wwww- iwi i ,, . , ,j r," , ....imb. ' VTTITirMIITIIirnn'iTTnMiMTMWfltlW-TT-i- HUM mum fcH-ssssEBwi n 1 f THE COOS BAY' TIMES. MAHSHFIELD, onEQtftl, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION.' " '.MM "Hf"7 ; FOUR f I h . f ! - GOOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEY, Editor nod Pub. DAN B. MALONEY, News Editor Officlnl Pnpcr of Coos County Official l'npcr City of Mnrslifleld. Entered at ttao Postof f Ico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. HUIJSCHIPTION HATES DAILY. Ono your $G.OO Per month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year . ...fl.60 When paid strictly In advance tho subscilptlon pi ico of tho Coos Day Times is JG.00 per year or J2.G0 for Ix months. An independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex : cent Sunday, and weekly, by ' The Coos liny Times Publishing Co Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. THE SIX STEPS TO THE LADDEIt OK FOKTUNE. THEItE are just six slops (o tho Ladder of Fortune; when you hayo ascended them you stnml on the board platform of success. ' Tile first step Is self-confidence, fbV If you don't bellevo In yourself you can't expect anyono else to be lieve In you. Tho second Is Industry, for no matter how much you may bellovo In your capabilities, If you aro not industrious, all your talent will go. Tho third is porsovernnco, for In dustry which goes by fits and stnrts Ib motlvo power which Is wasted, while continued application comiucrs nil things. Thu fourth U probity, for dishon est Buccess Is colossal failure. Tho fifth Is temperance, for If you become drunk, either with wine or prosperity, you are on tho road to ruin. 1'iio, ujxth Is Independence, and when you stand on this step you can dlctnto your own terms to tho world. Anon. NEW PAPEH OUT Tho Coos-Curry Rostrum Is tho name of a newspaper which comes out as successor to tho Curry County Leader. Tho edi tor and manager is Edward W. Ea gnu. Thu paper states that Is "a paper where tho people may ex press their truo opinions for tho progress, prosperity, advancement uud thu upbuilding of muuklnd." TIih paper is a six-column four luge issue and is larger In hIzo than thu Leader, J WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST J 4 CJOOIJ l.VENINd Wlion a man Is sincerely penitent for his misdeeds, and gives aatlsfactory evi- dunce of thu same, ho can safely ho pardoned. Lincoln THE SEA WIND How It slugs, slugs, SlllgH, mowing sharply from the sea lino, With an edge of salt that stings; . How It laughs aloud uud pusses, Ah It cuts tho close cliff grahses How It slugs uguiii and whistles, How It shakes the Btout Hen thistles How It sings! How It roars, roars, roars, In the Iron under caverns, lu thu hollows of the shoies; How It roars anew and thundeis As thu strong hull splits and suudeis; And thu spent ship, tempest driven, On tho reef lies rent and riven How tt roars! How It walls, wal's, wails, lu thu tauglo of thu wreckage, In thu flapping or the sails ; How it hobs away, subsiding, Like u tired child alter chiding. And ucioss thu mound swell rolling You can hear the bell buoy lolling How It walls! Selected. Easy money Is easy to get tld ftf. "if Ready money Is seldom iead wlieu you want to boirow wu. SoinutlmeB a Coos Hay, woman vha doesn't know her own mind, gives her husband pieces ot It. . In tho land or fieedom uud equal opportunity thu man of destiny !s the ultimate consumer. He is des tined to always he thu goat. It doesn't take much noise to amuse jWkjiicloa lt Home Coc find It so illf- flcult tp h i money wlnu BlUKltl, tJlHl oven think i It worth Whllo to tiy ullur marry. His. lie stands nrotiml and throws tho I bull And gabs In kIco; Ills cup of Joy Is very full And bo Is he. QUESTION 1'Olt THE DAY Why is It that a poor man Is ulwnys putting up a bluff that ho Is rich and that a rich man tries to give you thu