I' --wfcuij.- -i.JM. Z. 1 frT LOOK FOR TROUBLE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT WHEN YOU FIND IT JEoos Bay Times Your Paper fTh 0k8 Buy Times In proud of lta Utlo "The ple'a I'liper," nnd It strives nt nil tltiicn to Srjp Jo Its nnmo by do voting lis energies to noting tlio pcoplo's interests. Glues lm MKMItEltS OK THE ASSOCIATED INtERH A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio best Interests of tills great lection . Tlio Times always boosts tuid norcr knocks. rN0. XXXVIII. Established 1878 Ah Tlio Count AfnII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915-EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 296 I PARADE 01 SUCCESS I Beautiful Floats, Sunday jools and Fraternal Or ders Take Part. I I HEAR TALKS JOHX I). flOSS DELIVERS I'ATIHO TIO ADDRESS THIS MORNING ITISTSilERS f. irst Prize for Best Rcp- ltatlon and Premiums ; Awarded to Others ' tLE GREATLY PLEASED rs or U. A. II. Especially red iih Tlioy Paws (ho Crowds roccMNlmiN Disbanded nt tlio Masonic Opciii IIiiiiso ,, PRIZE WIXXEHS maptlst Suiulny Scliool, at. Presbyterian Suiulny School jnrt. "" Methodist Sunday School Ird. )rdor of OwIh, first. 2nglos Lodgo, second. tedinen Lodgo, third. Nio Record, first. frho (liuinory, second. 3umnor Hurdwnro, third. Putnam Wood Yard, first. City Clennors, second. lndys Ferry. forn Alhrccht. Catherine Hurry. 5 Pf- civic parade this 'morning (obnhly tho best purado over tlio city. Thoro woro various satlons In lino and mnnydlf- E floats. Tho fourtucu mom If tho (I. A. It. who had tho rof honor woro cheered all tho lino. Tho strcotH were ted with pcoplo who lip id the different floats. HapllMlH Win.' tlio Dnptlst Sunday School twhrded tlio first prize among jnday schools. Prlzo $15. L .. .... i' rrcsuyicrmns were second calved $10. f piaeo woui to tuo mouiouisi School, Prlzo ?G. OwIh (Jot First. iho Ordor of Owls wont first among tho lodges with a )f $10. Second placo was d tho Eaglca Lodgo and tho placo to the Redmens Lodge lulling of these orders was tho standpoint of numbers ns e general decorations. Ilon- Nmontloii was ulso iiuiiIo of tho uiado by tho Elks and lodges. RiisIiicsh Awards. ptho best flout of tho business tho Evening Itocord was first placo with a purso of the Gunnory was put In soc- juro and tho Suninor Hurd- Jlouipatiy, third. aam s wood vara, or North 'received tho first prlzo for mlcs. This was tho "cyclono fetuto," and second placo went iCIty Cleaners. Pony Cart rrl.e.s. j' prizes woro offered lor tho k'orutod bicycles, but only ono od. Gladys Ferry was given of $2. DO for nor muchlno. ora Albrccht and Kntherlno Iwont u prlzo of $2.G0 for tho Dcorated pony carts. iigh tlioy came under no def- Rass In tho parade, tho Marsh- Woluntoor Firo Department I von honorablo mention. p;parndo was under tho direct of Frod Wilson, who was Itulated In the efficient man- .'which ho started tho proces- id kopt things moving smooth ed namos of the judges wero Montgomery, J. C. Kendall, It. rdlng and H. V. Starrott. iV. Dennett, on his prancing r. rode at tho head of tho alou as marshal of the day iiimodlatoly behind him camo ipos Day Concort Dand In full He woro a .white suit and IrhUe and blue scarf. came the Coos Day Con- Sand, followed by fourteen Lintlnuod on Page Three.) New Cltl.eiw Arc Welcomed to Am erica mid It. Ituggo Responds WVth Talk of Appreciation Crowds thronged Into tho opora house this morning Immediately fol lowing tho civic parade. Intro duced by Mayor Allen, John 1). Goss responded ns tho npeaker of tho day, extending a welcome to all newly pledged citizens of tho United Sta tcs. On behalf of the new citizens, It. Iluggo responded with n short talk, showing tho patriotism tbal -Is being displayed by nowcomors to American citizenship. Tho Coos Day Dand gnvo a short patriotic concert boforo tho address es woro started and tho entire au dience Joined In tho Blueing of "America." "Wo offer to tho emigrant a land of freedom from tho Intrigues nnd tho Jealousies of