-THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. r n FIVE I X (jjKcopyilgUUiutScluiHocr &Mux TIIKHII AIMS 000 Persons IS THIS COUNTRY I WHO HAVE Miey Coming no Them 'i ; i, From tho Various INSURANCE COMPANIES 'ItflJBU linvo any old iollcles mong yqMrBporB, It will jmy you to ln- ymmmio vely no charge- for' this sor vle ft K. I). NODXAX vmmm ftjHfriKS'P vou forget. r jk m . feaf Market Ih meat at wholesale prlc"es. ry nothing t firat-diiM re- frMfSted inc.it, properly aired Tho g tiro xiiiiio not npccIiiIn ,'llllV lll'll'OM! ifr3jt tn ... :i i. Ul 11UUDI . J'lU n Oven Ronst 18c Meat lie 'Steaks 18c araglgor Veal Roast lie jJWjSiBcr Veal Chops 15c iaSjtJyonl Chops 18c $lfiitow lie MMjAi Stow 10c g5JRDr Mutton lie tttljor Mutton Chops l.!c jft0Jutt" Chops 18c $Mglihittoii 10c HHeuiflor Pork Roast int er Pork Chops 10c b?iMT Itlu 1orlc Chops 18c 'WjllwiiQ dupllcato checks with all onion sent out at tho Palaio Meat Matlcet AHdlSivo moiiev. Telenlmiio oiiIim KlySg'I'itiiiipt attention. ttiriLAE, eat Market Mf ilOO-J. 180 X. Rrondwav AND EP COOL It rnp be done- Ht tho outdoor platform GOOD MUSIC A k,,(1 tlmo nbsiiWM' ' COME, COME CCOXD AXD MARKET JULY IS, Jl, 5 WEAR-EVER It ALUMINUM WARE o Kind that Lints Alvtnys to.se HjRH'lal 'JSo cent Sauce pans vtlmlow. co that chipped pan with Wear- tluuilmun. )NEER HARWARE CO. ifield Oregon YlOfflW- 7smI rmm IVWHC ' You will take off your hat to Hart Schaffner & Marx Varsity Fifty Five. IT ERE you see this model in a gun club check; the coat is a two button design, made to hug in at the waist line , and the lapels to stand out in a full roll over the chest. You'll be delighted with this model; it's here in all the newest fabrics-, at $ 1 8, $20, $25 and more We keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marxaotlies ,, Marshfield. W8& BREVITIES JULY TIDES Tlmo and Heights ot tides at Marshflold. Tho tides arc placed in order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consccutlvo hlghts will In dlcato whothor it is high or low water. High tldo on tho Dar one hour and 51 mlnutets earlier than at Marshflold. At North Bond 34 minutes earlier than at Marshfidld. Hrs.. .1.14 8.cn 2.41 S.5S Ft. . . 1.0 3.5 1.0 4.9 Hrs.. 4.1G 10.09 3..10 9.4C Ft... 0.7 3.4 2.d 1.9 Hrs.. 5.15 11.17 4.41 10.35 Ft,.. 0.5 3.5 2.3 G.O Hrs.. 0.07 12.15 5.11 11.22 Ft... 0.3 3.C 2.1 G.O Hrs.. C.G5 1.05 G.35 0.0 Ft. 0.2 3.8 2.4 0.0 Hrs.. 0.07 7.38 1.47 7.22 Ft... 5.2 0.2 3.9 2.4 Hrs. . 0.50 8.17 2.2C 8.04 Ft... 5.3 0.4 1.0 2.2 Hrs.. 1.28 8.53 5.01 8.41 Ft... G.3 0.4 4.2 2.2 10 11 12 WKATHBU FORECAST ' tr AMoclitfrt rrtil to Coo Btj Tlmn. 4 OREGON Probably fair; cooler cast; westerly winds. born : VIBRS. To Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L,. Vlcrs, at heir homo In Eastsldo, .In no 30, 1915, a boy. This Is their first child nnd mother and son are doing very woll. HAVBRKAMP. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Havercamp, of North Broadway, July 5, a daughter. Work Tomorrow. Tlio Bluo RIdgo Tigers will roturn to Daniels Creek tonight In tlmo to start work to morrow. (iron Pension. Mrs. Annlo M. Tower, of Bmplro, hns boon awnrdod a widow's pension of $12 a month by tho government. More Trains. Beginning this ' wook, a third logging train will bo i put on by tho Smith-Powers Com I pnny and Roy Abbott will bo con i ductor. Aid MeetN. Tho Ladles' Aid of the Swedish Lutheran Church will meot noxt Wodnesdny at 2 p. m. In tho church hall, entertained by Mrs, John Grant and Mrs. Selandor. Camp Xot Open. Homer Ring re turned today from Tarheel, finding that