BHrtWMMWBHWWIBWHPpw " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915-EVENING EDITION. BBBBWBBIHBPMHfPWPW'sEffiK'f r : ' : .,.,,. .uihdiraWWiWWl' Iz&IVSl M.' U-V six HHi. BASEBALL SCO RE 5 POItTLANDKHS HHEAK EVEN TWO WEEK KM) OAM ES IN Souls "ml Dees Take Two Out of Tlirco In Jmst Two I)iin Doulrlo Up on flnmcn In ICnit - 1'KitCKNTAGKfl OF COAST hliAOVK W. L'.' P.C. San Francisco .49 40 10 43 47 49 .CO .cm .52 I .517 .495 .4G1 .462 Portland 41 '"Sail Lnko ...,4C Los Angeles . .40 Vonlco 43 ' Oakland 43 Bf InoUtfrt Pitm lo,Crt pJ Ylrnn. OAKLAND, July 5. Only two games wcro played by Portland tills weok ond and tho IlcavorH broke oven keopliiB their place at second 'In tho pcrccntago column. Iloth Salt Lnko and San Francisco. woti (wo out of threo In their week end series. Tho games of Saturday follow: Const league At Oakland It. II. Oakland C 12 Portland 4 10 At'LoB'Angolcs It. II. Salt Lnko 3 8 Los Angolcs 2 5 E. 0 1 12. 0 5 1 II. E. 8 1 8 3 At Venice- It. Vonjlco' .... i ,2 San Franclico 4 American Icugito At Detroit Chicago ...4 Detroit " 9 At,' Now York- Washington .' .' 8 Not York'. '. . . , "7 11 Innings. Washington 1 Nov York ; 4 At St. Louis Clovplnnd ' : 1 St. Louis ". .3 Cfavolahd 5 St. Louis '. l At Uostbn Philadelphia 7 Ilostou "..3 .Philadelphia 0 Iloston 11 National league. -At Cincinnati St. Louls-Clnclnatl rain. At Ilrooklyn Now York 1 Brooklyn .1 2 Now York 4 Ilrooklyn 3 At Iloston Iloston 1 .Philadelphia t Iloston .", 5 Philadelphia . 4 At- Pittsburg Pittsburg n Chicago ', ( G Pittsburg I Chicago 2 SUNDAY (IAMBS Const Icnguo At Oakland H. H. E. Portland i, 7 14 1 Oakland fi 11 l Prough, Klnwlttor, Prultt and Elliott; Cavalcsklo, Kahler, Krauso, HlRgonbotham FUhor and Cartsllt. At Vonlco It. H. K. Morning game Venice , (...5 San Francisco 3 Chock mid Mltzo; Klllllay 7 3 7 1 and Schmidt. Afternoon (lame Venlco 5 7 1 Ran Frnnclsco 0 'j 3 Promina, Plorcoy aud Spencer, Smith, Fanning and Illack. , At Los Angolps It. II. E. Morning gamo Suit Lnko Gil 0 Los Augolcs ,1 5 0 Gregory und Holuorj Perrltt, Lov nml I) rook s. Afternoon gamo Salt Lnko 4 8 1 Los Angolcs G 12 3 Pillory, Laroy, Hall und Itoluer; Hughes and Ilnlos, National league At Cincinnati First gamo. St. Louis 0 Cincinnati 3 Second gamo St. Louis 2 Clnclnnattl i Sovpn, Innings rain, ,i Aerriiii. Loajcuo At Dotrult oicaW .,...:.? botroli 10 Innings. At Clovola'nd dlcyolnnd fit, Lnuls ..,...,. ' i Ml'LKS .SHIPPED ' .' . ' l" Carload to Florence' for Coos Railroad Wink. Hay (8poclal to Tho Times.) LEDANON, Ore., July 5, Porter Tiros., who havo been pasturing a band of mules near Plalnvlow for tho last few months, this week ship ped threo carloads of them to Van couver, Wash , to bo used In Im provement vjxV, and another car load to. 61 onntry to bo ued (u iho;tr)MbHhaf tho new tall rono) at C i ,4'x E NORTON'S RONNIE JPNK DECLARED TOO PAST Rig Crowd Wifiicsscs Second Diij'h Racing- at Mjrtlo Point Good Time Made In Homo KumiIh (Special to Tho Times.) MY11TLE POINT,' Oro., July I. Tho last day of tho mid-summer rnco moot In Myrtlo Point Saturday was witnessed by ono of tho largest crowds that over gathered on tho course. Tho weather and track wcro fine and boiiio of tho races usually good. Other side sports nnd events made tho day most en joyable. The first raco on tho cord was protested after tho first heat, It being charged thai P. P. Norton's Ilonnlo Juno had n mark hotter than 2:35 and was not ollglblo to enter It. Norton offorcd to bet $1000 that Ilonnlo Juno was eligible and finally showed tho Judges his bill of salo for It. Even then tuo contestants would not raco against hor and tho Bccond heat was enter ed only by Norton with Ilonnlo Juno tho other entries not sturted. Tho results: Ilalf-mllo trot or pace, 2:35 class, pur so 100. Ilonnlo Juno (Norton) l Wnhko (Allen! 