Europe, facts which have engrossed that continent In bloodshed," said Mr. Goss, "nnd wo stand ready to welcomo tho nowcom rca as now citizens, nil striving to ward ono patriotic aim. "Patriotism In America has over been tho guldo lino of tho Union, serving In times of stress to keep together tho states In ono common bond." On bohalf of tho now cltizons who aro being welcomed to America, R. Duggo responded, saying Unit des plto tho fact tho nowcomors are still bound to tho old country by the tics of family and tho cherished thoughts of their youth, neverthe less, thoy look forward to taking tholr part In tho big Republic, nnd stand ready at nil times to do their shnro In whatever way they may be called upon. America Is viewed In tho light of tholr now homo nnd tho homo of tho generations to come, ho said, nnd In tlmo horo too will grow up the snmo sontinioutnl ties that now hold them to tho Old Country. Appluuso grcoted tho nddresscs of tho two speakors and In less than an hour tho entire corcmouy wns ovor nnd tho crowds woro again mingling In tlio streets or had hurried homo to got ready for tho nftcrnoon's festivities. LIBERTY BELL STARTS TODAY Precious Relic Moved From Its Regular Resting Place at Sunrise this Morning DEPARTS JIT 3 P J On Trip Across Continent Travel Through Fifteen of Th3 States ELABORATE PLANS MADE Dell Is AVIiccled on a Truck lulu In dependence. Squnro Where P"trlotle Evcrelses Wero Held by the Pco plo of Philadelphia IX ItOSEIIUHfl JULY The nearest placo to Marsh field that tho liberty bell will pass through Is Ilosoburg. It will bo Uicro on July 15 for n period of IC minutes. 44444 V Accra T IS FATAL HILLY CAIUSOX, AUTO DRIVER, 1)1 US AT TACOMA TODAY Muchlno Jumped Track on Tiicouiu Speedway Yesterday mid Mechlin- iiulriuii Is Also Killed III; AMocjatod I'reoi to Cooa IU7 TlmM.J TACOMA, Wash., July 5. Dllly Cnrlson, an automobtlo driver, died this morning from Injuries sustained at tho Tncomn Speedway yesterday when nu automobile throw two Urea and Junipod tho trnck, killing his mechanician. Ho was tho sou of wealthy parents living nt San Diego. Ho was married only n fuw months ago and his wife came to Tacoma with htm. KEEP NG T flEHMAX ASSAULTS OX Till FREXCII AltU CONTINUED ('round Which Wim Previously Lost Is Now Delng Regained by tho Kaiser's Troops (nr AworUlM rrmi to Cux lltr TIoim.1 LON'DON, July B.T-Tho German assaults on tho French lines aro con tinuing and havo been successful in regaining ground previously lost on a front t,vo thirds of a mllo long west of tho Lo Protro forest. In sou thern Poland, tho Russian armies, drivon over tfio Galiclen border are flBhUng dotermlnedly to check tho Teutonic thrust at Warsnw. Derlln and Vienna admit tho Rus sians are making strong attacks. Vienna declares that nt what seems to bo the chief point of tho Teu tonic attack In Poland, near Krasnlk .heights to the north wero taken. Note Not Ready Tho latest advlc.es from Derlln confirm the recent intimations that tho German reply to the Amorlcon note may not be dollvored for sev eral days, during which time an ag reement may be reached between the naval extremists and those favoring n compromise as to Germany's sub mnrlno policy. Illjr AnocULJ r-rrai lo Com Ilr Time.) PHILADELPHIA, July C Tho Liberty Dell, precious relic of tho American Revolution, will start to day on Its eighth nnd longest Jour noy from Philadelphia slnco It was first, hung In tho old Stato House of tho Provluco of Pennsylvania In 1752. It goes to tho Panama-Pacific International Exposition nnd boforo It Is returned to Its big glass caso In Independence Hnll next November or December, It will hnvu traveled more than ton thousand mllos and will havo boon seen by millions of pco plo. On Its Journey to Snn Frnnclsco tho Liberty Dell special train will traverse Pennsylvania, Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Orogon nnd California. Hlaborato arrangements havo been mado for tho Journoy nnd everything that will aid In safo-gunrding tho bell