mm'- Hafilfi - & M -- -jm "' TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. HIPPING NEWS TrTrTffllTllMTTllHlllimlTTM i - I1 LlBEfifr BELL beach mm' .... .. ' R 'ic nTiriTn Tflrillil in ten ihiihs itki!imi uhii CIBH R AY AUTOS PAS,,:iTX SI NSKT uinii I u I uuiii i utos passed t svxskt (Continued from page one.) BREAKWATER SAILS Hundreds All Day Unm l'Ujctl on I lie Suml Enjojlns the Perfect ( 1,,y leaves yesterday with Practically every machine that' PASSENGER LIST hums gasoline, distillate or coal oil ' GOOD nnd runs on four wheels was at Sun set Ileach yesterday. Between seven stepping trains-. Tho sp"ed "hulls across tho continent will not he Imi limn IX nitlpn Ah '.inln nor morelthan 35 miles. The schedule I "' vc ' ' A niaclilnes TrtlUDo ilsldly observed so flit l'assc ,l ccrta,n P,nt '" tllc Lm' crowds may 'nof he kept wtJltlng ' l,lrc rond' n11 of them .BolnB, to th bcynnd'-tbo time appointed for the train to go thrdtigh their commun ities. ' . Atiiothcr'hbfolute rule the com mittee hits made Is that the bell will not under any elrcJBistices bo taken from the car for th pin-, jkjso of parading It thro t;h the ' streets. Many rfltmkifwIlUm have hcn advised to build movable flat forme the height of tke flat car with an Incline at each nd so that children may go up en In cline pass the bell, touch it If tiny , beach. It Is certain that they all came back, thus making f (least S00 trips yesterday, and this, not Including the dozens of ntitos that whizzed hack and forth nil night long after the dance had stopped. Enormous Crowd There Father, mother, little Willie nnd sister with her beau nnd oven Grandma and Grandpa, basket la den, went toward the setting sun and listened nil dny to whut the sad sea wnves were saying. The beach nnd every nook nnd Curries Pint of Salmon Cittch of 10151 Captain .Miirgcnit Ex pected Puck on Xcvt Trip Carrying n good passenger list nnd more than 100 tons of freight tho steamship Hreakwater crossed out yesterday afternoon for Port land. It Is expected thnt on nor next trip Cnptnln Maegcnn will again be In command, as tho word re ceived here la that ho Is improving from his recent illness. On her manifest this trip wero 700 cases of salmon from Umpire, part of the season's catch put i p In 1913. A week ago the JJrenk water carried 3000 of these cases. Also there were S00 boxes of but ter from the Cotiulllo Vnlley craun- M CHARTER NAI POSSIHLE THAT IIOAT MAY ON OTHER UVS ('() i it rr . ti --.. form. Where these platforms are coming .ir. ami .Mrs. mm ssu. ni-nvMi.fl. inn mlllnr on nno sM. "' a liosi oi nuenii.uus, nan iu bored well. An open nlr dance plat form was laid and nil dny long nnd until 10:30 last night there wns of the car will be removed. Distribute Hooks. 1"iiilnr ilnnt linnVlnta rnnl.-ilnlne ,. , , , , .. , ., . ...... always a crowd on tho floor. tho history of the bells, cards Aith ' , a plcttlfc of tho relic and buttons also containing a picture of the boll and tha Amerlcnn flag will be dis tributed to children. It will tako hundreds of thousands of these sou venirs to supply tho demand. To tho Govoriiors and Mayors the h'l tory 'of tho boll In small 'lound vclunib will ho presented. Govoriiors havo been Invited to Journey with care to. and then naw donn the anny of lho rocli8 wcro wllh erlcs Incline at the other end of the plat-1 l'i - " T,ra." m... l"1" Those who went forth vest,lnv were: Mrs. It. N. Kcllog nnd