THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE & 1 T tSSSSBHaiHH -i uas-otove Convenience with Kerosene A good oil stove is like a gas stove ready at the touch of a match. Any degree of heat you want instantly by simply raising or low7 ering the wick. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For Best Results Ute Pearl Oil Burns oil, the clean, cheap fuel. It roasts, toasts, broils, bakes better than your kitchen range. No wood, coal or ashes to lug no soot or dirt no odor docs not taint the food. And your kitchen is always coo!. Several sizes and styles. !Ask your dealer. Sec Exhibit, Palace of Manu factures, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) . . OLD GLORY By Robert S turkey. A- K Marohflold a complete link of the I NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE MAY ALWAYS UK FOUND AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. I MARKET AVKNUK MARSHFIELD, ORE. ft m m' GRAVEL Win nrn .rttt nrnnnrnil n fiitnlati f!P AWT. In nnv nunntltlna f V UW 1(U1 ' ViJ't U, kU kill lltOII UA4i UU lit MM lUHliikliM from pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices:, From pllo on ground, $2.' 5 por yard, s canond lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Tost-Offlco. Phone 100. Puget Soiind Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast worK tne Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped mid most thoroughly modura i twenty-Inch hydraulic arodgo In 1'nclfic wutor i Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Hail Old Glory now reclining On its laurels dearly won; . All its stars are brightly shining, Spotless as the noonday sun; 'Tis the duwn of hope we're greeting.',, Thai united we may stand, And as brothers firmly 'meeting Where a foe invades the land 0 It or us. Sing it in each cot and valley, And proclaim it to the world "We are ready, boys, to rally "When Old Glory is unfurled. When .we saw the war clouds gather, And the bitter strife went on, "'' Many children lost a father, . Many mothers wept a son. Now 'tis nast we have contmirlndi We now stand where one we stood -And the Union's been defended AVith a baptism of blood. Chorus. Sinu1 it in each cot and" vallev. And proclaim it to the worhV We are ready, boys, to rally When Old Glory is un Curled. CIVIC PARADE TODAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS t: tt tt Continued from I'ngo Ono. members of tho 0. A. K. who wore loudly applauded. d. A. II. Member, Tho following woro tho Civil War veterans in the pnrado: Alfred Mntson, U. S. S. Vander bllt. . . W. II. Simpson, 25 Mnlno Infan try. 13. C. Thayer, Seventh Illinois. C. H. Marshall, Third Wisconsin Cavalry. C. 11. Chaudlor, 78th Illinois In fantry. K. W. Shrock, Dth Indiana In funtry. 1). W. Small, Second Malno Cav alry. Simeon Miller, IIGtli Indiana In fantry. A. I). Wolcott, Third New York Light Artillery. S. D. Cathcart. First Orcjron Cav alry. II. A. MHIor, First U. S. Sharp shooters. E. L. IlemliiBWay, Teamster First Oregon Infantry. K. J. Walrath, 121st N. Y. In fantry. I. S. Kaufman, llGtli III. Infan try. A. M. Sumner, GGth 111. Infan try, Blrgns Shnrpshootors. Tho Spnnlsh-American War veter ans marched nn an escort to the Liberty car, carrying tho children. On a float very prettily docoratcd with red, white and hluo and a throno that ronrcscnted tho nrow of a battleship rodo Miss Virginia Lyster, Goddess of Liberty, dressed In whlto silk robes and in her hand she held a sword. Slio was at tt tt :: u u tt Sum presiding In a mass of red, white and blue, with little K'.rls dressed in white nUtlnir nmnnir ihif- flags and overygrcens. In tholr iinlforniB pf whlto 40 members of tho Mdoso Lodge marched in uniform In tho manner In which they expect to tako part In tho San Francisco parade UiIb month. Many Owls In Line. With their bannors at tho head came tho Order of Owls, In full force, with G! marching, while be SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump coal, por ton Or half ton of both $1.7.1 1). MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt Hillycr's Cigar Store. SWimWJUlHtAIMllMMTVa ITHP RFAL OIIFSTIfiN . flio question is not, will mon honor you for your work? lilt docs your work honor you? four concern is not only to ireato profit for yourself, but 0 tnako that which will profit any besides yourself. 