tho camp would not open up until tomorrow. Ralph Matson says that ho came back to keep some dates that Coll Ireland had made for him. Got Ten Extra. Tho Baptist Sun day school had a promise ot an ex tra $10 from a friend provided that the- school won tho first prlzo. As the Baptists wero successful the Sun day school will get tho extra monoy. Many to TaUo Swims. Immedia tely nftor the races this afternoon there Is expected to bo 20 or 30 jiwlmmers to take to the water off the dock in the rear of tho firo sta tion. Tho number going Into the Bay is gradually increasing In num bers as the, weather grows warmer. Roman Candle Spouted. Chlof Carter was this morning looking for : w North Bend. an unknown man who lighted., a Ho man candlo on Front ntrcot and turn ed tho spouting candlo down at tho sidewalk. Tho dress of a woman was badly burned beforo tho can dlo wn stamped out. Tho Chief -was uiU'ble to find tho man or to lenrn tho nnnio ot tho woman whoso dress was burned. This Is practically tho only offense- of tho naturo of fire works and firecrackers that has con ccrnec tho pollco this Fourth of Jul. Long Motor Trip. H. S. Patton and wlfo, of Alhapibra, California, and W, T. Davics nnd wlfo, iOf San ta Monica, arrived hero in . tholr car tho other night on n long motor trip. They arc planning to visit every town In which thcro Is an Odd Fellows lodge. Xot nn Accident. Although thoro were hundreds of machines going to and coming from JJuiiBet Bay nil day Sundny.nnd Sunday nlglt there was not a serious accidents Watch men woro stationed at bad places in tho road nnd ns far nn tho nutos nro concerned the day was a lucky ono. Plwued With Exhibit. Editor Ed gar McDaulol of tho Harbor f North Bond, tologrnphcd his office today that ho had arrived with- his fam ily in San Francisco Saturday nftor making tho trip In his auto. Ho states that ho is greatly ploased with tho exposition and especially with tho Coos and Curry exhibit. Informal livening. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Kaufman entortalned lnfor mnlly last evening for a few frlonds, tho guests comprising Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Booth, Mbe O'Dell, Miss Lucy Horton, Dr, J. T. McGormnC'Hcnrlk GJordrum and Frank WIckham, Tho ovcnlng wns spent in a social way, some excellent music being on Joyed. Llflo Dlsturhnnrc. Very little disturbance has been reported this morning by tho police. Thoy say that it was umiBunlly quiet' for tho Fourth of July. Joo Boll sought a bed. when his cargo shifted and Al Bunch and Jnko Horn put up a $10 bail for fighting and this wns returned to them this ttiornlng. Tom Carl and Charles Harris tisod bad languago and so woro locked up for a short Itnio. Accidents Aro Trlvlnl. No accl donts of any seriousness marred tho Fourth ot July celebration. Thoro woro few flro crackers fired, a fact that greatly reduced tho list of killed, mitmcd and wounded, over tho fatalities ot formor years. De spite tliq fact thoro woro hundreds of machines on tho. go all day, no accidents wero reported nnd tho pollco today said that very little troublo of any sort had bcon re ported to them. SOCIAL CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Swedish Ladlos" Aid with Mrs. J,. Grant, Auction Bridge with Mrs, F. V, Catterlin Pastlmo Club with Mrs. O. Bralnard, ( Sisterhood at church hall, PrlBClllas with Mrs. L. ChrlBtenson. THURSDAY ' "Rainbow' Clib at club house, South Coos ' Rivor. Happy. Hours Club with Mrs. Burton,, South Coos River, FRIDAY Thimblo Club with Mrs. John Mullen, Kensington Club with Mrs." N. S, Mattson. 