Impression that lie Is poor? The wlso man Isn't the man who never makes mistakes. The wise man Is the ono who learns something every time lie makes a mistake. Liabilities are what you i-an't ' pay nssetB are what you iiin't collect. I THE JITNEY lll'SS Uy K. It. KIRK "Riley" I was called upon by my friend , Miko To send a Jitney down tho pike, So Michael M., don't make a fuss I'll put you In a Jitney buss. Kor I will make n Jitney rhyme If 1 have to spell It with n dime. That's two Jitneys nlco and big Round trip on a Jitney rig. So now I'll start to write a rhyme And hope you'll have Just lots of tlmo You'll look It over good, I guess, llofore you put It through the press. And If you think thu thing's all right Put It In with great big type. Don't ho btlngy with the space When I'm lu a Jitney race. If you get stingy I'll get soio And won't write Jitney nny more. Old Doc Yak In funny stuff Could write lots 'bout the jitney buss. Writing poetry doesn't pay Hut I'm a booster for Coos Hay. So hero It Is It's nlco and big All nbout tho Jitney rig. Coming up our front Mrcet was Miss Whitney She wore one of lliovc skirts with ii splltney. Say's I lu a fright (let In out of sight. Ami Miu inndu a hee-liuc for n Jitney. A bull dog was chasing Ihu jit ney Rut he changed uud run after .Miss Whitney. Shu fell to the Mieet, Tnugletl lu her own feet Ami mi earned that the hull dog, he bitme. Thank tho Lord tho thing Is through Pleiisu let me know If It will do, If you like It, pleaso don't think Rut throw It Into prlntors' ink. And If you want some moro that's good Just cull upon your uncle Dud. Hu'll start his bean n-worlnk fine And put most anything In rhyme. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by order of thu Coun ty Court of Coos County, Oregon, has been duly appointed administra tor of tho estate of Alphonso I). lloonc, deceased. Now therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are heiehy notified to piosent tho same to the undersigned at the office of John F. Hall, Room 11, Eldorado Rlock, Mafshfleld, Coos Count), Oregon, duly vorlflod us by luw requliod with proper vouchers, within slv months from tho date hereof. Dated this nth day of June, 191o. ARCHIE I100NH, Administrator of the ostato of Alphouso I). Donne, deceased. First Insertion Juuu 1 1. Last lu- Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out tills advortlscment, oncloso 6 ccatB to Foley & Co., 21,35 Sliellloia Ave., Chicago, III., writing your namo onil mlilroaa clearly. You will ro celve lu leturn u ulul packutfocor tulnlnu; (t) Foley's Hone- mul Tar Com ;iouml, tlio stanitant family remedy lor coubIis, colds, croup, wliooplnff rnucli, tlKlitiifnH nna soreness la cheit, grlppo and bronchial coughs. ( VnXnv VI. !.,.. mil. . ...- ., ., . Ulsorderod kidneys and Vladder ullmonta. pnln lu sides and liaek duo to Kidney Trouble, soro mufccleH. BtlK Joints, buckucho ana rheumatism, (J) Foley Cntbartlo Tablets, n. wholeBomo and tlunoughly cleansing ratlmrtlc. Kspeclally comfortlni: to stout perBona. and n purgutlvo needed by everybody with sliiKKlsU bowels and torpid liver You can try tlieau tluuo family remedies (or only 6c For sale by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Fruuk 1). Cohan, Central Ave nuu. Opposite Chandler Hotol. Tole phouu 74. lining i'iiiun punted at Tho Times office, I. .111. .A - . - . i i tnin muuivc; z m .. jr ssm vs ii v. & aanumwm i " .... , fcllfKU'MNX?:!' T I ' I snap-sows , , WUI rr v I .J i 1 JjP W 4? BT-. Bj ; & i f 'A&M-tin n rf' 'u I iivsmsB A s f . .f'Mffi!i. . (OENI. CROSTIIWAITE) (y the Office Devil.) Though this wns taken by the of fice devil it isn't of a regular devil. This Is (ienu Crostliwaite. Some times they say he is tough. Rut 'Reno wus snapped as he was telling about his trip through Chinatown when lie was down to the city a few weeks ago. Z NEWS OF OR'EGON ! PORTLAND