from Injury has been done. Four poltcomou from tho Philadelphia traffic squad will guard thu relic un til It is again returned to its home. Moved "t Htini'lho At Sunrlso today workmen will ro movo tho boll from Its enso nnd put It on a special hanger that will sup port U. across tho country. It wao wheeled on n truck into Indepen dence Squaro whoro patriotic exer cises wero held. At noon tho F!rt-:l Drlgado, Pennsylvania Nutlonitl Guard, escorted tho bull to tho West Phlludolphlu station of tho Pennsyl vania railroad to bo hoisted on n special our. Tho first troop, Phila delphia City Cavalry, which organiz ation escorted Goorgo Washington on stato functions in Philadelphia, was tho special escort of the boll as on provious occasions. At 3 p. in. tho boll train with a parly of twon-ty-slx cnuncllmcn, will start on tho Journoy. Doll at Rear. Tho train consists' of a buggago car, a diner, threo sleopors, u spe cial cur for tho recaption of guests on routo, and a car for tho boll, which will bo In tho roar. This Is a specially constructed flat car with an Iron railing at tho sldoa and ends. American flags will wave from staffs at each corner and thero will bo other decorations in American colors. The Councllmanlc committor In chargo of tho Journey unno.iucod that In hanging the boll, the cr.ik In it will bo on the right hand side of tho car as It Journeys wosl. Even cities traversed In tho night will get a glimpse of the relic, a system of Illumination having been devised that will throw a blaze of light on the bell as it pubecs tnrou;;li In tho darkness. To Keep Fiom Jolting. Shock absorbers havo been In stalled on tho flatcar to keep tho boll from being Jolted,. Tho tmin crews will be spocially picked for their carefulness in starting nnd (Continued from page 2) imlfn's&vM III '::!!:a, fl S f f B m'-W tv 1 1 ' ff H ' i:: :''.:::' m 8 ti Br fl B f $ I M 8 "iMy B :'-iv' :::': m I S B S I Br, i tSftfM 9 tfj,lv H :".;: nt lu rS IB m Wk' w f " vr y&yr H 8 W itj iJv BhB rf Will H if lUiimV M g R ! 1 V H ;! H i "i H IB B H U mlvf" i iff-. I n B I EM B I n Iflffll vxmSwi fHIlTf 1 I WWiiSmi I "'eittx.i mm4mxmg&m -mx y frioc k ifev. i,..TJfs f"SSPi? x!55k .1 r By O. B. DREUER. Copyright, 101C, by American Press Association. J AM filled with exultation YET l fcar You'n cal1 5t trenson On the birthday of the nation If you do not like my reason. When I hear again the ever stirring Such things don't command so much story of my devotion Of the colonists so loyal, As a certain very pretty, Who renounced a ruler royal Very charming very witty And above a land of freedom raised Girl, who throws my heart Into a Old Glory. great commotion. When the bnnd in lively manner , She's a patriotic maiden. Plays the old "Star Spangled 'Ban- See, her arms with flags arc la- ncr" ' den, And the flags on every hand arc And she surely sets my fancy in a gayly waving whirl. , I am thrilled by patriotic Freedom ah I We fight to win It, Sentiments nlmost oxotic, But I'd give mine any minute And it might be said my joy ap- To my most alluring Fourth of July pronches raving. girL HOB SLAYS BLACKS OVHIt fiOO IXt'KNHKD OKORfllAXS SHOOT XKflllOFH XKAK MACON VJoleneo FoIIown Minder of White I'"nrnici- Other Xegroos Kcaicd to JP'vo llcoii Slain inr Anno' lalil Pimm lo 'u Vr Tlmm I MACON, Ga., July 5. Threo ne groes woro Eliot to death by a mob of GOO perilous last night near Round Oak nnd Wayslilo, HO miles away from hpro, ami authorities today bo gun n Hcuroh for others who aro mis King. Telephone wires 'to villages woro cut nnd tho news of tho lynch Ings did not bouomo kymu bore until today, when the sheriffs do putlcH nrrlvcd with threo negrooa, who aro being held In connection with tho killing of a white farmer whoso death precipitated the lynchlugs. FOURTH I ORLWT TIIROXflS A'ri'IJXD PA- timotic i;.i:nt'isi today Pihldcnl U'IIkuii ami .Most of Cah luet Member Absent I'roin Wash- Jiigtou During tho Day. STEM B GDNVDYE 0 DliSTItOYKIlS WITH ST. I.Ol'IS OX AltRIVIXfl TODAY Wf