child, P. J. .McCarthy, Mrs. A. E. Tower, L. Tower, .Miss Pearl Kolth, Geo. Prior, Mrs. 11. It. Thurston, II. It. Thurs ton, .Ins. .Marten, Hazel Jowctt, Orln Jcwctt, Mrs. L. Jcwott, Kenneth Jewett, Lorln Jowctt, .Mrs. 15. B. Crowley, J. Cook, IL A. Rcsncr, K. E. Lyons, .Mrs. B. E. Lyons Itnlph Lyons, Mrs. B. Fosberg, Mrs. M. .1. Johnson, N. Colby, Cam II Duthor, Stnto That Offer to Cliiit-tcr the Hunt .May ho Accepted by tho C. A. Smith Cnniputi' Thcro hnvo been reports thnt the steamer N'nnn Smith, of the C. A. Smith fleet would bo chnrtercd to another company. Superinten dent A. Mcrccn of tho company, was asked nbout the reports today nnd said the company had several offers to let the nor.t go under char ter nnd thnt It was likely ono of tho offers would bo nccoptcd, though there was nothing definite nbout it now. it is not given out from whom tho offers were rocelvcd.i In a deep trench on tho bench clams were baked by the hundreds in a slow fire and then given nwny free to whoever cared for them. Hugo pots held the mussels nnd soon after their nppearanco on the long table there wero crowds of hungry mouths hovering nbout and sea foods vanished. Between Sunset Ilcnch and Shore' SANTA CLARA IS 11 SAILS AGAIN LATE YKSTEHIUV FOR THE SOUTH soon the ' w' DrnPer' J- w- Cravley, W. james, r. a. Konicr. II. tho boll slates. through their reflective Acres all day long there was a con tinual stream of people, coming nnd I point Illinclrpils vIhIIoiI lho irrnnndu No Conccsiloim 'which were beautiful with tho flow- Tlioro will ho no official souvenirs j cr8 , fu b,oom and lho 8hrubbcry of tho Journey except those,(glcal)j. butcd free by tho escorting commit-! ,an, , lUhmte top. The commit too also refused to, ,,,,, ever beforo hjlT0 gQ mako any concessions to moving plc-L)any o becn transfcrrC( b turo concorns. virtually every such , nn Pnn. ,. ,. , lm,inoolM ontorprlso in tho country having ap-j,0 e8lmato Ul0 ,, gons plied for tho privl egp of sending re-1 .,, vsftcd 8mnt Dcach u s Mffl CLOSES BEAR STAND CHIEF CAHTKIt SHUTS UP OXE OF CONCESSIONS nrosontntlvcs on tho trip. Tho com mlttoo, howover, purchased a spec ial moving picture mnchlno for Its own uso. Pictures will bo taken through tho Journey and films will bo furnished to public schools with out oxponso. In short the City council has placed a strict ban upon commercialism in connection with tho trip. . Tho train will nrrlvo In San Frnn Thico Friday night, July 10, nnd Sat urday, July 17, will ho Liberty hell Day at tho Exposition. Early In tho innrtiliir- H... iMI. ..till i.n An.... i "" i nw mil uu vimitMi'U f tfl fta tilntA l. 41m 1)A.......l.. I. building on tho Exposition grounds whero oxorclscs will bo held. Itetiirns Through Soujh Tho boll will leave San Francisco In Novombor nnd will roturn by tho Southern routo, through Ioa Angel es, San Diego, Arizona nnd Texas. Tho details of tho roturn trip hnvo not yet been completed, but it is virtually coitaln that special train will go through St. Louis, Indiana polls nnd Cincinnati. Aftor each return of tho boll tlioro has been n movement started to prevent tho precious metal from leaving tho city ngnln. Tho crack In it has been slowly extending nnd thoro has been fonr thnt In Its Jour Jioy tho boll might split In two. Op position to Ita leaving thu cltv nn (his trip wns hlttor but tho city conn ells voted It bolongcd to tho Am drlcnn people- ami that opportunities to view It should