Kour eases of pon gee silk, consigned to a firm hav ing an olfice in Portland, havo been hold up by the Canadian customs officials ut Vancouver, R. ('. SALEM The cherry fr.lf, which wnr in session for two deys clos ed Saturday night. Anna Ynnlls wet, thu fair queen. TOLEDO Flshormen ju thoSlletS! river, found n skull whivh is be lieve d to be that of Oscar Mayes of Dallas, who was drowned '.n tho rlvei two years ago. NEIIALEM The people of Nahulom witnessed motor boat races Satur day as u part of the Fourth of July celebration. OREtiON CITY The mombcrs ot tho FnllRarluus, Oregon c-ity's inarching club, went in a body to Salem to ntteud tho ehorry festival. LERANON Tho Postmaster has received Instructions to fix tho nnlnrles of rural carrlors ut $10':. CORVALLIS Over 00 citizens mndo a Junketing trip to Salom, the first of a series of trips they Mill make to neighboring cities. YO.VCALLA The Yoncalln State bank, which suspended buFiuos3, Will make u first payment of 15 pur cent to the depositors. , OARDINKR The County Court ; haa made appropriations for the road work In tho northern nnd wustoru parts of the county, inelud- 1 lug Improvement of many roads in the tiHUlluur neighborhood. FLORENCE A now mall route I as been ustabllHhed between M'n- eiMi and Florence, and tho old route fioiu Minerva to Mupluton is lis- ', continued. PORT ORKORD Thu now Su.u Carnival dance pint form Just Hit blie.l is thu lameet over built lu furry County, being 7 1 uy j j s IVot. ' PORTLAND Thu hottest v.eath- or of tho buuson at Portland was ' . AS degrees in thu shade, whil" '-Medfoid reglstorud 10'.' and Roe Miuig PS. I (ll.ENADA Thu Httlo city ofV' , lliiiRilu voted $1000 to holp build a plunk road to reach the .Mllro.td j from tho elty, ! K-'OHNK Dr. Freomout llode. for three )onr a nieinuor -ir tho jt'nlvoslty of Orogon facultv. has Hlod a suit of dhorco from his . wife. COOS RAY TIMES WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS Dl'Y AX UP-TO-THE-MIXCTE WAR MAP WHILE THE Sl'PPLY LASTS Read THE TIMES ML ' MlSmsSmmmmS THERE enn bo little doubt that thu most mngnlllcent celebration of tho Fourth nt Independence ball, Philadelphia, amis hi tho Centennial year, 1S7(I. i Tho day, marking tho hundredth anniversary of tho nation's birth, 'wns as impressive as the wholo resources of tho nation mid tho community I could innfco It. Tho world contributed Its thousnuds of spectators from its l most dlstnnt continents, assembled to Usit the great Centennial exposition. I Richard Henry Lee, grandson of oiio of the signers, read to an enthuslastle I assemblage In Independence siUaro the Declaration from tho original innnit I K-rlpt-somcthlng which, with Hint sacred manuscript sealed in a safe in tho statu department library In Washington, can never occur ugnin. I Senator Evnrts delivered the oration, and tho heroic odo by llnyurd Tny ! lor in honor of tho anniversary was read. In literal truth, on thnt Fourth of July tho attention of the wholo world wns centered upon Independence hall. j Tho night saw n gorgeous display of llreworks. ' Slnco that timu tltu growth of sentiment and understanding ns to tho price I lesn treasure of thu old stntchousu lu Philadelphia has been rapid. Tho cele brations of the Fourth in the city of thu signing have Included nddrcsscs by such distinguished men ns presidents of thu United States. Tho city itsolf, removing Its private goods and chattels nud councllmcn nnd policemen to tho city hall, has devoted the statehouso to its just honors uud such formal ob servances us, Instituted on u inrgo scale in thu early nineties, have been well maintained e'er since. Amusing Children On the Fourth In many families or circles of friends where there pre .