'PERSONAL MENTION J Ju S BARTON and wlfo, ot Cri qullloj nrp Marshflold visitors. N. B. NOAH wns down this morn ing from, Coos River to celebrate 0. A. MINTOYNE, of Coqullle, nm torod to Mnrehflold Sntiirdny lor the celebration. ROBERT BOWRON and MIbb H. Uowron wcro among tlio vIsltorB in tho city today from Intimitis Inlot. SIR. AND MRS-. CHARLES CROUCH wcro hero today from .heir homo at Hnyncs Inlet. CHESTER 8ANFORD, pt Hnyncs In let, camo In., Saturday morning to attend tho festivities. CHARLES KUTIIEN, of Camp 4, Is among those in tho 'city Joining In tho celebration. F. R. SHORES, of Coqullle, la at tending tho celebration hero to day. T. C. RUSSELL and wlfo of Beaver Hill arc guests n.t tho V. A. Rojd homo, ' " J. A. GOODWILL nnd wlfo camo down from Soutli Coos River today for n short visit. , HOMER RING Is up from Tar Heal camp to take- part In tho fes tivities. B. M. ROBERTS, of Allegany, wns among tho out-of-tpwn guots hero today for tho celebration. C. S. M'CULLOCH Is over horo on business from his homo at Co qullle. Ho is accompanied by M. A. Simpson, ot Bandon. D. I. M'GBB wont south yestordny on tho Santa .Clara to Eureka whore ho wll mnko tho houMiorn routo of his territory. H. MONAILVN, ono ot tho best- known Stulth-Ppwors employes, camo In Saturday to spend tho Fourth. SHERIFF ALF. JOHNSON with Mrs. Johnson and tho thrco children, aro over today enjoying tho fes tivities. F. E. CONWAY will loavo tomor row for Ashland whore ho will dispose of his nutomobllo mid then proceed to Scnttlo on buslnctn. NELS OSMUNDSON, Doputy County Clerk, and wife, aro, horo for tho celebration and nro gucBts nt the, Ed Mophlor hqtnp, MR. AND MRS. A. N. CHRI8TEN SON were, down Saturday (or tho celebration, coming, from Haynes Inlot. ,' MISS ANNA KANE, school tencher ,qii Hnyncs Inlet, was nmong the out-o,f,-town visitors hero Satur day. , VBRLIN PARKER camo up from Bandqn whew ho is in tho gov ernment work on tho Jetty nnd spout tho Fourth hero, with frlonds. W- J. HILL returned today from tho Good will, place whoro ha spent Sunday, M.rs, Hill and sou, Wil liam, roturjiod with him to tako in t'io colcbratlon, HERBERT A. RESNER loft yestjr ,dajr ,on , the. Ihonkwator for Port land on Id's way to visit with his parents in Montana. Ho will bo Joined in Spokane by his wit;. MRS. A'. E. TOWER and her son .L.a Vcrno, loft yesterday on tho Dreakwator for Portland whuro thoy are Intending to stay for somo tlmo. Mrs. La Verno Tower went North somo' time ago, MR8. R. N. KELLOG and Uilld T Jot yostorday )qn ( tho Break water for her homo In Salem, where sho goes to attond tho funoral of her mother who died 'a few days ago. MRS. J. R. HBNDBR80N, of tho Hub Dry Goods Store, roturnod Friday evening from a trip to Portland and Seattle Sho says It was vory warm at Portland and Seattle was nil on the qui vivo ontortainfng tho Shrtners' National gathering. LIbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALW.AYS USED. Phono 73. Pacific Uverr 'ami Transfer Company," " ,J' r i ) " ' : i Open air plat-form dance. DANCE AND KEEP COOL at SECOND AND MARKET, JULY a, a, 5. Oiwm air plat-form dance. DANCE AND KEEP COOL nt SECOXD ND MARKET, JULY 8, 3, 5. MAY (JO TO GULF. Heiiort That Ihcnicwmcr to Probably Sohl Bust A Portland paper states that II. M. Williams of the firm of II. M. Williams & Co. or Portland, will Icfavo for PhllpJclphia to closo 'a deal for tho purchase of tho Btcam cr Dreakwator from tho Southern Pacific. Ho states that the prospective- purchasers want tho boat to put on a run from Now Orleans to