bo given whenever llosslblo. Will Cost 87.1,0011 Bonding, thu bull to the wiwtorn const will cottt tho city of Phlludtl ldila m.000. Tho oscortlng com mlttoo of twonty-slx couucllmon will pay tholr own uxpoiiBon. s '" Tho four pollcomon who will con- Htnntly guard tho bell wore upec Inlly picked for tholr fltnoss. Each Ih inoro than six feet In hulght, Tho liood of tho pollco dopartiuonl In des ignutlng tho four men called them to tho front mid Impressed upon tliom tho following dont'u: Don't tubto imy Intoxicating liquor whllo nwny from Phllndelphln. lfltk'l lit.irv .... 1... . . .wu i iu juur lumper ;n any tlmo. ' ' ' Don't full to uphold tho repiitn tlpn, ofj'hlliidoljihlii pollcoiuuu for courtoMy. wini i urn io aiiHwor ovory ques i 'TrUoit howover foolish, l)6n'l rail to nt once load tho his tory of the boll so thnt you can mis ' Aver qiicstloim acouratoly. riio i-iit Trip i a Tho first tlniQ tho boll left Phlla. I flnlnlilti ii.n. n...l.iH .ll . ... I .',.ii. nun iiiiuui iiiiiutuui lirCllUl-l to sny thero wero hundreds. At Charleston were many more nnd the dance at Simpson Pavilion took mnny more nnd tho boats wore crowd ed thnt went up the Coos River. Made Son Trip Shortly beforo nlno o'clock jester Schcmo of "Covering the Spot." .Mnilc Money for the .Mini Who Was in Charge Chief Carter closed (out a con cession Saturday night aftor nil day tho ownor hod been waxing rich with n clover llttlo scheme of "covering tho spot." On a counter had been painted a largo red spot. Discs, five In number, wero supposed to be so arranged thnt properly laid down day tho gasoline boat Standard, with , they W0U,U cover th,ls R)ot' A,'on 35 passengers aboard, went down!"01"5 lno mcK was ,t0 rc:oivo n tho hay and crossed out over the Teddy near' u ,s 8ald onl' ono bnr. coming safely Into Sunset nay.l,ear d,aPIca,cd from tho racks ull From thero a crowd was taken later ! day' tho scnon,( 1,e'K exposed when for n short sen trip and nt G:!."'" v,as s,,own tno (,lsca could not p. in. tho boat returned to Marsh- ln any way cover tno 8I,ot deslgnn fleld. 'cJ- j The operator kept a sopnrnto string of discs, larger than tho others, with ' which ho demonstrated ever and nuonj to egg the unwary on. It is said thnt four of tho concessions are own. oil by a small rompnny of four mon, though all arc listed under separnto mines. Hriugi .-() Tons of Freight Hero From Portland Sails With Good Passenger- LNt Tho Snntn, Clara arrived In from Portland early yesterday and left down Into in the afternoon for Eu reka and San Francisco with a good cargo nnd passenger list. On the down trip tho steamship brought 2C0 tons of freight. Thoso arriving hero from Port land wore: C. F. Krcssllng. .Mrs. C. F. Kress- llng, I). W. Ferguson, Mrs. D. W. Ferguson, Lillian Ferguson, Donald Ferguson, Mrs. A. H. Stauff, A. D. Stauff, L. P. Woods, .Mrs. L. Al blo, W. H. Moss, .Mrs. E. M. Cld- dlngs, Ors Llttlo, Mrs. Little, Mrs. B. M. Wheeler, Charlotte Wheeler, Mrs. Ed Asher and baby, Ed As hor, Bernlco Stewart. Charlotto Nelll, Anton Monslernlur, P. An derson, Alex Robertson. Sailing on the Santn CInrn for tho South worn 1). I. Morion v. v Krcssllng C. M. Hill, Jim C. Smith, F. Mnlan, II. J. Marcus, L. Murch, T. XV. Duncan, E. II. Snrincstrnn. C. T. Long, A. Mctson, J. II. Hnr Inn, L. Laird, A. Itust, O. Peterson, Nellie Kelloy, Mlko Crojiloy, J. W. Armstrong, It. a Ilrcnnan, Thos. Keller, Arthur 'Lord, John Onrlln ger, Hlrdle