-children a Fourth of July picnic, is an annual frolic. It keei3 thu children out of harm's way. A thoughtful mother last year pur chased ten cent wicker baskets with handles, and Into those sho packed twelve individual luncheons. Thu han dles woru tied together with led, white and blue ribbons, and each basket was labeled with a patriotic postal, on which tho owner's uamo was printed with red nud blue crayons. Another family lu which there Is n host of lively children will tako on their picnic several lolls of led, white and blue crape paper, a paper of plus, a pair of scissors, u dozen or moro toy swords nnd guns, along with the ninny good things to ont. Later lu tho nfter noon tho clover lingers of nn Ingenious older sister will convert the.su materi als into military outllts epaulets, caps, etc. to make a patriotic Httlo army of youngsters. "Surprise pies" nro not new or novel; still when they nro presented lu somu new gulso they never fall to please. A gigantic tlrccruckcr can easily bu mado by uslug a full sized sheet of paste board rolled Into a cylinder. Cover this With two sheets of smooth red , paper, having a piece of string show I lug at the end to represent a fuse. i Havo both onus of tho crnckur covered with a thin layer of paper uud through small IUh have protruding strings or ribbons attached to tho gifts inside. NEWS OF THE DECLARATION. Not Considered Important Enough For Newspapor's First Pago. In regard to the proclamation nnd publication of ihu Declaration of Inde pendence (meaning thu document Itself) It must bo noted that it wus intended for the woild at largo rather than tho colonists. Tho Declaration of Inde pendence that U, the formal resolu tion ot tho Continental ongroi.s of severanco of allcglanco from tho moth er country was adopted July 2 after having been much debated (principally lu commlttco of the whole, Rcnjamln Harrison lu tho chair) from Juno 7, when It was offered by JHchard Henry Lee. The fact that It was passed was published In tho Pennsylvania Gnstettc of July a. Few things show tho differ ence lu temperament of newspapers and public us rcguuls "news" ns does the fact that tills great Declaration, which Initiated tho most profound po lttleal change lu tho country mul mado ill tho members of thu congress traitors lu tho eyo of Rrltlsh law, wns not an nounced on tho front page, but was printed on nn lnsldo page, without comment or special display, except that a portion of the resolution was put in capitals. The tlrst publication of the tost or the Declaration was in Towuc's Penn sjlvniiiti Evening Post of July 0. nud, ns 1ms ofteu been remarked, on the page facing the statomciit that all men are endowed "with liberty" Is nn ad vertisement of a negro boy for sale, four or flvo years old, who "has had 6tun!lpo nnd measles." It Is ulso worth noting that In the engrossed Declaration tho spoiling Is "united States." not "United States." t OLD GLORY. ? :i HE star spangled bannerl X Was ever (Ian so boautlful? 4s f Did ever lag so fill the souls of X X man? Tho lovo of woman, the A i' sense of duty, tho thirst for X dlory, tho heart throbbing that 2 A Impels tho humblest American T to stand by his colors, fearless in 3 the defenso of his natlvo sell and X j- holding it swoet to dio for It) -j- X ho yearning which draws him T .. to It when exiled from it, its free X V institutions and Its blessed y T memories, all are embodied and J ! symbolized by tho broad stripoa X and bright stars of the nation's v X emblem, all livo again In the lines J, j- and tones of Key's anthem. Two A X or three began tho song) mil- X .5. lions join the chorus. Henry X, p Watterson, 1898. v a .L . . .t. A A . A . .. .t. . A A . A A r v v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The Fathers of Our Country. This day every innn and woman In our country should stop long enough to call up from the past the thought and purpose of our fathers In putting to gether the structure of n new nation. Wo should close our eyes nnd dwell do. voutly upon tho pure