Havana. MOOSE LEADER LATH James J. Dnvls, dlroctor- general of tho Mooso who was expected to arrive- In n special auto from Roseburg at 2 p. m. did not reach tho city un- til 4 i, in. He wilt speak at the band concert at 7 p. m. PARSONS WINS IIIO RACE TODAY ' ttly Amorlitril Vttn (a Cos !) Tlmo. 4 TACOMA, July 5, In tho lntor-clty 100 mllo race today on tho Tncomn speedway to- day, Parsons finished first, Elliott second, nnd Parsby third. Parsons mndo 100 miles without a stop, Timo 1:15:27 2-5. , . MILL OPENS WEDNESDAY C. A. Smith Company Will Xot Start Work Tomorrow , Tho C. A. Smith mill will not start work ngaln Tuesday as wns oxpected, but will open for work Wodnesdny morning. r i . - i WIXS THE MOTORCYCLE RACE HELD THIS AITERXOOX His Tlmo Was 11 Mlnutcx, VI Sec onds for 8 Allies; Mux Kniger Second; 1'hll Adams Third. Shan Mitchell won tho eight mllo motorcyclo rnco this afternoon. His time wob 14 minutes and 12 sec onds. Max Kruger finished socond In G minutes and flvp seconds, nnd Phil Adnms, of, San Francisco, third, In 1G minutes, nnd 36 seconds. Al Burroughs was fourth in 20 min utes and 37 seconds. Tho mon were started ono niln uto npart nnd rodo ngninst tlmo, tho police, becauso ot tho heavy crowd, refusing to allow thq entries to nil start at tho snmo time. TJio Bta,rt was mado from tho corner of Contra! and Broadway and took south to Bunker Hill and to tho Rosa farm on Isthmus Inlot nnd tionco back again, finishing nt the stnrttng' point. Crowds thronged tho fltrcots and It was with difficulty that tho police and tho racing officials wero ablo to hold tho crowds bnck. Skating Rnco, ono block Albert Bnssford, Times carrlor, first; Ches ter Bascom, socond; Lestor Adnms, Times nowsboy, third. PREMIUMS FOR FLOWERS GIVEX OUT TODAY ARE IMilbltH Aro Sold nnd Miniey Will Go Toward tho Club Rest Room. Tho awards In tho flowor kIiow hold at tho rest room in tho O'Con noll building wero announced tills nftornoon. Tho flowers aro now on sale, tho proceeds ot the sale to ho dovoted toward a permanent rest room. Thoro wero 39 exhibits mndo of roses, aweot peas, dahlias on which prizes woro given, hcsldos many other exhibits not entorcd In tho contests. For tho best sweet peas Albert Soellg captured flrat prlzo, Mrs. W. E. Wilson second and Mrs. Jumes Bennett third. For Carollno Tcstout Roses, Al bort Seolig first, Mrs. Frank Don ning, second. For tho bost display of roses, MrB. F. .A, Sacchl, who exhlbitod 12 ver ities, captured first prlzo and Mrs. James Rolandson second. For Dajillas Mrs. Rolandson won first prlzo, her pxhjbt Including sovora! raro and beautiful specimens. The socond trophy went to Mrs. F. , Tledgon. For a mixed bou quet tho prlzo whs " awarded Mrs, Doubner. 1 t" AMONG THE -SICK t ?'$ Conductor William Kardoll sub mitted to a surgical operation for tho rellof of appendicitis at Mercy Hospital and Is getting along nlcoly nnd It Is expected that ho will noon recover. CALL RASCOM UROTHERS MESSI'VVGER huuvicu Phono liiO-H MctSNitges or parcels delivereil to any imrt of the city , , , , . , .ioc Qplck vftiKiuse to all calls Office JJ3c North HrondrAiy ML PRIZES AWARDED J. C. Penney Co. NEXT DOOR TO MARSHFIELD POST OFFICE DID YOU SEE THE 1IK1 J. C. PENNEY CO.'S PAE AD IX THE TIMES LAST WEEK? IK YOU DID XOT, HUNT UP THE PA PER AXD READ IT CAREFULLY, AS IT IS li'ULL OI?,MONEV SAVIXO ARTICLES. STRICTLY ALL NEW STOCK XO SHELF WORN fJOODS XO OUT-OF-SPYLE GOODS. AXD PRICES TJ I AT ARI'S KOM 1W TO iJ!I l- PER CEXT.LICSS THAN YOU CAN OET THE SAME ARTICLES ELSEWHERE. Lndles' trimmed hotiso dresses, from 3C to GO, "V" neck, Dutch lawn collnrs and lawn cuffs, $1. value. Our prlco 7i)c Have you tried one of those doublc-sorvico dresses? Thoy arc ' Just tho thing; all slzosj $1.50 'value. Our prlco uhc What about 'n"now"cont forthoFo7i'rth? Wo hnvo tho latest " styles and savo you from $3 to $5 on ovory ono ....,.,,..,. ' ljU.08, $UAH), .1(7.10, JfJD.OO Men, nro you looking for u now suit for tho Fou'rUi? Wo' hnvo thoni In all colois and sIcb, and will snvo you from $5 to $8 on every suit. Como look this lino over $7.1)0, $.