Moore, Lillian Pfleffor, Con Do Wltte, Mnttlo Luce. ENJOY TRE DANCE IU( CHOWD AT SIMPSON PAHK IN NOHTII IIEND COOS HIVEU DOINGS Dance Continue us Late us Any Would Sta) GimiiI .Musle 1'ur- iil-hcil by OnhcNtrn The picnic and danco nt SlmiMion Park was well attended. Many neat to the park for a day's outing. In ih afternoon tho dunce, began and continued until sup por time awl in the evening tho crowd was especially largo. There wns oxcollent iniulr and tho danc ing continued Jimt ns long as nny ono would Htny nnd dance. Coiisldorlng thnt such a largo crowd hud boon nt Sunset and danc ed thero It was surprising thnt thero Mhnuhi bo nuothor big crowd t,ci1 ,0 tlio merriment. at the pavilion, hut thoro woro ninny i who came from Sunset mid went to M,lk Ui quarts for ijil.oo. tho North llond danco to wind up ,,,I,', Dairy, Phono o.. tho ovonlng. I ----- GimxI Times Fnjojcil nt Goodnill'H and PIiksi-'m Gi-ovo Tho Fourth of July picnics nnd tho J. A. Goodwill place nnd nt Plnor's iirovo bntunlny woro enjoyed by quite u number of Coos Hlvor poo- pio. Tho Piper's Grovo colouration wns In chnrgo of tho Alert Club mid while tho nioiuherH wero disappoint ed In tho small nttondnuco from Mnrshflold and North Iloi(d, thuy had a good tlmo . .U GooiIwIU'h n pavilion dnuco nd- WILL RUN TO 1CME THAIN KEHVICK TO THAT POINT POINT UV .IL'IjY K. Dim .McKliiiion Tolls of tho Hullioiiil Cou.stiiictloii Work on tho , Siiihlnw lllvcr unnni ... It wns returned to Philadelphia. Its .,,, ' , . WU0D! bmi.w.., i ' ' Kindling wood, nor omi si.t.i .. aiib.einiiiiit Iiuipiikvu ......... . . ,..ivn "UlUi l.l.. .. I ... . lSSS-To tho World's Industrial, ''li;;U,, ,0 l , mid Cotton Exposition. Now Orleans ' ' ' ' 18U3 Woild's Collllllblllli Kinn.1.1 l."0 ,)oWJ' to iju'.no Hon, Chicago. 1S95 Cotton States nnd Interim tlonnl Exposition, Atlanta. 11102 -Charleston Expohltlon. i:iOJ Ilnttlo of lltinUor Hill ce uriiiion, llostoii W. Phono 227-J. It. j. hoaifk h. LINGO North First St. $ A. H, nODGINS 10 iiWarshficId WS. 1U01 LoulBlnnn Purcluiso Expo-1 ' "LIWIIINU W. bltlon, St. Louis. Intimates Furnished .o. I l'''"e ,',0'W. Murshfield, Oregon waeB0BDc:a-ora i U HI. I II .. l v -. .. , sianaccr ami lYmklrm Train servlco to Anno on tho now Coos Ilay-Eugone lino will ho start oil July 8, nccordlng to Dan McKln non, tho well-known Marshflold trav eling mmi, who roturned today from n trip to that section. Thoy nro now ballasting tho stretch of road mid tho extension of tho servlco from Eugeno will bo welcomed. Illds on tho Sluslaw Jetty work will bo opened July 12 nnd It Is ex pected to got tho construction un derway soon. Tho Southern Pacific construction forceH hold n big picnic at Fivo Mile Lnko for tholr Fourth of July, thoro being no formal colourations nuy plnco along tho Hue. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171 YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono irao-L. N'sht nnd Day. night Cnfo. GOOD OAI1S. CAREFUL DRIVERS 1. L. FOOTE. i 3n irrAinm - - rnx ai, Oct. Sutter n J Du.h staiicca from thoso which caused the' I HHS3 !1 -ITr-r I " t i TOO.S HAY TIMES MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable tor. Commercial mid H'div'y. COOS , WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS ' Hl'Y AN Ulvio.lK.MINUTE WAR MAP WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS SAN FRANCISCO ! ",""' uuiii iiiubu hiih.1I cuusoil the a A n.4 r later pllgrlmnges from tho "Cradle J l.TOhfSSA"M?te "?"' I That was who., the,f tlm,io.l,eriPOI;;-'nrT on i --. Miwyuui, 111 I i i. I A. I " , of Llborty." airitisu nnny occupied tho city of I RATES iiiiuuuiiiiiiil in Y77.177S ik.,1 "mcuoain ,... Goorgo AVttshliiKton with his co.itiu.! J.J0. J1.50 ilnjle $1.50. ?2 00 ilnos. 