2 1 Dili Murray (E viand) 3 Jim Ilnldwln (Slaglo) 4 Tlmo 1:11; l:2l. Five-eighths dash Itoguo Itlvcr ( Leo) Ak'lln (Trip) Tlmo, 1:05. Mllo trot or pace, raco, purse $150. Horry N. (Scoloy) . . Ilonnlo Juno Wohko (Allen) Time, 2:28; 2:29; each heat n ,l..l li 3 3 Mllo nnd an eighth dash, puree $200. Voloskl (Mitchell) 1 Gift ( Wilson ) 2 ' Groenlaw (Trip) 3 , Time, 2.00. Consolation dash, purse $75. Charloy Potter , 1 Grcenlaw 2 Tho two-vcnr-old dash was won Zoo. I Amll Matson dofeatcd Shannon Mitchell in tho four-mllo motor cyclo rnco. Tho mllo and an eighth dash was ono of tho best races of tho meet ing. Grconlaw and Voloski fought It hard for tho lead for tho first threo quarters when' Gift shot Into tho lead for a time, but then Volos kl Jumped Into tho load. Voloskl was a $10,000 horfio In Montnnn when n two'ycar-old, but suffored an Injury and has not raced until last week. Ilu Is In flno form. AUCTION SALE DIG CHOWDS TAKE ADVANTAGE OP WONDEHPl'L VALl'ES IS .lEWELltV AT HED CUOSS TWO AUCTIONS DAILY. Despite tho talk of hard times und no money tho storo has been crowd ed at every snle. When Hio an nouncement was made that thin great stock wan to bo sold at auction thcro woro many comments of nu apprehenslvo nature. Strong rrlonda of tho atoro looked upon It with misgivings, thcro was oven In tho mind of Manager Illrch a feeling of uncertainty and trepidation. It was uu Innovation In business methods of this city nnd section, but Frank lllnit had confidence In tho auctioneer, Mr. Harding and tho salo was started. Uncertainty soon gavo way to confl donco tho best peoplo of Mnrahflotd enmo nnd entered tho competition for they soon learned that It was a clean clear cut business proposition nnd they bought what they wanted with absolute confidence. Mr. Frank Illrch, tho manager, aud Mr. Hard ing, tho auctlonor, liao boon con gratulated on all sides in tho way they havo conducted this salo, tho managomont of this store dotormln crt at tho outset that hero should bo no misrepresentation as to tho quality of tho goods and Hint nothing should bo bold Hint tho house could not absolutely guarantee. Only a tow more dus of this, tho greatest of all slaughter sales. Two sales eaih day, 2:30 nnd 7:30 p. in, tJIRI AVIATOR WOl'NDED III; AuihUI! 1'itM la Com Uf TlmM I'KTROGRAD, July .- -Ono of tho most daring Russian aviators on tho Gallclan front U a girl from tho Potrograd high school. She recent ly arrvod at Kiev, wounded In tho arm and leg, having been hit while fljlng over some Austrian positions. She kept control of her machine, however, and landed safely behind the Russian lines. Times Want Ads tor result. PROTEST OK AG BUT SUCCESS GODS 1 in lead SHIPS MOHK LPMIlER THAN OTHER COAST POltT ANY Fame's Show Amounts Sent Prom the Different Hnibors to Snii Francisco Hay Coob Hay was far ahead of any other port In the amount of lumber shipped to San Frnnclsco Hay during tho last halt of tho month of Juno Tho following figures from tho Pio neer Western Lunibcrmi:i show the totals from each port on tho coast during that poriod: Plr and Spruce Astoria 2.G0O.000 Aberdeen ,5,295,000 Angeles A 1,700,000 Hondon 751,000 Brookings 1,185,000 Coo Hay . H,!J7(,(M0 Everett ,1,282,000 Port Gnmblo 550,000 Genoa Hay 700.000 Portlnnd 915,000 Vancouver 915,000 Wlllapa 2,525,000 ..Total 2G.C73.000 Redwood Eureka 1,890,000 Albion 1,707,000 Caspar 1,050,000 Fort Hracg 2,2-83,000 Mendocino '. 