(), $12.80, 11.75 i Tho Originators of IjOv Prices 4th of July Greetings Don't forget that we sell for CASH and be sure and call and In and get our prices. Getting Cash Grocery 130 North Broadway ' ' ' t AT THE HOTELS t $$ Chandler Hotel, G, E. Howell, Bandon; Abo John son, l)ullards; M. McKcown, Pow ors; W. L. Brown nnd wlfo, Sa lem; W. G, Emorson, Bluo RIdgo; Ernest Barker, Myrtlo Point; Geo. P. Topping. Bandon; Mrs. M. Nos ier, Coiiulllo; Norn Wilkinson, Co quillo; Jcoll Bnumgartner, Coiiulllo; W. G. Larabco, Powers; W. P. Mc Konnn, Lampa; W. J, Mulkoy, North Bond; Peter Tulloy, Lampa; J. P. Mlchols, Coqulllo; Harry Sharkoy, Coqullle; Don Fox, Bandon; 8. L. Williams, Bnndon; W. J. Clnrkson, San Francisco; J, A. Cashln, San Frnncleco; E, A. Wolfo, Powers; Mrs. J. S. Whltakor. Myrtlo Point; Alf Johnson and family, Coiiulllo. Lloyd Hotel. O. B. Stauff and wlfo, Portland; Elmer McRno and wlfo, Bnndon; W. Lnngo, Myrtlo Point; Ora Gar don, Myrtlo Point; R. Thrush nnd wlfo, North Bend; B. M. Roberta, Allegnny; Charles Potorson, Bandon; Stove Curren, Bandon; O. C. Sorus, Gardiner; N. B. Noah, Coos River; Alton Chandler, Coiiulllo; L. L. Masso and wlfo, Beaver Hllf. Blanco Hotel. II. L. Cardell, Coqullle; L. P. Wood, Coos River; J. L. Tlbbotts, Coalcdo; C. S. McCulloch, Bandon; A. E. HndsalL Bandon; M. A. Simpson, Bnndon; Orton Martin, Camp 1; Frank Lang, Powers; Dick Iihoy, Roseburg; Hnrloy Wat son, Rosoburg; Jack Pullon, Pow ers; J. F. Polloy, Coiiulllo; S. C. Barnhlll, Portland; E. II. Littleton, Portland; Homer Ring, Tar Heel; A. J. Miller, Coos Rlvor; William Schultz, Coqullle; Ivan Gardiner; Coqulllo. SI. Lnwrcuco Hotel Lestor Rose, Bnndon; Vorlln Par ker, Bandon; Jess Tester, Rosoburg; Glon Taylor, Rosoburg; Clark Alli son, Bandon; Edwin Borgard, Lam pa; Mninlb Borgard, Edna Dean, Russell Millor, Lampa; B. 3. Griff, Powers, Phillips Martin, Portlnnd; Leo Martin, Portland; Jowell Spra guo, Gardiner; Miss L. Caroy, Co- ojtilllo; Miss II. Bowron, Isthmus Inlot. The Noble Theater i ' , CONTINUOUS SHOWS New Program This Eveningl h, Wo lend , Others Follow :-. 1I...L $ NEW TODAY L ,$ FOR HLE Ona 1 l.inonlliK tld llol stein bull, $50. Aug. Carlson, phono 303XXI. P, O. Box 785. FOUND Key; owner nuiy call nt this, offico nnd obtnin same- by paying for this ad. FOUXD CIiIIiVh nllpior. Owner may hnvo artlclo by paying for this nd nt TImcB offico. FOUXD Ruby nlppcr, owner limy hnvo sn,mo by calling nt this of fico and paying for nd. 4 FOR RENT FOR RENT Xlco BcdroomMn nprU vato, family. Apply 352 First St. North. FOR RENT Rooms and npartmont. Transients taken. 415 So. 4th at. Phono 413. 4 FOR SALE '"' FOR SAL10 Hoi-hOH, hanieisH.; and wagons, will glvo terms. Hill & Murphy, Brldgo, Oregon, WANTED " -1 WANTED Young lady upuja Jlko place to work at pneo, Address "B" caro Times or phono 203-L. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Call . FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 10 Residence Phono 1IJ-J Market Ave. nnd Wnterfront Got your Job printing dono nt Tho Times offico. i . j J "xi