303 IJAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono C7-J. south coos river boat SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS vos Marshfield every day .a. in. Loaves head of river at !1:1J p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW uvea head of river dally at 7 in. Leaves Multifield at 2 p. i,' For rJinrtoi apply on bourd. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors 2fl COMMUTATION nfl U TICKETS, $2.00. ,) Mnrtdiflcld-Xortli Bond Auto Lino Curs every ten minutes from (i a. m. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough mica u day, leaving nt 11 a. m.; to Empire three trips a day. GORST KING, Props. DRY WOOD nt lAMPBELL'S WOODYARD IVortii I'Toni street Phono ' 270 -7 440?44t44444 t : t WESTERN LOAN AND J t BUILDING CO. : t t Assets $2,340,000.00 I Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer t I X i t 1 j Hllljcr'fl Cigar Store. IDUNGAN ! WiWS$ w?y UNDERTAKING I if- " A parlors! ? wi f ' will bo kept ;&4ffiM , OPEX TO THE PUBLIC f7f,'i A regular hlnlo licensed H , .jj ' 7. undertaker will bo In 9n 4' .H. ra1K POK v rw Phono 105-j KMWtm n akkmkj4:M tm t:e M MKttTJit'-JiMfl Cffv W ml ? iftttSvTktak. Mts i its I PAHA DM SXAT. PHOTOS j Hfc . ., t J : -ol tafs PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i- J. M. Wright Phono 18S-II IIUILDIXa COXTJtACTOU Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, Kar unci Throat Specialist GLASSIvS FITTHH Phono a;!()-J. Hooiiis 200201 Irving Itlock. OH. .MATTIH II. SHAW. Physician and Surgeon Phono it.IO.J. Offico hours by appointment. "" (HAITiIY'.M,KM0WX.) "' Harry McKcown boasted that ho hadn't had his picture taken in 20 years. This is the tlmo wo fooled him. Harry was caught In tho act of telling out of his usual fisli stor ies about tho big follows ho ofton cntchos up ut Ileal Lake Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Mmneys Fireplaces J. N. BAYLISS iiv kind of brick work nt K prices that aro right. KAnd all work guaranteed 111 at "Tho Fireside," Johnson i Bldg., 137 Second St. Prench ranges, boiler work. Phono 434-J I City Auto & Taxi Co. , Day mid Xight Service !r taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel s'or tourlnj cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel ILYNN IiAMIIKTH, Prop. Iw Cars New Cars Lenvo Owl Pliarmncy Maishrield A.M. 7; 00 I);ii0 P.M. 1:00 C.ilO Leave Coqullio A.M. ' 7:00 0:00 11:00 P.M. it: oo 0:30 ' Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING KNCINKICIt AND AltOIIITJiCT Offices, 20G Irving Dlocki Phono 103-L or 2G7-J. Marahflold, Oregon, H. G. Butler CIVIL NNGIXHEK Iloom 304 Coko Hldg. Phone 14C-J. Residence Phono 3G3-L. .MAItSHFIKLD-COQUILLE AUTO STAGU TIME SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to connect with boats to Hundou, Stages to .Myrtle Point, Wagner, ltoseburg. No delays. Furo from MarsliHeld to Coqullio: 75 cents. Slaglo & Lnmbctli, Props. WJ11 furnish extra cars for extra trips day or night: also charttr cars. W. G. Chandler AKCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshfield, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AltOII ITEOT Marshfield, Oregon. I Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER Resldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. Have your LKTTEU heads, bill heads, otc printed at THE TIMES offico. il., XBlKS i I v- jji s: ""1 i I J$m$ L' Photo by A. Hut's (AL POWERS) This (s Al Powers anil tho portrait was tnkon in front of tho Chandler Hotol shortly aftor noon time. He was just expressing himself on the 1 war situation when the ever vigl lliint staff photograplier put up his I maclilno una snapped the shutter, J )U tit w "My )'1ox ft 4 t fe t IK ii .WN FISHER ( Ily Staff Photographer) Hon Flshor was snapped this morn ing nt 10 n. in. ns ho gazod on tho weather chart