920,000 Orconwood 448,000 Crescent City 318,000 Total 11,G7G,000 T GATIIEIUNG AT GOLD HEACH IS WELL ATTENDED Pioinlitont Instructors from Portland aud State Superintendent of Public Instruction There (Special to Tho Times.) GOLD I1EACH, July 5. Ono of Uo niost successful tutos over hold In tenchors' Instl Curry County cloned at Gold Ileach laBt weok. Stoto Superintendent Churchill was pre sent nnd gnvo tho teachers much Vil unblo Information. Ho gavo an nd- dress on tho subjoct VEducotlon In Orogon." Prof. S. P. Hall, principal f tho Franklin high school of Port- land, handled tho history, grammar, geography and arithmetic subjects, Miss Ollta P. Cooloy of Portland, had chnrgo of methods In primary work. County Superintendent G. W. Smith received many congratulations on tho success of tho Institute IKES QUICK TRIP TO PORTLAND IN HI HOURS WITH .MACHINE IS HECOHU Clitilcs Hall, ArciiiMiilcd by Hoy GUI and Herbert lockhnrt, Make Past Time Veilculny What 1b believed to bo n iccoro auto trip from Murahflcld to Port laud wan mado yesterday when Char las Hull, driving his touring car, loft hero at 1 o'clock In tho morn ing aud arrived In Portlnnd last night at 9:30 p. in. In n wlro ho stated tho actual running tlmo was 1G hours Mr. Hall was accompan ied by Hoy Gill nnd Herbert Lock hart who went wltb him as far as Portlnnd. In another mossago received from Mr. Hall ho stated that tho roads were In fair condition but that ho had boon dolayod a portion of tho tlmo bccuiiM) of tiro troubles. Prom Portland Mr. Hnll Intends to travel ovor tho Columbia High way to Hood ltlvor where ho will moot tho members of his family and roturn with them bomo tlmo next weok. In a trip token Into Curry County, as far south ns Gold llcach, Mr, Halt had no trouble with Ms machtuo nnd nt that tlmo managed to travel about 191 miles on 11 gallons of gasoline WILL HOLD PICNIC Parmers Mean to I Into Dig Celebra tion "t Norway (Spoclal to Tho Times.) MYRTLE POINT, July G. Satur day, July 10th, Is ho day set for tho mutual picnic of tho Coos Coun ty Partners' union to bo hold at Nor WHY INSTITUTE way Grovo, threo miles north of this I" AocuijrriucooiB4rTimet.j city. A big picnic dinner Is to bo ono! SAN FRANCISCO, July 5. Wll of tho features of tho day, and the llilm Jennings Hryan, orator of tho entertainment commltteo of tbo '"depondonco Day celobratlon at tho Farmers' Educational and Coopern- Panama-Paclflc Exposition, appealed tlvo Union of Amorlca. arc making l0(,a' tho American peoplo to solve every effort potstble to havo this plc-l nlc go down In tho annals of Coos County hstory as tho largest gather ing of farmers over bold In Coos County u will bo an all day nf-l 'air. HAH KPRVEY FINISH ED Kuginw Wright Finishes Woik at River Mouth. (Special to Tho Times.) FLORENCE. Ore., July 5. En- Hlnoor (i. I'. Wright and party hao finished tho survey of tho bar at SCORED BI JUDGE NEVA HATCHEH GIVEN SEVEHE LKCTl'HK WHEN SENTENCED Moat Go (o Penitentiary for Term of From Tlu-cc to Twenty YlSII'i Nova Hatcher found guilty ,or a statutory crlmo Involving Paulino Stlllwcll. n minor girl of Ilaudon, was sentenced to the penitentiary. Tho girl has boon ordered sent to tho Good Shepherd Homo at Port land. Judgo Coke, In passing scntenco upon Hatcher scored him sovcroly. Hatcher has a wife nnd child. Tho Coqulllo Sentlnol in telling of the case says: "It was lamontnblc," ho sald,"thnt his wlfo nnd child must bo left to suffer for tho delinquency of tho IniBband nnd father. At tho samo tlmo ho was not Btiro but tboy would bo better off without tho champion ship of n man who was engaged in ruining young girls or contributing to tliclr downfall. It was bettor, too, ho believed, that