patriotism which burned lu their bosoms like n steady tiro In thu darkness. Wo should put ourselves In their places, think their thoughts, indulge their hopos, experience their fears, suf fer their hardships nnd endeavor to see with their anxious eyes tho way up which liberty nnd law, Justlco and or dur shall go sldo by sldo with equal vigor nnd oven step, blosslng with Uieir freedom nnd fraternity and ennobling with their dignity and discipline tho ambitions nnd labors of mankind. Martin AV. Llttletou. ? FOURTH OF JULY ADVICE J DY WASHINGTON. In ills address to tho covernors of tho states, Juno S, 17S3. Thero are four things which I humbly conceive are essential to tho well bolng I may even ven ture to say to the existonce of tho United States as nn inde pendent poweri First, an Indissoluble union of the states under one federal head. Secondly, a sacred regard to publlo Justice. Thirdly, the adoption of a proper peace establishment, and, Fourthly, the provalsnce of that pacific and friendly disposi tion among tho peoplo of the United States which will induce them to forget tholr local preju dices and policies, to make those mutual concessions which are requisite to tho genoral prosper- uy ana in some Instances to I sacrifice their Individual advan- tages to the Interost of the com- I J munlty, X ; Wrote Only Old Glory's Song. Francis Scott Key, author of "The ! Star Spangled Banner," wrote only ono famous poem, but Us farao Is such as , to insure his lasting placo In tho re membrance of the patriotic American poopie. o wis uorn In 17S0 ami died , Invitations printed nt Tho Times office. FLANAGAN t OLDEST ILVN'IC IX COOS COUNTY Established JS8I). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS , DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Dennett, President. ' .i. it. Klimimun. Vice-President. It. l' Willlnnw, Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accountsbut the smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We payjnterest j)n.savings accounts. ' t You may open an account at any time in any amount! FIRS T IIAIIONA OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Itent. RJ flo o f MMlMfiaM "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" Yoiuur Iboslimess is muaclh appreciated,, HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 F. A. K1LBURN SAILS J'Olt EUREKA AND ''4 SAN FRANCISCO TO.MOKHOW, ,11'LV TII, 1 :!IO P. M. North Pacific Steamship Co. SMITH TEltMINAL DOCK PHONE I SKI W. E. STL'lIlt, AK'ent ICQUIPPED WITH WIltELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON 'TIME. SAILS ntOM MAHHIIIIEliD EVEItV SUNDAY DUItlNfi JULY AT 8:00 A. M., EXCEPT SUNDAY, .ICLY I, AT 1 1. M. AND I'ltO.M POItTLAND EVEItV TIIUHSDAV AT H A. M. Plione S13-J. II. J. MOHIt, Aiscnt. INTER OCEAN TRANSPORTATIDN Weekly Scrvlco Coos SffiHSHIP NUl Freight and Passenger Service l-'HOM KAN IMIANCISCO l"()lt COOS HAY, WEDNIWDAV, ,11'JA' 7, AT 51:00 P. ,M. Snn Francisco Office, 000 Flfo Dullillng, and Mer Number M Coob Bay Agont, 0. I McGeorqe, Phone 'it Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J INDEPENDENT Murhlifiolil, North llcml, Emnlro, Tmlieol, Sunset liny. Loaves SliuMiflcItl, at lliisy Corner, 7 u. ,.. 10 n. 111.5 1 p. ! !i p. 111.5 5 11. 111. Leaves North Demi 15 minutes Inter. Leaves Empire 8tS10 n. 111.; Jlj.io n. in.; 1.SI0 ji. in.; n:.10 p. M (1:00 p. 111. Trips nfter these hours nmy bo iii-miiRcd for, Ph""0 llusy Coiner. NIkIU phono Ki7.ll. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorit & King. Cars leave Mnnhrield 7 , Uii ,, flIl(1 5 n ,. Cai-H leave for Empire 7 n. m., 10 a 111., 1, a nnd B p. ' Cars Leave Sunset Day 7 , B ,,.,. lines, Empire, Slflc; Taih'6el o,- South Bloiigli. HOc; Hunsot Ilay 7fio BENNETT BANK i .. : i Cashier. cu. I Winchester, Asst. Casli(..r, L jnencan Day and Han Francisco. AUTO SERVICE BANK ail SMITH yv i 1 V" t ..--.-' -.