for tonight, scrowlng his fnco into this difficult nnglo when hn thought about tho 100 to 1 chance that It might rain. However thero ua a uiigiiier grin laior in tno day when Don heard of tho number that aro planning to danco tonight i tended by tho Misses Emma Quater ' mass, Marjorio Orahnm. As guurds ,rodo Fred Smith in tho uniform of a United States marine and Festus ' Walters ns a sailor. Speakers of Day. Together tho officials of tho day and tho speakor rodo' in a maclilno directly following. in tho car woro Mayor F. E, Allen, R. nuggo. Sonntor I. S. SmRh, It. M. Jen Ings, Hugn McLain niuj Eric Holt. Liberty Car Tho Llborty car was a big float la den with children. Arthur K. Pock was tho Uuclo Sam who proslded ov- er'all tho llttlo ones. The following woro tho childron; Ruth Jarvis, Doris Llljborg, Ka- thorlno Wilson. Lura James. Mario Locko, Esther Sullivan, Violet Mof fatt, Helen Hnuser, Ruth Going, 1 Ethel Sullivan, Marlon Kardell, Eli nor Flanagan, Oraco McKeown, Louise Maloney. Robt. Daly, Helen Fahy, Edna Kollond, Stolla Lash, Esthor Adklns, Cleo Carter. Allco Douglas, Florence Kardoll, Ilertha Lapp, Lollta Lapp. Pearl Lniin. Viola 'Wilson, Ruth Hllstrom, Agnes Nleine, Holon Sulllvun, Otilla FInoll, '"",u w.ini, jiumi riuuyuru, IIUIOII Footo, Anna Footo, Sara Swanson, Willa Dyorly, Ruth Scnn, Holon Payne, -Mildred McCarberry,, Louiso Lockhart, Elslo Hawknian. Indluns danced in nu overgrcen forest aboard tlio well decorated float of Koos Trlbo No. 33, while In their cabin a settled and his family cringod In terror. Thero wuro 55 Eagles In uniform that camo next in the parade, head- ed by Worthy President F. R, Kirk, und a largo bannor of tho ordor. And bohlnd tho mombora caine tho float with M. J. Ostrow as Uuclo Photo by our head pressman. ROBERT DILLARD (By tho Offico Devil.) This is n truo to llfo squint at Bob Dlllnrd aftor ho had finally cast off tho worries of tho Goddess of Liberty float and had tho craft safely started down Fourth strcot. Bob worked hard nnd ovon took part In a vnudovlllo sketch to help the causo along. hind thoni enmo tho float, tho Nest, which was madoof intorwovon ever greens, nbout which llttlo girls woro gathered. Three largo owls overhead acted as guardians of tho llttlo folks. And In a largo auto came the Women's Auxiliary to tho Owls. "Hollo Bill," wna a beautiful float, decorated with tho colors of tho Elks, purplo and whlto, whllo great Elks heads adorned each side of tho float. The ontiro flro department took port In tho long procession, leading off first wltli the auto truck driven by Gordon Smith. Bohlnd camo tho two steam onglnos nnd tho hook and ladder, togothor with tho hoso carts, all docoratod with flags and attended by tho mombora of the department In uniform. Hand In While. In tholr uniforms of white, duck camo tho 1G mombors of tho North Bond High School, marching well. Thoy woro followed by tho car rier boys of tho Evening Record. dressod prottlly In whlto sailor suits whllo at tho head they carrica ban ners. Baptist Sunday School. i Tho Baptist Sunday School load ing tho Sunday School fenturo of tho parudo, with UG In number, mudo a beautiful showing with yel low and whlto as tho color scheme. First appeared "Old Glory," carried by Frod Olovor and tho Superin tendent, B. H. Patchott. and assist ed by Miss Columbia and Uncle Snni, impersonated by Lois Bass 1"" ' 6l u tt resenting tho "horn of plonty." This was driven by llttlo Pnul Bassford and tho horses were led by George and Alva Doll. Appearing in tho front of tho car In a white cradle, were two of tho, cradlo roll babies, Marjorio Muut zoy and Howard Barnard. Follow ing this camo a long lino of the Sunday School In twos and finish ed with two cars beautifully decor-, ated with yellow and containing ho oniony members of tho school, Throughout tho maroh yell load-, ers, O. L. Hall and Dr, II. M. Shaw directed in tho rousing yell which was ns follows: "B-S-S! B-S-S! Baptist Sunday School Yes! Vest Yes! Aro wo In It? Well, I gucsBl Baptist Sunday School! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Presbyterian Children The Presbyterian Sunday School had two floats In tho parade, to gether with many of their members walking and four machines nil drnn- ed very tastefully in red, whlto and uiuo and with flags in profusion. In tho first float wore about 40 little girls dressed in whlto and with ban nors overhead. Thoy were followed by several membors marchlnK und then tho second float with an equal uuiuui ui mno gins in wntto. Tlnj float was drawn by a team of mules covered with blankets bear ing tho words "Even a mull will pull for a Presbyterian." In tho nutos of tho Sunday Scliopl following were Miss Lillian Seamnn, Virginia Clark, Mrs, D. A. Jones, David Jones, Maxlne Jones nnd Mrs. Stubblefiold. In tho socond maclilno Qcorgo Haines, Mrs. George Witto, Mrs. Ellen Sneddon, Mrs. W.-W. Button and Mrs. G. B. Stad don, and tho third maclilno contain ed Mrs. Dashney and child, Mrs. 1. 8. Smith and Mrs. Walter Wilson. Methodist School. With flowors and roses, the float of tho MethodlBt Sunday School was decorated while llttlo children, clad In white, very prottlly grouped Into tho background of color. Overhead ran tholr bannor tho full length of tho float. There woro 57 little tots and grown-ups on tho float, whllo members of tho church walked nlongsldo as a body guard, "Cook With Gas" road tho of the Oregon Power Company, whllo on tno top t woro grounped sundry ranges and gas stoves. Sacks of wheat, with hay.:trid irtnl,. MiHnnm I.. .. . I ,Wi r a...... tuiunit in lur kudu measure characterized tho float of the A. T. Haines Feed Comnnnv.. nil .. .which was Ilborally supplied with patriotic bunting. , Tho Portor mill at North Tlond was represented by two big hordes ridden by workmen. '. In a bower of roses with a Urd wish bono overhoad rodo Mies Katli- ryn Barry In hor llttlo go car$ drawn by tho Shetland nnnv u.'Vi has become history In tho Barrv. family. With hor was Boss Flan agan. e Immediately bohlnd hor camo Vira Albrocht, with Allco Flanagan In n cart similarly decorated, wfia..on a decorated btcyclo rodo Miss Gladys Ferry. Mllo Sumner, of tho Sumner Hardware Company drovo his ma chine decorated with flags and bunt in;; and Jap-a-Lac figuro on tho mflator nnd a liugh wnx bull dog on tho stern guarding tho destluloi of Sherman-Williams paints. "Pressed whllo you wait,'' road the sign of tho City Cleaners while a gentloman waited In a barrel nt tne rear. Tho Gunnery was woll represented. At tho head came tho hugo float a mass of Fisk tiros, whllo directly behind I. R. Towor lead off In a now Ford while directly behind him enmo 12 others. Goodrum's Garago was represent ed by a woll decorated roadster cov orod with flags and bunting. And not to bo overlooked a sec ond tlmo camo tho "cyclone spood enr" of Waited McLood and Doug las Putnam, of North Bend, tho comlo entry which brought up the parade Saturday. TWO HALL GAMES. Photo by Junt A. Plain Nut, JOHN C. KENDALL (By Staff Photographer,) Everybody knows Jack. This was Jack taken this afternoon ns ho was watching tho boat races, iin ,, cuuglit between two fires, trying to look nlco to havo his "likeness ta kou" and at tho sumo tlmo inmrh nt a clover good Joke. ford and Cecil Doll. Next appeared tho Baptist bannor, supported by Juno McLaughlin and Phvllla ifnii tho llttlo butterfly girls In yollow. Tho primary dopartmont and cra dle roll flout was a beautiful spec taclo, a largo yellow cornucopia rop- Good Sport ut Daniels Creek Dia mond Next Sunday. Thoro will bo two baseball Ramos noxt Sunday at Danlols Creok. Tho first gnino will bo played liy the Coos Rlvor team nnd Sumner ajid tho second gamo will be between tho Blue Ridge Tlgors ami Sumner. The Tlgors havo engaged Ben Fishtir and Eddlo Thomas for a battery. A week from Sunday the Tlgenf wUl play the Front street team at Dan iels Creok. WORK WAR PRISONERS (Ux AuoclttwJ Pru U Coo B7 TI01W.J LONDON, July 5 Tho War Office has announced to farmers Us wllllnk. nesa to allow prisoners ot war to b employed on farms near detention camps, ' hi: Jim. .- ik pi p I T 1 Jncr fa . rro In i Mth J