AmiwWM l'r C" n Timet J N13W YORK, July 5. Tho Amer ican steamer St. Louis arrived boro today from Liverpool, It was necom. pained down tho English Channel by two torpedo boat destroyers, prob ably owing to tho presence on board of I), A. Thomas, n Drlt.lsh cspatullst. T.homas comeB hero to suporvlso and expedite tho production of munltlonn for tho allies, (Hi AMtit I'rvat lo Com II4.7 TlniM, WASHINGTON. ,1). C, July G. ludepoudouro Day wuh fully ob served horo todny. lu tho uhroiico of Prenldeiit Wilson, moht of tho Cabinet, and with Congress not lu Himloii; the colubratiou was devoid of tho usual orflclnl cbaructor. All Uimirnmont uctlvltlcH woro prac llrally at a litaudstlll. Tho day's program, howovor, wna crowded with u varied assurtmuul of pa triotic and othor ovonta. FRAXCK IIOXOHS ALtUJRIAXS (Ut AunocliloJ rri to Cooa naf TlmM, PARIS. July G. A bill has boon introduced in tho senate to confer 1 citizenship upon all uatlvo Algorlans wlio havo served in tho Froneh army. HID MEXICO CITY COX.SPIflKXMRAL HIIANKLIXfl IX ciiARfli: of ri:lii:f FRKXCH STF.AMF.R Hl'XK 11 A"oiiii4 Frew 10 foot U; TI"". 1 $ PARIS, July 5. Tho ministry of marine announced that tho Froneh steamer Carthage, 0275 tons gross, was torpeodoed by a German sub marine yesterdiiy and sunk. It Is also announced that tho French In the channol yesterflay and one squadrou sighted two submarines was hit by several sholli nnd disappeared. Slops Taken Today to Relievo Fain- iuo Stringency in Me.lcau Capl- cal Not Molested by Fighting 111? AiMKlatml Vmn to Coui XJ TlnM, , WASHINGTON, D. C July 5, With Amorlcau Consul Uonerul Shanl'.lln and Charles J. O'Connor In Mexico City In chargo of rollef measures undertaken by tho Rod Cross with the aid of tho Unltod government, officials today sot in motion steps to assist tho famine strlnsonoy in Mexico City. The fact that Consul Silllman made no roferenco to disorders or of for eigners In Mexico City is taken horo to indicate that thoy aro not molded In flfhtlng. GERMANS 61 ON FKH LI Storm the Enemy's Positions at Lc Pretre Forest and Gain 400 Yards CAIN T U Aviators Drop Bombs on Bru ges, in Balgium, which Fall Near Valuable Monuments RUSSIANS DRIVEN BACK Passage Forced Across tho Dniester River and Cxiii-'m Troops Arc Driv en from Ihelr Positions and F.vu ttiato Rrldgo at Krjlow (nr Aolald I'pom to Coot Oar Ttiuaa.1 D.ERLIN, July C (Wireless to Sayvlllo.)- Tho official statement sayH! "In tlio western theater, on tho westorn end of tho Lo Protro forest, the Germans stormed 1G00 ynrdB of tho onomy's position and advanced a dlstanco of 400 yards. Wo took two field guna, tour mn chlno guns nnd seven mlno throw ers. Bombs thrown by nvlntors yes tordny on Druges, Delglum, fell nenr tho most vnluablo monuments In town. RiinsIuiin l)i I veil Duck. In tho southeastern thcator troops undor Von Llnsingcn rcaehod tho whole front of tho Zlotn Llpa Rlvor and cleaned tho west bank of Rus sians. In almost n fortnight of fighting against thu strong enemy, positions, wo forced n passago ncrosa tho Dniester nnd havo driven tho enemy from tholr positions. In tho Dug section Inst night tho enemy evacuated tho bridge position nt Kry- low. Dotwcon. Dug nnd Vlstuln, tho Russians woro repulsed nour Plonkn and 'l'tirobln and near TnrnawBka and Krasnlk." J.PJUS I OF DANGER The Physician in Attendance so Notifies the Members of His Family Today BOMB SAYS HE SET Claims to be Same Person Who Caused Explosion at National Capital Friday ABANDON QUESTIONING HOLT IS A MYSTERY IDIJXTITY OF ASSAILANT OF J. I .MORGAN HARD TO SOLVIJ May bo Harvard Professor Who Dis appeared After Wlfo'H Pois oning In 11)00. (Ur AaaoclalM hM lo Com Uar Tiin. NHW YORK, July G. ISfforU wero mndu at Glen Covo nnd In sevornl othor cities to clear up tho mystory said to surround tho Iden tity of Frank Holt, who nttemptod to asBusslnuto Morgan. Fodcrul do tectlveo throughout tho country were following up clues which they hoped would reveal tho chief events In hlu life. Ono of the Important (picstiouu which thoy had to solve was thnt raised by tho police of Cunibrldgo, Massachusetts, logurd lug tho possible Identification of Holt ns Frlch Muoutork, a former Harvard Instructor who disappeared after tho death of hlo wlfo from alleged poisoning In 190C. HIT BY SUBMARINE TWKLVi; MKMDFltS OF DRITISH STIJAMKR'H CRMW ARH KI1.LFD Aiiglo-Callfoi'iilau, Hound from Mon treal, Reaches QticcuMovvii, lu Splto of fleruuiu Attack SIX AMIiltlCAXH A HOARD DARK SCXK (11 Aaaoitatn) frcw to Cool Ilajr Tlmta. LONDON, July G. Tho Norwegian bark Fiery Cross, mnrliio southwest of tho Scll- -0.118' IIUUUOD V X(( )(UU8 mitA. ly Islands. Tho crow, after spending 20 hours In tin opon boat, lnndifd at Swansea, Among tho crow aro six Americans. Uf Awoi-latea l'ra lo Cw nar Tlmff.J LONIX)N, July G.-J-Tho Drltlsh stoamor Anglo-Callfornlitn, Ti'i'i tons gross, bound from Moutroal, nr rlved In Quoonetown today with a number doad on board as tho result of bolng shelled by a submarine. Twelve men wero killed Including tho captain. Eight wero Injured nnd wore lnndod nt Quoonstown. D Aaaolal4 Trraa lo Ooa Oa7 Tlmta.J DALLAS, Tex, July 6. Mrs. Frank Holt was unablo today to clear up tho mystory about thq past of her husband who la undor arrest for shooting Morgan. Hor father, O. F. Consabaugh, questioned Mrs. Holt specifically to learn it she aciti.'av recall nnythlng which might thrqn. any light on tho matter. Sho said her husband was born In Wisconsin, but whllo sho liollovcd he might havo told ier his blrthplaco sho was unablo to recall tho nnmo of the place. Dccairse of Shape Hi? Is In Officer!! Do Not Attempt, (o Talk to Him When Aroused This Morning Ho Wiin Not Ablo to Sit Up rnr AmckuIM rnaa U Cta Bar Tiniaa.1 GLEN COVE, L. I., July 6. J. P. Morgan, who was shot Lwlco by Frank Holt Saturdny, is out of all danger. His physicians so notified his fam ily this morning. Morgan's pulso and tomporature nro normal and ho passed n restful night. Holt, tho would-bo nssassln, on tlio other hand, wis so woak today that when tho keepers wont to his coll to nrouso him ho could not sit up on his couch. Unless his condition Im proves rnpldly It will bo Imposslblo for him to bo tnkon Into court for cxnniliinejon next Wcdnlosdt. All plans to submit Holt to further questioning today woro nbandoncd1 becauso of his sorlous condition. Feared Sulrldo. Tho government operatives who sought to comploto tholr' examina tion of Holt, abandoned the pfcrn trj-V day when his r.ondilloif becumo' known. Holt bocamu so despondent thnt his keepers, fearing ho might nttompt to Injure himself, took away his bolt, Tolls About Domb Tho government took hand In tho tuvpstliiatlou when Holt confessed on Saturday night that ho was tho man who oxploded a bomb In tho Unltod Stntcs cnpltol nt Washington Friday night. Holt told In detail how ho had mndu tho bomb and took It to Washington Friday from Now York. Aftor sotting tho bomb, ho waited until It oxploded and then cuught n train fur Glon Covo whoro he attacked Morgan. Injuries Grave. ) Dr. Cloghorn, Jail physician, ex amined Holt this morning and found his Injuries graver than at first' thought. Extrcmo weakness is tho chiof fenturo, duo to loss of blood from a wound ovor tho oyo. Two stltchos had . boon taken In tho wound, but tho flow of blood was not ontlroly checked. lu addition Holt austulned a black uyo, hla shouldor was severely wrenched nnd ho was struck a pow erful blow lu tho stomach which left that organ black and blue, .Morgan 1 tested. Morgan uwoko rested nnd choor ful this morning. Tho X-Ruy yes terday showed Unit both bullets pnssod through tho musclos of tho hip. Tho only possible danger was that of blood poisoning and thla grow less each hour. WIFE CANNOT UK HELD WOMEN OX RAILWAYS (Dr AMoclatol Pfcai la DootMr Tuaw.1 LONDON, July P. The newest, of London's six hundred railway sta tions, which has Just opened Us, doors In tho Molda-vule section of tho city, Is staffed entirely by wo mpn, from station-master to powers,, r V'l