m..t... .i....i. .- ittl" l"m "l n tliuu Innioriaw I-'"" ""1 " 'I'UIO M llllllll , luoMllllir Dr. H. M. Shaw Le. Hui- nnd Throat Specialist UI.As.sHS I'lTTHII Pliono il.l... dooms (ll). IniiiK llloch. MVITIH II. SHAW. Pliyslclmi and Siiigeon I'lioiie :i;lo.,i, Offlm Iioiiis h iippoliitnienl. (tilinnejs Flieplaccs J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of brick work at prices that are right. And nil work cuaranteoil f Cnll nt "The Firoslde," Johnson I Hldg., 137 Socond St. j French ranges, holler work. I Phono -law - - I Freight and Passenger Service l'HOM SAX FHAXCISCO I'OH COOS HAY, WHIIXIWII.W, Id 7, AT ititll) P. 31. Ban Fruneuro Office, 000 Flfo HulIdlitK, und llcr Number Cooc Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorqe, Phonel DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Xottli Funit Street Pliono 1170 on what wo don't do its upon what all do do, It's tho mtlo tliliitfs that count, but don't loe Might or tho itu-t i hut ifii the biggest Halt thnl nl .i vol away. It was Mtld that tho mill was Hhovt of logs because the log gers from the arlous euiims ui iln Hie city (olebratlng tho Fourth ' 1M,ono 10:NL or 27-J. Benjamin Ostlind COXSl'lriXfi HXC.lMiKii AND AltCIIITHCP Offices, 20C Irving Ulock. '"f July ami the logging Unlus wore. not again started until today. Thoio Marshfleld, Oregon. ' were some ot the worUiuen who polled tor wotk on tho regular ciuio 'tlllll Sit i,..l i. t . ... lufluoiii'H la ull light In Its way. "nt It la Just ga well to remember i tbut lite people with a pull don't always pull toaotlior. , in null l lit' nonce tolling allot her holiday. H. G. Butler CIVIL HXGIXKKIt or ,"00111 1101 Coko Hide. Phono Hfi-J. Uelilenco Phono 3CU-L. SOl'TII COOS HIVHH 1IOAT snnvici: LAl'XCH HXPIHvSS lemes Multifield every day H a. in. Louies liend of iher nt .'1:15 p. in, STUAMKH HAIXHOW leaves head of liver dally at 7 n. in. Lenies .Mui'idifielil at 1! p. in. For chat ter npplj on ho.iid. HORHIIS V- SMITH Pioprletor.s THE REAL OIIPSTinw l ( ! Tho question Is not, will men i J honor you for vour work? ilut does your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to create profit for yourself, hut to nmko that which will profit many besides yourself. COOS HAY STHAM IiAUXDHY Phono 67-J. Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIff MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: ' :: :: .. phone 181 cori'Adi-: nitovic-Ti.e coi.inifli-1 W. G. Chandlpp 'W flub of I'ottaso lli-oso I urB-i AHClllTHn . T. J. KCA1FK tn a. II. 110IK11XS1 l's baid to ho pour, but on tl .ho 21!,,!-:'.': "Jir L'B!..? ', Uooma 301 - '- ""... Marshfiplri paint and -tbei hand, it's about the easiest ,:,,", v i"'" w . .Marshfleld, Oregon. '. UtCOKATING thing In the world. City Auto & Taxi Co. I'.v mid Xight Seniio For taxi, phono o, Chandler llotol For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LYXX LAMHKTH, Prop. Xow Cars ,ew Cars INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE H .Minefield, llend, K.i.pi.e, T,),col, Sunset' liny. kj I Leaie, Mm'slifield, at Hsy Coiner, 7 . ,.; 10 .'....; 1 l.k.Vi " ' '"' a'euu, Mortis lloiid ja niliititc later. ... ?. V . l"':? .,,f";,' t,"!'0 ''' mny ho nrmiisod lor. l v"'er. .-NlUIlt iiionn llir.n -.-.., , It doeant pa to fight the other' T'"? t',Il" " ,,m" w" """' "- . -,....-., ,,, ,,,.,,, ii mjjc in ue u ia)er. vv piioplp doing It for him. , ! L-its uf Coos , . ' ' tli' Principle that It Is never . a kiieui place (HIS won J wouia i.e If we vhould all think iikii. u(nu .... Slieutf .-.-... WitlitedHooUUeeper mid MeiH - ----r.-v-. ( llay people who too late to men, Hiulr wu)M put It off until the) Idi mil how. Wni. S. Turpen AHCIHTKOT Marshfleld, Oregon, I'stlmates Furnlshod .CO Phono 140-K. Marshfleld, Oregon ! ut Pioneer llaidiuiut to. Perl Riley Ballinger riA.M.SP AXl) THACHRIt nosldenco studio, 217 No. Third St. Phnrin !0l , ' Pioo Helhet-y Harn vmw i.intHnn .. .. ....'.. " " LIXGO ., ' ... ueaos, pin I'lione 227-J u i -r t t t t Assets $2,340,000.00 'WOOD! WOOD' I Kindling wood, per load 1.7.1 to $ Alder wood, iti to "i 'ucliea s.j , c.,-n!t Pnvs ft nor nonf . 1 -r- ... v-.wt -j- - pv,, uuiu un savings I WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. heads, etc., printed at T111J TIMKS ! uuico. North First 3t. Times wdnt ads uriiig results. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasuier t t Abstracts ruu UtWAIlLE AI1STKACTS OF WrbB AND INFUHMAT1 AHOU-D COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Int MAHSHFIHLD AXl) COOI'it.t.,, ,, nniMn NTS 1T" CAXAIHAX 1'ACIFIO HAILHOAD LAXU8 f -ix m;.GSTACKKN, MAXAGEU J.T se( ISiii Iwi! iov rj fc imes Want Ads Bring Resoi' 44i4 A i ivm. - --.-w . xrfz&z&i ,fi- Nt,aJtMCf;aa-, i