no moro children should bo born a man who does such things. "You, ho wont on, with a wlfo and family, owe them a duty and you haven't done it. I don't fcol that tho court Is culled upon to shov leniency to a man who commits crimes of this character with fifteen year old children. It Is not a pleas ant duty to 8cntonce, but It is ono which tho court Is not disposed to dodge. Tho lialnnco of humanity li entitled to protection against such men ns you. Every man who has conducted himself ns you hnvo with this girl should bo punished. It Is very unfortunnto that you should bo guilty. Tho scntonco of tho court Is that you bo confined In tho peni tentiary for tho minimum term pro vided for tho offonso of which you havo been convicted from threo to twenty yenrs." Father .Must Pay John Stlllwcll, father of Paulino Stlllwcll, was found guilty of con tempt of court for not pnylng nll mony to his wife. Ho was sentenced to GO days In Jail but tho sontenco was suspended on the condition that Stlllwcll would romaln In tho coun ty nnd try to support his family. FATAL HEAT SUNDAY PATH Kit OPMHS. HAHHIET KEL I.OCO OPMAjjSHPIELD VICTIM V. A. SUsby Diet! Suddenly at Ills Homo In Ashland Was Poroicr ("recent City .Mall Corrler Tl'P following from tho Mcdford Mall-Tribune will bo of Interest here ns Mrs, Harriet Kollog, who has been making her homo with Mrs, Q. Jar vis In North Marshflcld was called there: "A. W. Sl'lsby, well-known resident died suddenly nt his Covo ranch pro perty, about twclvo miles northeast of Ashland. Ho maintains nit Ash land residence, but superintended ranch operations a good sharo of tho tlmo. Cause Is supposed to have been hiMrt failure, Induced by tho pre vailing hot weather. Ho died within nn h.ur nftcr being Btrlckon. Mr Sllsby was a natlvo of Maine, and had been a rcsldont of this vi cinity a decado or more, nUo hav ing lived In California. Previous to coming to Ashland ho lived nt Grants Pnss, whero ho had tho contract for carrying tbo mnlls betweon that town am: Crnscont City. In this Iocallt ho bad been connected with realty operations and Irrigation projects up to the tlmo of taking nctivo charge o! his ranch, ltesldoa his family bo lenvca two daughters, ono of whom Is Mrs. Har r'i M. Kollog, of Marshflold, nnd tbo other, Mrs. Charles Ilrngdon, re sides at Los Gatos, Cal. P. D. Iilack den of Cllmnx Is a brother-in-law- of tho deceased. Tho widow, Mrs. Mar cla II. Sllsby, resides at 123 North MpIii street in this city. ES AN APPEAL HKVA.V SPEAKS ATTIIK KAPOSI. TION CELEHHATION Sas Troubles Should bo Settled by Applying Simple Standards of the Moral Codo l" international nnd domestic dlf- tecultles by applying to them the i simple standards of tho moral codo, and to roturn to tholr uroner. In. ferlor places, money as compared to man, might us comnare!! wiiti ri,i. "If man's rights nro trampled on," ho said, "rights of property will have no defender." tho mouth of the Sluslaw River and hao returned to Haiidon. Tho re port of tho survey wilt bo mado public from tho Portland onglnopr'n office. IK CURRY NTERESTED WOMEN, TOO, WANT TO KNOW AIIOUT MODEHN DAIHV1NG Prolmlily Will Ho Another Series of Farm Picnics Heforc Summer Is 0cr Hnjs .1, I j. Smith Even the lame, tho halt and tho blind tnko an Interest In modern farm methods In Curry County, ac cording to J. L. Smith, county agri culturist, who last week attended the dairymen's picnic nonr Denmark. "They camo In wngons wnd took moro Interest lit tho talks than people would In a first class show," said Mr. Smith. Especially Inter esting to tho men woa tho stock judging. And because of tho keen interest th'at was