8 entul army spent tho winter at the I '-5O.2,0Qdouhg J200 J2SSS. I Valley Force. As thn n.iui. ,,.... i iTT" " V9mt I --- -- .-- n M.t.,unVi on mo rlodly wp no pi in tno Z on Ltitliornn m...Mi. I Take a iii,i..i.;.T " .7",g". Jf Abstracts ElIAM AnariucmT.T. ,WI)MTI0 C00S BAY REAUSTATE, See riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO Inc tisei Tee Time to Ader lost is Wfeen J Advertislini Most iee u n oieo! O A merchant does not travel far on the siicuess path until he discovers some elemental thing about advertising. He learns that through publicity his store gains and holds a peculiarly close relation to its customers that, to hundreds and thousands of people, his advertisements are more than merely so much type in so much space. They become a con tinuing link between his store and its public, influ encing the daily buying of THE MAJORITY of his patrons. When the great war broke, paralyzing the . thoughts and actions of so vast a majority of the people of this side of the world, it served to "scare" some of the merchants. Now, a "scared" man is no man to have a clear vision, or to act upon the simplest and most rational principles. So it happened that, acting upon his apprehen sions rather upon his purposes, a merchant here and there, decided that at least a part of the retrench ment that he must make in the matter of expenses must be made in the advertising appropriation. He overlooked the fact that to drive away income is not to effect economies. Other, and more clear-thinking jnerpbants, real ized that in the advertising lay the one item" of ex pense which it would be folly and recklessness to cut down. The wisest merchants of all, in the United States and Canada, decided to advertise more aggresively than ever before to assume what appeared to be an additional advertising expense for the purpose of making it possible to hold busi ness on a near-normal level. They aspired to keep business "going on as usual" even if that meant that, in this one respect, the cost of doing business should mount upward. Recent investigations, covering one hundred cities in the United States and Canada, have shown that the merchants who increased their advertising space almost invariably showed a larger gross business than in the corresponding time of the previous year and this in spite of the war and business depression. This fact is vouched for in the report of the re port of the research committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America. ' It demonstrates that advertising shows its great est usefulness in a period when, without it, the re- suits could only be disastrous. Publicity has held the Ship of Business steadily in her course during the stormy period of this war; and those merchants who are wise enough to read the full meaning of the fact will make, from now on, a more aggressive use of newspaper space than at any time in their lives. LIVE ADVERTISING OF LIVE MER CHANTS, QUOTING REASONABLE PRICES, WILL PRODUCE RESULTS WHEN PLACED IN THE :: COOS BAY TIMES us I IbH orth'a't Waco until j0i 17 , "lp .-.:i"',tel I v - l .- K " .. ".t.iuk., MANAGER . v i ' '