taken throughout tho coun ty by tho plcnlekors In theso "get together and talk over our business" lueotlngB thcro probably will bo an other Bcrics hold before tho Biimiiior U ovor. Mr. Smith was delighted with the Star ranch near Lnnglols, which Is conducted by Dr. Wcthorbce. "Ills Btock la first cIusb und ho hns threo of tho largest concrete silos In tho country," snld the agricul turist. ItoportB front tho ono cow testing association of Curry County Indicates n tapld growth and a ton doncy to cnlnrgo tho association next year with tho addition of Bovcrnl moro herds. ALL ARE S. P. FIVE HAILHOADS AHE TAKEN OVEIt HY COMPANY Include tho Coos Hay, ltiis.liui'K ami Eastern It. It. and Navigation of This County PORTLAND, Ore, July G. At midnight, Thursday, flvo Oregon rail roads woro blotted from officlnl exis tence On tho final Btroko, tho Southorn Pacific company acquired j hundreds of miles moro of trackage hundreds of additional passcugor nnd freight cars. All through a fow strokes of tho pen. ' Tho flvo wcro tho Portlnnd, Eu gono & Eastern railway; Coos Hay, i Hosoburg & Eastern Hallway & Nnvb. gallon company; Salom, Falls City & Wostorn Hallway company; Cor vallls & Eastern Hallway company, nnd tho Pnclflc Hallway & Naviga tion company. Aftor this they will bo known simply ns branch lines of tho Southorn Pnclflc. Tho big com pany always linn owned theso roads, though thoy have been operated ns separate corporations. PAHADE PHOTOS (1AUI' It. TOWKU) Aftor ho had flalshod arrango iiients for tho big showing of Fords In tho parado this morning, coup led with J. U. Tower's Psk Tiro flot. GOVERNOR HAS NOT ACTED IN HCEHTA CASE Will bo Informed from Waslifugton Whether Requisition Comes From Ptoper Pci'Mm tDj AMOfLIM Pre,, to Coos mr Tln)Mj AUbii.N, Tex., July n. Governor! iciHiisou uunounced definltoly today that ho would tako no action on the requisition for tho extradition of Huortn until ho had been officially advised from Washington that tho Villa governor of the Stato of Chi huahua Is a proper person to request tho extradition Oikii air plat-form ilaueo. DANCE AND KEEP COOL at SECOND .i MARKET, .1PLV a, a, s. m IPC jmtJ V . w iM "' rV Jim i M. .J,M fa -.cti,. AMI ADVICE THE GOLDEN RULE carries the best Merchandise at prices that are rirfiE We are agents for Warners Rust-Proof Corsets for Women Queen Quality Shoes for Women Alexandre Gloves for Women Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls Brown Shoe Company's High-Grade worl and Dress Shoes ror in . yye guarantee sell to be just as our constant aim received. THE GOLDEN E THE A.MEHICANS IN IIKHLIN IIAVI POt'KTII CELEHHATION A About Two Hiimtied lire Entertained My (ho V, S. C'iiihiiI (iciiei'iil "nil Wlfo Pr Am lt1 l'rr xo llaf TltnM. 11EKLIN, July T.. Moro thnn 200 mombois of Ilerlln's American col ony met this afternoon for n colo bratlon of tho Declaration of Inde pendence The Americans were tho guests of the United States Consul General Lay and Mrs. Lay, who en tertained t hum In tho gardens con nected with one of tho city's bos- ' pltnls. I ADOPT TWO PHO.M Hl'NDHED THAT CITY COME No Regular (Vlebrutloii Tlicrv, but liiii'KP NuiiiImm1 Prom Vitlley Visit (lie llcach Mayor George P. Topping, of Dan don, drove over yesterday In hlu car to take in part of tho celebration. Ho was greatly pleased with It. Ho said that about 200 Ilaudon peoplo came over. Thcro was no celobra tlon nt Ilaudon, but many picnic parties woro lu uvldouco. At Pour Mllo tboy bud it big picnic and danco and thoro wna also a dauto In Ilaudon yesterday. About 200 enmo down froln Coqullhi. yester day morning to spend tho day nt tho Ilaudon llcach. Soveral tamo ovor with Mr. Top ping In bis ear. Thoy woro Lester Hose, Clarke Allluon, who lu going Ito Poitland, and Mis. Allx Ken nedy. J. Ira Hldwell enmo over to day and will return with Mr. Top- plug tonight. (.MAW L. MAY) Thinking of Unas HrothorB' or dora bo sold while tho othor fol lows were tolling of what thoy were going to sell, I. R. TOWER, with his float fol lowed by Ford machines, made up tho largest Bcotlon of (ho parade ORE T HHAOO I ' PARADE PHOTOS 1 ; i 'naj'ii ' i lines of Standari jrwotlng m m- t55i5?t p Men. 5sailant ;empts t 1 M. . -,-, .. 1 cvciy tuuue ty( Ipl.'n uien -; represented, anjpfejjC is to give Value w s?$ ui li l m itllOHglV ty Attew Jrr1"1 5 .?'' PEACE PiO! H tBfTAMO ,S3Tri . . . WIIV p. II pBMot infeewjdf .MISS .IANE ADDAMS ItlrKploiiSIJl PHO.M EPHOI'E TODAY in, Prfao Say People Mro Willing to XfgwnenJfa for Poaeo If Sturted by Xcntm leadfpsi Country Ao as'-seeiti fllr Av' ll"l PfM to Coon lr Tloin lf !?! NEW YORK, July n. M, j.l! Xf Addams, chairman of tho Ita"5j(m, tlonnl Congress of Women forpslf.r,;-. tint mot at Tho Ilaguo laH AprDr vfljio who headed tho dologatlons i'?T.,, dologatlons tpfe eu in mo coiiierouca 10 visit. w00jl . . . .1. m . .... .F 6 lOStMl' LuiiiiiriuH uii u peat u iiunniua re) ..W31M hor today rrom Liverpool. gbiTjiQn dared the peoplo of tho wftr'lB'aySlie tloiia aro lu u mood to consider fe .'Srate terms, but negotiations mut Ljt35pr from uoutrnlB and tho longer ','i)oi?Ky' dolayod tho harder will bo tin !y 'lilafpi of restoring peace uallylre lomore lltlonlft HOSE TEAM IS If .MAHSHPIELD HOYS OIVC EXIUHITION IXwifeiatfl iounaelr Other Events Held on the R&vlngfcl for tho Aiiiiiciiieiit of tli irlbutej' llli; Ciimii jerfllUer tl Thuro were several ovcnUi afternoon uu Front street. Murshflohl hnso team ran 100 jra aud mado a coupling In 27 3-5 ri anils. Tho team was compose! I lloiuor Miiuzcy, Honry Lccocq, Fre itfet.' JUJ Smith, Dunciui Ferguson, Jr.. "Ma? Krugor, Hob Krugor, L. V. Tn. Hal Carlylo nnd W. McDonald. , Tho 100-ynrd diish for loggert 'V suited uh follow: C. Pottage, H-J, ii Leo .McDouuld, second; Hob reioI gor, third. : j Huctor and Tiny Anderson, P $$ C yenrs, gavo a boxing match atMelv cornor of Second und Market wUwaa dr was greatly enjoyed by tho croi fell fr Smiths GERMANS STOPF Hill, ' ninety and ra .appear FRENCH CLAIM THAT THKinJ - VANCE IS CHECKED (Kefpi ' ., ulTlie Statomeiit Says Tliey Were "d-'ft ' To (let Further Than the ''(Jjng1 I'-lrwt Lines ghorti (11 Aoclito.l rrfM t rooi rt fll tjef& PARIS, July 5. The official sUtdgoJ mont sayB: "North of Arras Kgedo Oermnii nttneks last night v"l9li' chocked. Tho Germans assumed 'yjp&fc offonslvo nlong a front of "H1-? tlirco mllos Btrotchlng from f0! on-llayo to tho 'Mosollo River, ET1 of I.Vv.nii.llnfn km. I In Mm WCSUHl?1 Bnntln.. f .!.! n-, ft 10ttTr0.aA a front about two-thlrda of ft iBv J long, Uioyvoro Buccessful In Kalalt a footing in tho old Hues recem taken by us. Hut thoy found It'1 posslblo to movo along theso IW, Further past, botwoon La Croix d, carmoo und Rlont. Gormnn nttacV' woro ropulBcd." , NO THAMFS IN ENGLAND D? Auo-Uted Ira to Co 97 Tin 1 LONDON, July 5, Tho war t, brought what might bo described ' a tramnless ora to England. TW"; Is not a workhoiiBO in tho l'"t' Klnsdom that has pot reported ' groat decrease In tho niunbor of ' grants durlncr thn nnHl fow montl Those who still use the "w wards" are men of sixty yoars " over. Officials say there aro l're" tically nn youn? or mlddlo-ogeil & giants loft, aioitft i r " eatno cwaa.c iTh outer ervol foot'. ;moto "Iiya hU saoti It the ma th m "ssttdS's A rswoss $m jBfe -r 'i"p "ltt ' - . ,